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More small time arrests for propaganda purposes while the fat cats walk free.

Cops swoop down on Bartica resident accused of selling Cannabis

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The Cannabis which was discovered by the police


A First Avenue, Bartica, resident was arrested at his home on Sunday with 491 grams of Cannabis, a police report revealed.

It was noted that police received information that the 27-year-old suspect was selling narcotics at his place of abode. Ranks swooped down at the location about 14:30hrs and observed him placing something in a toilet cistern, after he saw the police.

An examination of the cistern revealed the illegal substance, packaged in small-size zip lock bags. He was promptly taken into custody.


More small time busts, but we are not hearing about the big drug lords as they have Granger in their pockets.

Mother ditches coke, children remanded


Odetta Bobb-Semple, ditched a bag containing cocaine and made good her escape, leaving her two sickly children to be arrested and taken into police custody.

Remanded to prison: Timeka Bobb-Semple and her brother Dellon Bobb-Semple

Timeka Bobb-Semple, 21, and her brother, Dellon Bobb-Semple, 23, both of Lot 68 Cross Street, Georgetown were yesterday remanded to prison by City Magistrate Judy Latchman in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts after pleading not guilty to a possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking charge.
It is alleged that on April 21, last, they had 171 grammes of cocaine in their possession for the purpose of trafficking.
The court heard that on the day in question the police conducted a raid at the address mentioned in the charge and conducted a search during which they found the narcotics under a floor board.
The prosecutor told the court that upon seeing the police Odetta Bobb-Semple, the mother of the defendants, made good her escape.
Attorney Adrian Thompson who represented the defendants told the court that his clients’ mother was spotted by police dropping the narcotics. He further said that the charges being instituted against his client came as a surprise since he thought they were being taken to the station to give a statement.
Further, the lawyer disclosed that Timeka suffers multiple episodes of seizure daily while her brother is still recovering from an open heart surgery he underwent in February.
Magistrate Judy Latchman remanded them to prison until May 8.


Finally a Blackman cane cutters, shattering the myth perpetuated by d2 and caribj that only Indians are cane cutters. 

Canecutter who hacked off reputed wife’s wrist turns self in


Warren Dennis, the canecutter who hacked off his reputed wife’s left wrist at Beterverwagting, East Coast Demerraa, has surrendered to the police.

CHOPPED: Constable Alana Hazel

A senior police official confirmed that a brother of the suspect accompanied him to the Sparendaam Police Station around 18.00 hrs at.
Police sources said that the suspect had been hiding out in the Beterverwagting backlands. He had reportedly came out of hiding early yesterday morning, but fled after some residents spotted him.
The suspect, a cane cutter at Enmore Estate, attacked his reputed wife, Police Constable Alana Hazel, 28,
on Sunday evening, shortly after she had visited an in-law’s home.
Constable Hazel, who is stationed at the Police Officers’ Mess, Eve Leary, Georgetown was found in a trench and rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) in a police pick-up.
She also sustained chop wounds to her face and back. A close friend who visited her yesterday said that her condition has improved.
Sources who witnessed the attack said that Hazel had jumped into a trench to escape, but the suspect pursued her into the same trench and began to chop her. He reportedly fled after the woman pretended to be dead.
Kaieteur News understands that Hazel, who resides with another man at School Street, Beterverwagting, left her home to visit her 12-year old son, who resides with her sister-in-law in the same village.
Her attacker lived a few houses away from the sister-in-law. A friend of Constable Hazel said she was at home when she heard someone screaming. The woman said that when she ran out she saw β€˜Warren’ holding a cutlass while Constable Hazel lay in a trench.
Constable Hazel and the suspect have three children, but had separated, and Hazel started another relationship.
Relatives of the injured Hazel said they had warned her on numerous occasions to desist from going in the yard to see her son, since β€˜Warren’ resides nearby. The relatives disclosed that they even urged the mother of three to move out from the village.


Carjacker nabbed at roadblock

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The vehicle that was hijacked

THE suspect in an alleged carjacking remains in police custody as an investigation continues at Central Police Station in New Amsterdam.
On Wednesday evening, motorist Yoganauth Goocool of Lot 53 Adelphi Settlement, East Canje, Berbice, had visited the Palmyra Gas Station to refuel his motor vehicle PPP 5354. On leaving the Guyoil station he was stopped by a man who indicated that he needed to be taken to New Amsterdam, about two miles away.
However, while they were in the vicinity of the Canje bridge , which links East Canje to the New Amsterdam township, the β€˜ passenger’, who was seated in the back seat, placed a knife to the driver’s neck and ordered him to exit the vehicle.
After leaving the vehicle the shaken driver contacted a policeman, who in turn reported the matter to Operations Room, from where an alert was sent to all the stations in the Berbice division. As a result , a roadblock was set up at the Fort Wellington Station, where the alleged carjacker, who hails from Crane, West Bank Demerara, was stopped and arrested. He was escorted to the Central Police Station,New Amsterdam, where he remains in police custody. Charges are to be instituted shortly.


Fisherman found hiding under bed with 2kg of cannabis


A fisherman was on Tuesday evening found hiding under a bed in a house at Gym Yard, Albouys Street, Albouystown, Georgetown with two bags containing in excess of two kilograms of cannabis.

The two bags containing in excess of two kilograms of cannabis found under the bed

Based on reports received, Police acted on information received and went to the house, where they carried out a search, during which they found the 28-year-old fisherman hiding under the bed.
He was immediately arrested. The man is expected to make his court appearance later in the week.


Bandit shot after grabbing wallet


A dreadlocked man whose identity has not yet been established is now a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPHC), nursing two gunshot injuries he sustained to one of his feet after reportedly snatching a wallet from another man in the vicinity of Robb Street and Avenue of the Republic, Georgetown.
Based on information received, police are seeking this man’s accomplice.
At the scene of the incident, an eyewitness detailed to this publication that the victim had parked his car in the vicinity of Church’s Chicken and had gone about conducting his business. Upon returning to his motor car, which he was about to enter, the dreadlocked man reportedly grabbed his wallet, and the man whipped out a firearm and discharged two rounds, hitting the suspect to his knee.
Police arrived at the scene and took the injured man to the hospital, where he has been admitted a patient. They were, however, seen circling the area, looking for the dreadlock’s accomplice.


Them pnc bais play stupid under the PPP. Now jackass Granger got them doing their jobs as the PNC rescind previous orders to police to be on go slow during PPP time. 

Man recaptured after escaping from Police outpost


A prisoner’s bid to escape from custody at the Ruimveldt Police Outpost was on Friday morning thwarted by the quick action of the police.

The bloodied suspect being escorted back to the Ruimveldt Police Outpost

According to reports reaching the Guyana Times, the suspect in custody had asked permission to use the washroom, which is situated at the back of the station. But while outside, he scaled the fence of the compound and ran away.
However, upon seeing what was happening, passers-by raised an alarm, resulting in police ranks giving chase.
The man was rearrested a short distance away. As he was being taken back to the police outpost, it was observed that he was drenched in blood, leaving onlookers to believe that the police might have used excessive force in recapturing him.
The escapee complained bitterly of being beaten by police ranks; but when contacted, the police refused to disclose any information in respect to the man’s arrest.



Accused hijacker remanded


Shulendra Boodram of Crane Old Road, West Coast Demerara was on Friday arraigned before New Amsterdam Magistrate Alex Moore on an allegation detailing that, on April 26 last, he robbed Yougnauth Gokol of motor car PTT 5354, valued at $2.2M.

Police Prosecutor Orlando Webster told the court that at about 19:20h on the day in question, at Palmyra Village, East Coast Berbice, Boodram requested that Gokol take him to New Amsterdam. Gokol told Boodram that he was not going to New Amsterdam, but offered to drop him at Number Two Village, East Canje Berbice.

Accused hijacker Shulendra Boodram

En route to Number Two Village, the 35-year-old Boodram placed a knife to Gokol’s neck and ordered him to get out of the car. Boodram then escaped with the car, but Gokol reported the incident to the police, and an all-stations message was sent out and roadblocks set up at various sections of the road.

Intercepted at a roadblock at Fort Wellington, WCB, Boodram alleged that he had rented the car from Gokol.

When effecting Bodram’s arrest, police found in the car a knife and three driver’s licences, eight cellular phones and keys to unlock different vehicles.

Prosecutor Webster, informing the court that police investigations are still ongoing, objected to bail, citing the fact that the accused knows the complainant and may tamper with the evidence, if released.

Magistrate Alex Moore refused Boodram bail.


Teen stabbed to death β€” suspect on the run

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DEAD: Brian Charles Yearwood

TWO teenagers are in custody following the stabbing to death of a 16-year-old Covent Garden Secondary School student on Saturday night.
Dead is Brian Charles Yearwood of Public Road, Grove, East Bank Demerara (EBD), who met his demise while attending a concert at the Covent Garden Nursery School compound. The incident reportedly occurred around 20:00hrs.
Police say his 17-year-old assailant, believed to be a school dropout, is on the run.
According to the police, Yearwood was stabbed in the region of the heart by the other teen, who, after committing the act, ran from the scene.
The injured teen was rushed to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre, but it was too late. He was pronounced dead on arrival.

His mother, Beverly Yearwood , told this publication that it was only last September that her son, who previously attended Central High, was transferred to the Covent Garden Secondary.
The mother of five said she is puzzled as to what could have caused the other teen to react the way he did, as her son was not known to be a trouble-maker.
She had never received a bad report about him, she said; he was independent, hardworking and even helped around the house without having to be told, and without any fuss.
The last she saw of her son, she said, he was dancing while awaiting a minibus to take him to the fair.

The teen’s traumatised mother, Beverly Yearwood, left, and his sister (Photo by Samuel Maughn)

β€œHe kept saying, β€˜Mommy, I have to go; I have to go,’” Brian’s mom said, adding:
β€œHe was laughing and dancing while telling me this; that was the last time I heard his voice.”
She is now calling on the police to ensure that the right person is held, and that he be made to face the full force of the law, so as to send a strong message to other youths who are inclined to be violent.

The lad’s grandmother, who also described him as peaceful and quiet ,said she was told that the perpetrator was earlier picking trouble with other teens at the event.
She, too, said she had never had a complaint about her grandson being a trouble-maker or being involved in any fights. Neighbours, too, said pretty much the same thing, and expressed surprise and shock at what had happened.
Reports are that an identification parade will be held with the teens who are being questioned by the police.
Yearwood’s body, meanwhile, is at the Lyken Funeral Parlour awaiting a post- mortem, which will be done on Wednesday. He leaves to mourn two sisters, two brothers and parents.


Gunman shoots accomplice while fleeing robbery scene


– Four nabbed, two vehicles impounded

A gunman has confessed to mistakenly shooting one of his accomplices after he and three others were arrested for robbing a shop at Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara (WBD) around 13:25hrs on Friday.
The confessed shooter was one of four men who were apprehended on Friday near the Demerara Harbour Bridge, shortly after carrying out the daring robbery.
Among those apprehended was Leon Williams of Lot 139 Section K Vryheid’s Lust, East Coast Demerara (ECD).
It was Williams who was accidentally shot to the upper right arm by his accomplice, when the getaway vehicle he was driving crashed. Two other suspects managed to escape.
The police said that four males entered the business place operated by a woman and her daughter and pretended to be customers.
Shortly after, two of them whipped out firearms and relieved the victims of their valuables before fleeing in a Toyota Spacio. They discharged several rounds in the air as they were escaping.
The matter was reported to the police and ranks immediately responded and intercepted the getaway vehicle.
By this time, only the driver was in the vehicle. He disclosed that his accomplices had abandoned his car and boarded another vehicle driven by one of the suspects and they were heading to the Harbour Bridge.
It was then roadblocks were immediately set up and the suspects, upon noticing this, diverted to La Parfaite Harmonie, West Bank Demerara.
Kaieteur News was informed that Williams panicked after seeing the police ranks and crashed into a culvert.
His accomplice, who was sitting in the front passenger’s seat, told the police that he had the gun in his hand and when the vehicle crashed, the impact caused him to mistakenly discharge a round which struck Williams.
He explained that they were all desperate to get over the bridge and abandoned their wounded accomplice. He said that they then walked to the main road where they boarded separate buses.
The police in a release said that two of the men were nabbed at the Harbour Bridge with an unlicensed firearm and five rounds.
The two vehicles which transported the men have been lodged.


Glasgow police patrol arrests five with unlicensed firearm, wig, crowbar


Five persons are now in police custody after they were arrested by a Police Mobile Patrolyesterday morning, in a car en route to New Amsterdam. The arrest was done at Glasgow Village, East Bank Berbice. The men ages 33, 29, 27, 26 and 22 were intercepted in the motor car and searched.
The ranks from the mobile patrol intercepted the car and conducted a search when an unlicensed pistol with 13 live rounds, a rope, a wig, a crowbar along with other items were discovered.
According to a Police press release, the five occupants of the vehicle are said to be from Glasgow Housing Scheme, Pilot Street, New Amsterdam, Fort Ordinance and Dazzell Housing Scheme, East Coast Demerara. Sources reveal that some of the men are known characters in Berbice. The vehicle and the other items seized during the search were lodged at the Central Police Station.


Bike bandits kill vendor, flee with cash and loaves of bread


Police are hunting for two bandits who escaped with cash and three loaves of bread after killing a

Dead: Andre Alexander

42-year-old bread vendor during a robbery on Friday night in β€˜C’ Field Sophia, Georgetown.
Andre Alexander, of Lot 394 β€˜C’ Field Sophia, was shot in the stomach and succumbed at around 23:00 hrs on Friday during surgery at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).
The father of two had worked as a driver with Banks DIH Limited, and sold bread after working hours.
The attack occurred at around 20.30 hrs at the victim’s bread stand, which is situated about four houses from his home.
Police said that Alexander was at his bread stand when the two men rode up on a motorcycle. The pillion rider requested three loaves of bread and paid with a $5000 note.
Kaieteur News understands that while Alexander was in the process of making change, the β€˜customer’ whipped out a gun and demanded cash.
When Alexander put up a fight, the robber discharged two rounds, one of which struck the vendor in the stomach.
The two men relieved their victim of his cash and also escaped with three loaves of bread.
The victim’s wife, Beverley Alexander said that she and her husband have been operating the bread stand at the same location for more than six years and were never confronted by bandits until Friday night.

The stand where Andre Alexander was killed.

She said that she was at the stand when they two bandits approached her husband and shot him when he resisted.
According to Mrs. Alexander, two other customers were at the stand when the robbers attacked.
β€œAfter he (pillion rider) collected the bread, my husband was making change to give him when he pulled out a gun and demanded the cash, so my husband tried to push away the gun and the man fired one shot and when that one missed, he fired another shot,” the woman noted.
She further related that when she heard the first shot, she ran for her life. β€œI run behind the stand and when I see the other suspect coming, I start run.” The bandits did not try to rob the other customers at the stand.
Beverley Alexander said that after the bandits escaped, she ran to her husband and found him lying on a bench.
β€œHe was unconscious and bleeding. A bus took him to the hospital and when they rushed him to theatre, he died,” Beverley said.
Andre Alexander was described as a quiet and hard working individual.
No one has been arrested.


Man wakes up to find bullet lodged in TV stand


A Charlestown man is now counting his lucky stars after he woke up yesterday morning and discovered a bullet lodged in his television stand a few feet from his bed.

The bullet that was lodge in the tv stand.

James George, 46, of Lot 10 Howes Street, Charlestown, Georgetown stated that he woke up around 8:30am yesterday morning and proceeded to do his normal Saturday morning routine cleaning around his home.
George said that he first decided to wipe his windows and that is when he noticed a long graze on the window, a graze that was not there before he noted.
George said that he did not take the graze for anything serious since there would normally be children playing in the area. He thought one of them may have pelted a brick.
Not paying much attention to the window, he proceeded to different areas in the home.
It was while wiping the television stand he observed a dent and then he saw what appears to be a bullet lodged in the television stand.
George said it was then he decided to sit on his bed and try to sum up the entire situation. That is when he realized that the bullet lodged in his television stand was the object that caused the indentation in his window.
β€œI thank God that bullet did not hit the television, because is only last December I took that television from Courts.”
The man who has been residing at the address for the past two years stated that when he observed the bullet he immediately began to pray and he thanks the Almighty father for saving his life.
β€œImagine my bed is right next to the window and that bullet could have hit me and kill me. God had to be with me.”
George said that it’s a good thing that his children were not at home when it happened because it might have been a different situation.


Suspected TIP victims among several arrested in city raid

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-unlicensed firearm discovered during operation

ACTING on a tip-off, ranks of the Guyana Police Force Major Crime and Trafficking in Persons Units swooped down on two popular business establishments in the city on Friday morning and arrested several persons including four female adult foreigners.

According to the police, the ranks entered the two businesses located opposite each other at George and Princess Streets,Work-en-Rust, Georgetown, around 02:00hrs on Friday.
A search was conducted, during which several persons were detained and arrested including the four female adult foreign nationals who are said to be employees of the entities. Two male proprietors, one of whom was found in possession of an unlicensed firearm with 15 live rounds, were also arrested.

The females are suspected to be victims of Human Trafficking the police said and have since been placed into the care of the Ministry of Social Protection, pending the investigation.


Sophia businessman killed during robbery

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Police are investigating the murder of Andre Alexander, 42, self-employed businessman of lot 394 Section 4 Sophia, East Coast Demerara, who was shot in the stomach and robbed of an undisclosed amount of cash by two male suspects at about 20:30 hrs Friday at his home, where he sells bread.

According to a police report, the victim was in his shop when the suspects approached on a motorcycle and the pillion rider requested three loaves of bread.  The man paid with a $5000 note and while the victim was in the process of making the change, the said suspect whipped out a handgun and demanded the cash. The businessman refused and was shot.

The suspect then relieved the businessman of his cash and they escaped on the motorcycle, discharging several rounds in the process.

The victim was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital in a conscious state but succumbed to his injuries at about 23:00 hrs while receiving treatment. No one has been arrested thus far.


Wanted man chopped to death in Uitvlugt

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Dead: The body of Clinton Walks was found in Uitvlugt, West Coast Demerara
Police are investigating the murder of Clinton Walks known as β€œBongo”, 36, of Lot 3 Bus Shed Street, Uitvlugt, West Coast Demerara. 
A police release noted that the man was found with multiple suspected chop wounds to its back, left ear and abdomen about 07:00hrs Sunday morning on the Uitvlugt Access Road.
Walks, who was sentenced to eighteen months imprisonment in 2015 for Break and Enter and Larceny, was wanted in relation to several reports of similar offence as well as for Simple Larceny committed in Uitvlugt, the police stated.
The body is at the Ezekiel’s Funeral Home awaiting a post-mortem examination.  

Suspect nabbed with cocaine


Bourda Market stabbing

Upon his arrest on Friday, the prime suspect in the murder of a labourer at Bourda Market was found with a quantity of cocaine.

The police said that at the time of his arrest – around 22:30h – the suspect, known as β€œSymptoms”, was found with six grams of cocaine in his possession. He is therefore expected to face a narcotics trafficking charge in addition to the capital offence.

According to reports, 40-year-old Jerome Cumberbatch, also called β€˜Kunta’ and β€˜Crekateh’, a labourer of 159 Half Mile Wismar, Linden, was stabbed to death on Thursday afternoon.

The incident occurred at Bourda Market following a dispute between the two men over money. Cumberbatch was reportedly stabbed by the suspect at least five times with a broken bottle, and subsequently a knife.

It has been reported that on the day in question, Cumberbatch, who did odd jobs in the market, became involved in an argument with the suspect, who became annoyed, broke a bottle and stabbed the man. Not satisfied with the injuries he had inflicted on his victim, the suspect whipped out a knife and inflicted several other wounds on the victim.

The victim, who was differently-abled, reportedly fell out of his wheelchair and was lying in a pool of blood in one of the isles of the market.

Although the victim was stabbed in plain view of several persons, no one had gone to his assistance, and by the time medical personnel from the Georgetown Public Hospital had responded, he was already dead.

After committing the heinous act, the suspect fled the scene, but as a result of diligent work by the police, he was arrested on Friday. The now dead man’s body is presently at the Lyken Funeral Parlour awaiting a post-mortem examination, which is expected to be done on Monday morning. If all goes well, the suspect will be placed before the court for his arraignment that same day.


Fight over drugs leads to chopping, shooting in East La Penitence

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Two men are currently at the Georgetown Public Hospital, receiving treatment for injuries committed by each other during a fight on Monday night at East La Penitence Bridge, Georgetown.

According to a police release, 23-year-old Colin Daly of 23 East La Penitence and 22-year-old Reon Jonas of Phase One Mandela Avenue, West Ruimveldt, had an exchange of words over β€œdrugs.”

During the argument, Daly allegedly dealt Jonas several chops to his back and right hand; in retaliation Jonas whipped out a handgun and discharged a round at Daly, hitting him in the right arm. They are under police guard in a stable condition at the hospital.


Teen dies after fight with father

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A 40-year-old man is in police custody after he confessed to striking his 18-year-old son in the head with a piece of wood, which later resulted in his death.

Police in a statement said that the man is cooperating fully with detectives and according to investigations thus far, on May 04, 2017 at about 07:30hrs, Azeez Khan, a labourer of Lot 8 Better Hope, East Coast Demerara (ECD) and his father who resides at the said address, had an altercation during which he was allegedly struck to the head with a piece of wood.

The teen was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he died the following day. According to the statement, police were told that the teen fell off a ladder, at his place of work, which was later proven to be untrue.

A post-mortem examination was done on Monday and the cause of death was given as hemorrhage due to blunt trauma to the head.


School boy robbed at knife point in minibus


It was during the morning rush hour, Aaron Sookwah, was sitting in the back seat of a route #41 minibus, all prepared for classes. His stop to the recently relocated Brickdam Secondary School was just a few corners away on Mandela Avenue.
β€œThe next thing I know, the man sitting next to me pulled out a knife and stuck it to my side. Then he told me to give him my bag,” the 14-year-old told Kaieteur News.
Even though the bus was full, with his teacher sitting in the seat in front of him, Sookwah said he was too frightened to raise an alarm.
β€œI just take off my bag, and leave it, and somehow, I managed to tell the conductor to stop me off by the (East La Penitence) police station, because that is where my school is now – behind the station,” the teen said.
He explained that the bandit allowed him to exit the bus.
β€œAfter I come out and the bus drove off, I see one ah my friends, and I tell him everything that happen.”
All the while, his teacher, who was also in the bus, had been oblivious to what had occurred.
β€œMy teacher does usually stop off at the corner after the station, because she says it closer to school, so she came out of the bus after me,” the young man said.
He added, β€œBy the time I reach to school, I see my teacher and I tell her wha happened.”
The teen was then accompanied to the nearby police station where a report of the incident was made.
The child’s mother, Karen Sookwah, also made a report to the Ministry of Education.
β€œThey said that they will look into it…I wanted them to know what is happening, because I know of many school children being robbed. It is a sad thing,” she related.
The woman is concerned that the Brickdam school has been relocated to a community that β€œis known to be criminal infested.”
β€œI really hope that they would remove this school from here,” the woman said.
She maintained, β€œThe school being located next to a police station is no consolation.”
β€œAfter the crime is committed, you go there and make a report. That’s it. Nothing else really happens.


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