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All these years the Black PNC police dragged their feet, suddenly when their boss jackass aka Granger in charge, they solving cases.


2008 cold case solved…‘Hit man’ killed Essequibo businessman on relative’s orders


-was promised $6M, house and land, but only paid $5,000

“Your relative send me to kill you…”
Those were the last words that Essequibo businessman Habiboodean reportedly heard on February 15, 2008,

Murdered: Habiboodean, 77

Murdered: Habiboodean, 77

before a ‘hit-man’ brutally ended his life on the orders of a disgruntled woman who had coveted the old man’s assets.
Detectives had those chilling words repeated to them yesterday, while listening to the confession of a 28-year-old Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo resident, who allegedly committed the deed on a promise that he would receive “$6M, a house and land” to kill Habiboodean.
But the plotters reportedly only gave him $5,000 and told him to ‘f—k off’ when he asked for the rest of his payment.
Habiboodean, of Ruby, East Bank Essequibo, died at a hospital after being badly beaten in his home on February 15, 2008. Relatives had said that the killers took nothing.
Police had charged the victim’s former employee, Terry Lewton, 38, of Vergenoegen, East Bank Essequibo, and Bibi Nazeela Habiboodean, now 50, of Ruby, East Bank Essequibo, for Mr. Habiboodean’s murder, but those charges were discharged due to insufficient evidence.
But in a stroke of good fortune, police last week detained 28-year-old Linden Lewis, called ‘Bullet,’ and four others, for the murder of Mohamed Munir, 75, and his wife Bibi Jamila Munir, 69, who were burnt to death in their Good Hope, East bank Essequibo home.
It was while he was in custody that investigators learned that he might have more than a passing knowledge of Habiboodean’s death.
Police said that while being interrogated on that case yesterday, Lewis admitted to killing Habiboodeen, while complaining that he had never received full payment for the job.
According to the suspect’s claims, it all began sometime in 2008, when a female relative of the elderly businessman complained that other relatives of Habiboodeen had received properties and other assets, while she had received nothing.
The relative reportedly stated that she wanted the old man’s fuel station, cash he had in a bank, and assets he had in Georgetown.
She reportedly then hired Lewis to kill Mr. Habiboodeen.
Five individuals, including Lewis, reportedly sat down at a  Vergenoegen, hideout, East Bank Essequibo, to plan the old man’s death.
Lewis said that the plotters promised to pay him $6M, and provide him with “a house and land.”
On February 15, 2008, the relative reportedly helped Lewis to gain access to Mr. Habiboodeen’s house.
When the ‘hit-man’ entered, the elderly businessman’s house he was sitting in a chair.
“What you doing here?” Mr. Habiboodeen reportedly asked the intruder.
Lewis reportedly replied: “—— (name given) send me to kill you.” He then reportedly struck the 76-year-old repeatedly. Mr. Habiboodeen later succumbed in a hospital.
But Lewis said that instead of giving him the “$6M, house and land” they had promised, the plotters gave him $5,000 “to go into the bush.”
Lewis reportedly fled to the interior, where he remained for two years. It was during this time that police arrested and charged the victim’s former employee, Terry Lewton, and Bibi Nazeela Habiboodean for murder. They were subsequently discharged.
When Lewis returned from the interior in 2010, he approached the plotters and was told that the case had been “dismissed.”
But when the ‘hit man’ asked for his “$6M, house and land,” one of the plotters reportedly told him that all the money had been spent on lawyers. The plotter reportedly then told the ‘hit-man’ to ‘f—off.’
Lewis said that he did not pursue the matter.
Police indicated yesterday that they will expand their investigation this week.


Looks like the private citizens continue to do the job of the PNC police.

Deportee shot dead after invading Yarrowkabra shop


Detectives are examining all the circumstances surrounding the fatal shooting of an alleged bandit by a

Raphael Armstrong called ‘Scar’

Raphael Armstrong called ‘Scar’

Yarrowkabra shopkeeper on Sunday night.
The bandit who has been identified as Raphael Armstrong, called ‘Scar’ is known to have connections to the drug underworld and although investigators have deemed the incident as a robbery gone wrong, they are not ruling out any other theory.
According to the police, about 20:00 on Sunday, Raphael Armstrong called “Scar”, 32, of Friendship, East Bank Demerara, who was armed with an unlicensed firearm, and another man entered the home of a shopkeeper at Yarrowkabra, Soesdyke/Linden Highway and confronted him and his son in an attempted robbery.
Police said that a scuffle ensued between the shopkeeper and Armstrong, during which Armstrong’s weapon fell to the ground.
The gun was retrieved by the shopkeeper who then shot Armstrong to his body, while his accomplice fled.
The bandit was taken to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre, East Bank Demerara, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
The unlicensed firearm has been handed over to the police who are conducting investigations.
Meanwhile, information reaching this newspaper stated that Armstrong was deported from the United States of America sometime last year, one year after he was busted at New York’s JFK international Airport with cocaine in cream liqueur.


Another 50th anniversary fund raising activity, as usual Indians are the victims. 

Thieves hit another Diamond home

Police are currently probing an incident which occurred at Sixth Avenue, Diamond, East Bank Demerara, where another home was broken into and valuables taken.Break and Enter 1 Break and Enter 2
The home of Chandra Doobay was broken into for the second by thieves. The breakage was only discovered recently by the caretaker, who went over to check on the building.
According to the caretaker, the house was broken into less than two years ago.
She said the estimated loss in valuables amount to some $400,000 and include a television, DVD players, among other items. The caretaker told this publication it would appear the intruders wore gloves during the raid since, although the place was heavily ransacked, police could not find any fingerprint.
Doobay’s home was first broken into in December, 2014.
However, during that time the victim, who lives alone, was at home. She reportedly lost close to $1 million in cash and valuables, including all of her Jewellery.
Police are investigating.


Another Indian victim nuh bai

No bail for accused in rape of 12-year-old girl

A 50-year-old man was yesterday remanded to prison after being charged with raping a 12-year-old girl.

Lakeram Persaud
Lakeram Persaud

Lakeram Persaud appeared in a city court before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan, who read the charge against him during an in-camera hearing.

Though members of the public or media were not permitted into the court room, a reliable source informed this newspaper that Persaud was remanded and will appear at the Bartica Magistrate’s Court on May 11.


Walla read and understand wha ah go on....

de ‘truth’ sounds like hate to those who hate ‘truth’.

Under Jagdeo the police were robbing the miners.

Police arrest bandits after mining camp gold heist

According to a Police report, 42-year-old miner, Neil Jordan, of Bartica, Essequibo, was at a mining camp at Farback Backdam, Mazaurni, when he was held up by two men armed with a firearm and a cutlass.

Police arrest bandits after mining camp gold heist

Quick action by the Guyana Police Force in the Mazaruni area has resulted in the arrest of two men who robbed a miner of a large quantity of  raw gold after they brutally chopped him about the body.

The man survived the injuries.

According to a Police report, 42-year-old miner, Neil Jordan, of Bartica, Essequibo, was at a mining camp at Farback Backdam, Mazaurni, when he was held up by two men armed with a firearm and a cutlass.

During the incident Neil Jordan was chopped to his body by the men who escaped with a quantity of raw gold.

However, the Police responded to the report and managed to intercept the two perpetrators Monday night in the Mazaruni area.

The lawmen found the men in possession of an unlicensed pistol with 7 rounds and a cutlass.

They are both in police custody assisting with the investigations.








Last edited by Former Member

What is notable is that there is no mention of the recovery of the raw gold stolen because it is in the pocket of the police. It is open season on miners, they dig up the gold, the pnc operatives rob them then the pnc police take away the gold from the robbers and put it in their pockets. This is motivation for finally doing their jobs as they claim the spoils. 

Last edited by Former Member

Armed bandit grabs $2.5M from C’tyne businessman during home invasion


An armed bandit on Monday evening stormed the home of a Corentyne businessman, carting off $2.5 million in local currency.
According to information received, the businessman, 34-year-old Akbar Ali, was withrob his sister and other family members at their Lot 16 G, King Street, Belvedere, Corentyne residence when the bandit struck, sometime around 21:00hrs.
Relaying the four-minute ordeal, his sister 39-year-old Shurina Ali, stated that they were outside on the verandah with overseas relatives who had paid them a visit. She said that as soon as they were about to go inside, a masked man brandishing a knife and a gun pounced.
“When we about to close de door, me see one boy jump from the side grill and come up on the verandah and he seh don’t move and we start holler ‘cause he had one short gun and a knife in he hand”.
The still traumatized woman added that they then ran into different rooms.
“When me run inside, meh go in the front room and lock up and me hear dem tell me family dem seh don’t holler or we gonna shoot”.
Shurina Ali then mentioned that after securing her relatives, the man went after her brother.
Meanwhile, her brother, Akbar Ali, said that he was in his room when he heard screams and approximately five seconds after, a masked man armed with a gun entered his room.
“When he come in, he point he gun to me face and seh don’t move bring the money, so right away me open the safe and he tek out de money and go the same way he come and dah is it”, the man added.
He highlighted that the police showed up about five minutes later and with the assistance of residents in the area, began searching for the bandit who escaped on foot. Ali added that only a few persons knew that he had that amount of money at his residence.
“This is de first time anything like this eva happen to me and meh family. Me nah know who coulda do this cause nah nuff people know meh get money hay. Me scared now, cause you never know what coulda happen. Dem coulda kill we all”.
The bandit also carried away one Plum cellular phone valued $26,000. No arrest has been made.


Kitty man shot during execution attempt

A Kitty, Georgetown, man was on Monday morning rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH) after


The shop at the corners of Queen and William Streets, Kitty where the shooting took place

two gunmen on a motorcycle opened fire on him in what appears to be an attempted execution.
The injured man was identified as Donald McKenzie called “Baje”, 24, of Stanley Place, Kitty.
Eyewitnesses say about 08:30h McKenzie, along with several other men, were standing outside a shop at the corners of Queen and William Streets, Kitty, when two men rode up on a CG motorcycle.
As the men approached, McKenzie rushed into the shop to seek cover however, one of the men entered the shop and discharged several rounds at him.
He was hit once in his left shoulder.
The men then quickly left the scene, but not before blurting out, “leff he we gon get he a next time an done he dance.”
Reports are that the shooting may have been retaliation for an incident that transpired Sunday evening, where McKenzie and several others were allegedly involved in an altercation with another man who was assaulted during the process.
Police are investigating the matter.


Once again a Black robbing an Indian and the Indian have to become Rambo and defend himself while Black PNC police twiddle their thumbs and prepare to sport for 50th anniversary celebration.

Bandit escapes after being shot during botched robbery


–    Turns up at the hospital minutes later  
A licensed firearm holder yesterday shot a suspected bandit in the face after he was caught in the man’s business place at the A and N Electronic Store located on Croal Street, Georgetown.

The store where the bandit was shot during a botched robbery.

The store where the bandit was shot during a botched robbery.

After being shot, the alleged bandit managed to escape from the scene but later turned up at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he remains a patient under police guard.
This incident reportedly occurred around 03:30 hrs.
The alleged bandit has been identified as 45-year-old Leon Obermuller of Alexander Street, Georgetown.
Police in a statement said that the licensed firearm holder and owner of the A and N Electronic Store, Nishal Ramnarine, responded to his security alarm system and encountered a man who had broken and entered the building.
According to the release, the burglar attacked the businessman and a confrontation ensued during which the bandit was shot to his face.
Yesterday, the businessman explained that he received a telephone call from a security company and was informed that the alarm on his business went off.
Ramnarine added that he went to his store and observed that one of the doors to his premises was opened.
While two security guards were on the lookout outside of the building, the businessman said that he went into the store and made it up the stairs where he noticed a man with an iron bar in his hand.
Kaieteur News understands that when the bandit saw the businessman, he attempted to hit him with the iron bar. Ramnarine, in an attempt to save himself, opened fire, wounding the man.
“I ordered him to sit on the step while I called the police. Two security guards were guarding him,” the licensed firearm holder said.
He further claimed that it was when he went to call the police that the bandit pushed down one of the security guards and escaped.
The shot bandit later turned up at the hospital for treatment. Investigations are ongoing.
On October 28, last, two men were remanded to prison on four counts of armed robbery when they appeared in the Georgetown Magistrate Court.
They were accused of robbing the aforementioned store on October 23 last. They reportedly stole 34 cell phones valued at $1.5M.
On the same day, they also robbed Kevin Moonsammy of one cellular phone and $20,000 cash -total value of $65,000.
And, Lawrence Figueira was robbed of a laptop computer valued $85,000, a mobile phone worth $80,000, a finger ring and $160,000 cash- all totaling $345,000.


Betsy Ground man charged with killing outside wedding house

April 28, 2016 Source

Davenand Dhadhari,  called Kevin, age 18   of Betsy Ground, East Canje, was not required to plead to the charge of murder when he appeared yesterday before Magistrate Marissa Mittelholzer at the Reliance Court, in East Canje charged with killing Omesh Seelall.

Omesh Seelall
Omesh Seelall
Davenand Dhadhari
Davenand Dhadhari

Dhadhari, whose occupation was stated as student, allegedly inflicted a fatal blow to the head of Seelall, alias Rovin, a labourer, who lived next door.

It was related that  during the early hours of April 17 last, just outside a wedding house, in the East Canje Village,  Seelall, was hit behind his head with a piece of 2 x 4 wood. He was taken to the New Amsterdam Hospital before being transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where he died whist receiving medical care.

Dhadhari was remanded to prison, where he will remain until his next court appearance  on May 12.


Guard chopped to death at Bladen Hall store


A FATHER of three was chopped to death while securing the premises of his employer at Best Buy Hardware Store at Bladen Hall, East Coast Demerara (ECD) Wednesday night. Dead is Abdul Sattaur Kadir, 53, of 389 Ninth Street, Foulis ECD. Police disclosed that about 22:45hrs Wednesday, Kadir, a security guard, was on duty at the Best Buy Hardware Store when he challenged two men who had entered the compound from the back.

Best Buy Hardware Store where Kadir worked and was killed at the rear of the building.

Best Buy Hardware Store where Kadir worked and was killed at the rear of the building.

During the struggle, he was attacked by the men who dealt him several chops about his body with cutlasses. The bandits escaped and Kadir was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
In an interview with this publication, the dead man’s wife Maureen Kadir said her son received a phone call Wednesday night with the dreadful news.
“He come and wake me up and tell me answer the phone so I tell him boy I don’t want to answer any phone. He then tell me it important and when meh get up and answer the phone, them tell meh my husband get chopped up and he gone to the hospital,” the tearful woman said.
She said it was after midnight and her son called a taxi and they rushed down to Kadir’s workplace only to be told that he was not there and was at the hospital.
“All I see there was police, they tell me the man was chopped up and he gone to the hospital. They said he get chopped in his head and arms like if he was blocking the chops,” Mrs. Kadir said in tears.
She explained that her husband had started working at the general store last year and never complained of a problem or attack before.
In an emotional state, Mrs. Kadir said: “They [police] need to find these people because my husband was a good and loving person who take care of his family and he didn’t deserve to die like that. They didn’t take nothing from him, they just chop he up and kill he. The President needs to put things in place to catch people who do these things.”
The police are expanding their dragnet in order to capture the assailants.


Police find mutilated remains of missing boat crash victim


Police at the Charity Outpost yesterday afternoon made the shocking discovery of missing Pomeroon resident Mohamed Shameer’s dismembered body in a black plastic bag, in a clump of bushes in an area in Moruca. The discovery reportedly followed Rondell Kellawan’s tip-off.

Mohamed Shameer [inset) remains were found in a black plastic bag.

Mohamed Shameer (inset) remains were found in a black plastic bag.

Kellawan was one of the occupants of Lennox Baharally’s boat that was initially said to have collided with a boat in which Shameer was travelling. He told police that Mohamed Shameer was in fact murdered.
Baharally’ s father, Compton, and Baharally’ s 13-year-old son, were also in Lennox Baharally’s boat.
Police have since detained Lennox Baharally and his father, who are the prime suspects.
Mohamed Shameer’s sister said that her brother’s body was chopped into pieces.
All the while, family members of the deceased had concluded that he was killed by Baharally, another close relative.
On Monday evening, Shameer, who was afflicted by polio, was venturing to his Jacklow, Upper Pomeroon River home in his wooden balahoo when his boat was reportedly struck by a 75-horsepower engine vessel driven by his nephew, Lennox Baharally.
Shameer had left earlier that day to visit a friend. The labourer lived with his mother Bibi Narjhoon.
A Post Mortem is expected to be performed shortly. (Yannason Duncan)


This Indian man under the PNC crime plan did not take his Rambo training and hence failed to do this job in beating back the bandits. 

Shop owner shot during brazen daylight robbery


– Police hunt woman among three suspects
As if losing his wife several months ago wasn’t enough grief, a 42-year-old shop owner was shot around 11:30 hrs yesterday during a brazen robbery at his Lot 295 Savage Street, North East La Penitence, Georgetown business place, located at the bottom flat of the two-storey premises.

Shot shop owner: David Sukhnandan

Shot shop owner: David Sukhnandan

David Sukhnandan sustained a gunshot wound to his left foot and is hospitalised at a private hospital.
According to information received, Sukhnandan was shot when a woman entered his shop and pretended to be a customer by ordering a bottle of cooking gas. When Sukhnandan opened his shop door to hand over the gas, two men barged into his premises.
While the men terrorised Sukhnandan for cash, the woman, according to reports, was busy packing a bag with groceries. The trio then escaped in a waiting motor car after shooting their victim.
Police were able to obtain the vehicle’s number plate.
At the man’s home yesterday, his mother, Neowrangee Sukhnandan said that she was upstairs when she heard her son screaming in the shop. “Right away I know it was thief because it is not the first time.”
The woman said that she opened a trap door in the upper flat which leads down to the shop and saw the two men firing shots at her son. “I heard like four shots and when I open the door, I see when they shooting him,” the woman said.
Fighting to hold back tears, the older Sukhnandan said that when she saw her son being shot at, for a moment she thought that he was dead, and she hurriedly closed the trap door to prevent the robbers from gaining access to the upper flat.
“I was begging them to leave my son…I was begging and praying,” Neowrangee Sukhnandan said. She added that only last November her son lost his wife, Seema Sukhnandan.
The woman said that she had actually lost track of the amount of times bandits robbed their business place. Before her daughter-in-law died, bandits went into the shop and shot her during a robbery some years back.
Also, Neowrangee Sukhnandan recalled that on October 31, last, when Halloween would have been celebrated in some countries, four men, dressed in costumes tried to gain entry into her home.
“My grandson was outside and he see the men in their costumes and suspect they were bandits, and he run in the house and pulled in the door, so they didn’t get to come in,” the woman recalled.
At the scene, neighbours gathered outside the shop after they heard what had happened. One woman said that she heard the gunshots but “thought it was squib”. Another woman suggested that it is about time the Sukhnandans get surveillance cameras since they are being targeted too often.
Investigations into the shooting are ongoing.
Only Wednesday, a businessman shot a bandit in his face after he had broken and entered his electronics store on Croal Street, Georgetown. The shot bandit managed to escape from the scene, but later turned up at the Georgetown Public Hospital for treatment.
That matter is also being investigated.


Is this one of the "mixed races" that CaribJ and the afc Indians proclaim to be the swing voters that put the PPP out of power? He has an Indian name but looks Black. Or did Knews make a mistake with one of their stock photos. 

Student charged with murder


An 18-year-old male secondary school student who clobbered another man in his head with a piece of wood,

Murder accused Davenend Dhandhari

Murder accused Davenend Dhandhari

which subsequently led to the man’s death, has been charged with murder.
Davenand Dhandhari called Kevin of Betsy Ground, East Canje, Berbice was on Wednesday remanded to jail by Magistrate Mauricia Mittelholzer, when he appeared before her at the Reliance Magistrate’s Court on the charge of murder.
Dhandhari, a student (of New Amsterdam Multilateral Secondary) and farmer, is accused of murdering Omesh Seelall, called “Rovin” or “Short Neck”, 21, a labourer, also  of Betsy Ground, on April 17, last,  at Betsy Ground.
Seelall, died around 13:30 hrs on Friday after being on a ventilator for six days.  He was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital on the morning of April 17, in a critical condition, after he was transferred from the New Amsterdam Hospital.
Seelall’s head was bashed in and his eyes bulged. Since Seelall was hit he did not regain consciousness.  There was massive internal damage and bleeding.
The men were among a group standing on the road when Dhandhari reportedly ran across the road and grabbed a piece of wood from a dray cart and struck Seelall to his head, flooring him instantly and rendering him unconscious.
Initially four men were arrested, but the others were released.
Dhandhari is being represented by Attorney- at- Law Mursaline Bacchus. He was remanded to jail until May 12th for continuation. Sergeant Orin Joseph is presenting the State’s case.


Five shot as gunmen storm Casino at Ramada Princess Hotel


– One captured, cops  hunt three others 
A policeman and four casino staffers were shot after masked gunmen stormed the Ramada Princess Hotel casino at Providence, East Bank Demerara at around 03.30 hrs yesterday.shooting at princess
Three of the bandits escaped with an undisclosed sum of local and foreign currency they took from the casino as well as money and valuables they took from patrons during the half-hour ordeal.
But police captured a fourth bandit as he was trying to escape through a back door when the ranks arrived. They also impounded a car that the attackers left behind.
Police retrieved a shotgun that the gunmen had taken from a security guard and another firearm that one of the bandits had disposed of before escaping.
At press time last night, police were hot on the trail of the rest of the gang.
Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum disclosed that the detained gunman, known as ‘Dougla’, has been cooperating with investigators.
The suspects are believed to be from Onderneeming, Essequibo, Independence Boulevard, and a third from Kitty and South Ruimveldt.
“The police have information about who the people are. The homes of the suspects were searched and wet clothing was found at two locations. The occupants were questioned, and they indicated to the police that the individuals did not sleep there last night (Thursday); they (the suspects) went there early today, (Friday) changed and left.
“We also have video footage of the entire incident and in reviewing we saw one suspect conceal a weapon (at the scene) and we retrieved that weapon, as well as the shotgun from the suspect we have in custody.”
Among those wounded are Police Lance Corporal Andrew Richardson of Impact Base, who was shot to his abdomen; Eon Garraway was shot in  his left hand, James Gregory sustained a gunshot wound to his left foot; Orlando Knights was shot in the left hand and Udairan Sookraj sustained injuries to his right hand.
Melissa Ferguson, Jermaine Mason and Roshel Fraser were assaulted during the ordeal.
There are indications that Lance Corporal Richardson and staffer, James Gregory, may have accidentally shot each other.
“James was clearing out the kitchen and same time he (the police) went into the kitchen and the police had a brown coat over his uniform so when James hear the door open and he turn around, the policeman shot at him and he shot at the policeman,” a hotel staffer said.
The wounded policeman was admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), while the staffers who were shot were treated at Dr. Balwant Singh Hospital.
A police release stated that the attack began when four men with firearms entered the casino and discharged several rounds into the air.
After relieving a security guard of his shotgun and ammunition, the gunmen ordered patrons and staff to lie on the ground. They then took the security guard to the cashier’s cage where the cashier was also held at gunpoint and relieved of an undisclosed sum of foreign and local currency.
The men arrived at the hotel in a white vehicle bearing a fake number plate, PRR 2545 and three of them managed to escape on foot. Police were able to apprehend one of the suspects, who was left behind in the casino.
Police also impounded the car, which was left at the scene. Video footage taken by a reporter showed the licence number PPP 4111, imprinted on the vehicle wind-screen.
Kaieteur News understands that the driver of the vehicle was carjacked last Sunday after taking two men to Buxton, East Coast Demerara.
Video footage taken by a reporter after the attack showed patrons still on the ground, and one terrified woman weeping as she hid under a table, as police ranks, including ‘A’ Division Commander, Clifton Hicken,  scoured the casino for the gunmen.
The ranks are also shown lifting a barman who was shot in the hand. They are later seen with the gunman who was captured at the scene.
The security guard who was relieved of his firearm said that “about five of them” come up to him and told him not to move.
“Dem man seh pass de shotgun, (and) dem man tek away the shotgun and tell me sit down.
“If I did shoot, dead sure I woudda deh pon de ground, but I woudda kill one of dem,” the guard said.
Another guard said that he was attacked while he was at a guard hut.
One patron said that he was inside the casino playing on one of the machines when the men stormed the building.
“All I hear was ‘everybody go down on the floor’ and I thought it was a mad man run in but when I watch, I see a man with a gun,” the man said.
He added that everyone in the casino followed the men’s instructions.  I turn and see everybody lying on the ground and I decide to lie on the ground, too.
“I was on the floor and I was hurrying to take out my money to put it in my boots and same time the guy pass and say ‘fat man what you doing there? Pass your phone,’ and he asked what else I got and when I said nothing, he go away,” the man recalled.
The patron and some others have vowed not to go back into a casino.
A woman also said that she had just won some $20,000 when the gunmen entered the premises.
According to one of the hotel’s taxi drivers, the men pulled up alongside his vehicle and four men exited with guns.
“This vehicle rolled up and these men exited. All of them had guns in their hands. They stick us up and put us to walk in front of them to go into the casino. They walk to the door and take away the security guards gun.”
He said that once they were inside, the men started to open fire before ordering everyone to lie on the floor.
“They robbed the casino and everyone who was in there. After some time, the one who was guarding everyone shouted ‘time up’ and two of them followed him while one of them was still at the back,” the taxi driver said.
He added that one of the gunmen told the other two robbers who were already at the front preparing to escape that the fourth man was still at the back, but the three men continued with their escape plan.
Kaieteur News understands that when the police arrived at the scene, the fourth gunman was struggling to get the casino’s back door open.
“The back door is funny. You cannot open the door from the inside…you have to go all the way around to the outside and opened it so that is why he couldn’t escape,” a hotel employee said.
One patron told the police that yesterday’s incident was “like a horror movie.”


Gunmen storm Ruimzigt rice mill

– escape with $3M

By Kristen Macklingam

Gunmen stormed into the Ruimzeigt Rice Processors Inc, Alesie Avenue, West Coast Demerara (WCD) on Thursday night and escaped with over $3 million after beating the security guard on duty.
According to reports the bandits also escaped with six laptops and machinery parts. The incident occurred at about 01:30h.
Reports are that the men entered the facility from a back entrance and held the two security guards at gunpoint before beating and duct-taping them.
Chief Executive Officer of the Ruimzeigt Rice Processors Inc Jai Kesswanie in an interview following the incident said the perpetrators used a blowtorch to open the safe where the cash and other items were stored.
“In the process of cutting open the safe door they damaged a lot of things, in addition to taking the monies and valuables. The one security who was badly injured we took him to the West Demerara Hospital but it was locked and even the police station here was locked… we then had to call the police and then they came immediately to the scene,” he explained.
According to Kesswanie, this is not the first time a robbery has taken place at his businessplace, however, the losses on previous occasions were minimal in comparison to this latest incident.
Meanwhile, this newspaper was told that investigators are working on the theory that the robbery was an “inside job”.
An investigation has since been launched.

Home > TOP STORY > Bandits terrorise Rose Hall Town family
The home of the Shirkissoons, where the robbery took place
The home of the Shirkissoons, where the robbery took place

Bandits terrorise Rose Hall Town family


— shot employee hospitalised

AT ABOUT 03:30 hrs on Saturday, Vaniesha Shirkissoon, a poultry vendor who plies her trade in the Rose Hall Town and Port Mourant markets, was preparing to go sell at the Port Mourant Market when three armed and masked men stuck her up at her Rose Hall Town home on the Corentyne, demanding cash and jewellery.

Shot employee Samuel Fernandes

Shot employee Samuel Fernandes

“Me come downstairs to prepare for the market around 03:30hrs and see three boys. They had on mask and tell me feh carry them to the money and gold.”

The traumatised woman said the men tied up her brother, and one of them stood guard over him outside while the other two demanded that she lead them to the money upstairs.

She said that as they approached the door, she forgot where she had left the keys because she was traumatized by fright, and the men started to hit her in the head with the gun as she fumbled.

The woman said she pleaded with the men not to hurt her, and called on her sister-in-law to open the door.

“After me sister-in-law open the door, they point a gun on she and said ‘don’t say a word’. Me carry them upstairs to me bedroom and open the wardrobe and give them everything me had.”

Shirkissoon said she gave the men over $2 million in cash, which was her business money, and jewellery she had accumulated over the years, worth over $1.5 million.
The men also took $50,000 she had in her possession, which was to be used for the day; and, not satisfied, they ransacked the house looking for more.

While this was ongoing, Samuel Fernandes of Bulletwood Street, Rose Hall Town, who works with the Shirkisoons on weekends, came in as usual to assist with preparation for the market, and he saw the tied-up man outside with the bandit over him. He raised an alarm and a scuffle ensued with him and the bandit. He managed to pull off the bandit’s mask, and was shot in the shoulder.

The bandits then fled, taking the booty with them. Fernandes remains a patient at the New Amsterdam Hospital and is said to be in a stable condition.


Attack on Ramada Princess Hotel…Casino guard set up robbery


-told gang “less security and more money after 2.00 A.M”

The gang behind last Friday’s brazen attack at the Ramada Princess Hotel had help from a casino guard, who provided the gunmen with intricate details of the hotel’s operations, including the ideal time to strike.

Police with captured gunman Wayne Griffith.

Police with captured gunman Wayne Griffith.

The security guard, who is a former national athlete, was detained yesterday after Wayne Griffith, the gunman who was captured at the scene, provided police with the identities of the rest of the gang.  Four of the five gunmen were still at large yesterday.
The suspects are reportedly from Onderneeming, Essequibo, Independence Boulevard and a third from Kitty and South Ruimveldt.
Police had retrieved wet clothing from two homes that they searched on Friday.
Kaieteur News understands that the detained guard has stated that the heist was planned some two weeks ago.

“Less security and more money after 2.00 A.M”
It was around that time that one of the gunmen asked the security guard to provide him with the details about the security operation at the casino.
The guard reportedly told the gang that there were “fewer people, less security and more money” at the casino after 02.00 hrs.
He also informed his associates that only two armed guards would be at the gate after midnight.
Prior to carrying out the attack, Wayne Griffith, the captured gunman, did surveillance of the casino.
The plan was for the robbers would split up the loot at an Albouystown residence.
On Thursday night, the ‘inside man’ came off duty an hour before midnight. He then met with the rest of the gang and they rehearsed the attack.
When it was close to 03.00 hrs, the guard indicated that that was the ideal time to “hit” the casino. He reportedly then went home.
The heist, carried out by four masked men,   apparently went as planned, except for the fact that the same gunman who had done the surveillance on the business place got trapped at the back of the premises.
A police release stated that the attack began at around 03.30 hrs, when four men with firearms entered the casino and discharged several rounds into the air.
After relieving a security guard of his shotgun and ammunition, the gunmen ordered patrons and staff to lie on the ground. They then took the security guard to the cashier’s cage where the cashier was also held at gunpoint and relieved of an undisclosed sum of foreign and local currency.
The men arrived at the hotel in a white vehicle bearing a fake number plate, PRR 2545 and three of them managed to escape on foot. Police were able to apprehend Wayne Griffith, who was nabbed while trying to escape through a back door.
Police also impounded the car, which was left at the scene.
They also retrieved a shotgun that the bandits had taken from one of the guards, and another firearm that the gunmen disposed of after the robbery.
A policeman and five hotel staffers were wounded during the ordeal.
Lance Corporal Andrew Richardson of Impact Base, was shot to his abdomen; Eon Garraway was shot in his left hand, James Gregory sustained a gunshot wound to his left foot; Orlando Knights was shot in the left hand and Udairan Sookraj sustained injuries to his right hand.
The gunmen also assaulted staffers Melissa Ferguson, Jermaine Mason and Roshel Fraser.
There are indications that Lance Corporal Richardson and staffer, James Gregory, may have accidentally shot each other.
The Video footage taken after the attack showed patrons still on the ground and one terrified woman weeping as she hid under a table, as police ranks, including ‘A’ Division Commander, Clifton Hicken scoured the casino for the gunmen.
The ranks are also shown lifting a barman who was shot in the hand. They are later seen with captured gunman Wayne Griffith.
A security guard who was relieved of his shotgun had said that “about five of them” come up to him and told him not to move.
“Dem man seh pass de shotgun, (and) dem man tek away the shotgun and tell me sit down.
“If I did shoot, dead sure I woudda deh pon de ground, but I woudda kill one of dem,” the guard said.
Another guard said that he was attacked while he was at a guard hut.
One patron said that he was inside the casino playing on one of the machines when the men stormed the building.
“All I hear was ‘everybody go down on the floor’ and I thought it was a mad man run in but when I watch, I see a man with a gun,” the man said.
He added that everyone in the casino followed the men’s instructions.  I turn and see everybody lying on the ground and I decide to lie on the ground, too.
“I was on the floor and I was hurrying to take out my money to put it in my boots and same time the guy pass and say ‘fat man what you doing there? Pass your phone,’ and he asked what else I got and when I said nothing, he go away,” the man recalled.
The patron and some others have vowed not to go back into a casino.
A woman also said that she had just won some $20,000 when the gunmen entered the premises.
According to one of the hotel’s taxi drivers, the men pulled up alongside his vehicle and four men exited with guns.
“This vehicle rolled up and these men exited. All of them had guns in their hands. They stick us up and put us to walk in front of them to go into the casino. They walk to the door and take away the security guards gun.”
He said that once they were inside, the men started to open fire before ordering everyone to lie on the floor.
“They robbed the casino and everyone who was in there. After some time, the one who was guarding everyone shouted ‘time up’ and two of them followed him, while one of them was still at the back,” the taxi driver said.


Man shot dead in ‘friendly scuffle’


Police are questioning three friends as they investigate the fatal shooting of their colleague under suspicious circumstances on Friday afternoon.
Dead is 39-year-old gold miner Nafasie Edghill, who succumbed while receiving treatment at a private city hospital for a gunshot wound to his abdomen, which he sustained hours earlier.
Police were told that he was shot while he and a friend were playfully scuffling outside the National Agriculture Research Institute (NARI) at Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara.
According to a police press release, around 15:00h Friday, Nafasie Edghill, 39, of Castello Housing Scheme, Georgetown, was at Mon Repos, ECD, when he became involved in a playful scuffle with a friend, who is a licensed firearm holder and had the firearm in his hand at the time, when a round is reported to have been accidentally discharged. The bullet struck Edghill to his abdomen.
The licensed firearm holder and two other men who were in his company at the time have been arrested and are in police custody assisting with the investigations.
This newspaper was told that the Edghill and three other men were together in a car. They went to the NARI compound to locate another man who owed one of them some money.
Two of the men went into the compound while Edghill and the shooter remained in the back seat of the car.
According to a source, Edghill and his friend began tantalizing each other and this turned into a playful scuffle.
It is alleged that Edghill subsequently grew impatient at the two other men who went into the NARI compound and took a while to return.
He came out of the car and was going after them, when it is alleged that his friend tried the restrain him.
It was during this scuffle that a round went off and Edghill fell to the ground, clutching his abdomen.
According to an eyewitness, the two other men who had gone into the NARI compound, heard the shot and rushed out to investigate.
They found Edghill lying on the ground with his friend standing next to him with his .32 pistol in his hand.
“He (Edghill) turn to one ah dem and say, ‘Buck, I get shoot bai!’” the eyewitness told this newspaper.
He said that the wounded man was placed in the car which sped off.
“I hear he tellin dem he can’t mek it and they must take care of he family,” the eyewitness said.
Kaieteur News understands that all the men, including Edghill, are licensed firearm holders.
Investigators are examining all the weapons as they rigorously probe the circumstances surrounding the shooting


Parika fuel dealer shot dead during robbery

A Parika businessman was on Saturday killed when two gunmen attacked him in front of his home.
Dead is Seeram Singh of Lot 40 Parika Outfall, East Bank Essequibo.

Dead fuel dealer Seeram Singh

Dead fuel dealer Seeram Singh

Relatives of the now dead fuel dealer

Relatives of the now dead fuel dealer

Reports are that the businessman was attacked at about 21:00h by the two gunmen who robbed him of three sizable gold chains which were on his neck. Notably, his gold rings were still on his fingers.
Guyana Times was told that the 52-year-old businessman was shot twice to his head. He also had three stab wounds to his body.
Relatives told this newspaper that the businessman put up a fight with the gunmen during the ordeal.
The grieving family stated that they are extremely disappointed with the Police’s response to the robbery.
A close relative related that the Police took a long time to respond following the shooting.


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