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One Dead, three missing as cutlass pirates strike on the Corentyne


THREE fishing vessels were attacked by pirates just before midnight on Friday, leaving one fisherman dead and three others missing on the Corentyne River.

Captain Seepersaud Persaud

Captain Seepersaud Persaud

The dead man, identified as 45-year-old Hemchand Sukdeo, called Dread, of #55 Village, was discovered on Saturday afternoon in a fisherman’s seine during the low tide.

Three of his fellow crew members are still missing, while the captain miraculously survived after being thrown overboard.

The captain, Seepersaud Persaud, 43, of Corriverton, said their boat was attacked by five cutlass-wielding pirates, three of whom were masked. He related that they were approximately five miles in the Atlantic Ocean in Surinamese waters when their boat was approached by pirates, who demanded they hand over their catch valued at $140,000.

They complied as four of the pirates boarded their vessel, while another remained on the pirate boat. Seepersaus said his crew was then tied up and transferred onto the pirates’ boat, and he was instructed to take it ashore with the crew as the pirates took their boat.

Seepersaud said that as he was about to move off, the pirates then asked that he throw overboard two of his men, but he refused. Seepersaud related that he was instead thrown overboard by the pirates.

“As we about to move off, them ask me fuh throw ovah two ah me work man, but me seh me nah do dah, and them push me ovah board and drive off.”

Seepersaud said he swam for approximately three hours, until he saw another boat and was rescued him. They then made contact with the Number 66 Fishermen’s Co-op, which sent a boat to take him ashore.

He later learnt that his boat, which is valued at six million dollars, was used to attack two other vessels, and three of his crew members are still missing, and feared dead since the discovery of Sukdeo’s body.

Those missing are Dhanpaul Rampaul of Number 67 Village, a cane harvester who would seek other employment during the out-of-crop season; Dochan Sukra, 54, also called ‘’Butcher’, of Number 55 Village; and another male, identified only as ‘Boyo’.

Police sources have confirmed detaining a boat matching the description of the one used during the pirate attacks, and have in custody five men who were on board at the time. The boat, ‘Sharda SK’, was seen moored at the # 65 Koker when this newspaper was on scene.

Meanwhile, the crew members of two other fishing vessels which were also attacked on Friday night were said to be safe, but could not get ashore because of the low tide.

Home > TOP STORY > Teen waitress shot in face at Chinese restaurant
The Lucky Star Chinese Restaurant at Better Hope, ECD, where the teen was shot while on duty
The Lucky Star Chinese Restaurant at Better Hope, ECD, where the teen was shot while on duty

Teen waitress shot in face at Chinese restaurant


– Worked after school to make ends meet

By Rabindra Rooplall
SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD Onika Luke of Lot 1 Vryheid’s Lust, East Coast Demerara, who would hang up her uniform after school and head for a night job as a waitress to make ends meet, was shot to the face on Friday night after she resisted a gunman’s attempt to rob the Lucky Star Chinese Restaurant in her home village.

Onika Luke

Onika Luke

Now a patient in the Intensive Care Unit of Woodlands Hospital, Onika gave the police a description of her assailant in writing on a piece of paper as investigations continue.

The bandit reportedly entered the restaurant at about 22:40 hrs and ordered a meal, but while paying for the meal, the man allegedly held on to Luke’s hands as she was behind the barred-off counter, then he pulled out a firearm and demanded cash. The teen resisted the assailant, and was shot to her chin whilst he made good his escape.

Luke’s brother, Rickford Ranjee, said he received a call minutes before 23:00hrs on Friday night, informing him that his sister had been shot in her hands.

“Then Chiney man himself come home by us and tell me put on my clothes because my sister get shoot in she hand. When I rush down to the hospital, the nurse tell me my sister get shoot in her hand and the bone break, and the bullet fly through her chin and is lodged in her throat,” he explained.

The distressed brother said that, in the presence of two policemen at the hospital, his sister wrote on a piece of paper the description of the man who had shot her. She told her brother that the person came into the restaurant and ordered a half-portion vegetable fried rice, and she collected the money from the man. It was when she reached for the drawer that the man snatched her by her jersey neck and pulled her into the grillwork barring the counter.

“Then like when he point the gun to shoot her, she tried boxing it away and the bullet (flew) through her hands, hit her chin and (got stuck) in her throat,” Ranjee explained.
Luke attends St. John’s College, and the brother said it was only three months ago that she decided to start working daily after returning home from school to assist with paying her own bills and look after her development. She would normally work from 17:00hrs to 22:00hrs.

Ranjee said the supermarket adjacent to the restaurant was robbed last year, and a Chinese man had been shot in his leg in that incident.

Ranjee said the same person who had shot his sister had recently threatened to kidnap her after he had noticed her going home late at night. He said she detailed all this to him in writing on a piece of paper on Saturday morning.

She said that the shooter has a tattoo to his neck; it is someone she was accustomed to seeing about the place, he explained.

Residents in the area said the restaurant opened for business almost four months ago.


Two armed robbery suspects escape from Providence Station


Police are trying to track down two robbery suspects who escaped from the Providence Police Station around 04.05 hrs yesterday, while only two female ranks and a male colleague were on duty.

Sources identified the escapees as Kevin Rose, 19, of Diamond Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara; and Shemar Moore, 20, of Bagotstown, East Bank Demerara.
Rose is said to be in custody for armed robbery, discharging a firearm, and possession of an unlicenced firearm. Moore was being held for armed robbery.
Kaieteur News understands that the prisoners escaped via a hole they made in one of the walls of the lockups.
At the time, a female lance corporal, a female detective constable, and one of their male colleagues were the only ranks at the station.
According to reports, one of the female ranks heard a strange noise in the vicinity of the lockups at the time of the escape.
On checking, she reportedly saw Rose exiting a hole in wall of the lockups. Shemar Moore, the other prisoner, reportedly then emerged and pushed the policewoman to the ground before he and Rose fled from the compound.
It is unclear whether the ranks have been placed under close arrest.
In July, 2009, Health Ministry arson suspects Kurt Thierens called, ‘Bage’ or ‘Glasses’, and Colin Jones, called “Bonny”, escaped from the Providence Police Station lockups, under circumstances that are still unclear.
A female police Lance Corporal was charged for negligently causing their escape. The charges were subsequently dismissed.


Rapist attacks Supenaam mother


A Supenaam mother of two who was raped early Friday morning by a resident who frequented her shop was taken for treatment for an injured left thumb at the Suddie Public Hospital.

The young mother is now concerned about contracting a disease. Her husband was not at home when she was raped.
The mother of two young children, aged seven and nine years old, related that during the course of Friday night after securing her house, she woke up and ventured outside into the yard to use her bathroom.
After returning to bed some moments later she was awakened to find a man over her. The woman said that the individual had something over his head and back but she was able to recognise him because he called out her name. The woman said that the man was armed with a knife and warned her not to scream.
Frightened, the woman was helpless and couldn’t have done much to help herself.
After being raped, the woman then called someone who has connections with the police, then called her mother. She was taken to the Suddie Police Station where she related the incident, then to the Suddie Public Hospital where she was treated for a cut to her thumb after she tried to remove the knife which was placed to her neck by the rapist.
The home intruder is known to residents in the Village. There were other reports of him attacking and raping two other young women in the Supenaam area. Attempts on two other young women were also made by the same intruder. It is not clear whether police have been able to apprehend the home intruder as yet.
Earlier this year, a Windsor Castle, Essequibo Coast woman was raped by a young man who travelled from Richmond Village some distance away. This woman lived alone. The police were able to arrest and charge the man.
He admitted to being apart of a gang who prey on women who live alone.


Several injured in Banks Beer Concert stampede


A fight between two men which turned into a melee brought a premature end to the Banks-Beer golden jubilee concert.
The event was shut off at approximately 3am at the behest of the Guyana Police Force after patrons were sent scurrying by the sound of the gunshots.
The fight broke out a little after 3am and persons in the immediate area scattered as bottles were thrown around. Several persons scaled the VIP barricade which was eventually broken down in their bid to escape the bottles. According to reports a number of persons were injured, some during the stampede to escape the bottles while others sustained cuts and lacerations from broken glass.

The scene at the premature end to the Banks Beer Jubilee Fest.

The scene at the premature end to the Banks Beer Jubilee Fest.

The injured patrons went to the Diamond Diagnostic Center where they were treated and sent home. According to sources no one was hospitalized and there were no serious injuries.
Promoters were advised by Police officials to call the show to an end just as patrons were awaiting the headliner, Busy Signal to come onstage.
In another report a police source told this newspaper that a man was shot to his hand in an attempted robbery. The source said that two men, one armed with a handgun pounced on the victim as he was walking to his car just outside of the stadium and attempted to relieve him of his belongings. But during the attempt, they saw some Police ranks approaching and let off a single shot hitting the man in his hand. They subsequently made good their escape. The gunshot victim sought treatment at a City Hospital and was discharged. Investigations are ongoing.


Visiting British soldier robbed of priceless possessions


Former British soldier Edward John Constant was enjoying the famous Guyanese hospitality, but this all came to an end on Monday when a known thief shattered his historic holiday.

Former British soldier Edward Constant demonstrates how the thief grabbed him and snatched off his jewellery.

Former British soldier Edward Constant demonstrates how the thief grabbed him and snatched off his jewellery.

Seventy-year-old Constant was robbed of his cherished gold chain and a symbolic ring by a man known as “Quarter,” and although the soldier tried valiantly to retrieve the items, his younger assailant managed to escape.
And although police investigators have been able to ascertain the identity of the thief, up to press time there was no word of him being apprehended.
Constant, who is in Guyana to celebrate the country’s Golden Independence anniversary in keeping with a pledge he made 50 years ago, said that on Monday morning, he left the city hotel he was staying at, to go down to a bank to exchange some foreign currency.
He did not get to complete the transaction, so he decided to go sightseeing around the Stabroek Market area, where he began taking photographs.
“The next thing I knew was that someone had grabbed my shirt from behind and pulled it, he said demonstrating the action while speaking to this newspaper.
In the process, the thief had grabbed his gold chain to which was attached a diamond-crested ring.
“As he pulled it, he came towards me and I hit him….it was more out of temper, because I saw his face for about a second and I just punched him to the side of the head and he was gone,” the former British soldier related.
He ran after the fleeing man, shouting “Stop! Thief!” while chasing him towards the Stabroek Market.
Constant gave up the chase after running over some wooden planks and being barefooted, the task was onerous.
He was sure that if the odds were a little better he would have caught the thief, who disappeared into the crowded Stabroek Market.
“I thought, I’ve still got my iPad, I’ve got my money, I thought it’s not worth it.”
Fighting to hold back tears, Constant said that the stolen items mean a lot to him.
“My wife bought me the gold chain….she bought me a gold chain before she died and I put her wedding ring and her engagement ring on it and it’s gone,” the former soldier lamented.
Although he spoke of one man, Constant said that he was told by the police that the perpetrators were two youths.
He said that “a very nice taxi driver” came up and identified one of the thieves.
“He said ‘I know that man.” ….he said his (the thief’s) name was Quarter,” the British National recalled.
He said that he eventually picked up his slippers that he left behind while chasing after the thief, and after putting them back on, he made his way to the Brickdam Police Station where he reported the matter.
Constant told Kaieteur News that after speaking to the relevant officer, he was taken back to the Stabroek Market where the information was passed on to some plainclothes ranks who were already there.
A few minutes later, the investigators sought to obtain footage from a surveillance camera located in the vicinity where Constant was robbed.
He was the taken back to the station where he gave a detailed statement.
“My chain was thick round gold, British gold, nine carat. But it’s the rings, my wife’s engagement ring was a ruby diamond cluster,” Constant said.
Monday’s experience is a stark contrast to some experiences that Constant had a few days earlier.
He spoke of being shepherded back to his hotel with all his medals by a man he befriended and who even bought him a few beers.
But despite his loss, Constant insisted that he will spend out the rest of his holiday and hopes that by the time it is done, the police would have captured the thief.
A senior police official, when contacted vowed that the Force will leave no stone unturned to capture the thief, who he said would pay a huge price for bringing Guyana into disrepute.


Female security guard murdered in Crane


– suspect held
Police are investigating the murder of a female security officer, who was found dead in her home early

Murdered: Latchmin Shivpujan called ‘Radika

Murdered: Latchmin Shivpujan called ‘Radika

yesterday morning.
The dead woman was identified as 49-year-old Latchmin Shivpujan called ‘Radika,’ of 3233 Crane Old Road, West Coast Demerara. The victim was a security guard attached to the Kalibur Investigative and Security Services.
Information reaching this publication is that screams were heard coming from Shivpujan’s tiny one-bedroom apartment sometime around midnight on Monday.
Although details of the incident remain sketchy, Kaieteur News has learnt that the woman lived alone; she occupied the lower flat of a two-storey house but was frequently visited by male friends; one of whom is currently in police custody assisting with investigations.
A resident living a short distance from where the incident occurred recalled that the police were called in during the night, but they only responded “at day clean.”
“You know how long the police get call, but dem only come till around (6:00 am) the next morning. By then she (Shivpujan) done stiff,” the resident stated.
The mother of two was found lying in a pool of blood. The victim bore several injuries including three stab wounds about her body. Shortly after the police arrived, Shivpujan’s body was removed from the apartment and transported to a nearby funeral parlour.
When Kaieteur News visited the scene of the crime, neighbours were reluctant to speak of the incident. However, a few residents described Shivpujan as ‘a friendly guard lady” who worked a short distance from where she lived.

The two-storey house located at Crane Old Road in which the body of the murdered security guard was found yesterday.

The two-storey house located at Crane Old Road in which the body of the murdered security guard was found yesterday.

“I can’t tell you anything much about what happened to her last night, but I know she used to work security at the Lands and Surveys Office on the Public Road,” one woman stated. When contacted, Shivpujan’s former co-workers expressed shock at the news. They described the woman as an easy-going, chatty and friendly person, but noted she hardly spoke of her relatives.
“She only said that she has one sister who lives at Hague, (West Coast Demerara) and two children living outside (overseas).”
At the sister’s Hague, West Coast Demerara residence, relatives noted that they only learnt of the murder via the media.
Mahadai Singh, the woman‘s sister, told this publication that she had not spoken to Shivpujan for nearly two decades. Singh said that she and her sister were estranged because she did not agree with her (Shivpujan’s) lifestyle.
The woman claimed that several years ago, her sister had been living in Venezuela, but returned to Guyana with her two children.
“She come from Venezuela wid de two children and was staying by me, then she suddenly pick up sheself and lef’ de children behind and never look back.”
Singh said that she cared for the children for two months before she came to the realization that her sister was not coming back to get her children, hence she sent them back to Venezuela to live with their father. Singh said that since then her sister had shut her out of her life. She said Shivpujan refused to have anything to do with her eight siblings and other family members.
“Me had to send dem (children) back, but she been vex and seh that me tell people that she abandon she children, but me had no choice, she want to live she life and me can’t stop she, but me couldn’t look at the children. Me had me own children to look after.”
“She does keep away from everybody. She doesn’t even come around (us) because she always causing a problem …. The last thing I heard about she is that she was working at a security service and living in Crane. I can’t even tell you what she house look like, ‘cause me never been at she,” Singh added.
But although she did not share a close relationship with her sister, the woman noted that she is still curious about the circumstances surrounding her death.
Last evening, a police source confirmed that a male suspect, also a security officer, has been taken into custody for the murder. The suspect is said to have shared an intimate relationship with the woman prior to the incident.


Under this administration of Jackass Granger, even the firemen stealing to get their piece of the pie, following in the footstep of govt who voted themselves 50% raises.

Firemen caught with stolen items from Traffic Chief’s burnt house


Four firemen have been handed over to the police after they were implicated in the theft of items from the home of Traffic Chief Dion Moore, where they had gone to extinguish a fire on Monday night.

The Traffic Chief’s house at Belfield, East Coast Demerara.

The Traffic Chief’s house at Belfield, East Coast Demerara.

The men were detained after a cellular phone that was stolen from the Traffic Chief’s house at Belfield, East Coast Demerara, was found under the seat of the fire tender they were in.
For a while now, residents have been complaining that they have been losing items from their homes after firefighters would have carried out work there, but no one was actually found culpable.
The suspicions were manifested yesterday.
Police Commander Marlon Chapman told this newspaper that firefighters were summoned to Moore’s house to tackle a fire. While there, they had to enter the building to carry out their work. When they were done and Moore examined the interior of his house, he noticed that two cellular phones were missing. He contacted the senior fireman at the scene and made enquiries.
The firemen denied removing the items and were allowed to leave, thinking that they had gotten away with their nefarious act. However, soon after leaving the scene, their vehicle was stopped and searched and one of the cell phones was found under the driver’s seat.
Of course the actions of the firemen have caused great embarrassment to the Chief Fire Officer Marlon Gentle and the rest of his ranks.
Gentle in an invited comment expressed disgust over the incident, especially since the actual firefighting work was done excellently.
“They have tarnished the work that they went to do at the traffic chief’s house,” Gentle said.
He explained that after the phone was found, the matter was reported to the fire service and the ranks placed into the custody of their superiors, who conducted an internal investigation.
“We have finished our internal investigations and we are handing them over to the police,” the Fire Chief stated.
Gentle confirmed that there were four firefighters on the truck in which the stolen phone was found.
“I’m not saying that all of them did it, but somebody had to be responsible.”
The fire chief emphasised that there is no place in his organisation for persons who will destroy the good name of the Guyana Fire Service, and as such, his administration has dealt with the manner in the appropriate way. He said that what is most disgusting is that the act was perpetrated on a member of a sister Joint Service organization.
“As long as you steal, it is a criminal offence and I have to maintain the integrity of the 500-plus ranks under me. Public trust must be maintained,” the fire chief declared.


Suspect in goldsmith robbery nabbed in N/A raid


In what has been described by Commander Assistant Commissioner Ian Amsterdam as more police- community partnership, the police seem to be getting more cooperation from the public, coupled with widening intelligence-

[Inset) Wanted man, Joel Grannum and other men held in the raid.

(Inset) Wanted man, Joel Grannum and other men held in the raid.

gathering mechanisms.

On Monday the cops received information that a wanted man was hiding in a tenement yard at the junction of Ferry Street and Princess Elizabeth Road in New Amsterdam.  The lawmen responded immediately and held a number of persons, male and female, including a man wanted for a number of criminal activities.
The man, Joel Grannum, gave a number of addresses including Samaroo Dam, Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara and Edinburgh, East Bank Berbice, among others. He is wanted for armed robbery and attempted murder committed on a goldsmith and his 16-year-old son at Rosignol on April 2.
Grannum was allegedly in company with another man on motorcycles when they committed the act. Another man, Bharat Madray ,27, of Shieldstown, West Coast Berbice, who was said to be the brain behind the act has already been charged.  Grannum will be grilled on the abovementioned and a number of other misdemeanors in Berbice and Demerara.
Two men who were also in the tenement yard when the police raided, were found with marijuana in their possession.

Drugb posted:

Visiting British soldier robbed of priceless possessions


Former British soldier Edward John Constant was enjoying the famous Guyanese hospitality, but this all came to an end on Monday when a known thief shattered his historic holiday.

Former British soldier Edward Constant demonstrates how the thief grabbed him and snatched off his jewellery.

Former British soldier Edward Constant demonstrates how the thief grabbed him and snatched off his jewellery.

Seventy-year-old Constant was robbed of his cherished gold chain and a symbolic ring by a man known as “Quarter,” and although the soldier tried valiantly to retrieve the items, his younger assailant managed to escape.
And although police investigators have been able to ascertain the identity of the thief, up to press time there was no word of him being apprehended.
Constant, who is in Guyana to celebrate the country’s Golden Independence anniversary in keeping with a pledge he made 50 years ago, said that on Monday morning, he left the city hotel he was staying at, to go down to a bank to exchange some foreign currency.
He did not get to complete the transaction, so he decided to go sightseeing around the Stabroek Market area, where he began taking photographs.
“The next thing I knew was that someone had grabbed my shirt from behind and pulled it, he said demonstrating the action while speaking to this newspaper.
In the process, the thief had grabbed his gold chain to which was attached a diamond-crested ring.
“As he pulled it, he came towards me and I hit him….it was more out of temper, because I saw his face for about a second and I just punched him to the side of the head and he was gone,” the former British soldier related.
He ran after the fleeing man, shouting “Stop! Thief!” while chasing him towards the Stabroek Market.
Constant gave up the chase after running over some wooden planks and being barefooted, the task was onerous.
He was sure that if the odds were a little better he would have caught the thief, who disappeared into the crowded Stabroek Market.
“I thought, I’ve still got my iPad, I’ve got my money, I thought it’s not worth it.”
Fighting to hold back tears, Constant said that the stolen items mean a lot to him.
“My wife bought me the gold chain….she bought me a gold chain before she died and I put her wedding ring and her engagement ring on it and it’s gone,” the former soldier lamented.
Although he spoke of one man, Constant said that he was told by the police that the perpetrators were two youths.
He said that “a very nice taxi driver” came up and identified one of the thieves.
“He said ‘I know that man.” ….he said his (the thief’s) name was Quarter,” the British National recalled.
He said that he eventually picked up his slippers that he left behind while chasing after the thief, and after putting them back on, he made his way to the Brickdam Police Station where he reported the matter.
Constant told Kaieteur News that after speaking to the relevant officer, he was taken back to the Stabroek Market where the information was passed on to some plainclothes ranks who were already there.
A few minutes later, the investigators sought to obtain footage from a surveillance camera located in the vicinity where Constant was robbed.
He was the taken back to the station where he gave a detailed statement.
“My chain was thick round gold, British gold, nine carat. But it’s the rings, my wife’s engagement ring was a ruby diamond cluster,” Constant said.
Monday’s experience is a stark contrast to some experiences that Constant had a few days earlier.
He spoke of being shepherded back to his hotel with all his medals by a man he befriended and who even bought him a few beers.
But despite his loss, Constant insisted that he will spend out the rest of his holiday and hopes that by the time it is done, the police would have captured the thief.
A senior police official, when contacted vowed that the Force will leave no stone unturned to capture the thief, who he said would pay a huge price for bringing Guyana into disrepute.

Major disgrace.

KishanB posted:
Drugb posted:

Visiting British soldier robbed of priceless possessions


Former British soldier Edward John Constant was enjoying the famous Guyanese hospitality, but this all came to an end on Monday when a known thief shattered his historic holiday.

Former British soldier Edward Constant demonstrates how the thief grabbed him and snatched off his jewellery.

Former British soldier Edward Constant demonstrates how the thief grabbed him and snatched off his jewellery.

Seventy-year-old Constant was robbed of his cherished gold chain and a symbolic ring by a man known as “Quarter,” and although the soldier tried valiantly to retrieve the items, his younger assailant managed to escape.
And although police investigators have been able to ascertain the identity of the thief, up to press time there was no word of him being apprehended.
Constant, who is in Guyana to celebrate the country’s Golden Independence anniversary in keeping with a pledge he made 50 years ago, said that on Monday morning, he left the city hotel he was staying at, to go down to a bank to exchange some foreign currency.
He did not get to complete the transaction, so he decided to go sightseeing around the Stabroek Market area, where he began taking photographs.
“The next thing I knew was that someone had grabbed my shirt from behind and pulled it, he said demonstrating the action while speaking to this newspaper.
In the process, the thief had grabbed his gold chain to which was attached a diamond-crested ring.
“As he pulled it, he came towards me and I hit him….it was more out of temper, because I saw his face for about a second and I just punched him to the side of the head and he was gone,” the former British soldier related.
He ran after the fleeing man, shouting “Stop! Thief!” while chasing him towards the Stabroek Market.
Constant gave up the chase after running over some wooden planks and being barefooted, the task was onerous.
He was sure that if the odds were a little better he would have caught the thief, who disappeared into the crowded Stabroek Market.
“I thought, I’ve still got my iPad, I’ve got my money, I thought it’s not worth it.”
Fighting to hold back tears, Constant said that the stolen items mean a lot to him.
“My wife bought me the gold chain….she bought me a gold chain before she died and I put her wedding ring and her engagement ring on it and it’s gone,” the former soldier lamented.
Although he spoke of one man, Constant said that he was told by the police that the perpetrators were two youths.
He said that “a very nice taxi driver” came up and identified one of the thieves.
“He said ‘I know that man.” ….he said his (the thief’s) name was Quarter,” the British National recalled.
He said that he eventually picked up his slippers that he left behind while chasing after the thief, and after putting them back on, he made his way to the Brickdam Police Station where he reported the matter.
Constant told Kaieteur News that after speaking to the relevant officer, he was taken back to the Stabroek Market where the information was passed on to some plainclothes ranks who were already there.
A few minutes later, the investigators sought to obtain footage from a surveillance camera located in the vicinity where Constant was robbed.
He was the taken back to the station where he gave a detailed statement.
“My chain was thick round gold, British gold, nine carat. But it’s the rings, my wife’s engagement ring was a ruby diamond cluster,” Constant said.
Monday’s experience is a stark contrast to some experiences that Constant had a few days earlier.
He spoke of being shepherded back to his hotel with all his medals by a man he befriended and who even bought him a few beers.
But despite his loss, Constant insisted that he will spend out the rest of his holiday and hopes that by the time it is done, the police would have captured the thief.
A senior police official, when contacted vowed that the Force will leave no stone unturned to capture the thief, who he said would pay a huge price for bringing Guyana into disrepute.

Major disgrace.

I second this.


Maybe the thief is one of those criminals that Granger Pardon for the Jubilee. I read about the British soldier's visit for the 50th anniversary, not knowing he is returning to get robbed.This is Global embarrassment.

Home > TOP STORY > Man kills wife at workplace
Candacy Pitt and her husband in happier times.
Candacy Pitt and her husband in happier times.

Man kills wife at workplace


By Rabindra Rooplall
THIRTEEN years of marriage ended in bloodshed Wednesday night after Candacy Pitt, called “Cindy,” was hacked to death by her husband Athlone Pitt while she was at work as a security guard at Bygeval Secondary School.The 31-year-old woman, who had no children, was on duty at the school located behind her Chelsea Park, Mahaica, East Coast Demerara residence.

The depressed mother Evonne Andrews

The depressed mother Evonne Andrews

According to a police report, she worked as a security guard at the school and was attacked about 21:45hrs by her husband at her workplace where she was dealt multiple chops about her body.

However,the police noted that he first attacked and chopped her cousin, security guard Brenda Thomas, 51, of Chelsea Park who had denied him entry into the compound to see his wife. Mrs. Pitt and her cousin Thomas were both on duty at the time of the attack.

They were rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital where Mrs. Pitt was pronounced dead on arrival, while Brenda Thomas was admitted. The husband, Athlone Pitt surrendered to the police and confessed to the crime. He is currently in police custody assisting with the investigation.

The dead woman’s mother Evonne Andrews said her daughter began working almost two months ago at the school as a security guard. She explained that her daughter who lived in a neighbouring building would spend most of the time with the family.

“Her husband was a lazy drunkard who hardly worked, he was a driver. I can’t remember the last time when he worked, he would normally be drinking all over the place and would threaten her whenever she is over here,” Mrs. Andrews, a mother of three, said.

However,the couple never sought counselling, Mrs. Andrews said, but her daughter would attend church and hope for the best.

The tearful mother said she is seeking justice from the police and the courts, since such an act is barbaric, considering that the family was kind and decent towards him.

“How do you describe a person who you fetch food from your parents’ house to give, they give you land to build a house, you treat him like a son, how do you describe a person like that when they turn around and kill your child. There are no words to express it,” a cousin of the deceased, Mrs. Pitt Shaundelle Singh said sadly.

“He getting free everything, free water, free current, he getting from what ‘Cindy’ father and mother working for, the man is a waste.”

The cousin further said that on each occasion that “Cindy” gets a cellphone her husband smashed it up out of a jealous rage. She can’t even communicate with her family on Facebook. “He always threatening she with a gun, we don’t know if it’s real or toy, he always threatening her to kill her or her family.”

Singh explained that the security guard Brenda Thomas who was chopped had spoken to Mr. Pitt about his unwarranted attack and behaviour when dealing with his wife. “I talk to him too, I told him off and I hear he say he would have killed me. He was a two-faced person, he pretending in front of his wife and behind her back he always talk foolishness.”

She said that Mr. Pitt always was a jealous and insecure man because his wife was beautiful and simple.

“The man is so stupid, if she wanted to leave she could have, because she had no children to remain in the relationship for any reason, and she could have packed and move because in 13 years they had no children,” she emphasised.

The cousin added that she took Mrs. Pitt to the hospital to inquire about pregnancy options but it was never followed up because it appeared as if the husband was the problem. “I use to tell her she is getting old and it would be nice to have a child, he always drinking and damaging himself and doing everything to make the woman life hell.”

She disclosed that Mr. Pitt six months ago did a surgery for hernia and his wife and relatives aided and assisted all they could during the process.
“How can he turn around and chop a woman who loved him so much,” Mrs. Singh questioned. “He had to plan what he would have done because he didn’t kill her when she was home, because he knew people would have dealt with him severely so he did it when she was at work.”
She said after committing the act, Mr. Pitt had pulled a hoodie over his head and quickly jumped on a bicycle and made his way to the police station before residents and relatives caught him. “If he had walked, he wouldn’t have reach the police station alive…He does threaten to kill her mother and people in the family; that is why she does go home back with he, and try to be nice to him. But now, look what happened.”
The dead woman’s sister, Isabelle Andrews, said every night for the past two weeks she saw Mr. Pitt walking with a cutlass in his hand going at the school compound threatening his wife and terrorising her outside the school compound.

“He had said he would have killed my father and mother and the entire family. He treated her very bad and this is the result – he even assaulted her at a wedding one night because she dance with a relative,” she said.

According to relatives, “Cindy” was always jovial and smiling and never showed anyone a bad face, although she was in an abusive relationship.


Bandits tie up guards, rob M&M Snackette of $$millions


– Ordeal recorded on CCTV
Five heavily-armed bandits stormed the M&M Snackette in Peters Hall, East Bank Demerara (EBD) in the wee hours of Wednesday morning, and escaped with millions after tying up two security guards and two construction workers.

Mahendra Mookram pointing to where the men entered the compound.

Mahendra Mookram pointing to where the men entered the compound.

The entire ordeal was recorded on surveillance cameras. The footage showed the men, with pieces of cloth wrapped around their faces, going through each drawer in the fast food outlet’s main office, hunting for cash.
It is unclear if the workers who were tied up provided the men with the location of the office but in the footage, the men knew exactly where they needed to go and which lock they had to break to get to the cash.
This transpired around 01:40 hrs on Wednesday. The men gained entry into the compound by cutting a mesh fence at the back of the compound. Once inside, they pounced on the two construction workers who were sleeping under a shed at the back of the building.
The bandits then went to the front of the building and dragged the two security guards to the back where they tied everyone.
While one of the armed men kept an eye on the workers, the remaining four were seen rummaging the office. The workers were not injured.
One of the Directors, Mahendra Mookram said that when the bandits left the property, the workers managed to free themselves and called him.
“When I come here, the whole office ransacked. The place where the money was kept was broken and then we started looking at the footage. Four persons were seen in the video, but one was with the workers,” Mookram said.
The businessman said that his losses amount to millions, and it would certainly affect the ongoing construction at the entity. “Three days’ sales and money for construction work were there.”
“Basically, they cut all the locks with nippers and crowbars. They had to cut about five locks. There are two doors to the entrance, one mesh and grill, and then the glass door,” Mookram explained.
He said that the men walked with all the necessary tools to carry out the attack. At one time, the footage showed the men as they left and later returned with additional tools—a nipper.
They all wore gloves as they went about searching for cash.
Last November, bandits carried out a similar attack at the establishment.
According to the businessman, they entered the compound and made a hole in the wall where they gained entry and escaped with cash.
No one was arrested then and no one has been arrested for Wednesday’s robbery. Investigations are ongoing.


Gunmen storm RDC H/Q, torch safes


Police on the East Coast of Demerara have initiated a hunt for four gunmen who stormed the Regional Democratic Council Office at BV/Triumph, and escaped with an undisclosed amount of cash. The incident occurred around 02:00 hours yesterday.

According to the police, the four men, armed with handguns, stormed the headquarters of the Region Four Democratic Council. They relieved one of two security guards of cash and valuables, tied the men up, and proceeded to torch two safes in the building following which they carted off an undisclosed sum of cash.
The guards eventually managed to free themselves and reported the matter to the police.
No arrests have been made as yet. Investigations are continuing.


Mechanic stabbed to death during argument


Investigators are probing the circumstances which led to the death of a 28-year-old man at

Dead: Orrett West

Dead: Orrett West

Plaisance, East Coast Demerara (ECD).

Orrett West, a father of one of Tucville Terrace, was killed around 00:30 hr yesterday at popular liming spot in Vigilance.
He was stabbed to his chest in full view of his girlfriend, who provided police with a detailed description of the killer and what transpired early yesterday.
The suspect is on the run.
According to information received, the mechanic and his killer had an argument during which he was stabbed to death.
Police in a release said that investigation so far revealed that the father of one was in company of his girlfriend, when an argument ensued between him and a man, who he had an ongoing dispute with.
During the argument, the assailant pulled out a knife and fatally stabbed West in the region of his left side chest and escaped.
At his home yesterday, his mother asked for her son’s death be kept on the down-low. The woman, who refused to give her name, said that her son left home last night to go to Guinness Bar weekly lime when he was killed.
”He and somebody had an argument and like he get in a fight and he get stabbed,” the woman said while doing her chores.
She did not want to divulge any more information.


Ex-lover on the run after pistol whipping woman


A Kuru Kururu woman was left nursing lacerations to her face and the back of her head after her ex-lover reportedly pistol-whipped her during which the firearm went off, grazing her cheek.

Natasha Harry, assaulted by ex-lover

Natasha Harry, assaulted by ex-lover

It is reported that 31-year-old Natasha Harry had to be rushed to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre for emergency medical attention shortly after an estranged lover allegedly whipped out a gun and hit her about the head and face during a heated argument.
According to police sources, during the assault the firearm accidentally went off and as a result Harry sustained a wound to her cheek.
Kaieteur News spoke to the injured woman’s sister who lives within a stone’s throw from Harry at Kuru Kururu on the Linden/Soesdyke Highway.
Harry’s sister told this newspaper that some time on Thursday night between 20:00 hours and 21:00 hours she was at home relaxing when she heard a gunshot and immediately after, her sister’s two young sons came running and screaming; “Mommy geh shoot! Mommy geh shoot!”
The woman who asked not to be named stated that she ran over but on her way she saw her sister walking over in a dazed state with blood dripping from her face.
The woman related that she then contacted neighbours and they hurriedly transported the injured Harry to the Diamond Diagnostic Center where she was treated, Harry was then transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital Inc. (GPHC) and later discharged.
Harry’s assailant who is known to her relatives as “Shawn”, after assaulting her, reported took away her cell phone and fled the scene. Up to 19:00 hours yesterday when this newspaper contacted Harry’s sister, she indicated that they (relatives) tried calling the phone but “Shawn” would let it ring out only to call back and threaten that he “isn’t done, I’m going to come back and finish the job.”
A high ranking Police official told this newspaper that all efforts are being made to apprehend the suspect and that they have obtained information about his whereabouts, the source stated that he is expected to be brought in for justice very soon.


Indian criminals too.

Five pirates charged with High Seas murder


Five men who are accused of high seas piracy have been charged with murder. The men are accused of murdering Hemchand Sukdeo, 46, a father of five of No. 55 Village, Corentyne, Berbice during an act of piracy.

The five men who were charged.

The five men who were charged with murder.

The pirates who are all fishermen are Ramchan Latchman, 23, married and a father of two of No. 65 Village, Corentyne; Ganesh Naidoo, 41, of No71 Village; Ramesh Singh, 53, of Liverpool Village, a father of two, Stephen Leon Leacock 19 of 366, No. 77 Village and Leon Sammy, 29, married and father of one of Lot 1 No. 75 Village, all of Corentyne, Berbice.
They are accused of between May 27, and May 28, in the Corentyne River, murdered Sukdeo in the cause of piracy.
While all the men said that they were never charged for any offence before, the police indicated that Sammy was previously before the court.
A post mortem examination conducted on the body of Sukdeo on Friday at Fort Wellington by Dr. Nehaul Singh gave the cause of death as blunt trauma to the head and asphyxia due to drowning.
The men were charged with the capital offence of murder under the hijacking and piracy Act. They appeared on Friday in No. 51 Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Charlene Artiga and were not required to plead.
The men had allegedly thrown their victim overboard and left him to drown after clobbering him on the head.
Sukdeo was part of a five-member crew aboard the fishing boat “Rosanna 664.” Still missing are Dochand Sukra aka ‘Bucher”, 54, of No. 55 Village, Munesh Churram, aka “Boyo”, 26, of No. 60 Village. Churram is a father of two aged two years and five months. Dhanpaul Rampaul a father of one of No. 67 Village, Corentyne and Dochand Sukra aka ‘Bucher”, 54, of No. 55 Village, Corentyne were the other victims.
Boat captain Seepersaud Persaud, who was also thrown overboard, miraculously managed to survive the ordeal by drifting for hours until he was rescued by another boat while the body of Sukdeo, was pulled up in a fishing seine hours after the attack.
It was the captain who gave investigators a description of the pirate’s boat which led to their capture.
On Tuesday and Wednesday a team of police officers from Guyana led by a Senior Superintendent travelled to neighbouring Suriname and joined with police from the neighbouring Republic to search the waters for the three missing men.
Two of the pirates who are reportedly cooperating with the police were taken out to sea where they pointed out the spot where the men were thrown overboard with anchors tied to their bodies.
The team search of the area where the men were reportedly thrown overboard as was directed by two of the pirates, but came up empty handed despite the use of hi-tech equipment provided by authorities from neighbouring Suriname.
Security was tight with Divisional Commander Ian Amsterdam being among those at the court.  In court, relatives of both the accused and deceased and missing men turned up.
Relatives cried as the men were ordered remanded to jail.
This newspaper understands that each of the five suspects has confessed to their role in the attack.
Members of the Guyana Police Force ‘B’ Division led by Commander, Assistant Commissioner Ian Amsterdam along with Pastors of the Cops and Faith in the ‘B’ Division on Tuesday visited the homes of the affected families in the wake of the tragedy.
The case was postponed until July 6, 2016.


Looks like the Blacks are now the master drug lords and the Indians the low level couriers. 


Alleged cocaine mule recruiters charged

– remanded to prison

Two suspected cocaine mule recruiters were on Friday brought before the court for recruiting Safraz Jalaladeen to traffic over 6.04 kilograms of cocaine out of Guyana, and appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann

Mark Sawyers

Mark Sawyers

McLennan at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.

Rolston Bacchus, called “Biggs” and Mark Sawyers, called “Marco” both denied they recruited Jalaladeen to traffic the cocaine between April 1 and May 19, 2016.

Reports indicate that ranks from the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) were able to finger the men after Jalaladeen was busted at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) with the drug concealed in milk packets in two suitcases.

Jalaladeen appeared before the same Magistrate two weeks ago and was sentenced to four years imprisonment for the crime and has since been cooperating with (CANU) ranks in the investigation.

Bacchus was further slapped with recruiting Kathleen DeFlorimonte and Odessa Pollard, between July and November 2015 to traffic 12.34 Kilograms of cocaine out of Guyana.

According to Prosecutor Konyo Sandiford-Thompson, Bacchus denied the charge. Reports are that on November 5, 2015, Pollard was slated to depart on a Caribbean Airlines flight destined to Trinidad and Tobago when she was busted with 12.348 kilogram of cocaine.

Prosecutor Thompson disclosed that the drug was concealed in Kerrygold milk packets. Pollard told officers it is her mother-in-law, DeFlorimonte who had packed her suitcase and told her that diamonds were contained in

Rolston Bacchus, called “Biggs”

Rolston Bacchus, called “Biggs”

the milk packages.

They were charged before the court and are currently on trial at the Providence Magistrate’s Court.

CANU officers noted that it is due to the two women’s statements that they were able to arrest of Bacchus who had been long under their surveillance.

The Prosecution pointed out that Sawyer is no stranger to the court or the drug world, telling the court that the 26-year-old resides at Lot 521 Dazzle Housing Scheme, East Coast Demerara, and has similar matters pending at the Providence and Sparendaam Magistrate’s Courts.

Bail for the men was strongly objected to by the Prosecutor –Bacchus being a flight risk and Sawyer’s previous involvement in such matters.

Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan remanded the duo until June 21 and transferred the joint matter to Courts Five and Three respectively.


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