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ECD man shot, robbed by lone gunman in Sophia

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An East Coast Demerara (ECD) resident is now being treated for a gunshot wound to his leg at the Georgetown Public Hospital after he was attacked and robbed by an armed gunman on Thursday.
Based on reports, Gavin Ramlall, 22, of Chateau Margot, ECD, was in the vicinity of C Field, Sophia, Greater Georgetown, at about 16:15h when he was approached by a lone gunman who demanded that he hand over his personal belongings and money he had in his possession.
Ramlall reportedly put up a fight but in retaliation, the gunman discharged a round hitting him to one of his legs. The bandit then relieved the man of an undisclosed sum of money, mobile phone and the keys to his car.
Upon hearing gunshots residents in the area rushed to the manโ€™s assistance; he was taken to the hospital where he was admitted.
The police have launched an investigation into the matter. No one has been arrested.


Finally Kaiteur news ketch sense and putting crime back on the front page.

$21M in cash, jewellery taken asโ€ฆHeavily-armed 15-man gang storms cambio dealerโ€™s homeโ€ฆNo police response despite 40-minute ordeal


โ€“ Ex-cop among seven detained

By Malisa Playter Harry
A former policeman and six others were in custody last night as detectives attempt to track down a gang of 15 heavily-armed individuals who escaped with some $21M in cash and jewellery, after launching a military-style, pre-dawn attack at the home of a Number 79 Village, Corentyne cambio dealer.
The bandits, who were armed with assault rifles, shotguns and cutlasses, used sledgehammers to smash their way into the Lot 93 Albert Street home of businessman Devendra Churaman, also called โ€œKatak,โ€ shortly after 01:15 hrs yesterday.
Churaman said that the masked men escaped with some $1M in jewellery, but could not say exactly how much money was taken. However, police said the gang made off with $20M in local and foreign currency.
Churaman said that he was told that the gang fled through a nearby track which could take them to canefields in the area.
โ€˜Bโ€™ Division Commander Senior Superintendent Errol Watts told Kaieteur News that his ranks have detained seven men, who reside at various areas in Berbice, including Canje and New Amsterdam.
He said that an ex-policeman is among the detainees, most of whom have previous charges for armed robbery.
The suspects have already been swabbed for possible traces of gunpowder residue.
Commander Watts said that the suspects were taken into custody โ€œbased on evidence received,โ€ and will also be placed on identification parade.
So far, none of the loot has been recovered.
There are reports that while five gunmen entered Churamanโ€™s home, ten others stood guard in the street, while firing shots to keep neighbours at bay.
Shots were also fired directly into Churamanโ€™s home.
Confirming the extent of the gangโ€™s firepower, Deputy Superintendent Gary McAllister said that 21 live 7.62 x 39 rounds (used in the AK-47 rifle), about eight 7.62 x 39 shells; two twelve-gauge shotgun cartridges, and a warhead were retrieved from the scene.
Churaman and several neighbours said that the gunmen took some 20 minutes to enter the residence, and spent another 20 minutes inside.
However, ranks at the Springlands Police Station allegedly took at least an hour and 15 minutes to arrive, despite receiving a number of phone calls from the victim and neighbours while the attack was in progress.
Churaman told Kaieteur News that he was alone when the men smashed their way into his home.
โ€œDem man tek sledge hammer and bruk meh steel door and front window and come in.
โ€œAbout five of dem come in meh house with one set ah big big gun and start fire shotsโ€. Churaman stated that the men took approximately 20 minutes to enter his home, during which time he called a police rank from Georgetown. This rank reportedly made contact with the Springlands Station, but no one came.
Springlands Police Station is reportedly located some two minutes away from Churamanโ€™s residence.
โ€œWhen they (the gunmen) got in, dem start pull out and tumble up, they had me at gunpoint asking for the cash.โ€
Churaman related to Kaieteur News that he told the bandits that he hadnโ€™t money at home but this angered one of the men, who rushed up to him with a cutlass.
He revealed that the men used a steel hammer to remove a steel door to his bedroom. They also searched another room in the upper flat, where they located an undisclosed sum of money and about $1M in jewellery.
Churaman stated that throughout the ordeal he was ordered to lay face-down with a gun pointed at his head.
The gang also vandalized surveillance cameras on the premises.
Churamanโ€™s wife and two children were not at home at the time of the robbery.
According to a resident, at around 01:45 hrs, โ€œwe just hear like gunshots going off. We didnโ€™t know if it was fire rockets, but when my son peep through the window, he saw four persons trying fuh break open the door and front window (of Churamanโ€™s house), so we immediately called the police.โ€
He said that seven calls were made to the Springlands Police Station, but the ranks said that no patrol was available.
โ€œThis ting tek like about twenty minutes, a lot of gunshots were fired, like about sixty, seventy, I canโ€™t really say, but plenty,โ€
Another resident told Kaieteur News that โ€œI heard the explosions and talking going on. One ah dem (bandits) askin if โ€œalyuh get everything bai?โ€ but I ainโ€™t hear no response, but then I hear ah next one say โ€œletโ€™s move it.โ€
That is all I hear, because I didnโ€™t come out.
I stay in me house after I hear the gunshots.โ€
Commander Watts, who visited the scene, said โ€œwe discovered twenty-one live 7.62 by 39 rounds of ammunition and we also retrieved cartridge casings, so it clearly tells us that these men were armed with rifles and shotguns.
โ€œFortunately, the victim was not shot, but several rounds were fired in the area which caused residents to be alarmed.โ€
Commander Watts also said that a team from Georgetown will be sent to boost the manpower at the Springlands Station.
Asked about the slow response time by his ranks, the Commander said that โ€œwe had ranks on the road, but information was not immediate for us to respond to.
I received a call at my residence at 02:50 hrs, and I can confirm this.โ€
The commander charged that with the increased manpower to support the police in township of Corriverton โ€œthis should reassure the public that we are concerned and we have adequate security measures in place to have a crime-free holiday.โ€


What are the PNC jackasses in power doing to solve crime? They posting statistics showing drops in crime but the reality on the ground says otherwise. 

Attack at 14 Miles Issanoโ€ฆ Victim calls for โ€œnotoriousโ€ gang to be brought to justice


โ€œNotoriousโ€ is the word being used to describe the gang of men who attacked, robbed and left 30-year-old Orin Baptiste for dead along the trail at 14 Miles Issano.

The injured Orin Baptiste

Last Wednesday, Baptiste of East Ruimveldt, Georgetown, was shot with an arrow, beaten, chopped and left for dead on the trail at the Upper Mazaruni, Region Seven location.
He was air-dashed to the city, hours after the attack and was admitted at the Georgetown Public Hospital, where he remains a patient.
The man suffered injuries to both arms as well as a gash to his left knee cap which was almost severed. He has since undergone a number of surgeries.
Speaking with this publication from his hospital bed yesterday, Baptiste recalled that he was leaving the area to return to Georgetown, when he was attacked. He had ventured into the interior about two months ago to seek employment.
He explained that while working in the area on a dredge for a man called โ€œMorris, he decided to return home to Georgetown.
โ€œAfter I finish de work I get couple pennyweight of raw gold. It was me and about three other man and we decide to come out. They come out before me and we meet up.โ€
โ€œThe men,โ€ he said โ€œgave me money to buy some things fuh we eat at a shop. When I come back they ask me to keep dem bags.โ€
While standing along the trail watching over the bags, Baptiste said that he was attacked.
โ€œAll I know is like about six men run pass me. I didnโ€™t tek it for nothing, but then they circle me and one pull a arrow and bow and shoot me. They scramble up the bags and started to beat and chop me. Ah know one of dem though; the one that shoot me with the arrow is an Amerindian man. I know him. I meet he when I de going in the bush and he showed me a shortcut.โ€
The injured man recalled that the men searched the bags and emptied his pockets before leaving him in a bloodied state along the trail.
He said that he could have been dead if it were not for a few public-spirited citizens on a passing truck. The man recalled that the group of assailants ran off after some people on the truck intervened.
โ€œThey run into the bush, but people know them. It look like is this what they does do โ€“ beat and rob people in the trail. And because police deh far away from there, it got to be that they does do this thing steady, because the police would tek about five hours before they reach dem,โ€ Baptiste reflected.
From all appearances, the man said, the police have not arrested anyone in connection with the incident.
The injured man expressed his concerns about the investigations.
โ€œOne police woman alone come at the hospital to see me since, and she tek down me name alone. She didnโ€™t even look to tek a statement. They had an Amerindian lady in there (14 Miles Issano) that know these people that rob me, and I know the woman,โ€ he explained
The father of one is adamant that his attackers must be found and brought to justice.
โ€œI could have died because I lose a lot of blood, and I wait for almost a whole day before I get to the station and then the hospital. Dem man could have killed me for liโ€™l gold,โ€ he stressed.


Looks like nuff antiman in the police force as this man was strip searched and made to squat repeatedly naked. 

French citizen claims cop strip-searched him at Outpost


Guyana-born French citizen Benn Kenneth Anthony says that he was humiliated and horrified when a local police rank performed a body cavity search on him.

Benn Kenneth Anthony

Anthony claims that he was ordered by a plainclothes policeman to remove his underwear and perform squats during an immigration search at Moleson Creek.
According to him, this happened on November 20, while he was making his way to board the ferry to Suriname en route to French Guiana, where he has been living for two decades.
The 22-year-old man said he reported the matter to the Moleson Creek Police Station.
Anthony recalled that he was taken into an area where he was ordered by the rank to empty his suitcase.
โ€œHe didnโ€™t even identify himself to me. But I could recognize him if I see him again. He just lifted up the suitcase and turned it over. When he finished searching the suitcase he asked me if I was ever charged for any offence.โ€
The man said he replied in the negative and told the rank he came to Guyana to visit his grandmother.
He said the rank patted him down and insisted that he remove his pants and underwear. โ€œHe asked me to pull down my pants and I removed it up to my knees. Then he told me to take off my brief (underwear).โ€ He related that he complied with the instructions and was then told to squat twice before given permission to repack his suitcase and leave.
โ€œHe found nothing illegal on me,โ€ Anthony stressed.
He said he is still trying to come to grips with what happened.
โ€œI have travelled all over the world and this has never happened to me. Is this something normal for immigration in Guyana? I felt very uncomfortable with him (the rank) in that room.โ€
โ€œIโ€™m not looking for a problem with police in Guyana. I just want them to stop doing this.โ€
Anthony added that he is sure other passengers have been subjected to this kind of search and is calling on them to speak out.
โ€œIโ€™m trying to highlight this. I want that rank to be disciplined.โ€
Anthony stated that when he visited the Police Outpost to report the matter, another rank told him that he could not deal with the matter because the rank who strip-searched him is his superior.
Nevertheless, he stated that a police constable took a statement from him after being instructed by another senior rank, and promised to give him an update on investigations, when he returned to Guyana.
โ€œI come back on December 7 and I see them (the rank that searched him and the constable that took the statement). They both walked past me.โ€
A copy of the one-page statement dated November 20, 2016 โ€“ with the police rankโ€™s regulation number โ€“ was seen by Kaieteur News.
โ€œHe (the constable) ainโ€™t even sign the statement. He just put he regulation number. I donโ€™t even think that is he regulation number. I donโ€™t even think this statement valid.โ€
Anthony plans on reporting the incident to the Police Complaints Authority today. He says if a probe is not launched into the matter he will consider taking legal action against the State.
Anthony, who is still in Guyana, has already sought advice from a local attorney. He has also sent a letter detailing what transpired, along with a copy of the statement, to the Ministry of Justice in French Guiana.


Man shot dead in North East La Penitence

โ€“ reportedly went to aid of woman who was being robbed

A 26-year-old man was shot dead shortly after 23.00 hrs last night, reportedly while going to the aid of a woman who was being robbed.
Andrew Scott, of North East La Penitence, was shot in the chest and was pronounced dead on arrival at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.
Kaieteur News understands that the victimโ€™s family owns a shop and had just shut their business when the tragedy occurred.
According to one report, the shooter had attempted to rob a female security guard, but the woman used a knife to ward off the attacker. She reportedly then ran towards the shop that is owned by the victimโ€™s family.
Someone who claimed to be a relative of Scottโ€™s said that he was going to the womanโ€™s rescue when the gunman shot him.
The shooter reportedly escaped in a car.


Bandits raid Essequibo businessmanโ€™s home

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โˆ’ 5 suspects in Police custody

Thieves on Monday evening broke in to the home of popular businessman Kumar Ramdeo at Hoff Van Aurich Village on the Essequibo Coast, and carted off approximately $1.3 million in jewellery and other items.

The home was completely ransacked
The home was completely ransacked

The incident reportedly occurred around 16:30h on Monday while the family was out.

According to the businessmanโ€™s wife, Wendy Ramdeo, she secured her home on Monday afternoon before leaving with her family to go to the supermarket to do some shopping. She related that upon their return at around 18:30h, they noticed that their house lights were on.

The woman said she immediately knew that something was amiss and they quickly alerted the neighbourhood. Residents then flocked around the premises; however, by the time they entered the home, the thieves had already left.

The thieves reportedly gained entry into the Ramdeo home by using a ladder to break a part of the ceiling and using their feet to stamp the said ceiling down. When Guyana Times visited the scene, footprints were still visible. The home was ransacked, but the family could not say for sure what was taken. The wife related that no cash was missing. She said the thieves also carted off groceries and the meal she had cooked earlier.

After the discovery, a report was made to the Suddie Police Station and according to relatives, the Police took three hours to respond. Detectives visited the scene and uplifted fingerprints. Up to press time, five persons were in Police custody.

According to the distraught family, it was the second robbery for the year; during the first incident, bandits stole poultry and other equipment; however, the family never made a report. Although nothing was taken from their furniture store, a cutlass was reportedly lost.

Meanwhile, several other residents from the area are fearful for their lives, as there have been several break-ins. One resident from the area was reportedly robbed on Monday night. Residents are, therefore, calling for Police to be more visible in the area and increased Police patrols, especially during the Christmas season.


Bandits raid boutique behind Brickdam Police Station

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Police are now on the hunt for three bandits who broke into a boutique on Hadfield Street, Georgetown, a few yards away from the Brickdam Police Station, and carted off with an undisclosed number of items.

According to information received, the owner of the store received a phone call early Tuesday morning before day break, informing him that his store was broken into and robbed.

The man related that the bandits carted off with cash and other items. However, when the Police were called for assistance at the building, they took several hours to arrive on the scene.

It was noted that the men gained entry into the building using a crowbar after their efforts to saw-off the padlocks were unsuccessful.

It was related that one of the bandits has been identified and Police are looking for that person.




Police claim 16% reduction

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Crime spirals out of control

As crime continues to spiral out of control, the Guyana Police Force is holding out that serious crimes were down by 16 per cent as at the end of November 2016 when compared to the same period last year.

The Police, in a release, stated that there was a โ€˜break evenโ€™ in reports of murder with a โ€˜clear upโ€™ rate of 64 per cent. In addition, the Police recorded a six per cent decrease in robbery under arms where firearms were used, with a 15 per cent โ€˜clear upโ€™ rate.

Also, there was a 17 per cent reduction in armed robberies where other instruments were used by the perpetrators and more so, a 25 per cent decrease was registered with respect to robberies where violence was used.

There was also a nine per cent decrease in robbery with aggravation and a 14 per cent decrease in robberies where no instruments were used, while a 32 per cent decrease in larceny from the person was recorded.

Additionally, there was a 21 per cent decrease in rape; a 20 per cent decrease in break and enter and larceny, with a 20 per cent โ€˜clear upโ€™ rate and finally, the Police recorded a 12 per cent reduction in burglary.

With respect to the seizure of firearms, the Police were able to clean the streets of 96 unlicensed weapons, including 42 pistols, 28 revolvers, 24 shotguns, and two rifles.

The Police stated that the continuous monthly reduction in serious crimes was nothing but a testimony to the excellent collaboration among the many stakeholders and the public at large, coupled with the strategies employed by the Force. Nevertheless, the public believes that with crime being perpetuated on a daily basis, the crime situation in Guyana is unbearable.

Only Monday morning, a Corentyne cambio dealer was robbed of millions as gunmen armed with AK-47s invaded his property. The Police arrived at the scene more than one and a half hours after the 30-minute ordeal. Several other armed robberies were recorded where the victims were severely beaten by the perpetrators.

With respect to traffic, the Police recorded an 11 per cent increase in fatal accidents. There were 115 fatalities recorded at the end of November, compared to 112 for the same period last year.

However, there were decreases in serious and minor accidents, but an increase in damage accidents.

Meanwhile, the Police have instituted charges against 65,357 errant drivers for several traffic offences, with 55 per cent of the total ordered to pay fines.

Of the total charges, 24,276 were for speeding; 3416 were for breach of condition of road service licence/music; 2721 for driving under the influence of alcohol; 1272 for using a cell phone while driving; 1236 for breaching traffic light signals and 1211 for tinted motor vehicles.


Gunmen captured after trailing, robbing Tower Hotelโ€™s accountant

  • Security guard shot, $2.5M recovered

The two bandits who were captured

Quick action by the police led to the arrest of two armed bandits, yesterday, minutes after they snatched $2.5M from a Tower Hotel accountant after trailing him from a city bank.
A security guard, 63-year-old Balmick Persaud, was shot when he tried to wrestle with one of the men, the pillion rider, who had jumped off a CG motorcycle and confronted the accountant in the hotelโ€™s Main Street, Georgetown compound.
The guard was rushed to a private hospital where he is said to be in a stable condition. The bullet grazed his abdomen. According to information, police who were in the area as part of the Guyana Police Force (GPF)โ€™s Christmas policing, heard the gunshots and immediately gave chase after seeing the two men on the CG motorcycle acting in a suspicious manner.
The chase led to East Ruimveldt Front Road, where the two men were arrested after running into a house to seek shelter. The police in a press release said that the men had crashed into a trench during their escape bid. In their haste to avoid capture the men left the bag containing the cash in the trench. They also tossed the weapon.
The stolen cash was recovered and up to press time, the cops were searching a nearby trench for the firearm that the bandits had in their possession. According to information received, as the police ranks were pursuing the men, they were shooting at the cops.
At the scene yesterday, one woman said that she was sitting in front of her door when she heard about seven gunshots, followed by a man pointing a gun in her yard.
โ€œI see the man by my gate with a gun peeping in and then he went by the neighbour and arrested the two boys,โ€ the woman said.
She explained that the police also arrested the couple who resided at the property. That property was believed to be a haven for thieves since the gunmen found property from other crime scenes. There were lamps from vehicles also believed to have been stolen.
One of these arrested had been arrested in the past after having been shot during a robbery. On that occasion he was shot in the neck. That near death experience did nothing to have the young man rethink his ways, one woman said.
Investigations are ongoing.


Looks like the PNC can't even protect their own supporters from bandits.

Fireman brutally chopped fighting off bandits

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Masimba Sampson is in a critical condition at the GPHC

A WISROC, Linden fireman is in a critical condition at the Georgetown Public Hospital after he was brutally chopped about his body by bandits on Wednesday night.
Masimba Sampson, 30, is now being hailed as a brave man, since he put up a fight against the four bandits who were also armed with a gun. Reports indicate that the perpetrators called Sampson out of his house. Despite being outnumbered, he managed to get the gun from one of the bandits, but was unaware that they were also armed with cutlasses and before he knew it, he was chopped several times about his body, including his face and head.
The bandits then escaped and Masimba made his way to the Wisroc Police Outpost, where he was subsequently rushed to the Linden Hospital but was later transferred to the GPHC. He was bleeding profusely when he was admitted to the hospital. Ranks from the Wisroc Outpost made their way to the home, but came up-empty handed as the bandits had already made good their escape.
A neighbour of the man told this newspaper that the incident occurred around 22:00hrs on Wednesday and he had heard the commotion but did not take it seriously. โ€œI hear the noise last night, but me aint know is chop the boy getting chop up.โ€ Masimba was off duty at the time the incident occurred. Another neighbour revealed that the fireman recently sold a piece of land and perhaps the bandits went after the money. โ€œHear wah happen, he sell out a set a land behind there, I know he sell two lands to one person, so it got to be dah money them man went after,โ€ he said.


Home owner disarmed , beaten with his own โ€˜rolling pinโ€™


A 24-year-old man, Randolph Seocharran, of Rising Sun, West Coast Berbice, was yesterday, placed on $120,000 bail, when he appeared in the Fort Wellington Magistrateโ€™s Court to answer a charge of robbery with violence.
The matter before the court is that on December 13, last, at Plantation Hope, West Coast Berbice, Seocharran entered the dwelling house of Bhagwandin Deonarain, assaulted him and proceeded to rob him of $30,000.
According to Deonarain, he was at home, at Plantation Hope West Coast Berbice, preparing a meal when around 18:30 hours, he heard an unusual sound coming from a section of his house. Upon trying to ascertain where the sound was coming from, the victim said that he observed the accused whom he recognized, climbing into his house. He said that he confronted the intruder with a โ€œrolling pinโ€ which he was using in the kitchen.
The intruder, however was able to disarm the Deonarain, and in turn rained blows on the hapless home owner, using the very โ€˜rolling pinโ€™ that Deonarain was carrying when he confronted the intruder.
Deonarain was forced to flee his home to escape the blows from the intruder. He was rescued at his gate by a taxi driver. When he checked his house, he discovered that his money was missing.
The matter was reported at the Weldaad Police Station, and Seocharran was subsequently arrested and charged. He pleaded not guilty to the charge, and was placed on bail to return to court December 29.


Brother killed rescuing sister from bandits

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A North East La Penitence man was on Tuesday evening shot dead after he rushed to his sisterโ€™s aid as she was being attacked by two gunmen outside their home. The incident occurred just before 23:00h.

Dead: Matthew Scott
Dead: Matthew Scott

Dead is 26-year-old Matthew Scott of Lot 291 North East La Penitence, Georgetown.
It was reported that the sister of the now dead man, in the company of another female villager, was walking along Toucan Street heading home and upon reaching in front of her house, two men exited a tinted dark blue Toyota 212 motor car, which was parked nearby and attacked them.
An alarm was raised and Scott rushed out of the house to rescue his sister, but was shot by the bandits instead. Based on reports, he sustained a single gunshot wound to his chest and was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH), where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
Speaking with Guyana Times on Wednesday, his sister Simone Waldron-Scott related that while heading home, she noticed the strange car parked outside her home but did not think anything of it until the men emerged and attacked them.
She recalled that the men went to the older woman first but she pulled out a knife, which she keeps on her person for protection, and brandished it at the men.

Scott was shot and killed while attempting to rescue his sister during a robbery in front of the family home
Scott was shot and killed while attempting to rescue his sister during a robbery in front of the family home

โ€œWhen she pulled out the knife, they left her and one of the boys come up to me and gave one cuff straight to my (right) ear. Then we had a scramble and he snatched off my chain, and pelt a shot at me but he missed; so he raised his foot to kick me,โ€ the woman recounted.
At this point, she noted, the other woman raised an alarm to alert family of what was transpiring and the gunman also fired at shot her (elderly woman), but missed again. Nevertheless, the screams and gunshots alerted Waldron-Scottโ€™s family, and her 26-year-old brother rushed outside with her teenage son.
The woman further related that her brother picked up a brick to hit the gunman and that was when he was shot.
โ€œWhen they come outside, my brother pushed my son away and thatโ€™s how he ended up get shootโ€ฆ I fight back, why yโ€™all didnโ€™t take me; yโ€™all had to shoot me brother, my only brother,โ€ the grieving woman lamented.
Furthermore, the woman related that she saw her brothersโ€™ killer and described him as โ€œfair skin, tall with screwed hair and with a tattoo on his neckโ€ฆ thatโ€™s the guy who attacked me and shoot my brother but he ainโ€™t getting off soโ€ฆ I going all out for my brother, I need justice for myself and my brother.โ€
The expecting father, who was employed as a maintenance mechanic in the โ€˜Rum Factoryโ€™ at Banks DIH Limited, was married only three weeks ago. His wife, who is five months pregnant, was too distraught to speak to the media, but was observed washing away the blood stains in front of the gate as she sobbed in grief.
Meanwhile, Police have since received some information about the incident and are following the leads on the suspects. This newspaper understands that apart from the two suspects, there was also a third person driving the vehicle.


In PNC supporters feeling the effect of the incompetency of the police to prevent crime. They claim they solving crime but the people prefer preventing crime.


Qualfonโ€™s contractor robbed, shot during robbery


โ€“ Believed to have been trailed from bank
A 42-year-old man was robbed of $4M and shot to both legs around 15:00 hrs yesterday shortly

Kenneth Earle

after he arrived at his Lot 75 Prince William Street, Plaisance, East Coast Demerara (ECD) home. He had earlier made a withdrawal from a city bank.
Up to press time, Kenneth Earle, was being treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). He is in a stable condition.
The father of four is contracted by Qualfon to provide transportation services to the companyโ€™s employees. At the time of the robbery, he had withdrawn money to pay the other drivers who work with him.
According to information received, just as Earle entered his yard with another individual, two gunmen ran into the yard behind them and opened fire at the duo before grabbing the bag containing the cash.
The father of four was shot to both legs while the individual who was with him escaped without any injuries.
Investigators believed that the man was followed from the bank. No one has been arrested as yet.

Last edited by Former Member

Bandits invade supermarket, beat owner


โ€ฆescape with $300,000
Around 20:30 hrs on Friday, three armed bandits invaded the New World Supermarket at La Grange, West Bank Demerara (WBD) and escaped with approximately $300,000 in cash after beating the owner of the

The New World Supermarket

supermarket and his wife.
Mr. and Mrs. Xie were taken to the West Demerara Regional Hospital where they were treated and sent away.
Friday nightโ€™s robbery was the second attack on the Chineseโ€™s supermarket since it opened at Lot 12 Independence Street, La Grange last September.
While the bandits escaped with the supermarketโ€™s DVR (digital video recorder), their movements were captured on a nearby camera.
They arrived at the premises in silver grey Fielder wagon bearing registration number, HC 1483.
Dhaniram Persaud said that the Chinese couple is renting his son, Danosh Persaudโ€™s apartment downstairs of the property.
The man said that he was sitting on his verandah when he noticed a young man entering the supermarket.
Shortly after, he heard the shutters being pulled down.
Persaud said that after 15 minutes, the men came out the supermarket with a suitcase and a box. โ€œI ask them if thatโ€™s the work they doing and one of them ask me if I good and I picked up a big spindle to fling at them but it couldnโ€™t reach so far.โ€
The man said that while the robbery was happening, he didnโ€™t get a chance to call the police because he panicked.
Kaieteur News was informed that when the bandits entered the supermarket, they started harassing Mr. and Mrs. Xie and their three sales staff.
Reports are that the day before the robbery, the Chinese couple had purchased stocks for the store.
โ€œWhen they started beating the people for the money, they telling them that they already spend the money but the boys them beating them for money,โ€ a source said.
Kaieteur News was told that the men, believing it was money, escaped with a suitcase and a box but it actually contained papers and personal documents.
No one has been arrested as yet.


Teen mother gets throat slit by estranged lover


A 19-year-old mother, Michelle Baker, of Lot 90, Mitchell Street, โ€œBโ€ Field South Sophia, is recovering from a wound allegedly inflicted by her former lover.

Jason Henry and Michelle Baker with their son Jaydon.

According to Baker, the incident occurred on Tuesday last. She said that she was assaulted by the father of her one-year-old son, Jaydon. Baker identified her former lover as Jason Henry also of โ€œBโ€ Field Sophia.
The woman told Kaieteur that on Tuesday morning, at approximately 7:00 am, Henry reportedly came to her residence for pampers and milk for Jaydon, since it is normal that the baby would spend weekends with his father.
However, when Baker brought out the milk and pampers for Henry, he accused her of not hugging and kissing their son. She reportedly told him it was not possible with the baby bag in her hand. After Henry collected the babyโ€™s bag, he allegedly grabbed Baker by her arm and said, โ€œYou got time for other men but ainโ€™t got time for your sonโ€.
Baker said that she screamed for Henry to let go of her arm. The angry man then told her, โ€œYou get braveโ€ and threatened to kill her.
After Henry and the child left, Baker said that she called her mother, Paula Thomas, in hysteria about what had transpired between her and Henry. Thomas reportedly advised her to go to Turkeyen Police Station and make a report. At the station, Baker was advised to proceed to Vigilance Police Station to get a restraining order against Henry.
At Vigilance Police Station, Baker was reportedly told that she cannot have a restraining order against Henry since they are not living together and unless he is continuously threatening her, only then she will be able to obtain such.
While returning home from Vigilance Police Station, Baker was allegedly attacked by Henry, who at the time had a knife which he reportedly used to cut her throat. The duo was reported to have been in a scuffle before Bakerโ€™s mother realized that it was her daughterโ€™s screams that she was hearing outside.
After a lad from the area attempted to part the two, Henry reportedly threw away the knife and ran away. He has not been seen or heard from since.
However, it was not until Baker and her mother carried her bloodied clothes to Vigilance Police Station did they receive a restraining order. The restraining order states that Henry must not be within 500ft of Baker and to have no contact with her.
Baker was treated for her injuries at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).


Taxi driver robs passenger, escapes twice

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The taxi driver is said to be driving this car: HC 2303

A TAXI driver is now on the run after allegedly making off with a customerโ€™s valuables in the wee hours of the morning on Monday, and later in the day eluding lawmen on his trail.According to the customer, who gave her name as โ€œSashaโ€, it all began around 01:30hrs on Monday when she and some friends flagged down a taxi, HC 2302, outside the Everest Cricket Ground on Carifesta Avenue.

Sasha said when one of her friends reached home, she and the others went to help her inside, and in doing so, she thoughtlessly left behind her handbag with all her belongings in the waiting taxi.

โ€œWhen my other friends and I turned around to go back in the taxi,โ€ she said, โ€œwe realised heโ€™d fled with my stuff, including my iPhone and my handbag with my belongings, such as money, ID etc.โ€

The young lady said she managed to track down the vehicle, using the GPS on her iPhone, and contacted the police for assistance.

โ€œI tracked him down, using my iPhone, and got the police to accompany me to confront him,โ€ she said, adding:
โ€œAfter two hours of trying to catch up to him, I finally caught him at Stabroek Market parked in the taxi area.

โ€œI approached him and asked if he had just picked up me and my friends, to which he admitted. I then asked for my belongings, and he pretended not to know what I was talking about, but eventually reached over into the passenger side floor and picked up my phone.โ€

When she asked for the rest of her things, he tried bluffing his way out.
โ€œWhen I asked for my bag,โ€ Sasha said, โ€œhe claimed he didnโ€™t know Iโ€™d left it, and that a passenger heโ€™d just dropped off might have gone with it.

โ€œI called him out on his bull!@#$ and kept asking for my bag, but he kept denying having seen it. I asked why he left with my things after we asked him to wait, to which he lied saying one of my friends paid him and told him to leave.

โ€œThis was untrue, since I was the last person to leave the car and no one ever turned back,โ€ she explained.

The young lady said she is disappointed in the action taken by the police, who could have arrested him on the spot, however, the ranks asked him to drive to the police station, but the taximan fled.

โ€œThe police that accompanied me told him to go to the station, and that he was getting locked up,โ€ she said. โ€œThey attempted to drive behind him, but, of course, he got away. I also think the police shouldโ€™ve searched his car and arrested him there and then, since it was obvious he stole my belongings.

โ€œHe had already begun to charge my phone! But they didnโ€™t even ride with him to the station; they foolishly gave him the opportunity to get away,โ€ the young lady noted.



Bandits shot dead by police

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Two male bandits were shot dead on Sunday night by ranks of the Guyana Police Force during an exchange of gunfire, shortly after they robbed six persons at Seaforth Street, Campbellville.

According to a police release, at about 20:30hrs, the victims were in a yard at lot 53 Seaforth Street, Campbellville celebrating a family reunion when the now dead armed bandits, who are yet to be identified, pounced and relieved them of their valuables.

They discharged several rounds in the air during the commission of the crime. According to the release, as they were leaving the scene, they were pursued by a number of public spirited citizens, the victims and ranks of a police patrol. They were cornered inside the compound of the Campbellville Secondary School where they discharged several rounds at the lawmen who returned fire and fatally shot them.

An unlicensed revolver with five live rounds and a spent shell were recovered next to the slain bandits along with some of the stolen articles, which included five cellular phones, a chain and cash. Several spent shells were also retrieved at the scene of the crime. The bodies are at the Georgetown Public Hospital Mortuary a

Dead bandits were known criminals- police source


โ€“ Letlow was charged in 2012 for robbery
โ€“ Shot in 2014 for grabbing chain
โ€“ Charged in 2015 for stealing a motorcycle

Two bandits who were cornered and gunned down by the police during a shootout after they had

Dead bandit: Jamal Letlow

robbed persons at a family function at Seaforth Street, Campbellville on Sunday, have been identified as Jamal Letlow and Shaquille Fraser.
Both men are 22 years old and are said to be known characters to the Guyana Police Force (GPF).
Letlow, a father of three and a fish cleaner, resided at John Fernandes Squatting Area while his accomplice, Shaquille Fraser, a mason, resided at Better Hope, East Coast Demerara and Lot 153 Lodge Housing Scheme, Georgetown.
Yesterday, Letlowโ€™s brother, Patrick Peters, said that they were informed that his brother had been killed when someone called and informed them that there was a shootout in Campbellville.
He said that he as well as other relatives went to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) where they identified the father of three.
According to Peters, his sibling was watching television with him for a few hours before he was gunned down. โ€œHe was watching TV and then he left to go out and he didnโ€™t come home back. Then we get the call that he was dead.โ€
Peters maintained that his brother was not a criminal but in fact a hard worker, who cleaned fish at the Meadow Bank wharf to support his three children.
โ€œI donโ€™t think my brother ever had a gun because I never see a gun yet in my life and I hear people saying that my brother surrendered and the police still kill he. I donโ€™t know what is going on here because (President David) Granger said not to shoot anyone,โ€ Peters said.
He added that the death of his brother is a tragedy and his family is devastated, especially his eldest brother who is currently serving a jail sentence in prison.
While Peters said that he could not recall why his brother was charged, this newspaper was able to confirm that 30-year-old Quincy Letlow was remanded to prison on several occasions for robbery under arms.
Jamal Letlow, on the other hand, was shot in 2014 when he grabbed a gold chain from a 14-year-old passenger while disembarking a mini bus.
An alarm was raised and a city constabulary, who was in the area at the time, responded and shot Letlow to the buttocks.
In 2015, the father of three was charged for stealing a motorcycle from Shawn Edu and in 2012, Letlow was among three persons who robbed Ramsarran of $8,000.
While Kaieteur News was unable to get information on Shaquille Fraser, there are reports that the 22-year-old man was involved in at least two robberies.
Kaieteur News understands that the men were killed minutes after carrying out a robbery at the Seaforth Street residence.
A man, who was at the function said that the bandits both armed with guns, came at the gate and requested to speak with โ€œKevin.โ€
The man, who declined to divulge his name, said that he told the men that no โ€œKevinโ€ was there. It was then the bandits whipped out their firearms and demanded that the occupants remain still.
One of the bandits searched almost everyone present at the event and took away cash, jewellery and other valuables. The other gunman ransacked the home and made off with several cellular phones and other items.
An alarm was raised just as the bandits escaped and ranks on the patrol managed to track down the two armed men who sought refuge in the churchyard behind Campbellville Secondary School.
The armed men allegedly shot at the police, but were riddled during the ensuing shoot-out.
One .38 revolver and one spent shell were recovered along with five live matching rounds

waiting identification.

Last edited by Former Member

Follow up on cambio robbery, looks like one of Grangers angels. 

18-yr-old remanded for robbing Berbice Cambio dealer


โ€ฆprosecutor says charges pending for others

Clive Vanlewin, who was identified as one of the men that launched a brazen early morning attack on

REMANDED: Clive Vanlewin

Number 79 Village, Corentyne Berbice Cambio Dealer, Devendra Churaman has been charged with robbery under-arms.
Vanlewin is 18 years old and resides at Sand Hills, Berbice River.
He was remanded to prison until December 29, after he appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan yesterday at the Georgetown Magistratesโ€™ Courts.
It is alleged that on December 12, at Number 79 Village, Corentyne Berbice, Vanlewin while in the company of others and armed with a gun robbed Churaman of $22,500,000.
An unrepresented Vanlewin was not required to plead to the indictable charge. He was instructed to make his next court appearance at the Springlands Magistrateโ€™s Court.
Commander of Police โ€˜Bโ€™ Division, Senior Superintendent Errol Watts, had confirmed that one of the suspects was positively identified by Churaman during an identification held at the Albion Police Station last week Wednesday. The commander revealed that Churaman related to police that during the confrontation in his bedroom, the mask of one of the bandits fell off enabling him to see the face of the perpetrator.
According to reports, the bandits who were armed with AK-47 rifles, shotguns, cutlasses and sledge hammers launched their attack around 01:45hrs on the day in question. It was reported

Cambio Dealer: Devendra Churaman

that five of the men who were masked, smashed through the front window of Churamanโ€™s home and hammered through a steel door to his bedroom to gain access.
Based on reports, the businessman was held at gunpoint and forced to lie face down on the floor while the bandits demanded cash and jewellery.
There were reports that while the five men carried out their rampage in the Cambio Dealerโ€™s home, ten others stood guard in the streets firing shots and lighting firecrackers to keep neighbours distracted and at bay. The bandits reportedly escaped with the multi-million- dollar haul in local currency and $1M in jewellery.
When asked if he has any objections to the accused being granted bail, Police Prosecutor Deniro Jones replied in the affirmative.
According to Jones, Vanlewin was positively identified by the virtual complainant as one of the men who invaded his home. The prosecutor noted that firearms were used during the commissioning of the robbery. He also cited the nature and gravity of the charge.
Prosecutor Jones indicated that several others will be charged in relation to the robbery.


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