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Former Member

There are no words to describe my fellow Indians on GNI for supporting an illegitimate government to run Guyana like a w/hore house, and treating Indians like third class citizens. Yesterday, Granger addressed the 11th parliament with the PNC government only. Looking at the empty half of the honorable house proved how divide Guyana is under a fake unity government. Guyana is now under black rule for black citizen only. The few Indians that will suck PNC poke juice are the ones that sell their souls to the Congo tribe. I am ashamed to say that coolie did this to themselves. They will now eat poke and fufu with the PNC pigs.






Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Cobra:

There are no words to describe my fellow Indians on GNI for supporting an illegitimate government to run Guyana like a w/hore house, and treating Indians like third class citizens. Yesterday, Granger addressed the 11th parliament with the PNC government only. Looking at the empty half of the honorable house proved how divide Guyana is under a fake unity government. Guyana is now under black rule for black citizen only. The few Indians that will suck PNC poke juice are the ones that sell their souls to the Congo tribe. I am ashamed to say that coolie did this to themselves. They will now eat poke and fufu with the PNC pigs.







You are really one of the schupidest people in dis family chap. And abbe get some real schupid people in dis clan. But you tap all. Me nah know whey fuh begin fuh dissect dis hey cadaver of a post you just execreted on dis Forum.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

There are no words to describe my fellow Indians on GNI for supporting an illegitimate government to run Guyana like a w/hore house, and treating Indians like third class citizens. Yesterday, Granger addressed the 11th parliament with the PNC government only. Looking at the empty half of the honorable house proved how divide Guyana is under a fake unity government. Guyana is now under black rule for black citizen only. The few Indians that will suck PNC poke juice are the ones that sell their souls to the Congo tribe. I am ashamed to say that coolie did this to themselves. They will now eat poke and fufu with the PNC pigs.






Please be nice, the word is crab dogs and not crabdaags. 

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

There are no words to describe my fellow Indians on GNI for supporting an illegitimate government to run Guyana like a w/hore house, and treating Indians like third class citizens. Yesterday, Granger addressed the 11th parliament with the PNC government only. Looking at the empty half of the honorable house proved how divide Guyana is under a fake unity government. Guyana is now under black rule for black citizen only. The few Indians that will suck PNC poke juice are the ones that sell their souls to the Congo tribe. I am ashamed to say that coolie did this to themselves. They will now eat poke and fufu with the PNC pigs.






Please be nice, the word is crab dogs and not crabdaags. 

I like Nehru version better. "crabdaags" 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

There are no words to describe my fellow Indians on GNI for supporting an illegitimate government to run Guyana like a w/hore house, and treating Indians like third class citizens. Yesterday, Granger addressed the 11th parliament with the PNC government only. Looking at the empty half of the honorable house proved how divide Guyana is under a fake unity government. Guyana is now under black rule for black citizen only. The few Indians that will suck PNC poke juice are the ones that sell their souls to the Congo tribe. I am ashamed to say that coolie did this to themselves. They will now eat poke and fufu with the PNC pigs.






Please be nice, the word is crab dogs and not crabdaags. 

I like Nehru version better. "crabdaags" 


You think that Indian people expressing their democratic right to cast a ballot for a party of their choice somehow makes them "crabdaags"?


You ain't a real Indian in my book chap. Yuh rass too schupid. You're a coolie like Alunatic06 (thank u D2)

Originally Posted by Cobra:

There are no words to describe my fellow Indians on GNI for supporting an illegitimate government to run Guyana like a w/hore house, and treating Indians like third class citizens. Yesterday, Granger addressed the 11th parliament with the PNC government only. Looking at the empty half of the honorable house proved how divide Guyana is under a fake unity government. Guyana is now under black rule for black citizen only. The few Indians that will suck PNC poke juice are the ones that sell their souls to the Congo tribe. I am ashamed to say that coolie did this to themselves. They will now eat poke and fufu with the PNC pigs.






hahahaha... yuh send fuh the rest ah yuh famly yet...mek sure yuh got place fuh hide

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

There are no words to describe my fellow Indians on GNI for supporting an illegitimate government to run Guyana like a w/hore house, and treating Indians like third class citizens. Yesterday, Granger addressed the 11th parliament with the PNC government only. Looking at the empty half of the honorable house proved how divide Guyana is under a fake unity government. Guyana is now under black rule for black citizen only. The few Indians that will suck PNC poke juice are the ones that sell their souls to the Congo tribe. I am ashamed to say that coolie did this to themselves. They will now eat poke and fufu with the PNC pigs.






Please be nice, the word is crab dogs and not crabdaags. 

I like Nehru version better. "crabdaags" 

Here is another version 'crabdawgs'   Take it easy on dem peeps...many were too blind to see what Grainger had in store for them.

Last edited by alena06
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

There are no words to describe my fellow Indians on GNI for supporting an illegitimate government to run Guyana like a w/hore house, and treating Indians like third class citizens. Yesterday, Granger addressed the 11th parliament with the PNC government only. Looking at the empty half of the honorable house proved how divide Guyana is under a fake unity government. Guyana is now under black rule for black citizen only. The few Indians that will suck PNC poke juice are the ones that sell their souls to the Congo tribe. I am ashamed to say that coolie did this to themselves. They will now eat poke and fufu with the PNC pigs.






hahahaha... yuh send fuh the rest ah yuh famly yet...mek sure yuh got place fuh hide


Snake nah gat no family in Guyana chap

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

There are no words to describe my fellow Indians on GNI for supporting an illegitimate government to run Guyana like a w/hore house, and treating Indians like third class citizens. Yesterday, Granger addressed the 11th parliament with the PNC government only. Looking at the empty half of the honorable house proved how divide Guyana is under a fake unity government. Guyana is now under black rule for black citizen only. The few Indians that will suck PNC poke juice are the ones that sell their souls to the Congo tribe. I am ashamed to say that coolie did this to themselves. They will now eat poke and fufu with the PNC pigs.






Please be nice, the word is crab dogs and not crabdaags. 

I like Nehru version better. "crabdaags" 

Here is another version 'crabdawgs'


God Alena, you are so witty and charming. A regular coolie Oscar Wilde

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

There are no words to describe my fellow Indians on GNI for supporting an illegitimate government to run Guyana like a w/hore house, and treating Indians like third class citizens. Yesterday, Granger addressed the 11th parliament with the PNC government only. Looking at the empty half of the honorable house proved how divide Guyana is under a fake unity government. Guyana is now under black rule for black citizen only. The few Indians that will suck PNC poke juice are the ones that sell their souls to the Congo tribe. I am ashamed to say that coolie did this to themselves. They will now eat poke and fufu with the PNC pigs.






hahahaha... yuh send fuh the rest ah yuh famly yet...mek sure yuh got place fuh hide


Snake nah gat no family in Guyana chap

suh he was talkin fart that the rest ah he famly want leave....guess they all in hiding from Burnham up to this day dat man really mess them up...look what Granger doing to him...he rass gon end up in ah mental institution

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

There are no words to describe my fellow Indians on GNI for supporting an illegitimate government to run Guyana like a w/hore house, and treating Indians like third class citizens. Yesterday, Granger addressed the 11th parliament with the PNC government only. Looking at the empty half of the honorable house proved how divide Guyana is under a fake unity government. Guyana is now under black rule for black citizen only. The few Indians that will suck PNC poke juice are the ones that sell their souls to the Congo tribe. I am ashamed to say that coolie did this to themselves. They will now eat poke and fufu with the PNC pigs.






hahahaha... yuh send fuh the rest ah yuh famly yet...mek sure yuh got place fuh hide


Snake nah gat no family in Guyana chap

suh he was talkin fart that the rest ah he famly want leave....guess they all in hiding from Burnham up to this day dat man really mess them up...look what Granger doing to him...he rass gon end up in ah mental institution


The new seat of the Snake Clan is Florida bai.


To my knowledge, the only branch of our family in Guyana is our uber Indo elite cousins who keep a spare mercedes or 2 in their mansion in Guyana for their routine visits to check up on their Guyana small change USD millions and major businesses there when not tending to their Park Avenue millions. Somehow I doubt those people are gonna suffer under any Government in any part of this world.


Snake, yuh feel sorry fuh dem R********n chaps bai?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

There are no words to describe my fellow Indians on GNI for supporting an illegitimate government to run Guyana like a w/hore house, and treating Indians like third class citizens. Yesterday, Granger addressed the 11th parliament with the PNC government only. Looking at the empty half of the honorable house proved how divide Guyana is under a fake unity government. Guyana is now under black rule for black citizen only. The few Indians that will suck PNC poke juice are the ones that sell their souls to the Congo tribe. I am ashamed to say that coolie did this to themselves. They will now eat poke and fufu with the PNC pigs.






Did you tell that to Mitwah?

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

There are no words to describe my fellow Indians on GNI for supporting an illegitimate government to run Guyana like a w/hore house, and treating Indians like third class citizens. Yesterday, Granger addressed the 11th parliament with the PNC government only. Looking at the empty half of the honorable house proved how divide Guyana is under a fake unity government. Guyana is now under black rule for black citizen only. The few Indians that will suck PNC poke juice are the ones that sell their souls to the Congo tribe. I am ashamed to say that coolie did this to themselves. They will now eat poke and fufu with the PNC pigs.






Did you tell that to Mitwah?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

There are no words to describe my fellow Indians on GNI for supporting an illegitimate government to run Guyana like a w/hore house, and treating Indians like third class citizens. Yesterday, Granger addressed the 11th parliament with the PNC government only. Looking at the empty half of the honorable house proved how divide Guyana is under a fake unity government. Guyana is now under black rule for black citizen only. The few Indians that will suck PNC poke juice are the ones that sell their souls to the Congo tribe. I am ashamed to say that coolie did this to themselves. They will now eat poke and fufu with the PNC pigs.






Did you tell that to Mitwah?


Originally Posted by Cobra:

There are no words to describe my fellow Indians on GNI for supporting an illegitimate government to run Guyana like a w/hore house, and treating Indians like third class citizens. Yesterday, Granger addressed the 11th parliament with the PNC government only. Looking at the empty half of the honorable house proved how divide Guyana is under a fake unity government. Guyana is now under black rule for black citizen only. The few Indians that will suck PNC poke juice are the ones that sell their souls to the Congo tribe. I am ashamed to say that coolie did this to themselves. They will now eat poke and fufu with the PNC pigs.







Cobra Bhai


I sense a lot of bitterness in your posts. 


Please remember that in any democracy, it is the will of the people that must be respected. The people have spoken and they chose APNU/AFC to govern Guyana for another five years.


I respect their choice.


The PPP governed Guyana for 23 years and did not really lift up Guyana and moved it to another level. Guyana is still not recognized internationally. 


I supported the PPP in the past and now consider it a mistake. Look at the level of corruption and blatant disrespect shown towards Guyanese by a lack of transparency. Crime was getting out of hand with no plan in place to combat the crime wave. I was scared for my safety every time that I visited Guyana.


Kaka BT politicians became very rich overnight flaunting mansions and expensive vehicles and wealth. The poor became poorer while a small class of individuals kept grabbing more wealth. Suicide was ignored as Indos who had no hope and lifeline chose that route. Mental Institutions in Berbice turned into slums and were left to rot.


Yes, the PPP initially made some progress but lost their way as friends and families of politicians fed off the poor with huge government contracts. Rammo's son was a disgrace as he wasted millions in a failed project. Sugar became a failure as dunce Raj Singh drove the industry into the ground.


Those who loved and cared about the PPP were kicked out just because they spoke out against the Gang of Eight. 


A communist led party cannot survive in modern times.


For the next five years, you should dedicated your energy to win back the PPP and hand it over to a young generation of grassroots supporters. The PPP was originally a working class party. Look at what it has become today.


Katahar Rohee must go now ! These chaps need to move aside. Jagdeo must also shut up and let the grassroots supporters take back their party. Rammo should take his retirement package and reflect on his failures.


Arrogance and Pride brought down the PPP. Please tone it down, the election is over and the PPP lost. They should do the right thing and take up their seats in parliament and represent the people who elected them.


After 100 days, we will be able to see and judge where this government is headed. 


Please Bhaya, tone it down for now.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

There are no words to describe my fellow Indians on GNI for supporting an illegitimate government to run Guyana like a w/hore house, and treating Indians like third class citizens. Yesterday, Granger addressed the 11th parliament with the PNC government only. Looking at the empty half of the honorable house proved how divide Guyana is under a fake unity government. Guyana is now under black rule for black citizen only. The few Indians that will suck PNC poke juice are the ones that sell their souls to the Congo tribe. I am ashamed to say that coolie did this to themselves. They will now eat poke and fufu with the PNC pigs.






Living proof that there is no limit to true idiocy. You continue to raise the bar for idiots globally. Good job.
You do know that the PPP opted to abstain from parliament?


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