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Crime, racial division among biggest problems in Guyana

The North American Caribbean Teachers Association (NACTA) opinion survey on current issues in Guyana revealed that most persons are gravely concerned about the crime rate and racial division while some fear the government.
The findings of the poll, conducted by Dr Vishnu Bisram, was based on random interviews with 1200 individuals of which 43 per cent were Indians, 30 per cent Africans, 17 per cent mixed, 9 per cent Amerindians and 1 per cent others.
Asked what is the biggest problem facing the country, people identified: crime, stagnant economy (money not circulating), racial division and discrimination, political victimisation, fear of the government, rising unemployment, suicide, farming (low prices for rice), SOCU raids on businesspersons, corruption, among others.

Dr Vishnu Bisram

Dr Vishnu Bisram

In fact, almost everyone complained about the stagnant economy; however they disagree on the attributing factors, with government supporters claiming that government is not responsible for the economic slowdown.
More particularly, 39 per cent rated crime as the biggest issue impacting the nation, followed by racial and political victimisation (19 per cent), the economy (14 per cent) unemployment (10 per cent), and fear of the government (5 per cent), among others.
Queried whether they agree with the government’s statement that the rice industry is not government’s business, 65 per cent said “no”, 17 per cent said “yes” and the rest “not sure”.
Asked if they think the state media has been giving balanced coverage (to government and opposition) since the change in government, 37 per cent said “yes”, 46 per cent said “no”, and 17 per cent “not sure”.  However, many (including some who said the state media is not fair) feel the state media is less abusive than under the previous government.
Some 53 per cent feel the state media is less abusive now than before the change in government with 31 per cent saying it is “more abusive” than the previous regime.
On perceived corruption contrasted with the previous government, 39 per cent feel this government is more corrupt with 42 per cent saying it is less corrupt than its predecessor. Some 19 per cent feel the level of corruption is about the same or did not offer an opinion.
Overall, almost everyone feel the government does not care about the welfare of the people or the country.
Queried on whether they feel the composition of the government reflects the country’s ethnic diversity, 34 per cent said “yes”, 51 per cent said “no” and 15 per cent “not sure”.
Asked if the Speaker of Parliament Dr Barton Scotland, has been fair and unbiased in presiding over the House, 33 per cent answered “yes” with 53 per cent saying “no” and 14 per cent “not sure”.
While voters feel Scotland is academically qualified to hold the position of Speaker, his management of debates and voting in the House cause people to question his suitability for the position.
Many feel the Speaker should resign or be replaced by someone who is politically “neutral”. Notably, the sample was analysed at a 95 per cent confidence level with a margin of error of 3 per cent for the findings.

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This man should not use Kaieteur News for his hidden agenda

March 13, 2016 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
This is my final reply to Mr. Vishnu Bisram. I point to his letter; “Nothing wrong when people write on race” in the Kaieteur News of March 4. I was hesitant when I wrote my first letter ever to the press. I was hesitant because I knew from reading Mr. Bisram’s letters over the long years, his reply would not be kind and well-mannered. You can tell a person by the things they write on. Mr. Bisram is an unapologetic racist and you can tell by his reply to me. He simply wrote to say he saw nothing wrong about writing on race all the time and made the shocking statement that everything in Guyana is about race. I have a lot of respect for Mr. Harris, the editor but how could he have read that danger and allowed it to be published?

Everything in Guyana is not about race. All Guyanese are concerned about crime which affects every race. All Guyanese are concerned about terrible use of the roadways. Accidents claim the lives of all race groups. All Guyanese are concerned about suicide. All Guyanese are concerned about Venezuela’s aggression. I repeat what I complained about in my first letter. Your newspaper must have guidelines and one of it should be rejection of racial incitement. You are allowing Mr. Bisram too much space to preach the worst kind of race politics. I am at a loss to understand how Mr. Harris allows Bisram to do this. What Mr. Bisram writes will never see the light of day in any West Indian newspaper here in New York.  Mr. Bisram is using the Kaieteur News for his own agenda.

I have long moved from Guyana as I stated in my very first letter that was ever written to a newspaper. I believe the race problem will have to go away if Guyana is to develop. Guyana’s main problem is race. We have to start seeing Guyana as a country for Guyanese. Mr. Bisram will not contribute to that. If you read all his letters, they are all about the greatness of Guyanese Indians and the sins of Black Guyanese.  I will make sure this is my last reply to Mr. Bisram. I wish my country well but I will fear for it if the race divisions keep going on. Your paper, Mr. Harris should not allow Mr. Bisram to continue using it for an agenda that has no good in it
Rajendranauth R. Singh   

baseman posted:
caribny posted:

I bet you this clown will pretend as if racism only began on May 11, 2015.

No, it began with the arrival of Indians on the shores of Guyana way back in the 1800's.  Remember, they robbed your ancestors of their [god-given] bargaining power!!

Indentures (not just Indians) were used to under mine the efforts of the ex slaves to improve their working conditions.

The big joke was when the planters, used the now dispossessed former slaves as scabs to under mine the efforts of the Indians to improve their working conditions.

The point was that the planters did what your Trump does today. Engage in plots to have groups of poor fighting each other, instead of confronting the system which oppresses them.


Mr. Bisram is just doing what governments and universities do all the time in Western democracies to lift people's consciousness about the realities that exists. What is so racist about that? What makes a man like Adam Harris respected who was editor of the notorious New Nation?????

Billy Ram Balgobin
Django posted:

This man should not use Kaieteur News for his hidden agenda

March 13, 2016 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,

. Mr. Bisram will not contribute to that. If you read all his letters, they are all about the greatness of Guyanese Indians and the sins of Black Guyanese. Rajendranauth R. Singh   

Oh so we have finally discovered that Baseman is Vish Bisram!

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Mr. Bisram is just doing what governments and universities do all the time in Western democracies to lift people's consciousness about the realities that exists. What is so racist about that? What makes a man like Adam Harris respected who was editor of the notorious New Nation?????

I understand why you don't think that Bisram is a racist, given that you peddle the same "bad black man, good Indian" rant that he does!

caribny posted:
baseman posted:
caribny posted:

I bet you this clown will pretend as if racism only began on May 11, 2015.

No, it began with the arrival of Indians on the shores of Guyana way back in the 1800's.  Remember, they robbed your ancestors of their [god-given] bargaining power!!

Indentures (not just Indians) were used to under mine the efforts of the ex slaves to improve their working conditions.

The big joke was when the planters, used the now dispossessed former slaves as scabs to under mine the efforts of the Indians to improve their working conditions.

The point was that the planters did what your Trump does today. Engage in plots to have groups of poor fighting each other, instead of confronting the system which oppresses them.

The Colonials knew how to conquer,then came the politicians who mastered the art.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Mr. Bisram is just doing what governments and universities do all the time in Western democracies to lift people's consciousness about the realities that exists. What is so racist about that? What makes a man like Adam Harris respected who was editor of the notorious New Nation?????

Oii Billy uncle Adam is a changed man. i recalled his writings at the New Nation.

baseman posted:

Thank you for confirming your sentiments!  Indians are the vast majority of "Indentures", and the only single class that are deemed as political rivals!  The Chinee, Putagee, etc don't matter in this cock fight!

So, "racism" began with their arrival and you confirmed was started by the Blacks!!

This is a Historical FACT.  In 1842 the ex slaves SUCCESSFULLY waged a strike.  The planters decided that never again would they be dependent on these ex slaves as their sole source of labor, so began to accelerate indenture.  As a a result the 1848 strike failed.

But the planters didn't end there. They wanted to ensure that the free villages failed, so that these former slaves would never be fully independent of the plantation.

So when Indians began to fight for better working conditions, the descendants of these same folks who were driven out by the use of indentures, were used as SCABS against the indentures.

BTW I set a trap for you and you fell right in.  In 1848 the Indians were NOT the bulk of the indentures.  In fact there were many BLACK indentures at the time, as well as Chinese, and Portuguese, plus Bajan workers.

FACT.  When black scabs and Bajan workers were used to undermine the Indian indentures, the latter engaged in violent acts against them.  They felt that employment in sugar was their RIGHT, even though the majority were NOT born in Guyana at the time!

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:
caribny posted:

I bet you this clown will pretend as if racism only began on May 11, 2015.

No, it began with the arrival of Indians on the shores of Guyana way back in the 1800's.  Remember, they robbed your ancestors of their [god-given] bargaining power!!

Indentures (not just Indians) were used to under mine the efforts of the ex slaves to improve their working conditions.

Thank you for confirming your sentiments!  Indians are the vast majority of "Indentures", and the only single class that are deemed as political rivals!  The Chinee, Putagee, etc don't matter in this cock fight!

So, "racism" began with their arrival and you confirmed was started by the Blacks!!

Base that's an age old story or forefathers on both side of the fence distrust each other and it's still alive today.

Last edited by Django
baseman posted:

No, it confirms that Blacks initiated and perpetrated the endemic racism we see in Guyana today and over the decades!!

So baseman was it Indian racism when Indian indentures (by then the Chinese and Portuguese had left the cane fields) attacked blacks at certain estates, as they objected to their use as scabs?


Django posted:

Base that's an age old story or forefathers on both side of the fence distrust each other and it's still alive today.

Base will say that you are racist.


Any comment which suggests an Indian role in racism, even when accompanied by an admittance that others (blacks, colored, Portuguese, and of course whites) also engaged in racism and colorism is racist.

You see Indians are angels. The rest of us are the devils.

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:
caribny posted:

I bet you this clown will pretend as if racism only began on May 11, 2015.

No, it began with the arrival of Indians on the shores of Guyana way back in the 1800's.  Remember, they robbed your ancestors of their [god-given] bargaining power!!

Indentures (not just Indians) were used to under mine the efforts of the ex slaves to improve their working conditions.

Thank you for confirming your sentiments!  Indians are the vast majority of "Indentures", and the only single class that are deemed as political rivals!  The Chinee, Putagee, etc don't matter in this cock fight!

So, "racism" began with their arrival and you confirmed was started by the Blacks!!

That fella have no idea where the indentures were living. He thinks, they were in black villages getting up foreday morning and walked to the cane fields.

The indentures were kept at segregated compounds and not allowed to travel. Unlike the Blacks who had permits to travel from plantations to plantations. 

In the interests of the Buccra man in maximizing his profits, the indentures had nothing to do in denying Blacks their job. If the wanted the jobs, they should have told Wilberforce to stop insisting on dey freedom.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

What would Caribj say or do if Indian criminals invade the homes of Black families like what African criminals do to mostly non-African families?????


I would ask you why you say NOTHING about Indos killing other Indos.

Crime is committed by all groups.  Many suffer. Did you comment on those two Indians who killed that security guard.

Had 2 blacks killed an Indo security guard, you would be screaming and blaming the ENTIRE black race!

caribny posted:
baseman posted:

Thank you for confirming your sentiments!  Indians are the vast majority of "Indentures", and the only single class that are deemed as political rivals!  The Chinee, Putagee, etc don't matter in this cock fight!

So, "racism" began with their arrival and you confirmed was started by the Blacks!!

This is a Historical FACT.  In 1842 the ex slaves SUCCESSFULLY waged a strike.  The planters decided that never again would they be dependent on these ex slaves as their sole source of labor, so began to accelerate indenture.  As a a result the 1848 strike failed.

But the planters didn't end there. They wanted to ensure that the free villages failed, so that these former slaves would never be fully independent of the plantation.

So when Indians began to fight for better working conditions, the descendants of these same folks who were driven out by the use of indentures, were used as SCABS against the indentures.

BTW I set a trap for you and you fell right in.  In 1848 the Indians were NOT the bulk of the indentures.  In fact there were many BLACK indentures at the time, as well as Chinese, and Portuguese, plus Bajan workers.

FACT.  When black scabs and Bajan workers were used to undermine the Indian indentures, the latter engaged in violent acts against them.  They felt that employment in sugar was their RIGHT, even though the majority were NOT born in Guyana at the time!

YUh razz can fabricate strife. The 1838 group, about half of dem died on the plantations. And the Indian government discontinued Indian Indentureship for about 7 years after recieving the devastating news from the colony. Many of the living was maimed. The Blacks keep demanding more and more from the planters. Dem razz went back to wuk and forced many plantations into recievership. Finally the white man gat Britain to petition the Indian government for indenturers to come again wid better guarantees.

Yuh razz like dat putagee Veira who hates cooolies and fab lies on dem.

Trump will round yuh up. Yuh bettah stop lying on hard wuking ppl. 

seignet posted:

The indentures were kept at segregated compounds and not allowed to travel. Unlike the Blacks who had permits to travel from plantations to plantations. 

In the interests of the Buccra man in maximizing his profits, the indentures had nothing to do in denying Blacks their job. If the wanted the jobs, they should have told Wilberforce to stop insisting on dey freedom.

1.  The Buccra man wanted ti maximize his profits. The same man objected to "natives" engaging in activities to prevent this. So when former slaves fought for higher pay. buccra was upset.

2. Buccra decided to diversify his pool of labor, so brought in indentures.  The latter, scared of being severely punished (as there were laws against them being "indolent") REFUSED to join the former slaves, the latter then forced out sugar.

3.  Buccra then sought to destroy the efforts of the black villagers by TAXING them (to import indentures), by FLOODING them out, by allowing the import of cheap (untaxed) imports, and by introducing new laws to prevent land purchases on a joint bases. So the villages began to fail and these workers were forced back to sugar.

4.  Buccra became highly enraged when the other set of "natives" by then the mainly Indo indentures, from the 1880s also began to rebel. He brought in the now starving black villagers. On some estates the Indo indentures attacked the black scabs.

What is interesting is the black resentment to the Indian scab is portrayed by you as racism. But when the Indian resented the black scab (and in some places even ATTACKED them) that isn't.

As usual "bad black man, good Indo", when BOTH were used by buccra to maximize buccra profits!

But thanks for your IGNORANT interpretation of Guyanese history, as taught to you by Cheddi, who had the intent of painting both the white colonials, and the blacks, as victimizers of Indians.

seignet posted:

The Blacks keep demanding more and more from the planters. Dem razz went back to wuk and forced many plantations into recievership. Finally the white man gat Britain to petition the Indian government for indenturers to come again wid better guarantees.

Yuh razz like dat putagee Veira who hates cooolies and fab lies on dem.

Trump will round yuh up. Yuh bettah stop lying on hard wuking ppl. 

And when the Indians from the 1880s began to protest bad working conditions, I guess they were correct, as only blacks must wallow in poverty.

As usual your love for white people leads you to "forget" that buccra wasn't nice and the Indians had to rebel against them too!

But you will scream its a lie and "Indos were white man pets". who always did as they were told, even took their punishment in silence!

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:

Put it this way, we don't dwell too much in the past.  Furthermore, the buccra man is history.  We are dealing with the hate and racism against Indians today, and it comes from the likes of you!!

Hmmm.It was YOU and your Indo racist crony, seignet, who opened this door, and now you see how nasty the room is, you want to shut it back.

Yes you did so in a vain attempt to peddle the "black man bad because he fight against de white man" and "Indo good because he was an obedient pet". 

baseman posted:

And White people are a great people.  That time was different!!

Yes when they treated Indo indentures like semi slaves, only different because their humanity as acknowledged so they weren't treated as farm animals as the black slaves were.

A truly great people!

Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Mr. Bisram is just doing what governments and universities do all the time in Western democracies to lift people's consciousness about the realities that exists. What is so racist about that? What makes a man like Adam Harris respected who was editor of the notorious New Nation?????

Oii Billy uncle Adam is a changed man. i recalled his writings at the New Nation.

With all the crap he is writing and his biased views in favor of APNU how can he be a changed man?

Billy Ram Balgobin
baseman posted:

Hey Caribj, do you know how White people use to treat dem mattie [poor]

Yes, and yet you worship them?  Why? 

In fact they still do.  Look at how Trump has gotten them all worked over non white people like you, while h invests overseas, and imports non immigrant workers, including several of his wives.

I mean shouldn't he be given some white trailer park resident an opportunity to become his wife?

caribny posted:
seignet posted:

The indentures were kept at segregated compounds and not allowed to travel. Unlike the Blacks who had permits to travel from plantations to plantations. 

In the interests of the Buccra man in maximizing his profits, the indentures had nothing to do in denying Blacks their job. If the wanted the jobs, they should have told Wilberforce to stop insisting on dey freedom.

1.  The Buccra man wanted ti maximize his profits. The same man objected to "natives" engaging in activities to prevent this. So when former slaves fought for higher pay. buccra was upset.

2. Buccra decided to diversify his pool of labor, so brought in indentures.  The latter, scared of being severely punished (as there were laws against them being "indolent") REFUSED to join the former slaves, the latter then forced out sugar.

3.  Buccra then sought to destroy the efforts of the black villagers by TAXING them (to import indentures), by FLOODING them out, by allowing the import of cheap (untaxed) imports, and by introducing new laws to prevent land purchases on a joint bases. So the villages began to fail and these workers were forced back to sugar.

4.  Buccra became highly enraged when the other set of "natives" by then the mainly Indo indentures, from the 1880s also began to rebel. He brought in the now starving black villagers. On some estates the Indo indentures attacked the black scabs.

What is interesting is the black resentment to the Indian scab is portrayed by you as racism. But when the Indian resented the black scab (and in some places even ATTACKED them) that isn't.

As usual "bad black man, good Indo", when BOTH were used by buccra to maximize buccra profits!

But thanks for your IGNORANT interpretation of Guyanese history, as taught to you by Cheddi, who had the intent of painting both the white colonials, and the blacks, as victimizers of Indians.

Another set of bull. Yuh moh bad than Trump. It is a common practice to tax properties. Din Black people own properties in 1834? Yuh think that was a scheme by the Colonial governor. Back in Africa they taxed to poor native and they din have any property. In Indian, they taxed the peasants for their own lands. Wah mek yuh tink BG would be treated any different?

baseman posted:
caribny posted:
baseman posted:

Hey Caribj, do you know how White people use to treat dem mattie [poor]

, and imports non immigrant workers, including several of his wives.


Are you saying his wives are/were non-immigrant workers?  Is wha get into you!!

At least one of his wives was a non immigrant when they met.

Poor Trumpee females.  I guess they are too old and fat so Trump don't want them.

Why does Trump hate white American women?

seignet posted:

Another set of bull. Yuh moh bad than Trump. It is a common practice to tax properties. Din Black people own properties in 1834? Yuh think that was a scheme by the Colonial governor. Back in Africa they taxed to poor native and they din have any property. In Indian, they taxed the peasants for their own lands. Wah mek yuh tink BG would be treated any different?

Seignet clearly you have knowledge of anything, apart from your misguided belief that the white man is the master race.

Black slaves in Guyana did NOT own property, unlike some islands like Jamaica, where they were allowed to.  So in 1834 blacks owned NOTHING.

The first village that was purchased was in 1839. By the way MY ancestors were involved with that purchase, in addition to BV and Buxton. 

Slavery ended in 1838, after a 4 year transition, where slaves were forced to work for their master.

The rest of your rant about Africa is nonsense.  The British didn't gain access to West Africa until the late 19th century, so taxing them would have been impossible until then.  What the British did in Kenya and South Africa is irrelevant to Guyana as NONE of our ancestors came from those regions.

The British did over tax the Indians in India, and the resulting poverty was a major reason why so many were forced to leave to find work as indentures.

Your racist hatred for blacks pours out of your mouth, as you try to make whites look like these very generous people, with blacks being ungrateful and lawless.

FACT.  The planter class taxed the blacks to destroy their economic base.  For you to claim otherwise is nonsense.  The white plantocracy did NOT an independent and prosperous black peasant and business class to succeed, and they were successful in their goals. 

It is indeed ironic that the FIRST occupations that the FIRST occupations which blacks entered was farming and small business ownership. Their under representation in these fields by the 20th C is due to the actions of the planters.

So run around and scream "black man lazy". The sure sign of your racism is the fact that you don't understand how often you use the SAME stereotypes that the KKK uses, and then you become angry (and complain to Amral) when I called you are your bunch the Indo KKK

Last edited by Former Member

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