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Former Member

Ok Folks,

Poster TK presented an excellent article on attracting retirees with an influx of foreign currency which can in fact spur the local economy in Guyana. This is the first time in which I agree with him.

He also mentioned the issue of crime in comparison to Belize which currently attracts retirees.

I will share my parents experiences based from a  Berbician's perspective.

They have property in Guyana and would love to retire on part time basis in Guyana, getting away from the cold. But they had to flee back to North America after a week of visiting Guyana.

Guyanese are hospitable and friendly till this day and Indos and Afros get along well until elections then the racial difference disappear after elections are over. 

Their biggest concern was crime and security, after a few incidents of crime nearby, they decided to flee for their safety. The police are not equipped to handle crime and the elderly are easy targets.

Another issue is health care and if you visit or retire in Berbice, then you might as well arrange for your funeral while in Guyana. Berbice lacks any reputable health facility and slightly better care is available in and around Georgetown. 

Combine the crime situation and a lack of health care facilities and you have a disaster awaiting for retirees visiting Guyana.

Remember, it was the AFC/PNC which voted down a speciality hospital. They played politics and destroyed a wonderful opportunity in attracting potential retirees. 

I do not have the answer but Guyana is not ready to deal with an influx of retirees. TK's idea is excellent but the current administration is incapable of implementing a policy of attracting retirees who are like a walking gold mine for Guyana.

And yes, my PPP party failed to address and deal with the issue of crime in Guyana under their watch. 

And yes, the PPP did attempt to build a speciality hospital which the AFC/PNC killed.

Kudos TK. The ball is now in the AFC/PNC/PPP court.




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TK's idea is not original, in fact there were many discussions on this forum about the same subject. In fact many developers invested in Guyana during the PPP's tenure, evident by the many housing schemes by private developers around the country. The apnu/afc now expect us to believe that this is another one of their "original" ideas, when in fact it has already been implemented under the PPP. To the AFC/APNU's credit, they were the ones that drove crime and caused the momentum to lure retirees to fade.


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