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PNC cops are thiefmen. 

Cop caught with stolen phone after it vibrates in his crotch


A Tactical Services Unit (TSU) rank was reportedly exposed as a petty thief, after a phone that he had stolen from a colleague rang while the ranks were on parade.
The embarrassing episode started last Tuesday, when the constable saw the phone, which belonged to a TSU driver, in the barrack-room. He then stashed the device in his crotch before joining his colleagues on the drill square.
Unfortunately, the rank who had lost his phone borrowed a colleague’s device and dialed the number, while passing by the drill square.
Ranks on the drill square were reportedly shocked when the phone began to vibrate and ring in the culprit’s crotch. The device was quickly recovered and the culprit placed in custody.
On being questioned, the constable allegedly claimed that someone had hidden the phone in his crotch.
Kaieteur News understands that relatives of the detained rank have offered the victim a financial settlement. However, the constable is likely to be dismissed and placed before the court.


Looks like another pnc fundraiser gone bad.

wo nabbed in E’bo taxi with 11 pounds of coke


Two men are in police custody following a cocaine bust on the Essequibo coast yesterday

The taxi in which the men were travelling.

afternoon. It is reported that sometime between 15:00hrs and 18:00hrs, ranks found 11 pounds of cocaine in the possession of two men traveling along the coast. The men were travelling in a taxi bearing licence plates, HB 5808
The men were detained at the Aurora Police station.
It was not immediately made known where the cocaine was heading. The suspects are currently being held at separate police stations. The car has been impounded.


Looks like the PNC govt encouraging some major slackness as molestation of boys rise. Maybe they have many child molesters in their ranks who are immune to prosecution.

Molestation of young boys on the rise


– 17 cases in two months

It would appear as though reports of young boys being sexually molested are on the increase. Statistics emanating from the Childcare and Protection Agency (CPA) revealed this worrying trend.

CPA Director, Ann Greene

In just the first two months of this year, the Ministry of Social Protection has received 17 reports of boys being sexually abused.
The previous year, 2016, saw a total of 118 reported cases of boys being molested. This represents a troubling increase from the 108 reported cases recorded in the previous year. In 2014, there were a total of 60 reported cases of boys being sexually molested, with 80 in 2013, and 89 in 2012.
The majority of boys suffering from abuse in all of its forms, are between the ages of eight and 13. According to the January and February figures, a total of 130 boys who fall within this age range, were being abused in some way or the other. About 49 of the victims were ages 14- to 18-years-old.
Disturbing to note, is the fact that even the toddlers weren’t spared. Eighty-five of these boys were abused during the tender age of zero to three-years-old.
Director of the CPA, Ann Greene has indicated that these figures may just represent a fraction of the trauma being faced by Guyana’s children.
β€œThe irony of this is that, it is not the true picture, since child abuse is a hidden crime. This may only be a tip of the iceberg,” Greene told a forum recently held by the Rights of the Child Commission.
She explained that a number of cases go unreported, since some children literally do not have a voice.
β€œThey are either too young to report the abuse, and in many cases, they are reluctant to tell on the perpetrator, who is more often someone they trust and love,” Greene said.
She added that parents have proven to be a serious threat to their children’s health and development.
β€œβ€¦and the high incidence of child sexual abuse cases are cause for concern, because they do not correspond with the perpetrators being brought to justice.”
Between January and February of this month alone, a total of 765 cases of children being abused were recorded. Of this extremely troubling figure, 58 of these cases resulted in the intervention of the Guyana Police Force. However, only nine of these cases passed through the court system.

In 2016, there were 118 reported cases of boys being molested.

Although the unreported instances of children being abused may reflect an even higher and more disturbing state of affairs, Ms. Greene is warning against interpreting the increase in the number of reports, to mean an increase in the number of cases of abuse.
β€œMany times it just means that more people are aware of what constitutes child abuse, and are more active in reporting some of the atrocities committed against children,” the CPA Director said.
She explained, too, that the increase in the reports of boys being sexually abused also signals a shift in their behavioural pattern.
β€œWhat you would find these days, is that more boys are opening up. More of them are talking about their experiences and that kind of thing. A few years ago, it was more difficult for them to do so,” Greene noted.
She explained that while the number of girls being abused is significantly higher, young boys are also burdened by a lot of silent suffering.
In 2016, there were a total of 734 children being sexually abused. This figure reflects an increase from the 676 cases recorded in the previous year. Some 628 cases of children being molested were dealt with in 2014, followed by 670 in 2013 and a massive 753 in 2012. (Rehana Ahamad)


Police hunt armed bandits in separate robberies


POLICE are looking for a white, new-model Toyota Premio and an armed bandit who shot a man in his thigh Saturday morning before robbing him.

The incident reportedly occurred on Barr and Alexander Streets, Kitty, where the 20-year-old victim, after being incapacitated, was relieved of a gold band and two finger rings.

Reports are that the youngster, who hails from suburban Prashad Nagar, was liming when he was attacked, and that after the suspect got what he wanted, he made off in a white car.

The victim, meanwhile, was taken to the Woodlands Hospital, where he was treated and sent away.

That same day, reports say, two men visiting the Meadow Bank squatting area to buy a car were robbed of their valuables by an armed bandit, who later fled on foot.

The perpetrator reportedly walked up behind the men, while they were inspecting the vehicle and committed the robbery. The bandit escaped with a cell-phone and a total of $175,000 in cash from the victims, identified as Bishram Latchman and Farouk Bacchus.


Woman arrested after allegedly attacking mother, stabbing brother to death


Controversy surrounds the death of a 21-year-old man who succumbed at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) yesterday, hours after being stabbed.

Dead: Vishaul Hansraj

The victim has been identified as Vishaul Hansraj, a trawler operator of Covent Garden Squatting Area, East Bank Demerara (EBD).
The young man was stabbed twice in the back around 18:00 hrs on Easter Monday.
Hansraj’s older sister was taken into police custody for attacking her mother, Sumintra Brijmohan, and inflicting a wound to her neck. The sibling is also being questioned about her brother’s death, even as her mother denies that the woman stabbed her brother.
Brijmohan informed investigators that while her daughter attacked her, she did not stab her brother. In fact, no one knows who stabbed the young man.
Investigators however believe that Hansraj’s stabbing is linked to his mother’s attack and as such, the young woman has been detained at the East La Penitence Police Station.
Brijmohan in an interview denied that her daughter killed her son. β€œNo, she didn’t stab him. We had a quarrel because I ask her why she drink (alcohol) and she picked up a knife and cut me on my neck, but it’s not deep,” the woman said.
The woman explained that after she was attacked, neighbours called a taxi for her to go to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre.
According to Brijmohan, while preparing to go to the hospital, Hansraj came home, covered in

The dead man’s mother, Sumintra Brijmohan

blood, claiming that someone stabbed him but he didn’t say who it wasβ€”the ground is not far from their home.
β€œHe say he can’t breathe and he gone die and we take him in the same taxi to the hospital. We don’t know who stabbed him and he didn’t see, because he say it was dark,” Brijmohan explained.
She related that her son left home early Easter Monday to go and lime at the Covent Garden ground with his brothers and friends.
β€œHe doesn’t stay one place, so his brothers them ain’t see anything. All we know is that he get in an argument with some boys and they stab he and he lil hot headed. If he and someone get it out, he does jump to fight,” the woman related.
Brijmohan maintained that she doesn’t want any story and that she is a poor woman. β€œMy daughter didn’t stab him.”
Police sources however said that neighbours have indicated that the young man was indeed stabbed by his sibling.
β€œThey are always fighting with each other,” the rank said they were informed, while adding that there is enough information to suggest that the young man was stabbed at home.
Investigation is ongoing.

Last edited by Former Member

North West resident shot dead by police

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SHAKA Bourne, a resident of Yarakita, North West District, Region One was shot dead by a police rank Tuesday morning, after he [Bourne] allegedly pointed a loaded firearm at the cop.

According to a police report, the incident occurred at approximately 07:45hrs at Yarakita Village. The police report noted that a Police Constable armed with a service revolver, responded to several reports against Bourne by members of the community.

β€œShaka Bourne (deceased) on seeing the police rank, immediately drew a loaded unlicensed revolver, threatening to shoot the constable, who instinctively discharged a round from his service revolver hitting him in the head,” the police report noted.

He was disarmed and rushed to the Mabaruma Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. His body is presently at the hospital’s mortuary awaiting a post-mortem examination.

The unlicensed .38 revolver with five live matching rounds, as well as the service weapon used by the policeman have been lodged. A thorough investigation into the incident has since been launched by Divisional Commander, Senior Superintendent Ravindradat Budhram.

Bourne’s mother, Debra Sandiford told this newspaper that she was told that her son was heading to the police station to clarify a matter pertaining to the mother of his child when a specific police rank, who had always had a problem with him, intercepted him on the way resulting in a confrontation during which he was killed.

β€œThis specific policeman that shot him has always been behind the cases and may have had a problem, resulting in his erratic behaviour…I want to get my son down to Georgetown to bury him, because I don’t want his body to be left up there,” the mother of seven said. She said her son was a father of two and a speedboat operator.


Lethem bank guard killed while defending wife from robber


A security supervisor at the Guyana Bank For Trade and Industry, Lethem, was yesterday tragically killed after he rushed to the defence of his wife against a bandit.

In happier times: Haimchand β€˜Raj’ Persaud with his wife and two children.

The incident has left that Region Nine community in deep shock and two young sons are now without a father.
Dead is Haimchand β€˜Raj’ Persaud, 31, of Tabatinga, Lethem, and from the Essequibo coast, Region Two.
According to reports, shortly before 2 am yesterday, Persaud and his wife, Shenika Xavier, 22, were heading home from a pageant held at a hotel in Lethem when they were pounced upon.
Persaud had gone there with a motorcycle, but decided against riding home because of a few drinks he had. He instead opted to walk with his wife.
Family members indicated that the incident happened not far from the GBTI compound, in the vicinity of Carly Bus Service.
The robber, who was dressed in a red shirt, had a cloth wrapped around his face to mask his identity.
The couple had reportedly turned onto a dark street in the direction of their home, and appeared to have been followed. The robber ran up to the woman and attempted to grab her bag. However, Persaud immediately rushed to her defence. During a scuffle with the robber, the bank official was stabbed in the chest.
The assailant is believed to have panicked and abandoned the robbery bid. He escaped on a motorcycle that was ridden by another man.
In the meantime, his wife reportedly ran screaming to a nearby army base, but no one came out. She then went for help at a nearby hotel.
Relatives said that by the time Persaud was taken to the Lethem Hospital, he was dead.
Police in a statement said that Persaud, a Central Rupununi resident, was pronounced dead just after 2:30hrs at the hospital. He was bleeding profusely from a single knife-stab wound to the left region of his chest.
Police said that from investigations, Persaud and his wife had left an entertainment bar about 01:55hrs, in their community, after imbibing with some friends.
β€œβ€¦as they were in close proximity of their home, the suspect pounced with a knife and attempted to rob them, during which a physical encounter ensued between the victim (deceased) and the suspect who stabbed him (victim) and escaped on a motorcycle.”
Kaieteur News was told that the pageant, part of the annual rodeo activities, had been postponed from Friday because of poor weather.
According to Opposition Parliamentarian, Alister Charlie, who is from the area, Persaud was a hardworking man who moved to there about six years ago. He was at the time of his death in charge of security at the bank.
β€œWe are deeply shocked at his death. He is a committed family man and well-liked.”
Kaieteur News was told that persons in the community believed that robber was from neighbouring Bon Fim, a community in Brazil that borders with Lethem via the Takutu River.
Persaud’s two boys are both said to be under five years of age.
There was an outpouring of grief on Persaud’s Facebook page yesterday with former classmates of his, from Abram Zuil Secondary School, Essequibo coast, expressing deep shock.

Last edited by Former Member

Father of two dies after beaten by β€˜drinking buddies’


A father of two died in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) around 05:00 hrs yesterday, two days after he was allegedly beaten during a suspected robbery by a group of men with

Dead: Balwant Ramsaran

whom he had been imbibing.
Balwant Ramsaran of 504 Herstelling, East Bank Demerara (EBD) was attacked after he reportedly put up a fight when his β€œdrinking buddies” tried to rob him in a rum shop at Farm, EBD.
According to information received, the father of two was imbibing at a ground in Farm with a group of men. Reports are that when Ramsaran became intoxicated, the men he was drinking with allegedly tried to rob him to which the victim put up a fight and left.
The victim’s brother-in-law, Devon Winter said that Ramsaran reportedly left the ground and went to a shop a short distance away. It was there that the men followed him and attacked him.
β€œWhen he drink, they usually rob him,. but this time he put up a fight,” Ramsaran noted.
Kaieteur News was informed that when the 41-year-old man was attacked by the group of men, one of the individuals picked up a piece of wood and dealt him several lashes to the head and back.
The victim collapsed and was rushed to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre, and later transferred to the GPHC where he succumbed.
Winter explained that while the man lived at Herstelling, he spent most of his time in Land of Canaan where he worked as a joiner.
No one has been arrested.


Body of miner found in shallow grave, two weeks after beating


– Employer, colleague in custody

A little boy flying his kite on Tuesday at Karrau Backdam, Three Miles, Mazaruni stumbled upon the body of a man buried in a three-foot deep grave some two weeks ago.
The victim has so far only been identified as Kevin, a resident of Region Seven.
According to reports, after the body of the miner was discovered, the child’s parents informed the police, who went to the scene to investigate. Shortly after, an arrest was made.
Divisional Commander, Ravindradat Budhram confirmed that two persons have been arrested and are said to be cooperating with investigators.
Kaieteur News understands that the suspects have been identified as the victim’s employer and a colleague.
The victim, whose body was decomposed when it was discovered, was reportedly attacked with pieces of wood and a cutlass after he was accused of stealing raw gold.
When investigators removed the remains from the shallow grave on Tuesday afternoon, it was determined that the victim was clad in a pair of blue pants and a jersey.
A police source explained that the victim started working with one of the individuals in custody, at a mining camp in Mazaruni some months ago.
Two weeks ago, a quantity of raw gold went missing from the camp and the victim’s employer accused him of stealing the valuables. It is being reported that the two men got into an argument which resulted in a scuffle.
This newspaper was informed that the two men went their separate ways and later in the night, the victim’s employer returned and dealt him several chops with a cutlass and struck him with a piece of wood.
Kaieteur News was informed that the victim’s colleague did not play a part in his death but may have witnessed part of the incident.
He is providing police with information as investigations continue.


Kildonan man charged with fiery death of father


Charged: Collin Ross

A 50-year-old farmer of Kildonan Village, Corentyne, Berbice, was yesterday remanded to prison for murdering his father.
The charge states that Collin Ross on Monday 10th April, last, murdered 82-year-old Rudolph Ross in a dwelling house. He was not required to plead to the indictable charge before Magistrate Rabindranauth Singh at the #51 Magistrate’s Court. The accused was remanded to prison until May 8th. The matter was transferred to the Whim Magistrate’s Court.
According to initial reports, Rudolph Ross, a pensioner of lot 14 Kildonan Village, Corentyne, Berbice, was burnt to death in his home on April 10, last. The inferno which reportedly started in the kitchen quickly engulfed to the two-storey concrete structure while the senior Ross was still trapped inside.
It was during the time he was fighting to escape the blaze through a heavily grilled front window leading to his verandah, that he succumbed to the smoke and heat.
A kerosene bottle was found at the scene, and this was reportedly an indication that it was the substance that was used to set the house alight.
Collin Ross, his son and former member of the Guyana Police Force, who had re-migrated back to Guyana sometime ago, was residing with his father in the three-bedroom house. He was arrested the very next day and questioned.
In the beginning the accused had an alibi of his whereabouts, but upon checking into the alibi given, investigators found that the man’s explanations were not β€œadding up”. He reportedly continued to give authorities conflicting reports, and investigators in Berbice with the help of the Force’s Major Crimes Unit gathered what they determined was sufficient evidence to institute charges.


Woman narrowly escapes death after lover attacks her with cutlass


An injured Melissa Durga yesterday

Thirty-six year-old Melissa Durga narrowly escaped death yesterday morning after her 59-year-old lover, allegedly attempted to murder her. The incident is believed to have occurred sometime around 04:30 hrs at the couple’s property, lot 79 Walton Hall, Essequibo Coast.
Neighbours said that the man has a reputation in his community of being abusive towards his neighbours and wife.
Durga, who is from the Pomeroon, said that she had been sharing a relationship with the man for a number of years, and although she bore two children for him they never got married. She noted however that the relationship recently became abusive, as such she left for the Pomeroon.
Durga said that she only came back on Monday last to spend Easter with her children. She said that she had no intentions of getting back with the man. The woman said that she recommended they sleep in different rooms, β€œI tell he that I gun sleep with the two girls downstairs and he can sleep upstairs ’cause I brought my other daughter to see her brother and sister.”
Durga said that on that night, the man was very insistent that they have sex, β€œhe come downstairs two time and try fuh hug me, and I push he off and tell he don’t bother me”.
She said she fell asleep and he came back a third time. She was then awakened by a sharp strike to her back, β€œafter he hit me in me back I jump out me sleep, and when I watch I see he standing over me with a cutlass in he hand. He tried to chop me neck, but he miss and chop me cross me face, when I feel the blood I start pass out but I barely make it to find the door and run through.”
At that time Durga had already had alerted her children and they fled the premises running approximately 400 metres into Paradise village screaming for help. She said that the only person that came out to her aid was her assailant’s aunt. She managed to stop a passing taxi and her daughters rushed her to the Suddie hospital.
Police went to pick up the man from his property sometime around 06:00 hrs yesterday. When they arrived on the scene, they discovered that he had ingested what was believed to be a poisonous substance from a bottle located next to him. He was rushed to the Suddie hospital and immediately treated. He was later taken into police custody.
Durga suffered chop wounds to her fingers and across her face with minor lacerations on her back. Her condition is currently listed as stable.


Bandit injured after trading shots with cops


A 23-year-old man was shot after trading bullets with police ranks during a robbery at Kitty, Georgetown around 14:45 hrs on Friday.
The wounded bandit who has not been identified is hospitalized at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). He was shot to the right foot.
Reports are that the suspect and another accomplice robbed a Bourda Market vendor of $400,000, as the victim was about to enter his Pike Street, Kitty yard.
The vendor was about to open his gate when the suspects, one armed with a handgun, approached him on a motor cycle, pounced and relieved him of his cash and escaped.
The matter was immediately reported and shortly after ranks on a mobile patrol responded and confronted the bandits, who discharged several rounds at the officers.
The police returned fire hitting one of the suspects who fell. His accomplice managed to escape. Later that day, the police received information of the location of the stolen items.
Acting in information received, the ranks went to a house in Duncan Street, Kitty, where they conducted a search and found an unlicensed revolver with two live rounds and one spent shell.
Four males and two females who were in the house have been taken into custody. One of the females is said to be the girlfriend of the wounded suspect.
A part of the money was recovered.


Chef swallows 35 cocaine pellets β€” excreted 14 thus far


A CHEF employed by an established fast food outlet was on Sunday morning arrested for trafficking in narcotics at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) just as he was about to board a flight destined for The Bahamas.

The arrest was made at 04:30hrs, police said in a release.

The 26-year-old East Ruimveldt resident, who was on the police radar for sometime now, has admitted to the law enforcement officials that he swallowed 35 cocaine pellets.This was subsequently confirmed by an x-ray.

The suspect, who is under police guard at the Georgetown Public Hospital, has so far excreted 14 pellets which amounted to 146 grams.


Female cop critical, wrist hacked off in brutal cutlass attack

– lover on the run

Police are on the hunt for a cane cutter who chopped off the left wrist of his lover, Police Constable Alana Hazel, with a cutlass last night at Beterverwagting, East Coast Demerara.
After the brutal attack, Constable Hazel, 28, who is stationed at the Police Officers’ Mess, Eve Leary, Georgetown was found in a trench from where she was picked up and rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) in a police pick-up.
She also sustained chop wounds to her face and back and is said to be in a critical condition.
Kaieteur News understands that the woman who resides with another man at School Street, Beterverwagting, left her home to visit her 12-year old son, who resides with her sister-in-law in the same village.

CHOPPED: Constable Alana Hazel

Her attacker who has been only identified as β€˜Warren’ lives a few houses away from the sister-in-law.
The circumstances surrounding the chopping are still unclear. However, a friend of Constable Hazel who is also from the area, said she was at home with her son when she heard someone screaming.  The woman said that when she ran out she saw β€˜Warren’ with a cutlass in his hand and Constable Hazel lying in the trench.
β€œHe (Warren) did mean to kill she. Me and my son lay down in the verandah and I heard the hollering. But by the time I reach out he did done chop she and get away. He hear he son screaming and he still chop she.”
Based on information, Constable Hazel shares three children with β€˜Warren’ who is said to be in his forties. They reportedly lived together for several years during which she was allegedly subjected to physical abuse.
Her friend said that β€˜Warren’ had threatened to kill the policewoman several times, but she was unaware if the woman reported the matter. Relatives of the injured Hazel said they had warned her on numerous occasions to desist from going in the yard to see her son, since β€˜Warren’ resides nearby. The relatives disclosed that they even urged the mother of three to move out from the village. Prior to the incident, Warren was reportedly seen by Constable Hazel’s relatives sharpening a cutlass.


The jackasses in power chasing down ghosts while the economy crumble.

Alleged plot against President Granger…Probe stalled as cops fail to find man who claims he was hired


The police investigation into claims by a man that he was offered $7M to assassinate President David Granger has hit a snag.
Police have no idea where the individual who made the allegation might be.
The latest twist in the bizarre story was revealed yesterday by a senior police official.
β€œDespite diligent efforts to contact the complainant, based on advice by our Legal Officer, he wasn’t located. Efforts are ongoing to find him,” the official added.
Based on instructions by the Police Legal Advisor, investigators had intended to arrange a confrontation with the man making the allegation and an alleged eyewitness.
Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud had told journalists on Friday that police had hoped to receive legal advice on the matter early this week.
The Commissioner had said that β€œthe matter was investigated and sent for legal advice (and) we got advice today (Friday). There was a witness that the police contacted, who the Police Legal Advisor asked that we confront with the person making the allegation to  clear up some issues, and then to resend it (the file).”
He had also stated that the Police Legal Advisor was the best person to say β€œwhether the allegation can be proven, or whether there was mischief.”
The Top Cop and Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan have angrily refuted claims, allegedly aired by a television station, that police ranks were involved in the alleged plot.
They had threatened to take strong action against the television station. Ramjattan had said that such a report could constitute public mischief that could lead to prosecution, β€œand could lead to severe consequences about their licenses.”
Urging journalists to be responsible in their reporting, Commissioner Persaud recalled the genocide in Rwanda, which was triggered by unprofessional media reports.
It was during his weekly post-Cabinet briefing last Thursday that Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, confirmed that the Cabinet and the Guyana Police Force (GPF) were aware of the reported threat made against President Granger’s life.
Minister Harmon stated that the matter has been referred to the Police Legal Adviser, but declined to give further details, noting that an investigation was already underway.
β€œSecurity is not something you play with. The professional people know what they do and they put certain measures in place.”
The alleged plot was reportedly revealed when a man whose name was not disclosed was interviewed by HGP TV and a section of the footage was released on Thursday.
During the interview, the man who had no problems with his identity being known, detailed a plot in which he was offered $7M to kill Granger near or at State House, the official residence of the president.
The man claimed that he went to borrow $6M from a businessman, said to be a gold miner. Instead, the businessman offered $7M.
The businessman allegedly showed the person being interviewed a long gun and said it was to be used in the assassination. However, the man claimed he turned down the offer.
The police reportedly have been investigating the matter for a month now.
The man was reportedly picked up and questioned.
It was claimed that police officers and a businessman with links to the gold industry were said to be involved.
The man, who insisted that he has never harmed anyone before, said he was threatened with death by the persons who attempted to hire him.


Berserk man badly chopped after wounding neighbour


– had tried to burn down sister’s home

A mentally ill man is at risk of losing one of his arms after he was brutally chopped by relatives of another man, whom he attacked with a cutlass at Sophia yesterday morning.
Hospitalized in a critical condition are Paul Douglas, also known as β€˜Zeff’, who is of unsound mind and Calvin Mercurius.  Both of them are age 25.
Kaieteur News understands that Douglas who is in the habitat of β€˜smoking’ and threatening villagers had an altercation with one of his sisters during which he struck her with a bottle and promised to burn down the apartment she occupies at Lot 207 Seventh Field Section β€˜A’ Sophia. Around midnight yesterday, Douglas made good on that promise and set alight a mattress that was in his sister’s room on the ground floor of the two story premises.
The Guyana Fire Service responded promptly and the blaze was contained.

The room that was set alight

The circumstances surrounding the chopping of the two men are unclear but some reports indicate that Mercurius might have confronted Douglas after he set the room alight.
According to reports, the mentally ill man became angry when he was confronted by the other man and dealt him several chops about the body before the man’s relatives came to the victim’s aid. Based on reports, after the other man’s family realized the severity of the attack they attacked Douglas and dealt him several chops about the body.
The injured men were immediately rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). From all indications Douglas got the worst of the altercation and chances are that his arm might be amputated.

The house where the chopping took place yesterday

Neighbours say that the man who has his β€˜moments’ will normally be in the area brandishing a cutlass and threatening to harm residents. Another neighbour said that Douglas was taken away many times by police because of his erratic behaviour but as soon as he is released from hospital he always returns home.
It was only yesterday that neighbours contacted the police after they became concerned by the man’s β€˜odd’ behaviour. When the police visited neighbours said that the ranks were unable to remove the man from the house and they subsequently left.


Police brutality, but the pnc slop can carriers will only scream during PPP time.

Shopkeeper suffers broken leg after allegedly pushed out police vehicle


– matter with Brickdam Complaints Department

A 46-year-old Albouystown shop-keeper has filed a complaint against two police ranks, who he claimed caused him to suffer fractures to his legs after they threw him out of one of their vehicle.
Sceon Grose, of Lot 137 James and King Edward Streets, Albouystown, alleged that the incident occurred last Tuesday.
Kaieteur News understands that the incident was reported to officers at the Police Complaints Department at Brickdam.
Grose said that he also returned to the station on Thursday, and provided a senior police official with the names of the two ranks.

The injured Sceon Grose

The alleged victim, who turned up at Kaieteur News on Tuesday last with his left leg in a cast, and a torn vest, said that his troubles began on Sunday when police ranks arrested a teenaged cousin, who had a dispute with a woman.
The ranks reportedly released the relative on Monday without charges.
But Grouse said that around 20.30hrs on Tuesday, about five police ranks in uniform, and a corporal in plainclothes, came to his shop and re-arrested the cousin.
β€œHe was scuffling and crying, and I said to the police, β€˜Let me go with this child.’”
According to Grouse, the ranks allowed him to enter their vehicle, but shortly after driving off, the driver stopped in James Street, Albouystown.
β€œThe vehicle stopped, one of them say β€˜How you were getting involved in this matter? Come off the vehicle.”
According to Grose, two of the policemen then hoisted him and tossed him out of the vehicle.
The shopkeeper said that he rolled into a gutter, and suffered injuries to his legs. Residents took him to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where an X-ray examination revealed that his left ankle was broken. He also suffered a broken right toe.
He received a medical document to submit to the police, after visiting the Ruimveldt and Brickdam Police Stations.
β€œI intend to carry this very far. I need to see some kind of justice,” he said.


Corruption under the PNC targets the Amerindians but the jackasses slop can carriers keep quiet, even d2 mum on this rape. I suppose this dummy can only complain during ppp time. 

Region 9 teen allegedly raped by regional official


A 15-year-old girl from Awarewanau Village in Region Nine (Upper Takutu/ Upper Essequibo) has allegedly been raped a regional official, but this was only recently discovered after the teen’s parents became aware that she was pregnant.
Police Divisional Commander, Senior Superintendent Ravindradat Budhram, acting upon information received, has dispatched officers to the village to obtain greater details on the situation.
Minister within the Indigenous Peoples Affairs Ministry, Valerie Garrido-Lowe, has also confirmed to Guyana Times that she has heard about the issue, but she said that, to date, no official report has been made. She said she has spoken to the community’s toshao, who has also acknowledged awareness of the issue but has disclosed that no official report has been made.
Guyana Times understands that the pregnant teen was among three young females who had been suspended from the Aishalton dormitory after they had escaped from the premises and had spent the night elsewhere β€”  reportedly with a top regional official sometime in November 2016.
Before the Aishalton school was recessed last term, it was discovered that one of the girls was pregnant. This newspaper was informed that the teenager allegedly told her parents that she had shared a relationship with the regional official.
Guyana Times understands that the teenager’s parents are hesitant to make an official report to the police, since they have been promised an attractive compensation package.


Brazilians robbed at gun point

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The two Brazilians leaving the crime scene in a taxi (Tamica Garnett photo)

A Brazilian national and his son were robbed at gun point by three armed men on Monday afternoon in front of their apartment at Fulton Court, Church and Irving Streets, Georgetown.

The son, identified only as Nathan, believes that they may have been trailed just after leaving a downtown gold dealership. This newspaper was told that the men fired a shot as they snatched his chain and two bags. The victims would not say what was in the bag, or estimate the cost of their loss.

The Brazilians had just pulled up in front of the apartment complex when the son observed a brown Toyota Corolla with three men inside parked behind his vehicle, and before he knew it a gun was being pointed in his father’s face.

Fulton Court at Church and Irving Streets, where the robbery took place (Tamica Garnett photo)

β€œAs soon as I parked the car, I left the car and I noticed a brown Toyota Corolla vehicle parked behind me. There was a driver, there was a guy beside the driver, with a bandana, and a guy behind. The guy that was behind in the passenger seat stepped out real quickly and gun point to my father. Snatched my father’s bag, came back and snatched my stuff and ran away. While he was snatching my stuff, he came to snatch my gold chain and when he did so his finger got stuck in my T-shirt and a shot went through my t-shirt and then they left,” a traumatized Nathan said.

The men have since contacted the police and are hopeful that the bandits would be brought to justice and they could perhaps recover some of their property.

This is not the first time that such a robbery has occurred at the Fulton Court. Back in 2010, five Brazilian nationals and a Guyanese were attacked and robbed by three gunmen.


The PNC boys going after small time pushers while letting the big time drug lords to ply their trade with immunity.

Teacher, Farmer remanded on drug charge

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Fifty-seven year old farmer Linden Gordon, known as β€˜Priest’ of 5118 Central Amelia’s Ward Mackenzie, Linden was arrested in Amelia’s Ward by ranks of the Guyana Police Force with 93 grams of cannabis on April 19.

He was charged with Possession of Narcotics for the purpose of Trafficking and appeared before Magistrate Clive Nurse at the Wales Magistrate’s Court on April 21, 2017, where he pleaded not guilty and was remanded to prison until May 24, 2017.

Additionally, on April 20, 2017, police ranks on duty at Mabura Check Point arrested Jad Atkinson, 18, a teacher of Aishalton Village, South Rupununi with 50 grams of Cannabis.

He appeared before Magistrate Nurse on April 21, and pleaded not guilty to charge. He too was remanded until May 24, 2017 for trial at the Linden Magistrate’s Court.

Also on April 22, 2017, a 26-year-old miner of Beverly Hills, Lethem was arrested about 11:30hrs by ranks of a mobile patrol in Marudi Backdam, with 140 grams of cannabis, which he had in a haversack he was carrying. He is being processed for court.


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