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Court dismisses criminal charges against GECOM Chairman, three commissioners

-magistrate calls proceedings 'abuse' of process

March 15 2019


Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan this morning dismissed private criminal charges filed against the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and the three government-nominated commissioners, saying that they amounted to an abuse of the court process and had no merit.

The GECOM Chairman, retired judge James Patterson, and government-nominated commissioner Desmond Trotman were present at the city magistrates’ courts, where the decision was made. Government-nominated commissioners Vincent Alexander and Charles Corbin were not present as they were not served with summons to attend.

Opposition PPP/C supporters are currently protesting outside of the court complex.

Private citizen Marcel Gaskin filed the criminal complaint against the Chairman and the three commissioners, accusing them of “conspiracy to breach the constitution contrary to the common law.”

The complaint alleged that during the period December 22nd, 2018 to March 9th, 2019 the defendants conspired to breach Article 106 of the Constitution of Guyana which provided for the holding of General Elections in Guyana within three months from the 21st December 2018

The city courts complex

Based on the successful December 21st, 2018 vote on a motion of no-confidence against government, new general and regional elections are constitutionally due by March 21st.

President David Granger has, however, noted that he will be guided by GECOM as to its readiness to hold a “credible” election.

GECOM in turn has informed the President that it cannot hold elections by March 21st and does not have the funds to conduct polls.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

As expected, pnc will not jail dem mattie. Guyana is a divided society where magistrates put racial and political affiliation before the law. It is obvious to the public at large that these pnc gecom cronies are conspiring to delay elections because of party affiliation. Now we have a judge who endorsed this crime by her decision.


No sense have an election because it's either APNU gets in or endorse crime by voting in the PPP, so it's only right for this government to stay in and when the time comes for election then it is for the people to decide who THEY want in government.

Drugb posted:

As expected, pnc will not jail dem mattie. Guyana is a divided society where magistrates put racial and political affiliation before the law. It is obvious to the public at large that these pnc gecom cronies are conspiring to delay elections because of party affiliation. Now we have a judge who endorsed this crime by her decision.

What race was the Speaker and the CJ who denied a delay 

cain posted:

No sense have an election because it's either APNU gets in or endorse crime by voting in the PPP, so it's only right for this government to stay in and when the time comes for election then it is for the people to decide who THEY want in government.

Bai, the time in now. The Coalition government has fallen. Happens all over the world in a NCV. On March 21, 2019, the government will be squatting illegally in government. Unfortunately Guyana doesn't have a king or queen to decree that the government stay in. 

ksazma posted:
cain posted:

No sense have an election because it's either APNU gets in or endorse crime by voting in the PPP, so it's only right for this government to stay in and when the time comes for election then it is for the people to decide who THEY want in government.

Bai, the time in now. The Coalition government has fallen. Happens all over the world in a NCV. On March 21, 2019, the government will be squatting illegally in government. Unfortunately Guyana doesn't have a king or queen to decree that the government stay in. 

Cain lil slow.  Too much weed!!

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
cain posted:

No sense have an election because it's either APNU gets in or endorse crime by voting in the PPP, so it's only right for this government to stay in and when the time comes for election then it is for the people to decide who THEY want in government.

Bai, the time in now. The Coalition government has fallen. Happens all over the world in a NCV. On March 21, 2019, the government will be squatting illegally in government. Unfortunately Guyana doesn't have a king or queen to decree that the government stay in. 

Cain lil slow.  Too much weed!!

Cain aarite. He just worried about the crooked PPP. No one would have had to worry about t he crooked PPP if the PNC had not gone back to their old wicked and despotic ways.


I did say that this court case had no point in law for it to proceed, but the PPP rent-a-mob gang lived in hope.
As the law stands if APNU does not vacate office on the 21st then the PPP is no longer a legal opposition party. Jagdeo can then be arrested for provoking unrest, and even executed for trying to overthrow the government.

Mr.T posted:

I did say that this court case had no point in law for it to proceed, but the PPP rent-a-mob gang lived in hope.
As the law stands if APNU does not vacate office on the 21st then the PPP is no longer a legal opposition party. Jagdeo can then be arrested for provoking unrest, and even executed for trying to overthrow the government.

Hers comes GNI law expert again. He should be the Chief Justice of Guyana. Cottage cheese brain.

skeldon_man posted:
Mr.T posted:

I did say that this court case had no point in law for it to proceed, but the PPP rent-a-mob gang lived in hope.
As the law stands if APNU does not vacate office on the 21st then the PPP is no longer a legal opposition party. Jagdeo can then be arrested for provoking unrest, and even executed for trying to overthrow the government.

Hers comes GNI law expert again. He should be the Chief Justice of Guyana. Cottage cheese brain.

The bannas did admit that be belonged to a crime family. 

ksazma posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Mr.T posted:

I did say that this court case had no point in law for it to proceed, but the PPP rent-a-mob gang lived in hope.
As the law stands if APNU does not vacate office on the 21st then the PPP is no longer a legal opposition party. Jagdeo can then be arrested for provoking unrest, and even executed for trying to overthrow the government.

Hers comes GNI law expert again. He should be the Chief Justice of Guyana. Cottage cheese brain.

The bannas did admit that be belonged to a crime family. 

Bouterse of Suriname. Yes, he said he was married to the criminal's niece or somebody like that.

Baseman posted:
Drugb posted:

As expected, pnc will not jail dem mattie. Guyana is a divided society where magistrates put racial and political affiliation before the law. It is obvious to the public at large that these pnc gecom cronies are conspiring to delay elections because of party affiliation. Now we have a judge who endorsed this crime by her decision.

What race was the Speaker and the CJ who denied a delay 

This goes to show that the pnc will "try and try again" until them mattie compliant. Eventually the found a yes man, actually yes woman. 


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