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U.N. Body Investigating Guyana’s Ex-President For Crimes Against Humanity

January 19, 2017 Online Editor Bharrat Jagdeo, Frantz Britton, Guyana, Human Rights, IACHR, International Criminal Court

By Ifa Kamau Cush

Seventeen years ago, an African Guyanese citizen, Frantz Britton, aka, Collie Wills, was kidnapped and presumed murdered by Guyana’s Black Clothes police death squad. The government of the recently elected president, Bharrat Jagdeo, covered up that crime. Now, the chickens have come home to roost. The Geneva-based United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances has opened an investigation of that crime, inserting an investigative lens into the decade-long reign of terror unleashed on Guyana’s African community by Bharrat Jagdeo’s People’s Progressive Party [PPP] government....................................................

The Jagdeo regime’s crimes didn’t go unnoticed. A 2001 Organization of American States, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights’ [IACHR] Report #80/01, Petition #12.264 named Jagdeo along with Ronald Gajraj, former Minister of Home Affairs, Laurie Lewis, the former Commissioner of the Guyana Police Force and Leon Fraser, a former superintendent of the Guyana Police Force and head of the dreaded Black Clothes death squad, as ‘responsible for Mr. Britton’s disappearance whilst in police custody.’ 

A spokesperson for the IACHR, Maria Rivero, explained that the Commission’s Merit Report #1/06, Case #12.264, holds the Jagdeo regime both “intellectually and materially responsible” for the disappearance and presumed murder of Frantz Britton. According to Ms. Rivero, the Commission’s report is still valid and will remain so in perpetuity until all complicit parties are held accountable…………………………………..

Starting in 1999, and, continuing until 2008, Guyanese citizens experienced an unprecedented reign of terror at the hands of his government. During that period, hundreds of African Guyanese were murdered, many under the color of law, by members of the Guyana Police Force which was used by the PPP government to enforce its criminal edacity.

Victims and the survivors of the PPP’s murderous criminality were offered no recourse from any of Guyana’s state agencies, including the courts………………

The IACHR concluded, subsequently, in its 2006 Merit Report #1/06, Case #12.264 that ‘agents of the State security forces abducted and/or detained Franz Britton and that during the following six years his whereabouts have not been identified, and that, as a result, Guyana has violated the rights of Franz Britton to life, liberty, personal liberty, judicial protection, arbitrary arrest and due process of law.’………………………….

The IACHR does not reach its conclusions frivolously. In the case of Franz Britton, the Commission conducted an exhaustive investigation into the merits of the case over a five- year period. During that time, it ‘received no information or observations from the State [of Guyana] with respect to the petitioner’s petition, despite repeated requests.’ Consequently, according to the IACHR, ‘the Commission presumes the facts alleged in the petition to be true, and is satisfied that there is no other evidence that could lead to any other conclusion.’

The evidence against Mr. Jagdeo and his cohorts is overwhelming, and damning in its specificity. Under Article 25(3)(a) of the Rome Statute, which governs the International Criminal Court,  Bharrat Jagdeo and Ronald Gajraj, Guyana’s ex-president and ex-minister of home affairs, respectively, can be charged, on the basis of their individual criminal responsibility, and as indirect co-perpetrators, for crimes against humanity, namely, murder – Article 7(1)(a); forcible transfer – Article 7(1)(d); and, torture – Article 7(1)(f).

Irma Wills lamented that for over 17 years “all my efforts here in Guyana to obtain information have been futile. Neither the police nor anyone in an official position would assist me.” At age 74, she hopes that the new Guyana government will cooperate with the United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances so that she can finally get closure and be afforded the dignity and human decency of burying her son.



CoCainE man this person related to you bringing in your supplies?

Toronto-bound Guyanese busted with cocaine

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A woman is now in the custody of the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) after she was intercepted at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), on Tuesday evening with a large quantity of cocaine in her possession.

According to reports, ranks of the narcotics branch stationed at the Airport arrested the woman who was on a flight headed to Toronto, Canada.

She was found with four parcels of what was suspected to be cocaine in her suitcase.

The parcels were confiscated and weighed, and amounted to 4178 grams, as such, she was arrested and taken into custody as ranks continue with their investigation.

Meanwhile, ranks of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) in Berbice conducted a number of raids in the Fort Ordinance Housing Scheme, East Canje, where a quantity of suspected cannabis was discovered concealed in a red washing tub.

The drugs were weighed and amounted to 7748 grams. Two suspects are said to be in custody assisting with the investigation.


Gunmen pounce on South Ruimveldt supermarket

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The Convenience Supermarket opened its doors less than a month ago

FOUR armed bandits attacked the newly opened Convenience Supermarket, located at Lot 49, Aubrey Barker Street, South Ruimveldt Gardens, on Wednesday morning.An employee of the supermarket, who prefers to have their identity withheld, told this newspaper that the gunmen pretended to be customers and waited until the supermarket was occupied only by staff, before carrying out the robbery. The incident occurred around 09:05hrs and lasted for approximately 25 minutes.

One of the gunmen seen inside the store, after closing the door. [Vanessa Braithwaite photos]
This newspaper was able to view the surveillance footage of the robbery and observed one of the men standing outside of the supermarket, while the other three pretended to shop inside. Once the scene was clear, the one outside closed the grill and entrance door after he pulled out his gun.

The other men, who were also armed with guns, ordered the staff comprising a sales girl and three Chinese nationals, who own the supermarket, to the upper flat of the building where they reside. They were ordered to bring out the cash which amounted to $700, 000. Upon hesitating to do so, one of the Chinese nationals was hit in his head with a gun.
The gunmen then returned downstairs where they ransacked the cashier’s section and also carted off phone cards and cellphones. The police were called to the scene and responded in less than five minutes; they subsequently obtained a copy of the surveillance footage.
One of the gunmen covered his face with a towel, while the others were not masked. Other staff members, who seemed to still be in a state of shock, were unable to comment. The supermarket opened its doors less than a month ago.


Thieves attack Crane family, escape with raw gold


A 24-year-old man and his mother were robbed around 20:20 hrs on Tuesday when four armed bandits barged into their Crane Housing Scheme, West Coast Demerara home.
The victims have been identified as Hanson Forde and 40-year-old Dawn Martin.
The bandits carted off gold jewellery, two ounces of raw gold, two cellular phones and $60,000 in cash.
Two suspects, both 19 years old, have been arrested and are assisting with the investigation.
The police in a release said investigations revealed that the victims were in the bottom flat of their two-storey home conversing, when the suspects pounced on them through an open door.
According to reports, one of the armed men discharged two rounds towards the ceiling, after which they relieved their victims of their valuables and fled.
Two .32 spent shells were retrieved at the scene.


Warlock drive-by shooting leaves one dead, 1 injured

Terror struck the community of Warlock, East Ruimveldt last evening when the occupants of a

Dead: Andrew Fraser aka “Zeggy”

heavily-tinted vehicle opened fire on two men resulting in one being killed and the other injured. According to eyewitnesses, the shooting occurred around 20:15 hrs in front of a food stand on Genip Lane, as the victims were buying porridge.
Dead is 30 year-old Andrew Fraser, a Water Street Arcade vendor of 565 East Ruimveldt. The other man, who was injured, has been identified as 26 year-old Junior Abrams.
According to one male resident, who lives a stone’s throw away from where the shooting took place, he was in his home tending to his son when he heard a cracking sound.
Initially, he believed it to be a ‘squib,’ but the volley of shots which followed confirmed to him that it was a shooting. The man said that he sought cover under his bed and only emerged after he heard police ranks shouting “Look a man lie down deh”.
The man said that from what he heard from other residents is that two suspicious vehicle – a Toyota AT 212 and a Toyota Allion – had passed by the shop and circled the area. He said that the two vehicles returned and the occupants opened fire as the cars drove by.
According to the man, a police patrol took away the injured Abrams in their vehicle and one rank pointed to a spot where the other victim was lying. According to him, after examining Fraser’s body it was difficult to say how many gunshots he received.
Fraser’s body was later taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital with a private car.

The small shop where the two men were shot.

He was pronounced dead on arrival.
Another resident said she was watching the evening news when she heard about 10 gunshots ringing out.
According to reports, Fraser was shot five times while Abrams was shot three times. Based on information received by this newspaper, Fraser might have been mistaken for a close relative who apparently has a questionable background.


These jackasses have their heads in the cloud. They lauding themselves for cleaning up crime while in reality crime continues unabated as people are robbed and killed almost daily.

Smoke out leftover gangs

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Commissioner of Police, Seelall Persaud

 —police charged to rid country of criminals

IN recalling the horrid past of “gruesome tortures and executions” in Guyana, Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo, who lauded the Guyana Police Force (GPF) for their good work in reducing crime, also called on them to “Smoke out left over gangs.”Nagamootoo was at the time referring to the crime spree during the period 2002-2006 but, with a 16 percent decrease in serious crimes and a 64 percent increase in the number of murder cases, which were cleared up in 2016, the GPF has indeed showed signs of smoking out gangs and earning its worth of being lauded for their good work, said Nagamootoo at the launch of the Police Officer’s Annual Conference held at Eve Leary.

Although officers have done exceptionally well over the past year, it was pointed out that there is much room for improvement, thus at this year’s conference 175 officers will deliberate on current challenges and issues facing the force and seek to derive new strategies which will help in their fight against crime.

Conducted under the theme: “Forging ahead with professionalism and intelligence-led policing in collaboration with stakeholders”, the two-and-a-half-days conference will seek to address major social issues such as gender-based violence and so on, which constitutes and contributes to crime in society, while also moving to enhance its investigation capacity and develop an information command center.

This was according to Commissioner of Police, Seelall Persaud, who indicated that with their sight set on new goals, it must be noted that in 2016, there was a break-even in reports of murder, with a clear up rate of 64 percent, a percentage decrease in robbery-under-arms where firearms were used, with a 15 percent clear-up rate.

Besides, he made mention of the fact that there was a 17 percent decrease in armed robberies, where other instruments were used by the perpetrators, with a clear-up rate of 23 percent, a 25 percent decrease in robbery-with-violence, with a 27 percent clear up rate and a 9 percent decrease in robbery-with-aggravation with a 32 percent clear-up rate.

It was also stated that the force was also able to crack 37 cases, which included 10 cold cases and were able to arrest 78 persons, who were wanted for committing serious crimes.

During that period the Police Commissioner pointed out that they developed new units in every division which assisted them in achieving their targets. Some of the units which were developed include the gender-based-violence and anti-narcotic units as well as a serial crime unit.

As such, with focus on capacity building and expansion, the force saw an increase of its manpower by 896 new recruits in 2016.

Recruits were given the opportunity to receive training both locally and abroad in all aspects of the force’s operations.


Granger want to take away gun license from the business community so that his angels don't end up dead. 

Bandit shot dead during attempted robbery

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One of two motorcycle bandits who attempted to rob a businessman on Friday afternoon, was shot dead in the vicinity of the Mc Doom Service Station, Greater Georgetown.

The dead man has been identified Gary Koster, 38, of Norton Street, Bagotstown, East Bank Demerara. The incident occurred at about 14:40h on the western

Dead: Gary Koster
Dead: Gary Koster

carriage way along the East Bank Road, opposite the Shell Gas Station in Mc Doom.

According to reports reaching Guyana Times, the suspect was reportedly shot twice as the licenced firearm holder discharged at least five shots in the direction of the bandits.

This newspaper was told that two men on a black and grey CG motorcycle, CH 2167, had trailed a 48-year-old businessman of Anna Catherina, West Coast Demerara, and were about to attack him, but he pulled out his licenced .32 Taurus revolver and fired shots at the bandits.

One of the bullets struck Koster to his left side temple and the other to the back of his neck, killing him almost instantly, while his accomplice fled the scene on foot, heading South along the Mc Doom Public Road before disappearing. Eyewitnesses, who asked to remain anonymous, related to this newspaper that the now dead bandit was fingered in several armed robberies in the area.

Meanwhile, the Police were summoned to the scene and transported the dead man to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre where he was pronounced dead on arrival. ‘A’ Division Commander (Georgetown/East Bank Demerara), Clifton Hicken, was at the scene and based on initial reports obtained by the Police, he told reporters there that the businessman, who owns a supermarket and bar in Annai, Region Nine (Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo), was about to conduct business at the Shell Gas Station.

On the other hand, Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum told this publication on Friday evening that further reports indicate that the businessman was in a canter truck, bearing registration number GTT 5907, that was being driven by another male, when they stopped in front the gas station, on the western carriage way, to allow vehicles coming out of Rome Access Road, called “Fishery Road”, to cross over to the eastern side.

At this point, the Crime Chief related that two suspects rode up alongside the truck and the pillion rider got off of the motorcycle and approached the businessman. The suspect, later identified as Koster, reportedly reached for a gun and dealt the businessman a cuff to his face before discharging a round at the occupants in the vehicle.

In retaliation, the businessman whipped out his licenced weapon and opened fire at the suspects, hitting the 38-year-old man to the back of his neck and on his back.

According to a Police release, one 9mm and three .32 spent shells were found at the scene by detectives. The truck was examined and a bullet hole was seen on the left side windscreen.

Meanwhile, the motorcycle was impounded by the Police as they hunt for the second suspect.


Was this collusion by the PNC and the bandits to steal the tax payers money? 

Bandits shoot mining official’s wife after trailing her from city bank


-flee with $2M payroll

Bandits shot the wife of a mining company official, Dr Grantley Walrond, and escaped with a $2M payroll, after trailing the victim from a city commercial bank to her Meadowbrook home.
The attack occurred around 14.00 hrs yesterday outside the woman’s Jamoon Drive, Meadowbrook residence.
Barbara Walrond was shot in the right arm by one of two bandits, who attacked just as she was about to drive into her yard.
Grantley Walrond, who is the Head of Roraima Mining Company SILICA Ltd, said, “My wife could have been dead.”
Her right arm heavily bandaged, Mrs. Waldron said that she had uplifted the payroll from the Republic Bank’s Camp Street branch.
She said that she turned into her driveway when a man exited a silver grey hire car, pointed a gun at her and ordered her to hand that over the payroll. He was reportedly joined by another gunman.
One of the men grabbed the bag with the payroll. He reportedly also snatched a bank card from the victim before shooting her.
Mrs. Walrond was treated at a private hospital, but was not admitted, since the bullet had passed through her arm.
An eyewitness to the attack recalled seeing Mrs. Walrond heading home along Jamoon Drive. He said he became suspicious when he saw a silver grey Toyota Premio apparently trailing Mrs. Walrond’s vehicle.
He said that as the woman approached her residence, the occupants in the car accelerated.
Watching from behind a fence, the man said that he heard Mrs. Waldron scream, then heard gunshots.
The robbers escaped in what an eyewitness described as a silver-grey Toyota Premio. The numbers 47 were reportedly the last digits on the getaway car’s number plate.
Shortly after the robbery, the occupants of the Toyota Premio reversed out of the street before driving away.
The eyewitness said that neighbours went to the wounded woman’s aid, bandaged her hand and took her to hospital.
Dr. Walrond revealed that a gunman had scaled his fence and robbed his wife and other guests about two years ago. Since then he installed razor wire around his premises after that attack.
Police have had to deal with a spate of attacks in recent years on individuals who were trailed from various commercial banks.
Police reportedly retrieved a bullet from the scene and checked at residences to ascertain of any security cameras had recorded the attack.
However, they are yet to apprehend any suspects.

Last edited by Former Member

Bandits drop gun and glove after robbing woman


Four armed bandits dropped a .32 revolver, a black toque and a yellow glove after robbing

The gun, glove and toque that were found by police in Middle Road robbery

a 25-year-old woman of $4,500 around 02:00 hrs yesterday.
The gunmen also escaped with a cell phone and a handbag containing documents belonging to the victim, who has been identified as Komattie Kissoon, of Middle Road, La Penitence, Georgetown.
According to reports, Kissoon was in the lower flat of the house, relaxing in a chair when the bandits pounced on her.
Kaieteur News was informed that the woman was held at gunpoint by one of the four bandits, who demanded cash and valuables.
As the bandits were making their way out of the woman’s home, the police responded and gave chase but failed to apprehend the suspects.
In the process, the men dropped a .32 revolver, a black toque and a yellow glove.
Meanwhile, in another case, a woman returned home to her Da Silva Street, Newtown, residence only to find it burglarized.
Sharmila Mohamed said that she went home around 01:30 hrs yesterday to put on her lights but found her door partially opened and her home ransacked.
While the woman’s home was being ransacked, she was at a shop, that she operates along with her husband, about three doors from where she resides.
According to Mohamed, she lost $3M in cash and $1M worth in jewellery along with other documents.
Both cases are being investigated.


Bandits escape with $6M after trailing woman from City bank


A Chateau Margot, East Coast Demerara (ECD), woman was robbed of $6M in cash after two gunmen trailed her from a City bank to her home around 11:00 hrs yesterday.

Indranie Budhu

The woman, Indranie Budhu, of Lot 31 Chateau Margot, and her husband, Moolchand Budhu, operate an upholstery business at their home.
After withdrawing the money from the bank, the woman called a taxi to take her home.
As she was entering her yard, one of two armed bandits rushed in behind her and grabbed the bag.
While the cops are questioning the taxi driver, Budhu said that she is convinced that he played no part in the robbery since she has been using him for a number of years.
In an interview, Budhu explained that they were going to purchase a plot of land so she went to the bank to withdraw the cash.
“My husband was supposed to come pick me up but after I couldn’t get onto him, I called the taxi and when it reached, I tell the driver to come in the bank and collect me because I got money on me,” the woman recalled.
She explained that once she got into the car, she locked the doors and looked around for suspicious movement as she was heading home in the car but noticed nothing unusual.
“I saw nothing suspicious. When the driver dropped me off, I walked in the yard and then this man approached me and tried to grab the bag but my husband was in the work shop and I throw the bag at him, but the gunmen run to him, hit him in the head and collect the bag,” Budhu said.
She explained that as she was running out of her yard, she saw the gunman running behind her with the bag and grabbed onto it.
“He hit me on my hand and he was going to take my bangles but I asked him if he wanted fake gold too and he collect the bag and runaway,” the devastated woman related.
She said the men escaped in a grey Toyota Allion bearing registration number HB 5059.
The gunmen also escaped with two passports, both with US visas belonging to Budhu and her husband.
A report was made and an investigation has been launched.


It is criminal that the PNC govt send the police out on death trap wooden boats that sink. Now it cost a life.

Police corporal fished out of Ekereku River after boat capsizes


A policeman was yesterday fished out of the Ekereku River, Region Seven, after the boat in

Dead: Belgrave Barthlowne

which he and his colleague were conducting patrol duties, accompanied by a captain, sank.
The dead rank has been identified as Belgrave Bartholomew, a police corporal. His colleague is constable Bess. The boat captain is 37-year-old Devon Williams, a miner of Lot 139 Annandale, East Coast Demerara (ECD).
According to reports, the lawmen were heading across the river from patrol duties when the vessel started taking in water at a fast rate and sank within minutes. Bess and Williams swam to shore but the police corporal did not make.
A source said that they were in a wooden boat propelled by a Yamaha engine.
Kaieteur News understands that upon reaching the middle of the river, the three men observed the boat taking in water. Soon after, the vessel and engine went down.
Reports are that the three men started to swim to shore but only constable Bess who had to let go of his fire arm due to difficulties while swimming and Devon Williams made it to shore.
Upon checking, they discovered Bartholomew was missing along with his firearm.
Several persons were informed and a search party comprising of police constable Rodney and about 20 persons made checks in the river but came up empty handed.
His body floated up yesterday morning.


rum shop story continues in Guyana.

Corentyne labourer stabbed in bar fight


A labourer of No.1 Village Corentyne, Berbice is currently a patient at the New Amsterdam Hospital in a serious condition after being stabbed several times about the body by a childhood friend at a local bar in the village.

Stabbed: Martin Ramsarack

The victim has been identified as Martin Ramsarack, 26, whilst the attacker was identified as Simon Palimgam, 25.
The wife of the injured man, Rohini Persaud, told this publication, “I was in my bed and somebody come and call say Martin get bore up”.
She stated that upon asking him what took place and what led to the incident he didn’t say much. She said that he told her that he ventured to the shop/bar to purchase something. “He and dem had an argument and (his assailant) just pull out a knife and start stab he”.
According to her he was not consuming alcohol with Palimgam.
Meanwhile, Palimgam’s mother, Wellai Sammy, related that her son told her a different story of the incident.
“He de talking with the shopkeeper when Martin come in and ask he who he talking to. He seh I aint talking to you. He start chuck up Simon and Simon pull out the knife. He seh Ramsarack try fuh tek the knife and bore he, and then dem two start scramble.”
She stated that her son told her that the shopkeeper ordered them out the shop but the scuffle did not end there as they continued on the public road where Ramsarack received more stab wounds to his body.
Sammy told this publication that she wants the matter settled and has already spoken to the victim’s relatives about it, but she has not received a response.
The suspect is still at large whilst Ramsarack remains in a serious but stable condition.
Investigations are ongoing.


Albouystown man robbed, shot dead

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Dead: Paul Anthony Daniels

A man was gunned down Thursday morning in Albouystown after two men on bicycle robbed him of his gold chain at Lot 252, Independence Boulevard, after he picked up his girlfriend from work.Dead is Paul Anthony Daniels, 32, called “Dundee” of the aforementioned address. He was shot in the chest and was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital by his fiancé where he was pronounced dead on arrival.
Police say based on their investigation, the bandits entered the dwelling of the couple who were watching television at the time and robbed them of cash, jewellery and other valuables.
Following the robbery, the men were making good their escape when Daniels tried to pursue them and was shot in the chest.
Residents who know Daniels as a footballer and carpenter called on the Guyana Police Force to take swift and condign action against the perpetrators.
At the scene of the shooting, residents expressed frustrations over the incident.

Irate Albouystown residents gathered where the shooting occurred to express their displeasure

The zinc gate that gave access to the home had over two dozen shotgun pellets piercings in one area.
There were blood stains on the ground as well as a pillow which was used to stop the bleeding of the wounded Daniels. Police have since taken statements from persons in the area, as well as the dead man’s girlfriend.
“He went and pick up his wife this (Thursday) morning from Beharry at 6:30am and they follow he for the two big chain he wearing on his neck and they come and shoot he for it; everybody know he as a football player and he don’t trouble nobody, they should have taken the chain and go away,” one resident lamented.
Father of the deceased Charles Daniels called for criminals to be dealt with condignly.
“These things happening over and over and the President needs to make some people examples, because from the minute they get a good lawyer they get off and gone back and do the same or worst crimes. Look at Desmond Hoyte who set the right example and crime instantly decreased. You can’t have people killing out the population and treat criminals like church boy. You have to hang them high!” the senior Daniels said.
He explained that now the family has lost a son in addition to being placed under financial burden to “keep wake” and bury their loved one.
Another resident called for more police in the “Ghettos” since bandits are “coming in your own house to kill you”.
“This boy is an innocent boy, he is a tradesman that worked hard for his money. He get engaged to marry and she is even pregnant for him. Now he dead and leave his innocent child. Who will look after the child? The Government?” she questioned.
Residents expressed fear at the killing, saying that when one person dies in the community, it affects everyone.


Police arrest ‘serial burglar’ in Rose Hall Town – retrieve stolen jewellery, other valuables

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AN alleged ‘serial burglar’ was on Thursday night arrested by police of the Rose Hall Outpost after carting off over $500,000 in jewellery and other items.The Guyana Chronicle understands that the alleged burglar, who has been identified, was caught at approximately 20:30hrs with the items while in Rose Hall Town, moments after raiding the home of Eddie Khan, 56, of 406 Street, Swamp Section, Rose Hall Town
According to 69-year- old Edward Mann, an overseas- based Guyanese who was staying at Khan’s home, he went out and returned home around 21:00hrs. He told the Guyana Chronicle that when he entered the house he noticed that the refrigerator door was open.
The overseas- based Guyanese said he didn’t think much of the opened refrigerator ,since a neighbour who was travelling soon had asked Khan to keep some items in the refrigerator. He believed at that time that the neighbour had collected the items, but forgot to close the door; this was not the case.
“So I start to look around and see the window open and when I go in the bedroom I discovered the DVD, creams and phone chargers missing among other stuff missing… when I went to the station [I] discovered more stuff was missing: a gold wristband, three gold rings, two married rings,” he recounted.
The overseas- based Guyanese said he immediately alerted the police who responded promptly and noted that some 15 minutes after leaving the house, he was notified of the recovery of the stolen items.
Meanwhile, Khan told the Guyana Chronicle that he was at work when he learnt his home was broken into, and said his neighbour had given him $5000 in fish eggs, seven pounds of pork,$3000 worth of sardines , two parcels of fish and two bags of crab to keep, all of which were stolen.
The Guyana Chronicle understands that the suspected thief was seen acting suspiciously while on the street and was stopped and searched. All items, except the frozen food, were found in his possession. He has since been arrested.
It has been reported that the suspect was recently released from prison for committing another robbery in the area and has been frequenting prison over the years.


Gunmen shoot store employee outside bank in foiled robbery


Gunmen shot a 60-year-old worker attached to a store but were forced to flee empty-handed following a robbery attempt on the victim’s employer outside the Citizen’s Bank on Mandela Avenue.
The victim, identified as Christopher Marks, was shot in the right arm, hip and right thigh during the attack, which occurred around 18.00 hrs yesterday.
But Marks, who was armed, returned fire, forcing the gunmen to flee in a silver-grey car. He was admitted to a private hospital and his condition is said to be stable.
Marks is employed by G and J Phone Card store, which provides various phone services and is located a few yards from the bank.
According to reports, Marks had accompanied his employer by car to the bank around 17.00 hrs to make a deposit. The businessman had just deposit the cash when a silver grey car, with three occupants, stopped outside the bank.
An eyewitness said that the men shot in Marks’s direction, and the employee, who had a handgun, returned fire. However, Marks was wounded during the exchange and had to take cover.
The robbers escaped along Mandela Avenue and entered Cross Street, Alexander Village.
Kaieteur News understands that this is the second such attack on the businessman.
Just over a week ago, bandits shot the wife of mining company official, Dr Grantley Walrond, and escaped with a $2M payroll, after trailing her from a city commercial bank to her Meadowbrook home.
Barbara Walrond was shot in the right arm just as she was about to drive into her yard.
She had uplifted a payroll from the Republic Bank’s Camp Street branch.


Businessman arrested for allegedly cutting parking boot on vehicle


Timothy Tucker was yesterday arrested by City Police for allegedly cutting free a boot placed on a vehicle driven by his daughter.
Tucker told Kaieteur News that his 21-year-old daughter had stopped in front of the

Timothy Tucker being taken into custody by City Police.

Outdoor Store on Church Street. He said that she then entered the store to enquire whether pre-paid parking meter cards were being sold.
During this time, her eight year-old brother stood on the bridge leading to the store keeping an eye on the vehicle. According to Tucker, since no parking receipt was on the vehicle, a warden placed a ‘boot’ on it.
His son then called out to his sister who returned and explained the situation. Tucker said he was out of town at the time and quickly returned after receiving a phone call from his daughter.
Upon arriving on the location, Tucker said that he exited his vehicle with a shears. He said that when walking towards his daughter’s car a city constable tapped him on his shoulder and said that he is under arrest.
According to Tucker he then asked the constable what was the charge since he did not cut anything. The man said he returned the shears to his vehicle after which the constable grabbed him.
Tucker said that he was then taken into custody and placed on bail. He is to appear in court of February 10, 2017. The man said that the behaviour of the Smart City Solutions employees and the Police was reprehensible since their bullying cause his children to feel threatened to the extent that his son was already in tears when he arrived on the scene.


Pensioners robbed during home invasions

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– residents call for frequent patrolling

Two pensioners living in Perseverance Village, on the Essequibo Coast, were robbed of cash and a quantity of groceries in two separate incidents. The robberies reportedly occurred on Thursday night while they were both asleep. Following the robberies, residents called on G Division (Essequibo Coast-Islands)

The hammer and torch light that thieves left behind
The hammer and torch light that thieves left behind

Commander Khalid Pareshram, to increase Police patrols in the area.

Eighty-six-year-old Rajkumarie Persaud of Lot K Perseverance related that she was asleep when the robbery occurred.

She explained that when she awoke around 04:00h Friday morning, she discovered that her drawers were open and her house ransacked.

The pensioner, who recently returned from the United States, related that she knew something was amiss and when she ventured downstairs, she discovered that a window was broken. At that moment, the woman said she realised that she had been robbed.

After making checks, Persaud realised that $10,000 along with a quantity of groceries were missing.

The woman also found a hammer and a flashlight, which she assumed were used by the thieves to break into her home. The pensioner said she has lived in the area for the past 62 years and was never robbed.

Meanwhile, another pensioner who lives a short distance from Persaud, also reported that her home was broken into.

Daris Persaud, 85, who lives alone, said thieves carted off with all her groceries and a quantity of cash. Daris said when she awoke on Friday morning, she also discovered that her house was ransacked; the thieves may have gained access from the front of the house.

Police were summoned and fingerprints were taken; however, no one has yet been taken into custody. Both pensioners went to Anna Regina on Thursday to uplift their pension money and they expressed concern that someone might be preying on unsuspecting pensioners.



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