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Berbice Bridge robbed

A BBC vehicle parked at the Central Police station yesterday.

A BBC vehicle parked at the Central Police station yesterday.

The Berbice River Bridge may very well be rethinking its decision to lower their fare after the company was hit with a $5M robbery on Wednesday.
The take included both cash and cheques.
Reports are that around 06:00 hrs on Wednesday, operatives at the  De Edward, West Bank Berbice River end of the bridge were in the process of making a deposit  at the nearby Republic Bank when they were robbed by a lone gunman with a hand gun.
According to Chief Executive Officer of the Berbice Bridge Company, Omadatt Samaroo, the Supervisor was in the vicinity of the Republic bank and had just exited the vehicle to make a deposit into the safety deposit box when a lone bandit appeared and pointed a gun to her head and demanded she hand over the cash that was in two night deposit bags.
The man grabbed the bags from the startled employee, jumped the bank fence and escaped in the nearby cane fields.
It is not sure if the BBCI staff was accompanied by any security detail, however people in the vicinity stated that none was available.
It was a regular practice by the BBCI not to have security details accompany their employees when they are depositing money.
It is understood that security details at the Bank who are usually unarmed scampered for cover, some hiding under tables when they saw the man with the gun.
The matter was reported to the police who responded promptly and scoured the area. A man was subsequently nabbed in the vicinity and is in custody. He is said to have been seen with a change of clothes.
Investigations are continuing.


APNU stronghold Linden appears to be a safe haven for criminals as they use the town as a staging area for robberies. 

Lindeners charged with $$M armed robberies


Three Lindeners were yesterday remanded to prison after they pleaded not guilty to charges of armed robberies, when they appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.
Nicolai Carmichael, 22, of Lot 28 Blueberry Hill, Wismar Linden; Dexter Mc Calmont, 22, of Lot 103 Block 22 One Mile, Wismar Linden and Khalil Mustafa, are accused of robbing Shawn Bissoon of a Bedford truck valued $12M, fuel and other items to the value of $14,160,000—property of Julius Ferreira.
The men were further accused of robbing Bissoon of a cell phone and cash.
The trio was alleged to have stolen a $37,000 gold band belonging to Lakeram Shabdar during the robberies.
The incidents were allegedly committed at gunpoint on October 3, at Mabura Access Road.
Carmichael, Mc Calmont and Mustafa pleaded not guilty to the charges.
Mustafa and Carmichael were charged with two other armed robberies.
It is alleged that the two men, while armed with guns robbed Marlon Bissoon  of a Bedford Truck, several barrels of diesel, gasoline and hydraulic fuel, a quantity of beverages and two ladders—total value of $15.2M property of Ryan Ferreira.
The last charge alleged that the men also robbed Marlon Bissoon of a cell phone and $35,000 in cash while brandishing a gun. The two men denied both charges. Police Prosecutor, Corporal Deniro Jones objected to them being granted their pretrial liberty on all charges.
The Prosecutor’s objections were upheld by the Magistrate, who wished the men a Merry Christmas before ordering them remanded. They will make their next court appearance on December 30, at the Linden Magistrate’s Court.

Sophia man shot during robbery December 25, 2015 By GuyanaTimes A Sophia resident was in the wee hours of Christmas Eve shot when he was attacked by a lone gunman who relieved him of a bag containing alcohol and clothing. Lloyd Scott, 34, of B Field Sophia, Greater Georgetown, was shot and injured to his left foot and hand by the perpetrator. He was admitted a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital. According to information, Scott was on his way home when he was attacked by the gunman who demanded valuables. Scott reportedly put up a fight but the gunman discharged two rounds hitting him twice. Scott reportedly raised an alarm and persons ran to his rescue. He was taken to hospital where he was admitted. The police have launched an investigation into the incident.
Missing Berbice money changer found murdered December 25, 2015 By GuyanaTimes Dead, Mohamed Baksh Dead, Mohamed Baksh Four days after a Berbice man went missing, his body was found along the 63 Village Seashore, Corentyne, Berbice. The discovery was made at about 07:00h. Mohamed Baksh, 56, of Crabwood Creek, Corentyne, was reported missing on December 21. Following the discovery, a post mortem performed by pathologist Dr Vivekanand Brijmohan proved he suffered a fractured skull. The autopsy showed that he died as a result of haemorrhage and shock. The money changer was last seen by relatives at around 08:05h on Monday last, when he reportedly received a call indicating that some elderly people wanted to change some foreign currency. He had indicated that he would be back in two hours and left home. After time elapsed and he did not return home, his relatives attempted to contact him via hone but the calls went unanswered. They subsequently made a report to the Springlands Police Station. The police are treating the incident as murder. Several persons have been questioned in relation to murder including relatives of the dead man.
Dead: Kevon Marvin George
Dead: Kevon Marvin George

Teen kills father of two


A TEENAGER is in police custody after reportedly stabbing to death a father of two at Cemetery Road, Bachelor’s Adventure, East Coast Demerara (ECD) after the lad was accosted over a recent house break-in yesterday.The dead man has been identified as 28-year-old minibus conductor Kevon Marvin George of 1015, Bare Root, ECD. He was pronounced dead on arrival at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).

His alleged assailant, a 15-year-old juvenile whose name has not been released because of his age, is in police custody. He was taken to the police station by his father after the stabbing.

Reports indicate that George had been involved in an argument with the lad at Bachelor’s Adventure at approximately 07:30hrs on Sunday morning when he was stabbed to his eyes and throat.

The dead man’s mother, Minerva Nieuenkerk, told this publication that the entire situation started when the teenager reportedly stole some items from her grandson, Clifton Wills, who resides in another lot behind her premises.

“He broke into my daughter’s house and stole my grandson computer, sign printing machine and other things. This boy is always bad news, he make his own mother run off and walking the street,” Nieuenkerk said.

The mother of seven further explained that the items were stolen on December, 8, 2015, on her grandson’s birthday.

“After he do that, his (the juvenile’s) father called my grandson and give him back the machine, a battery and something else. He didn’t give back all the items, so this morning (yesterday) my grandson asked him, ‘boy what happen to the rest of things?’ and he replied, cursing up and saying he done break the house what y’all will do about it,” she recalled.

The distressed mother stressed that if she had known that her son was heading out of the house for a confrontation, she would never have allowed him to go there.
“I won’t have allowed him to go out for that, because I told my grandson he needs to go back to the police station. I didn’t expect my son was going on the road for that reason,” the woman said.

This inconsolable mother was quick to call for justice after her son’s murder. Meanwhile, the dead man’s twin brother, Kevin George, said his brother had overheard the complaint made by Wills pertaining to the stolen item, and had decided to jump on a bicycle and head towards the teen, with whom an argument ensued, resulting in him being stabbed several times to the neck and face.

“Before this man left the house, all he said was he was coming back just now. He normally goes early on the road every day to walk his bird, so we never suspected he was going for anything else,” the twin brother said in tears.

“I lose my brother now. When I hear the news and rush to my brother and was talking to him is sheer blood running through my fingers. There was no assistance given from anyone, family come from over the river and reach before the police to carry the body.”

With tears flowing down his face, the twin said he is seeking justice for his brother’s demise, and expects the police and judiciary to act swiftly in the matter.

He reflected that the teen is known in the village as a troublemaker, but he had previously offered the lad assistance when he allowed him to weed his yard on a monthly basis for a fee. “Is just because I know him as a youth in the area I gave him the work,” he said

The house at which the robber was caught exiting through the window
The house at which the robber was caught exiting through the window

Bandits target Berbice doctors –robber caught exiting through window  



DESPERATE home intruders have broken into the homes of two doctors between Saturday night and Sunday morning, carting off an undisclosed sum in cash and other valuables.According to reports, the bandits were trying to gain entry into the quarters of two Cuban doctors for some time now, before changing their target.

The home where Dr Kester Persaud lives

The home where Dr Kester Persaud lives

The Cuban doctors say that between Saturday night and Sunday morning, persons tried to gain entry to their home by knocking out a few floor boards.

This was after the robbers made an attempt two nights before, when they removed a window from the house situated at Vryman’s Ervin, New Amsterdam.

On Sunday morning, a man was also seen next to the fence of the house the Cubans occupy. He was dressed in black.

On Saturday evening, an apartment occupied by Dr Vanessa Chan was burglarised in her absence. Reports are that she left home just before nightfall, but received a telephone call about four hours after, informing her that her living quarters was broken into.

Dr Chan said that when she arrived home, police were already at the scene conducting investigations.
The police reportedly found the door open and items scattered inside the lower flat of the two-storey building.

Jewellery, a wedding ring, passports, a DVD player, a tablet, two laptops, a digital photo viewer, and certificates along with other items, were removed from her quarters.

The robbers gained entry into the home by breaking the lock on the front door, after failing to get in through a window at the back of the house.

The bandits also tried to enter the upper flat of the building occupied by Dr Mohamed Yacoob. One window was removed, but bars prevented them from going further. They were, however, able to steal keys that were on a table near the window.

Dr Yacoob was not then at home. According to him, he was trying to avoid the loud music which was coming from a nearby house.

Reports are that police had earlier arrived at the doctor’s quarters in response to a break and enter report but a guard on duty, who was unaware of what was happening, told the police that all was okay. The report the police received had come from someone residing in the street next to the doctor’s quarters.
The police, however, returned to the scene after the guard had confirmed that one apartment under her watch was burglarised.

A scene at Dr Chan’s ransacked apartment

A scene at Dr Chan’s ransacked apartment

By then, the perpetrators had made good their escape.

Several hours later, another guard was confronted by two men leaving the lower flat of the building in which the doctors reside.

According to reports, at about 03:30h on Sunday, a security guard reported that two men had jumped a fence to get out of the yard in which Dr Kester Persaud lives.
The guard later discovered that the back door to the house was opened, and called on the doctor, who was asleep.

The doctor lost a laptop, wrist watch, jewellery and a wallet containing bank cards, cash and his driver’s licence.

Meanwhile, a man was nabbed by police on Christmas morning as he was attempting to leave the home of a government employee who lives in Vryman’s Ervin.

Police were alerted that a man had entered the home, and when they arrived at the scene, the robber was leaving through a window.
A bag containing a quantity of household items was discovered next to the window. No one was at home at the time

Home > NEWS > Harbour Bridge shooting victim still unidentified

Harbour Bridge shooting victim still unidentified


THE body of the passenger who was fatally shot in a minibus that was crossing the Demerara Harbour Bridge on Boxing Day is yet to be identified, but police are zeroing in on his assailant.Reports reveal that a minor argument between two men inside a minibus making its way over the Demerara Harbour Bridge to Georgetown resulted in a passenger being shot to death while a bullet grazed Special Constable Randolph Williams, 27, who was sitting two seats in front of the gunman. Williams has been treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.

The slain man was shot in the head and was pronounced dead on arrival at the East Bank Demerara Regional Hospital.
The killer, described as being about five feet, eight inches in height, sporting dreadlocks and carrying a blue haversack, calmly left the scene.

The incident happened at about 18:00 hours on Boxing Day while the minibus was heading from the West Coast of Demerara to Georgetown.

Williams, who was in the seat behind the driver, recalled that the row between the two men began when the suspect asked the other to shut a window, since it was raining. The row reportedly continued as the bus was heading to the eastern end of the Harbour Bridge, and the driver eventually stopped the vehicle and told the two men to disembark.
However, after exiting the bus in the rain, both men immediately rejoined the bus. The victim subsequently opened the window, but the suspect slammed it shut.

Shortly after, passengers heard a gunshot. This was followed by a second shot, which grazed the Special Constable, who resides at Blankenburg, West Coast Demerara

Keron Herberd
Keron Herberd

Buttocks-bulleted man dies


VENDOR Keron Herberd of East Ruimveldt, Georgetown, who was shot to the buttocks, chest, kidney and throat at the Vendors’ Arcade on Boxing Day at about 20:00hrs, succumbed to his injuries yesterday at the Intensive Care Unit of the Georgetown Public Hospital. The 29-year-old was closing his stall when the incident happened.According to his father, Kenneth Herberd, his son was a father of four, the youngest being just five months old while the eldest is 11 years old.
The late Keron was reportedly loved by all, especially his customers, who faithfully visited his wholesale and retail outlet on Regent and Hincks streets, Georgetown.

“I just want to let the police know that they will be seeing me very often, since I want a proper investigation into my son’s death; and I don’t want them beating no one for a confession, I am talking about getting the real killer. My entire family is in mourning, and this will not go down easily,” the father of five said. “I also want the police to run all those surveillance cameras in the business area, since many are there. They must get something! Leave no stones unturned.”

Eyewitnesses recalled seeing a man in the area minutes before the shooting. He was dressed in all white, and had a handgun on his person. “I see this man walking with a gun, and right away I say I don’t even want to look and see is who, because I don’t know if he going and rob somebody.”

Another person who was in the area noted that a white vehicle, PNN series, was parked in the vicinity and it may have been connected to the shooting. (Rabindra Rooplall

This is the wutlessness being encouraged under the afc/apnu.
Suicide victim: Lorenzo James
Suicide victim: Lorenzo James

Man brutalises lover, commits suicide


A ROCKY relationship ended with a spurned lover committing suicide, after leaving behind a note for his 16-year-old partner at his best friend’s home in Aubrey Barker Road, South Ruimveldt, Georgetown.There, on Boxing Day, he ended their four-year relationship by taking his life. The body of 21-year-old Lorenzo James of 238 Duncan Street, Campbellville is currently at the Lyken Funeral Parlour. His friend is in police custody assisting with investigations.

Sources close to the investigation disclosed that James visited his 16-year-old girlfriend’s home at Golden Grove, East Bank Demerara on Christmas night while the teen’s mother was at work. The mother is a security guard in Georgetown.

James had an argument with his partner in the home, and he decided to strip her naked, then proceeded to sexually and physically abuse her.

“He locked her up in the house, raped her, bust up she head and cuff her in the face while having her kneel before him chanting that she must not mess around him or his family because she will pay the price,” the investigator revealed.

During the entire ordeal, the teen’s mother called her cell phone but got no answer.

Subsequently, the young lady returned a call to her mother’s cell phone to say, “Mommy, I am calling you to tell you that I love you and this is the last time you will be hearing from me.” The traumatised mother then called a neighbour to check on her daughter, but music was blaring and the neighbour could not gain the attention of anyone inside the house.

Upon informing the mother of the situation, the mother abandoned her security post and summoned a taxi; and while on her way home, stopped at the Grove Police Station, where she made a report.
She was told by a police officer that she would have to go home and confirm what was happening then return.

Upon reaching her destination, she was greeted by loud music emanating from her home. The taxi driver, who is a former soldier, assisted the mother after futile attempts to gain entry into the house. With the assistance of another concerned citizen, he broke down the door, making possible entry into the home.

James was found shirtless with a knife in his hands. He tried to escape but was apprehended and turned over to the Grove Police Station, from whence he subsequently escaped.

“The young lady was naked and bleeding, and there were bruises all over her body and blood about the area. She was eventually taken to the GPHC for a medical, after she had been taken to the Brickdam Police Station, where she received a call from James’s friend, informing her that he had drunk poison,” the investigator said.

James’s father, Lorenzo James Sr, was shocked at what occurred, while his mother was inconsolable. The senior James said that although his son had had a relationship with the young lady for the past four years, he had met her only six months ago, since they had been living together at one point.

“I last saw my son on 24th December, and I leave at 10:00 am to go to Ogle Airport to go into the North West District. I never knew he had any problem. I never knew the girl personally, it was just ‘hi and bye’,” the elder James pointed out.

He explained that his son had never spoken of any issue; but, years ago, he had had a problem in the relationship, but the problem was sorted out. Other family members and relatives noted that the girl’s mother had encouraged the relationship, since James Jnr had loved the girl very much.

“The man spends all his money on them. He even helped out with painting the house at one time. Majority of the time he would sleep over at the house. What kind of mother would allow such a thing with her young daughter if she didn’t know it was something serious?” one relative asked.

Another relative, to substantiate the contention that the girl’s mother had encouraged the relationship, brought out the cell phone of the late Lorenzo Jnr to show it was filled with text messages between the teenagers, and in some instances angry exchanges, with the teen’s mother texting him a ban from the home.
“They had a quarrelsome relationship because the mother knows her daughter is a ‘regular’ girl that would be dealing with other persons while in a relationship with Lorenzo. Is years now these two are together — four years now — and this is the end result,” one relative lamented.

By Rabindra Rooplall


Two dead, three hospitalized following brawl


Two men are now dead after a row reportedly over a woman turned ugly outside a popular Manchester, Corentyne night spot on Sunday night.
The two dead men are Mark Simon of Liverpool, Corentyne and his friend Kempton Gray of Alness, also on the Corentyne.
Simon was hacked to death outside the night spot during the brawl. But although Gray was present during the brawl, the circumstances surrounding his death, a few hours later, are unclear.
Three other persons were hospitalized.  They are Bhiron Robertson, called “Bouse” 31, and Samuel Fraser, called “Charlie”, 32, both of Liverpool, and Gary Tyndall of Courtland, Corentyne.
According to information the fight broke between the now dead Mark Simon and Bhiron Robertson who were both involved in a relationship with a woman called Ann, or “Fluffy Tail” of Alness.
The woman, it is understood, had a relationship with Robertson before moving on to Simon. She subsequently left Simon and went back to Robertson.

Dead: Mark Simon [left) and Kempton Gray

Dead: Mark Simon (left) and Kempton Gray

During the night she was reportedly partying with her old “fling”, Simon, when Robertson turned up around 23:30 hours.
A heated argument ensued and both men armed themselves, Simon with a cutlass and Robertson with a knife. They began inflicting injuries on each other, forcing other persons to intervene, some to part while others joined in the fight.
Simon reportedly bled profusely from his injuries and died on his way to the hospital.
His rival was chopped about his body and is in a critical condition in the New Amsterdam Hospital.
Gray who was part of the melee reportedly assisted in taking Simon to the Port Mourant Hospital.
At the hospital, he was reportedly pointed out to the police as one of the persons involved in the fight.
Gray, obviously wanting to avoid being taken into custody, hurriedly left the hospital.
It is believed that he was attacked while heading home early after the incident.
No one could say exactly how Gray got his injuries but investigators revealed that they got a call from an unknown caller, informing them that an injured man was in a yard at Clifton.
When they went to the yard they found Gray lying on a step in the yard with injuries to his body and breathing faintly. He was rushed to the hospital by the police.
Gray’s father, Garfield, told this newspaper that he was at home when he received a call from his son, informing him about the brawl.
The man said that his son also informed him that he was leaving the hospital since he was fearful of being attacked or arrested.
The elder Gray stated that sometime around 02:00 hrs he received another call from his son who told him that he was in the vicinity of Tain and Bloomfield and was coming home. The man said that he told his son, “Boy, suppose something happen to you”.
He subsequently got a call around 05:00 hrs that the ambulance had just taken his son to the hospital and that “he deh bad.”
The man said that his son succumbed not long after.
He stated that when he visited the mortuary he observed that his son had a stab wound to his abdomen, a cut on his hand and a blow to the back of his head.
Police are questioning one of the injured men who they believe could shed some light on how Gray met his death.
At Simon’s home, his family declined to comment. They received a call about the incident and subsequently learnt of his death


Murder accused escapes from New Amsterdam Prison

Neshan Jagmohan [right) and his brother Ramnarine during one of their court appearances

Neshan Jagmohan (right) and his brother Ramnarine during one of their court appearances

A manhunt is underway in Berbice to recapture murder accused Neshan Jagmohan, who escaped from the New Amsterdam Prison sometime on Sunday.
Kaieteur News understands that Jagmohan, a remand prisoner, was discovered missing when a check was made on his cell in the solitary confinement block of the prison on Sunday night.
Prison officials could not be reached for a comment, despite repeated calls from this newspaper.
However, Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum confirmed that the police have joined in the search for the murder accused.
A source told this newspaper that investigators are trying to ascertain how Jagmohan managed to cut his way through a steel grill to escape.
Jagmohan was committed to stand trial for the murder of businessman Devindra Deodat, called Dave, on October 7, 2013 at Hampshire Squatting Area, Corentyne. He was initially charged for the murder with his older brother, Ramnarine.
Deodat, the owner of Cool Runnings Trucking Service, was chopped and shot dead after a group of masked men stormed the grocery shop which he and his wife, Mala, 29, operated. The bandits also chopped Deodat’s wife in the head and shot her father, Rafeek Abdul, 47, in the left arm.
During the murder/robbery, two of the three attackers were allegedly unmasked, allowing the victims to identify them at a subsequent identification parade.
Both Neshan Jagmohan and his brother are known to the authorities, and according to investigators, one of them was released from jail the same day that Deodat was slain.
During the robbery the assailants managed to escape with $560,000, a gold band, a laptop computer and a cell phone.

Pastor Sarwan [second right) leads a prayer with the murder victim's mother Doreen Rajoo (third right), other relatives and members of the CFCN.

Pastor Sarwan (second right) leads a prayer with the murder victim’s mother Doreen Rajoo (third right), other relatives and members of the CFCN.

The wanton imbibing of alcohol is being blamed for yet another murder, this time at Supply, Mahaica on the East Coast of Demerara, where an uncle is in custody for stabbing his nephew to death.
Sheldon Richards, a 43-year-old labourer was killed around 15:10hrs on Sunday, after a heated, drunken row with his mother’s brother just outside his house. His death was the second domestic murder on the East Coast of Demerara for Sunday.
Police in a statement said that Richards and another man who is his relative were imbibing at his home at Supply, Mahaica, ECD, during which an argument ensued. Subsequently, Richards is reported to have struck the other man to his head with a piece of wood and the man retaliated and stabbed him to his chest.
The police said that Richards was pronounced dead on arrival at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, while the suspect was treated and sent away, and is in police custody assisting with the investigations.
No one could say what started the argument between the two men, but for Richards’ mother Doreen Rajoo, the incident has “divided my heart in two.”
According to Rajoo, her son, a known alcoholic, who does odd jobs in the neighbourhood lived with her, while her brother visits from time to time. She said that although the killing took place just outside her yard while she was inside, she cannot say what started the altercation.
“I was at home, but me been in me bedroom lock-up. I don’t know, I can’t say nothing, nothing where dem is concerned, because when he (Richards) come and he drunk, me does go in an lie down,” Rajoo told this newspaper.
Neighbours also could not say what led to the fight, except that after stabbing Richards, his uncle raised an alarm, resulting in several persons rushing to the scene.
But Richards appeared to have died before anyone could have provided any assistance to get him  medical attention.
For Rajoo, Richards is the second of her nine children to have died within a year—last year she buried her eldest son. She was consoled yesterday by members of the Cops and Faith Community Network (CFCN), which included Pastor Nirmaldeo Sarwan, who lamented the use of alcohol.
Following a brief prayer session with the bereaved family, Pastor Sarwan urged that there is no retaliation and a repeat of Sunday’s incident. He prayed against alcoholism, which has been blamed for a lot of the violent behaviour among young men, and said that Richards’ murder should be a lesson to the community. He said that he was heartened by the fact that the dead man’s mother has placed her faith in God to see her through the period of grief.
Apart from Pastor Sarwan, the Cops and Faith team included Pastor Ganesh Nauth, Police Sergeant Sharmain Clark and Corporal Jermaine Tyndall.
Meanwhile, Pastor Sarwan led another Cops and Faith team to Bare Roots, Bachelor’s Adventure yesterday, where they met with the mother and other relatives of Kevon George who was also stabbed to death on Sunday morning. He expressed similar sentiments there and stressed the need to curb violent behaviour among young people.
Post mortem examinations were performed on both bodies yesterday and the perpetrators are expected to be arraigned in court soon.


Duo cons woman out of $1.6M for house lots


A West Bank Demerara woman is calling on persons to be on the lookout for a couple that goes about claiming to have “links” to getting house-lots, with the intention of fraud.
Nazeema Persaud, of Swan Street, Klien, Pouderoyen, is claiming that she was approached by a woman in Bartica who told her that she had “links” to get house lots on West Coast Demerara.
Persaud said that she was sceptical at first but the woman, who identified herself as “Sandy”, was accompanied by a well-dressed male who showed her a business card, claiming that he was a lawyer.
Persaud stated that by the end of the discussion she was completely convinced.
“When I come out of the bush I sometimes give she a $200,000, a li’l $50,000 you know, how much I could afford. She does give me receipts so I never like suspect anything. I give she $1,560,000 in all. Is when I ready to come out back for Christmas I couldn’t find her,” the teary eyed Persaud said.
After making a report at the Vreed-en-Hoop police station, Persaud stated that she was not satisfied with the police efforts to locate the woman who goes by various aliases, so she decided to take matters into her own hands.
She received word of the duo’s location and upon investigating she found out that the male accomplice was not a lawyer but really a construction worker who resides on the East Bank Essequibo.
After inquiring from neighbours, she was told that the couple moved out weeks before Christmas and are currently in Trinidad.
However, Persaud stated that the two were seen in various parts of Vreed-en-Hoop walking about freely.
She said that she has given up all hope of getting her money back, but is calling on other persons to be aware of the smooth-talking duo that usually targets “girls working in the back dam”.
“Them collect money from two other girls but because them (girls) does do certain work in the back dam, they don’t want talk,” she said


Lone gunman robs Onderneeming businessman


An Onderneeming, Sandpit shop owner would be relieved whenever the police manage to arrest and prosecute a lone masked gunman who attacked and robbed him of a gold chain and an undisclosed sum of money, Sunday night, at his premises.
The gunman, who escaped, may have further intentions of launching another attack on the shop owner or other persons in that area.
According to reports, about 10:30 PM Sunday, a police officer who resides in the area received a report from the owner indicating he was attacked and robbed.
According to information, the shop owner and his wife closed their shop and took a walk. They returned to their home only to be confronted by the gunman who was apparently waiting for the shop owner who ventured behind his yard to pick up a sheet from the line.
The gunman, the report added, then proceeded to challenge the shop owner before stripping him of a gold chain and an undisclosed sum of money before escaping.
A report was lodged with the police at the Suddie police station who responded.
Members of the policing group in Onderneening, Sandpit area, are asking the Minister of National Security to engage the group and to make an attempt to resuscitate the group which could be of better service to the police.
(Yannason Duncan


Man’s body dumped at GPHC

– taxi driver arrested

The body of a man believed to be in his mid-thirties was dumped outside the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) on Tuesday evening.
Guyana Times understands the body is suspected to be that of Hilbert Bennett of Lot 17 North Road, Georgetown.
This newspaper was told that the body was dumped from a yellow taxi and the driver has since been taken into custody.
Reports are that a security guard at the Hospital noticed the car lingering in the area and subsequently noticed the driver trying to lift a body out of the vehicle and quickly contacted the Police.
The body was picked up and taken into the Hospital and the driver of the taxi was arrested and handed over to Police.
At the Hospital, an employee identified the body and contacted family members.
A relative of the dead man told Guyana Times that while he was still at a loss about the incident and has not seen the body, they were told it was identified as that of Bennett by a relative who works at the GPHC.
This newspaper was told that Bennett had left home for the East Coast of Demerara ‘line top’ to purchase food.
Attempts were made to contact the young man all afternoon, but to no avail, a relative said.  An investigation into the matter has since been launched.


Looks like the public taking the law into their own hands as the incompetent afc/apnu continue to mismanage the nation's security.

Wanted for businesswoman’s murderâ€ĶEscapee’s body found in Demerara River


The body of Robin Maxwell Thomas, who broke out of the Mackenzie Police Station on December 8 with alleged accomplice Stafrei Alexander, has been found in the Demerara River.

Dead: Robin Maxwell Thomas

Dead: Robin Maxwell Thomas

Officials said that Thomas’ badly decomposed corpse was found in the vicinity of West Watooka, near the Mackenzie/Wismar Bridge, about a week ago.
But he was only positively identified about a day ago after detectives matched the victim’s thumbprint to prints of Thomas they have on record.
Kaieteur News was told that police were unable to ascertain the cause of death due to the badly decomposed state of the corpse. Thomas was said to have provided police with information about the murder for which he and three others were charged.
The victim’s mother, Cheryl Hilliman, told Kaieteur News that a policeman visited her West Ruimveldt home at around 21.00 hrs on Monday. She said that the rank informed her that her son had drowned, and gave her two phone numbers for the Commander of ‘E’ Division. She said that yesterday, she contacted her brother who called the ‘E’ Division Commander.
“He called the Commander and he (the Commander) say it is my son (who was dead), and they said that they know it is him from his thumb print.”
Relatives were told to visit the Georgetown Public Hospital mortuary today to see the body.
Thomas’ mother said that he has a scar under the right eye and a birthmark on his left buttock.
Robin Maxwell Thomas, 22, of West Ruimveldt, and Stafrei Hopkinson Alexander, 30, of Lot 129, Laing Avenue, West Ruimveldt, broke out of the Mackenzie Police Station on December 8. The men reportedly escaped by smashing a hole through a cell wall. Thomas and Alexander along with Aiden Bowen, of Blueberry Hill, Wismar, and Anthony Primo, 29, of 153 Laing Avenue, were charged for the April 4, 2015 murder of businesswoman Shevon Gordon, who was shot near her One Mile, Linden premises.

Still on the run: Stafrei Alexander

Still on the run: Stafrei Alexander

Assistant Police Commissioner David Ramnarine, who was acting as Crime Chief at the time, had told Kaieteur News that “not enough vigilance was exercised” by the on-duty personnel.
Ramnarine said that according to information, the ranks were in the Enquiries Office at around 02.00 hrs and when they checked the lockups they observed a hole in the concrete wall.
“For anyone to dig a hole in a concrete wall, is that they went in there with some instrument, and it sends a message that they were not searched, and that their cell was not searched,” he said.
“It is clear that there was a supervision problem and that enough vigilance was not exercised. I know that there will be an investigation.”

Dead: Dewaun Anthony
Dead: Dewaun Anthony

Brawl leaves Tuschen man dead


A BRAWL outside of the popular “Pink Shop” at Greenwich Park, East Bank Essequibo on New Year’s Night has left a 22-year-old man dead.Eyewitnesses said that Dewaun Baksh sought to intervene in an altercation involving his younger brother when he was brutally stabbed to death on the roadside.
At the time of his death, the 22-year-old Baksh lived at Tiger Bay, Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo with his relatives. He returned to Guyana last March, after spending six years in Barbados, and so last Christmas was very special for his relatives and friends, his twin brother Dewane told the Guyana Chronicle.

Dewane said his brother was asleep for most of New Year’s Day, having partied on Old Year’s Night. In the afternoon, Dewaun and his younger brother Rafeek and three friends headed out to continue the holiday celebrations.

During the course of the night, Dewane said, Rafeek had “a talk” with a former acquaintance with whom he had had an argument sometime in the past. They all lived at Zeelugt, East Bank Essequibo at the time, before the Baksh family moved to Tuschen.

It was during an apparent argument between Rafeek and the other man that Dewaun intervened and the argument got even more heated.

Rafeek told his relatives that he walked away to leave the scene, but was hit in the head with a bottle or some other object.
It is then that the brawl broke out, and Dewaun was stabbed in several parts of his body, and was later pronounced dead.

Police are currently hunting three suspects known to Rafeek and his other friends.

Dewaun had hoped to return to Barbados later this month to continue his work there.

Apart from Rafeek and his twin brother, Dewaun leaves to mourn his sister Shazeena, his parents, and other relatives and friends.


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