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Three critical after Enmore drive-by shooting


Three persons are now hospitalised as a result of a drive-by shooting incident at Enmore Village, East Coast Demerara yesterday. The shooting occurred in the vicinity of a wash bay in Enmore last evening.
Ron Robertson, 32, was shot three times in his back; Shauna Persaud, 29, was shot in her chest and 24-yearold Toby Pooran Etwaroo was shot twice in his abdomen.
All three persons were rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) by public-spirited neighbours who own a bus.
An eyewitness recounted that (the injured persons) were all β€˜liming’ at the wash bay, when police officers allegedly drove up and asked them whether they had interfered with anyone. The witness said that soon after the police officers drove off, a silver car with tinted windows drove up and opened gunfire on them.
About a dozen shots rang out. The witness said that the car drove off at an alarming speed leaving Robertson, Persaud and Pooran all lying on the ground with gunshot wounds. The eyewitness further stated that when the police came on the scene they did not chase after the shooters.
Another person who was in the vicinity at the time, stated that she saw Pooran Etwaroo running towards her holding his abdomen; she said he fell on the ground and said, β€œGyal mi get shoot”. She then raised an alarm, alerting other persons from the area, who came out and transported the persons to the hospital.
Kaieteur News was made to understand that the injured persons were undergoing operations late last night.


Motorcyclist shoots young couple; male in mouth, female in neck


A young couple was last evening shot in the Shirley Field Ridley Housing Scheme as they made their way to the home of a close relative.
According to information reaching Kaieteur News Troyan Barton, 17, of 198 Diamond Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara, and Jhonnick La Rose, 19, were both rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) after being shot in the neck and mouth respectively.
A close relative of Barton disclosed that the couple was heading to the home of La Rose’s mother when a β€œRasta man” rode up on a motor cycle and opened fire. The incident, this publication understands, occurred around 20:30 hours.


Guard shot in foiled midnight heist outside bank


Police stepped up the hunt today for two gunmen who shot a Professional Guard Service rank during a foiled heist just before midnight outside the Demerara Bank Limited in Camp Street.
Security guard Michael De Clou was shot at least twice in the buttocks by one of the shotgun-toting men after he refused to hand over a bag of cash that the PGS ranks were preparing to deposit at the bank.
The gunmen, who arrived at the scene in a car, were forced to retreat empty-handed after the wounded guard returned fire.
From all appearances, the PGS team, who were travelling in a security van, was trailed to the bank after picking up cash deposits from two Royal Castle outlets in Sheriff Street and South Ruimveldt.
Kaieteur News understands that De Clou had exited the van outside the bank with a money bag, when he observed that a car had stopped behind the PGS vehicle.
Seconds later, two men, including one with a shotgun, exited the car and ordered De Clou to β€œhand over the money.”
Instead, the quick-thinking guard tossed the sack of cash back into the PGS van. The robber with the shotgun then shot De Clou, who responded with gunfire of his own, which forced the gunmen to retreat.
De Clou was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation and was still receiving treatment in the hospital’s Accident and Emergency Unit at press time.
He was visited by some of his colleagues and also by his employer, Mr. Sean Kirkpatrick.
The attack is believed to have been recorded on security cameras at the scene.
(see more details in tomorrow’s edition)


Maybe this is the reason for all the crime we see. The coalition brayed that they would clean up criminal activities but we see it continue unabated, especially against Indian victims. 

Sixty-eight complaints against cops for neglect of duty


– PCA Chairman  

The Police Complaints Authority (PCA) has recorded 68 complaints against police ranks for allegedly neglecting their duties for the year 2016. This information was provided to Kaieteur News by PCA Chairman Justice Cecil Kennard.
According to the information provided by Justice Kennard, the PCA received between January 1, 2016 and September 30, 2016, a total of 145 complaints. Of this number, 135 have been closed, thus leaving 10 pending.
Other complaints that were investigated by PCA included: three corrupt transactions, nine Unlawful arrests, two  Unlawful Seizure of property, nine Acting in a manner likely to bring discredit on the reputation of the Force,  four Assault, two  Demanding money to prevent prosecution, two Conduct himself in an important manner, six Wanting in civility to members of the public, eight Police misconduct, 10 Abuse of power, two Threats, 10 Police harassment, one Conduct himself in an oppressive manner, one Use of more force than necessary, and one of Abuse.
Out of the total sum of complaints, the 68 that dealt with police ranks neglecting their duties represented the majority of complaints reported to the PCA.

PCA Chairman Justice Cecil Kennard

PCA Chairman
Justice Cecil Kennard

In an interview with Kaieteur News, Justice Kennard stated that the PCA had received a total of 399 files from the Office of Professional Response (OPR). He disclosed that the PCA offered advice on these cases and returned them to OPR. There are however some cases that are yet to be closed, Justice Kennard noted.
He went on to say that the PCA has a team of four investigators consisting of a retired Senior Inspector, a Chief Inspector, an Inspector and a former Captain of the Guyana Defence Force. These individuals were assigned to the PCA on the April 1, 2015, and β€œthey were doing an excellent job” according to Justice Kennard.
Justice Kennard stated that in order for an investigation to be conducted, a complaint must first be lodged at the PCA.
Following this, a statement is taken from the complainant and according to Justice Kennard the police of whom the complaint was made against, is contacted and asked to give an explanation on the said matter by way of statement.  Both the complainant and the accused are entitled to produce a witness or multiple witnesses, Justice Kennard said.
When the investigation is completed recommendations are made and given to the Police Service Commission for the necessary action to be taken.
He went on to say that in cases whereby the ranks are from Constable to Sergeant, disciplinary hearings are conducted through the Office of the Commissioner of Police and if the ranks are above that of an Inspector and Assistant Commissioner, disciplinary  measures will be conducted by the Police Service Commission.


Woman, 60, allegedly raped, stabbed to death


A 60-year-old woman, believed to be mentally ill, was found murdered in her Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara (WCD) home around 10:30 hrs yesterday.

The shack where the woman’s body was discovered.

The shack where the woman’s body was discovered.

The dead woman has been identified as Bibi Kaneece, of Ball Field Street, Cornelia Ida, WCD. Her body was found in a hammock with multiple stab wounds to the chest.
Police believed that the woman might have been raped before she was stabbed to death since her skirt was pulled up to her chest and she was without underwear.
Kaieteur News understands that the woman’s body was discovered by her son who went to the house to drop off food.
Police have arrested one suspect and they are looking for a second.
A neighbour said that she was at her home yesterday when the woman’s son called out for her. β€œHe called me and tell me to come see what happened and when I go, I see her in the hammock with dried blood on her stomach.”
The woman said that from the way her neighbour’s body was discovered, it seemed as if she was raped. β€œI am living right next to her and I didn’t hear anything. I heard no noise and normally she does talk and sing by herself but I didn’t hear anything (Sunday night).”
According to the woman, who asked not to be named, Kaneece was last seen bathing at the seawall around 17:30 hrs on Sunday after which she went into her home.
This newspaper was told that two years ago, a fisherman broke into the woman’s home and raped her. A report was made but the suspect was not charged.


Miner killed during row at Sand Hills


TWENTY-FIVE-year-old Richard Culpepper of One Mile, Potaro was fatally stabbed by another miner during a heated argument last Sunday at Sand Hills, Cuyuni Mazaruni (Region Seven).According to the police, a group of men were imbibing when a row began. It turned into a fight, and the suspect stabbed Culpepper in the chest with a knife. He has since fled further in the back dam.

Police say it is unsure what led to the fatal stabbing, but several miners had gathered for a β€˜drink’ when the incident occurred. They have since revealed the identity of the suspect, whom police are seeking to apprehend.

Divisional Commander Rabindranauth Budhram has said that β€˜disorderly murders’ have always been a problem in the hinterland, as most miners imbibe heavily and get into drunken brawls over women, among other things. He related that the leading contributors to these incidents are alcohol abuse, domestic violence, and worksite disputes involving workers and bosses.

According to police statistics, β€˜F’ Division has recorded 13 murders, most of which have been disorderly murders committed between January and September 2016. For the corresponding period last year, this division had tallied 17 murders.


Taxi driver killed during robbery

A Zeelugt, East Bank Essequibo man was on Tuesday evening killed during a robbery at Tuschen Housing Scheme.ronald

Dead is Roland Jodie called Vishaul, a taxi driver. Reports are that the 24-year-old man was hired by two men to take them aback the Tuschen Housing Scheme. However, Jodie was later discovered with two gunshot wounds and was rushed to the West Demerara Regional Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. While details are sketchy, this newspaper was told that Police are investigating the incident with robbery as the motive. When contacted Divisional Commander Leslie James confirmed the shooting, adding that Police are investigating the incident. See more details in our Thursday edition.



Thieves strike in Subryanville

– 2 in custody

Thieves stormed a Subryanville, Georgetown home early Tuesday morning, leaving the family traumatised.
This newspaper was told that about 03:30h on Tuesday, four men exited a yellow Toyota Raum and broke in to the Lot 62 Fourth Avenue and Church Road home of 43-year-old cattle farmer Ryad Bacchus and his family.

Brazen thieves broke into a Subryanville home on Tuesday

Brazen thieves broke into a Subryanville home on Tuesday

Bacchus explained that the family was asleep at time the bandits broke through a section of their home, and then made off with a number of valuable household items.
According to Bacchus, he awoke about 04:00h for his usual morning prayers and it was then his wife noticed items missing from the home.
β€œAt about 4 o’clock we woke up and my wife discovered the television missing; she went downstairs and saw the board from the bottom of the house [ripped] out,” Bacchus noted.
He also told this publication that he then made repeated calls to the 911 number, but all proved futile. As such, he proceeded to the Kitty Police Station. β€œI jumped in the car and went to Kitty Police Station and wake up de Police them,” he related.
Meanwhile, late Tuesday afternoon, Guyana Times was informed that the Police have captured two men with a water pump and vacuum belonging to Bacchus.
This newspaper was told that the men are being held at the West Ruimveldt Police Station.
On Thursday, a Herstelling, East Bank Demerara man was briefly hospitalised after he was beaten by several armed men posing as Police Officers. The bandits made off with jewellery and an undisclosed amount of cash. This follows over 20 robberies in the Vreed-en-Hoop, West Coast Demerara area over the last week. Police investigations are continuing.

Stabroek News Photographer Keno George
Stabroek News Photographer Keno George

Stabroek News photographer robbed at gunpoint


POPULAR Photographers, Keno George and Terrence Thompson along with two models were on Wednesday afternoon robbed of personal belongings valued at more than $1.1M on Hadfiled Street behind D’Urban Park.According to George, who is a Senior Photographer attached to Stabroek News, he was doing a photo-shoot with two models about 16:00h when two men approached them from behind; one with a gun, the other with a knife and relieved them of their belongings.

β€œI was doing a shoot. Terrence was there with me and the two models. And two of them came up behind us and shouted β€˜give we everything.’ Then they started collecting the stuff we had and put it in my camera bag after which they ran through a trail in the area,” George said.

Taken were one Canon 6D camera, one Canon 70-200 f/2.8 and a Canon 24-105 f/4 lens, two canon flashes, three cellphones and some other items, including cash from the four individuals.

The photographer said that the man who had the gun was wearing long jeans, but had his shirt in his hand, while the other, who had a gun, was wearing a β€œcut-off foot pants” and a red cap. The robbers then made good their escape through a trail in the area.

George and Thompson are well known photographers who would stage photo shoots often, using popular social media, Facebook to market their work. (Ravin Singh


Apparently there is a parallel criminal society in Guyana where guns are the norm and police are impotent.

How are people allowed to discharge fire arms in gun salute while police look on helplessly? Do they have licences for these weapons are are just another criminal network condoned by the Granger administration?

Gunplay at funeral of teen shot outside Rio

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Ryan β€˜Harry’ Sargeant

NINETEEN-year-old Ryan β€˜Harry’ Sargeant, who was gunned down outside the Rio nightclub, was laid to rest yesterday at Le Repentir Cemetery amidst a large gathering of mourners, some of whom discharged rapid gunshots in the air, bidding him farewell.Hundreds of people, some arriving in cars and on motorcycles, created a huge build-up of vehicular traffic; and although armed police ranks were strategically placed at the burial site, mourners, who outnumbered the lawmen, managed to discharge many shots in the air. Fortunately, no one was injured.

The large gathering, which consisted of relatives, friends and others, was accompanied by music of the likes of Alkaline, while many openly indulged in various alcoholic beverages. The scene resembled that of a β€˜party’, while loud cries could be heard in Le Repentir Cemetery; and it was hours before the crowd dispersed and the police left the area.

Following the shooting which claimed the life of the teenager and injured another man on September 26, six persons were taken into custody, but they were all subsequently released.
Sleuths managed to identify the shooters from video footage obtained from Rio and surrounding businesses.

Sargeant, of Lot 25 Layou Street, North Ruimveldt Georgetown, was reportedly shot to the head in that fracas. Reports indicated that a girlfriend of a suspect and another female had a verbal exchange which quickly escalated into a fist fight inside the nightclub. However, the group was asked to β€œtake it outside” when their male partners intervened, and soon a group of men had an exchange of words and shots were fired.


Mother critical after shot in mouth


A mother of two is in a critical state after she was shot in the mouth reportedly by the father of one of her children. According to relatives, the shooting occurred around 16:00hrs yesterday at West Ruimveldt, Georgetown.
Reports are that 27-year-old Shevon Harry was shot in the mouth by the man with whom she shares a relationship.
One of Harry’s sisters said that she learnt of the shooting via a phone call from a friend. The woman stated that she was unaware if her sister and the man were having any problems. She said that a resident from the neighbourhood rushed her sibling to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).
Investigations are ongoing.


Guns guns everywhere under the PNC, it is believed that after the May 2015 ascension to power, the PNC shared out guns to their supporters bought by money from the nations coffers to keep the PPP in check. Now we see these guns used to rob and kill. 


No wonder chicken man D2 afraid to go to Guyana. He is afraid that his own PNC black will get him in gunplay.

Bandits reportedly hijack, burn car at Yarrowkabra


The police are investigating a case where a burnt car was discovered on the Emerald Tower Road at Yarrowkabra, Soesdyke-Linden Highway yesterday, around 07:30 hrs.

This car was reportedly found burnt in a Yarrowkabra trail on Friday morning after being hijacked from a Kuru Kururu taxi driver.

This car was reportedly found burnt in a Yarrowkabra trail on Friday morning after being hijacked from a Kuru Kururu taxi driver.

According to information received, the car was hijacked from a taxi driver in Kuru Kururu and taken to the area by the bandits.
It is unclear what happened to the driver of the vehicle but around 05:00 hrs yesterday, residents claimed that they heard gunshots in the area. They later discovered the burnt vehicle.


Lone gunman robs NA businessman

A gunman on a bicycle robbed the owner of La Caribe Diner of Main Street, New Amsterdam, on Friday evening. The incident occurred around 22:15h.

Businessman Albert DeNoberga was in his Vrymen’s Erven yard when the unmasked man appeared and dashed in, demanding he hand over valuables.

DeNoberga handed over $4000 and his bank card which he had on his person at the time. The man then hurriedly fled the scene.

When contacted for a comment on the matter, Divisional Commander Kevin Adonis told Guyana Times that no shots were fired.

However, a source reported that three gunshots were heard. According to reports, when the shots were heard, several patrons dashed for safety.

β€œSome people had to jump over the fence and go into that empty land by Theatre Ally,” bystanders reported.



Bajan nabbed with cocaine in underwear

The garments where the cocaine was stashed

POLICE on Sunday arrested a Barbadian national at the Eugene F. Correia International Airport with a quantity of cocaine wrapped in undergarments strapped to his legs.A police statement detailed that the 22-year-old Barbadian national was an outgoing passenger destined for Barbados when, at about 13:15h on Sunday, he was found with 914 grams of cocaine strapped to his person; thus police ranks at the airport arrested him.


Bandits rob Chinese restaurant

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The restaurant that was robbed on Sunday

THREE men armed with guns robbed popular Chinese restaurant Lai Li, located at Portuguese Quarters, Port Mourant, Corentyne on Sunday.According to reports, the men entered the Region Six restaurant at about 20:15 hrs. and demanded that the owner hand over cash. It is unclear how much money the bandits escaped with.

The Guyana Chronicle was told that two of the men stayed indoors while the third kept guard at the door. Persons nearby who realised what was happening advanced towards the restaurant, and this caused the bandits to become fearful.

On escaping, the men fired a shot at a dog which was in their way.

The men were reportedly earlier seen at a bar next door to the restaurant. Sources say the men are known to police.


Man on the run after shooting reputed wife in mouth


Police were yesterday still hunting for a West Ruimveldt man who allegedly shot his reputed wife in the mouth on Saturday.
The victim, 26-year-old Shevon Harry, was shot at her John Fernandes Squatting Area home where she resides with her two children.
She remains in a critical condition, following surgery to remove the bullet.
The near-fatal confrontation allegedly occurred after the victim, a security guard, accused her spouse of impregnating another woman.
According to reports at around 14.50 hrs on Saturday, the reputed husband visited Shevon Harry, and an argument ensued in the yard.
He then allegedly shot his spouse in her mouth.
After shooting Harry, the suspect reportedly told her to go under a pipe and wash out her mouth. It was then the woman tried to escape but collapsed on a dam. She was picked up by a neighbour and rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).
The suspect then made good his escape on a motorcycle.

Shot in mouth: Shevon Harry

Shot in mouth: Shevon Harry

Residents told this publication that the woman has been a constant victim of domestic violence. The neighbour said that she was sitting outside when the suspect passed on his motorcycle. She added that about 10 minutes later, she heard an β€˜explosion’, but didn’t pay too much attention since she thought children from the neighbourhood were playing.
But then her son came and said that Harry’s β€˜child father’ had shot her in the mouth.
β€œI see he tek off with a speed on the motorbike. He fly pass me house and headed through the dam for Shirley Field. He even break my bridge”, the neighbour recalled.
She said that the suspect’s younger brother went into Harry’s yard and β€œwashed down” the blood.
Another woman noted that the suspect is a very abusive and controlling individual. She said Harry’s spouse is a very jealous man and was opposed to her being in the company of certain friends, both male and female. Although residents described Harry as a very hardworking and quiet individual, they said that she was very secretive and had cut ties with several of her relatives because her partner did not approve of the relationship.
β€œHe does beat she and she don’t tell people nothing. A night he beat she outside Palm Court. I hear that he got another woman with she and the girl pregnant. Is this bring about this problem. People reach Booty (Harry) and tell she that some other girl pregnant for Tony. Like is when she (Harry) confront he about it he kept denying and got angry and shoot she.”
One of Harry’s sisters said that she learnt of the shooting after a friend called.
The woman stated that she was unaware whether her sister and the suspect were having any problems.
The alleged shooter has been described as a very ignorant young man who would constantly threaten to β€œshoot up people.”


Burnt car driver dodged bullets


A 34-year-old taxi driver is counting his lucky star that he is still alive after he was brutally beaten, shot at and had his car burnt by three suspected bandits at Yarrowkabra, Soesdyke- Linden Highway last Thursday night.

Jackson’s burnt car that was found at Yarrowkabra.

Jackson’s burnt car that was found at Yarrowkabra.

Burton Jackson, a father of two, of Kuru Kururu, was hired on Thursday night by the three men, one of whom was walking with crutches. The men hired him from the junction at Kuru Kururu and said they were going up the highway.
Once they reached an isolated area, the men stopped the car and started beating the taxi driver while demanding money. β€œThey only beating my son with the gun around his eye and asking for money so my son had $3000 and he give them but they ain’t take it,” Jacklyn Adams , the man’s mother said.
She explained that after they men beat her son, they put him in the trunk and drove to Emerald Towers Road.
β€œWhen they reached there, they took him out of the trunk and beat him again. When he was lying on the ground, he looked at them but they were not looking at him, they were getting the gun. So my son run and jumped in the bushes and they fired two shots at him,” the woman said.
β€œWhen my son run in the bush, he fall in a hole and he stayed there while they shooting up. He came out till the next morning,” Adams recalled.
She said that the men after shooting towards the bushes, left in her son’s car. They stopped in close proximity of the road and stripped the car then they burnt it.
The woman believes that what happened to her son was not a robbery but in fact, it was a set up. She suspected that the persons were more interested in spare parts.
β€œThey were going to kill my son and I want the police to look into all car dealers because it looks like they sell the cars and then pay people to beat or even kill the owners and strip the cars,” the woman opined.
A report was made to the police station and an investigation has been launched. Up to press time no one had been arrested.


Youth dies weeks after being shot by bandit

Dead: Gregory Anthony Garraway

ALMOST two weeks after a bandit grabbed a gold chain and shot Gregory Anthony Garraway to the chest, the young man succumbed to his injuries at the Georgetown Public Hospital Tuesday.

Relatives are calling on the authorities to quickly find the killer. Reports reveal that the 25-year-old Charlestown resident who worked at a popular supermarket was attacked in the wee hours of October 1, 2016 when he left the Dynasty Sports Club, South Ruimveldt heading towards Mandela Avenue to make a purchase from a fast food outlet. He was shot and robbed of a gold chain in full view of his brother who stood outside the club. The bandit made good his escape and Garraway was transported to the Balwant Singh Hospital before being transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital Intensive Care Unit (ICU) where he succumbed while on a life support machine.

β€œI’m hurt, I’m lost, I’m so angry a part of me is missing now I will miss you dearly I know I won’t be able to call you or yell at you or even represent you anymore but you will forever live in my heart I will always love you and I will look over our other siblings it’s hard so hard bye my loving brother”, his sister Tiffany Garraway stated in a social media post.

Tiffany Garraway had earlier said Gregory was shot in his abdomen and lost a kidney and damaged his liver. β€œWe thought he was going to make it and come around but he succumbed. I guess it was so much pain for my little brother. And up to now police haven’t held anyone.”

Police said that they are working on the case and anyone with information pertaining to the shooting can contact the nearest police station.


21% drop in serious crimes

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THE police have recorded a 21% decrease in serious crimes at the end of September when compared to the same period last year. In a statement,the police said there was a 9% reduction in reports of murder; a 5% decrease in gun-related robberies; a 17% decrease in armed robberies in which other instruments were used; a 15% decrease in robberies where no instruments were used; a 25% decrease in Robberies With Violence; a 4% decrease in Robberies With Aggravation; a 33% decrease in Larceny from the Person; a 19% decrease in Rapes; a 13% decrease in Burglaries and a 21% decrease in Break and Enter and Larceny.
Additionally, 67 illegal firearms were seized, which include 29 pistols, 21 revolvers, and 17 shotguns. The police said the consistent and continuous reduction in all of the above listed serious crimes, is an indication that the strategies are working well, have yielded and will continue to yield positive results, thereby assuring all citizens that their collaborative effort in partnering with law enforcement is vital.
According to the police exposure to training, both locally and internationally, continues to be a priority at all levels of the force. From January to September of this year, 97 officers and other ranks benefited from overseas training in all aspects of policing as previously stated, but now includes a) Training to combat human trafficking for Judicial Authorities b) Victim identification, referral and assistance and c) Public Corruption and Ethics.
The force said the Cops and Faith Community Network continues to be of significant assistance to the force in its mandate as was alluded to in its August month release. In terms of Juvenile Offenders, they have now dealt with 389 males and 134 females, who have been spared the indignity of the Criminal Justice System, due to their intervention between the complainants/reporters, victims and the police.
Increased road fatalities
Meanwhile, the force said as regards traffic management, there has been an increase in road fatalities, with 100 deaths recorded at the end of September, which is 10 more than for the same period last year. It must be noted however, that had it not been for the operationalising of β€œOperation Safeway” in Mid-September, that number would have likely been higher. There was a reduction in serious and minor accidents by 12.2% and 9% respectively. Traffic enforcement is continuous countrywide, the police said with β€œOperation Safeway” already creating an impact on the operators of all classes of vehicles. Special emphasis is placed on speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol and the other areas of concern, in order to reduce the carnage on our roads.


Armed bandits grab motorcar, electronics from Berbice businessman


A Berbice businessman and his son were on Tuesday evening robbed by three men,

The home of the businessman.

The home of the businessman.

brandishing guns, at his Overwinning home, East Bank Berbice.
According to reports reaching Kaieteur News, businessman 49-year-old Deonarine Albert, and his 22-year-old son, Royaryo Albert, were returning home from New Amsterdam when they were attacked. The incident occurred about 18:30 hours.
According to Deonarine Albert, the men made their move as his son was about to close the gate after parking the motor car into the yard.
β€œWhen my son stretch to shut the gate, one of them lash he on he head with a gun and he fall down pon the ground.”
He stated that the other bandits turned their attention to him. He was pulled out of his motor car by another armed bandit.
β€œAnother pull me out of de car and search me up and them tek away some money I had on me”.
Albert said that the men then entered his motor car and escaped.

The recovered motorcar lodged at the Central Police Station, Berbice.

The recovered motorcar lodged at the Central Police Station, Berbice.

Albert, who operates an electronic store, added that at the time the motor car had a quantity of phone cards, two laptops, four cellular phones and other items amounting to over one million dollars inside.
The motor car was later found abandoned in Stanleytown, New Amsterdam with the items missing. It has since been lodged at the Central Police station as police continue their investigations.
No one has since been arrested.


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