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Deokumar Basdeo and his wife in happier times
Deokumar Basdeo and his wife in happier times

Cane Grove man beaten to death


– villagers say attackers known

By Derwayne Wills
A YOUNG Cane Grove, East Coast Demerara father of one died yesterday morning as a result of injuries he sustained in a New Year’s Day altercation in which he was allegedly attacked by a group of five men in his community.

Twenty-two-year-old Deokumar Basdeo died at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), but the police are currently investigating the incident, which occurred at about 21:30 hrs on New Year’s Day, one day after Basdeo had celebrated his 22nd birthday.

Basdeo’s wife, Sherry, told this newspaper that she was at her mother’s residence on the night of the incident when she received a call that her husband was badly beaten, and that he was unconscious and bleeding on the side of a roadway just around the corner from her in-laws.

On her way to the hospital yesterday morning, she received a call at about 08:30 hrs, informing her that her husband had died as a result of his injuries.

The family reminisced that the deceased had been a peaceful man who would not make trouble with anyone. They could not relate the source of the altercation between the deceased and his attackers.
They believe that the altercation was captured by a surveillance camera attached to the home of a wealthy community member for whom Basdeo worked up until his demise.

The family confirmed police investigators sought the surveillance footage from the residence, but were informed by the man’s son that the cameras were turned off at the time of the incident.

The dead man’s wife said she believes her husband was also run over by a motor vehicle after he had been beaten. The attackers were no strangers to the community. One resident confirmed that one of the attackers would frequent his mother’s home, located opposite the dead man’s family’s home. That man, believed to be from Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara, was not named.

That information was related to the police and two men are consequently believed to be in police custody, according to residents, although a police press release indicated that no arrests had been made up to press time.

One eyewitness who claimed to have seen the entire incident said they heard a loud noise at the corner that sounded like someone had been knocked down. Upon visiting the scene, the five men were seen beating the now-dead man as he begged for his life.

Deokumar’s father, 43-year-old Kevin Basdeo, is calling for justice in the matter. The deceased man leaves to mourn his wife, extended family, and a one-year-old son.


Corentyne man killed


A Corentyne resident was questionably the country’s first reported murder victim. He was killed just ten minutes into the New Year.
The celebrations were just beginning to soak in when it was reported that one man was stabbed to death following an altercation with one of his drinking partners.    Dead is Asif Hafeez, 24, a labourer of Lot 72 Grant 1780, Crabwood Creek, Corentyne, Berbice.
The situation started from a misunderstanding between the couple who lived in the upper flat of a two-storey apartment.
The alleged killer, a relative of the dead man’s wife, lived in the lower flat.
According to information, Hafeez and his wife had just returned from an Old Year’s Night party next door when an argument erupted between them.

Asif Hafeez

Asif Hafeez

It is alleged that the woman’s relative downstairs got involved and Hafeez reportedly promptly told him to “mind his own business”.
This infuriated the situation and the two men became involved in an argument.  Hafeez reportedly went downstairs and an altercation began during which he was stabbed in the neck by the other man who was reportedly under the influence of alcohol.
The injured man was picked up and taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. After committing the act the perpetrator walked out of the yard and has not been seen since. Investigations are ongoing.


Another afc/apnu low level drug pusher sacrificed while the Granger administration continue to be in bed with the drug lords. 

Surinamese national busted with cocaine

Gordon Wensley Lino with the cocaine taped onto him.

Gordon Wensley Lino with the cocaine taped onto him.

Thanks to alert ranks at the Moleson Creek Ferry terminal, a Surinamese national was intercepted yesterday with a quantity of cocaine in his possession.

According to the police, the man, who has been identified as Gordon Wensley Lino, was busted around 09:00 hrs while he was an outgoing passenger.

The 40-year-old man of South Ruimveldt, Georgetown and Mangrase Straat No.2 Paramaribo was caught with more than one kilo cocaine.

Kaieteur News was told that ranks requested to search the Surinamese national after observing that he was acting in a suspicious manner. Upon further investigation, it was revealed that the man had the cocaine taped around his body.

The arrest was made by Constable Mark Fraser. Investigations have so far revealed that Lino was working for a man, who traveled to neighbouring Suriname yesterday morning via the backtrack route.

There are reports that the man left Guyana with a quantity of cocaine. Investigators determined that yesterday’s bust was a trade between Guyana, Suriname, Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Aruba.

Home > TOP STORY > BURNT TO DEATH – bandits rob, torture hapless victims
The remains of the house where Anita Baichan was duct-taped and burnt alive by bandits yesterday [Clifford Stanley photo)
The remains of the house where Anita Baichan was duct-taped and burnt alive by bandits yesterday (Clifford Stanley photo)

BURNT TO DEATH – bandits rob, torture hapless victims


POLICE are investigating an incident in which a West Berbice mother of two was burnt to death in her home in a fire set by bandits in the aftermath of a home invasion and robbery early yesterday morning.The dead woman has been identified as Anita Baichan, 49, a cash-crop farmer of Plantation Hope, Bath Settlement, West Coast Berbice.

Neighbours at the scene after the robbery, arson and murder

Neighbours at the scene after the robbery, arson and murder

After the robbery and the setting of the house on fire, Baichan tried to escape from the building, but could not because she had been gagged and bound hand and foot with duct tape by the two bandits during the robbery.

Her son Moshin Khan, 23, was also beaten and terrorised by the bandits for over two and a half hours. He, too, was gagged and duct-taped, but somehow managed to escape the raging inferno that engulfed the house.

But by the time he had freed himself and rushed to save his mother, it was too late.

Neighbours said Baichan was a quiet and cheerful person.
She was the mother of two children: Moshin, a carpenter, and a daughter whose name was given as “Natasha,” who is currently overseas.

The robbery and subsequent arson and murder occurred between 02:00 hrs and 04:30 hrs yesterday.
According to Khan, he and his mother, the only occupants at home at the time, were awakened by the two armed men who gained entry into their house. The two men, one armed with a cutlass and the other with two knives, tied and gagged them both before demanding money.

They handed over $250,000 and some silver jewellery, but the robbers were unsatisfied and demanded more.

“They keep searching the house and then coming back and beat us, then they went searching the house again.”

The bandits “broadsided” Khan and his mother with a cutlass.

After the long torture, one of the bandits told them that they were leaving, but will burn the house down with them inside. The bandits, Khan said, then proceeded to the lower flat of the building, poured kerosene on the floor, and set the building alight.

Moshin Khan in hospital yesterday

Moshin Khan in hospital yesterday

The young man related that all he and his mother could have done was crawl on their bellies as they tried to get downstairs. During the crawling, he fell down the stairs, leaving her behind.

After a desperate effort, he managed to free himself, but by this time the house was engulfed in flames, making it impossible for him to return to rescue his mother.

Baichan’s remains were found after the fire had subsided, and the remains were taken to the mortuary for a post-mortem.

Khan was expected to be discharged from hospital yesterday afternoon after receiving treatment for the blows inflicted on him.

The police are investigating the matter, but up to late last night, no suspect had been held.

By Clifford Stanley



Alleged rum thieves remanded

Three juveniles have been remanded for breaking and entering a New Amsterdam home and stealing a quantity of foreign liquor.

The trio of Stanleytown, New Amsterdam, along with an adult are accused of breaking into the home Devon Campbell of Lot 47 Stanleytown, NA, between December 26 and 27 and stealing three bottles of rum, one pair of slippers, and one bottle perfume all being the property of Campbell and all totalling $213,000.

The juveniles along with Jim Shultz, 29, of Lot 46 Stanleytown, were refused bail when they appeared before Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus at the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s Court.

According to Police Persecutor Phillip Sherriff, the teenagers and Campbell are related. On the day in question after Campbell secured his home and went out, they broke in, stole the articles, and then sold them.

Shultz, the court was told, did not break into the house but was approached by the youths who gave him one of the rums to sell.

Shultz told the court he sold the rum and handed the money over to the teenagers.

According to Sherriff, all four are also suspects in two other break-in matters which the police are investigating.

He requested that they be remanded pending the investigation into the other matters.

They were all remanded to prison.

The case will continue on January 18

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Difficult for business people to live and operate successfully in an dangerous environment. It's implication on the economy is negative.

Agreed! Been going on now at least fifty years about time to put something between its spokes.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Difficult for business people to live and operate successfully in an dangerous environment. It's implication on the economy is negative.

you now learn about this,why u think guyana always have such a high migration rate 

Home > TOP STORY > Ex-murder accused killed
The house in which Corentyne businessman Patrick Mohabir was shot
The house in which Corentyne businessman Patrick Mohabir was shot

Ex-murder accused killed



A BELVEDERE, Corentyne businessman was gunned down late Wednesday evening at his home in what is believed to be a hit.Dead is 42-year-old Patrick Mohabir of Lot 9 Belvedere Village, Corentyne, who operates a supermarket at the bottom flat of his premises. He succumbed to his injuries at the Anamayah Memorial Hospital at Belvedere, Corentyne.
The man’s distraught wife, Shabeena Ahamad, told the Guyana Chronicle, she believes that her husband was the target, since his assailants entered and fired a single shot in his direction, which caught him in the left foot, and also inflicted a chop to his shoulder.
They then left immediately, after taking with them two cellular phones that were being charged in the bedroom.

Dead: Berbice businessman, Patrick Mohabir

Dead: Berbice businessman, Patrick Mohabir

Ahamad said she offered the men money and anything they needed so that they would not hurt her family, but during the five-minute ordeal, the men said nothing. At the time of the incident, the couple was at home with four of their six children.
Mohabir’s wife said the men were slimly built, masked, and armed with a gun and cutlass. They gained access into the house through a window on the right side of the building, but escaped through the back door.
She said that after securing their business, they retired upstairs for the night around 23:30 hrs. She was awakened by her husband, who asked her to check on the children in the living room as he thought they were still up and playing. “I got up to check what the noise was about,” Ahamad said, “but as soon as I open the bedroom door, two men were standing in front of me.”
She said she pleaded with them to take whatever they wanted and offered them money. At that point, her husband also got up, Ahamad said, after realising what was happening.
It was while struggling with the man with the gun that he was shot, while the one with the cutlass dealt him a chop to his body.
Ahamad said that while the men were on their way out, she managed to pull the mask off one of them, but he bent his head and quickly escaped through the back door. She immediately called the police, who arrived promptly, but the men had already made their escape.
When this publication arrived at the scene, family, friends and customers were gathered at the home of the businessman and his family to express their sympathy, while others were assisting to clean the blood-stained bedroom and blood trail from the bedroom to the entrance of the front gate in the lower flat. Many expressed shock and disbelief over the tragic incident.
Ahamad described her husband as a “caring father” who had no issues with anyone. She said they have been operating the business, Shabeena and Sons Supermarket, for over three years.
Meanwhile, Mohabir and several others had been charged and remanded to prison over the murder of an ex-police officer. This publication was told that Mohabir was committed in the Magistrate’s Court and was on remand for close to five years, but he was later acquitted of the charge. The police are investigating Wednesday night’s killing.


More details on the above

C’tyne businessman shot, chopped to death in home


cops seek prison escapee, alleged accomplice
On the run since breaking out of prison while on a murder charge, fugitive Neshan Jagmohan is now the

Dead: Patrick Mohabir

Dead: Patrick Mohabir

prime suspect in the brutal killing of a Corentyne businessman, who was shot and hacked to death in his home at around 23.30 hrs on Wednesday.
Police say Patrick Mohabir, 42, of Lot 9 Belvedere Public Road, Corentyne, Berbice, was attacked in his home by two men who were armed with a gun and a cutlass.
According to a police statement, the men also held up his wife Shabina Ahmad, 39.
“During the incident Patrick Mohabir put up a resistance and was shot and chopped by the perpetrators who escaped with two cell phones and a pair of shoes.
Mohabir succumbed at the Anamyah Memorial Hospital.
Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum disclosed that investigators are trying to locate Neshan Jagmohan, who escaped from the New Amsterdam Prison  last December while in solitary confinement.
Jagmohan was committed to stand trial for the October 7, 2013 murder of businessman Devindra Deodat at Hampshire Squatting Area, Corentyne.
Deodat, the owner of Cool Runnings Trucking Service, was shot and chopped to death by masked men who had stormed his grocery.
The bandits also chopped Deodat’s wife in the head and shot her father, Rafeek Abdul, in the left arm.
Blanhum also disclosed that they were seeking another suspect, but declined to identify the individual or say why investigators had connected Neshan Jagmohan to Wednesday’s killing.
Kaieteur News was told that at around 23:30 hrs on Wednesday, two masked men – one armed with a long gun and another with a cutlass, both dressed in dark long-sleeved clothing entered the Mohabir’s home.

The premises in which the attack occurred.

The premises in which the attack occurred.

Mohabir, a father of six, operates a popular grocery – Shabina and Sons Supermarket – on the premises.
At the time of the invasion, Mohabir, his wife, Shabina and four of their children, were at home. The two older children live overseas.
According to Shabina Ahmad, she and her husband were in their room when her husband heard some strange sounds emanating from outside. She said that they thought it was their children and he asked her to investigate, while he retired to bed.  Upon venturing out of the room, the woman was confronted by two masked men.
She said that she immediately begged the intruders not to harm her.  She said she told the armed men to take whatever they wanted.
However the men did not seem interested in her offers.
Upon hearing the talking, the woman’s husband immediately got up from his bed, but was confronted by one of the bandits. A scuffle ensued and he was shot in his left thigh and chopped by one of the perpetrators. The shot, which was fired at close range, shattered his left leg.
The bandits then returned to the woman.
She “scrambled” with one of them pulling off his mask in the process. However she was not able to see his face “because he duck…” The invaders then quickly exited the house, taking with them two cell phones and a pair

Neshan Jagmohan [right) and his brother Ramnarine during one of their court appearances.

Neshan Jagmohan (right) and his brother Ramnarine during one of their court appearances.

of shoes.
Patrick Mohabir was left in the bedroom where he bled profusely.  He was rushed to the nearby Anamayah Memorial Hospital, some four buildings away, where he succumbed while receiving medical attention.
“I don’t think it was a robbery, ‘cause they didn’t ask for anything,” the man’s wife reflected.
It was not clear how the men gained entry into the house, as there were no signs of forced entry or breakage. The woman stated that the invasion lasted about five minutes. Her four children slept through the ordeal and she woke them after the bandits left. The thieves escaped through a back door.
Mohabir, who once worked as a body guard, had been fingered in many misdemeanours in the past.  In 1998, he and two others were charged with murdering Detective police officer Raybourn Quinn. The detective was brutally chopped to death on the Whim Public Road while on his way to the Whim Police Station to make a report about cattle rustling. The matter was dismissed in the High Court a few years later.


Looks like Walter Rodney execution planning all over again, this time Brassington is the target.

Army admits involvement in surveillance activity

Pyle was “legitimately” supporting SOCU – GDF

Robert Pyle

Robert Pyle


The Government of Guyana and the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) on Tuesday attempted explain their involvement in what appears to be a very quasi-political operation, aimed at targeting the Head of the National Industrial and Commercial Limited (NICIL) Winston Brassington under the guise of carrying out a Police investigation, following the completion of a forensic audit at the entity.
The Defence Force was forced to admit that one of its Sergeants, Robert Pyle, was deployed to be part of a “legitimate” operation in support of the Special Organised Crime Fighting Unit (SOCU).
Plye and his wife died on December 30 while chasing a vehicle which they believed had links to Brassington.
The vehicle was being driven by a young man who was not related to Brassington. His sister was an occupant in the car. It was reportedly seen in the vicinity of Brassington’s Kingston, Georgetown home on the night Plye and special ranks were staking out the property.
After failing to block the vehicle from taking off, Plye and other special ranks in a second vehicle tailed it all

Winston Brassington

Winston Brassington

the way to Carifesta Avenue where another attempt was made to block it from proceeding further.
But this time, one of the two vehicles giving chase slammed into a vehicle which was being driven by civilian Linden Eastman. He subsequently died on the spot as a result of the impact, according to reports.
In a very brief statement to the media, the GDF, finally breaking its silence following public outrage and mounting criticisms, claimed that there was nothing sinister about its involvement in the probe being conducted by SOCU.
It argued that it was “normal” for the Defence Force to offer support to other law enforcement bodies on operations of a similar nature.
The GDF then alleged that Plye who was a member of its Special Intelligence Unit was working as part of Operation Dragnet which was an initiative announced last year by Government to tackle the out-of-control crime situation in the country.
The GDF’s release did not clarify who made the request for assistance and whether other ranks were also deployed officially to be part of the SOCU role.
When contacted, GDF Chief-of-Staff Mark Phillips remained tight-lipped and refused to cooperate with Guyana Times, pointing this newspaper to the release that was sent out earlier.
Soon after, this newspaper learnt that SOCU did not make an official request through the right channel for whatever support it felt it needed during the probe.
SOCU, the Guyana Police Force and the Government to a lesser extent, have remained mum on the entire incident and political undertones that are emanating as the fiasco unfolds.
Also, there have been no explanations as to why Plye’s wife was in the vehicle with him while he was on a “legitimate” operation on December 30, 2015.
No statement has been forthcoming about the identity, status or location of the fourth accident victim, who was pulled from the car and rushed to receive medical attention.
Guyana Times learnt on Tuesday that President David Granger; Vice President with responsibility for public security, Khemraj Ramjattan; Brigadier Phillips and Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud were fully briefed on the matter for days but said nothing to the media.
During the 2015 General and Regional Elections, the A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition had downplayed public concerns over its paramilitary fetishism which saw it employing the services of scores of former military and Police officials.
The coalition soon after was accused of attempting to subvert the independence of the Guyana Defence and Police Forces with the aim of achieving influence and control over their day to day operations and decisions of a certain nature.
The APNU and AFC then denied interfering but this most recent incident is being seen as having political roots because the Government has never hesitated to brand Brassington publicly as being aligned to the Opposition.


British teen found in shallow grave


-God-brother  arrested -friend, wanted

The search for missing British teen, Dominic Bernard, came to a grisly end at around 13.30 hrs yesterday, following the discovery of his decomposed body in a shallow grave at Nurney, Corentyne Berbice.
The victim was fully clothed and his body appeared to have been mutilated.
The body was left overnight under guard at the scene. A postmortem is to be conducted today.
Police sources said that Aaron Wilfred Hing, the victim’s god-brother and a prime suspect, was captured last night in a city hotel. He had booked into the hotel at around 17.00 hrs and was asking a staffer to borrow a cell phone when two police ranks, who had received information about his whereabouts, informed the staff that they were looking for a murder suspect.
A source said that Hing attempted to slip away from the scene but one of the policemen recognized him.
He was then arrested and was still being questioned at press time at CID Headquarters, Eve Leary. A second man is also in custody.
Police had issued a wanted bulletin for Hing, 23, who is a British citizen, and who had lived with Dominic Bernard’s family before coming to live in Guyana.

Captured: Aaron Hing.

Captured: Aaron Hing.

The bulletin had given Hing’s last known address as Lot 19, Kildonan Village, Corentyne.
A similar bulletin was also issued for Staymon George, who is also 23. His last known address was given as Lot 19 Charles Street, Charlestown and Kildonan Village, Corentyne.
Police sources said that Dominic Bernard’s corpse was found after detectives, responding to an anonymous call, conducted a four-hour search of a desolate and bushy area some five miles off the main road at Kildonan, Corentyne.
The ranks were reportedly tipped off some time on Thursday night that Dominic Bernard had been slain and his body buried in the area.
They reportedly began searching the bushy terrain from as early as 08.00 hrs yesterday.
There are reports that the ranks were about to give up the search when they received a second call.
This caused them to intensify the search and the shallow grave, with its gruesome remains, was eventually found.
Detectives from Georgetown, including ranks from the major Crimes Unit, joined detectives from Berbice in their investigation and remained at the scene up to late yesterday evening.
Indications are that the 18-year-old British citizen was murdered, by persons who knew him, shortly after he arrived in Guyana.
Dominic Bernard reportedly travelled to Guyana on October 14, last to meet his God-brother, Aaron Wilfred Hing.
He failed to make contact with family or friends.
The teenager was scheduled to fly back to England on November 5, 2015.

Staymon George

Staymon George

During a press conference held at Cara Lodge, the missing teen’s father, Andrew Bernard, said that his son left London to travel to Guyana on October 14, 2015 on Caribbean Airlines Limited (CAL) flight BW 903. He said that Dominic landed at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) Timehri at 21:50hrs and “has not been seen or heard from since.”
He went on to say that his son is six feet tall and of medium build.
According to Mr. Bernard, Dominic was last seen wearing blue jeans and white sweatshirt with a black jacket that has leather in the middle and fabric on the arms.
A photographer/film maker, the teen was also wearing a pair of white Nike sneakers and was carrying a suitcase along with one piece of hand luggage.
Andrew Bernard stated that this was his son’s maiden trip to Guyana. He was supposed to be picked from the airport by his God-brother, whom he was coming to spend time with.
Mr. Bernard stated that after his son failed to return home, he contacted his Godson who claimed that he had not seen the teen and did not even know he had travelled to Guyana.
Mr. Bernard said that it was unusual for his son not to make contact with his family.
He recalled that his son had travelled to Atlanta, Georgia, in the US earlier last year, and had made contact with his family as soon as he touched down there.
Dominic Bernard resided in England with his parents and according to his father, he was not encountering any problems back at home.

Dominic Bernard

Dominic Bernard

On Thursday, police, acting on reports that the missing teen had been spotted, searched locations in Berbice, Sophia and Timehri.
Several CID, Intelligence and uniformed police ranks from Georgetown and Berbice, searched a house in Kildonan, Corentyne.
According to reports, the house turned out to be the home of the missing teen’s best friend and god-brother, Aaron Hing.


“We were fearful for our lives”

Controversial NICIL probe

− former Miss India Worldwide speaks out on horrifying high-speed chase


The young female  and her male companion who were being chased by GDF sergeant Robert Pyle of the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) on December 30 have broken their silence and tell of the horrifying high-speed chase that ended on Carifesta Avenue, Georgetown, after Pyle’s pursuing vehicle crashed, killing three persons, including two civilians.

The two victims being chased were Alana Seebaran, wife of Attorney and Opposition parliamentarian Charles Ramson Jr and her brother Raymond Seebaran.

The Guyana Times was able to obtain a copy of the statement given to investigators by Alana Seebaran following the incident.

Seebaran said that on the evening of December 30, she and her brother Raymond visited her Lot 116-117 Cowan Street, Kingston home to pick up supplies for her young baby, when the ordeal began unfolding.
She said upon arrival at her home about 20:30h there was no vehicle or persons in the vicinity, but upon exit she observed two men in the middle of the road, dressed in plain clothes and looking in the direction of her home.

The woman said she became nervous and she along with her brother proceeded quickly to lock the gate and headed to their vehicle, when one of the men on his cellular phone was saying “they coming out now… they coming out now”.

She said as they approached their vehicle, one of the men who remains unknown to them said, “can I have a minute of your time?”

The mother of a young daughter said she became very concerned and nervous and urged her brother to enter the vehicle to which he complied.

She explained that the man walked towards the passenger side where she was seated and signalled her to lower the window.

She said her brother lowered the window about two inches.
“The man did not show us any form of identification but mumbled he was from the Special Crime Organisation and that ‘we need you to wait… our boss is on his way.’ I became very scared as the man had no uniform, never stated his name nor did he show us any identification, so I told my brother to drive away,” Seebaran told investigators in her statement.

She added however, her brother faced some difficulties in driving off as a white car came close behind theirs in an attempt to cut them off, but they eventually managed to elude the men and drove west on Cowan Street, by which time a silver car came into their path forcing them to stop.

“A man came out of the silver car and started to shout at us and bang on our vehicle’s bonnet with his hands. I started to scream for my brother to drive away and he found a small pathway between the trench on the southern side of the street and the parked silver car and drove away heading west on Cowan Street,” the woman recalled.

She said fearful for their lives her brother began speeding as the two vehicles continued to follow them.
She recalled that as they proceeded east along Carifesta Avenue the two cars were still trailing their vehicle and she contacted her father via telephone who advised that they drive to Kitty Police Station.

She recalled that the white car at one point pulled alongside theirs in an attempt to cut them off, but was forced to abandon the manoeuver since there was another vehicle just in front of them.

“After we passed the car which was immediately in front of us, the white car moved towards the southern side of the carriageway and drove alongside us when I felt an impact on our vehicle in the vicinity of the right front wheel area and observed that the white vehicle then careened on the southern side of the carriageway when I heard what sounded like a loud collision. I was still scared and told brother not to stop and that we must go right away to the Kitty Police Station as my father suggested.”

The woman said they drove to the Kitty Police Station but after telling ranks there of their ordeal they were advised to drive to Alberttown, since the incident occurred in that police district.

Seebaran said while there a report was made and they were told by the ranks that “we were free to go home.”
Out of fear they asked that the sergeant escort them home, which he did.

The white car was drive by Guyana Defence Force Intelligence Officer, Robert Pyle.

That car collided with a Canter truck, claiming the life of Sergeant Pyle, his wife Stacy and driver of the Canter Linden Eastman of Prashad Nagar.

When contacted Friday, head of SUCO Sydney James declared, “I have no comment on this matter…” and hung up his phone.

Since the incident, the GDF has issued a statement claiming that Pyle was on a “legitimate” SOCU assignment.

He was part of a group of law enforcement officers staking out the home of head of the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) Winston Brassington.

The other male driving the “silver car” – presumably another SOCU officer working with Pyle, has not been identified as yet.

It is important to note that there are no relations between the Seebarans and Brassington.


Good going Granger administration. You promised change but gave exchange. 

Woman alleges rape at GPHC


A 25-year-old woman is accusing a member of staff attached to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) of raping her while she was a patient at the hospital.
The woman stated that last Monday, while she was lying on her bed in the ward, she was approached by a man, whom she said was dressed in blue and black.
“He tell me that I have to go with him downstairs to get an injection,” she said.
The woman stated that she was then escorted downstairs and led into a dark room where she was instructed by the individual to remove her clothes.
“He had sex with me, and he left me in the room and I couldn’t find my way back (to the ward).”
The woman subsequently made a report to officials of the GPHC and caused an investigation to be launched.
She said that she was given a prophylactic and counseled by a social worker.
However, several sources interviewed by this publication, made claims of the woman – who is a “regular” at the hospital because of her having constant seizures – being intimately involved with her alleged rapist.
Sources have also stated that the woman and the alleged rapist would often have consensual sex at the GPHC. One of the source’s “theories” is that the duo might have been caught in the act causing the “embarrassed” woman to “cry rape”
Both allegations, however, were denied by the woman who expressed disgust and who stated that while she has a lot of friends at the hospital, she has never met this particular individual.
When spoken to recently, she said that several officials attached to the GPHC had visited her and requested that she drop the matter. However, the woman said that she has no such intentions of doing so and with the support of her mother, she is hoping that she will get justice.
Speaking to Minister of Health George Norton yesterday, he revealed that upon hearing of the incident, measures were immediately taken.
“We took measures to remove security personnel who we think were not doing their jobs and also instructed others who were in the area of security and this is being undertaken by someone who is very well experienced in the security sector and is coming directly from the Ministry of Public Health…” he stated.
On the question of whether the alleged assailant was still on the job Norton replied, “Certainly not, investigations are still going on, if it is necessary, charges will be laid.”

Drugb posted:

This govt is a joke.

Berbice Bridge robbed

A BBC vehicle parked at the Central Police station yesterday.

A BBC vehicle parked at the Central Police station yesterday.

The Berbice River Bridge may very well be rethinking its decision to lower their fare after the company was hit with a $5M robbery on Wednesday.
The take included both cash and cheques.
Reports are that around 06:00 hrs on Wednesday, operatives at the  De Edward, West Bank Berbice River end of the bridge were in the process of making a deposit  at the nearby Republic Bank when they were robbed by a lone gunman with a hand gun.
According to Chief Executive Officer of the Berbice Bridge Company, Omadatt Samaroo, the Supervisor was in the vicinity of the Republic bank and had just exited the vehicle to make a deposit into the safety deposit box when a lone bandit appeared and pointed a gun to her head and demanded she hand over the cash that was in two night deposit bags.
The man grabbed the bags from the startled employee, jumped the bank fence and escaped in the nearby cane fields.
It is not sure if the BBCI staff was accompanied by any security detail, however people in the vicinity stated that none was available.
It was a regular practice by the BBCI not to have security details accompany their employees when they are depositing money.
It is understood that security details at the Bank who are usually unarmed scampered for cover, some hiding under tables when they saw the man with the gun.
The matter was reported to the police who responded promptly and scoured the area. A man was subsequently nabbed in the vicinity and is in custody. He is said to have been seen with a change of clothes.
Investigations are continuing.

OH HO -Karma.


Bobby company get robbed.  Interesting.


Tief who tief from a tief mek god laugh.


The Granger administration continues to do a lousy job in the security of the nation's citizens. Yet no call for Ramjattan's resignation.


Grocer, 81, wife, 49, butchered by drug-crazed youths


The home in which the couple were savagedly brutalised.

-teen confesses to brutal killing, caught trying to wash off blood

by Michael Jordan and Samuel Whyte
In one of the most shocking confessions in recent times, an 18-year-old boy yesterday related to police how he and two others tortured, robbed and finally hacked an 81-year-old grocer and his 49-year-old wife to death at Bush Lot, West Coast Berbice.
The victims, Doodnauth Rajkumar and Dianne Chammanlall, who own a grocery and beer garden, were terrorized and repeatedly chopped, after the young robbers, all drug-crazed youths, broke into their Lot 93 ‘A’ Bush Lot, Middle Dam, West Coast Berbice property early yesterday morning.
Mr. Rajkumar, with throat slashed from ear to ear, and with one arm partially severed, was found dead in the hallway.
Police reportedly found his wife, Dianne Chammanlall, badly injured and lying in the verandah of the two-storey home.
She succumbed while receiving medical attention at the Fort Wellington Hospital.
The teen, who police identified as Neeman Rafeek, called ‘Shazam’, of Bush Lot New Scheme, Berbice, was captured at his home shortly after fleeing the scene.
At the time, he was washing off the blood of the victims. Detectives also found bloodstained clothing soaked in a bucket.
Up to late yesterday, detectives were still hunting for the detained youth’s two other accomplices. One of the suspects is a 25-year-old former murder accused who was recently arrested, but released, in connection with another murder.
Other reports stated that at least four people are in custody. Police have also recovered a knife that the killers used.
The slain couple operated a grocery as well as a beer garden. Kaieteur News understands that the beer garden was frequented by drug addicts from the community.

Undertakers removing the body of one of the victims.

Undertakers removing the body of one of the victims.

Evidence at the slain couple’s home revealed that the killers had devoured chocolates and other confectionaries at the scene, and had even defecated in the home. Police also found a bag that the young killers had stashed with confectionaries, but were forced to abandon after the ranks arrived.
In a detailed statement to detectives, the detained youth reportedly admitted that the gang had broken into the premises to rob the victims.
The teen reportedly stated that after cornering Doodnauth Rajkumar and Dianne Chammanlall in their home, the robbers began chopping their victims, while repeatedly demanding money.
But it was while they were torturing the couple that neighbours reportedly heard the commotion.
They contacted the police who rushed to the scene and saw the three killers scaling a fence.
Inside, they found the upper flat ransacked and awash with blood, with the dead businessman and his mortally wounded wife nearby.
While the victims were taken to the Fort Wellington Hospital, police set up a cordon in an attempt to capture the victims, but the suspects managed to slip the dragnet.
However, acting on information, police ranks went to the Bush Lot New Scheme home of teenage suspect, Neeman Rafeek.
There, they reportedly found him trying to wash off his victim’s blood, while his clothing, also bloodstained, was in a bucket of water.
Mr. Rajkumar was the father of four, who are all overseas. The victim was also said to be a US citizen.
His reputed wife also has a daughter who lives overseas.
His nephew, Attorney- at- Law Ramesh Rajkumar, said that his uncle recently travelled overseas to visit his children and take his regular medical checkup.
Rajkumar stated that relatives received a call around 04:30 hrs from someone who told them about the incident.
He stated that the couple was badly beaten and chopped and appeared to have been tortured.
The nephew also stated that the thieves took time to drink beers and eat chocolates, before defecating in a number of areas in the house.
According to Rajkumar, he was told that the bandits entered the house around 02:30 hours.
It is unclear how they gained entry, since there were no signs of forced entry.
Residents stated that a number of youths would drink, and even “smoke weed” in front of the premises.
Some speculated that one or more of the bandits, who are all from the area, may have secreted themselves into the shop before it was closed.
Residents were loud in praise of the police for the swift manner in which they responded to the situation.
A large number of people, including relatives, gathered outside the couple’s home when daylight dawned. They saw the undertakers removing the bodies and were stunned.


Body on yacht had gunshot to face


Local investigators have contacted their French counterparts as they collaborate to probe the death of Frenchman Michel Bozier, whose body along with that of his dog was found on a yacht 200 miles off the coast of Guyana.

The “Allegro” moored at the GDF Coastguard wharf.

The “Allegro” moored at the GDF Coastguard wharf.

Local police took possession of the body yesterday after the yacht, “Allegro”, was brought into Port Georgetown by the Guyana Defence Force Coastguard.
According to Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum, the body bore a gunshot wound to the face which is consistent with a shotgun blast.
The dog was also shot dead with a shotgun.
Blanhum said that while a post mortem examination has not yet been performed on the body, investigators are looking at every possible theory, including suicide as the reason for Bozier’s death.
A shotgun was found under the face…There were three other shotguns in the cabin,” the Crime Chief said.
From all indications no one else was on the vessel when Bozier died, since according to the Crime Chief, everything was intact, including credit cards belonging to the dead man.
Investigators were able to ascertain from documents found on the yacht that Bozier celebrated his 70th birthday two months ago.
The yacht bearing the bodies of Bozier and his dog was first spotted on January 5 by the crew of a tanker vessel which was moving from Jamaica to Brazil.
The crew sent a transmission which was picked up by the local coastguard, who subsequently informed the relevant agencies.  The coast guard was provided with the reading of where the sighting was made.
Using the information, the Guyana Defence Force sent out its Skyvan to conduct a flyover survey to confirm the information.
After this was done, the aircraft returned to the coast and a team from the Maritime Administration, the GDF and the Guyana Police Force went to the location and brought the French registered yacht into port.


Three held for illegal 9mm in car


Police on the West Demerara continue to be on the alert to ensure that they minimise criminal activity in their Division.
Yesterday, they were successful in taking another illegal weapon off the streets and might have been able to halt the progress of a gang that was wreaking havoc in La Parfaite Harmonie community.
Divisional Commander Stephen Mansell told this newspaper yesterday that his ranks were on patrol duty around 10:20 hours when they intercepted a car at Schoonard Public Road, which leads into La Parfaite Harmonie.
The occupants were ordered out while a search was carried on in their presence.
An alert policeman observed a bulge under a mat in the vehicle. A closer examination revealed a 9mm pistol with nine matching rounds of ammunition. The three men were promptly taken into custody.
The Commander said that apart from being charged for the illegal possession of the firearm and ammunition, the men will be placed on ID parade to see if they were involved in any of the criminal activities that were perpetrated in the area within the past few months.
“We had some hits in the Parfait area late last year and we will be investigating to see if they were involved,” the Commander said.


This is what the people voted for when they elected the afc/apnu.

Single women abandon their homes


As bandits continue to invade the homes of women who live alone on the Essequibo Coast, many of those women are now forced to abandon their homes out of fear of being physically harmed or even killed.
One such recent attack targeted a woman who has resided for years at Richmond Village, Essequibo Coast. The victim revealed during a conversation that she still cannot understand why the bandits chose to invade her house and cart off all of her clothing and food stuff, even though she secured the building and had gone away for a while.
According to the woman, the night after she left the Coast to spend some time away, her home was invaded and ransacked.
The worried woman said that the intruders searched every room, purse, cupboard and wardrobe took away all of her clothing including her underwear.
The woman said that the incident has forced her to never sleep in her house again. A report was lodged and detectives visited the scene and conducted a thorough investigation but to date no one has been arrested. Further reports have indicated that there was no sign of forced entry except footprints in the sand behind the building.(Yannason Duncan)


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