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In Minnesota, all bars, restaurants, theaters, barbershops, cinemas, and anywhere there can be 10 or more people in close proximity are closed today effective 5:00 PM. They are also looking at the transmit system. Lots of people will be out. The state has instituted an emergency unemployment insurance program for people who are affected. I am guessing the food stamp program will also be included.

Last edited by Former Member

What are the symptoms?

It starts with a fever. Most experience fatigue and a dry cough. Some have muscle pain and have trouble breathing. Other possible symptoms include headache, sore throat, runny nose or diarrhea. Sneezing isn’t listed as a symptom by federal and provincial health authorities.

What should I do if I have symptoms?

Consult the self-assessment tool on the Ontario government website. Contact Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 or your local public health unit.

Don’t visit an assessment centre unless you have symptoms. Do not call 911 unless it is an emergency.

Ontario’s chief medical officer of health says unless people have severe symptoms or a medical emergency, simply stay at home while waiting for a Telehealth response.

The response, he says, will usually be, “Stay home and self-monitor.”


@Amral - hubby and I are doing good bai. 

both of us now fully retired and taking life easy. it's a relief to be out of the rat-race!!

Grandkids have now multiplied to 5 - 3 boys and 2 girls!!

Nana & Nanee to 2!

Aja and Ajee to 3!

From 2 we are now 11 and loving every minute that we spend with the family especially the grands. Adore them!

How about you?

you good?

how many grands now?

I still check in on the Forum every now and then, especially to stay updated on the Guyana political situations.

Lots of new members which make for some very interesting read.

 Miss the old gang though - changes are inevitable and life goes on.

Last edited by Villagebelle

@cain - hey "---timer", I see you are still around causing trouble!

so you are a grampy now, and babysitting too! enjoy those grands as they grow up fast fast.  my 1st grandson is going to be 13 this year and is as tall as I am!

no need to feel sorry for you bai - just hug them up, give them plenty kisses and spoil them in every possible way, and then send them home to their mom & dad!  that's the privilege of being grampa!

Ours come for sleep-overs all the time and my hubby give the grands whatever they ask for - sugar and technology fixes all day long and even just before bed time! I feed them all the dhal, rice, rotis and curries that they can eat!

teach them some of the good manners and common-sense stuff we learned growing in Guyana. 

these are the things they remember as they grow up.

Amral posted:

Might be early to ask. But I wonder how all this will affect the American election. What are the odds that the election date might have to be change? 

Election will take place on November 3.  And results will be available later that night. Unlike some other shithole countries who are still trying to rig three weeks after the election date.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
skeldon_man posted:

In Minnesota, all bars, restaurants, theaters, barbershops, cinemas, and anywhere there can be 10 or more people in close proximity are closed today effective 5:00 PM. They are also looking at the transmit system. Lots of people will be out. The state has instituted an emergency unemployment insurance program for people who are affected. I am guessing the food stamp program will also be included.

Earlier you asked me about reading a topic in the Bible. That one is not mentioned in explicit terms but what is happening in the world is written in Isaiah 26, verses 20 and 21. 

A word of caution, whenever you return from outside, immediately drink a very hot beverage. It will kill any virsus loged in your throat. Sleep as much as you can, allow the body to repair itself. 

Baseman posted:

NYC mayor and NY governor upset with the allocation of aid.  Now Cuomo wants a direct talk with Trump for mo money.

Lookuh story heh!  The same president he and his brother vilify daily!

Do you think they are asking for aid for themselves or is it for the American people who the President is supposed to assist and protect? Idiot trump doesn't need anyone to vilify him, he does it to himself because he is a jackass.

cain posted:
Baseman posted:

NYC mayor and NY governor upset with the allocation of aid.  Now Cuomo wants a direct talk with Trump for mo money.

Lookuh story heh!  The same president he and his brother vilify daily!

Do you think they are asking for aid for themselves or is it for the American people who the President is supposed to assist and protect? Idiot trump doesn't need anyone to vilify him, he does it to himself because he is a jackass.

Bai is wuh stupidness yuh deh pon urly marnin’. Wah mi mean, Trump did not determine the allocation but now they want him to overwrite and give them more. 

Cuomo championing SDNY going after Trump and family personally and now they asking special favors.  Trump should be wary of another “quid-pro-quo” accusation.  He should stay out of any direct involvement in awarding funds.

Let Preet Bruhahaha file a case in federal court fuh mo paisa!

Baseman posted:
cain posted:
Baseman posted:

NYC mayor and NY governor upset with the allocation of aid.  Now Cuomo wants a direct talk with Trump for mo money.

Lookuh story heh!  The same president he and his brother vilify daily!

Do you think they are asking for aid for themselves or is it for the American people who the President is supposed to assist and protect? Idiot trump doesn't need anyone to vilify him, he does it to himself because he is a jackass.

Bai is wuh stupidness yuh deh pon urly marnin’. Wah mi mean, Trump did not determine the allocation but now they want him to overwrite and give them more. 

Cuomo championing SDNY going after Trump and family personally and now they asking special favors.  Trump should be wary of another “quid-pro-quo” accusation.  He should stay out of any direct involvement in awarding funds.

Let Preet Bruhahaha file a case in federal court fuh mo paisa!

It is not Trump's money. It's the taxpayers' money. This has nothing to do with Dems or Repubs. Let's take care of OUR people. Death or sickness does not see color or party affiliation.


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