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There’s evidence linking political operatives and crime PDF Print E-mail
Written by Chevon Singh
Tuesday, 01 November 2011 02:17
…and the Buxton nightmare is certainly an example
THERE is irrefutable evidence of the linkage of certain political operatives and crime in our society and the Buxton nightmare was certainly an example.
People’s Progressive Party (PPP/C) Executive member and Minister of Agriculture, Robert Persaud made this pronouncement, during a press briefing on Sunday, at the party’s headquarters on Robb Street.
Minister Persaud was at the time defending statements made by party representatives during the PPP/C rally in Bartica, Region Seven (Cuyuni/Mazaruni ), on Saturday, when Barticians were warned not to trust the opposition coalition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), because if they come to power, they would take government guns and give them to criminals.
In his address, President Bharrat Jagdeo noted that Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) leader, Robert Corbin, and many others cannot account for many of the weapons that were taken from the Guyana Defence Force during the 1970s and 1980s, at a time when A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) presidential candidate, David Granger, was a member of the army.
“You have had some theft of weapons from the army in the past, but if they were to get into power, they don’t have to steal weapons anymore, they will get the weapons to give to the bandits,” President Jagdeo said.
The PPP also warned Barticians against voting for the opposition, saying that that could lead to greater insecurity, worse than the Bartica massacre.
Alluding to this and others such pronouncements, Persaud refuted claims that the statements made to the thousands gathered at Ramnauth Square were in any way irresponsible, in the wake of residents’ experiences during the Bartica massacre in 2008.
He said, “A statement of fact cannot be in any way inflammatory; it is a statement of fact and what was said on Sunday represents a statement of fact. What the President said about Mr. Nigel Hughes of the AFC is a statement of fact. I don’t want us in any way to try to obscure or deny facts or deny the reality under the guise of being inflammatory.”
He emphasised also that there is a consistent message being spread throughout Guyana, as it is the obligation of the PPP/C administration to alert the nation to the dangers that can beset the society if certain individuals and certain parties are allowed in government.
“We can go back to that point; our history is filled with those experiences and those episodes and it is our obligation to remind, to recall these statements of facts. That is what election campaigns are all about, you make your case, you present information so that people can make informed choices. That is what was done on Sunday,” Minister Persaud maintained.
Persaud said that there are still more than 100 weapons that were issued under the PNC government still unaccounted for, and that there are records showing who uplifted the weapons, many of which are turning up at crime scenes across the country.
He acknowledged that though there are many drivers of crime in society, the PPP/C has been working diligently at strengthening the Guyana Police Force, a task which will have to continue engaging the attention of future governments.
He explained, “Looking at our entire law and order and justice security mechanism, certainly there is room for improvement; if you check the PPP/Civic manifesto, there is a lot of emphasis in terms of law and order, justice and security, whereby the reformation of the system will continue both with local and foreign help. If you look at our manifesto, it does address some of the weaknesses.”
Continuing, the PPP/C Executive member recognised that security is something that people value and it is something that the electorate is very concerned about; therefore, the party will continue to address the issue.
He said, “You will continue to hear more about what has been done, what are the dangers that are out there in terms of jeopardizing security, and what we intend to do about it. As we go along the campaign there will be amplification of some of those positions.”

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For those who know we must not forget that it was the PNC/R who orchestrated the jailbreak which led to the murder and rape of hundreds of innocent Guyanese. The famous Five were enriching the coffers of the PNC/R with their loot and when they died Basil Williams and other claimed that the criminals were murdered in cold blood.
- PNC/R Deborah Backer

Shadow Home Affairs Minister of the People’s National Congress Reform, Deborah Backer, has stated that based statistics from the Guyana Police Force the crime rate in Guyana is at its all time highest.

Backer stated that throughout the 11-year tenure of President Bharrat Jagdeo, from 1999 to 2010, the average rate of murders has been the highest in the country’s history. The rate for 2010, so far, indicates a continuation of that bloody record.

According to the Head of the Criminal Investigation Department, of the Guyana Police Force, Assistant Commissioner, Mr. Seelall Persaud, as at October 31, (the 304th day of the year), the Force has recorded 116 murders. This number represented a rate of one death every two-and-a-half days.
With 61 days remaining between November 1, and December 31, it is likely that, given the record of the PPP/C Administration, there will be about 24 more murders by the end of 2010. This would give Guyana a total of 140 murders per annum, about the same rates as in 2002 and 2005, at the height of the Phantom Squad killings and the Extra Judicial executions by the Guyana Police Force.

Backer pointed out that the reasons why the Police Force is incapable of detecting and solving so many murders are not difficult to discern. She noted that the Commissioner of Police, Henry Greene, has complained repeatedly that the Police Force is 20 per cent under strength and there are not sufficient constables to conduct anti-crime patrols, man far flung Police stations and respond to crimes.

“Greene also admitted that the single greatest number of murders occurred in the hinterland, yet it is this very Division that has the least number of policemen and equipment and the largest number of stations.”

[b]Backer said that yet the PPP/C Administration refuses to bring the Guyana Police Force up to the required strength.

She added that the Crime Chief, Seelall Persaud, has lamented the length of time his detectives have to be away from their regular duties to attend court and also investigate the huge backlog of cases still before the court.

She added that the reason for the failure to bring the murder rate under control is due to the reality that neither the Minister of Home Affairs nor the Commissioner of Police has a comprehensive strategy to reduce the dozen murders occurring every month, either in the hinterland or in the rural and urban communities and the narcotics underworld.

Backer said that the People’s National Congress Reform is of the view that the Administration should immediately adopt the recommendations of the Disciplined Forces Commission and implement a sensible Security Sector Reform Plan to deal with the Police Force’s personnel problems.
“Only in this way will a start be made toward deterring criminals, detecting crime and diminishing the current murder rate”.

Ms Backer further reminded the Jagdeo Administration that it is the responsibility of the Government of Guyana to maintain public safety and protect the lives and property of all Guyanese citizens. Hence the party calls on the Home Affairs, Mr. Clement Rohee, and the Commissioner of Police to reduce the unacceptably high rate of murders.

Source: KN News.
since the ppp controls the judiciary and there is "irrefutable" evidence that political operatives are linked to criminal activities why are you idiots here instead of preparing the jail cells and have these political operatives housed there as guests of the state?
Albert aren't you and the PPP guilty of trying to rewrite history also? why isn't Joe Hamilton apologizing to the people of Guyana for the crimes the House of Israel unleashed on Guyana?

When will bloody Joe Repent Albert errr kwame?

I promise I wont post any pictures of anyone's mother again, I did notice that the PPP chap who sent me that picture to post did not get suspended though. That was quite nice I can only imagine that sinister folks were at work trying to get me banned.
Originally posted by albert:
An enquiry to the PNC/R's involvement in criminality must be launched immediately

Lets have an Inquiry period to see all who was involved regardless of party affiliation! Talk is cheap! Lets do it!

Lets bring in professionals from the outside who are impartial!

Lets also find out who really killed Sash Sawh!
Originally posted by Guyanese Patriot:
Originally posted by albert:
An enquiry to the PNC/R's involvement in criminality must be launched immediately

Lets have an Inquiry period to see all who was involved regardless of party affiliation! Talk is cheap! Lets do it!

Lets bring in professionals from the outside who are impartial!

Lets also find out who really killed Sash Sawh!

I will teach one will never say that you never learnt anything from Albert.
The white man always look for the money.
Originally posted by albert:
Originally posted by Guyanese Patriot:
Originally posted by albert:
An enquiry to the PNC/R's involvement in criminality must be launched immediately

Lets have an Inquiry period to see all who was involved regardless of party affiliation! Talk is cheap! Lets do it!

Lets bring in professionals from the outside who are impartial!

Lets also find out who really killed Sash Sawh!

I will teach one will never say that you never learnt anything from Albert.
The white man always look for the money.

Albert this is the same kind of talk Bynoe used to use against Janet Jagan, he used to say she is a white blood sucker, you forget that conveniently now?
Originally posted by albert:
Originally posted by Guyanese Patriot:
Originally posted by albert:
An enquiry to the PNC/R's involvement in criminality must be launched immediately

Lets have an Inquiry period to see all who was involved regardless of party affiliation! Talk is cheap! Lets do it!

Lets bring in professionals from the outside who are impartial!

Lets also find out who really killed Sash Sawh!

I will teach one will never say that you never learnt anything from Albert.
The white man always look for the money.

It is the results that will be yielded that is important! At least they will earn the money, not steal it like the PPP and give it to their friend and build houses for Kwame and crew!

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