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Court supervisor allegedly steals over $1M from Supreme Court Registry

May 19, 2016 Source

A supervisor of the Vreed-en-Hoop Magistrate’s Court accused of stealing over $1M from the Registrar of

Richard Boodhai

Richard Boodhai

the Supreme Court was yesterday released on $100,000 bail, after a charge of simple larceny was read to him by Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan.

It is alleged that between January 16, and August 7, 2012, Richard Boodhai stole the sum of $1,127, 000, belonging to or in possession of the state, property of the Registrar of the Supreme Court.
Boodhai, 29, who resides at Lot 410 Victoria Village, East Coast Demerara pleaded not guilty to the allegation after it was read to him in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.
He was released on $100,000 bail and ordered to return to court on June 14.
The defendant’s Attorney, Peter Hugh told the court that his client had been under investigation since 2012 and was ordered to surrender his passport to police.
Police Corporal Deniro Jones presented the prosecution’s case and had no objections to bail. However, he pointed out that Boodhai is still being investigated in similar matters.
As a condition of bail, Boodhai was instructed to report to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Fraud Unit every fortnight until the completion of the matter.

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