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Former Member

Serious crimes on the rise in Guyana

The Guyana Police Force on Friday revealed that serious crimes across the country are on the rise. All of this is happening under the illegitimate PNC government. Indians who voted for the PNC, voted to support murder, robbery and rape. This was the writing on the wall, but them chamar coolies were hungry to lick PNC poke juice. Now, them ah halla that Granger is a dictator like them never know that before. Good fuh allyou skunnt. 

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Rupununi girls stripped, flogged in school

June 11, 2015 6:30 am Category: Crime A+ / A-
One of the school girls being restrained while being whipped.

One of the school girls being restrained while being whipped.


[] – The Ministry of Education is conducting an investigation into an incident in which at least two students, one from the Awarewanau Primary School and the other from Lethem, in Deep South Rupununi were given humiliating corporal punishment in the presence of the other students.


This is PNC for our crabdaag coolies. This is what you votes for?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Rupununi girls stripped, flogged in school

June 11, 2015 6:30 am Category: Crime A+ / A-
One of the school girls being restrained while being whipped.

One of the school girls being restrained while being whipped.


[] – The Ministry of Education is conducting an investigation into an incident in which at least two students, one from the Awarewanau Primary School and the other from Lethem, in Deep South Rupununi were given humiliating corporal punishment in the presence of the other students.


This is PNC for our crabdaag coolies. This is what you votes for?

You are not only a bloody moron but a sneaky worm of the worst kind. This incident happened a few months ago but like the dutty crab dawg that you are you chopped the article and did not post the section which clearly states that.


Rupununi girls stripped, flogged in school

June 11, 2015 6:30 am


[] â€“ The Ministry of Education is conducting an investigation into an incident in which at least two students, one from the Awarewanau Primary School and the other from Lethem, in Deep South Rupununi were given humiliating corporal punishment in the presence of the other students.

From a video clip that was first posted on Facebook several months ago and recently re-posted, it appears that the two female students were partially stripped and whipped by a male teacher, whilst being restrained, as other students looked on. According to the post, the girls, who are 13 and 15 years old, were beaten with “broad cow skin belt and hospitalised” subsequently.

According to Minister of Education Dr Rupert Roopnaraine, himself, “in collaboration with the Ministry of National Security and the Ministry of Social Protection are investigating the matter, and will take appropriate action.”

The video, which actually surfaced several months ago, was reported to the Education Ministry. A full report on the incident will be made public once completed, according to the education minister. [Extracted and modified from GINA]

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Serious crimes on the rise in Guyana

The Guyana Police Force on Friday revealed that serious crimes across the country are on the rise. All of this is happening under the illegitimate PNC government. Indians who voted for the PNC, voted to support murder, robbery and rape. This was the writing on the wall, but them chamar coolies were hungry to lick PNC poke juice. Now, them ah halla that Granger is a dictator like them never know that before. Good fuh allyou skunnt. 

Dam right and Negromotoo and Ramshittan in even squeeking.They are afraid of the african dictator and his pigmy army now in the Office of the half President - he is not recognised by half of the population  of Guyana.He represents the criminals,murderers and rapists and the lazy non productive sector of the country.

They own nothing.Guess they own Mashramani celebrations ,and a few snackettes selling blackpudding and souse.

The half president is quickly becoming the new massiah of the negroes in Guyana,afterall he is quickly becoming the new african hitler bent on exterminating the East Indians,potagee,chinese and amerindians.


The PNC (APNU) is now unleashing a reign of terror against the East Indian people of Guyana.Seems like they are a law unto themselves as in the PNC days.But as they say every story got a end.The end is near for the APNU.

To thise East Indians who have been arbitrarily fired by this government without recourse,let them remember the PNC days to see what is coming in the near future.

Let the East Indians close their businesses,all businesses and start moving their money out of the country.Let them start preparing to remove themselves and children from this cursed place.The day that the rigged elections results was announced was the day that the sun had set on Guyana.There is no redemption for the likes of APNU,Negromotoo and the

other chamars that have caused East Indians to be placed in a very dangerous situation.The East Indiand must leave the country.Guess when this happens there will be no money in the treasury and it will become another Haiti.

Guess Linden,Buxton Victoria village,Melani etc  already have the look and feel of Haiti.

Even after 300 years the african own so little.But that is ok as long as there is Mashramani everyday they will be fine.

This fraudelent government as is the trademark of all African countries will not last.Negromotoo will be lost away in Sibley Hall for some trumped up charge,the other nemakahram coolies better watch your backs.This african racist government will be coming for you very soon.

To all those nemakharam coolies .it serve you right that you are now caught in the APNU trap.Dont ever believe that you will come begging forgiveness for voting APNU and hope that you are chase away.Go to Ruimveldt housing scheme.The home owners will welcome you.


East Indians should have jhandi every week to pray that those nemakharams who voted   APNU end up badly.


Everyone will say that it is racist but negroes voted solidly for APNU why why when East Indians vote PPP they are considered racist.I will have none of it East Indians must show solidarity against a african racist government bent of exterminating them.Let the APNU government rule their own kith and kin .Perhaps East Indians will be better off if the country was partitioned.Negroes and the nemakharam coolies on one half and East Indians ,potagee,chinese and amerindians on the other half.Within 20 years the East Indian half will be a thriving commercial sector next to another haiti.











Originally Posted by Cobra:

This had nothing to do with me and everything to do with you lousy coolies and the undemocratic PNC government who abusing people girl children naked and humiliated them. The same way they can come into your home and demand your wife and daughter and rape them. I am sure you would love that.

deep, deep hatred fuh black man! Many of this louse's posts laced with sexual references to the stereotypical, well endowed black man tekking away he wife. I wouldn't be surprised if he is a victim of cuckolding by a black man with a mortar stick and that he loves to watch! That would explain his racism!

Last edited by Former Member

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