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Dead: Kevon Payne
Dead: Kevon Payne

Soldier executed in Albouystown


A GUYANA Defence Force (GDF) Lance Corporal was killed execution-style in front of his Sussex Street, Charlestown residence on Tuesday by gunmen.

Being comforted by a close family, Payne’s mother Evette [only name given) holds her granddaughter close to her heart as she weeps uncontrollably

Being comforted by a close family, Payne’s mother Evette (only name given) holds her granddaughter close to her heart as she weeps uncontrollably

Dead is Kevon Payne of Lot 36 Sussex Street, Charlestown. The father of two is said to be in his early 20s. According to reports, at about 21:00h on Tuesday, two gunmen opened fire on Payne in the presence of his family, shortly after he had returned home from duty.

When Guyana Chronicle arrived on the scene, scores of residents had swarmed the street as they expressed anger over the shooting. There was also a high police presence, with ranks keeping a close watch on the many spent shells that were scattered all over the scene of the crime.

Payne’s brother, Vellon Thorne, told Guyana Chronicle that he was with his brother at the time of the shooting.

“We were sitting in front of the house, two guys came up on a motorcycle and start shooting at my brother,” he recalled.

According to him, it was not long after a van load of police ranks arrived on the scene.

“The police pull up in a split second and start a shooting too, along with the guys them on the bike,” Thorne alleges. He said he is very familiar with one of the policemen.

One of the spent shells on the scene of the Sussex Street shooting

One of the spent shells on the scene of the Sussex Street shooting

Meanwhile, Thorne and other residents are alleging that police ranks had aided the gunmen. Thorne, like many of the other family members and residents who were around at the time, managed to escape unharmed.

The enraged young man spoke openly about the shooting, and went into a fit of rage when he raised his head and noticed one of the policemen whom he alleged shot his brother.

“Look the man who killed my brother!” he screamed as he advanced towards the rank. It was not long before the accused rank was surrounded by fuming friends and relatives who cried murder. The rank was escorted off the scene after seeking advice.

Payne’s aunt, Pauline Paris, who wept bitterly on the scene, said she not only witnessed the shooting, but after running to safety, was able to see the licence plate of the vehicle the alleged killers were in.

“When the police started to ring out the heavy bullets, I had to run,” the woman said. Payne’s mother was too distressed to speak to this newspaper.

The Guyana Police Force is, however, maintaining that ranks were in close proximity when they heard gunshots and quickly responded. But there they were met with resistance and the shooters managed to escape.


East Canje teen shot while resisting cops


EAST Canje, Berbice teen Malcolm Henry was on Tuesday night shot by a police after he allegedly resisted lawmen who were carrying out a search on his person.The 18-year-old, of Lot 319 Welfare Street, Canefield, East Canje, Berbice, was allegedly with his mother, Roxanne Prince, on their bridge when the lawmen pulled up in a vehicle.

They approached Henry, whom his mother said refused to allow them to search his pockets.

“They carry he to their vehicle and put his hands in the air. They then search him; but when the one police go to put his hand in his pocket, he tell them that they can’t do that,” Prince related.

Prince alleges that police have been targeting her son for some time now. She contends that some 13 charges were stacked against him last year, but they were all dismissed for the lack of evidence.


Bandits strike in Laing Avenue


With police patrols in the city distracted by the fatal shooting in Albouystown, two armed bandits took advantage to terrorize a Laing Avenue household on Tuesday night.
The men held a gun to the head of a 14-year-old boy whose foot was in a cast, and forced a visitor to lie face down on the ground as they relieved him of his valuables.
The bandits timed their act to perfection as they managed to escape mere minutes before a police -mobile patrol passed the location.
Kaieteur News understands that Faye Daniels, who operates a food stall in the city, had left her 18-year-old daughter and her 14-year-old son at home to tend to her business.
At the time her daughter’s boyfriend was visiting. He bore the brunt of the attack.
Daniels’ daughter recalled that they were sitting on the patio in front of their house when her boyfriend got up to leave.
She said that she accompanied him to the gate and while there she observed two men, one short and the other tall, approaching from a nearby alleyway.
The men walked past but then suddenly turned and with their guns drawn, they ran towards the teenager and her boyfriend.
Daniels’ daughter said that she ran back into the house, leaving her boyfriend to the mercy of the two bandits.
Her brother who has a broken foot, tried desperately to flee also but one of the gunmen pointed his gun at him and ordered him to remain where he was.
Her boyfriend was ordered to lie face down by one of the bandits who demanded whatever valuables he had.
“They asked my boyfriend if he had on any jewellery and he didn’t answer…Then one of them feel his neck to see if he had on a chain, then he push he hand in his pocket and took out his cell phone and $4000,” the teenager recalled.
All the while she was peering through a crease in the wall, hoping desperately that the men would not enter the house to confront her.
But the men suddenly fled the scene through the same alleyway from which they had arrived.
“Shortly after a police patrol passed and we call them and tell them about the robbery, but they ain’t go after the men,” the young woman told this newspaper.
She said that she was taken to the Ruimveldt Police Station where she made a report but no one there took a statement from her; instead they told her to return the following morning.
Tuesday night’s robbery brought back shocking memories for Faye Daniels, who told this newspaper that it was the second time that the family has had such an experience.
“We got robbed in 2011 and now again…Like this thing won’t done,” Daniels lamented.
Although her children were traumatized by the ordeal, she feels lucky that she was not at home, since she too might have been targeted by the bandits.
Only recently the police had boasted a reduction in serious crimes and it is hoped that recent criminal events are not a sign that it is on the increase.


Albouystown drug dealer may have ordered hit on Soldier


An Albouystown drug dealer may have organized the execution of Army Lance Corporal Kevon Payne, who was gunned down outside his mother’s Sussex Street, Charlestown home around 21:00 hrs on Tuesday.

Army Lance Corporal Kevon Payne

Army Lance Corporal Kevon Payne

This is one of several theories investigators are following as they continue to question several persons in connection with the execution-style killing of the 22-year-old man. Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum confirmed that no one has been arrested as yet. He said that investigators will be conducting a thorough investigation.
According to information received, one of Payne’s brothers, Vellone Thorne, was involved in a heated argument with a drug dealer, who is known to the family– this occurred some time last week.
The argument turned physical and the drug dealer later threatened to “finish” Payne’s brother.
Kaieteur News was told that the drug dealer told villagers that he has $10M and was willing to pay “the experts” to take out his enemy because he was too “disrespectful” to him.
There are reports that when Kevon Payne asked for time off from his work on Tuesday after he learnt of the incident involving his brother, Thorne, and the drug dealer. He reportedly went to meet the individual.
“My brother (Kevon) is a peaceful person. He hear that this man said he gone kill our brother and he went and confront he but this man started to behave stupid so my brother (Kevon) told him, if he kill my brother, he will have to live in the sky,” Sharmain Thorne, the dead man’s sister said.
Relatives believed that the well known drug dealer organized the soldier’s death after they talked early Tuesday.
“I think they kill Kevon to get to the other brother (Vellone) because they know that he is a road man and it won’t be easy to kill him,” the sibling stated.
Payne’s stepfather, Rudolph Thorne said that he too had tried to make peace between his son, Vellone and the drug dealer when he learnt of the incident.

Payne’s step father and sister.

Payne’s step father and sister.

“I meet him (drug dealer) and I ask him what happened and he said that my son disrespectful to him and that he got $10M and he gone get rid of my son,” Thorne said.
The man said that his relatives have already provided the police with the names of the shooter and the drug dealer who they claimed arranged the execution-style killing of Payne.
Kevon Payne was reportedly shot at least six times by his killer, who arrived on the scene on a white motorcycle and escaped with an accomplice, following a brief exchange of gunfire with police ranks.
Shakel Wilson, a friend of the dead man was shot in the leg. He is being treated at a private hospital.
Payne’s relatives are claiming that the police too played a part in his death. Amid these reports, the Guyana Police Force (GPF)’s Office of Professional Responsibility has launched an investigation.
This newspaper was told that investigators are also testing the weapons of those ranks, who were present at the scene.
In tears, the dead man’s mother, Evette Parris, said that she lost her daughter, Creavone Thorne, almost eight years ago and never received justice.
Thorne’s decomposed body was discovered in November 2008 in a trench at Thomas Lands with the throat slit.
Police had arrested her boyfriend but he was later released.
Meanwhile, members from the Guyana Defence Force visited the grieving family to offer their sympathy.
Among the Army officials was Gary Beaton, Commander of the GDF Coast Guard; welfare officers and Nicholas Corbin, the Force Chaplin.
This is the third execution in the city in recent days. The first was O’Riley Small, 31, who was riddled with bullets just as he entered his Smyth Street home.
The second victim was murder accused Steve Mohamed, who was riddled with bullets and dumped in Le Repentir Cemetery.


Corentyne man found currency making machine


Police on the Corentyne are almost certain that they have found the source of a counterfeit currency

Niran Khan

Niran Khan

racket, after they busted a 28-year-old excavator operator yesterday.
Niran Khan, of lot 97 Number 71 Village, Corentyne, was arrested when a police party headed by Assistant Superintendent Antonio Fredricks, caught him with a set of fake Guyana $1000 bills.
Kaieteur News understands that the police, acting on information, went to Khan’s house to carry out a search.
Khan, who sitting on his stairs when the police turned up, appeared to be surprised at the sight of the lawmen, and he quickly ran inside with the intention of getting rid of any evidence of his operation.
However, he was too late, as the police rushed in the house and saw him trying to destroy some of the fake bills he had already made.
The cops also found a machine in the kitchen which was used to print the fake currency, along with paper already cut up and waiting to be printed.
Khan was placed in custody and is expected to be in court soon.
“We have been getting a number of reports about counterfeit local currency and we believe that we have found the source. There’s a large amount of counterfeit circulating in this region,” a rank close to the investigation told Kaieteur News.


Businessman among two shot during failed Regent St. robbery


A businessman and a father of two were shot yesterday during a botched robbery outside of a general

Narine Samsadeen

Narine Samsadeen

store on Regent Street, Georgetown. The incident occurred a little after 12:30 hrs.
The victims are Shazam Alli, a businessman of Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo (EBE) and Narine Samsadeen, 30, of Parika Backdam, EBE.
The businessman was shot to the foot and is hospitalized at a private hospital while Samsadeen was shot to the abdomen and is a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.
Samsadeen is said to be in a critical condition at the hospital. When this newspaper visited the hospital yesterday, he was in the theatre.
Samsadeen’s father-in-law, Fazal Ali works for the businessman. At the time of the robbery, he was just lending a helping hand.
This newspaper was told that the 30-year-old man had an errand to run in the city and took a drop from the businessman early yesterday but eventually stayed to help out.
According to information received, the businessman buys grocery in Georgetown and sells in the interior. It is believed that he was traced after leaving a gold and diamond dealer in the city.
Police in a release said that an armed man exited a motor vehicle at Regent Street and discharged several rounds at Samadeen Alli and escaped in the motor vehicle.
“He (Samsadeen) doesn’t work with us. He had to buy something and he decided to stay and help us. We were buying stocks to take in the bush,” Ali said.
He explained that they had gone to the store to purchase a freezer. I was moving a bag of rice from the truck to put the freezer at the bottom when I hear gunshots and then I see two men run pass me,” Ali recalled.
The man explained that his son-in-law was at the top of the truck helping out while the businessman was now exiting the store. “I don’t think they got anything because when they left, he (businessman) still had his bag on him.”
“They shoot Narine first and the boss man run and they fired a shot at him,” Ali said.
No one has been arrested as yet. This newspaper was told that investigators will be reviewing the store’s surveillance cameras.
Investigations are ongoing.


Female security, 60, raped twice during robbery


–    “I told him I could be his grandmother and he said ‘what f***ing grandmother… lie down leh I f*** you’.”
A female security guard was raped twice within 35 minutes last Monday after a young robber broke into the guard hut she was in at a Day Care Centre in East Ruimveldt, Georgetown.
The 60-year-old woman was beaten and robbed before being raped twice by the man, who was arrested Wednesday night.
This occurred around 01:00 hr. on Monday last.
Yesterday, the woman recalled her horrifying ordeal and claimed that after she was sexually molested; her attacker had her walking naked towards an isolated area to kill her.
Luckily, a resident who resides nearby heard the commotion and came out just in time to rescue the elderly woman.
The mother of five explained that she was in the guard hut at the day care centre when she noticed a shadow.
“I got up and asked who was there and then I see like someone ducking and then the person suddenly raised up with a jersey over his face and stare at me,” the security guard recalled.
While holding a wood in his hand and threatening to kill her, the man demanded her purse.
“I gave him the purse and he asked me how much I got in it and I said $18,240. When he checked he said that I lie, he only see $240. He cuff me twice and he said if he can’t get money, he ‘got to get f***,’” the woman claimed.
She added that the man demanded that she remove her pants and underwear. He dragged her to the ball field in the day care compound (a bushy area) and raped her.
“When he done, he tell me to get up and he walk back in front and he keep asking for more money. All this time I keep remembering all those old people who were raped and killed and I was praying not to be one of them,” she said.
According to the elderly woman, after the man demanded more money for a second time, he told her that he needed to have intercourse with her again, since she didn’t have any money to give him.
“He asked me how old I was and I said 60. I told him that I could be his grandmother and he said ‘what f***ing grandmother… lie down leh I f*** you’. He asked me if I got man and so,” the woman said.
The victim said that when her attacker noticed that she was crying, he threatened her. “When I screamed for help, he said he will kill me and that no one will hear.”
Kaieteur News was told that after the mother of five was raped for a second time, her attacker demanded that she remove all her clothing.
“He said that he has to kill me now and I keep crying and begging. He told me to walk and then a man that live a short distance away came out and call out for me and I started hollering for help and he (attacker) run away,” the woman revealed.
The matter was reported to the police and the suspect was later arrested.
Investigations are ongoing.

The burgled store at Meten-Meer-Zorg Public Road, West Coast Demerara
The burgled store at Meten-Meer-Zorg Public Road, West Coast Demerara

Businessman suffers ‘big loss’ in robbery


By Michel Outridge

THE PEOPLE’S Choice Self-Service Store, located at Meten-Meer-Zorg Public Road, West Coast Demerara, was broken into and robbed of millions of dollars in items, including brand name colognes, bags of rice, milk, beverages and car accessories, among other things.A distressed Harry Singh, proprietor of the store, told the Guyana Chronicle that he learnt of the incident after a neighbour telephoned him at home early on Friday morning.

The items left behind from the empty showcases

The items left behind from the empty showcases

He said he hurried to the scene and was greeted by a ransacked store, and saw that one of the side windows, which was outfitted with steel and secured by double padlocks, was removed and the wooden bars ripped out.

Singh explained that the robbers gained entry from the ground floor, and entered the store, which has several sections, including grocery, stationery, pharmacy, car accessories, CDs and DVDs, gift centre and electronics.

The businessman said he rents the place, the lower flat of which houses the store while the top flat is occupied by a private school named Professional Learning College (PLC).

He reported that the police were summoned, and showed up at the scene, but failed to lift any fingerprints from the many showcases in the store.

Singh explained that at approximately 03:00hrs, a neighbour observed a man carrying two bags of rice passing his home, but he thought nothing of it. But when a second man passed with a basket containing boxes of milk, beverages and other things, he become suspicious and called out to his wife to hand him the cutlass, and he began to shout for “Thief!”

He said the man dropped the basket and fled on foot.

Singh said the bandits spent a lot of time in the store, and selected the best of everything. He pointed out that they selected from the many glass cases in the store, thus he was robbed of the largest Cadbury chocolates, colognes, milk, juices and other items.

Singh told this newspaper that the business is family-owned and the members tried to sell everything possible.

This window, once outfitted with steel, is the one through which the robbers gained entry to the store

This window, once outfitted with steel, is the one through which the robbers gained entry to the store

The bandits had also gained access to the top flat, which houses the private school, and they took the money that was there from the canteen, and also took time to have a few beverages from the refrigerator.

This is the second robbery to have occurred at the same business place. In the first robbery, the robbers had gained entry to the store after breaking the wall. In this robbery, the men also brought their own tools, which included hammer and chisels, which they left behind.

Singh is, however, thankful that it was not a gunpoint robbery, and his two employees were not hurt.


Police investigators recovering spent shells at the scene last evening. Taylor’s slippers and the chair he was sitting on lie nearby
Police investigators recovering spent shells at the scene last evening. Taylor’s slippers and the chair he was sitting on lie nearby

Charlestown man shot dead


By Alva Solomon

NATHAN Gladston Taylor, a 54-year-old father of three, was last evening gunned down at the corner of Sussex and Adelaide Streets in the Georgetown ward of Charlestown, in what is believed to be a revenge hit.“Tuffy”, as Taylor is also known, was a part-time poultry farmer who lived in Adelaide Street, Charlestown, Georgetown. Reports are that Taylor was sitting in front of a house at the street corner

Taylor’s wife, Michelle, being comforted by relatives at the Georgetown Public Hospital

Taylor’s wife, Michelle, being comforted by relatives at the Georgetown Public Hospital

when, at about 21:45 hrs, two men rode up on a CG motorcycle and riddled him with bullets.

Picked up and rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital, he was pronounced dead on arrival. Having been shot multiple times, hospital sources report that as many as 10 bullets were pumped into his body, including his back, chest and neck.

Persons at the hospital told this newspaper that Taylor’s death may be related to the murder of Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Lance Corporal Kevon Payne, who was killed execution-style at his Sussex Street home on Tuesday evening.

One relative said Taylor’s son may have been the target, noting that persons in the Albouystown area had accused Taylor’s son of being involved in the Payne murder.

At the hospital, Taylor’s wife and three children were lost for words. Scores of relatives rushed to the public medical institution on hearing of his death, and many were seen comforting Taylor’s mother.

Police cordoned off the crime scene last evening

Police cordoned off the crime scene last evening

His friends reported having seen him moments before he died. One friend noted that he had seen Taylor at a shop in the area minutes earlier. He said Taylor was known to be a quiet individual, and his death came as a shock to many persons in the area, given his quiet nature.

At the scene, police ranks cordoned off the area as bystanders looked on in disbelief. Police “A” Division Commander Clifton Hicken, who was on the scene, told this newspaper that Taylor had been engaged in leisure activity when the assailants rode up and shot him.

On Tuesday night, Payne, 22, called “Scar”, a Lance Corporal of the GDF Coast Guard, was gunned down by two men on a CG motorcycle shortly after he had returned

Police investigators recovering spent shells at the scene last evening. Taylor’s slippers and the chair he was sitting on lie nearby

Police investigators recovering spent shells at the scene last evening. Taylor’s slippers and the chair he was sitting on lie nearby

home from duty.

According to a Guyana Police Force release, ranks of a police mobile patrol who were in the vicinity responded to the sound of gunshots and confronted the two suspects, who managed to escape after an exchange of gunfire with the ranks.

Police are investigating both incidents.


Man remanded for beating, raping 60-year-old security guard


A man was yesterday remanded to prison for beating and raping a 60-year-old woman at a Day Care

Samuel George

Samuel George

centre in East Ruimveldt.
Samuel David George, 27, of Lot 8 East Ruimveldt, Georgetown, had to be lifted by police ranks into to the court compound when he pointedly refused to walk on his own. Once in the compound yesterday afternoon, George shouted his innocence loudly, stating that he was wrongfully accused of robbing and raping the woman.
He shouted out for the President, pleading for help, “Granger, Granger, help me”.
He was not required to plead when the charge was read to him by before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan. The prosecution evidence indicated that on March 28, last, at East Ruimveldt, Georgetown, he robbed his victim of a cellular phone valued $5,000 and $18,000 cash.
The victim, a security guard at the Day Care, is alleged to have been raped twice after a young robber broke into the guard hut.
She was beaten and robbed before being raped by the man around 01:00 hr on the day in question.
Police Prosecutor Deniro Jones successfully opposed bail on gravity of the charge and the fact that he has a pending rape allegation against him. He further mentioned that the defendant gave the police another address— Lot 600 East Ruimveldt.
George who was unrepresented by an Attorney was then remanded and the matter was adjourned to April 14.
With much difficulty, George was placed into the court lock ups by the police.


Body of pensioner with wound to head found on Coldingen roadway


– Police suspect he was robbed and killed

Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of a 64-year-old pensioner, whose body with a wound to the head was discovered around 06:30 hrs yesterday.

Dead: Roger Manikam

Dead: Roger Manikam

The body of Roger Manikam of Lot 237 Section B Non Pareil, East Coast Demerara (ECD) was found on the roadway along the Coldingen Railway Embankment.
Investigators believed that the father of two was killed during a robbery. They are basing their theory on the fact that the man’s pockets were emptied and “turned inside-out.”
There are reports that Manikam was carrying more than $100,000 on him when he met with his tragic death.
At his home yesterday, his daughter, Naline Manikam said that she last saw her father around 20:00 hrs on Saturday before she and her sibling retired to bed.
“I can’t really say what happened but when we got up the morning, we didn’t see him and that was unusual because he would normally be at home around that time. This was around 08:30 (hrs),” the young woman claimed.
She said that she made a few calls to persons nearby as well as family members to find out whether anyone had heard from her father but she got no information.
Suspecting that something was definitely wrong, the young woman said that she went to the Vigilance Police Station to report him missing—at this point she had no idea that a body had been found not far from their home.
“I went to the station and they ask me to describe him and then I come home. When I reach home, they called me and asked if I can go back. When I went, they ask me about his clothes and tell me to describe him and then they say that they found a body matching the description,” the younger Manikam said.
She added that she was taken to the Lyken Funeral Parlour where she positively identified her father.
Manikam said that she has no idea how her father left home but suggested that he might have left in a car to go somewhere. She could not say where he went.
“He did not know anyone around that area where his body was found and he doesn’t usually go around that area so we don’t know what really happened,” she claimed.
According to the daughter, he had over $100,000 on him at the time of his death. “He doesn’t leave his money at home. He would usually walk with it and the police said that he didn’t have any money or anything else when they found him.”
The daughter too believed that her father was robbed and killed.
“He would usually leave home without telling anyone but he does always come home. He never sleeps out,” the woman said.
Investigations are ongoing.


Spurned man shoots ex-lover and male friend


Police in the mining town of Linden are on a manhunt for a man who shot his ex-lover and her male friend early yesterday morning.
Several residents of Half Mile, Wismar, Linden were rudely awakened from their slumber yesterday morning by the sound of gunshots shattering the early morning serenity.
In its wake, 40 year old Sherwin Hughes, of 138 Blue Berry Hill, and 41-year old Simone Belle, of 102 Half Mile who were both shot by a marauding gunman, had to be rushed to the Linden Hospital Complex for urgent medical attention. They were later transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital, for further treatment.
According to reports, the suspect who previously shared a relationship with Belle, had been observed hiding out in the woman’s yard earlier in the night.
“This is a domestic dispute gone too far. He (shooter) used to live with the woman, but she put he out, and like he ain’t want tek lef. People seh he beat she up, and she been by some friends and is carry they de carrying she home, when de shooting up tek place,” a source close to Belle told this newspaper.
Police in a statement said that their investigations so far have revealed that Simone Belle had just arrived home in a vehicle driven by Sherwin Hughes, when shots were discharged at them by a man who is reported to have shared a relationship with Belle and which was ended several months ago.
According to reports, as Belle and Hughes pulled up to her house, persons who had seen the suspect lurking in the dark, shouted to the driver, “Drive, don’t stop!”
“So dey drive past and de going up the road past the house but the gunman, run behind the vehicle shooting at dem. So the driver jump out and run, with the gunman in hot pursuit,” another source said.
One resident noted, “I dive for cover, lying prostrate on the floor until all the commotion died down. I don’t think that anyone ventured to peek out at that point.”
A relative of Sherwin Hughes said that the wounded man later underwent emergency surgery at the Georgetown Hospital, where several bullets were reportedly removed from his body.
Hughes was reportedly shot in the back, as he fled the scene. He was also shot in the hand and leg, according to reports.
This newspaper was unable to ascertain the wounded woman’s condition, since she was still undergoing surgery when this newspaper visited the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation yesterday afternoon.


Hard times under the pNC cause family to kill their own relatives. 

Body on roadway…Killer “tricked” friend into helping transport pensioner’s corpse


-car impounded, suspects lead cops to bloodstained sheet

When a young marketing agent got a call last Saturday night to help a friend ‘jump-start’ a car, he

Dead: Roger Manikam

Dead: Roger Manikam

immediately drove to Non Pareil, East Coast Demerara to assist.
But what the 25-year-old discovered was that the friend wanted help with the gruesome task of transporting and dumping the body of an elderly man the friend had murdered.
The victim was 64-year-old pensioner Roger Manikam, axed to death in his home, reportedly after being lured out of his bedroom by his biological daughter and 12-year-old step-daughter.
That’s the story that police are being told by the marketing agent, who detectives detained on Monday night in connection with Manikam’s murder.
Lawmen have also impounded the young man’s car, even as they check the vehicle for blood and other forensic evidence.
Police are said to be already in possession of the axe that was used to kill Manikam, as well as bloodstained sheets and other material that the killers used to clean the victim’s kitchen after murdering him.
These items were recovered yesterday after the ‘transporter’ and his 18-year-old friend took detectives to an area some 300 yards from the spot at Coldingen, East Coast Demerara, where they had disposed of the body.
A shopkeeper also told investigators that the two friends had recently bought detergent from her.
Along with the two friends, the slain pensioner’s 18-year-old daughter and stepdaughter, said to be 12, are also in custody.
The older girl, whose boyfriend reportedly did the killing, has also confessed to her involvement in the plot, but Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum indicated that detectives wanted to gather as much evidence as they could before charging the suspects.
According to the young marketing agent, on Saturday night he received a call from his 18-year-old friend, who said that Manikam’s car needed a jump-start. But on arriving at Manikam’s home, the friend took him to the pensioner’s kitchen, where he saw the elderly man lying dead.
The marketing agent said that he then assisted his friend in wrapping the body and placing it in the back seat of his car. They then dumped the body on the Coldingen Railway Embankment.
The young killers had apparently hoped that police would believe that robbers had killed Manikam. The elder girl had repeatedly told detectives and a Kaieteur News reporter that her father always walked with money and was carrying over $100,000 when he was murdered.
She had also said that Manikam would usually leave home without telling anyone.
The teen said she last saw her father alive at around 20:00 hrs on Saturday, just before retiring to bed with her step-sister.
But detectives became suspicious when they revisited the scene on Monday and observed that a length of clothesline at Manikam’s home was similar to the length of cord that the killers had used to tie their victim, after wrapping up the body in plastic.
The repeated suggestions that the victim was carrying “a lot of money” also made investigators suspect that individuals were trying to make them believe that robbers had killed Manikam. They began to focus their attention on two teenage girls and the older girl’s 18-year-old boyfriend. After being subjected to intense questioning, the elder girl eventually confessed.
According to reports, the girls alleged that the pensioner had subjected them to years of emotional abuse, including threatening to put them out. The older girl also reportedly said that her father had taken a large sum of money that was awarded to her.
Last week, the girls and an 18-year-old male friend hatched a plan to kill Manikam.
On Saturday night, the two girls reportedly went into the kitchen and began to make a commotion to lure the pensioner out of his bedroom.
When an angry Manikam eventually headed to the kitchen to berate the girls, the 18-year-old boyfriend of one of the teens chopped the pensioner on the head with an axe.
They then contacted the other male friend, who took the body in a car to the Coldingen Railway Embankment.


Home > NEWS > Injured and robbed in hospital
[At right) Reagan Lambert, dressed in the suit he was wearing when he arrived at the GPHC on Easter Monday night. All that was recovered from the hospitial when he came out of theatre was one side of the boots he is wearing in photograph. .
(At right) Reagan Lambert, dressed in the suit he was wearing when he arrived at the GPHC on Easter Monday night. All that was recovered from the hospitial when he came out of theatre was one side of the boots he is wearing in photograph. .

Injured and robbed in hospital


By Shirley Thomas

THERE SEEMS to be more questions than answers surrounding the mysterious disappearance of a patient’s clothing, cash and other personal effects from the Accident and Emergency Unit of the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC), last Tuesday, as the patient was being taken to the main operating theatre for surgery.Thirty-year-old Reagan Lambert of Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara, was injured in a hit-and-run accident at Huntley, Mahaicony around 22:30hrs on Easter Monday night. The vehicle which hit him from behind caused him to suffer a broken right leg and ankle; injuries to his right lower back and rib cage; and his right arm and jaw.
The accident was moments later reported to the police who picked up the injured man and rushed him to the Mahaicony Hospital where he was stabilised, given emergency treatment and transferred by ambulance to the GPHC. The patient was admitted and kept in the holding area for the remainder of the night.
The following day (Tuesday), around 13:30hrs, he recalls, he was approached by a nurse dressed in white uniform, and whom he described in detail told him that he was being prepared for theatre and had to take off his clothes and all personal effects and leave them with her. At that time he was awake and fully conscious. He said the nurse assured him that the items would be safe and that she would return them to him after he was out of the theatre.
The items he said he handed over were: One red jersey; one pair of camoflague trousers; one Nike boots (light blue, trimmed with deep blue); an Acatel cell phone and a wallet containing his identification card and about $5,000in cash.
Lambert said that the following day (Wednesday), he asked one of his sisters who visited him, to go back to A&E and uplift the items. However, the family was shocked when staff at the unit told them that they had no clothing and personal effects for him. The woman said that all they handed over to her was a 4” x 6” photograph of Lambert and two other friends. It was enclosed in a plastic bag of similar size and the staff handing it over claimed that the photograph was found in the patient’s chart.
What the family deems as strange is that the photograph was in Lambert’s pants pocket when he arrived at the hospital and at no time did he take it out. A report was made at the Matron’s Office on Monday, (April 4) and it was learnt that the nurses taking custody of any patient’s personal belongings would first make a log book entry, then have the internal security check and make an entry into the their property book as well, so that the items could be traced and reconciled when needed.
On Monday afternoon another of the man’s sisters again visited the A&E, and made her concerns known to the Internal Security and a female staff in the triage area. The officers were appalled to find that there was no entry for the patient Reagan Lambert in their Property book, neither was there any in the nurses’ log book.
Out of concern, the security at the triage room took a decision to report the matter to the base office in the hospital compound. The officer in charge immediately caused a search to be mounted. And what did that search yield? One side of the patient’s Nike boots in a toilet in the Emergency room. How did the boots get there? “Your guess is as good as mine,” the patient’s disappointed sister muttered.
The woman was so distraught she could not even take the one side boot, but walked away from the scene.
Meanwhile, the patient was expected to be transferred to the Mahaicony Hospital on Tuesday, but would now have to leave without the items he had with him when he arrived.
The family is asking the administration of the A&E Unit, now that they have a detailed description of the woman who collected the items from the patient, to check their register to determine just who, suiting that description, might have been on duty around 13:30hrs on the afternoon of Tuesday, March 22.
Considering this to be an indictment on the good name of the institution, the family is suggesting that the authorities deal condignly with whoever might be found responsible for the disappearance of the patient’s items.


This reeks of extra judicial activity by the PNC:

Kidnappers abduct, release Windsor Forest businessman


A Windsor Forest, West Coast Demerara businessman has told police a bizarre story of being abducted at his home, before being released by his captors after his abductors were told that they had picked up “the wrong man.”
The businessman, who runs an auto dealership and exports prawns, has told police that he was at his home around 10.00 hrs yesterday when an individual known as ‘Quarters’ came to his residence and called out to him.
But when he let the man into his yard, two other men reportedly also entered and forced him into a white Toyota Premio. Kaieteur News was told that the businessman enquired from ‘Quarters’ why the men were abducting him, but the men ordered their victim to be silent.
They then drove to the West Ruimveldt ‘Back Road’, where they were joined by the occupants of another vehicle. According to reports, the men who had abducted the businessman wound down their car windows so that they could see their captive.
They reportedly then asked the occupants of the other car if the businessman was “the coolie man.’ The abductors were then informed that they had picked up “the wrong man.” The businessman was subsequently released. He then contacted the police.
Police have since searched two locations for ‘Quarters’ and his accomplice, and are also trying to locate the car.
They are also checking Closed Circuit television (CCTV) footage in a bid to identify all of the individuals. The Demerara Harbour Bridge is equipped with CCTV cameras, with a direct feed to CID Headquarters, Eve Leary.


Demerara_Guy posted:
ksazma posted:

Any former PPP official charged lately?

PNC/AFC scraping far below the barrel bottom to still see if there is just a small hint.

These guys were so sure of the corruption and crimes for more than five years and nearly a year later they are still haplessly meandering. Now Goolsarran who they paid all that money to can't find anything conclusive but feel happy enough to "suppose" that the PPP did something. What a shame for someone from my profession after doing a full audit only able to make a supposition.


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