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Home > NEWS > East Canje taxi driver stabbed in botched robbery
Hire car driver Tunilall Doodnauth
Hire car driver Tunilall Doodnauth

East Canje taxi driver stabbed in botched robbery


By Jeune Bailey VanKeric
FIFTY-THREE-year-old taxi driver Tunilall Doodnauth was driving his Nissan Bluebird motorcar, HC 4977, in New Amsterdam at about 10:00hrs on Tuesday, when an identifiable youth joined the vehicle and requested to be taken to the West Canefield in East Canje.β€œWhilst driving along, he asked whether I was doing an airport run, and asked to be taken to the airport within the next hour. So as we got to the end of the street, he told me to stop in the vicinity of a vacant house. I then glanced backwards, as he was seated in the back seat, (and) I saw a β€˜Rambo’ knife in the youth’s hand. Instantaneously, the knife was plunged into my left shoulder. Thereafter, he attempted to slash my throat, but I raised my left hand in defence and it was slashed instead.

β€œHe also stabbed me in my chest, before demanding that I get out of the car. I had on the seat belt. I removed it before opening the door and ran away. However, as I ran, he jumped into the driving seat and began to reverse the vehicle. I then ran back to the car. While I was about twenty feet away, he accelerated, and whilst still reversing, he hit me with the rear of the vehicle.

β€œI fell, and he braced me as the car drove over me, pulling me in the nearby drain. I became unconscious for a few seconds, and on regaining consciousness, I crawled out of the trench. My left arm was numb; I was not feeling it.

β€œI lay on the parapet and started to holler. Persons came to my rescue. They washed my skin and a car took me to the New Amsterdam Hospital,” Doodnauth related from that health facility, where he is nursing multiple stab wounds about his body following the botched robbery.

Since his admission to the male surgical ward, he has received treatment for the three stab wounds and a fractured left arm.

Meanwhile, his wife Gaitree Doodnauth said her husband was not scheduled to work, but had gone out on her request to collect some crabs from one of her siblings when the incident occurred.

She recalled having being told of her husband’s plight via a phone call and hurrying to the scene, a short distance from her home, where she saw her husband in a bloodied and muddied state.

The woman was high in her praise for residents in the area who responded after hearing her husband call for help.


The PNC giveth and the PNC taketh.

Boat engine stolen from health boat


The police are conducting their investigations into a report of an engine that was stolen from a boat which is used to transport high risk cases out of Mashabo, an Amerindian community situated some miles from Anna Regina. Reports so far have indicated that the 15-horse power engine which was attached to the community health boat The Community Health Worker who piloted the boat, said that the engine was discovered missing some time Friday night. The boat was apparently moored at the landing.
The distraught Community Health Worker added that the loss of the engine has led to setbacks especially in obtaining vaccines. A trip was scheduled for later this week to the Essequibo Coast to collect vaccines from the Suddie Hospital.


Sophia’s β€˜killer gang’ forces mother to run from home

– After gang members threaten to rape her daughters
A mother of seven has been forced to leave her home and run for her life with her children after

Sonett Elcock

Sonett Elcock

members from the notorious gang, β€œGaza Strip” in β€˜C’ Field Sophia, Georgetown, threatened to rape and kill her four daughters.
The woman, Sonett Elcock, said that the problem started three years ago when someone broke into her home and stole a television, money and a bicycle.
Through the grapevine, she was informed that her television was at the home of a man, who goes by the name of Turkey, and is believed to be the leader of β€œGaza Strip,” which has more than 30 members from different areas.
β€œI took the police there to get my TV and the police found drugs. They locked him (Turkey) up and released him after a few days.” Elcock recalled.
She said that since that day, the members of the gang have made her life miserable. They broke into her shop and home countless times and have even threatened to kill her. A female gang member identified as Samantha ran to chop her last Sunday.
According to Elcock, on the morning of June 17, last, two persons broke into her shop. She said when she checked the surveillance footage, she noticed β€œSamantha” and β€œPrince” carting off items from the building. She reported the matter but no one was arrested.
β€œLast Sunday, I was going home and Samantha run to chop me because she heard I reported the matter. I had to run for my life,” Elcock said. She added that since that day, she never returned home until last Thursday when she went to check on her property.
β€œThey broke into my home and empty my house. Only the furniture they left,” the woman related. β€œThey are sending text messages to my children phone saying that they will rape and kill them. I have four daughters and I am not going to go back there for them to do anything to my children.”
After living there for 16 years, the woman has now decided to sell her property and move to another location with her family.
β€œThose people are killers. They robbed and killed a lot of shop people in Sophia. Right now, one person in jail for a murder and others are on the run,” she related.
The devastated mother also lashed out at the police for not offering assistance to her. Her plea for justice even took her to the Crime Chief, Wendell Blanhum’s office but she was turned away.


Gun-toting bandits threaten to kill 4-year-old

The house where the robbery occured

The house where the robbery occured

An East Canje family was relieved of cash and gold jewelry by armed bandits who stormed their home in the wee hours of Saturday morning.
According to reports, the men gained entry into the 139 Gangaram, East Canje home by breaking a window.
Yadram Doorsammy, who resides with his four-year-old daughter and wife, was awakened around 2:00 am by strange noises coming from outside the bedroom. According to Doorsammy, upon investigating, he was confronted by two men, one armed with a gun and the other wielding a cutlass.
β€œDem come in and tell we don’t mek no noise and dem ask for de money and de gold jewelry.I tell dem seh man we nah get no money or no gold.”
Doorsammy added that one of the bandits then grabbed his four-year-old daughter and held her at gun-point.
β€œHe scramble meh daughter and point de gun to she head and seh if we nah give dem all de money and gold, dem gon shoot she,” Doorsammy related.
The bandits escaped on a bicycle with an undisclosed quantity of local currency and gold jewelry.
The police were called to the scene of the crime but the report was responded to by the Neighbourhood Policing Group.
The police arrived moments later.
According to a police source, no one has been arrested for the crime and investigations are ongoing.


Burglars hit Hairlox hard

Hairlox, Guyana

Hairlox, Guyana

Burglars reportedly escaped with over $4M from Hairlox Guyana after breaking into the Lot 343 Middle Street, Georgetown business, last Sunday.
Kaieteur News understands that bandits broke into the premises around 23:00hrs by wrenching open the main door. They then ransacked the place and escaped with two safes containing $4M and an undisclosed amount of cash from a drawer.
Welton Clarke, of Remus Street, Agricola, East Bank Demerara said that he has been operating the cosmetic store for over eight years and this is the second time that his store had been burglarized in two years.
Clarke explained that he was at home when a tenant occupying the upper flat of the business called him and told him that the door was ajar.
He said that he became very suspicious because he was sure that he had secured the place before leaving.
The businessman said that on arrival at his business the said night, he noticed that a door lock was open.
He added that when he entered the building it was ransacked and the safes were missing. Also missing, he said, was cash from a drawer and a DVR for CCTV cameras.
Clarke said he reported the matter to police the following day.

yuji22 posted:

This thread exposes the incompetence of the AFC/PNC administration. High crime rates, victimization and murder of Indos will remain their legacy.

It is exactly what PNC part one did to destroy Indos and Guyana.

Most of the murders are committed  by Indians extinguishing the lives of their own kind,they are good at wiping out each other,Some of the current crop of Indians have lost their morality all caused the the poor leadership of the people who represents them for the past 23 yrs.

Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

This thread exposes the incompetence of the AFC/PNC administration. High crime rates, victimization and murder of Indos will remain their legacy.

It is exactly what PNC part one did to destroy Indos and Guyana.

Most of the murders are committed  by Indians extinguishing the lives of their own kind,they are good at wiping out each other,Some of the current crop of Indians have lost their morality all caused the the poor leadership of the people who represents them for the past 23 yrs.

Django Bhai,

Please provide accurate stats to prove your claim. Please be reminded that the PNC is in power. Please focus on them.

yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

This thread exposes the incompetence of the AFC/PNC administration. High crime rates, victimization and murder of Indos will remain their legacy.

It is exactly what PNC part one did to destroy Indos and Guyana.

Most of the murders are committed  by Indians extinguishing the lives of their own kind,they are good at wiping out each other,Some of the current crop of Indians have lost their morality all caused the the poor leadership of the people who represents them for the past 23 yrs.

Django Bhai,

Please provide accurate stats to prove your claim. Please be reminded that the PNC is in power. Please focus on them.

The stats are there take a peek,don't shove it under the rug crimes committed by Indians are very brutal.

As for the PNC which is part of APNU/AFC i am watching them.


Bandits rob Eccles CPG member, neighbour

Two residents of the Young Professionals Housing Scheme, in Eccles, on the East Bank of Demerara – one of

Vice Chairman of the Eccles CPG, Balram Seopersaud

Vice Chairman of the Eccles CPG, Balram Seopersaud

whom is the Vice Chairman of the Community’s Policing Group – were robbed in broad daylight on Friday by four gunmen.
Reports are that on Friday morning at about 11:00h, Eon Wills, a resident of the community, was perusing the streets in his motor vehicle, when he noticed four men vacating a home in the area that was known to be unoccupied. He told Guyana Times that his curiosity arose, so he drove closer to the home, hoping to β€œget a better look” at what was transpiring.
However, he was spotted by one of the men, who then began calling out to him. Wills relayed that he did not respond to the calls and instead drove away and opted to stop at a neighbour, who resided two houses away from him.
His neighbour, who is the Vice Chairman of the Eccles Community Policing Group, Balram Seopersaud, told this publication that when he noticed Wills parked in front of his home, he went out to greet him but before he could speak, a gun was pointed to his head and he was being ordered by a gunman to lie face down on the parapet.
β€œIt happened around 11:30h. I usually work my bus in the mornings, and I just came in and I parked and saw a black car reversing and I knew it was my neighbour, so I went out to see what was up. By the time he took his windows down and I duck, I saw a white car pull up at the side and a gunman came up and put a gun to my head and I saw another one had a gun to his (Wills) window and the gunmen told us to go on the ground,” Seopersaud related.
Seopersaud and Wills highlighted that they both followed the gunmen’s instructions and the four men began to search them and rid them of over $300,000 in cash and jewellery, well as the keys to their respective vehicles.
The gunmen then instructed Wills to accompany Seopersaud into his house and began to search and remove all valuables, including four cellular phones, jewellery and one 42-inch flat screen television.
According to the duo, the four men who had their faces covered throughout the entire robbery, then vacated the home and drove off in a white Toyota Allion.
The Police arrived subsequently after, and it is reported that the Allion, which was utilised by the gunmen, was found abandoned. Investigations are ongoing.


β€˜Agricola gang’ executes former murder accused

Orin David called β€œMalik”

Orin David called β€œMalik”

Former murder accused, Orin David, called β€œMalik” was gunned down in front of his Lot 89 Laing Avenue, Georgetown home, around 15:00 hrs yesterday in the presence of his reputed wife and other relatives .
The 33-year-old man was pronounced dead at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), shortly after one of five men came out of a car and pumped several bullets into him. The murder weapon is believed to be an AK-47.
According to reports, the 33-year-old man had a confrontation several times with an Agricola, East Bank Demerara (EBD) resident who he had bailed out of jail some time last year.
Yesterday, David and the individual were involved in a heated argument again, since the Agricola resident refused to return the $150,000 the father of one had paid to get him out of prison.
After the argument, the Agricola resident went away but later returned with four other persons in two vehicles and executed the former murder accused.
The five persons have been identified by the man’s reputed wife, Joycelyn Laurie, and other relatives.
Laurie, in an interview yesterday said the persons who executed David were his friends at one time who visited their home and ate.
The woman explained that some time last year, her partner’s friend was jailed for a robbery. β€œHe was calling (David) all the time for bail money, now when David bailed him out, he doesn’t want to pay back.”
According to Laurie, every time her partner saw the Agricola resident, he would ask for his money and the two of them drifted apart because he refused to pay back the money.
β€œThey had an argument for the money and today, David see the boy and he chuck him and the boy go away and come back with two cars with some men. I tell them that y’all are friends and it ain’t call for all that. I hear when one of them ask the other one where his AK was and they went away,” the woman recalled.
She said that she was at a neighbour’s home when she heard someone saying that the men had returned.
β€œWhen I look, I see they patting down David to see if he had anything and all I hear was β€˜pow, pow’ and I run,” Laurie said.
She added that the men escaped in both cars while her partner collapsed on the roadway.
Last year February, the father of one was freed, having spent five years in prison for the 2010 murder of Mahaica farmer, Lakhram Bishundial.
Bishundial, called Mohan, was shot during a robbery at Hope Turn, East Coast Demerara, as he was on his way to a nearby Ashram to make preparations for his younger brother’s wedding.
David and another person, Shawn Thom, were subsequently charged for the murder. Thom was freed a week before David.
On July 12, 2015, David, who had allegedly tossed a firearm in a trench during a police patrol exercise on July 9, was charged with unlawful possession of a handgun when he was not the holder of a firearm license.
He was remanded to prison. Investigations are ongoing.


Nine in custody following robbery in Gangaram


As the Police continue to probe the recent robbery committed on a Gangaram household on Saturday, nine persons have been arrested. One of the persons in custody is a known character in the area. Around 2:00 hrs on Saturday, two armed bandits entered the home of Yadram Doorsammy, at Lot 139 Gangaram, East Canje, Berbice where he resides with wife and four-year-old daughter.
According to reports, the men gained entry into the home by breaking a window.
Doorsammy stated that he was awakened around 2:00 am by strange noises coming from outside the bedroom. Upon investigating, he was confronted by two men, one armed with a gun and the other wielding a cutlass. The men relieved them of cash and gold jewelry.
Doorsammy added that one of the bandits then grabbed his four-year-old daughter and held her at gunpoint.
The police were summoned and along with the Neighbourhood Policing Group responded in a timely manner.


Lone gunman robs Massy delivery truck


A lone gunman came into contact with  a Massy delivery truck yesterday afternoon and relieved the two workers of $180, 000 and two phones, before making good his escape through a cane field at Good Intent, West Bank Demerara (WBD).
The incident occurred around 14:15 hrs.
According to information, a Crix biscuit truck stopped at a shop to make a delivery when the gunman confronted the two workersβ€” the driver Mahesh Lalldeo and salesman, Antonio Gonsalves. Lalldeo was struck to the head during the brazen robbery.
The bandit, who is known to residents in the area escaped with a Samsung phone from the driver and $100,000 of his personal money.
Gonsalves lost a Blue cellular phone and the company’s money.
Kaieteur News was told that after the robbery, the police were notified and went into the cane field where the gunman escaped but were unable to locate him.
Investigations are ongoing.


No wonder police solving so many cases. They arresting anyone who "look" like a criminal.

Shooter in Green Ice Taxi Service Robbery…Another case of Police Victimization?


Last June, Jamal Lewis, was shot in the head during a daylight robbery at the Green Ice taxi service base at South Ruimveldt. A man by the name of Sean Blyden has since been charged in connection with the crime.

Robbery Accused, Sean Blyden

Robbery Accused, Sean Blyden

According to Blyden’s relatives, he is innocent. Moreover, based on their evidence they believe it is a clear case of police victimization. They have secured footage from security cameras attached to the taxi base which reportedly shows a different individual shooting the 15 year old Jamal.
Blyden was arrested two weeks ago on Monday June 23, 2016. According to the relatives the arresting officers informed the young man that he was being arrested since they believe his motorbike was involved in a robbery. However, based on reports, the men who were involved in the robbery had escaped in a silver Spacio car.
Blyden’s relatives reported that he was asked whether somebody else used his motorbike and he responded in the affirmative. However, even with this information it is alleged that the officers showed no interest in the other individual. The man’s relatives believe that there is a conspiracy afoot to victimize Blyden.
After being arrested, he was taken to the Diamond Police Station and was denied visitors. Further, additional details were reportedly withheld regarding the nature of the offence.
Based on these developments, the relatives said that the following day they approached Commander of β€˜A’ Division Clifton Hicken who informed them that Blyden was held for the robbery at the GI taxi service where a teen was shot in his eye.
According to a cousin of Blyden, they were told that Blyden was to undergo an identification parade. However after making checks with the Brickdam and Ruimveldt police stations, no such parade was being conducted.
They then returned to the Diamond station where they heard Blyden calling for one of his cousins. She said that after perusing the compound Blyden came out of a room reportedly looking dazed. When asked what transpired he was unable to respond.
His relatives decided to stick around a bit more and later saw four young men running out of the Diamond station. According to one relative, one of the young men informed the family that they were asked to stand in an ID Parade but already knew they would not have been pointed out. It appeared to the family that the parade was set up to appear legitimate.
When the family approached the taxi service they were told by a number of employees that Blyden was not the man involved in the matter. According to the relatives, Blyden works in the East Ruimveldt Market at a mechanic shop and would frequent the taxi service to deliver money and stocks. He is apparently well known by the employees at the base.
The family believes that a key police officer involved in the investigation is spitefully targeting Blyden due to his friendship with the infamous Shaka Chase. They told this publication that they have heard the officer saying that he was a member of Shaka Chase’s β€˜gang’ and will not let him go.
In 2013 Shaka Chase was freed of a murder charge for the death of policeman Romain Cleto.
Blyden’s relatives said that they were able to track down the real shooter in the incident. They said that the man is related to the key investigator and that is the reason why he is being ignored.
However, they managed to lead police to the man and he was arrested. He too was taken to the Diamond Police Station. Apparently the young man who was shot identified the man as the person who shot him but since the case has gone so far, Blyden would still have to undergo trial until his lawyer is able to introduce the new evidence in court.
According to relatives, due to their interest in the matter they have received threats that they will be locked up if they don’t stay away from the matter, but they are adamant that their cousin is not guilty of the offence and will continue in their quest to prove Blyden’s innocence.
Picture saved in Thursday as: Sean
Caption: Robbery Accused, Sean Blyden


Cops accused of robbing miners of raw gold

Constable Akeem Thompson

Constable Akeem Thompson

Five policemen accused of robbing three gold miners of 16 pennyweights of gold while on patrol were ordered to post $600,000 bail each and report to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Headquarters, Eve Leary, Georgetown.
The cops, Constable Kosi Arthur, 25, of Linden, Region 10; Constable Raphael Lowenfield, 25, of 486 Section β€˜D’ Block β€˜X’ Diamond Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara; Lance Corporal Mark Fernandes, 34, of Annandale, Railway Embankment, East Coast Demerara; Constable Delroy Duncan of 71 Sisters Village, West Bank Demerara and Constable Akeem Thompson, 21, of 65 Bel Air Village, Georgetown, were all arraigned before City Magistrate Judy Latchman.
It is alleged that on July 25, at Timehri, East Bank Demerara, they robbed Sherman Noel of five pennyweights of raw gold valued $55,000. It is also alleged that on July 25, at the same location, they robbed Heeralall Girdhari of four pennyweights of raw gold valued $44,000. They are also accused of robbing Euri Samuels of six pennyweights of raw gold valued $66,000.
The accused, who were all handcuffed and placed in the prisoners’ dock, pleaded not guilty to the allegations. They were each instructed to post $200,000 bail on each charge of the three charges and return to court on August 14, for statements.
Attorney Patrice Henry during a bail application asked the court for his clients to be released on minimal bail. He said that Constable Fernandes has been a serving member of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) for the past 14 years. Constable Thompson and Constable Duncan, Henry said, have four years of service in the GPF, while Constable Arthur has two years of service.
Henry told the court that the officers have unblemished criminal records and pose no risk of flight.
According to the lawyer, the police officers were placed on close arrest during the investigation. He said that they were then released on open arrest.

Constable Kosi Arthur

Constable Kosi Arthur

Henry explained that on the day in question, his clients were on patrol duties in the area when they received certain instructions via radio set. He added that the policemen were told that some miners had stolen gold from their employers and proceeded to the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA). Three days after, Henry said, the suspects made the allegation against his clients, who are all serving members of the GPF.
The attorney argued that there is no substantial evidence against the officers to charge them. He pointed out that none of the alleged stolen gold was found in his clients’ possession, and that it was strange that the virtual complainants in the matter were not present at yesterday’s court hearing.
Police Prosecutor Shellon Jupiter did not oppose bail for the defendants. However, she asked that same be granted in a substantial amount to ensure their return for trial. Jupiter also requested for the defendants to lodge their passports and report to the Officer in Charge of CID Headquarters, Eve Leary.
Prosecutor Jupiter stated that the complainants were robbed at around 14:20hrs on the day in question. She said that they were at Base Camp Stephenson, Timehri, when they were approached by the officers and relieved of the gold.
It was reported that the ranks visited the area after receiving information that the miners were allegedly involved in illegal activities.


Wanted man shot, gun recovered


A man who police said was wanted for questioning in connection with armed robbery is nursing gunshot wounds after being involved in a shootout with lawmen near his home.
Sources identified the injured man as Andrew Smith, 35, of Access Road, Sophia.
Georgetown Public Hospital sources indicated that his condition is critical and he has been admitted to the Intensive Care Unit.
It is alleged that at around 11:15hrs yesterday, three police ranks, acting on information, went to Access Road, β€˜C’ Field, Sophia, where they saw Smith on a bicycle.
On seeing the ranks, Smith allegedly whipped out a handgun, and discharged three rounds at the policemen.
One of the ranks returned fire, hitting the suspect in the vicinity of his left side and left arm.
He was rushed to the GPHC and underwent emergency surgery.
A snub-nosed .38 revolver, four live rounds and two spent shells were recovered by the police.

Home > TOP STORY > Non Pareil family beaten, robbed
The residence of the Hardowars where the armed robbery took place on Thursday night
The residence of the Hardowars where the armed robbery took place on Thursday night

Non Pareil family beaten, robbed


A FAMILY of five β€” including three overseas-based Guyanese β€” was relieved of a substantial amount of cash and jewellery when a group of armed bandits attacked them at their home on Thursday night.The incident occurred shortly after 18:00hrs at Non Pareil Public Road, East Coast Demerara, when businessman Heeralall Hardowar and his son, who is visiting from the United States of America (USA) with his wife and child, returned home from their place of business in the Stabroek Market, Georgetown.

Hardowar, who sells plastic bags for a living, had parked the minibus in the heavily grilled yard when he was held up by three gunmen and taken into the house. The man’s son was in the kitchen when the bandits entered.

This newspaper understands that the businessman’s wife was beaten in the head and slapped while his son, grandson and daughter-in-law were ordered to lie face down on the floor. They took Hardowar to the upper flat of the house after demanding money and other valuables.

A bag containing the day’s sales was handed over, but the bandits wanted more and beat the businessman in his head and face with their handguns. Once in the upper flat of the two-storey house, the gunmen broke into the man’s locked wardrobe and took all his jewellery. Not satisfied, the men demanded more money and an additional $500,000 in cash was handed over, after which the group left in a waiting vehicle.

The family was also relieved of their passports and other important documents. It was reported that the Hardowars were traced from the city, but residents had observed the car in the vicinity of the house before the armed robbery.

Even though the police conducted several raids along the East Coast Demerara corridor, no one was arrested.

Home > NEWS > Armed bandits rob Palmyra, Berbice family

Armed bandits rob Palmyra, Berbice family


FIVE armed bandits early Friday morning robbed a Palmyra Village, East Canje resident of cash, gold jewellery and a portable DVD player after smashing a glass door and gaining entry into their two-storey home.Deoram Woarti, 47, a labourer of the Guyana Sugar Corporation, supplements his income by manning a grocery shop on the lower flat of his home.

At about 03hrs on Friday, the masked men jumped on a shed just above the lower flat of the building, and gained entry to the verandah by shattering the glass door.

Two children who were asleep were awakened by broadsides from one of the intruders, who was armed with a cutlass. Two other burglars were armed with long guns, while another had a piece of wood, the family related.
During the assault, the men demanded valuables, but the frightened boys said they did not have any possessions, and directed the thieves to where their father was located in the lower flat.

After descending via an inner stairway, the bandits made demands on Woarti, who removed the valuables from his wardrobe and handed them over. The men then fired a shot which penetrated the ceiling before leaving the home. They fired other shots in the air as they left.

Two spent shells and a pair of gloves were recovered a short distance from the scene of the crime. Three men have since been taken into custody and are assisting with investigations.


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