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Crime Chief Lyndon Alves, who was sent on administrative leave over corruption allegations, has been cleared of criminal conduct.

This is according to Police Commissioner Leslie James.

“What I can say to you is that the investigation has been completed. And I have obtained a file and in terms of criminal conduct, Mr. Alves has been cleared,” the Top Cop told reporters Friday.

“Internally, administratively there are some other issues that we are dealing with and that is the final position. But criminal conduct, he has been cleared of any criminal conduct,” Commissioner James said.

Asked whether Alves will be returning to his post, the Police Commissioner said: “I did not say that. Did I say that? I said that there are some other administrative issues that we are dealing with and that is going to be dealt with shortly.”

According to reports, Alves was suspended from duties to facilitate the probe into allegations of corruption levelled against him.

Ranks in Berbice blew the whistle on alleged corruption by the Crime Chief and claimed that he was shielding a few junior rogue ranks who have been linked to criminals.

Allegations have stemmed against a Lance Corporal detective in Berbice of being linked to the criminal network in the region.

This was revealed after the rank’s cell phone number was discovered in the phone of now dead criminal Kelvin ‘Kelly’ Shivgobin, who was shot and killed in the back lands of Black Bush Polder during a shootout with the police.

It was alleged that the rank was being protected by Alves, who had previously headed the Berbice division.

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What a fckup country. The OPR is head by Mankanlall, a former CID  who turns Assistance Commissioner at Cove and John Police Station  

London Alves was Makanlall boss. They use to drink and eat fry shark at a certain bar on the East Coast - that’s where most of the case was solved. 

PPP has asked for a independent probe on London, because they knew this would be the outcome.

The Indian police from Berbice, who they believed was the snitch on London  resign from the force a month or so ago. He was Transfer to GT CID office and was given a hard time by his peers. 

Detective Constable Richard Persaud, the Berbice rank who was transferred to the Tactical Services Unit (TSU) after being accused of planting a material suspected to be ganja at a Superbet in East Canje, Berbice last month, has resigned from the Guyana Police Force.

He is now claiming that the force did not give him the opportunity to prove his innocence.

The Indian Police officer was finally clear of wrongdoing after Video proved his innocence.

Video footage clears ex-cop accused of planting suspected ganja


Surveillance footage appears to exonerate former Detective Con-stable Richard Persaud, who was accused of planting suspected ganja on the premises of a Superbet branch at Reliance Village, at East Canje Berbice, last month.

The footage, viewed yesterday by Sunday Stabroek after repeated requests to do so, shows another rank, in uniform, with the suspected item in hand.

Persaud and the uniformed rank are seen arriving together in his car, after which they stopped in front of the premises for a few minutes and then ventured in.

Persaud yesterday said the rain was falling and so they waited for it to subside before walking in.

The footage shows Persaud and the rank walking in and Persaud looking at the side of a hut, located in the front of the yard, then walking to a stairway, from where he said they called for the owners.

The footage then shows Persaud, the uniformed rank and the owners, Maria Pardesi, 62, and Hemraj Pardesi, also known as ‘Prem,’ 65, of Lot 9 Reliance Settlement, East Canje Berbice, heading to the front of the hut.

It clearly shows Persaud remaining with the couple in front of the hut while the uniformed rank walked to the back of the hut and returned with an item in his hand. The footage then shows the uniformed rank talking to the couple, after which he shows the item to Persaud.

The footage from another camera located behind the hut is missing. One of the owners, when questioned, said they were unaware how the footage went missing. It would have established whether the uniformed rank actually found the item or placed it on the premises himself.

Persaud, who last week publicly announced that he quit the Guyana Police Force as he felt no effort was being made to hear his side, had explained that he was not present at the Superbet to conduct a search. Persaud explained that he went to the premises to collect a document in relation to an ongoing investigation. “We had to do a report and send the file for advice, so you had to get registration and everything for the business and that was what I went and collect<’ he said.

He noted that the uniformed rank, who did not have a nametag, asked him for a drop in Canje as he was heading in too. “I go the morning to collect some documents from the man (owner) and another police accompany me there,” he said.

After viewing the footage yesterday, Sunday Stabroek questioned Mr. Pardesi about whether it was indeed the uniformed rank who picked up the ganja. “Yeah he pick it up and give the Persaud,” Pardesi said, before adding that he did not know the other rank and since he was not wearing a nametag he was unable to identify him.

Persaud had also strongly denied that he requested any amount of money from the owners to have the alleged discovery disappear, “The other police who found the items supposed to lodge it and let the analyst say is what,” he had said. “I swear on my daughter life I didn’t put anything,” he added.

Persaud said after the matter was reported to the division’s crime officer, he was subsequently placed under close arrest. He was then put me on open arrest and then was allowed to resume duty, before being transferred to the Tactical Services Unit (TSU), under close arrest once again for the same matter, I spend four days at TSU. However, when they put me on open arrest, I ask them if I can come home because one clothes I had on all this time and they said no and I just left the compound and resigned,” he added. 

The uniformed rank, identified only as “Johnson” and who is stationed at the New Amsterdam Police Station, was never placed under close arrest, transferred or investigated. The reason for this remains unknown, since efforts to contact the Commander of B Division, Paul Langevine, proved futile.

The Guyana Police Force has also not commented on Persaud’s case.

Persaud previously insisted that the CCTV footage would clear his name. He had also stated that he believed he was deliberately frustrated in order to force his resignation.

Persaud had said he believes that a senior police officer, who is presently under investigation himself, was behind of it. He noted that while at TSU he saw the senior officer arriving in his private vehicle.

Before being placed on leave, the senior officer had summoned Persaud and another rank to his office after which he transferred them since he believed that they were the sources behind this publication’s stories about corrupt police practices in Berbice. However, Persaud was not one of the ranks who had spoken out.


There was allegations, that these criminals phone shows they were in contact with police officers who London ( the crime chief ) was protecting because he London was getting a draw back. 

3 bandits shot by Police in Black Bush Polder, 1 confirmed dead






He was wanted for the murder of Harricharran and Premcharran Samaroo, the two brothers who were killed during the course of a robbery at their mother’s home at Bush Lot Corentyne.

Over the past few days armed bandits created havoc in the Black Bush Polder area by robbing and terrorizing farmers.  On last evening a single mother was beaten and robbed while her 11-year-old son was left traumatized.

Details emerging…



Crime Chief sent on administrative leave

Following damning allegations of corruption by several whistleblowers within the Guyana Police Force (GPF), Deputy Commissioner of Police and Crime Chief Lyndon Alves has been sent on administrative leave.

Crime Chief Lyndon Alves

This was confirmed by the acting Top Cop, Nigel Hoppie, on Tuesday.
“Mr Alves has been sent on leave to facilitate an investigation,” Hoppie, who is leading the force in the absence of Police Commissioner Leslie James – who is out of the jurisdiction, told Guyana Times.
According to reports, Alves was suspended from duties on Monday to facilitate the probe into allegations of corruption levelled against him.
Over the past weeks, ranks in Berbice blew the whistle on alleged corruption by the Crime Chief and claimed that he was shielding a few junior rogue ranks who have been linked to criminals.
On Tuesday, Hoppie attended the National Security Council (NSC) meeting, where a detailed report was expected to be presented for the matter to be discussed. The NSC meeting is headed by President David Granger and comprises security officials from the various law enforcement agencies.
However, the acting Police Commissioner would not divulge any other information about the issue.
Moreover, further efforts to get an update following the meeting were futile. In fact, Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan, when contacted on Tuesday evening, told this newspaper that he was busy with some “family issues” before cutting the call. Several attempts to get him later that night were in vain, while calls to the Government’s spokesperson, Joseph Harmon, also went unanswered.
Nevertheless, when contacted earlier on Tuesday, Alves indicated that he does not want to comment on the matter.
Recently, allegations have stemmed against a Lance Corporal detective in Berbice of being linked to the criminal network in the region.
This was revealed after the rank’s cell phone number was discovered in the phone of now dead criminal Kelvin ‘Kelly’ Shivgobin, who was shot and killed recently in the back lands of Black Bush Polder during a shootout with the police.
It was alleged that the rank was being protected by Alves, who had previously headed the Berbice division.
Last week, the GPF disclosed that a probe was launched by the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR).
In August last year, President David Granger, during his search for a new Top Cop, said that he was looking for “unbribable” cops.

On August 29, 2018, President Granger had handpicked five top-ranking officials from the GPF for the top Police post, but former acting Police Commissioner David Ramnarine had been excluded.
They were Assistant Commissioner of Police Lyndon Alves, Maxine Graham, Leslie James, Nigel Hoppie and Paul Williams.

Independent probe
Over the weekend, the Region Six Chairman, David Armogan, had called for an independent probe into the allegations, which he said are causing discomfort among residents and the business community in Berbice.
Furthermore, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) on Monday called out President David Granger for his silence on the matter despite being briefed on it. Saying it is perplexed by the Head of State’s reaction, the Opposition called for a wider probe into the matter.
“The PPP wishes to stress that the reports by whistleblowers, published by the local media corps, provide enough justification for a wider probe to be ordered, particularly since what is at stake is public confidence in the leadership of the Force and a test of the commitment to address the issue of corruption,” the Party noted in its missive on Monday.


Coolie police officers getting harassed by the force while black ones are given clearance from criminal charges with lots of smokescreen being peddled by James. James is the kind of 'honest' person that would appeal to Granger.

Dave posted:

What a fckup country. The OPR is head by Mankanlall, a former CID  who turns Assistance Commissioner at Cove and John Police Station  

London Alves was Makanlall boss. They use to drink and eat fry shark at a certain bar on the East Coast - that’s where most of the case was solved.

I know Mankanlall, long time ago when his bosses was Crandon and Anderson at "D"  Division Region 3 . He was a good CID officer, i guess he changed as time passes.

Baseman posted:

Crime is not runaway in Guyana for no reason.  Law officials are involved. 

Hence their title which began back in the previous PNC government, 'Offissa tek a bribe'.


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