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Chris Gayle

Chris Gayle

February 9 2020


Charles Ramson Jr, a candidate for the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), has been sent a lawyer’s letter on behalf of international cricketer Chris Gayle, who has asked that he retract statements made about him at a political campaign meeting.

Ramson’s statements, which concern a visit made by Gayle to Linden during the People’s National Congress Reform’s celebration of its 62nd anniversary, were made at a January 30th public meeting at Alberttown.

The party is the main constituent of governing coalition partner APNU.

Ramson shared and endorsed on his personal Facebook page an online news item on the meeting.

However, in a letter dated February 4th, attorney Roysdale Forde, writing on behalf of Gayle, directs that Ramson should within 24 hours retract the “defamatory” statements, which are “not only totally false and untrue but seem calculated to subject [Gayle] to ridicule and portray him as being paid by a political party in Guyana to engage in work on its behalf.”

“As you are aware my client is an internationally recognized personality and cricketer and has carefully protected his brand and reputation especially by refusing to engage in public relations activities at the request of political parties,” the letter states, before adding that Gayle has engaged in a number of business ventures in Guyana, such as the promotion of a number of entertainment events, branded on his personality and persons in Guyana.

“Your statements are injurious to the financial success of these events and by extension necessarily to the said business undertaking of my client in Guyana and worldwide,” the letter concludes.

In October last year, Gayle visited the mining town in the company of party executive Joseph Harmon and several other party officials. He, however, maintained that he was simply participating in a community outreach and visiting a part of the country he had not been to before.

“I in no way, manner or form endorse or support any individual or political party in Guyana,” he said in a statement released days after the visit.

Referring to social media comments in relation to his presence in Linden, Gayle said that invited to Linden to participate in a community outreach.

“As a sports personality, I relish the opportunity to meet with my fans and also to reach out to any community under the neutral banner of sports. I am apolitical of any political commitment and strongly condemn attempts to tarnish my brand and personality,” he reiterated.

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Nehru posted:

Gayle is right!!!!!!  Ramson should NOT state things he has no proof of!!!!!!!!

Not so fast Nehru Bhai. Let it go to court and we will see if he was paid for appearing for PNC in Linden or it was just an “outreach”

How come he didn’t do a “outreach” in Berbice ? 

Last edited by Former Member

Relax ? It’s my bloody right to express my opinion.

This is not Granger’s website. Let it go to court and it will be revealed if he was paid or it just and “outreach”. 
How come he didn’t do an “outreach” in. Kulie community ? 

Kulies should boo he rass for not doing an outreach in their neighbourhood. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

Relax ? It’s my bloody right to express my opinion.

This is not Granger’s website. Let it go to court and it will be revealed if he was paid or it just and “outreach”. 
How come he didn’t do an “outreach” in. Kulie community ? 

Kulies should boo he rass for not doing an outreach in their neighbourhood. 

Bai shut yuh baxside. Gale showing up in linden doesnt mean squat. Yuh putting to much political spin on this thing.


It means a lot when this is a racially divisive PNC led election campaign. He should have known better.

Indo supporters will make the final decision what they think now about Gayle whom they now appear to see as taking PNC side. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

It means a lot when this is racially divisive PNC led election campaign. He should have known better.

Indo supporters will make the final decision what they think now about Gayle whom they now appear to see as taking PNC side. 

Absolute crap. They will cheer him on at home and on the field everytime he nack a six.

And ah could see u up front cheering the loudest.

Sean posted:

It means a lot when this is a racially divisive PNC led election campaign. He should have known better.

Indo supporters will make the final decision what they think now about Gayle whom they now appear to see as taking PNC side. 

The Govt of countries sometimes ask stars to visit various areas. WHat would a star know if the people of that area support which political party? For him, they are just fans....I don't think he is reading it one way or another.


Sheik101 posted:
Sean posted:

Relax ? It’s my bloody right to express my opinion.

This is not Granger’s website. Let it go to court and it will be revealed if he was paid or it just and “outreach”. 
How come he didn’t do an “outreach” in. Kulie community ? 

Kulies should boo he rass for not doing an outreach in their neighbourhood. 

Bai shut yuh baxside. Gale showing up in linden doesnt mean squat. Yuh putting to much political spin on this thing.

Ruby red lips was right when she said sean by de toilet is hurting the PPP with the stupidness he posts. 


Chris Gayle still trying to collect outstanding US$40,000 PNCR owes him” –Ramson

Earlier this evening, attorney at law and People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) member, Charles Ramson told residents of the Queenstown, Albertown area that Chris Gayle wants to collect the money that is still owed to him by the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR). This was during a PPP/C public meeting.

According to Ramson, he was reliably informed that Gayle is actively trying to get the outstanding money that was promised to him for his visit to Linden when PNCR celebrated its 62nd anniversary in October last.

Ramson said that Gayle was promised US$50,000 for the visit to Linden where he walked with PNCR officials and greeted supporters. However, the world-famous cricketer, according to Ramson, was only paid US$10,000 of the promised sum.

According to Ramson, Gayle is now being pushed around. Ramson said that when Gayle asked PNCR officials about his outstanding payments, he was referred to a Guyanese former national cricketer who also runs a business now. Ramson said that the former National cricketer is now “pretending that he does not know about the money.”

Ramson told those who listened to him, “Nothing don’t hide in Guyana, that is how I know about the Chris Gayle story.”

He also told listeners, some of whom erected APNU flags and banners with President David Granger, “If you don’t believe me ask Harmon, he knows about it.”

The politician told listeners that they should be worried when PNC brings foreigners to do its bid as often times “it is your money that is being used, tax dollars.”

Ramson also spoke about APNU+AFC’s use of Farmer Nappy for its campaign launch. He said, “They took $20M of your money to pay a foreigner to come and cuss down a man by the name of Jagdeo. They bring a foreigner to cuss down a Guyanese national.”

Ramson said that it is that sort of “wastage” and “disrespect” that the people of Guyana must vote against come March 2. He said, “It is only 32 days left to get rid of this incompetent cabal. Do not hold on to all their failed promises. They were to jail Jagdeo but up to now, they cannot touch him. How they will fulfill these other promises if they cannot even touch Jagdeo.”

Ramson said that while the PNC is busy hiring foreigners for PR purposes, over 30,000 jobs were lost over the past four and a half years “today alone, 200 jobs were lost. That is only today.” Ramson said that on the contrary, the PPP is set to create 50,000 jobs within the next five years.

He said that while house lots were only given out to foreigners and ministers, the PPP is set to deliver 50,000 low-cost house lots within the next five years.

He said, “We are going to ensure free university education, 20,000 online scholarships and we are going to immediately bring back the $10,000 cash grant then increase it to $50,000 per child in the coming years.”
Ramson also spoke about the new tax regime that PPP will create to ensure the ordinary man has to pay less and thus will have more money in his pocket.

Last edited by Former Member
Vish M posted:

Gayle should be ashamed of his act

He has no respect from my community

You own the thoughts and minds of "your" community? What proof do you have of this...just Ramson's word?

ayuh does talk some real skont. Maybe them fellas took more than your hair

Ray posted:
Vish M posted:

Gayle should be ashamed of his act

He has no respect from my community

You own the thoughts and minds of "your" community? What proof do you have of this...just Ramson's word?

ayuh does talk some real skont. Maybe them fellas took more than your hair

Who the skont are you to judge the man? Gayle was a hired activist , paid by the PNC, all Ramson  pointed that he still owed money. Gayle should have known better, is the Indians that are putting food on his table, once you meddle in politics, it's political.

kp posted:
Ray posted:
Vish M posted:

Gayle should be ashamed of his act

He has no respect from my community

You own the thoughts and minds of "your" community? What proof do you have of this...just Ramson's word?

ayuh does talk some real skont. Maybe them fellas took more than your hair

Who the skont are you to judge the man? Gayle was a hired activist , paid by the PNC, all Ramson  pointed that he still owed money. Gayle should have known better, is the Indians that are putting food on his table, once you meddle in politics, it's political.

he work for the's not free!

You think they do him a favor....the man got skills


Bai, is why you getting personal ? I have been to India and was treated like Royalty. 

They will definitely treat you like a chammar if you visit.

Hey hey hey 

Last edited by Former Member

The coolie man should DROP his ass and let Africa select him to pick wood.

 Cricket is an international sport, it must be non political, to be an ambassador of the sport one must play politics just because of money especially a country like Guyana where the country is divided by RACE. Him going to a place like Linden or even Buxton we all know why?


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