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Thief attacks, robs church members


FOUR persons were on Friday robbed during a prayer meeting at a Kaikan Street, North Ruimveldt church.
In a post on Facebook, one of the victims, Juanita Critchlow, expressed the fact that β€œthieves getting very desperate.”
β€œI had a knife plunged at me but it missed. I was robbed of valuable possessions in a church during a prayer meeting,” she stated.
It was also stated that there were four persons in the church at that time when the man, bearing a knife, walked in and robbed all of them.
During a visit to a church which Critchlow is a part of, the EDGE Youth Ministry in Cooper Street, Albouystown, her colleagues who were not present at the Kaikan Street church disclosed that no one was physically harmed.
Persons also said that the matter has been reported to the police.


Guyanese arrested for allegedly stealing from Venezuelan


POLICE have arrested a 30-year-old male resident of Rubber Dam, Charity, Essequibo Coast on an allegation that he robbed a Venezuelan at a hotel in Charity on Saturday at about 03:00hrs.

The Police Public Relations Department say that 32-year-old Alexander Gregorio, called β€œAlex”, of Puerto Ordaz, Venezuela, was standing in the hotel’s lounge when the suspect approached him and relieved him of the brown wallet he had in his front pants pocket. That wallet contained US$5,200, his passport, and a Galaxy cellular phone.

Having relieved Gregorio of his belongings, the Charity resident made good his escape, but quick response by the police resulted in his capture and all of the stolen items being found in his possession.


Deported convict arrested for WBD robbery

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A Guyanese involuntary returnee who served a conviction in the United States, was arrested by police on Sunday in relation to an armed robbery committed on two Bangladeshi nationals, after police tracked a stolen cell phone to this East La Penitence, Georgetown, home.

According to police reports, about 20:45h on Saturday, the two Bangladeshis were about to enter their Barclay Street, Goed Fortuin, West Bank Demerara, home when two males, both armed with handguns, confronted them.

The gunmen relieved them of their belongings, which included two phones (a Samsung and IPhone) and $185,000 cash. The perpetrators then got into a waiting car, which was parked a short distance away.

During the investigations, the police found that the IPhone had a tracking device, which led investigators to the home of the suspect, where the stolen IPhone was found.

The 55-year-old β€˜deportee’ was arrested and taken into custody. His white Toyota Primo car, which investigators suspected was used during the robbery, was also impounded.

The police said that the arrested man had served a lengthy prison term in the US for manslaughter and drug trafficking offences.

Meanwhile, further investigations into the armed robbery are ongoing.


Eteringbang drinking spree ends in murder

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A Venezuelan was in the wee hours of Saturday stabbed to death by his Guyanese drinking buddy during an argument at Eteringbang Landing, Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni). The dead man has been identified as Henry Mendonca.
Based on information, the dead man and his Guyanese friend who both reside in Venezuela, crossed the border and were consuming alcohol at a popular drinking spot at Eteringbang Landing when a misunderstanding led to a deathly argument.
It was during the argument that the drunken Guyanese broke a bottle and stabbed Mendonca twice to his abdomen. The injured man was taken to the San Martin Hospital in Venezuela where he was pronounced dead.
The suspect was arrested and is expected to be charged shortly.


Man shot dead outside East Ruimveldt secondary school


A 29-year-old man was shot dead early yesterday outside the East Ruimveldt Secondary school, following an argument with two men.
The dead man has been identified as Paul Rodney, of Lot 530 West Ruimveldt, Georgetown.

Paul Rodney

Paul Rodney

He was shot seven times about the body around 02:55 hrs in Avocado Avenue, East Ruimveldt.
According to information received, the victim and the suspects had attended a dance at the school. During yesterday morning, an argument ensued and the 29-year-old man was shot dead by two men.
The Guyana Police Force in a press release said that investigation revealed that the victim was gunned down by a group of men, who escaped on foot.
According to the release, a mobile patrol was on Mandela Avenue and ranks heard several loud explosions and went to investigate.
When they arrived at the scene, the ranks observed Rodney lying motionless, with blood all over his body.
He was immediately taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where he succumbed while receiving treatment.
Several spent shells of a small caliber weapon were found at the scene.
No one has been arrested as yet


Bandits attempt to rob Hand-in-Hand

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Hand-in-Hand Trust Corporation Inc was the target for bandits on Wednesday afternoon

AN act of bravery by a female security guard attached to Instant Security Service (ISS)

Detectives at the scene following the attempted robbery
Detectives at the scene following the attempted robbery

prevented two gunmen from entering the Hand-in-Hand Trust Corporation Inc branch on Middle Street, Georgetown on Wednesday.

Around 14:30hrs, the guard observed two young men exiting a motorcar, looking as though they were up to no good and confronted them.

A scuffle ensued with the robbers, and recognising that they were in trouble, they abandoned their mission but not before discharging three gunshots which resulted in injury to a passerby.

At the time the suspected bandits visited the company, it was already closed and as such they did not get to rob anyone.

Police say a firearm was found and two men have been arrested and they are looking for the car used in the attempted robbery.

Female security guard shot while foiling robbery at Hand in Hand Trust


The cordoned off area after investigators arrived on the scene

A female security guard was shot while fending off two armed men during an attempted robbery yesterday at the Hand-in-Hand Trust Corporation on Middle Street, Georgetown, yesterday.

Injured is 39 year old Natasha Williams, of Lot 14 Sarah Lodge, Stewartville, West Coast Demerara. According to reports, the shooting occurred around 14:00 hrs, when two men approached the building in a suspicious manner.

One of them called out to the other to β€œpass the thing”. An object which was wrapped in a piece of cloth was given to the requesting suspect.

According to police reports, Williams the guard, approached the suspicious-looking men in the company of a supervisor who was also armed. During this time shots were fired and Williams was shot in her lower left leg. After she was shot, her supervisor returned fire but missed the suspects.

However, the supervisor was able to grab onto one of them and a scuffle followed. That suspect apparently had a snub-nosed revolver with five matching rounds which fell to the ground and was seized by the supervisor.

The men then made their escape and entered a motor car which was waiting some distance away. The car was located in the East La Penitence community late last evening and the driver taken into custody.

When Kaieteur News arrived on the scene yesterday bloodstains on the floor tiles at the entrance of the bottom flat, broken window louvers and a shattered plant pot highlighted the fact that there was indeed a fracas.

Additionally, one of the bullets had hit a motor car parked in front of the building. According to police reports, Williams is at present a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.

The Hand-in-Hand Trust Corporation is one of Guyana’s leading financial institutions that provides a number of services to its customers. These include the provision of loans and mortgages, a cambio and safety deposit boxes.

After the incident, those customers who were already in the building conducting business were allowed to conclude their transactions but the doors were closed denying anyone further access for the remainder of the afternoon.

Last edited by Former Member

Taxi driver robbed, shot in carjacking

 Leroy Blair

Leroy Blair

A 38-year-old taxi driver was shot to the abdomen yesterday after he was confronted by one of three gunmen, who escaped with his car at D’Urban Backlands, Georgetown.

Up to press time, the driver identified as Leroy Blair of Lot 377 Stanleytown, West Bank Demerara (WBD) was in the recovery room of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) after undergoing surgery.

According to information received, Blair was shot by one of three bandits on motorcycles after they relieved him of an undisclosed sum of cash and his vehicle.

Reports are that the victim went to the location to drop off a passenger when he was confronted and shot. He was rushed to the GPHC by public spirited persons.

The victim’s daughter, Cassie Blair, said that she heard that her father was shot but she was not aware of what really transpired.

A police source said that they are waiting to take a statement from the victim.

When this newspaper contacted the base where the victim was employed, someone who did not give a name said that they were trying to locate the car for a while and later heard that the driver was shot.

Investigations are ongoing.

Last edited by Former Member

Chinese businessman terrorised, robbed

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A Chinese national was on Thursday evening terrorised by three masked men who invaded her nephew’s store at Number 2 Village, East Canje, Berbice. The incident occurred at about 20:35h.

The injured woman was identified as Lan Hong Zhou, 50. She reportedly suffered laceration to the face after she was struck with a piece of wood. Based on reports, the three bandits stormed the China Town Store armed with a handgun, a cutlass and a piece of wood.

The injured woman, her nephew Zhou Chunmin, 25, and four customers were in the store when the bandits entered.

Chunmin was in the cashier booth and was held at gunpoint by one of the men who demanded cash. Out of fear the businessman handed over an undisclosed sum of cash, from the day’s sale, along with other valuables.

Additionally, the other two bandits grabbed a quantity of phone cards and then escaped. They were seen running along Bristol Street, Number 2 Village, East Canje.

Hong Zhou was taken to the New Amsterdam Hospital where she was treated and sent away.

The Police were summoned and have since launched an investigation. No arrests were made, but several persons have been questioned over the robbery.


Lone gunman robs Beharry distribution truck

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In another brazen daytime attack, the driver of a distribution truck attached to the Edward B Beharry and Sons Company was on Friday afternoon robbed in the vicinity of Bourda Market, Georgetown, by a lone gunman.

The scene moments after the robbery at Bourda Market where the driver of the delivery truck was attacked
The scene moments after the robbery at Bourda Market where the driver of the delivery truck was attacked

Reports are at about 14:00h, the driver of the truck was proceeding along Robb Street, Georgetown, when he was ambushed by the lone gunman who relieved him of an undisclosed sum of cash along with other valuables.

Guyana Times was informed that the driver, who was unhurt but traumatised, parked the truck in front of a store and then proceeded to the Alberttown Police Station where he made a report of the robbery. Police have since launched an investigation.

Only recently, Public Security Minister Khemraj Ramjattan had announced that heightened security plans have been put in place around the city as the Christmas season approaches.

However, at this latest attack, no law enforcement agents were in proximity.


Businessman nabbed with ganja in water pump

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The ganja found in the water pump
The ganja found in the water pump

An East Ruimveldt, Georgetown, businessman was on Thursday nabbed with a quantity of cannabis hidden in a water pump enroute to an interior location.

Eon Brian, 32, was arrested and placed before Magistrate Delon Best at the Bartica Magistrate’s Court where he pleaded not guilty to the charge.

The Police stated that on November 24, 2016, Brian had 369 grams of cannabis in his possession for the purpose of trafficking. Reports are Police acting on information, swooped down on the suspect who was about to depart Bartica in a speed boat.

A search was conducted on his person and belongings during which the illegal substance was found hiding in a section of the water pump.

He was cautioned and arrested. He was later remanded to prison and will make his next court appearance on December 1.

Only a few days ago, a 38-year-old miner of 111 Miles, Mahdia, Potaro River was busted with 227 grams of compressed marijuana hidden in a piece of pipe.

It was reported that Police ranks observed the suspect acting in a suspicious manner; as such the lawmen approached the miner to conduct a search on his person. At the time, he was carrying a six-inch length of pipe.

After the search on his person heeded no success, a search was conducted on the pipe during which a black plastic bag containing the illegal substance was found hidden.


Gunmen rob bread delivery truck at Grove

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A bakery truck attached to a Cotton Field, West Coast Berbice company, was pounced upon by three bandits in the vicinity of Xenon Academy at Grove, East Bank Demerara on Friday morning.

The surveillance footage obtained shows the bandits making off with an undisclosed sum of cash
The surveillance footage obtained shows the bandits making off with an undisclosed sum of cash

In surveillance footage seen by Guyana Times, the occupants were relieved of cash and personal items. During the ordeal, four young men were seen scouring the Tank Street, Grove area, prior to the daylight robbery.

An eyewitness confirmed what was shown in the footage seen by Guyana Times. Three young boys – appearing to be teenagers – rode up on two pedal cycles alongside Xenon Academy private school, where one occupant of the bread truck was exiting to make a delivery. Two of the bandits, one of whom carried a handgun, ambushed one of the workers, while a second bandit dragged the driver out of the vehicle and the third rode away from the scene.

The two bandits then proceeded to rob the men, repeatedly hitting the driver and the delivery man before calmly walking away from the scene.

The matter was reported to the Grove Police Station and an investigation has been launched.

This latest criminal attack comes as the Police continue to publish statistics which have purported that serious crimes are down by 17 per cent. However, reports of larceny and armed robberies on businesses and civilians have increased.


Vendor, cousin nabbed with semi-automatic gun

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A 52-year-old market vendor and his cousin are now in Police custody following the discovery of a semi-automatic pistol at their East La Penitence, Georgetown home on Friday.

According to information, Police ranks acting on a tip-off went to the home of the 52-year-old man at East La Penitence Squatting Area and requested to conduct a search on his premises.

It was during the search that Police unearthed the semi-automatic weapon. The vendor was questioned and allegedly told the ranks that the weapon was given to him by his cousin to keep until a later date. When contacted, the cousin admitted to giving the gun to the man, while urging the Police to release his cousin and take him into custody instead.

Both men were arrested and are assisting Police in their investigations. A ballistics test is expected to be conducted on the weapon to determine if it was used in the commission of a crime.


Gunmen rob, terrorise Mon Repos family

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Three armed men on Saturday morning invaded the home of an East Coast Demerara family and carted off an undisclosed sum of cash and jewellery after severely beating four members of the household.

The house where the robbery took place
The house where the robbery took place

The robbery occurred at about 05:15h at Lot 52 Richardstown, Mon Repos, ECD. At the time of the robbery Jadunauth Singh along with his wife Maharani Singh and six other family were at home.

An injured Kishan Singh who was beaten by the bandits
An injured Kishan Singh who was beaten by the bandits
An injured Maharani Singh
An injured Maharani Singh

Reports are that the eldest son Kishan Singh went to the front of the house to put out his bird and he was confronted by three armed and masked men. They were wearing toques and their faces were covered with pieces of cloth.
Upon seeing the men the young man managed to run to the back of the house and raised an alarm. His father who was attending cattle was held hostage by one of the gunmen, who gun butted him to the head. The cattle farmer was then dragged into the house during which the gunmen demanded money and jewellery.
While in the house the bandits shifted their attention to Singh’s wife, who was preparing breakfast thus it was at this point that Singh senior managed to escape and raised an alarm, alerting neighbours of the robbery.
This caused the bandits to strike his wife several times to the head and dragged her to the upper flat where they continued to make demands. Out of fear the woman handed over a sum of money and a quantity of jewellery. β€œMeh grandchildren start scream hard hard and I think before them do them anything, leh me give over the money,” the traumatised woman related.
The men rushed out of the house towards a dark-coloured Toyota Carina car and escaped. While running out of the house, one of the men discharged at least two rounds into the air.
When Guyana Times visited the house, detectives were taking statements from the household.
Speaking with this newspaper, Singh related that it was only on Friday he sold a cow and the money was kept at home.
The traumatised man explained that he was kicked to the abdomen after he put up a fight. He noted that the men were wearing β€œshiny shoes”. He could not recognise any of them since they were all masked. He nevertheless is happy that his family is safe but is upset that the crime situation in Guyana is escalating without more intervention by Government.
Meanwhile, his son related that he was putting out his birds when he saw the men.
β€œI run to the back and holler β€œthief, bandits” and one of them grab me and one gun butt to head…another one give me one more to the head and drag me upstairs… they tek away the jewel I did wearing,” he added. He noted that one of the men had long hair wrapped in a ponytail and several of his teeth were ice (red), gold and green.
After the bandits left, Singh who is also a labourer at the La Bonne Intention Sugar Estate, took his injured son and wife to the hospital where they were treated and sent away.
Guyana Times understands that one of the man’s daughters-in-law hid in the washroom after she heard the heavy voices demanding money and jewellery.
The Police have since questioned several persons in the area as they intensify their investigations. (Bhisham Mohamed)


Bandits rob pharmacy owner outside home, escape with car


The police are trying to locate a dark gray Nissan X-trail which was stolen when two armed bandits attacked a businessman and his wife in front of their Campbellville, Georgetown home around 19:00 hrs on Friday.
The vehicle bears registration number PLL 8010.
According to information received, Roy Singh, the owner of Roy’s Pharmacy, and his wife, Nalini Singh, had just returned home from the National Park, where they had gone to exercise, when the two men, one of whom was armed with a gun, attacked.
The men reportedly dragged Singh’s wife from the vehicle and grabbed the keys from him, after collecting his money and phone. They then sped away with the vehicle.
The businessman said that he had just parked on his bridge at Lot 104 Bonasika Street- Stone Avenue, Section K, Campbellville, when the occupants of a car, with trunk open, drove past him.
Singh said that the car drove up the street and turned back. β€œI told my wife to wait until the car pass before she comes out but we didn’t realize two men had come out of this car and they already started walking towards us.”
According to the businessman, his wife was about to open the car door when one of the gunmen rushed up to her and pulled open the door.
At this point, the businessman said that he started shouting for help but the second man approached him with a gun.
β€œI just allow them to take what they want before they shoot. They took my phone and money and when I jump out of the vehicle, I didn’t even realize when they collect the key but they jump in and sped away,” Singh said.
The ordeal, which was recorded on CCTV, is under investigation.


Ex-cop shoots β€˜John Kirby’ outside bar


An ex-policeman pumped three bullets into an East Ruimveldt resident at around 02.00 hrs yesterday, during an altercation outside the β€˜Wings and Things’ Bar, Mandela Avenue Georgetown.

SHOT: Martin Atwell

SHOT: Martin Atwell

Martin Atwell, a 48-year-old seaman, also known as Martin Bovell and John Kirby, of Lot 374 East Ruimveldt, was shot to the chest and abdomen, during an argument with the ex-cop, who is a licensed firearm holder.
He is in a critical condition.
Kaieteur News understands that Atwell was standing outside the hangout spot when an argument ensued between him and the ex-cop, after Atwell placed some beer bottles on the man’s car and refused to remove them.
It is alleged that after the argument, the ex-cop went into the bar, but Atwell followed and shot at the former cop, but missed.
The man immediately drew his licensed handgun and discharged three rounds at Atwell, hitting him in the chest and abdomen.
The injured man was rushed to the hospital by patrons. The suspect has since been taken into custody and his firearm lodged. Four spent shells were retrieved at the scene.
However, relatives of Atwell are claiming that he was shot by the former cop after an argument over Atwell spilling β€œketchup” on the man’s vehicle.
A relative said that Atwell visited the bar with his girlfriend, during which he went inside to purchase chicken for the woman. According to the relative, after receiving the food, Atwell went back inside to get ketchup and returned outside, where he accidentally spilled ketchup on the vehicle.
She added that the men got into a heated row, during which the man pulled out a gun and fired five shots in Atwell’s direction. She said that only three bullets hit him.

The club where the shooting occurred

The club where the shooting occurred


Bystander shot in gas station row


A bystander sustained a gunshot wound to his hand Sunday night when another man opened fire indiscriminately in the vicinity of a popular gas station located on the East Coast of Demerara.
The victim has been identified as Shanis Persaud. He was treated at the Mahaicony Cottage Hospital and sent away.
The Guyana Police Force in a statement said that ranks are making stringent efforts to apprehend a male suspect, who indiscriminately discharged several rounds from a handgun.
Enquires disclosed that a group of persons were in the vicinity of the gas station imbibing when an argument between the suspect and another male erupted.
The argument escalated into a scuffle, during which the suspect whipped out a firearm and discharged several rounds, one of which struck Persaud, a bystander, to his hand.
The suspect made good his escape in a motor car. Investigators have retrieved five spent shells from the scene.


Man shot trying to disarm cop

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LASHAY Saul went on Monday to the Golden Grove Police Station on the East Bank of Demerara to make a report of domestic abuse against her reputed husband, claiming he was a habitual abuser.

A rank was sent to the couple’s home to arrest the suspect. In resisting arrest, the suspect allegedly held on to the armed constable and grabbed his firearm. A round was discharged and it struck the suspect’s left elbow. He was rushed to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre, where he was treated and discharged.

He is presently in police custody, and the police are working to complete their case file on the matter, after which charges would be instituted.


Farmer shot twice while urinating

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Police ranks are investigating the circumstances under which a 22-year-old farmer of Bee Hive, East Coast Demerara was shot about 23:45h last night at Clonbrook, E.C.D.

According to a police release, Khemraj Gangaram was at a function at Clonbrook, when he ventured across the road to relieve himself in the vicinity of a parked motor vehicle, during which he heard two loud explosions and observed a male pointing a handgun at him. He attempted to flee and felt a burning sensation on his left hand and right thigh and realized he was shot.

He was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation and admitted in a stable condition. No arrest has been made.


Bandits and mining camp crew in shootout at Cuyuni


– gunman believed injured
Four armed bandits were forced to flee empty-handed early yesterday morning after encountering withering gunfire while attempting to invade a mining camp at Cuyuni.
The attack occurred at Shafeek Ali’s Mining Concession, located at Far Back Backdam, Cuyuni.
Kaieteur News understands that the crew was in the process of β€˜washing down,’ when about three to four men, believed to be β€œof foreign nationality,” invaded the camp and began shooting.
But some of the crew, who are licenced firearm holders, returned fire, forcing the attackers to flee empty-handed into the jungle.
The mining camp crew told police that they heard someone groaning, which led them to surmise that they had wounded one of the gunmen. However, the crew members were hesitant to follow.
Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum said that a team of police ranks was flown in by chopper to investigate. A police official disclosed that the investigators will have to wait until today to scour the area.


Labourer found dead after heated quarrel


– family friend in custody

Police in B’ Division are investigating the circumstances that led to the death of 24-year-old

Dead: Ravi Kumar Sharma

Dead: Ravi Kumar Sharma

labourer Ravi Kumar Sharma, who was discovered in his yard early yesterday morning by his mother.
Sharma shared the home with his 54-year-old mom, Devika Deo.
A 28-year-old fisherman and family friend, with whom Sharma had had a heated argument is in custody.
According to information gathered, Sharma, who was reportedly an alcoholic, on Monday night had told his mother to vacate the home that they share. He was allegedly intoxicated at the time when he told her to leave, and she obliged.
The mother of the dead man told this publication that, β€œeverytime he drink me does sleep somewhere else, and yesterday (Monday) he tell meh guh, that he guh mek nuff noise and me nah go like da”. She said she left and returned yesterday (Tuesday) morning when she saw her son lying on the ground next to the fence.
β€œWhen meh come meh notice meh son lie down deh and me tell am get up and go upstairs”, Deo stated.
The grieving mother told Kaieteur News that she went to the back yard and returned, and again told Sharma to get up, but she sensed something was amiss after she saw no movement. Upon making a closer check she noticed blood and started to run and scream for help. Neighbours were alerted by the noise, and ranks of the Number 51 station arrived promptly on the scene having been summoned.

Grieving mother Devika Deo

Grieving mother Devika Deo

The man’s body was later whisked away to the Skeldon Public Hospital Mortuary.
Ravi Sharma would have celebrated his 25th birthday tomorrow.
Meanwhile, the dead man’s mother reflected sadly that the suspect, β€œdoes come by the house, me does cook, clean and wash fuh he when he come and he does pay me a $3000, so he (Sharma) know dat boy good, but me nah know wha guh wrang”.
The suspect reportedly told investigators that he was present at Sharma’s house on Monday night when a heated argument ensued between the two. The argument escalated, during which he (suspect) was struck by Sharma to the head, and in retaliation, picked up a cutlass and repeatedly β€˜broad-sided’ (lashed) Sharma.
The suspect allegedly went to the Police Station minutes after the incident and made a report that he had lashed Sharma several times about his body, but made no mention that he had died, since he is alleging that he was unaware that Sharma had succumbed as a result of the beating.
Reports are that the suspect returned to the house that morning and saw a crowd and Sharma’s lifeless body in pool of blood in his yard, where he (suspect) had left him. He subsequently

The house where the fisherman resided.

The house where the fisherman resided.

turned himself in and is presently assisting investigators with the investigation.
Kaieteur News understands that Sharma’s body was discovered with what appeared to be a broken arm, chop wounds on the chest, back, and a wound to the forehead among other injuries.
Investigations are continuing.


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