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COVID warning signs hit Richmond Hill 1

Nov 12, 2020

Neighborhood has second-highest seven-day COVID positivity in city

The rate of positive COVID test results has increased in Queens over the past week as officials have begun to warn that it could mark the beginning of a second wave.

After Gov. Cuomo designated Ozone Park as part of a yellow zone at the end of October, South Queens has continued to have warning signs of higher infection.

When the city Department of Health updated its website to show real-time data on COVID positivity rates by ZIP code, it showed that Richmond Hill had the second-highest seven-day COVID test positivity rates in all of New York City as of Monday, at 4.43 percent.

The increase is not isolated to Richmond Hill. Farther south, Arverne and Broad Channel had the fifth-highest seven-day positivity rate in the city. That data came to light shortly after Cuomo removed Far Rockaway’s yellow zone designation at the end of last week, based on state data.

The seven-day rolling average for the entire Queens yellow zone has increased from 2.68 percent positive Monday Nov. 2 to 3.12 percent Nov. 9, with daily rates of positivity shooting up in the last couple days of this week, according to the state data.

Asked about the high positivity rate in Richmond Hill at a press event Monday, Mayor de Blasio said that he doesn’t believe it to be caused by any one thing or superspreader event.

“New York City has not seen major sites driving spread as you’ve seen in some other parts of the country where you really could identify a major outbreak to a specific site, whether it was a bar, a restaurant, a rally, something like that. We have not had that so much here. I think it’s much more diffuse. It’s smaller family gatherings. It’s, you know, much more individual, if you will,” he said.

Councilwoman Adrienne Adams (D-Jamaica) announced on Tuesday that NYC Health + Hospitals would be opening up a new rapid COVID testing site at the Lefferts branch of the Queens Public Library at 103-34 Lefferts Blvd. Free testing will be available at the location daily from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Adams recently told the Chronicle that she has had to push the city to get more testing in the area. Though five neighboring ZIP codes in South Queens were among the 10 areas with the lowest rates of COVID testing in the whole city as of the end of October, Adams and other community leaders said their efforts to set up more testing sites in the area have met bureaucratic resistance.

As of Monday, the closest city-sponsored testing center was either on 164th Street in Jamaica or Beach 39th Street in Rockaway, as City Council candidate Felicia Singh pointed out on Twitter.

“But, certainly, as we work with community partners, as we identify local leaders to continue to make sure that we’re getting the message out… [we are] making sure that individuals are getting tested and avoiding gatherings as much as possible,” said Health Department First Deputy Commissioner and Chief Equity Officer Torian Easterling at the press event.


The city has updated its positivity data for the week of Nov. 2 to Nov.8, which now shows Richmond Hill to have the third highest seven-day COVID positivity rate in the city at 5.09 percent of all those tested.

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@Mitwah posted:

It the highest increase seen as at noon today in Rama's city of Brampton.

Hope Rama is safe.

When you got 5 punjabi families in one house plus all those foreign students running around what do you expect?

@Bigan Choka posted:

When you got 5 punjabi families in one house plus all those foreign students running around what do you expect?

It's funny with their large numbers, the outbreak does not show that it is prevalent in their community.

@Bigan Choka posted:

When you got 5 punjabi families in one house plus all those foreign students running around what do you expect?

What do Punjabi families have to do with the spread of COVID?  What do foreign students have to do with the spread of COVID?  If you are insinuating that these groups are violating social distancing rules etc. I would ask you for the proof.  I am certain you have no proof.  What I have anecdotal evidence to support is that several minority groups have been in the forefront of the battle against the virus and in providing vital services during the pandemic.  I know who delivers my food to my door, I know who brings groceries to my car, I know who serves me when I venture into the grocery store.  Moreover, I know who the medical personnel and scientists are that lead the fight against the virus.  Look at Biden's task force, look at the power couple in Germany who developed the Pfizer vaccine.  There is enough anecdotal and perhaps direct evidence that minorities and immigrant groups have done more than their fair share during this pandemic.  Why would anyone want to single them out as spreaders of the virus?  Let's be fair:  the single biggest culprit in the COVID disaster in the US and globally is Donald Trump.  When I last looked he had orange hair and obviously wasn't wearing a turban.

@Totaram posted:

What do Punjabi families have to do with the spread of COVID?  What do foreign students have to do with the spread of COVID?  If you are insinuating that these groups are violating social distancing rules etc. I would ask you for the proof.  I am certain you have no proof.  What I have anecdotal evidence to support is that several minority groups have been in the forefront of the battle against the virus and in providing vital services during the pandemic.  I know who delivers my food to my door, I know who brings groceries to my car, I know who serves me when I venture into the grocery store.  Moreover, I know who the medical personnel and scientists are that lead the fight against the virus.  Look at Biden's task force, look at the power couple in Germany who developed the Pfizer vaccine.  There is enough anecdotal and perhaps direct evidence that minorities and immigrant groups have done more than their fair share during this pandemic.  Why would anyone want to single them out as spreaders of the virus?  Let's be fair:  the single biggest culprit in the COVID disaster in the US and globally is Donald Trump.  When I last looked he had orange hair and obviously wasn't wearing a turban.

You want proof? I'll give you proof on a platter!

This Saturday is Diwali. Take a drive to Sheridan college plaza and see for yourself. Half the population of Brampton is south Asian. I've also seen first hand old timers congregating at the near by parks with little or no care of social distancing. It is not just the Punjabis, but many others of all races who have no regards to guidelines set by the city. The punjabs (not all of them) unfortunately just do it out in the open for everyone to see.

Nobody is knocking all the front line workers for there selfless efforts to curb this virus. Kudos to them all. Glad to hear your taking precautions getting your food. As a foodie, I prefer to pick my own groceries and use PPE.

I agree with you that Donald duck is a sk*nt . He did his nation wrong by downplaying the virus. The last I looked he had blonde hair with orange skin. Looks like a oompa lumpa. The world is better off without that quack!

@Bigan Choka posted:

You want proof? I'll give you proof on a platter!

This Saturday is Diwali. Take a drive to Sheridan college plaza and see for yourself. Half the population of Brampton is south Asian. I've also seen first hand old timers congregating at the near by parks with little or no care of social distancing. It is not just the Punjabis, but many others of all races who have no regards to guidelines set by the city. The punjabs (not all of them) unfortunately just do it out in the open for everyone to see.

Nobody is knocking all the front line workers for there selfless efforts to curb this virus. Kudos to them all. Glad to hear your taking precautions getting your food. As a foodie, I prefer to pick my own groceries and use PPE.

I agree with you that Donald duck is a sk*nt . He did his nation wrong by downplaying the virus. The last I looked he had blonde hair with orange skin. Looks like a oompa lumpa. The world is better off without that quack!

Implicit in your response is that the violators are not from specific ethnic or immigrant groups.  There are violators of the guidelines from all groups.   We have no evidence that they are more prevalent in particular groups.  I have seen what you have seen in parks in GTA and it is unacceptable.  I have also seen a whole lot of white people at Trump rallies for example who were not practicing social distancing etc.  Recently outbreaks have been traced to Halloween parties. It is time for governments to take more drastic action against the violators as they may be indirectly killing people.


Some people are not taking this darn virus serious until they get it. I know one old gal who contracted it in Kennedy Lodge Nursing Home (the home is now being investigated) she passed away recently.


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