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PSC concerned about ‘hype’ in crime

PSC Chairman Norman McLean

PSC Chairman Norman McLean

As crime spirals out of control


– business community terrified




Contrary to declarations touted by the APNU/AFC government and proclamations from the Guyana Police Force (GPF) that crime is under control, the Private Sector Commission (PSC) contends it is spiralling rapidly.

Chairman of the PSC Norman McLean on Friday during a media briefing, stated that the trends in the escalation of crime in the country seem to continue ‘unchecked’.

Despite figures released by the police force, the PSC is gravely concerned about the obvious “hype in crime” and though the Commission was “somewhat reluctant” to pronounce on these developments, it was hoped there would have been major improvements to curtail the situation:

“The PSC is greatly concerned over what we perceive as the hype in crimes and we are left to wonder who is next. Crimes of violence are being conducted with impunity and little regard for life, and no respect and no fear of the police and the consequences of their action. People are living in fear – old and young are being targeted.”

McLean explained that earlier this year the PSC had presented a comprehensive document at the Annual Officer’s Conference but since then to now it has been revised. It is hoped this document will be used as a base for further action.

“We cannot expect it to be adopted wholesale but it should be discussed, debated and considered by the police… How will we get numbers needed to upstream the police to workable numbers? How will the police upgrade their numbers, training and trainers to make an impact on crime?” Mclean questioned.

The PSC chairman, who is also a former Chief of Staff of the disciplined services, further stated that the recent attacks by criminals in the country clearly support the fact that these criminals no longer fear the police or relevant authorities.


Serious crimes

According to McLean, the serious crime rate was reported to be about 10 per cent which is considerably high. When compared against the figure documented last year for the corresponding period, murders have also increased tremendously.

Presently, 65 per cent of all crimes are committed in A Division of the GPF.

“The largest increase in serious crimes has been in the cases of rape which reportedly had an increase of 65 per cent which amounts to 271 persons versus 164. I can continue with this mass of detail but suffice to say that besides rape, a major issue is suicide and this requires a detailed study to establish why young people wish to kill themselves. It is a phenomenon which has to be addressed,” he emphatically stated.


“Prevention” rather

than “cure”

Mclean acknowledged that the GPF has had some outstanding successes in ‘detection’ and as such they should be commended for jobs well done in this regard.

He noted, however, that people are still fearful for their lives and would wish to see ‘prevention rather than cure’.

“We wish to see greater proactive performance and preventive efforts to build confidence in the police and less fear of crime. The PSC wishes to see improvements and results which will lead to a feeling of safety under the umbrella of the police and so have less fear of crime,” the PSC Chairman also noted.

It must be noted the PSC is also recommending that Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan reactivate the ‘Law and Order Commission’ on which many members of the then Opposition including the late Debbie Backer and former Commissioner of Police Winston Felix (presently a government minister) made sterling contributions.

Meanwhile, McLean underscored the role of the PSC, which plays a vital role in the growth and stability of Guyana.

“We have been denied access to the Integrated Crime Information System (ICIS) data and therefore cannot really help the police on this analytical tool – where is the transparency that was so widely touted? That was available at least through the Law and Order Commission. This is not a secret as our people are being beaten, robbed and killed,” he posited.

According to McLean, the PSC has helped the police force in the past by providing cycles, motorcycles, equipment, etc and will continue to do so.

“After all there can be no development in our country without security… Let us help our police and not bury our heads in the sand.”(


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“We have been denied access to the Integrated Crime Information System (ICIS) data and therefore cannot really help the police on this analytical tool – where is the transparency that was so widely touted? That was available at least through the Law and Order Commission. This is not a secret as our people are being beaten, robbed and killed,” he posited.


Yuji just like all them

Funny Fellas who now left in the PPP...


Dem all Blowing Hot & Cold....

Front-side & Back-side...

Coke-in-De-Poke & Coke-in-De-BT....

Anil say all ah dem is Chat-3.....


Look who is their Expert Spokesman

on Crime Fighting & Ballot Box.....

Norman McClean......

dem cant do better...



Look who is their Expert Spokesman

on Kick-down-door & Thuggery.....

Lamumba De House of Israel Thug......

dem cant do better...


Look who is their Expert Spokesman

on Sexual Harassment & Indecency.....

Kwame McCoy who use Office of the President Phone

to Promote Buggering......dem cant do better...


Look who is their Expert Spokesperson

on Narco Traficing, Money Laundering,

Gold & Gun Smuggling.....

Gail Taxiera who admit to the US Govt

she shame PPP heavily Involved in Everything Illegal......

dem cant do better...


Look who is their Expert Spokesman

on Democracy & Corruption.....

Bharat Jagdeo who Hijack the PPP Leadership

& Been thiefing Left, Right & Center......

dem cant do better...


What about this?


Norman Mclean

the govt spy forced out

Guyana Gold &

Diamond Miners Association

background: double agent mclean is on the Land Use Committee [a front organisation set up by dictator bharrat jagdeo to regulate small miners and loggers out of business in his continued quest to get money from the kingdom of norway. mclean the willing spy took 40 pieces of silver to undermine the miners group and was against the shutting down of Bartica as called for by the miners.

norman mclean
the exposed double agent


President of the Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association Norman McLean tendered his resignation yesterday, after members of the body expressed “no confidence” in his leadership.

[i.e they told him to pack his shit and get out]


A highly-placed source at the GGDMA said that McLean tendered his resignation and it was accepted. McLean, charged the source, was “not entirely on the miners’ side.”


There was “leakage,” the source said, “everything discussed at the association got back to the President [Bharrat Jagdeo] within a few hours.”

Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC/PNC cockroach government can talk shyte all day long. They can't prove shyte.


Talk is cheap.


Yuji just like all them

Funny Fellas who now left in the PPP...


Dem all Blowing Hot & Cold....

Front-side & Back-side...

Coke-in-De-Poke & Coke-in-De-BT....

Anil say all ah dem is Chat-3.....


Look who is their Expert Spokesman

on Crime Fighting & Ballot Box.....

Norman McClean......

dem cant do better...



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