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Guns, ammo found in East Coast Tint shop

Two men are now in police custody following the discovery of several rounds of ammunition and a firearm at a tint shop at Nonpareil, East Coast Demerara on Thursday.

According to information, police ranks went to the shop and conducted a search where 14 rounds of .32 ammunition and three rounds of .38 ammunition along with a .9mm pistol were found.

Guyana Times understands the ammunition and gun were found hidden in the shop. Two men in the shop at the time were taken into police custody and are assisting with investigations.

Over the past several weeks, several various calibre ammunition and guns were unearthed in police operations.

The police have stated they will continue to conduct searches with the aim of getting rid of illegal guns and ammunition.


Some success by police but as usual after the crime is committed.


Two suspects held for robbery at former Crime Chief’s home


Two days following the brazen home invasion and robbery of former Crime Chief, Assistant Commissioner Leslie James and his family; two suspects have been detained.

Former Crime Chief, Asst. Commissioner Leslie James

Former Crime Chief, Asst. Commissioner Leslie James

Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum confirmed this development and informed that the men were detained on Tuesday evening after they were turned in to police by family members.
The robbery was committed on James and his family in the wee hours of Sunday last, when three men broke into their 453 Hendy Street, Block X, Liliendaal home. The three men suspected of carrying out the attack carted off almost $400,000 worth of jewellery – including two wedding bands and an engagement ring – belonging to James and his wife Jacqueline.
James and his family, including his son and daughter, retired to bed just about midnight on Saturday and were awakened three hours later by noise emanating from the bottom flat of the house.
Upon investigating, James discovered that three men were in his home, one of whom was armed and heading up his staircase. However, given his training, James encouraged his family to remain calm and advised the men to take what they wanted and leave.
The men, whom he said obviously did not intend to harm anyone, relieved himself and his wife of a total of four rings. Shattering a window to affect an escape they also picked up a stereo set, which they dropped on the roadway after one belatedly, announced that it was the β€œcrime chief’s home” that they had robbed.


Third man remanded for America St. robbery


Another man was yesterday charged for allegedly ambushing and robbing two America Street money-changers earlier this month.
Calvin Johnson, 34, of Lot 154 East Ruimveldt Housing Scheme, Georgetown, is accused of robbing Rayburn Fraser and Osafo Ward at gunpoint on November 3, at America Street, Georgetown.

Calvin Johnson

Calvin Johnson

It is alleged that Johnson robbed Fraser of $520,000, US$3000, TT$2,000 and SRD$2000 – all totaling $1.6M and Bourne of $400,000 and US$7 00.
The defendant, who had no legal representation, was remanded to prison until December 1.
Police Prosecutor, Corporal Kerry Bostwick told the court that on the day in question, around 19:30hrs, the defendant along with several other men robbed the money- changers, who ply their trade along America Street. He said that the men arrived at the location on motorcycles.
Bostwick related that Johnson admitted to being in the company of Troy Abrams and Anthony Primo, who were charged on November 9, with the robberies. Primo is no stranger to the courts. He was charged before for several serious offences including drug possession, firearm and ammunition possession and armed robbery.
Abrams and Primo are scheduled to make their next court appearance on December 11.
According to the prosecutor, Johnson was placed on an identification parade and was positively identified by the victims. On this note, Bostwick objected to him being granted pre-trial liberty, on the ground that a gun was used during the course of the robbery.
However, Johnson denied he admitted being in company of the men. He told the court that he heard that he was wanted in connection with the robbery and turned himself into the police.
Four witnesses are slated to testify when the matter goes to trial.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This thread exposes the high level of crime in Guyana. Ramjattan should be ashamed of himself in making Guyana the crime capital of the world.

When you examine the age group of these criminals, they are the product of the PPP/C regime. More crimes are being solved now than we saw under the PPP/C.

Stop making excuses.


Ramjattan used to open his loud mouth while in opposition. He is now a dunce and clueless like the other monkeys (Ravanas) in the AFC/PNC Katahar administration.


Guyana is now the crime capital in the world under Ramjattan's watch. 


Rohee now looks like a Rose compared to a clueless Ramjattan in fighting crime.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Some success by police but as usual after the crime is committed.


Two suspects held for robbery at former Crime Chief’s home






Crime prevention is a better solution. To date we have seen no preemptive assaults on the criminals who are mostly afc/apnu supporters. The police/govt don't want to take away bread from their supporters mouth. Meanwhile the Indians pay the price.

Prove that the criminals are afc/apnu supporters.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Some success by police but as usual after the crime is committed.


Two suspects held for robbery at former Crime Chief’s home






Crime prevention is a better solution. To date we have seen no preemptive assaults on the criminals who are mostly afc/apnu supporters. The police/govt don't want to take away bread from their supporters mouth. Meanwhile the Indians pay the price.

Prove that the criminals are afc/apnu supporters.

Lets try to analyze this through the process of elimination.

  1. Granger has sympathy for criminals.
  2. Most of the criminals are described as Blacks in the news article
  3. 99.99 % of Blacks support the APNU in the tradition of voting along racial lines.
  4. The Indians who are criminals too are more apt to support the AFC/APNU due to their forgiving nature towards criminals.
  5. Agricola is a hot bed of crime
  6. Agricola is vastly a APNU/AFC stronghold.
  7. So is Buxton which is a refuge for criminals
  8. So is Linden which is another refuge for criminals

The beat goes on as empty promises by the afc/apnu remain unfulfilled. The incompetent government fill their pockets with taxpayers dollars as the citizens are subject to execution, murder and robbery.


Bus driver shot in face in execution attempt

Devon Searles

Devon Searles

Up to late last night doctors at the Georgetown Hospital were battling to save the life of a mini bus driver who was shot at point blank range in the face by a lone gunman in what appears to be an execution attempt.
Devon Searles of 73 Hadfield Street received a single gunshot to his left side jaw when the gunman who was sitting behind him in the route 40 mini bus he was driving pointed a .38 revolver at his head and pulled the trigger.
Clutching his jaw, Searles hurriedly exited the bus and ran several meters away to avoid being shot again.
The bus had stopped near the David and Sherriff Street junction to put off a passenger when the gunman made his move around 18:40 hours.
The gunman made no attempt to shoot or rob the conductor of the bus although he was sitting next to him and pointed the gun in his direction after shooting the driver.
With the gun pointing to his head, the conductor bolted from the vehicle, leaving behind eight horrified passengers and some shocked onlookers.
Speaking to this newspaper, the bus conductor, who did not wish to give his name, recalled that the gunman had joined the bus from the Kitty bus park at the Stabroek Market.
According to the conductor, the man sat next to him and rode the bus for the entire round trip from the market to Kitty and back, without he nor the driver thinking anything was amiss.
β€œI turn and ask he β€˜whappen, you ain’t paying me?’ He give me $120 and say he going up back again,” the conductor said.
Even then, Searles nor his conductor suspected anything, since none of them recognized the gunman.
When the bus neared the stop light at the David and Sherriff Street corner, a passenger requested to be let off.
β€œWhen I buss de door and de passengers come out now, all I hear is, pow! When I turn now, I see de gun in front ah me face and I run,” the bus conductor said.
By the time, the wounded Searles also ran out of the bus.
β€œWhen I run around at de back of de bus, I see de driver jump out same time, me and he cross-cross. But me ain’t know whey he run,” the conductor said.
At the time he was not too sure who the gunman’s target was, since out of fear for his life he bolted and did not look back.
β€œWhile he running I see he (driver) holding he jaw and I suspect that he get knock. Is when I come back to de bus now and I call I hear he deh at de hospital bleeding bad.”
He could not say if the driver and the assailant had any previous altercation, since according to him, he only started working with Searles yesterday afternoon.
It is not clear if the shooting had anything to do with Searles’ previous brush with the law. The 32 year old Searles was charged in December 2013 for his alleged involved in the theft of two cars the previous month.
Back then, it was alleged that on November 15 at Lusignan, East Coast Demerara, he robbed Sanjay Babulall of two motorcars, an Allion and a Primo, together valued $6.3 million, property of Robena Khan.
The Police prosecutor had told the court that on the day in question, two men robbed Babulall of two motorcars at Selena’s Auto sales at Lusignan and during the robbery they made use of personal violence against the victim.
The prosecutor stated that the Allion was recovered at Lusignan, and acting on information received, the police arrested Searles, who admitted to taking the Primo to a mechanic.
However, Searles’ attorney told the court that at the time of the robbery, her client was working on a minibus and had eyewitnesses to prove such.
Searles was remanded to prison but was subsequently granted bail.
It is not clear what was the outcome of that matter which was being heard at the Vigilance Magistrate’s Court.



afc/apnu supporters continue to follow their masters lead by filling their pockets at the expense of the commons citizens, preferably Indian victims.


Armed bandits rob Bakewell employee

Injured Andrea Sukhwa

Injured Andrea Sukhwa

– finger severed during attack


Police are searching for two armed bandits who pounced on Andre Sukhwa, a supervisor attached to Bakewell at Palmyra Village, Corentyne, Berbice, which also left him with a missing finger.

According to reports, bandits on Saturday evening attacked and robbed Sukhwa, who had just minutes before returned to the company’s bond. The incident took place sometime around 18:30h.

According to Sukhwa, he was preparing to enter his car when two armed bandits attacked him. He explained he was at the door when the men approached and chopped him several places about his body. He was also relieved of some $80,000.

β€œWhen I turn around I see these two men right up to me, one had a gun and one had a cutlass. The one start to fire chops and the next one say he gon shoot.”

Sukhwa, recounting the ordeal, said several chops were fired in his direction, the first one connecting to his right hand.

β€œAnd he continuing firing and I put up my hand to bar the chops because is my head he start aiming for and he catch me on this hand.”

The supervisor received two chops to his left hand, one leaving a finger hanging by the skin and the other to the back of his wrist.

Sukhwa explained that while he was defending himself against the cutlass-wielding bandit, the other one went into the car and searched.

β€œHe searched till he find the wallet with $80,000 which was personal money and they take it.”

Sukhwa said the bandits entered from the gate, which was opened at the time and walked past the guard. He later managed to alert a fellow employee, who took him to the New Amsterdam Hospital.

Meanwhile the security guard who was on duty at the time told Guyana Times he had opened the gate for Sukhwa to drive out. According to him the men approached the gate and made their way straight to the supervisor.

β€œI couldn’t do anything when they start chopping… I start hollering but no neighbours aint come out.”

The Bakewell Palmyra bond has no telephones and the guard has no cellular phone.

The company built and moved to that location about a month ago after being at a rented location in the same community for several years.

Police are investigating the incident.


The afc/apnu supporters continue to thrive in their profession of robbing and murdering as we see success even in the interior.


Fuel truck hijacked on Mabura Road

By Devina Samaroo

In excess of $4 million worth of fuel is now missing and two persons are injured following the hijacking of a fuel truck along the Mabura Road, Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice) in the wee hours of Saturday morning.

Motor lorry GSS 1819 was transporting fuel en route to Mahdia from Georgetown when the incident occurred.

Guyana Times was told that two persons travelling in a motor vehicle drove up alongside the moving truck and informed the truck driver that a spare wheel had fallen off the tray.

The truck driver stopped the lorry and upon investigation, noticed that indeed the spare wheel was missing. The two persons offered to lead the truck driver to the location where the wheel had fallen off and the two vehicles began to proceed along Mabura road.

Some 15 miles later, the two vehicles came to a halt and the men exited their vehicles to look for the wheel.

It was at that moment six armed men joined the other two persons and attacked the truck driver and porter. According to information, the men were stripped of their clothing and received several blows about their bodies, resulting in minor injuries.  After incapacitating the men, the attackers then reportedly fled the scene in the motor lorry and the other motor vehicle.

This newspaper understands that the injured men waited on the deserted road until another truck came by and hitched a ride to the Linden Police Station.

Contacted for a comment on the matter, Divisional Commander Calvin Brutus told this publication that upon receiving the report around 10:00h on Saturday, three teams were immediately dispatched to nearby areas in search of the missing truck. He disclosed that the teams covered Mabura, Omai, the Amaila Falls road, and other areas, but the truck was nowhere to be found. Nonetheless, he noted that the teams would be dispatched again to comb other areas in search of the truck.
Prompted for further details, Commander Brutus stated that Police Officers were receiving conflicting reports from the driver and the porter.

Meanwhile, Guyana Times contacted the owner of the truck, Deodat Dhanraj of First Street, Bartica, Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni), who expressed great worry over what transpired.

He noted that only last month, a similar incident took place when a Brazilian miner had his truck hijacked in a similar manner along a different β€œbush trail”.

Although information reaching him was also sketchy, Dhanraj stressed that he did not believe his workers conspired to have the truck hijacked.

When questioned further, Dhanraj said he believed that one of the attackers sabotaged the truck so the spare wheel would fall off.

β€œThe drive is so slow that somebody could have hopped onto the truck and then they could cut the rope…somebody could climb on the truck whilst the truck was driving,” he stated, noting that it could have been a part of a plot to lure his workers into the ambush.

Investigations into the matter are currently ongoing. (


This govt has been soft on domestic issues. Now a woman lost her life due to this chronic neglect by the afc/apnu to crack down on crimes of passion.


Jilted man kills lover…dumps body out of his car


A mother of four died at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) hours after she was stabbed by her jilted lover who then kicked her out of his car on Carmichael Street, Georgetown in broad daylight yesterday.

Murdered: Melissa Skeete

Melissa Skeete

The incident occurred around 16:30 hrs in the vicinity of Ptolemy Reid Rehabilitation Centre.
The dead woman has been identified as Melissa Skeete, a Dispatcher at the GPHC of Lot 94 Prince William Street, Plaisance, East Coast Demerara (ECD).
The woman died while undergoing surgery at the hospital. She was stabbed multiple times.
Shortly after stabbing Skeete, the suspect, who is on the run, called one of her friends and when the individual asked why he injured the woman, he denied and ended the call.
According to reports, the woman left work around 15:00 hrs yesterday. The hospital’s security guards recalled seeing the woman entering the suspect’s car.
There are reports that before Skeete left the hospital with the suspect, she left his car registration number, PRR 6841 and her cell phone number with one of her colleagues.
The woman reportedly told her co-worker that she does not trust the man and requested that he (co-worker) call her phone later in the day to ensure that everything was okay.
She also asked that if anything should happen to her, he should hand over the car registration number to the police.
Skeete was attacked shortly after leaving with the suspect. She was taken to the hospital by a man who saw her lying on the road in blood.
There are reports that the woman and the suspect who share one child separated some time back after she was frequently abused by the man.
Kaieteur News was told that after the separation, the suspect would show up at the woman’s home and physically abuse her.
Some time last week, the suspect went to the woman’s house and destroyed her windows, forcing her to move from that location.
Skeete’s co-workers recalled the woman complaining to them that her lover threatened to kill her.
Her relatives were seen at the hospital late last night but refused to speak to the media.


Another hit on the business community as afc/apnu supporters look to rob for sport money for the Christmas season.


Wounded businessman returns fire, hits gunman


The owner of Yog Yog Frozen Parlour, Gail Russell’s son, Nicholas, was last night shot after five bandits

Nicholas Coates

Nicholas Coates

invaded his home in Bel Air Park.
Nicholas Coates, 30, of Eping Avenue, Bel Air Park was shot to his knee when five bandits barged into his house and started firing shots at him. He was taken to the St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, where he is expected to undergo surgery.
Russell told Kaieteur News that her son, a young entrepreneur, was home alone in his apartment when the incident occurred. She stated that he was drinking a cup of tea in his verandah when five men rushed through his open door. She said the men had apparently knocked at the downstairs apartment and received no answer. She said it was then that they probably noticed Coates’ door open.
She said Coates immediately threw his cup of tea on the bandits and ran into his bedroom to get his gun and in the process was shot. While the bandits were trying to pry their way into the room, she said, her son grabbed his gun and returned fire.
One of the bandits was shot in the ordeal and the men made their escape in a yellow car. They managed to steal a cell phone.
β€œWe called 911, 913 and 9 whatever and it all ring out. The police came 45 minutes later,” she noted.
Police are currently investigating the matter.


Evenly the lowly fruit vendor is fair game for these afc/apnu bandits. As usual the preferred target is an Indian, revenge for marginalizing the blacks for 2 decades under the PPP.


Bandits shoot, rob fruit vendor


Two masked bandits escaped with an undisclosed sum of money after shooting a La Penitence Market vendor in Hogg Street, Albouystown at around 15.30 hrs yesterday.

The wounded Bhir Kumar at the GPHC

The wounded Bhir Kumar at the GPHC

Bhir Kumar, 46, called β€˜Django’ of Riverview, Ruimveldt, was shot three times in the right leg while wrestling with the two bandits, who had attacked him outside his aunt’s home.
The robbers reportedly fled in a car.
Anita Arjune, the victim’s aunt, told Kaieteur News that Kumar assists her in selling at her stall, and would usually visit her in the afternoon for dinner.
Mrs. Arjune said that she lying in a hammock under her Lot 20, Hogg Street home with a 17-year-old grand-daughter,  when she heard β€œa scrambling” near her gate. She then saw Kumar fighting with two masked men, who had already relieved him of his money.
She said that as Kumar continued to fight with the men, the bandits began to β€œfire shots wildly.” Three of the bullets struck Kumar, who collapsed.
Mrs. Arjune said that she began to scream and retreated into the house with her grand-daughter. Other residents also began to raise an alarm.
Kumar was eventually taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where he was admitted.

Last edited by Former Member

Man kills rival


A bitter dispute over a woman ended around 19.25 hrs yesterday with one man believed stabbed to death and the other in custody after turning up at the Georgetown Public Hospital with cutlass wounds.
Troy Brutus, 31, reportedly collapsed a few yards from his home, located in the West La Penitence area known as β€˜The Island,’ from wounds to the groin and abdomen. He was pronounced dead on arrival at the GPHC.
Police said that the alleged killer, accompanied by the woman at the centre of the dispute, turned up shortly after at the GPHC, with what appeared to a chop wound to his head. There are also reports that he sustained a gunshot wound to the leg.
He was subsequently taken into custody. The 36-year-old suspect, who is an Albouystown man known as β€˜Nice Time,’ is said to have alleged that Brutus attacked him first.
Reports indicate that Brutus was wounded in Albouystown, but managed to run into West La Penitence, where he collapsed.
A female relative of Troy Brutus said that she was at home when someone said that something had happened to Brutus. She then ran outside and saw Brutus sitting on the roadway and bleeding profusely.
The woman said that it took some 15 minutes for her to stop a vehicle. Eventually, a neighbor transported Brutus to the GPHC, where he succumbed.
According to another relative, Brutus had a relationship with the woman at the centre of the dispute, but then they broke up and the suspect and the woman started a relationship.
But she alleged that Brutus had suggested that the relationship between him and the woman had never ended.
The relative said that the suspect had come to her home in West La Penitence a few days ago and had asked to speak to Brutus. β€œHe said, β€˜try talk to he’ (Brutus) and that he (the suspect) don’t want trouble.”
According to the relative, Brutus alleged that the rival later attacked him with a knife that same day.
The woman in the dispute has reportedly stated that she was at home in Albouystown yesterday when the suspect arrived and was bleeding from a head injury. The man reportedly told his lover that Brutus had wounded him. He said nothing about injuring Brutus.
She reportedly only learned that Brutus had been wounded after taking her lover to the GPHC.


Looks like the US putting pressure on the Granger administration, but they only catching low level drug mules while the drug lords continue to be unscathed due to being the paymasters to those in higher office.


2 more nabbed at CJIA with cocaine pellets in stomach

Two men were over the weekend nabbed at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) with a quantity of cocaine pellets in their stomachs as they were about to depart for their respective destinations.

One of the men, Guyana Times understands, is a St Lucian, who was travelling to London while the other is a Guyanese destined for New York.

Both men have been admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital under Police guard. They have since excreted several pellets of cocaine. The exact weights have not been confirmed. From reports gathered, the bust was made by members of the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU). Both men are expected to be charged shortly.

A source close to the investigation told this newspaper that the Guyanese man who was busted is a close friend of the recently busted hairdresser, Shureen Giddings, who was also nabbed with cocaine pellets in her stomach at the John F Kennedy International Airport (JFK) in New York.

The hairdresser and the man are also allegedly connected to Shellon Beckles, who was also nabbed at the JFK with cocaine in her stomach, the source said. This newspaper understands that law enforcement in Guyana is of the opinion that the cocaine mules might be linked to a local supplier.

The source told Guyana Times that the Police were working closely with the US authorities to effect an arrest. Only a few days ago, Dwayne Adams, of Lot 38 Will Street, Golden Grove, East Coast Demerara (ECD) and Hubert Smith, of Lot 3464 North Ruimveldt, Georgetown, were nabbed in a hotel room attempting to swallow several cocaine pellets. They were subsequently charged.

Also only last week, Andree Willy and Chermisa Wheeler, both of St Lucia, were arrested while trying to smuggle cocaine in their vaginas. They were nabbed at the CJIA. Both CANU and the foreign authorities have launched investigations.


The afc/apnu have failed miserably in fulfilling their campaign to curb crime. Not surprising since their supporters are the ones perpetrating the criminal acts.


Truck driver shot during failed robbery


A shooting incident which occurred around 19:30 hrs on Monday at Lot 38 Stanleytown, New Amsterdam, Berbice, has left a man nursing a gunshot injury.

Shot: Deon Primus

Shot: Deon Primus

Injured is 38-year-old Deon Primus, a self-employed canter truck driver. The incident occurred as the man was about to drive his truck GPP 4827 into his yard. He was attacked by two men and was reportedly shot in his jaw.
The man, who distributes petrol among other jobs with his truck, was about to park his truck when he saw a male individual in his rear view mirror, acting in a suspicious manner. Primus stated that about the same time he saw another man who rode up on the passenger side of the truck on a bicycle and pointed a gun at him. Primus said that he tried to quickly wind up the window but was still shot in his left side jaw.  The men then escaped without taking anything.
Julius Dey, who resides at the same residence with Primus, told the media that after seeing the truck coming he was preparing to open the door when he heard a gunshot.  He said that as he ventured outside, he was in time to see a short, dark-skinned, slim person, who was said to be the shooter, near the truck. Dey said that he started shouting and neighbours began to come out as the bandits hurried away.
Primus reportedly had $4,000 on him at the time. He was rushed to the New Amsterdam Hospital. His condition is regarded as stable.
Reports are that several pellets were lodged in Primus’ jaw and throat area.
Investigations are continuing. No one has been arrested so far.

The Canter truck

The Canter truck


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