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skeldon_man posted:
redux posted:
kp posted:

Why all the criminals are BLACKS, they are more brazen under the PNC government.

well . . .dig yuh batty, smell, lick yuh finga and tell abee nah

hurry up

The wounded bandit will no longer have the use of his left eye.

The wounded bandit will no longer have the use of his left eye.

skeldon_man posted:
redux posted:
kp posted:

Why all the criminals are BLACKS, they are more brazen under the PNC government.

well . . .dig yuh batty, smell, lick yuh finga and tell abee nah

hurry up

The wounded bandit will no longer have the use of his left eye.

skeldon_man, u can lick KP finga and taste he BT too


redux posted:
skeldon_man posted:
redux posted:
kp posted:

Why all the criminals are BLACKS, they are more brazen under the PNC government.

well . . .dig yuh batty, smell, lick yuh finga and tell abee nah

hurry up

The wounded bandit will no longer have the use of his left eye.

The wounded bandit will no longer have the use of his left eye.

skeldon_man posted:
redux posted:
kp posted:

Why all the criminals are BLACKS, they are more brazen under the PNC government.

well . . .dig yuh batty, smell, lick yuh finga and tell abee nah

hurry up

The wounded bandit will no longer have the use of his left eye.

skeldon_man, u can lick KP finga and taste he BT too


Can you teach me how to do that? You seem to have alot of experience with fingers and BT. Maybe I should ask my dugla son if his mom knows you are funny in the butt.

skeldon_man posted:

Can you teach me how to do that? You seem to have alot of experience with fingers and BT. Maybe I should ask my dugla son if his mom knows you are funny in the butt.

aarite, forget de man finger, lick and taste he bt den . . . alyuh antiman got to make everything a freakin production


Last edited by Former Member
redux posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Can you teach me how to do that? You seem to have alot of experience with fingers and BT. Maybe I should ask my dugla son if his mom knows you are funny in the butt.

aarite, forget de man finger, lick and taste he bt den . . . alyuh antiman got to make everything a freakin production


How do you do that?

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
redux posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Can you teach me how to do that? You seem to have alot of experience with fingers and BT. Maybe I should ask my dugla son if his mom knows you are funny in the butt.

aarite, forget de man finger, lick and taste he bt den . . . alyuh antiman got to make everything a freakin production


How do you do that?

ask KP . . . he is the wan digging he batty and sharing he finga with you

redux posted:
skeldon_man posted:
redux posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Can you teach me how to do that? You seem to have alot of experience with fingers and BT. Maybe I should ask my dugla son if his mom knows you are funny in the butt.

aarite, forget de man finger, lick and taste he bt den . . . alyuh antiman got to make everything a freakin production


How do you do that?

ask KP . . . he is the wan digging he batty and sharing he finga with you

Arite battie man. Me dunn ask you fuh instructions. Keep you secret.

skeldon_man posted:
redux posted:
skeldon_man posted:
redux posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Can you teach me how to do that? You seem to have alot of experience with fingers and BT. Maybe I should ask my dugla son if his mom knows you are funny in the butt.

aarite, forget de man finger, lick and taste he bt den . . . alyuh antiman got to make everything a freakin production


How do you do that?

ask KP . . . he is the wan digging he batty and sharing he finga with you

Arite battie man. Me dunn ask you fuh instructions. Keep you secret.

like i said, stop licking KP stink finga and ask him yuh $69 question

go on


After a very slow week in crime we now see its resurgence. Let's see if the dragnets can continue to be effective to now hungry afc/apnu criminals who desperately need cash to sport this holiday season.


Passenger shoots bus driver in back

A minibus driver is now nursing a gunshot wound to the back after he was shot by a passenger on Tuesday evening in what appeared to be an attempted robbery. The injured driver was identified as 38-year-old Jermaine Brown of Sparendaam, East Coast Demerara.

According to information received, the minibus was stopped by a man along the Railway Embankment at Liliendaal, Greater Georgetown. As the passenger entered the vehicle, he reportedly whipped out a firearm while another man walked towards the driver.

Upon seeing this, Brown accelerated in an attempt to drive away but the gunman discharged a round, hitting him to the back.

At the time of the shooting incident, several passengers were in the minibus. The driver was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was admitted a patient.

Police ranks responded promptly to arrest the suspect in Queenstown.
Police ranks responded promptly to arrest the suspect in Queenstown.

Knife-wielding bandit nabbed after Queenstown robbery


A YOUNG man was arrested yesterday morning by police shortly after he had robbed a woman in Queenstown, Georgetown, and she raised an alarm.Three security guards from the company exited the premises and chased after the man, who raced through an alleyway where some contract workers were clearing a drain.

Members of the public assisted police in arresting the suspect yesterday

Members of the public assisted police in arresting the suspect yesterday

As the man ran past the workers, the guards opened fire but missed hitting the bandit. However, the man, sensing that he was in danger of being shot, halted and surrendered as the guards raced through the alleyway and grabbed him before taking him back to the alleyway entrance.

According to reports, the guards then gave him a sound beating, and one of them even took a spade from the sanitation workers and struck the man to the head, much to the annoyance of the sanitation workers, who were already enraged at the gunfire while workers were in the alleyway.

The security team then retreated to their workplace, leaving the bandit in the hands of the sanitation workers, who allowed him to escape before the police arrived, contending that he had suffered enough at the hands of the guards.

However, shortly after, the man had made it through the alleyway again, the police arrived and he was forced to seek refuge in a resident’s yard while the police searched in vain for him.

Subsequently, one person who had seen where the man had gone informed the police, who surrounded the yard and arrested him without any use of force. He was then taken to the police station.

Late yesterday afternoon, police sources confirmed that the bag with the items the man had snatched had been recovered, and he was also positively identified by the woman who had been robbed and injured.

Just last week, the police came in for high praise from members of the public in South Ruimveldt after responding promptly to a robbery report. Two bandits were killed in a shootout with the police in that incident.

President David Granger last week called on the police to seek to bring in criminals alive, so that additional information can be gleaned with regard to criminal enterprises.
By Leroy Smith


Cattle farmer found dead

–  after firing employee amid threats

Police are investigating the circumstances, which led to the death of a West Coast Berbice (WCB) cattle farmer in the backdam on Tuesday afternoon.

Edward Pestano

Edward Pestano

Dead is Edward Pestano, 61, of Number 40 Village, WCB, Region Five (Mahaica-Berbice).
Reports are that Pestano was in the backdam with his 12-year-old grandson when he observed that one of the employees at his cattle ranch was reportedly smoking an illegal substance. The farmer immediately fired the worker and asked him to leave the ranch.

According to information reaching this publication, a heated argument ensued between Pestano and the fired employee, who demanded immediate pay for the days he had already worked. During the argument, the employee reportedly threatened to harm Pestano’s family and burn the cattle ranch. This newspaper was told that the irate man had also threatened to poison Pestano’s animals.

The fired employee was later seen leaving the ranch, but soon after returned. At the time, Pestano was on his motorbike.
Details of what transpired are sketchy; however, the fired employee was seen riding behind Pestano. Moments later, his grandson found him lying on the ground with his motorbike resting on him. The 12-year-old tried desperately to remove the heavy bike, but was unable to do so, this newspaper was told.

He left the scene and went in search of help, returning within the hour, but by the time help arrived, Pestano is said to have passed away.

The Police were summoned and arrived at the scene before night fall and took possession of the body.
They are on the hunt for the fired employee, who has since gone into hiding.

An autopsy is expected to be performed on the body today.

Meanwhile, Pestano leaves to mourn four children and his wife, Rita Pestano. Two years ago, one of Pestano’s sons died in a road accident while another son died by drowning in 1986.


Market vendor shot in failed robbery attempt

Police in Berbice are looking for two men who may be able to provide assistance with investigations into the shooting of a New Amsterdam market vendor who was injured on Wednesday night when two men tried to enter his premises.

Injured is Ramesh Parsram, 46, of Palmyra Village, Region Six (East Berbice-Corentyne). Reports are that Parsram was with his wife Sabrina, 40, and other relatives having a family drink under their house when two men were seen lurking outside of the fence. Parsram reportedly left the group and went to investigate, taking with him a plastic chair as he approached the gate.

Loud explosions were heard and Parsram was seen falling to the ground. When relatives rushed to his aid, he was bleeding profusely and appeared to have two gunshot wounds; one to the left side of his chest and the other to the abdomen.

He was rushed to the New Amsterdam Hospital where he was admitted and placed in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

Medical sources have confirmed that Parsram was shot twice; to the chest and abdomen. On Friday afternoon, he was transferred from the ICU to a ward at the medical facility after his condition is said to have improved. However, doctors have not been able to remove any of the bullets lodged in his body.

Police are continuing their investigation but according to the Commander of B Division (Berbice), Assistant Commissioner Christopher Griffith, the incident is being treated as an attempted robbery.

The incident took place next door to where a businesswoman was shot to her head on July 6, after five heavily-armed men – four carrying firearms and one with a cutlass – entered her Palmyra grocery store. The men allegedly took away two gold finger rings valued $50,000, $400,000 and US$100 in cash. One man is currently before the court for that robbery.


Armed bandits rob Region 6 Chairman’s business

Two men, one armed and one masked have robbed a sand and lumber yard owned by Region Six Chairman David Armogan.
The incident took place on Wednesday at Number 2 Village, Canje, Region Six (East Berbice/Corentyne).

Reports are that about 12:30h, two men entered the lumber yard and went directly to the office. At the time, the cashier, 58-year-old Boarof was the only person in the office. As the robbers entered the building, two shots were discharged from the hand gun one of them was carrying.

P Armogan Lumber Yard which was robbed

P Armogan Lumber Yard which was robbed

Boarof was ordered to hand over all of the money from the cash draw. After a little hesitation which was followed by threats to his life, the cashier complied and gave the men the day’s sales which amounted to $152,000.

The men quickly left on foot and disappeared into the nearby community. The Police were summoned and took evidence from the scene which might lead to the capture of the perpetrators. However, up to press time, no arrests have been made.
Investigations continue.


Man shot by bandit trying to steal car


A 50-year-old shopkeeper was left in a critical condition at around 01.00 hrs yesterday, after being shot outside his Melanie, East Coast Demerara business place, allegedly by a bandit who was trying to steal his car.
Nursing a gunshot wound to his abdomen and listed as critical is father of five Lebert Thomas, of Lot 125 Cummings Street, Buxton.
At press time, he was still attached to a life support machine in the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.
Hospital sources said that the bullet entered Thomas’s abdomen and exited his back, damaging some of his organs.
Kaieteur News understands that the robber was trying to make off with Thomas’ vehicle and opened fire when the shopkeeper did not comply.
Jennifer Griffith, Thomas’ fiancÃĐe, told Kaieteur News that Thomas was outside of his shop, known as ‘Frontline Shop’, located at Lot 326 Melanie Cinema road, East Coast Demerara when the bandit attacked him.
“He had closed up the place and was heading to his car when his mother heard what she believed to be a firecracker, but she ran outside after hearing her son’s cries for help.”

Lebert Thomas standing next to the car that the robbers tried to take away before he was shot.

Lebert Thomas standing next to the car that the robbers tried to take away before he was shot.

On going outside his mother, Yvonne Isaacs,
saw her son holding his shirt “and he said I just got shot, then he fell down.”
A passerby stopped to render assistance but when he stopped a car, the driver reportedly refused to put the bleeding man in his vehicle.
Thomas was eventually taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital in his own car.
“I’m so saddened and sick of the crime situation that is plaguing the country,” his fiancÃĐe said.
It is just heartbreaking and more needs to be done to fight these trigger happy robbers. We need more patrols on the East Coast.”
The woman also revealed that this is the sixth time that Thomas has been robbed in the same location.
“He has been shot twice and stabbed a total of four times on several occasions at or near the same location, plus he has a bullet lodged in his hip from being robbed at the same location too.”
“On other occasions he was robbed of jewellery and cash but while persons were questioned for the first robbery no one was ever charged or prosecuted.”
(Mondale Smith)


Shot bus driver who saved passengers from robbery attack dies


By Mondale Smith

‘An unsung hero’ because of his nature, Jermaine Allister Burrowes when confronted with a gun, not only lost his kidney, but has paid the ultimate price days after he saved passengers from being robbed.
Burrowes, who was shot last Tuesday night by one of two armed bandits during an attempted robbery at Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara (ECD) succumbed to his injuries on Saturday night in the Intensive Care Unit of the GPHC.
Barrow, 38, was shot during an attempted robbery on persons in the vehicle that he was driving along the Liliendaal Railway Embankment.
Burrowes was shot around 22:00 hrs, shortly after he had picked up passengers at the Giftland Mall at Liliendaal. He managed to drive his vehicle for a short distance before veering into a trench at Blygezeight Gardens, ECD.
Reports are that after picking up passengers at the mall, a man flagged down Burrowes’ vehicle. When he stopped, another appeared at the driver’s side of the mini bus.
One of Burrowes’ passengers suspected that the two men were robbers and pulled the door shut, preventing the man from entering the bus.

Jermaine Allister Burrowes

Jermaine Allister Burrowes

At that point, the bandit, who was at the driver’s side pointed a gun at Burrowes and shot him. The bullet entered his back and exited his right side abdomen.
With passengers screaming and telling Burrowes to drive, the wounded man continued in the direction of Georgetown, before losing control of his vehicle and ending up in a trench.
When Kaieteur News visited his Lot 53 West Road Sparandaam home yesterday, the building was shut tight, but neighbors of the slain man had only good things to say about him.
“Jermaine was an angel who always was helping others and me never once hear he in a argument for his entire life living next door,” Sukhai Singh, a neighbor said.
“This news hit me so hard I can’t even eat since this thing happened. I will really miss him because me know he from since he small,” added Singh.
“He was a cool and very easy going person,” said another neighbor as she shook her head in disbelief.
Burrowes’ sisters, Abena  Bagott and Petal Burrowes, recalled their brother as being humble, jovial and hardworking.
Other relatives expressed hope that “the current system, administration will do something about the spate of criminality to prevent others from suffering such an unfortunate end and to assist with funeral arrangement as well as provide some amount of counseling for those hurting.”
“We wouldn’t wish this on anyone including our enemies.”
He has a small daughter who resides in the Caribbean and he is a foster father of one other.
His demise comes as a major blow to his siblings, who lost their father on March 19, 2014 and their mother passed away on March 17 this year.
The attack on Thomas occurred a day after bandits robbed passengers in the same area. However, only one passenger reported the robbery.
Police have since increased patrols in the area.


Knife-wielding man stabs cousin in Tiger Bay feud


A Tiger Bay family feud spanning two decades has landed a father of five in hospital with a stab wound to the heart and his assailant, who is his cousin, in police custody.
Stabbed with a ‘Rambo knife’ is father and laborer Alpha Fletchman, age 25 of lot 9-10 Queen Street, Tiger Bay, South Cummingsburg.
Tresceline Rossan, 42, of Lot 36 Fourth Street, Kingston, was in church leading worship when her daughter Naomi delivered news via phone call that her son “Alpha just get juk up.”

Stabbed: Alpha Fletchman

Stabbed: Alpha Fletchman

Alpha Fletchman in hospital yesterday

Alpha Fletchman in hospital yesterday

Petrina Chandra, 24, his reputed wife, witnessed what transpired.
“He (Alpha Fraser) was playing ball and there was fight which he parted then as he was heading home he saw a girl name Nitika Moore called Pookie cussing me out.”
“When ‘Alpha’ was asking what is the problem, he cousin, the neighborhood bully who does live next door, come out to represent he woman and an argument started.”
His cousin has been identified as a former boxer.
“Then when me child-father was walking away, the cousin push a Rambo knife in he left side chest and the knife stick in he chest.”
Luckily, a neighbor named Jeffery saw the man bleeding and volunteered to transport him to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation on his motorcycle.
While Fletchman was being transported to the hospital reports are that his cousin attempted to escape but was apprehended by residents.
Police eventually arrived on the scene and the suspect was detained.
Relatives of both men informed this publication that it is a family feud that has been ongoing for more than two decades.


Home invader chopped, hospitalised


A young man known as Gobind, of Onderneeming, West Coast Berbice, is nursing chop wounds at the Georgetown Public Hospital after he was chopped about his body when he reportedly removed the window pane and unlawfully entered a house through the very window.
According to reports,  about 20:30 hours last Friday, family members of well known butcher  called Chan, of Armadale, West Coast Berbice, were at home when they had cause to investigate an unusual sound coming from a section of the upper flat of their two-storied building.
The confronted Gobind was chopped even as his accomplices made their escape. He was taken to the Fort Wellington Hospital and later transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital.
The police have since taken two men into custody, as they continue their investigation.


Corruption in Public Officeâ€Ķ Brassington and others should be charged without delay- Robert Badal

December 22, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Days after a telling audit report recommended charges against senior officials and for the National Industrial

Robert Badal

Robert Badal

and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) to be closed down, prominent businessman, Robert Badal, is calling for action.
The forensic audit into the controversial unit which handled privatizations and a number of questionable projects was conducted by former Auditor General, Anand Goolsarran. It is set to be considered by the Cabinet of Ministers today.
Under fire is NICIL’s head, Winston Brassington, under whose watch several state assets were sold. A number of projects like the Berbice Bridge and the Marriott Hotel are but two of the projects that are currently under scrutiny.
According to Badal, who owns the iconic Pegasus Hotel and a host of other businesses, Brassington and others should be charged without delay.
Below is the statement as issued by Mr. Badal:
The findings of the recently released report of the forensic audit of NICIL disclosed massive fraud, misuse of public resources, sale of state assets at highly under- valued prices, diversion of billions of taxpayers’ resources away from the Consolidated Fund outside of Parliamentary oversight, but under the control of one man subject to the direction of a political elite.
All the transgressions revealed in this audit were executed by the CEO of NICIL, Winston Brassington and his Deputy, Marcia Nadir-Sharma, without any regard for adhering to even the most elementary norms of transparency, accountability and due process.
Wherever any due process was followed it was flawed, rigged or manipulated. Valuations were influenced or pre-determined, buyers were pre-selected before the process. In all cases the transferees in the transactions were friends of the ruling elite or nominees thereof. This resulted in massive kickbacks and looting of state assets.

Pressure mounting: Winston Brassington

Pressure mounting: Winston Brassington

The sale to Movietowne and others at G$15M. per acre of land at Liliendaal which would otherwise attract more that G$200M.per acre; giving control of the Berbice Bridge to a politically connected group who subscribed less than 10% of its capital; transfer of ownership of 30% shareholding in GT&T to a Chinese company without receiving full payment, were all examples of flagrant fraud and corruption against the state and people of Guyana.
Spending more than US$60M.on the Marriott Hotel without any or any proper economic or feasibility study or in the face of Parliamentary approval constitutes the most lawless abuse of public office.
Winston Brassington was allowed unrestricted control of all of NICIL’s business because he was answerable only to one person who directed all of these nefarious and clandestine deals- the most powerful authority at the Office of the President.
The Board of NICIL and Cabinet was only a rubber stamp for all the corrupt deals hatched and incubated at the Office of the President and private rooms at a popular city Chinese restaurant.
From corrupt real estate deals, to state contracts for overpriced and sometimes expired drugs and infrastructural projects to radio and TV licences and internet assets, there was a massive heist of public resources by a few.
Those who opposed the lack of accountability and transparency were harassed, intimidated and victimized.  Licences and permits for their businesses were denied or delayed.
This was a sad period of bad governance in our country’s history which the people of Guyana have voted to change. The current public outcry demanding charges and consequent conviction of Winston Brassington is well founded. There is a high level of expectation, even impatience that the Government must institute charges without further delay.
Such charges do not require cabinet approval or instruction. The intention of the forensic audit was to determine what went wrong and who was responsible. Massive fraud and corruption was revealed. It is therefore time to act.
It is the Minister of Finance under whose portfolio NICIL falls who must now instruct the Police to institute fraud and other criminal charges against Mr. Brassington, his assistants, and those who directed their actions.
In all parts of the world public officials are charged and jailed for corruption and misuse of state assets, in most cases, for a mere fraction of the acts committed by Mr. Brassington. The Government must usher in a new political culture that ensures that all such acts are punished in order to restore confidence in Government.
I am confident that President Granger would direct such action if he has not already done so, but every day that passes sees the tremendous goodwill for the new administration being quickly dissipated.
Unless the administration seizes the day, public perceptions may turn frustration into suspicion that the inactivity is deliberate, with serious consequences. Already, persons are muttering that Guyana has not had a true change, but only an ‘exchange’.


More to come as this story develops. Looks like a setup.

Berbice money-changer missing


â€Ķafter leaving home on business

A 56-year-old Berbice money-changer appears to be missing and his family fears the worst.
Mohammed Fizal Mamood Baksh, called ‘Sugar Cake’ of  Crabwood Creek, was last seen by relatives at around 08.05 hrs on Monday last, when he reportedly received a call indicating that some elderly people wanted to change some foreign currency.He had reportedly indicated that he would be back in two hours.
But his daughter said that he has not been seen since and repeated calls to his mobile phone have gone unanswered.
Adding to their fears is the fact that a young man who had reportedly told the money-changer about the ‘clients’ also appears to be missing.
Kaieteur News understands that the 20-year-old, known as ‘Kevin,’ had been asked to give police a statement about his transaction with Mohamed, but failed to turn up.
Mohamed reportedly does most of his business near the Skeldon Market, and was reportedly seen entering a car there.
Persons with information on the whereabouts of Mohamed Baksh can contact relatives on telephone number 604-2681.


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