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Cover-up of duty free concessions… GRA pursues witch-hunt against Glenn Lall – Publisher says Sattaur displays an inability to manage the agency in a transparent manner

September 10, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

Days after refusing to disclose the grounds under which it granted millions of dollars in duty free concessions to a Chinese logging company, citing confidentiality, the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) is continuing its witch-hunt against Kaieteur News to silence the newspaper in its investigations.
The tax agency, using the state-owned Guyana Chronicle, has again released information that its boss, Khurshid Sattaur, says is confidential.
The latest salvo against Glenn Lall, publisher of Kaieteur News, was carried in yesterday’s edition of the Guyana Chronicle. There was the bold, front page headline, “GRA investigates millions of $$$ in Customs duties evasion- Glenn Lall again implicated.”

Kaieteur News Publisher, Glenn Lall

Kaieteur News Publisher, Glenn Lall

GRA Commissioner, Khurshid Sattaur

GRA Commissioner, Khurshid Sattaur

Citing an unnamed “tax analyst”, the story contended that Lall is now said to be at the “centre of an alleged evasion where his company has, for over a decade now, been “importing printing inks and passing them off as products of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM); therefore enjoying duty free concessions for those importations.”
The “tax analyst” believes that several hundreds of millions of dollars were lost.
The newspaper reported that the GRA’s Customs is currently investigating “whether” a consignment, consisting of a skid and 64 drums of printing ink, imported into Guyana by National Media and Publishing Company Limited, publisher of Kaieteur News, from the Coates Brothers Caribbean Limited in Trinidad, could have satisfied the criteria for it to be treated as community goods under CARICOM agreements. Under the regulations, goods produced in CARICOM states and sold to each other are exempt from certain taxes.
The Guyana Chronicle said that GRA on examining the drums of ink in October last year found that a few had two labels, one of which states that the origin of the product is Chicago, United States of America (USA), and “another that is superimposed on the first, which reads product of Trinidad and Tobago.”
The Guyana Chronicle said that it called an official from Sun Chemical, the parent company for Coates Brothers Limited. Sun Chemical insisted that the shipment indeed originated from Trinidad and drums are sometimes reused to pack inks to “save on cost”, the Chronicle reported.
The Trinidad Company has not only been supplying Kaieteur News for two decades now, but also the Guyana Chronicle and Stabroek News. They, too, would have been benefitting from the CARICOM concessions.
Sun Chemical, according to the Guyana Chronicle report, made it clear that nothing was wrong with the transaction.
While the Guyana Chronicle quoted the “tax analyst”, it also unwittingly disclosed that it was GRA itself that released the information.
“The Guyana Customs and Trade Administration is contending that the fact is, that Sun Chemicals is suggesting that the raw materials are made from various plants around the world and shipped to Trinidad. This means that there are issues that have to be looked at based on the granting of such concessions, particularly with respect to conditions to be satisfied within the understanding of substantial transformation.”
GRA, according to the report, also claimed that it has not made progress in the investigations.
Kaieteur News Publisher, Glenn Lall, said he continues to be disappointed in GRA and its Commissioner-General, Khurshid Sattaur. He said that Sattaur displays an inability to manage the agency in a transparent manner. He said that in the first instance the ink was imported by National Media and Publishing Company, and not Glenn Lall.
Lall explained that when the ink was held up by GRA last October, he spoke to Sattaur and was told to lodge just over $2.2M for “possible taxes”, pending checks by Customs.
Several months passed before Lall called Sattaur in February asking about the transaction.
“I conveyed to him my disappointment over the fact that the monies were held up and told him that if GRA is treating a newspaper in such a manner, then one can only imagine what could be happening to the ordinary Guyanese out there who have no voice to complain.”
Sattaur agreed to quickly end the matter, and in February, deducted the monies from taxes on a shipment of newsprint that Kaieteur News had shipped in.
By settling the matter, GRA in effect agreed that the shipment of ink from Trinidad was above board and nothing was wrong, Lall pointed out.
“If one examines the fact that the Trinidad Company is saying that nothing was wrong and that even Stabroek News and the Guyana Chronicle have been buying from that supplier, benefitting also from the CARICOM concessions, then one has to wonder about the article.”
According to the Publisher, more worrying is the fact that GRA has refused to investigate several instances of questionable transactions. These include how one top GRA official is building three houses at the back of Eccles, East Bank Demerara, all at once for his three children.
There was also silence from GRA on how one prominent businessman from West Coast Demerara brought in a Hummer vehicle but little taxes were paid, or how a senior Government official brought in a limousine but only paid a pittance.
The offence by GRA started after questions were asked about the appropriateness of Sattaur’s three children working at the agency. It would also follow questions posed to Sattaur over details about the duty free concessions granted to Bai Shan Lin, a Chinese logging company that is under fire for its questionable agreements with Government.
It appeared that GRA granted the concessions even before Bai Shan Lin’s business plans were approved. In addition to the scores of logging trucks, loaders, bull-dozers and excavators, the company has been allowed tax waivers on high-end Lexus and Infiniti sport utility vehicles.
Concessions are supposed to be consistent with the kind of investments being made.
GRA’s Commissioner-General had said the details of those concessions are confidential.
Days after those questions and news reports, GRA released details of “confidential” transactions.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Quote "According to the Publisher, more worrying is the fact that GRA has refused to investigate several instances of questionable transactions. These include how one top GRA official is building three houses at the back of Eccles, East Bank Demerara, all at once for his three children."unquote



The vendetta against Lall by the crooked PPP and their hatchet man Khurshit continues. Revenge for KN exposing their crooked dealings with Bai Shan Lin and Khurshit hiring many family members at the GRA.
Originally Posted by Mars:
The vendetta against Lall by the crooked PPP and their hatchet man Khurshit continues. Revenge for KN exposing their crooked dealings with Bai Shan Lin and Khurshit hiring many family members at the GRA.

Typical coolie Wata Rice mentality!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

HEHEHE BUT Sattaur caught the man thiefing from the Taxpayers.  Go Figure!!!

Again you giggle like the fool you are without reading the material where everything stated by the chronicle  has been thoroughly repudiated.


Actually, Sattaur is using the Tax Agency as his personal fiefdom and permitting losses in tax revenues in hundreds of millions with his allowances to Mining and Forestry operators. Note he also give the Berbice river bridge tax holidays and they are still gouging the people of berbice.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Originally Posted by Mars:
The vendetta against Lall by the crooked PPP and their hatchet man Khurshit continues. Revenge for KN exposing their crooked dealings with Bai Shan Lin and Khurshit hiring many family members at the GRA.
Typical coolie Wata Rice mentality!!!!!!!


You said it not me but I have to agree with you. "Typical Coolie Wata Rice mentality" by Khurshit and the PPP Cabal who are out to get Lall for exposing their crookedness. It will blow up in their faces just like it did with the vehicles they seized and had to return them after being ordered by the court.
Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

HEHEHE BUT Sattaur caught the man thiefing from the Taxpayers.  Go Figure!!!

Sattaur is an honorable civil servant.

i will keep this joke for a rainy day 

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dem seh when yuh gat glass house yuh must not throw stones.

That it might hit the thrower as well does not mean the person at whose head it was aimed is not also deserving to be stoned.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

HEHEHE BUT Sattaur caught the man thiefing from the Taxpayers.  Go Figure!!!

Sattaur is an honorable civil servant.

i will keep this joke for a rainy day 

You are very easily amused. You are probably amused when you see a funeral procession.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

HEHEHE BUT Sattaur caught the man thiefing from the Taxpayers.  Go Figure!!!

Sattaur is an honorable civil servant.

i will keep this joke for a rainy day 

You are very easily amused. You are probably amused when you see a funeral procession.

only if its a ppp thief 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

HEHEHE BUT Sattaur caught the man thiefing from the Taxpayers.  Go Figure!!!

Sattaur is an honorable civil servant.

i will keep this joke for a rainy day 

You are very easily amused. You are probably amused when you see a funeral procession.

only if its a ppp thief 


Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

HEHEHE BUT Sattaur caught the man thiefing from the Taxpayers.  Go Figure!!!

Sattaur is an honorable civil servant.

i will keep this joke for a rainy day 

You are very easily amused. You are probably amused when you see a funeral procession.

only if its a ppp thief 

There are thieves all over in the world.. are you not one of them, a choke and rob pro?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

HEHEHE BUT Sattaur caught the man thiefing from the Taxpayers.  Go Figure!!!

Sattaur is an honorable civil servant.

i will keep this joke for a rainy day 

You are very easily amused. You are probably amused when you see a funeral procession.

only if its a ppp thief 

There are thieves all over in the world.. are you not one of them, a choke and rob pro?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dem seh when yuh gat glass house yuh must not throw stones.

PPP is shameless pandit dem holler about corruption elsewhere to deflect and distract from their blatant thiefin from the treasury.




Dear Editor,
We read in Kaieteur News where the Commissioner General of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) has seized and impounded two vehicles owned by a family friend of Mr. Glenn Lall, owner and publisher of Kaieteur News.
For years, Kaieteur News has been exposing the corrupt practices of the Jagdeo/Ramotar regime especially how friends of the regime have been abusing the duty free concession with some shady companies that are plundering our forestry resources and destroying the environment.
The PPP is very spiteful and is prepared to do anything, including using the GRA to carry out its vindictive acts against Kaieteur News. So for Mr. Sattaur to say that the seizure of the two vehicles has nothing to do with Kaieteur News exposing the GRA duty free shady deals is dishonest. The GRA Commissioner knows fully well that the two are related and that he is doing the bidding of his masters out of Freedom House. Shame on him for being biased and unprofessional.
Seizing two cars owned by Glenn Lall’s family is unethical, immoral and wicked. It appears that the commissioner will do anything to please his bosses.
Over the years, GRA has conducted a witch-hunt on anyone who attacks, criticizes and exposes the financial skullduggery of the corrupt and dictatorial regime. Many have received huge bogus tax bills that date back to more than a decade. It is highly inept and downright crooked and wicked for a public servant to use his position to discriminate against and penalize innocent citizens wrongfully.
We want the public to know that Glenn Lall has done nothing wrong and so is Freddie Kissoon and many others who have felt the brunt of these actions.
And while we are at it, we want the Commissioner to tell the nation if the recruitment process at the GRA was not abused and compromised when he placed his children and close family members in high paying cushy jobs at the GRA.
Nepotism is alive and well at the GRA and this man has the gall to say that he is following the law. The operations at the GRA under him stinks.
Thus Mr. Sattuar has no moral authority to lecture anyone about following the law since he himself is allegedly an abuser of the law and is engaged in massive conflict of interest and nepotism in favour of his close family and children.  Only an arrogant, wicked and hurtful individual would behave this way.  Shame on him for using such an important office for the narrow and dogmatic execution of the PPP political agenda against Mr. Glenn Lall.  Yes, shame on you Sir!
 Asquith Rose and Harish Singh


Khurshid Sattaur uses office as instrument of terror – Harmon


-“Explores legal avenues to sanction public officials who abuse positions,”


Khurshid Sattaur, GRA boss

Khurshid Sattaur, GRA boss

Considering the manner in which some public officials appear to be misusing their powers and offices to muzzle those who are critical of the government, A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) Shadow Minister of Public Works, Joseph Harmon is now exploring all the legal possibilities that would allow him to sanction such officers.
“When we examine the attacks by tax chief, Khurshid Sattaur, against the Kaieteur News publisher, Glenn Lall, we clearly see that it is being done out of spite. We can’t have people in certain positions that put aside good judgment to take out vengeance on a man who is desperately seeking to awaken the public with the truth and expose corruption.
“Lall is fighting for the ordinary man and they are doing all they can to break him. The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) boss is simply using his position as an instrument of fear,” said Harmon, yesterday.
The APNU politician said that the GRA’s first move to embarrass the Kaieteur News for its stern position on anti-corruption was when the GRA boss, on the instructions of a government minister, seized two vehicles that belong to the family friends of Lall.
The next attack, he said, was via an article in the Chronicle Newspaper with the headline, “GRA investigates millions of $$$ in Customs duties evasion- Glenn Lall again implicated.”
The article mentioned an unnamed “tax analyst” who contended that Lall is now said to be at the “centre of an alleged evasion” where his company has, for over a decade now, been “importing printing inks and passing them off as products of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM); therefore enjoying duty free concessions for those importations.”
The “tax analyst” believes that several hundreds of millions of dollars were lost.
GRA, according to the report, also claimed that it has not made progress in the investigations. Several months passed before Lall called Sattaur in February in relation to the said matter and it was eventually settled between the two a while now.
Lall had said he continues to be disappointed in GRA and its Commissioner-General, Khurshid Sattaur. He said that Sattaur displays an inability to manage the agency in a transparent manner. He said that in the first instance the ink was imported by National Media and Publishing Company, and not Glenn Lall.
Harmon said that the GRA, with the use of the Chronicle Newspaper, is apparently clutching at “all available straws” in an effort to silence Kaieteur News which has been very critical of the tax agency and its stewardship of concessions granted to foreign companies.
Even now, the tax boss is unable to clearly provide the status of the concessions granted to Bai Shan Lin and how these are being managed effectively to ensure Guyana benefits in the long run and is not being robbed of revenue.
Sattaur had cited “confidentiality” to be the main reason why he is prohibited from sharing the truth with curious citizens.
Harmon said, too, that the Commissioner of the Guyana Forestry Commission, James Singh, is also guilty of misuse of office and power.
The APNU Parliamentarian said that he feels that public officials who facilitate allowing resources of the country to be carried off by foreign and local companies should face the court for malfeasance in public office.
Harmon said that while he is still in the preliminary stages of his research, he is doing some consultations on how to proceed with regard bringing the public officials to the books. He said that for too long, certain officials have been “abusing their powers and hiding behind their desks.”
“The former President Bharat Jagdeo got away with his crookish behaviour but as for Singh, Sattaur and Winston Brassington, who by his very actions is without a doubt one of the masters of one sided negotiations, I will certainly see to it that the right action is taken,” Harmon said.
On Sattaur’s recent attacks against Lall, Harmon said that the tax chief needs to display, as a public officer, a sense of balance and a lack of bias. The Parliamentarian contended that the GRA boss should not arbitrarily pick and choose people he wants to penalize because they are critical of the government.
Sattaur’s actions simply reflect vindictiveness, he said. He hopes that the tax chief will exercise the same level of diligence in calling for all those vehicles that were given duty free concessions to Bai Shan Lin to be seized and so that the relevant taxes can be paid.
Failure to do this, Harmon said, only leaves citizens to conclude that Sattaur is, beyond the shadow of a doubt, guilty of malfeasance in public office.
“I am also saying that it would appear as if the Commissioner General is basically acting and carrying out the dictates of the PPP, in particular the instructions of Jagdeo and his favourite colleagues.
“I am calling for Sattaur to display an even mindedness with the Guyanese people and he should stop utilizing his office as an instrument of fear against anyone who dares to criticize this government. Sattaur must understand that he is a servant of the people and is not beholden to the PPP for the position which he holds,” the politician concluded.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Oww... bai Mars,this is from the KNews, the AFC propaganda machine.

Kurshit is a crook and is being used by the PPP as a hatchet man to intimidate anyone who dares to disagree with them. You don't need KN to see that.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Oww... bai Mars,this is from the KNews, the AFC propaganda machine.

Kurshit is a crook and is being used by the PPP as a hatchet man to intimidate anyone who dares to disagree with them. You don't need KN to see that.


You did not contradict Django when he posted "Oww... bhai Rev,this is from the kranakle the PPP propaganda machine".


I think each newspaper is a propaganda machine for a political party.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Oww... bai Mars,this is from the KNews, the AFC propaganda machine.

Kurshit is a crook and is being used by the PPP as a hatchet man to intimidate anyone who dares to disagree with them. You don't need KN to see that.


You did not contradict Django when he posted "Oww... bhai Rev,this is from the kranakle the PPP propaganda machine".


I think each newspaper is a propaganda machine for a political party.

The truth is that Kurshit is a crook. You don't need a newspaper to see that. 

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Oww... bai Mars,this is from the KNews, the AFC propaganda machine.

Kurshit is a crook and is being used by the PPP as a hatchet man to intimidate anyone who dares to disagree with them. You don't need KN to see that.


You did not contradict Django when he posted "Oww... bhai Rev,this is from the kranakle the PPP propaganda machine".


I think each newspaper is a propaganda machine for a political party.

The truth is that Kurshit is a crook. You don't need a newspaper to see that. 


We all have our prejudices. I cannot disagree with you for it's your opinion.


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