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Looks Like Basil Jackass Williams ran out of courts. They will take the appeal to their friends and family Appeal Court and then have their balls busted again at CCJ. PNC rope is coming to it's end.

Basil is a disgrace to all lawyers.

Anyone noticed how Rochelle is in hiding ?

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Looks Like Basil Jackass Williams ran out of courts. They will take the appeal to their friends and family Appeal Court and then have their balls busted again at CCJ. PNC rope is coming to it's end.

Basil is a disgrace to all lawyers.

Anyone noticed how Rochelle is in hiding ?

Who is in hiding?

I feel so special for you to be missing my presence and contributions. 

Last edited by Rochelle
@Former Member posted:

If this appeal is filed it will be interesting to see if the COA will finally rule on law rather than on patronizing the PNC. Are they brave enough to make a fool of themselves again? If the COA does not patronize the PNC, I don't think they will go to the CCJ to appeal their appeal dismissal by the COA.

The ruling cabal lost its marbles since March 3 when their own copies of Statements of Poll revealed a convincing PPP/C win. They got bassidy and have have been stumbling from one senseless action to another and yet another. They will go madly to the CCJ if the COA upholds the Chief Justice's ruling. They're not thinking straight yet.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

The ruling cabal lost its marbles since March 3 when their own copies of Statements of Poll revealed a convincing PPP/C win. They got bassidy and have have been stumbling from one senseless action to another and yet another. They will go madly to the CCJ if the COA upholds the Chief Justice's ruling. They're not thinking straight yet.

And it will continue. I doubt they will see any reason to stop adding to their inglorious list below. Going to the COA will require then to ask the COA to contradict itself. Obviously from the list below, the Coalition doesn't have any problems contradicting itself but time will tell if the COA does.

A reminder of APNU-AFC shifting positions and shenanigans

The PPP/C has one position in this election, that is, the PPP/C won this election based on having more votes than any other contesting party and to support that position it published the copies of the Statement of Polls (SoPs) provided by GECOM at the 2339 polling stations to support that position. None of those SoPs were ever proven to be inaccurate and more importantly materially matched the Statements of Recount (SoRs) during the national recount.

On the other hand, most people have lost track of the shifting positions and shenanigans coming out of the APNU-AFC in the last four months. So let’s take a walk down memory lane.
1. APNU-AFC said they won the election based on the SoPs GECOM gave them but, to date, refused to publish those SoPs despite persistent public demands.
2. APNU-AFC use a spreadsheet during the verification of region 4 which matches Mingo’s fraudulent spreadsheet.
3. APNU-AFC claims Russians were trying to tamper with Guyana’s “paper and pencil voting” election.
4. APNU-AFC threatens to revoke the accreditation of election observers.
5. APNU-AFC supported Mingo’s fraudulent declaration without verification and Volda Lawrence signed the fraudulent declaration.
6. APNU-AFC legal “luminaries” said there was no legal requirement for verification – the Court in Hollader case ruled that there was a legal requirement and declared Mingo’s first declaration null and void.
7. APNU-AFC supports and celebrates the second fraudulent Mingo “bedsheet” declaration.
8. APNU-AFC fumigates the ACCC for malaria even Georgetown does not have malaria to prevent the recount.
9. APNU-AFC said they wanted a recount but went to court to block the recount in the Ulita Moore case forcing the CARICOM supervising team and Carter Center to leave Guyana.
10. Court rules that the recount is legal but APNU-AFC commissioners still tabled another motion at GECOM for the a declaration to be made based on Mingo’s second fraudulent declaration.
11. Before the recount starts APNU-AFC said that the recount would match Mingo’s fraudulent declaration and vindicate their claim of winning the election.
12. APNU-AFC supported Lowenfield’s proposal for the recount to last 156 days claiming “every vote must count”.
13. APNU-AFC complains about PPP lobbyist but hires their own lobbyist.
14. APNU-AFC wanted to quarantine any foreign observer of the recount for 14 days.
15. Before recount started APNU-AFC wanted to restrict cellphone usage and live broadcasts.
16. APNU-AFC blocked the Carter Center observers from returning.
17. When the recount started Basil Williams and Roysdale Forde both said once again that the recount was illegal even though the Court of Appeal had already ruled that it was legal.
18. When President Granger publicly said that the government would recognise the results of the recount Basil Williams made a statement saying that he never said that the recount was illegal.
19. APNU-AFC no longer believes “every vote must count” and tries its best to discredit the validity of the election during the recount
- claims thousands of dead persons voted but only submits 41 death certificates to GECOM (most of which is disproved)
- claims thousands of migrant persons voted but only submits 517 names to GECOM (most of which has been disproved)
- claims over 8,000 disciplined services votes were not stamped – GECOM disproved this as only 500 ballots in total were not stamped
20. APNU-AFC claimed that the was a “secret meeting” at the ACCC but GECOM later said this was not true.
21. APNU-AFC were against the live and ongoing tabulation of the recount.
22. APNU-AFC claimed Mingo did not act fraudulently and instead placed the blame on the 12,000 GECOM election day staff and 2,339 APNU-AFC polling agents.
23. APNU-AFC claimed on the penultimate day the PPP/C’s lead would disappear and they would take the lead. This did not occur. The PPP/C’s lead instead increased.
24. APNU-AFC signed all the Statement of Recount but refuses to sign 9 out of the 10 regional recount declarations.
25. APNU-AFC claims “fraud is fraud” and that the election should be annulled even though the law requires a declaration to be made.
26. APNU-AFC says CARICOM is competent to validate the recount and Granger refers to them as the “legitimate interlocutor” but discredits them when they concluded that the recount was credible and should be used to declare the election result.
27. APNU-AFC attacks the ABCE countries, the OAS, the Commonwealth, the CARICOM and CARICOM leaders because they make statements that the recount result should be used as the basis of the election declaration.
28. When the Chair of GECOM decides that the election cannot be annulled, APNU-AFC wants Lowenfield’s report to be accepted where he invalidated 115,000 votes.
29. APNU-AFC files injunction to stop the declaration by GECOM in the Eslyn David case before the Court of Appeal asking the court to interpret the Constitution in the context of the recount Order.
30. APNU-AFC runs a nationwide and international campaign for GECOM to declare the election on Lowenfield’s report which invalidated 115,000 votes.
31. APNU-AFC runs a smear campaign against the CCJ and CARICOM claiming that the CCJ does not have jurisdiction to hear and rule on the Eslyn David matter.
32. APNU-AFC no longer believes “fraud is fraud” and backs Lowenfield’s report which is based on Mingo’s fraudulent declaration.
33. APNU-AFC files a case in the High Court to block GECOM from making a declaration based on the recount.


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