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UN Diplomat robbed in Campbellville

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The UN Resident Coordinator and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Resident Representative to Guyana, Mikiko Tanaka, was robbed on Thursday evening in Campbellville, Georgetown. Based on information reaching Guyana Times, the diplomat was relieved of her handbag containing important documents and an undisclosed sum of cash.

UN Resident Coordinator to Guyana, Mikiko Tanaka
UN Resident Coordinator to Guyana, Mikiko Tanaka

Reports are the robbery was executed by a lone bandit on a motorcycle who relieved the woman of her bag and rode away. After reaching a short distance, he reportedly fell off the motorcycle eager to escape; leaving the bike behind and escaping on foot.
The motorcycle was taken by Police as an investigation was launched. Attempts to contact Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum on the issue proved futile. Nevertheless, based on a description given to the Police by eyewitnesses, the Police are in pursuit of the suspect.
The Police, however, did not release an official statement on the robbery. It is unclear if the bandit was arrested or any of the woman’s belongings recovered.
The diplomat arrived in Guyana in August 2016 to take up the top UN position here after serving in a similar post in Yemen, Timor-Leste, Pakistan, China and New York.


Homeless man stabbed to death while foiling night club robbery


A homeless man who wrestled a bandit and prevented him and his accomplices from carrying out an early morning robbery at Blue Martini, is now dead after he was repeatedly stabbed about his body.
Dead is 42-year-old Sunil Singh (no fixed place of abode). The labourer succumbed to his injuries at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).
Also injured was Charlesdel Valenzuela, 21, of Diamond Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara, who works as a bartender at the night club.
The suspect is still on the run.
Around 2:45hrs yesterday, three men, one of whom is known to the police, visited the club; a while after a police patrol went to enforce the 02: A.M. curfew. Singh, after observing the men acting suspiciously outside the night club alerted Valenzuela, who refused the men access to the club by telling them it was closed.
An altercation ensued between the bartender and one of the men, who stabbed the bartender to his left arm. Singh intervened and was struck to the head.
An injured Singh then ran north into Owen Street, Kitty, a short distance away from the club and was pursued by the suspect, who caught up with him and stabbed him several times.
A resident of Owen Street, Kitty stated that Singh collapsed in front of a house in the area and was transported to the hospital by public spirited citizens.
However, when Kaieteur News visited the house, an occupant said that the injured man was not removed from in front of his residence.  The occupant stated that he only became aware of the incident yesterday morning from neighbours. He recalled being told that police were in the area conducting investigations.


Bandits cart off $$M after invading storeowner’s home

– four-year-old among victims bound and terrorized

Masked gunmen terrorized and tied up a Bagotstown, East Bank Demerara family, before escaping with millions in cash and jewellery, during a brazen attack last evening at around 20:00 hrs, at R. Gossai and Sons General Store.
The 63-year-old businessman, Rabindranauth Gossai, was gun-butted to the head during the approximately 25-minute ordeal. He had to seek medical treatment.
The store is located in the vicinity of the Demerara Harbour Bridge, but it appears that few persons realised that a robbery had occurred.
The business was closed at the time of the attack, but the gunmen scaled a concrete fence at the northern end after cutting through razor-wire at the top. They then hid in the yard.
At around 20.00 hrs, Joey Gossai, the businessman’s son, came outside and went to the back of the property. Three masked men with guns then pounced on him, and took him into the house.
The bandits were joined by three others, who ordered Joey Gossai, his mother, Phyllis Gossai, his dad and four-year-old son to lie face-down on the kitchen floor. They then began to ransack every area of the two-storey property.
Mrs. Gossai said that they also relieved her of a gold chain, and estimates that the robbers carted off about a million in jewellery along with a Digital Video Recorder.
Kaieteur News understands that the bandits also located a substantial sum of cash, but kept demanding more. Mrs. Gossai said they struck her husband in the head, while telling him to show them β€œthe safe,” and β€œthe gun”.
They eventually fled the scene, though the victims were unable to say what mode of transportation was used.
Mr. Gossai reportedly freed himself and then untied the other victims. He was taken to a hospital.
Police arrived about an hour later. There were no reports of any arrests.


Murder accused stabbed at city court


…after he and four others are committed to stand trial for Professor’s killing

Eighteen-year-old Timothy Paul Chance was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital just after

MURDERED: Professor Pairadeau Mars

noon yesterday, after he was stabbed to the abdomen as he was making his way to the Police Outpost at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.
The stabbing occurred minutes after Chance and four co-accused (two male and two female) – two of whom are juveniles – were committed to stand trial in the High Court for allegedly killing Professor Pairadeau Mars on May 12, 2016 at Prashad Nagar, Georgetown.
Chance was stabbed after he was reportedly accosted by the two male accused during which time, one of them dealt him a stab to the belly with an improvised ice pick.
Chance collapsed to the ground and had to be assisted by police ranks, who placed him to sit on a bench outside the police outpost. His attacker was placed on lockdown.
A Guyana Fire Service ambulance was summoned immediately.
A few minutes later, several armed policemen arrived at the court house.
According to reports, there has been an ongoing feud between Chance and the two co-accused.
A source said that the duo have been accusing Chance of leaking information to police, which led to their arrest. The two men have been reportedly planning to harm Chance if they were not freed of the murder charge.
Meanwhile, Chance’s mother wailed uncontrollably as she pleaded with ranks to see her son, who appeared to be in pain. Three policewomen had to be called in to restrain the aggrieved mother who was warned to desist from interrupting court proceedings.
The mother was eventually allowed to see her injured son before he was escorted by police ranks and placed in the ambulance. She accompanied her son on the journey.

MURDER ACCUSED: Timothy Paul Chance

Earlier in the morning, Magistrate Leron Daly ruled that she would admit caution statements given by the five murder accused into evidence after ruling that the court is of the opinion that they were freely and voluntarily made. Thereafter, she informed the accused that a prima facie case had been established against them for the offence and she committed them to stand trial in the High Court at the next practicable sitting of the Demerara Assizes.
The Preliminary Inquiry (PI) into the murder had just concluded.
According to reports, Professor Pairadeau Mars also known as β€˜Perry’, a remigrant from the United States of America, was found slumped in a chair in the study room of his Lot 395 Bissessar Street, Prashad Nagar home. The hands and feet of the 75-year-old man were bound together with duct-tape, while duct-tape was also wrapped around his mouth.
There were reports that one of the female accused was allegedly known to the professor since she would usually visit his home.
Professor Mars studied History at the University of Guyana. He had specialized in African Studies at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, USA.


Mother shot dead in front of children in Corentyne

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Dead: Lilawattie Mohamed

IT IS a sight two children will never forget – their mother being shot at point black range at their Lot 149 Sixth Street, Tain Settlement Corentyne home.

Lilawattie Mohamed, 45, a domestic worker, was at home with her 19-year-old son and 20-year-old daughter, when two masked gunmen barged into the house at approximately 23:30h on Tuesday night.

They ordered the woman and her son, Ashad Ishack to kneel on the floor, while the daughter hid under a bed. The men asked β€œwhere they money at” and when Lilawattie said she did not have any, one of the bandits placed the gun to her throat and fired a shot, killing her instantly.

The still terrified young man recalled that he woke up to loud banging on the front door, which they broke and eventually gained entry. According to Ishack, he and his mother tried prevent the men from entering the bedroom by bracing the door but they were overpowered.

β€œThem bruk the front door to come and then take the bar from the door and try to break the room to the bedroom. We were all in the room, so my sister hide under the bed, my mother was screaming, then we both try to brace the door so that they wouldn’t come in,” the terrified young man said.

He explained that the only words spoken by one of the intruders were, β€œhere the money at,” after which his mother was shot dead. In tears, the young man said his mother collapsed beside him, covered in blood.

The gunmen immediately escaped by scaling the fence and firing a round in the air. They left empty handed. According to residents, the two men were seen running towards the back of the community.


Cop shoots man, hides ganja

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Assistant Superintendent, Rovin Das

ASSISTANT Superintendent (ASP), Rovin Das is now under close arrest after shooting 46-year-old Bertrand Robertson of Rebecca’s Lust, Mahaica, East Coast Demerara (ECD), on Monday night and for also allegedly hiding a quantity of Marijuana under a tree.

Bertrand Robertson

Police reports indicate that at around 23:30hrs that night, the officer was returning to Georgetown from Berbice when he felt sleepy and decided to park his vehicle in the corner of the Fair Field Public Road, ECD, to rest.

He alleged that he was subsequently awaken by someone knocking on the window glass of the driver side, where he was seated and he lowered the glass and saw the suspect (Robertson), who enquired as to his presence there, to which he explained.

After the explanation was given, the suspect allegedly removed the car key from its ignition and as the officer attempted to retrieve it, Robertson drew a hatchet so the officer immediately drew his service revolver and discharged two rounds hitting him in the left ankle.

Robertson was escorted to the Mahaicony Hospital where he was treated and sent away. The officer is assisting with the investigation. The weapon along with two spent shells recovered at the scene and the hatchet have been lodged.

Meanwhile, it was a twist of tales when the Guyana Chronicle visited the home of Robertson.

Speaking to the Chronicle, the victim disclosed that crime has been on the increase in the area, so along with a few other villagers, he formed a vigilante group.

And, on the night of the incident, he alleged that he was driving when he noticed the vehicle, driven by Das, pulling over to the corner of the road at Fair Field. β€œWe getting a lot of robberies in the area these days, so when the vehicle pulled over, the lights came off and someone came out, I decided to stop and see what the driver’s motive was… after quite some time went by, I went off to get two more of the villagers so that we can go speak to the diver,” said the victim.

However, upon approaching the car, without any questions being asked, the officer allegedly lowered his window and discharged two shots at the men, both of which struck the victim.

The men subsequently ran away from the car and contacted the police, said Robertson, but when they turned to look, Das was allegedly acting β€œsuspicious” and seen hiding a parcel under a nearby β€œsucker tree.” Later when police visited the scene, they found a parcel of marijuana, which has been lodged at the police station. The officer is being investigated for both the shooting and the discovery of the drug.


Gunmen rob Berbice mechanic

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Three men, two of whom were armed with handguns, on Tuesday morning robbed a Corentyne mechanic of cash and jewellery.
According to reports, about 01:00h, Davindon Reddy was packing up after his daughter’s birthday party when three armed men entered his yard.
The men all had handkerchiefs tied over their faces, in an attempt to conceal their identity.
They relieved Reddy of one gold chain worth $100,000 and $15,000 in cash.
B Division (Berbice) Commander, Assistant Commissioner Ian Amsterdam said the perpetrators then jumped the front fence and made good their escape on foot.
He said the Police were investigating the incident, but, up to press time, have not arrested anyone. Several leads are being followed as the investigations continue.


Gunmen snatch $4M, firearm from flour distributor

Gunmen yesterday afternoon relieved 45-year-old Rudolph Dyal of Station Street, Kitty of $4M in cash and a loaded firearm.
According to Dyal, who is a flour distributor employed with NAMILCO, he had just returned from a delivery on the East Coast of Demerara, around 5pm, when he was cornered by four men in a car.
Dyal said that he was carrying two bags – one containing his laptop and the other had the cash. He said as he was walking along Station Street, a car suddenly stopped immediately in front of him.
β€œThree of the car doors open and I see the one man at the front passenger seat pointing an AK-47 at me.”
Dyal said that he also saw from the corner of his eye, two other men seated at the back pointing what he believes were 9mm pistols.
A traumatized Dyal said that one of the gunmen that was seated at the back exited the car, while the one with the AK-47 had his weapon trained on him throughout.
β€œWhen he come out the car he snatch the laptop bag, then the one at the front said tek the other bag.”
Dyal said that all this time he knew he had his weapon and he thought that they would not have taken it, but to his surprise the AK-47 bandit who seemed to be the leader requested that his accomplice β€˜pat him down’. After relieving him of the weapon, the bandit rejoined the others and the vehicle sped away.
Dyal reflected that he was lucky to be alive and throughout the ordeal, that seemed as if it took forever, he was thinking about his wife and his children.
Dyal said that although he was armed it would have been unwise to attempt to defend himself when he saw the weapons that the men possessed.
Police have launched an investigation and were trying to source CCTV footage from nearby cameras. (Brushell Blackman)


Sophia woman raped at gunpoint


A 24-year-old woman was raped at gunpoint around 23:15 hrs on Tuesday while walking through an alleyway in Sophia.
The victim had just come off from work and was heading home when a man on bicycle approached her with a gun and demanded that she remained quiet.
A police source who is familiar with the investigation said that the woman was hysterical when she went to the station to report the incident.
According to the source, the woman said that after leaving work, she took a bus and stopped off at Joe Singh Drive.
β€œShe said she was walking through this alleyway when a chubby, dark-skinned man on bicycle confronted her with a gun,” the source said.
Reports are that the suspect tied a cloth around the victim’s face and demanded that she perform oral sex on him after which he raped her.
β€œShe said that she throw her phone in the grass so that he wouldn’t see it.”
Kaieteur News was told that after raping the woman, the suspect picked up his bicycle and rode away.
The victim then ran further up the alleyway where she saw a group of young men and alerted them as to what had happened but the suspect had disappeared when the men attempted to locate him.
The woman was subsequently taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where a medical examination was done.


Phone card vendor shot dead in Adventure shop


Dead phone card vendor: Danian Jagdeo

A 36-year-old phone card vendor and father of four, was shot dead yesterday afternoon as two armed men robbed him at a shop at Adventure Village, Corentyne, Berbice, just a couple houses away from the Felix Austin Training College.
Dead is Danian Anthony Jagdeo of Williamsburg Village.
The man’s grieving wife, Mary Jagdeo, speaking to the media at the scene, related that she was at work when she received a call from her son.
β€œI was at school. I had lessons, so I received a call from my son at home, he told me somebody called for him to β€˜come quickly because daddy got shot’, so I told him don’t go anywhere. He said it was Chase Soman call, I seh that is Adventure… I hang up and dash out”.
The woman, trying to fight back tears ,broke down as she said β€œI came and reach him lying on the ground face down, I knew he was dead, all his hands was white and he was on his face and I saw a (bullet) hole on his side and I saw another one”.
According to the devastated woman, the shopkeeper told her that Danian Jagdeo was in her shop when a suspicious man entered. Jagdeo asked her if she knew who the individual was that was entering the shop and she responded in the negative.
In a matter of seconds she saw the individual whip out a gun. The shopkeeper stated that she took evasive action to avoid being hit, when she heard several gunshots. The men reportedly grabbed a bag that Jagdeo had in his possession which contained a quantity of phone cards and cash.
The men reportedly escaped on a black Honda Elite motorcycle bearing registration plates CD 2125. They later reportedly abandoned the motorcycle two villages away and escaped in a car that was waiting.
Commander of B Division, Ian Amsterdam, who responded to the scene minutes after hearing about the incident, told reporters that they received a call at just about 14:20 hrs that there was a robbery at a shop in Adventure Village.
Upon arrival he stated that they were informed that the vendor, who sells phone cards, was shot and had been taken to the Port Mourant Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival. According to Amsterdam, based on information received, the motorcycle was found abandoned by two persons along the public road of Friendship village on the Corentyne.
β€œWe received information that they were picked up by a silver grey Toyota Premio and were headed east.”
When Kaieteur News arrived at the area where the motorcycle was left abandoned, detectives were seen dusting it for fingerprints. The Commander confirmed that Danian Jagdeo was shot three times. Police are on the hunt for the suspects.
Jagdeo leaves to mourn his wife, four children and parents.


Charity’s pharmacy suffers burglar attack


Police on the Essequibo Coast are currently investigating a break and enter that occurred some time Wednesday night at the True Value Pharmacy.

True Value Pharmacy at Charity that was broken into.

Owners of the Pharmacy, Henry and Carletta Alphonso, who are currently off the Coast, were shell-shocked yesterday morning when they were alerted that someone had broken into their business located at Lot 119 Charity, Essequibo Coast.
The discovery was made yesterday morning around 7:50 am by the Assistant Manager of the Pharmacy. She noted that a side door that was usually locked was left opened. She then made further investigations around the building only to discover that someone had broken into the building after knocking in the ventilation on top of the wall. Surveillance footage reveals that there was one masked man inside the Pharmacy.
However, it is believed that more persons were involved in the crime.
Kaieteur News understands that the perpetrators made their way onto the Alphonso property after jumping over the western fence. After they tampered with the surveillance cameras outside the building they tried to gain access via the side door.
Realizing that the side door was a dead end they then smashed in the ventilation blocks at the back of the building using a heavy piece of wood. They made their exit through the vent with stolen clothes, hair machines, perfumes, slippers, 3D video games and $167,000 in cash (phone card and c-point money) along with an additional sum of money.
It was discovered six hours later by Mrs. Alphonso herself that the crooks also broke into her home above the
They gained entry through the back window after removing the grill.
Mrs. Alphonso stated: β€œI noticed the laundry door opened, the bedroom doors open, the cupboard door open and a half drank bottle of water.”
It is believed that the perpetrators found a bunch of keys in the house to gain access to the various rooms. They then exited the house through the back door with a bottle of wine.


Thieves trail, break into US-based Guyanese car


– Escape with US$5000, personal documents
A US-based Guyanese lost US$5000 and personal documents after thieves in a Nissan Bluebird followed him to a business place in Saffon Street, Charlestown around 10:40 hrs yesterday, and broke into his car.
In less than five minutes, the thieves broke the lock on the driver’s side of Balchandra Hardowar’s Toyota 212 and his trunk and escaped with a bag containing documents including his US driver’s licence and land title.
It is believed that the thieves followed the overseas-based Guyanese from a city bank, where he went to make a deposit.
Surveillance footage showed the car trailing Hardowar and when he parked on Saffon Street, the occupants waited on their victim to leave his vehicle after which two men quickly went to the man’s vehicle and broke the lock.
Anyone with information can contact the Ruimveldt Police Station.


Mason stabbed to death in Tabatinga

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THE police have apprehended a man who reportedly stabbed a 50-year-old mason to death in Tabatinga, in the Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo region on Sunday morning.Dead is Cheddi Glasgow of Tabatinga. Police say he was stabbed four times about the body, and was bitten on the forehead. He was stabbed twice in the back, and twice to the right side of his chest.
Reports indicate that the men had a heated argument in Tabatinga when the 30-year- old perpetrator whipped out a knife when the argument got physical and stabbed the mason.
When contacted, Divisional Commander, Ravindradat Budhram, confirmed the death and said that the police were very prompt in their response, since the perpetrator could have escaped across the border if he had not been caught.
He said the police recovered the knife that was used in the stabbing, and that the incident occurred around 09:30hrs.


Bandits terrorise Canal Number 2 family

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The house into which the family recently moved and were attacked by bandits in East Half Middlesex, Canal Number Two

GUN-TOTING bandits carried out a brazen attacked Saturday night on a family who recently moved into a Canal Number Two Polder, West Bank Demerara (WBD) home.
The men escape with a small amount of cash, jewellery and electronics but returned to the home about an hour after firing a few shots in the air before driving away.
Reports indicate that four masked bandits dressed in black descended on the family of four around 20:30hrs Saturday night. The man, his wife and two children were at home at the time the gunmen entered their premises.
During the attack, the family was cleaning up after moving into the house earlier this month as the previous occupants left the country to reside overseas.
The bandits armed with a rifle and handguns confronted the man of the house first and subdued him and his wife with duct tape.
Police said the victims related that one of the bandits held up their nine-month- old baby by the neck threatening to shoot the infant if they were not given the cash and jewellery that were in the house.
The other child was gun-butted in the process. The family related that they are poor and did not have anything much and a search of the property could confirm their claim.
β€œThe men told the family that people said they had cash and money in the house and they came for it, but is only this month they occupy the place,” one relative told the Guyana Chronicle.
β€œThey tape up everybody in the house, then they ask the woman to count to one to a hundred and the bandits ducked out.”
The relative said they family previously lived at Kuru Kururu, Soesdyke/ Linden Highway.
β€œThe husband does not even work because he is sick and not feeling well,” the relative said.


The AFC now wrong and strong, they take justice into their own hands and beat this man to death. 

Alleged purse snatcher beaten to death at Good Hope


– female AFC Councilor, father detained

The beaten suspect.

Police are questioning a female Alliance For Change Councillor and her father, in connection with the vigilante-style beating death of a 22-year-old man at Good Hope, East Bank Essequibo.
The victim, who is said to be a fisherman, was allegedly beaten with pieces of wood at around 16. 30 hrs, shortly after accosting the AFC member.
One report stated that the man, whose surname was given as Nazamadeen, had attempted to snatch the woman’s  handbag while she was walking.
It is alleged that the woman, a 28-year-old dental technician, complained to her father, and the β€˜thief’ was pursued, tied and beaten. He succumbed shortly after.
The dental technician and her 48-year-old father were subsequently taken into custody.
Reports indicate that Nazamadeen was slain shortly after seeking refuge in the burnt-out property where elderly rice farmer Mohamed Munir and his wife, Bibi Jamila Munir, were slain in April, 2016.
He is said to be the brother of one of the accused in the murder of the elderly couple.
A photograph provided to Kaieteur News shows the shirtless man standing on a shed in the Munir’s property. Another photograph shows him lying motionless on the parapet.
A resident told Kaieteur News that she was sitting outside her house when she saw the man running into the burnt out property, with occupants in a vehicle in pursuit. The man then clambered up on a shed and began cursing. He eventually climbed down, only to be caught and beaten.
She said that she later learnt that he had died.
Kaieteur news understands that the robbery victim resides at Ruby, East Bank Essequibo.


Porknocker rapes teenager in Arakaka

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The .32 pistol that was used during the alleged rape

Staring at a gun, a woman begged a man to spare her life moments before he raped her at a North West District (NWD) location. Police in β€œF” Division Wednesday caught the perpetrator, who eventually led them to where he stashed the gun,which he allegedly had while raping the 19 year old woman.
According to reports, the teenager was raped on February, 8, 2017 and a report was subsequently made. Based on police investigations,a 24-year old Porknocker of Port Kaituma (NWD) was arrested. Police said that during questioning,the man confessed to committing the act while using a .32 pistol. Charges are expected to be instituted against the perpetrator today.
In 2016, police statistics from β€˜F’ division indicated that there were 23 recorded reports of statutory rape and 24 in 2015, from January to September for both years. They also had five forcible rape cases and four for 2015 for the same period.
When contacted, β€˜F’ Division Commander,Rabindranauth Budhram,confirmed the rape allegation.He noted that the police have a Social Crime Prevention Programme in several areas to target early school leavers and unemployed youths who are victims.


Youth beaten to death at Lethem


Police from F Division are questioning several people in connection with the beating death of a 21-year-old man at Takatu, Lethem, at around 01.30hrs yesterday.
Reports indicate that the victim, Lee Anton, of Bon Fim, Brazil, and a brother were walking along a trail after leaving a drinking establishment, when they were attacked by a group of men.
The attackers reportedly threw stones at the siblings. One of the brothers told police that he managed to escape, while Anton was clubbed to death.
Police reportedly found his body on the track, which is some distance from the Takatu Bridge that links Lethem to Brazil.


Gunmen rob Clonbrook supermarket

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You Gou Supermarket which was robbed Monday night was still doing business yesterday (photo by Samuel Maughn)

GUNMEN stormed the Chinese operated β€˜You Gou Supermarket’ at Clonbrook, East Coast Demerara, and carted off hundreds of thousands of dollars Monday night.
The proprietors of the business, Chinese nationals, had opened the countryside supermarket months ago, but this is the first time it had been attacked by robbers. An employee of β€˜You Gou Supermarket’ Angela said she was attending to a customer around 20:40 hours when three masked men carrying guns showed up.

Two friends – Rajesh and Sherman were sitting at a table on the lawns of the supermarket and Sherman walked into the store and ordered another round of Guinness. β€œI was in the cooler (freezer) at the said time because a boy come and he buy some Guinness…when I pack this thing back, the man (Rajesh) outside who went outside sitting down, all me see a man coming in with he, put the gun on the man and bringing he in the supermarket. And say β€˜everybody on the floor don’t move’,” Angela recalled.

She said a quick thought of securing her wedding band came and she hid the ring. β€œWhen I see that, by time I see he I had on these things right and I slipped off these things and pelt it in the cooler… and then I lie down on the ground,” she said showing the Guyana Chronicle reporter three rings on her finger.
Angela’s husband, who was also in the supermarket at the time, was already lying face down on the floor after the gunmen ordered everybody down. There were at least two other employees at the supermarket and some customers. The men began tumbling for money but when they found only about over a hundred thousand dollars, they began to shout and display threatening behavior.

β€œWhen they came in and they start to tumble up and they find some money, they ask whey the rest of money deh, and they seh β€˜you come here cause you working here’. Whey the money is? I say wha yuh see there that is all the money because we buy a lot of stocks today and that is all the money.”
It was then that they robbed her husband of a gold ring he was wearing and a mobile phone. However, both their wedding bands were on her hands and she was able to save them. They also robbed Sherman of his mobile phone and car keys.

But the bandits refused to leave with the money and items they had and demanded more, placing a gun to her chest. β€œWhen they start to pull out the money, they say this can never be all the money. They ask for the chest in which the money is hid. So when the Chinee girl see that they put the gun on my stomach and say β€˜you need to tell we whey the money deh’, she raise up the black thing so that they could tek out the rest.”

Though the exact sum of money is undisclosed, she said it would amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars. Angela said she had since been traumatized and is afraid to work again after realizing how easily both she and husband could have lost their lives. β€œThis morning they call me back because the CID went here and when they start run back the footage and so on, like me whole body just get cold,” she said, confirming reports that she also fainted.
Meanwhile, the woman’s husband told the Guyana Chronicle he was sitting closer to the cashier when he saw his wife’s facial expression changed. He knew then that something was amiss.

β€œMe see she turn and watch and she skin up she eye…. That is when the gunman bring Rajesh inside wid the gun… the man seh β€˜nobody move, everybody lie down flat’ and me throw down meself. And then them carry she to the cashier and seh β€˜you, you know whey the chess deh’. Me lie down deh and me nah know wha go on after that,” he explained.
They said the men carried both big and small guns.

β€œThem man had big gun. It look like them AK. One of them had a big gun and the rest had small gun.” After collecting the booty, the men ran into a parked white car in which one other man, the driver, was waiting, and they sped north out of the Ann’s Grove/Cloonbrook road. A customer and one of the proprietors of the supermarket ran and cried for help and the police were called. Police have collected video footage of the robbery and are investigating the matter.


Armed bandits hit Leonora poultry business for $900,000


Four men, armed with guns, stormed a poultry business located at 205 Parafield, Leonora, West Coast Demerara, and made off with some $900,000 in cash and jewellery.
The robbery occurred at around 18:30 hours yesterday. No one was injured.
According to information received, two of the gunmen went to the premises and requested to purchase 50 pounds of live chicken. However, when an occupant in the home turned his back to render to them, the two bandits barged into the home and forced its occupants to lie face down.
Rohit Toolram who was a visitor at the time said that two other bandits stormed into the home after and took his friend Abdool Rassaq to the upper flat of the building.
Toolram related that while upstairs, the gunmen demanded valuables from his friend.
He said the bandits ransacked the home and escaped with a quantity of cash, gold and diamond jewellery and several mobile phones. The bandits made off in a white heavily-tinted motor vehicle bearing a PSS series number plate.
Abdool J Rassaq and Rahana Rassaq are the proprietors of the business, which they have been operating for close to four decades.
According to the friend, some of the intruders wore masks.
β€œI see their face, but this thing (robbery) happen so fast I don’t even know who is who.” Up to last evening, police were at the home conducting investigations.


Gunmen rob GTU employees

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Employees of the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) were left traumatised after two gunmen stormed the premises and held them at gunpoint before carting off with their valuables.
The incident occurred at about 13:30h on Wednesday. According to reports, two neatly dressed young men approached the security checkpoint in the compound of the GTU and politely informed the guard that they were there to see a β€œMr Baptiste.”
The men were sent into the building when a staff member, who had just reentered the building and was making her way up the flight of steps, was the first to be held at gun point and robbed.
The men then entered the office area and brandished their guns at the staff members as they demanded cash and other valuables.

GTU staffs outside of the building following the incident
GTU staffs outside of the building following the incident

General Secretary of GTU, Coretta McDonald, who was in a meeting in the upper flat of the building at the time said that she was alerted by a staff member who signalled to her that gunmen were in the premises.
She relayed that upon checks, she saw the men leaving the building with bags in their hands. They reportedly entered an awaiting white Premio and drove away.
β€œI ran to the window and then I saw these two young men going through the gates with the bags, they then hopped into a white Premio. But when we ran downstairs then we realised that the staff downstairs they were robbed too. The supervisor was robbed of her jewellery and monies were taken from the other staff. Other officers that were downstairs, guns were pointed at them too,” she explained to Guyana Times.
It is suspected that the gunmen were after a staff member who had just returned from a city bank.
Additionally, officials from the Guyana Technical Institute, which is opposite the GTU, recalled that they saw the two men arrive just behind the woman in a blue Premio motorcar.
Meanwhile, McDonald is calling for Police intervention as a number of robberies have occurred in the area in recent months. She related that were also several break-ins at the GTU.
The matter is currently being investigated. No arrests were made.


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