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Drugb posted:

Chinese national robbed of $$M on Church Street

A Chinese national attached to China Harbour was relieved of a large sum of cash while in the vicinity of Church Street, Georgetown.
According to reports reaching Guyana Times, the man who is presently employed at the Movie Town construction site, Patterson, Greater Georgetown, was parked in front of a supermarket on Church Street on Wednesday when a white motor car pulled up alongside him.
A long gunman reportedly exited the Premio motorcar and relieved the Chinese national of a haversack he was carrying. Police sources confirmed that the man had just left a city bank and was heading to the worksite when he was attacked and robbed. No one injured during the robbery.
Police are also of the belief that the robbery might have been executed with the assistance of someone within the bank or within the construction company. Police have launched an investigation.

These people just don't learn. Is as if they want to be robbed and killed. Why do they walk around with big bags of cash is beyond me, especially in guyana. 

Sheik101 posted:
Drugb posted:

Chinese national robbed of $$M on Church Street

A Chinese national attached to China Harbour was relieved of a large sum of cash while in the vicinity of Church Street, Georgetown.
According to reports reaching Guyana Times, the man who is presently employed at the Movie Town construction site, Patterson, Greater Georgetown, was parked in front of a supermarket on Church Street on Wednesday when a white motor car pulled up alongside him.
A long gunman reportedly exited the Premio motorcar and relieved the Chinese national of a haversack he was carrying. Police sources confirmed that the man had just left a city bank and was heading to the worksite when he was attacked and robbed. No one injured during the robbery.
Police are also of the belief that the robbery might have been executed with the assistance of someone within the bank or within the construction company. Police have launched an investigation.

These people just don't learn. Is as if they want to be robbed and killed. Why do they walk around with big bags of cash is beyond me, especially in guyana. 

Yes the victim is to blame under the PNC. After all the PNC supporters have to live too. 


Man found dead two days after beaten for ‘hustling’ neighbour’s daughter

April 23, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

The decomposed body of a 52-year-old man was fished out of a trench at Zeelugt, East Bank Essequibo (EBE) yesterday, two days after he was beaten for “hustling” a neighbour’s daughter.

Dead: Doodnauth Hariprasad

Dead: Doodnauth Hariprasad

The dead man has been identified as Doodnauth Hariprasad, a father of five of Lot 45 Tuschen, West Coast Demerara (WCD). Hariprasad’s bloated body was found early yesterday by passersby.
A post mortem examination performed on the remains of the 52-year-old man revealed that he died from multiple injuries.
One of Hariprasad’s neighbours and his son were subsequently arrested after police received reports that the two persons were seen beating the victim on Wednesday after he (Hariprasad) had “hustled” the neighbour’s daughter. That was the last time he was seen alive.
The dead man’s sister, Rosaline Bhim, said that her brother lived in Tuschen with their father. He would go at her home to collect food every morning.
According to the woman, Hariprasad went to her home early Wednesday to collect food. That was the last time she heard from him.
“On Thursday morning, I waited on him to come and collect the food but he didn’t come so I took a bus and I went in Tuschen. I ask my father what happened to (my brother) and he too said that he doesn’t know,” the woman said.
She further added that her father had informed her that the 52-year-old man was involved in an argument with a neighbour and that he was beaten by the neighbour and his son. “(Her father) said that was the last time he saw (Hariprasad),” the woman added.
Bhim stated that yesterday morning she waited on her sibling, thinking that he would show up to collect food for himself and their father but he failed to show up again.
“He does normally come around 06:00 (hrs) in the morning and when he didn’t show up, I suspect that something was wrong so I took a bus again and I went to their home. While going, I hear they found a body at Zeelugt,” the woman said.
She explained that she asked someone to drop the food for her father and she went to the scene where the body was found. According to the woman, the body was submerged in the trench.
“When they pulled him out, I recognized the pants because he does wear my father pants. And then I identified him. They took him to the parlour and the PM showed that he was murdered,” the woman claimed.
Meanwhile, the dead man’s estranged wife, Annette Sukra, said that they separated 16 years ago because of his drinking habits.
“When he drink, he could really get you angry and he drinks a lot so maybe he said something to the girl and that’s why he was beaten,” Sukra said.
Investigations are ongoing.


Alexander Street shootingâ€ĶCar that ran over victim was part of robbery plot – Police Source


Motor vehicle, PVV 3157, which ran over businessman, Mahendra Persaud after he was shot, was part of the plot to rob the 27-year-old as he went about his routine shopping in the City.

Mahendra Persaud

Mahendra Persaud

This was revealed by a police source yesterday who continued that based on the CCTV footage that was examined; the vehicle was seen trailing the businessman’s Canter along a particular route.
This, the source pointed out, was a clear indication that the car was part of surveillance. There was also a motorcycle involved in the plan. However, the pillion rider who allegedly did the shooting along with his accomplice, is yet to be arrested.
According to reports, Persaud who resided at Lot 22 Good Success, was shot some time around 10:45hrs on Tuesday morning by a lone gunman as he exited his Canter.
A struggle ensued resulting in Persaud receiving a single shot to the neck.
Another businessman, who was nearby, returned fire on the gunman who then fled the scene empty-handed with his accomplice on a motorcycle.
As Persaud fell to the ground, he was subsequently run over by the car. It was reported that the driver then put Persaud into the car and proceeded to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
The driver of the car later vanished, leaving the vehicle in the hospital compound.
It was reported that he subsequently sent another man along with a mechanic to change the licence plates on the vehicle. The two men were caught in the act and were arrested.

This looks like a setup. Nothing happens in Guyana by accident.


Man chops father, escapes from custody


Police are looking for a man who chopped his father Thursday afternoon while the duo was drinking at a liquor restaurant.
According to reports, an argument ensued between the two during a drinking spree.
The suspect was taken into custody after the incident but while left unattended, he made good his escape. He continues to elude the police.
Around 15:00hrs, Thursday afternoon, both father and son, were imbibing at “Bharrath Liquor Restaurant” located in Henrietta Housing Scheme. An argument ensued between the duo which lead to the victim being dealt chops about his body.
The victim was transported to the Suddie Public Hospital where he was admitted into the intensive care unit in a serious condition.
The father and son are reportedly from Richmond Village on the Essequibo Coast.
Yannason Duncan


More to come on this:

Car with bloodstains found at Mahdia


Police are trying to locate the owner of a car that was found yesterday at Mahdia.
A police official said that Crime Scene detectives who checked the Toyota Premio observed bloodstains and maggots, on the back seat. However, they have been unable to find the driver, who works at a gas station in that location.
Police believe that the car may be linked to a case that Mahdia ranks are at present investigating. It was reportedly found in an area where a suspect in that case resides.


Drug addict confesses to killing mother

A 53-year-old drug addict who was arrested for the murder of his mother, Celelia Madray, 75, of Good Faith, Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara has since confessed to the heinous crime during interrogation on Friday.
The pensioner was on Thursday evening found lying in a pool of blood with a gash to her head and her body covered with a mosquito net. The woman was reportedly heard screaming on Monday evening by residents and was not seen since.
This led to members of the community to conclude that something was amiss and as such, they contacted the policing group in the area.
As members of the Community Policing Group went to enquire, several calls for the woman went unanswered; hence, they were forced to break the door to gain entry into the house. It was then they found the woman lying on the ground in a motionless state.
Her son, who is a drug addict, was at home at the time of the discovery and was taken into Police custody. However, the head of the Criminal Investigations Department told Guyana Times that during the murder suspect’s interrogation, he told ranks that he “smoke up” on Monday then went home.
He added that while at home and not in his right senses, he got into an argument with the now dead woman during which he picked up a chair and dealt the woman one blow to the head. The elderly woman, he told investigations, fell to the ground but he refused to assist or call for assistance, despite the woman crying for help.
Although the woman sustained the injury to the head, she was still alive but took her last breathe on Thursday evening, moments before the CPG members arrived at the house.
Meanwhile, this publication understands that the woman was frequently physically abused by her son. From reports received, he was previous arrested for allegedly raping the now dead woman who at that time did not want to pursue the matter and refused to give the Police a statement.
After the woman refused to give the statement, he was released but continued assaulting her. Residents in the neighbourhood noted that they were not too surprised at the manner in which the woman met her demise. Some accused her of “protecting” him whenever he did something wrong.
The man is expected to make his court appearance at the Mahaica Magistrate’s Court on Monday.


Ex-boyfriend charged for maid-of-honour murder after confession

The man, Clevaughn Hamilton, called ‘Quarters,’ appeared at the Sparendaam Magistrates' Court on Friday and was not required to plea to the indictable charge that he murdered 24-year-old Simone Hackett and dumped her body in the Cummings Lodge trench.

Ex-boyfriend charged for maid-of-honour murder after confession

The 30-year-old ex-boyfriend of the Sophia woman who was found murdered in a Cummings Lodge trench has been charged for the woman’s murder.

The man, Clevaughn Hamilton, called ‘Quarters,’ appeared at the Sparendaam Magistrates’ Court on Friday and was not required to plea to the indictable charge that he murdered 24-year-old Simone Hackett and dumped her body in the Cummings Lodge trench.

The woman died from multiple stab and chop wounds about her body.

According to the Prosecution’s case, the ex-boyfriend, who is also the father of the woman’s 2-year-old child, lured the woman from her Sophia home on the eve of her sister’s wedding, after telling her that he had sent a package for their son with a man named “Dexter”.

The young woman should have been the maid-of-honour at her sister’s wedding last Sunday but vanished after leaving the home. Her body was found on Tuesday morning.

The Police Prosecutor, David Goodridge, told the Court, that instead, the woman was met by her jealous former lover and brutally stabbed and chopped about her body and later dumped into the trench.

Police investigators zeroed in on the former boyfriend after phone records showed that his number called the woman’s number several times leading up to her death and while he claimed that he was in Mahdia, his cellphone was locked in to mobile towers in Georgetown and the East Coast of Demerara.

Family members of the dead woman berated the murder accused as a “coward” as he made his way in and out of the courtroom. They also lashed out at his family members for attempting to  cover up for him following the brutal murder.

Meanwhile, Police investigators are searching for another man, who they suspect, may have aided Hamilton after the murder.

Investigators have found the car that they believe was used to transport the woman’s dead body to the dumping spot. The car was found in Mahdia and according to Police sources, there were several visible blood stains on the inside of the car.

Police investigators believe that after murdering the woman and dumping her body, Hamilton travelled back to Mahdia in an effort to create an alibi that he was there and not in Georgetown.

Let us see if Walla

will Blame the New Govt for this Murder.

Last edited by Former Member
Jalil posted:
Drugb posted:

Thanks Jalil for contributing to this thread without the usual vulgarity.

If you start speaking the truth... and stop Blaming the New Govt for the Crimes and Killings in Guyana..... I try to stop exposing your shameful Hydro Seed.

You mean become a yes man and you will cease harassing me? Well sir this will not occur, I will continue to speak out against wrong doing by this govt and you will continue with your vulgarities. 


Ex-boyfriend charged for maid-of-honour murder after confession

The man, Clevaughn Hamilton, called ‘Quarters,’ appeared at the Sparendaam Magistrates' Court on Friday and was not required to plea to the indictable charge that he murdered 24-year-old Simone Hackett and dumped her body in the Cummings Lodge trench.

Ex-boyfriend charged for maid-of-honour murder after confession


Hard times under the PNC/AFC push people over the edge to commit such atrocities. 


Gunmen attack, rob Adelphi shopkeeper’s home


Two masked bandits on Thursday evening robbed the home Kamaladai Balram and her family of Lot 16 1, Street Adelphi, East Canje at around 10:15hrs.

The robbed home at Adelphi, East Canje, Berbice.

The robbed home at Adelphi, East Canje, Berbice.

According to reports received, the family who was at home at the time of the incident had earlier been visited by overseas relatives. The visitors had just left when the attack occurred.
A still traumatized Kamaladai Balram, who operates a small grocery shop relayed that they were locking the house when she noticed that a mat was left outside. She said that when she went to retrieve the mat, she saw two men running towards her.
“Me run when me see them guys jump the fence and meh tell me husband seh look somebody ah jump in the yard and me run”.
The woman stated that one of the bandits ran after her husband who quickly attempted to close the grill door but was not able to do so as one of the bandits armed with a gun pointed at his head.
“He tell me husband seh loose de door or you gun dead hay, and meh husband freeze”.
The woman said that she was placed to lie on the floor. “Me try fah run to the downstairs room fah bolt de door but the one with the gun scramble me and seh don’t move! Lie down hay and put yah face down and don’t look up.”

One of the ransacked rooms.

One of the ransacked rooms.

Mrs. Balram said that the bandits then proceeded to bind the hands of her husband and her son using phone chargers that were in close vicinity. She said that after her husband was tied, he was told to lie flat on the floor but refused.
“Me husband seh buddy wah happen? Me nah rich. Wha wrong? And he tell meh husband seh don’t talk and kneel down but me husband nah do dah and the bandit raise he hand fah knock me husband with de gun but he hand knock he to he head side and me son tell am seh daddy just lie down”.
She added that her 26-year old daughter, Diane Balram, after hearing the commotion, took her niece and hid in a corner of the house throughout the entire ordeal. Mrs. Balram stressed that one of the bandits brandishing a knife went upstairs to search the rooms but quickly returned after. “He come and he tell me seh you gon gotta come with me cause you know way de jewel and de money deh and you gotta come up back with me fah give me it”.
The woman added that she told the bandit that she has no jewels but has some money and she will take him to where it was located.
“He seh abbie guh tek one one room at a time so we guh in me room and he tumble up all dem draw and them bag and suh and dis guy ah talk like normal. Me ah try fah talk loud suh neighba could know that something wrong”.
Kamaladai Balram added that her purse that was left in her basket was hidden by the tumbled clothing and when the armed bandit dumped the contents of the basket onto the floor, the purse fell out.
“Afta we tumble and me seh dat me nah have no more money and he find de purse he seh maam me gotta hurt you now cause you seh that you nah get mo money and we find some hay. Me get frighten but he nah do meh nothing”.
She said that they then proceeded to tumble the two other rooms, removing valuable items and cash. She then stated that they returned back downstairs and the men demanded more money. Mrs. Balram said that bandits recently robbed her daughter’s home a few streets away but only managed to cart off rice and equipment.
“He keep asking fah mo money and me seh we nah get mo and then on holla seh you daughta does bring she money hay. We try wit she but we nah get through but we gon deal with she later”.
The still shaken woman stated that the bandits left the premises after relieving them of their cellular phones. and an undisclosed sum of cash.
Balram said that the bandits also carted off the daily sales from the shop and a few items before making good their escape.
Meanwhile, Balram’s immediate neighbour contacted her daughter after awaking to crashing noises. Her daughter then contacted ranks attached to the Reliance Police Station who quickly responded to the report. No arrests have been made and investigations are currently ongoing.


Man arrested after chopping spree


The police have arrested the man who chopped another man with whom he apparently had an old grievance. The man was attempting to flee the Region. He was arrested on one of the Chinese ferries which was headed to Parika.  Reports are that the suspect was heading for Bartica.
The victim, a 38-year-old Richmond Housing Scheme resident sustained a number of chop wounds to the back of his neck, his hand and back. The chop wounds to his back carried over fifty stitches.
According to reports, the accused and the victim were apparently imbibing at a liquor restaurant at Richmond Housing Scheme when an argument ensued between the duo. It was noted that the 27-year- old suspect dealt the victim a number of chops about his body in a heated rage.
The victim fell and lost consciousness. He was rescued two hours later by his brother who transported him to the Suddie Public Hospital. The parties are not related but they are from the same village. Charges are to be instituted against the suspect as soon as the victim is released from the hospital. (Yannason Duncan)

Drugb posted:

Ex-boyfriend charged for maid-of-honour murder after confession

The man, Clevaughn Hamilton, called ‘Quarters,’ appeared at the Sparendaam Magistrates' Court on Friday and was not required to plea to the indictable charge that he murdered 24-year-old Simone Hackett and dumped her body in the Cummings Lodge trench.

Ex-boyfriend charged for maid-of-honour murder after confession


Hard times under the PNC/AFC push people over the edge to commit such atrocities. 

Walla get too big......Soon will touch the Ground.....Hard Times fuh Big_Seed......will Blame AFC/APNU for his condition too.


Murder under PPP now solved

2008 cold case solvedâ€Ķ‘Hit man’ killed Essequibo businessman on relative’s orders

April 26, 2016 | By | Filed Under News 

-was promised $6M, house and land, but only paid $5,000

“Your relative send me to kill youâ€Ķ”
Those were the last words that Essequibo businessman Habiboodean reportedly heard on February 15, 2008,

Murdered: Habiboodean, 77

Murdered: Habiboodean, 77

before a ‘hit-man’ brutally ended his life on the orders of a disgruntled woman who had coveted the old man’s assets.
Detectives had those chilling words repeated to them yesterday, while listening to the confession of a 28-year-old Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo resident, who allegedly committed the deed on a promise that he would receive “$6M, a house and land” to kill Habiboodean.
But the plotters reportedly only gave him $5,000 and told him to ‘f—k off’ when he asked for the rest of his payment.
Habiboodean, of Ruby, East Bank Essequibo, died at a hospital after being badly beaten in his home on February 15, 2008. Relatives had said that the killers took nothing.
Police had charged the victim’s former employee, Terry Lewton, 38, of Vergenoegen, East Bank Essequibo, and Bibi Nazeela Habiboodean, now 50, of Ruby, East Bank Essequibo, for Mr. Habiboodean’s murder, but those charges were discharged due to insufficient evidence.
But in a stroke of good fortune, police last week detained 28-year-old Linden Lewis, called ‘Bullet,’ and four others, for the murder of Mohamed Munir, 75, and his wife Bibi Jamila Munir, 69, who were burnt to death in their Good Hope, East bank Essequibo home.
It was while he was in custody that investigators learned that he might have more than a passing knowledge of Habiboodean’s death.
Police said that while being interrogated on that case yesterday, Lewis admitted to killing Habiboodeen, while complaining that he had never received full payment for the job.
According to the suspect’s claims, it all began sometime in 2008, when a female relative of the elderly businessman complained that other relatives of Habiboodeen had received properties and other assets, while she had received nothing.
The relative reportedly stated that she wanted the old man’s fuel station, cash he had in a bank, and assets he had in Georgetown.
She reportedly then hired Lewis to kill Mr. Habiboodeen.
Five individuals, including Lewis, reportedly sat down at a  Vergenoegen, hideout, East Bank Essequibo, to plan the old man’s death.
Lewis said that the plotters promised to pay him $6M, and provide him with “a house and land.”
On February 15, 2008, the relative reportedly helped Lewis to gain access to Mr. Habiboodeen’s house.
When the ‘hit-man’ entered, the elderly businessman’s house he was sitting in a chair.
“What you doing here?” Mr. Habiboodeen reportedly asked the intruder.
Lewis reportedly replied: “—— (name given) send me to kill you.” He then reportedly struck the 76-year-old repeatedly. Mr. Habiboodeen later succumbed in a hospital.
But Lewis said that instead of giving him the “$6M, house and land” they had promised, the plotters gave him $5,000 “to go into the bush.”
Lewis reportedly fled to the interior, where he remained for two years. It was during this time that police arrested and charged the victim’s former employee, Terry Lewton, and Bibi Nazeela Habiboodean for murder. They were subsequently discharged.
When Lewis returned from the interior in 2010, he approached the plotters and was told that the case had been “dismissed.”
But when the ‘hit man’ asked for his “$6M, house and land,” one of the plotters reportedly told him that all the money had been spent on lawyers. The plotter reportedly then told the ‘hit-man’ to ‘f—off.’
Lewis said that he did not pursue the matter.
Police indicated yesterday that they will expand their investigation this week.


The house where the alleged killer once lived

The house where the alleged killer once lived

Long run ends â€Ķman confesses to 2012 killing of mother, sons


By Rabindra Rooplall

ALMOST four years after a 41-year-old businesswoman and her two young sons were murdered, a suspect has been apprehended by police over the weekend, and has confessed to committing the gruesome act.

Jadon Persaud

Jadon Persaud

Identified as a resident of Uitvlugt, West Coast Demerara (WCD), the man was once neighbour to the now dead woman.

Mark Jetto points to where the stale blood stains are in the bedroom where his relatives met their demise

Mark Jetto points to where the stale blood stains are in the bedroom where his relatives met their demise

In 2012, Jennifer Persaud, the owner of a liquor store and bar at Lot 67, Anna Catherina, WCD, and her sons Afridi Bacchus, six, and Jadon Persaud, 18 months, were discovered dead in their home.
She was a mother of six and her eldest daughter is now 25 years old.
Post-mortem examinations revealed that the woman was stabbed about her upper chest, lower neck, and upper arms about 10 times. Her six-year-old son’s throat was slashed and his windpipe was severed, while the baby was stabbed to the left shoulder and the carotid artery was severed.
It is believed that a knife of long blade was used in the attack.

Investigators disclosed that the suspect was apprehended after his reputed wife visited the police station to make a domestic violence report against him. After making the report, she also expressed fear for her life, citing the fact that her lover had previously committed murder.

Having sparked the interest of the police during further questioning, she hinted that the detectives should interrogate him about the murder of a businesswoman and her two children that occurred in Anna Catherina.
Police acted on the information and apprehended the suspect, who, after being confronted with the allegation, eventually gave a detailed statement and tour of the home, explaining the sequence of events that led to the murder.

In an interview with the Guyana Chronicle, the dead woman’s first cousin, Mark Jetto, who now controls the property, related that he is finally relieved to have some closure over the entire affair.

He expressed his desire for overdue justice for his murdered cousin, with whom he had had a sisterly relationship. Jetto was present when the police brought the suspect to the home to explain his actions leading up to the murder. He said the suspect was once Jennifer Persaud’s neighbour, and on the fatal night of Friday, September 21, 2012, he jumped the fence, entered her property and business premises from the rear entrance through a wooden back door that was forced open.
The suspect then made his way into the business premises, where he broke into a money container inside a room on the lower flat. He then ventured to the upper flat through an inside staircase.

“When the police bring this man upstairs and the inspector ask he is which room he killed the woman and children in, the man pointed to the room. Meh start to scream, “In here bai!” is like ah lose my senses,” Jetto explained.

Jennifer Persaud

Jennifer Persaud

Jetto, who has had the property under his control since his cousin’s death, had never tampered with the crime scene, leaving everything in the upper flat as they were since the murder occurred almost four years ago.
At the grisly scene, Jetto pointed to the blood-stained floor in the bedroom almost in tears. “Meh just come here one year now, nobody did anything to the place other than pigeons living inside, and I reopened a business.”
Reflecting what the suspect told the police, Jetto said: “He tell the police he come to take some money from downstairs and didn’t come fuh kill she. After he take the money from the box downstairs, it was too little money, so he decided to come up upstairs to see if he could get more money.”

Jetto continued: “After he come upstairs now and he pass Jennifer room, she jump up and she holler for he. He tell the police that he run to she and start stabbing she. She little son (Afridi Bacchus) wake up and scramble he foot, and he look down at the boy and slit his throat. She then fall back and reached onto the bed where her baby son was. He continued to attack her on the bed, stabbing wildly. This caused her baby who was on the bed to be stabbed. All three died that night.”

The relative further said he had loaned Jennifer Persaud a substantial amount of cash to construct the home and business, and the money was on the bed at the time of the killing. Jetto said the suspect, after fleeing the crime scene with the cash, decided to party lavishly.

He said at first he had suspected the stepfather of the children as the one who had committed the crime. “I had to apologise to the man because it was not him.”

Jetto described the suspect as a “useless drug user”. Expressing a sigh of relief, Jetto said he had almost given up on the case, thinking that the murder would be one of the many unsolved cases in Guyana.

“Now I will clean up the place, since the murderer will face justice before the court.”

Why Jagdeo & Rohee
could not solve these murders

The prime suspect in the triple homicide had been Persaud’s 23-year-old partner and the father of her youngest child. He, along with a relative of his, had been taken into custody but were both subsequently released due to insufficient evidence.

Afridi Bacchus

Afridi Bacchus

Home > TOP STORY > Bandit killed by own weapon
The scene inside the shopkeeper’s home after the bandit was shot and killed
The scene inside the shopkeeper’s home after the bandit was shot and killed

Bandit killed by own weapon


By Navendra Seoraj

A YARROWKABRA, Soesdyke-Linden Highway businessman was able to save his entire family from the negative effects of a bandit attack on his home on Sunday evening.Explaining the horrific incident to the Guyana Chronicle, the businessman said the ordeal began at about 20:00 hrs that evening, when he exited his bathroom and saw his family, whom he had left outside on the veranda, running back into the house.

According to him, it appeared as if they were being chased by someone who had subsequently fallen after tripping over a chair. “The man ran behind my family and fell over a chair. After that, we got into a scuffle, and what appeared to be a gun fell out of his hand,” the businessman said.

In shock, he said, he reached for the gun, and in an act of self-defence, released just about three rounds at the bandit, hitting him and reportedly killing him on the spot.

Seven children, his wife, brother and another relative were in the house, and they were all left traumatized, given that this was the first time they had experienced something like this.

Asked how many people he believes had carried out the attack, the businessman said that to his knowledge, and based on what he had seen, the man he had shot had at least one accomplice lurking outside of the home. However, a relative who had seen the robbers said there were at least six of them.

After their colleague was shot, the robbers made good their escape.

The businessman has expressed fear for the safety of his family, since this was the first time an incident of this nature had occurred. His fear is exacerbated by the fact that he has resided in the area for almost 15 years.
He has had to send away his children because of fear that the bandits might make another attempt to rob his family.

Members of the small community are seemingly in a state of shock because, according to some of them, incidents like these rarely happen in the area.
A police report has said the dead bandit has been identified as 32-year-old Raphael Armstrong, known as “Scar”, of Friendship, East Bank Demerara.

The police explained that a scuffle ensued between the shopkeeper and Raphael Armstrong, during which Armstrong’s firearm fell to the ground. The shopkeeper retrieved the weapon and shot Armstrong to his body, while his accomplice fled.

Armstrong was pronounced dead on arrival at the Diamond Diagnostic Centre, and the unlicensed firearm has been handed over to the police, even as investigations are being conducted.


The beat goes on in Guyana as the developed world continue to issue travel advisory for this crime ridden country under the PNC.

Ex-cop survives execution attempt


By Svetlana Marshall

FORMER Guyana Police Force rank Donald McKenzie, of Stanley Place, Kitty, Georgetown, is now a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital, nursing a gunshot wound to his right hand which he sustained after he was shot in the vicinity of William Street, Kitty on Monday following a failed execution attempt.Reports are that the 22-year-old, known also as “Denmar”, reportedly used his hand to bar the bullets from hitting his face.

A police statement said McKenzie was walking along William Street at about 08:30 hrs when two men on a motorcycle drove up, and the pillion rider discharged several rounds at him, hitting his right hand. The police said McKenzie and the two men were reportedly previously involved in an argument at a beer garden.

Mckenzie’s aunt, Denise Wilson, told the Guyana Chronicle the shooting stemmed from an incident that occurred the night before. She explained that on Sunday night the alleged shooter and five other men had exited a car and visited one of their friends who lives in the yard that McKenzie lives.

“They come hey fuss and buy lemonade, and then went behind de shop fuh talk to one of them friends,” the woman recalled.

Wilson said it was not long after that a man on a CG bike rode up and “lash” the boy (the alleged shooter) to his head.

“All you de hearing is bottle breaking. The same lemonade bottle dem use fuh lash one another, but like de bike man and dis one had a problem,” she said.

According to her, McKenzie, also known as “Denmar”, was returning home, and attempted to “part the fight”, but subsequently ended up in a “brawl” with the alleged shooter.

“Denmar was telling them this is his mother place and dem cannot deh fighting here, and dem turn pun he and another fight start,” the woman recalled.

On Monday, Wilson said, her nephew went about his business as usual, not knowing there was a plot to execute him. According to her, two men on a CG motorcycle rode up in front of her shop at Stanley Place at about 09:00hrs, and the alleged shooter shouted, “The war now start!”

“Dem pass back like 20 minutes after, and dem just shoot den man and ride away,” the woman recalled. “Lil after they pass, a car pass and de driver shout and seh, ‘We carrying he to de hospital!’” she added.

McKenzie was taken to the Woodlands Hospital, but was subsequently transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital. “At Woodlands they needed to do an emergency surgery on him, but that would have cost $500,000; so we transferred him to GPHC,” the woman explained.

McKenzie reportedly told his family that the alleged shooter aimed at his face but he barred with his hands – a lifesaving move.

Investigations into this shooting are continuing.


This is the poster child of crime, one of Granger's aka jackass foot soldiers.

Home > TOP STORY > Living Hell — Anna Catherina woman gives chilling account living with a murderer
Abishai Caesar
Abishai Caesar

Living Hell — Anna Catherina woman gives chilling account living with a murderer


By Neil Marks

THE woman who stared down the face of death and finally mustered the courage to tell police that her reputed husband was behind the murder of a businesswoman and her two young sons four years ago has spoken out about the life of misery she had faced.The man, Abishai Caesar, 31, is expected to face three counts of murder today, and also charges for threatening behaviour and assault causing actually bodily harm to his wife.
The woman, who will not be named, went to the police on Friday after Caesar had forced her to strip naked and parade in their yard at the crack of dawn – a threat on which he delivered to shame the woman, and her family who lived a short distance away.

The house Caesar built on squatter land at Tuschen, where the couple lived

The house Caesar built on squatter land at Tuschen, where the couple lived

Hours earlier, at just about midnight, he had brutalised her and said he would deliver on his promise to kill her.

Once Caesar had left for work at the barber shop he operated in the Tuschen New Housing scheme, East Bank Essequibo, the woman seized the opportunity to escape.
She went to her father’s house, a short distance away, and when it got dark, she went to the police. She would have had to pass Caesar’s barbershop to get to the police outpost.
She told the police that she had been forced to strip, and of the beatings she had received hours earlier. She also told them of previous cases of abuse.

Reports are that Officer McBeth of the Tuschen Outpost went to the home of the couple – a zinc shack built on government reserve at the back of the Tuschen Scheme. The barber was not at home.

On Saturday, at just about lunch time, McBeth visited the barber shop in White Tank Street in the Tuschen Scheme, where he arrested Caesar and took him to the Leonora Police Station.

Once the woman was told of Caesar’s arrest, she returned to the station and told police they should also question Caesar for the 2012 murders of Anna Catherina liquor store owner Jennifer Persaud and her sons Afridi Bacchus, six, and Jadon Persaud, 18 months.

It was a truth that the woman had lived with for years; living a life of fear because Caesar had threatened to kill her and her family if she squealed on him.

The woman told the Guyana Chronicle that on the night of the murders, Caesar had told her he needed money and was heading out.
She said she had seen him go up the neighbour’s house – that of Mrs Persaud. She said she retired to bed, but then she heard screams coming from the house.

Later, Caesar returned home and confessed to her that he had gone to the house to steal. She said Caesar told her he had managed to find only $3,000, but that Mrs Persaud had awoken and so he had to kill her because she had recognised him.

She said Caesar told her he had seen the young boys lying in the house and had figured they would get up because of the noise, and so he decided in a split second to slit their little throats also.

Caesar was never a suspect in the case, and the couple continued living next door to the murder scene for a while, until they moved into a house situated in the seawall section of Anna Catherina.
Later, they moved in with Caesar’s sister at Uitvlugt, West Coast Demerara, but they were put out of the house, the woman said.

Abishai Caesar

Abishai Caesar

They then moved into a house with an elderly lady a little down the street from Caesar’s sister, and in January of this year, Caesar said he had acquired some money and was going to squat on a piece of land on the government reserve, and they moved there with their daughter.

The woman is originally from Port Kaituma in the North West District, but did not grow up with her parents. She was sent to the Coast to live with her grandmother at the age of four, and when she was in her teens, she moved in with her father, her stepmother and their family.

It was there, at the age of 15, that she first set eyes on Caesar, then 26. He was working as a mason on a house not too far from her father’s house. Caesar would come to the house to buy egg-ball and other snacks the family was selling.
The two of them struck up a relationship, and at the age of 16, fearing that she wouldn’t do well at the CXC exams and would waste the money her family would spend on the examinations, she dropped out of school and started living with Caesar.

She said the abuse started early, but she thought that things would change as time went by. The two ended up having a daughter, and, the woman said, she had hoped that that would have caused Caesar to end his abusive ways, but that did not happen.

And then came last Friday’s torrent of blows, and she decided she had to flee for her life and that of her daughter.

“I had to do it, or I would have died. I can’t go back on the years; now I have to look ahead.”
When questioned by police, Caesar confessed to killing the Anna Catherina woman and her two children.

The woman’s father told the Guyana Chronicle that he had always suspected that his daughter was being abused, but every time he asked, she would deny there was a problem.

The last time — when she was punched to the face and he had seen the marks around her eyes — he asked her what had happened, but she did not fess up. He decided to confront Caesar, who claimed the woman was stung by bees.

“He is sick; he will (rot) in jail,” the man declared.

The woman is now left to contemplate her future. She would like to enter the Guyana Police Force, but is not sure how that will happen, and how she will take care of her daughter.

Caesar has four other children – two boys and two girls. He is expected to be arraigned in court today.


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