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There is no doubt that the Guyana Police Force has been desperately trying to build a relationship with members of the public, but it seems as if some ranks are not too interested in developing a relationship with the people who are paying them.


upermarket owner claims cops acted uncaring after robbery, Sep 02, 2016 News 0 Comments

Perhaps, those ranks were expecting "a something".

Demerara_Guy posted:
There is no doubt that the Guyana Police Force has been desperately trying to build a relationship with members of the public, but it seems as if some ranks are not too interested in developing a relationship with the people who are paying them.


upermarket owner claims cops acted uncaring after robbery, Sep 02, 2016 News 0 Comments

Perhaps, those ranks were expecting "a something".

And thiefman Granger and cockeye Ramjattan claim crime has gone down. Not for Indians. 

Home > NEWS > ‘QQ’ gunned down in ‘South’
Dead: Mark Anthony, known as “QQ”
Dead: Mark Anthony, known as “QQ”

‘QQ’ gunned down in ‘South’


–was previously charged with illegal possession of gun, ammo

By Michel Outridge

MARK Anthony, called “QQ”, a 22-year-old of Lot 1238 Canje Pheasant Lane, South Ruimveldt Park, Georgetown, was gunned down on Thursday night while liming with friends at the shortcut at Layou Street, North Ruimveldt.

The incident reportedly occurred at about 22:00h, when a tinted vehicle pulled up at the location and two men exited and opened fire at Anthony. He was shot in the abdomen, chest and back, and succumbed while receiving medical attention at the Georgetown Public Hospital.

 Mark Anthony’s residence

Mark Anthony’s residence

When the Guyana Chronicle visited the crime scene on Friday morning, residents expressed fear and concern at the spate of armed robberies in the area and the frequent gunplay that accompany such incidents. Persons in Layou Street said it is normal for that particular group of young men to be sitting at that spot every night; and they saw when a man walked up to the young men, took out a gun, and started to discharge rounds at Anthony.

A shop owner said she was about to close up for the evening when she heard rapid gunfire and observed three men who were liming at the street corner scaling the front fence in a bid to escape from the gunmen. The trio entered her yard but escaped through an open back gate and hid in the alley.

The frightened woman disclosed that after the gunfire ended, her relatives came out to the verandah and saw Anthony crawling at the side of the yard. He begged them to call a car for him; they complied, and thus he was placed in a Green Ice taxi by his friends and residents and taken to the hospital.

A pall of gloom permeated the atmosphere at Anthony’s residence as his sister, Malika Wilson, cried while recalling that her brother was at home all day and until the afternoon on Thursday, when he left home.

She said Anthony was unemployed, and would leave home to lime with friends in Layou Street, North Ruimveldt only in the afternoon. Wilson said she was told that two men came up and opened fire at her sibling; who tried to escape, but the men ran after him and continued shooting in his direction.

The shortcut at Layou Street, North Ruimveldt where Anthony was shot

The shortcut at Layou Street, North Ruimveldt where Anthony was shot

Unaware of the motive for Anthony’s execution-style killing, the grieving Wilson disclosed that a few months ago the police had been picked up her brother for a robbery, but he was released after the victims had failed to point him out during an identification parade.

As to his other runs-in with the law, Wilson said she is certain her loved one had been innocent of those fabricated gun and ammunition charges.

Police had, on December 5, 2015, reported that at about 10:30hrs, ranks had stopped a vehicle with “obscure number plates” at Regent Street and Avenue of the Republic, Georgetown. Four occupants had allegedly been in that vehicle. A search had been conducted on the vehicle, and guns and ammunition were unearthed. That interception was made as part of the then Joint Services operation dubbed “Operation Dragnet”, geared towards enhancing national security.

That stop-and-search had spawned the allegation that Lance Corporal Aaron Eastman, 27; Mark Anthony, 22; Andrew Davis-Escott, 25; and Brian Escott, 27, were carrying an unlicensed sawn-off pump action shotgun with matching rounds, and an unlicensed .32 revolver with matching rounds on December 5, 2015 at Robb Street. They were charged with having both the weapons and ammunition without being holders of firearm licences. That charge against Anthony was later dismissed.


Gunmen dress as women rob Bourda Market vendors


Four men dressed as women robbed four vendors who work the night shift along Robb Street, Bourda, between Alexander and Bourda Streets. The incident occurred around 01:00hrs on Thursday.

One of the grocery stalls that the perpetrators attacked.

One of the grocery stalls that the perpetrators attacked.

According to one of the vendors, the men were armed with handguns and began pillaging the unsuspecting grocery sellers. She said that they used a car to make good their escape. It is unclear what type of vehicle was used or its registration number.
The vendor told Kaieteur News that her son was selling at the time, and was relieved of his cellular phone but the bandits were unable to take any significant sum of money.
Another stall owner said that she was the only person who went to the Brickdam Police Station to report the matter. She also said that it is not the first time the night vendors have been robbed. According to the woman, ranks of the Guyana Police Force need to beef up their presence in the area so as to curb the upsurge of criminal activity.
Male robbers disguising themselves in female attire seem to be the new mode of operation. Last Tuesday, one such individual along with an accomplice robbed a Kitty hotel. This publication was told that the ‘cross-dresser’ and another man approached a security guard, Mark Reid, who was working at the front desk of Mikel’s Plaza under the pretence of wanting to rent a room.
When Reid opened the door, three other men rushed in and held him up, robbing him of his cellular phone, wrist watch and a small amount of cash.


Police raid city night spots


– 14 Brazilian women among those held

POLICE raids carried out late Friday night at the Plaza Hotel on Charlotte and Albert Streets and at another popular business location have netted a number of Brazilian women who are suspected to be victims of trafficking in persons (TIP).

“Sixteen persons, inclusive of fourteen foreign nationals, have been detained and are assisting with the investigation,” a police statement has disclosed, even as it confirmed that the raids followed information received that the businesses were engaging in trafficking in persons (TIP).

Home > NEWS > Berbice serial burglar shot
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Berbice serial burglar shot


A MAN wanted for a series of burglaries in the New Amsterdam community was shot by police on Saturday morning.Enquiries disclose that the wanted man was spotted in a house at Savannah Park, and ranks of a mobile patrol under the command of a subordinate officer responded. In the process of arresting the man, a scuffle ensued and two rounds were discharged at the suspect, who managed to escape into nearby bushes.

The suspect was shortly after found at the New Amsterdam Public Hospital, where he was admitted a patient with a suspected gunshot wound to his lower abdomen. He is currently under police guard.

Police say investigations are continuing, including one by the Office of Professional Responsibility into the discharge of rounds by police at the suspected burglar.


Boys, 15 and 16, shoot, rob barber in Essequibo


– suspects captured

Two boys, aged 15 and 16, are in police custody for allegedly shooting 43-year-old barber Troy

Critical but stable: Troy Hercules

Critical but stable:
Troy Hercules

Hercules after robbing him of cash and jewellery at his Henrietta, Essequibo home at around 03:00 hrs yesterday.
Hercules was shot in the stomach and groin just as he was about to close his gate after parking his car.
The robbers reportedly fled the scene in a vehicle, while their victim was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit of the Suddie Public Hospital. His condition is reportedly listed as critical but stable.
Kaieteur News understands that the bullets that penetrated Hercules’ stomach exited through his back, while a bullet is still lodged in his groin.
Police arrested one of the teens just as he was about to board a speedboat which was destined for Parika. The other alleged accomplice was nabbed at Parika.
Police recovered a gun and some matching rounds.
Troy Hercules’ sister, Rhonda Hercules, told Kaieteur News that her brother, a father of two, went to a function at Queenstown and returned to his Henrietta home minutes after 03:00 hrs yesterday.
The sister said she then heard two explosions, and at first thought that someone had lit squibs, but it was in fact gunshots.
Hercules said that she peeped through a window and saw her wounded brother lying on the road. The woman ran to her sibling’s aid and recalled that he asked her to take him to hospital.

Home > TOP STORY > Cummings Lodge woman found dead in home
Anita Mohan who was found brutally murdered in her home on Sunday
Anita Mohan who was found brutally murdered in her home on Sunday

Cummings Lodge woman found dead in home


By Ravin Singh

TRAGEDY struck in the village of Cummings Lodge, East Coast of Demerara (ECD) on Sunday when 47-year-old Anita ‘Sandra’ Mohan was found brutally murdered in her home. The woman, who was self-employed, was discovered with stab wounds about her face and body by her 27-year-old son Imtiaz Khan, about 16:45hrs on Sunday. Khan, who spoke with the Guyana Chronicle, explained that when he returned home from work he found his mother dead in the kitchen, which is located in the bottom flat of the wooden house.

The house where Anita Mohan, her son Imtiaz Khan and her nephew Kevin lived

The house where Anita Mohan, her son Imtiaz Khan and her nephew Kevin lived

“I come home from work about quarter to five and I see my mother dead. She get beat and stab in her face. So I shout out to my aunty and relatives them for rescue. But she was beaten a long time, because the blood was dry on her skin and she was almost stiff,” a visibly shaken Khan said.
The now dead woman lived with her son and nephew, Kevin (only name given) who is also known as ‘Chucky.’ It was reported that ‘Chucky’ was taken in by the woman since he was a child, after his single- parent mother died. While investigations were ongoing last evening, he (Chucky) was held as a suspect for questioning. However, Khan explained that ‘Chucky’s’ alibi is that he was out looking after cows, which he normally does.
In a twist of events though, the woman’s son revealed that someone who owes them money had threatened to kill both his mother and cousin recently. “A bannah owe we some money from boarding. My mother used to cook for he. He owe we about $20,000. And couple weeks now we ain’t dealing because he ain’t want to pay us and we keep asking for the money. He is an old convict so I don’t know if is he do it,” Khan reasoned.

The body of 47-year old Anita ‘Sandra’ Mohan being removed from her lot 315 South East Cummings Lodge home on Sunday evening

The body of 47-year old Anita ‘Sandra’ Mohan being removed from her lot 315 South East Cummings Lodge home on Sunday evening

He further disclosed that the man has been finding excuses to pay the money, saying that he does not have it and when he works he will repay them. “Two nights ago he threaten ‘Chucky’ and six of them tackle he [Chucky). So he went to the station to make a report and the police said they ain’t got no vehicle,” Khan said.
Meanwhile, neighbours reported that the police had been contacted since the woman’s body was discovered by her son and it was not until after 18:00hrs that they arrived at the scene. “Imagine the station deh a stone’s throw away. Sophia station deh right behind deh and we call them since this boy find he mother and they come hours after,” one neighbour told this newspaper. In addition, the woman’s body was not removed until after 20:00hrs after it was said that the hearse had difficulties in locating the place.
The dead woman’s sister who opted not to give her name, described Mohan as “the mother of the village,” revealing that she treated everyone in the area as if they were her family. “If people call Sandra and tell she them hungry, Sandra gonna feed them. If people ain’t got place to sleep, Sandra gonna call them in by she and provide somewhere for them. She had a big heart, and she worked hard to provide for her family,” the woman said.
Sandra walked and sold vegetables in the village and sold non-alcoholic beverages at her home. She took care of her son as a single parent since he was a child, after her husband had abandoned his family.

27-year old Imtiaz Khan

27-year old Imtiaz Khan


Home > NEWS > Teen bandits nabbed

Teen bandits nabbed


RANKS of the Guyana Police Force, assisted by information provided by public-spirited citizens, have arrested two teenagers who allegedly robbed and shot 43-year-old popular barber Troy ‘Akee’ Hercules of Henrietta, Essequibo Coast as he was entering his yard at about 03:00hrs on Saturday.Just as he was about to close his gate after parking his car, Hercules was reportedly confronted by two masked men, one of whom was armed with a handgun. They allegedly relieved him of his jewellery, the gunman in the process shooting Hercules in the stomach and groin before both bandits escaped. Hercules was rushed to the Suddie Hospital, where he has been admitted a patient. His condition is regarded as stable.

The police have said that, acting on information received, the two suspects were each arrested on board vessels at Supenaam and Parika respectively. They reportedly had on their persons an unlicensed handgun and eleven rounds, along with the stolen articles.


Mistaken for a thief, and beaten to death


– Ardell Haynes’ family still hopes for justice, eight years later

By Michael Jordan

Ardell Haynes was no criminalâ€Ķjust a law-abiding loving father and skilled tradesman.
But 42-year-old Haynes was also fond of the bottle. That weakness led to a senseless and deadly confrontation almost eight years ago.
Back then, Ardell Haynes, an electrician, lived in South Ruimveldt with his wife and their ten-year-old daughter.
On Monday, December 8, 2008, two seemingly unrelated events happened. Ardell Haynes got drunk, and a petty thief broke into a woman’s home in East La Penitence.
Sometime in the wee hours of Tuesday 9, 2008, the phone rang at Ardell Haynes’ residence.
The caller identified herself as a policewoman and asked a relative who answered if she knew Mr. Haynes.
Yes, the relative said, and the policewoman told the relative that Mr. Haynes was at the East La Penitence Police Station.
The relative heard someone groaning in the background, and wanted to know why Mr. Haynes was at the station. The policewoman responded “I can’t tell you, I can’t tell you,” then hung up.
At around eleven o’clock on the night of December 8, 2008, Haynes’ reputed wife, Sherie Sydney, had tried unsuccessfully to contact the electrician on his cell phone. She surmised that he was out drinking with friends, since he seldom answered his phone when he was imbibing.
Next, a nephew attempted to reach Haynes on the electrician’s phone and got a disturbing response.
A man, who was definitely not his uncle, answered. In the background, the nephew reportedly heard someone shouting: “Yuh’all doan  kill dat man.”

Ordock Reid

Ordock Reid

Keith Binns

Keith Binns

Ardel Haynes

Ardel Haynes

The man who had answered the phone reportedly tried to pass himself off as Ardell Haynes.
The nephew relayed this information to Haynes’ reputed wife, and at around three o’clock, a worried Sherie Sydney contacted ranks at the East La Penitence Police Station by telephone to enquire whether there had been reports of anyone who had been beaten.
No one answered, but when she rang her husband’s cellular phone, a man who identified himself as a police answered.
Mrs. Sydney was asked to redial the station’s number. A policewoman answered and told her
“they bring in a man and they say how is a thief.”
Mrs. Sydney, accompanied by two other relatives, went to the station. There they found a badly beaten and unresponsive Ardell Haynes lying in the station compound, while it rained.
Haynes was pronounced dead on arrival at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.
No police rank reportedly accompanied the relatives to the hospital. Kaieteur News understands that Sydney was beaten by as many as a dozen people. His skull was fractured (he was reportedly struck on the head with hammer) and most of his internal organs were damaged.
What had happened was that at around two o’clock on Tuesday, December 9, a burglar had broken into the Pirai Square, East La Penitence home of a Mrs. Christine Canterbury.
The thief, who had entered through a window, was making off with the woman’s television set, when some residents saw him and raised an alarm.
The thief reportedly dropped the television set and fled through an alley, with a group of young men hot on his tracks.
Around that same time, an intoxicated Ardell Haynes was riding a borrow bicycle through the area. That was when a group of residents mistook him for ‘the thief’, even though the victim, Christine Canterbury, would later say that she could not recognize the burglar.
It is alleged that a woman in the mob struck him in the head with a hammer. A source close to the family alleged that some of Haynes’ assailants had been ‘smoking’ prior to the brutal assault.
The beating reportedly left Haynes unable to stand. His attackers then took him to the East La Penitence Police Station, where he was left to die in the compound.
The ranks reportedly failed to take statements, or the names of those who brought Haynes to the station.
However, a few days later, police arrested two East La Penitence men who were said to have been among the ‘vigilante group.’
On December 23, 2009, forty-eight-year-old Ordock Reid of 1969 Blue Mountain Road, Festival City and Keith Binns also called ‘Boogy’ of Lot A 76 East La Penitence, were charged with manslaughter.
The prosecutor objected to granting the accused men, on the grounds that the two might not return to court if their conditional freedom was granted
Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson ordered that the men be remanded.
But then years passed, and Ardell Hayne’s relative s aid they heard nothing more about the matter.  Mrs. Haynes said that she was told that the case had been put over to the High Court. This suggested that there was enough evidence for the two accused to face a trial.
But last week, the office of the Director of Public Prosecutors (DPP) told Kaieteur News that the case had been “nolle prossed” since 2009.
Kaieteur News was unable to ascertain why the prosecution apparently indicated that there was insufficient evidence to proceed with the case against the two.
“I do not believe that anything can come out of the matter now,” an individual close to the slain man said yesterday.
“But we are still angry over his death, and still upset over the actions of the East La penitence police, who just left him in the rain.”
At the time, it was reported that the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) had launched an investigation into the alleged negligence and misconduct of the ranks who were on duty when Haynes was taken to the East La Penitence Police Station. It is unclear whether any rank was disciplined.


Albouystown kidnappingâ€ĶVictim reportedly stole diamonds, cash from abductors

An Albouystown man, who was dragged out of his home last Wednesday by a group of men, reportedly stole a quantity of diamonds and cash from his abductors.

Ryan Khan

Ryan Khan

The man has been identified as Ryan Khan, a fisherman, of 147 Cooper Street, Albouystown.
According to information received, Khan was allegedly abducted by eight armed men, who arrived at his home in four white cars.
Yesterday, a police source said that the man who was kidnapped has been described as a “serial safe-breaker,” and burglars would usually pay him to break their victims’ safes.
The source said that Khan along with others reportedly broke into someone’s house in Kitty recently and stole a significant amount of cash along with diamonds after breaking a safe.
It is alleged that it is as a result of that burglary that the Albouystown resident was kidnapped.
“This man is bad when it comes to breaking people safe. He can pass at a house and tell you how many safes you have in your house and then come back with his crew to steal from you later,” a source told this newspaper.
Kaieteur News was told that when the Kitty residents were robbed, they apparently did not bother to report the matter but instead decided to “take matters in their own hands”.
“Like these people had a lot of valuables in there and when these people (thieves) went into their home, they escaped with a lot of valuables. They (thieves) even started spending the people money. One person bought car and so, but we hearing that he sell back the car when he hear the people tracking them down,” a source said.
It is believed that Khan will be released after he hands over the valuables to the persons from whom he stole them.
Khan’s relatives told this newspaper that he was on his verandah when he was forced at gunpoint into a white, heavily-tinted Toyota Premio. The men then took him out of the car and back into his house to retrieve some clothing.
Kaieteur News was told that calls to Khan’s phone went unanswered until Thursday evening, when a man who answered said: “If I don’t get my diamonds, I’ll kill him.” That was the last time any contact was made to the man’s phone.
The relatives said that they heard Khan yelling in the background during the call. On the day he was kidnapped, he was wearing a yellow jersey, camouflage pants and hat and a pair of brown slippers.


Dredge owner succumbs after chopped by father and son

A 32-year-old father of four died at the Georgetown Public Hospital on Sunday morning, two days after he was attacked and chopped by a father and son at a backdam in Port Kaituma, Region One.

Dead: Ryan English

Dead: Ryan English

The dead has been identified as Ryan English, a dredge owner, of Port Kaituma.
A Post Mortem examination performed on the remains yesterday revealed that the victim died from hemorrhage due to multiple incision wounds.
Reports are that on Friday, English and one of the suspects (the son) were imbibing alcohol at a shop in Port Kaituma when an argument ensued, which later resulted in English sustaining a chop wound to the head.
Kaieteur News understands that the two men had a previous disagreement and while consuming alcohol, they were taunting each other about the issue—this resulted in the suspect getting angry and attacking the victim.
English’s wife, Lashana Nichols, said that when her spouse was chopped to the head, he went further up the backdam, less than a mile from where he was drinking, to meet with his attacker’s father and complain to him about what his son had done.
“When he reach to the camp to complain to the boy’s father, the man hold his two hands and his son come and start chop he (English). The workers dem who were in the camp run away because of how they were chopping Ryan,” Nichols said.
This newspaper was told that the older suspect, who is in his late 40s, sustained a chop wound to his hand in the process.
“When dey finish chop he, the son run away and the father stay back. The police arrest him and they are looking for his son,” the woman lamented.
Nichols also related that when her spouse was lying at the camp in a pool of blood, someone went in his pocket and stole four ounces of gold—the police are investigating this.
According to information received, English was taken to the landing by some of the camp workers after which he was rushed to the Port Kaituma hospital before being transferred to the Georgetown Hospital.
He reportedly died during surgery.

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POLICE were on Tuesday reviewing surveillance footage from cameras mounted on the Guyana Fire Service (GFS) building in an effort to identify the gunman, who shot, injured and robbed an America Street money changer of an undisclosed amount of cash.The licensed firearm holder has been identified as Mahendra Deonarine of Lot B, Plantain Walk Public Road, Pouderoyen, West Bank Demerara. Sleuths disclosed that footage revealed that the shooter was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and they are trying to enlarge the image to get a closer look at the suspect in hope of locating him.

Meanwhile, Deonarine is said to be in a stable condition after he underwent a surgical operation at a private hospital. He was picked up by public-spirited citizens and taken to the private institution based on his request.

At downtown Georgetown when the incident happened people who were in the vicinity recalled hearing a gunshot and scampered for cover since they were unsure of what was happening. It was when they saw the money changer fell to the ground that they went to his aid.

According to police in ‘A’ Division, Deonarine had just disembarked a speed boat plying the Vreed-en-Hoop to Georgetown Ferry Stelling route when he was accosted by a gunman. This happened at about 09:50 hrs. in front of the Georgetown Ferry Stelling, while the businessman was making his way to America Street, where his business is located.

Police told the Guyana Chronicle that the robber walked up to Deonarine and shot him once to the abdomen after which he went through his pockets and relieved him of an undisclosed amount of money when he slumped to the ground.

Detectives said that based on information received so far, it would appear that the incident is a ‘hit’ gone wrong and movements of the money changer was well orchestrated.

A visit to Deonarine’s home did not yield much since no one was there, but when contacted by telephone relatives of the injured man refused to speak to this newspaper saying that they were busy.

Police also said that the relatives were uncooperative with lawmen and as such it is not known whether Deonarine’s gun was taken during the armed robbery.

(Michel Outridge)


Cummings Lodge man shot during botched robbery

A man narrowly escaped death after a man dressed in military apparel attacked him with a gun while he was entering his yard in Cummings Lodge, Greater Georgetown, in the wee hours of Thursday.

Romeo Ramcharran, 36, of 8th Street, Eight Field, Cummings Lodge, was admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital nursing a gunshot to his left knee.

Reports are that the man and his two brothers were returning home after imbibing at a shop in the village. However, as they arrived home, Ramcharran exited the vehicle to urinate as his brothers went into the yard.

As he urinated, the armed man ran towards him and whipped out a gun. He reportedly put up a fight and it was during this time that the suspect discharged a round hitting him to the left knee.

The man, who was clad in army clothing, escaped while Ramcharran was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he underwent an emergency surgery to have the bullet removed.

It is believed that the gunman used a .32 revolver. Ramcharran explained that ranks from Sparendaam and Turkeyen Police stations took statements and promised to investigate.

Ramcharran a miner told Guyana Times that he is happy to be alive after the traumatic ordeal. The Police are continuing their investigations.

Home > NEWS > Bandits grab $1M+ in items from newly-wed Port Mourant couple
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Bandits grab $1M+ in items from newly-wed Port Mourant couple


ACCORDING to information received, at some time between September 1st and 8th, bandits entered the home of the Bheemsinghs, a young, recently married couple living at Lot 370 Ankerville, Port Mourant, Corentyne but having left the country to visit the USA. The bandits carted off items estimated in value at over $1 million.The couple had reportedly secured their premises before leaving the country; but on September 9th, at about 20:25 hrs, Savitri Rameshwar, mother of the female victim, was informed by neighbours that the light to the downstairs of her daughter’s home was off. Suspecting something was amiss, she and others went over to the house and checked. They found the front door broken, and as they ventured further inside, they noticed that the entire house was ransacked.

Among the items stolen are a television set, DVD player, clothing, cosmetics; and a quantity of jewelry, which included gold and diamonds, all with a total value of $1.1 million.

The police have since launched an investigation, and several persons were held for questioning, but they have all been subsequently released.


Taxi driver gunned down after delivering meal in Albouystown

Dead: Oswald Rambarran

Dead: Oswald Rambarran

Gunmen on a motorcycle executed a 007 Taxi Service driver at around 21.30 hrs last night in King Edward Street, Albouystown, minutes after a resident called him out to do a delivery in the area.
Oswald Rambarran, 37, known as ‘Downs’, of Middle Road, La Penitence, was shot in the head while drinking with the resident and two other men, who fled the scene unharmed.
According to reports, a resident of Lot 139 King Edward Street, Albouystown, called Rambarran, a father of four, at around 21.30 hrs, requesting that the taxi driver drop off a meal at his home.
It is alleged that after dropping off the meal, Rambarran sat at a table outside the house with the resident and two others. They were reportedly drinking with two men rode up on a motorcycles, drew guns and opened fire, hitting Rambarran in the head.
Rambarran’s companions fled and when they returned, they found him lying on the ground. He died shortly after at the Georgetown Public Hospital.
Dolly Yarde, his reputed wife, said that she last heard from him Saturday, when he brought some money for one of their children.
She said that she received a call from someone who said that Rambarran was shot and was at the Georgetown Hospital. On arriving there she went to the Accident and Emergency Unit where she saw her reputed husband, who was bleeding from a head wound. Yarde said that she left her husband for a few minutes to get the money for the CT scan, and when she returned she was told that he had succumbed.
The killing comes just a few days after 22-year-old Mark Anthony, called ‘Q Q,’ was executed in North Ruimveldt.


Bourda Market murder suspect on the run


POLICE are seeking to apprehend and question a suspect in the killing of 34-year-old Omesh Chetram, formerly of Unity, East Coast Demerara, who was fatally stabbed to the abdomen during an argument with another man on Robb Street, between Alexander and Bourda Streets Georgetown, at about 23:30 hrs on Saturday.

A police press release said Chetram and the suspect had been engaged in a heated row, during which he was stabbed in the lower region of his abdomen with a knife, and was pronounced dead at the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC). The suspect made good his escape after committing the act, but has since been identified.

Chetram had, sometime ago, left his home to seek work in Georgetown. While in the city, he developed an addiction for illicit drugs; and to accommodate this habit, he began doing odd jobs for vendors in the Bourda Market area.

Vendors told the Guyana Chronicle that Chetram “used to be around”, but had been a ‘drug addict’, and they were unsure what had caused the incident that had led to his demise.


Gunmen storm 3 homes in Eccles

Different groups of bandits on Wednesday invaded three homes in the Young Professional Housing Scheme in Eccles, East Bank of Demerara (EBD).
Registrar of Deeds, Azeena Baksh, was terrorised by two armed bandits at about 13:30h. Baksh explained that the bandits entered the yard and held up her security guard along with several workmen before entering the house, where she was alone at the time.
“They tied the guard up, they tied the contractor up. Then they pointed the gun to the guard and told him to call up to me to ask for water. So I came downstairs to give him the water and that’s how they came into the house,” she told Guyana Times.
The men held her at gunpoint and demanded jewellery and other valuables, but after being robbed last year, she had none at home.

The perpetrators who were captured by the Police

The perpetrators who were captured by the Police

After realising that there were no valuables in the home, Baksh reported that the gunmen threatened to kill or kidnap her if she does not hand over something valuable.

At this point, her brother-in-law arrived at the home and this startled the bandits, who fled the scene empty-handed.

The window through which the bandits gained entry into Attorney Paula Nicholson’s home

The window through which the bandits gained entry into Attorney Paula Nicholson’s home

Registrar of Deeds, Azeena Baksh

Registrar of Deeds, Azeena Baksh

“I think they got scared and they jumped the back fence. By then, my sister called the Police to comeâ€Ķ the bandits had already gotten away by the time they arrived,” she stated.
Another group of bandits stormed the home of Attorney Paula Nicholson.
Prompt response from the Police resulted in the perpetrators being captured as they were ransacking the house. Speaking to Guyana Times, the Attorney explained that her daughter was at home alone when she noticed that two armed men were attempting to break into the house.
“I got a call from my daughter and she said that there were some suspicious activities taking place at the back of the fence. I told her if she believes she’s under threat to secure herself in a room, which she did. In addition to doing that, she called 911 and the Police responded immediately,” she related.
Nicholson said when the Police arrived at the home, the bandits attempted to flee the scene but were apprehended. The Attorney expressed gratitude to the Police for their quick response.
Guyana Times was reliably informed that another house in the area was robbed. In July, the Vice Chairman of the Community Policing Group, as well as his neighbour, was robbed by armed bandits.
Just last week, thieves gained entry into another resident’s home by drilling a hole through the wall.


Woman robbed at gunpoint on Regent St

A woman was on Wednesday robbed at gunpoint outside Hanson Trading on Regent Street, Georgetown.
In the midst of a bustling day, two armed bandits jumped out at the woman as she was exiting the store and demanded she hand over her belongings.
She handed over her handbag which contained an undisclosed amount of cash and other valuables.
The bandits then escaped in a white vehicle with registration number PJJ 1106.
The woman, who asked to remain unidentified, is pleading with the public to help her in recovering her important documents.
Specifically, she needs her record books entitled “Marcia Flight Services”, which contain important data. She can be contacted on 699-1300.


3 busted with 4409 grams of ganja in car trunk

Three men are now in custody after they were intercepted with 4409 grams of cannabis during a Police operation on Tuesday evening along the Number 51 Village Public Road, Corentyne, Berbice.
Guyana Times understands that one of the men resides at Tucber Park, New Amsterdam; another at Norton Street, Lodge, Georgetown; and the third is from Betsy Ground, Canje, Berbice.
Based on reports gathered, the men were heading to Springlands in a grey Toyota 212 motor car bearing registration number PRR 654 when Police ranks stopped them at a road block.
Upon realising that the men were acting in a suspicious manner, the Police requested to search the vehicle during which the marijuana was found in five separate plastic bags in the trunk of the car.
The men were immediately arrested. They are expected to make their court appearance soon.
Only a few days ago, Police in the Ancient County arrested a New Amsterdam, Berbice man following the discovery of a quantity of marijuana in his minibus during a Police operation on the Number 51 Public Road.
It was reported that Police ranks, acting on a tip, stopped the minibus and conducted a search during which a black haversack was found.
When the ranks opened the bag, they found several parcels with seeds, leaves and stems.
They were confirmed to be marijuana and weighed, amounting to 1680 grams. The minibus driver was arrested. He is also expected to be charged soon.


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