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No. 2 Village woman choked and robbed; suspect apprehended


A 50-year-old woman was yesterday morning at approximately 8:30 am robbed and harassed by her fellow villager.
Savita Kellawan aka ‘Lalita’ of Lot 126 Lord Street, No. 2 Village is nursing minor injuries to her throat after she was choked by a fellow villager who is a known character in the process of him committing a robbery on her.
The woman who lives with her husband and 92-year-old mother, told this publication that she had just returned home and was about to fix breakfast for herself and mother in the kitchen when she noticed her neighbour.
“Me see me neighbour and me know he does thief but me never thought he woulda do something to me. He come natural as ever but he had a cutlass in his hands and he come straight to me in the kitchen and vice (choke) me with the cutlass in the other hand.”
The woman stated that the man demanded cash and jewellery and threatened to kill her if she did not cooperate. She explained that he then threw her on a bed that was about a foot away from where she was standing.
She said that he and continued choking her while demanding the cash and jewellery. She eventually agreed and ventured to the upper flat while he followed.
“Me go upstairs and inside one ah meh husband shirt pocket me had in a envelope US$90 and $10 Cayman.
Me come downstairs in the hall and inside a cabinet meh had a gold purse with my mother bangle, a gold chain and a gold band. He see the cell phone and I give he all and he gone with it”, Kellawan disclosed.
The woman stated that she immediately contacted the police who arrived minutes later. The suspect was eventually caught at the Canje Bridge Entrance, Palmyra with the stolen cash and jewellery. He was arrested and taken into police custody.
The suspect has been identified as Clifton Ramsarran, aka ‘Witch’ of No 2 Village, he was previously before the courts for break and enter and larceny.
Kellawan was taken to the New Amsterdam Hospital for a medical examination, treated and sent away. She sustained minor lacerations to the throat.


Miner chopped to death while guarding gold mats


A miner, who was left to guard a sluice box containing two “gold mats” was chopped to death by a co-worker at 111 Miles Madhia, Region Eight (Potaro-Siparuni), who later removed the two mats and escaped. Dead is 56-year-old Damion Scipio, also called “Rasta man” of Moco Moco Village, Central Rupununi.

Reports are the chopping incident occurred between 23:00h on Friday evening and 06:00h on Saturday morning. However, the suspect was subsequently arrested at BK Old Road Backdam, Potaro River.

Police investigations have so far revealed that the victim was performing security duties at the camp belonging to a prominent mining company when he was attacked and chopped three times to his head and once to his left wrist which was almost severed.

The suspect then removed the gold mats that the victim was protecting and fled the scene. As a result of a quick response from detectives in F Division (Interior locations), he was apprehended. It is unclear if the mats were recovered but the suspect was taken into Police custody and is being processed for court.

The body of Scipio was taken to the Madhia Hospital Mortuary awaiting a post-mortem examination. Police are continuing their investigations.

The Police in a recent release stated that a total of 35 murders were recorded up to the end of April when compared to 53 during the same period in 2016. This saw a 34 per cent decrease.

Of the 35 murders, 20 were as a result of disorderly behaviour, four as a result of domestic disputes, five stemmed from robberies under arms and three were as a result of execution-style killings. The Police are yet to determine the circumstances surrounding the remaining three.

Fourteen of those murders were committed in A Division (Georgetown-East Bank Demerara) followed by 10 in F Division (Interior locations); six in B Division (Berbice) and four in D Division (West Bank Demerara-East Bank Essequibo). One of the heinous crimes was committed in C Division (East Coast Demerara).


CANU unearths cocaine in lumber


Several workers at a lumber yard at Zeelugt, East Bank Essequibo, were taken into custody following the discovery of a quantity of cocaine in several pieces of lumber that were being prepared for export.

The bust was made by members of the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit late on Friday afternoon, after receiving a tip about the operation.

Upon their arrival at the lumber yard, a consignment of lumber was being processed to be transported; and upon inspection, the cocaine was found neatly packed among the lumber.

The ranks immediately shut down operations and began their investigations. Further checks unearthed several other packets of the illegal substance.

The workers were questioned and based on reports gathered, the bust may be connected to persons linked to the local racing fraternity. Attempts to contact officials of CANU proved futile. Investigations are ongoing.


Bicycle bandit robs, rapes medical student

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A 20-year-old female medical student of North Ruimveldt, Georgetown, was robbed and raped in the wee hours of Sunday morning by an armed bandit on a bicycle who attacked her in her home.
Reports indicate that the student left a nightclub located in Albouystown, Georgetown, with her boyfriend and they both joined a taxi and left for her North Ruimveldt home.
However, upon arrival, the taxi driver had no change for the fare and her boyfriend left with the driver in the taxi to find change for the cash.
Meanwhile, the medical student upon entering her home left the door open for her boyfriend when he returned.
Reports revealed that the robber/rapist in the area, who noticed an opportunity, hopped off his bicycle and quickly entered the home, sticking the woman up at gunpoint and relieving her of valuables.
Not satisfied, he then forced her to perform oral sex on him and upon completion, he exited the building through the same door, hopped on his bicycle and fled the scene.
The police have launched an investigation into the incident.


CANU hunting motor racers, sawmill owner


Gy$500M cocaine bust

Ranks of the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) are seeking to locate local biker Stephen Vieira, West Coast Demerara businessman Tazim Gafoor, and sawmill owner Narine Lall for questioning in relation to Friday’s 187-pound cocaine bust.

According to reports, CANU officers received a tip about the operation and swooped down on a lumber yard at Lot 227 Zeelugt, East Bank Essequibo, where they conducted a search on a truck that was laden with several pallets of 1×6

Some 187 pounds of cocaine, carrying a street value of $550M, was found concealed in lumber being prepared for shipment to the USA

dressed lumber being prepared for export to the United States.

“Several boards were drilled randomly and revealed a whitish substance suspected to be cocaine… Discovered was a total of 84.986 kilograms of cocaine, equalling a landed US street value in excess of 550 million Guyana Dollars,” CANU said.

At the time, several workers at the lumber yard were taken into police custody,

Tazim Gafoor
Naraine Lall

where they remained throughout the weekend, assisting with the investigations.

“The truck, its driver and porters were escorted to CANU Headquarters, where a detailed search of the cargo was completed. The said search revealed cocaine found in random boards scattered among genuine boards in each pallet, each of the compromised boards had a dugout cavity with vacuum sealed plastic packets containing cocaine pasted therein,” the anti-

In custody, Nazim Gafoor

narcotics agency revealed.

Further investigations by the CANU ranks led to the arrest of popular race car

driver Nazim Gafoor. He also remained in custody over the weekend, pending investigation.

A CANU statement issued on Sunday has indicated that Vieira, Lall, and the

Stephen Vieira

other Gafoor brother are wanted for questioning.

CANU has said that Vieira is listed on the shipping documents as the representative of Naraine Lall, who is the shipper of the consignment. Searches for Vieira have thus far proven futile.


Jackass Granger promise the youths like wuk but all he deliver is starvation and hard guava season as the youth turn to crime to make a living.

East Ruimveldt youth caught with illegal gun, ammo

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The illegal weapon and ammo found on the young man,

An unemployed man, who was a passenger in a public-transportation vehicle, was arrested after an unlicensed pistol with fourteen live rounds was found tucked in his pants waist on Monday morning.

Police acting on intelligence, stopped the vehicle on the Ruimveldt Public Road about 05:00hrs and conducted a search on the suspect and found the 9 mm Taurus pistol and ammunition, a police report noted.

The 20-year-old suspect who hails from Mango Lane, East Ruimveldt is being processed for court.


Seaman killed execution-style


– body dumped in Roxanne Burnham Gardens

The body of a 27-year-old man was yesterday found dumped on Marigold Street, Roxanne Burnham Gardens, Georgetown, around 06:30 hrs, with a suspected gunshot wound to the back of the head.
The dead man has been identified as Roy Rowland called “Gangster Roy”, a seaman, of 25 Castello Housing Scheme, La Penitence, Georgetown.
Investigators described the dead man as someone well known to them, and suspected that his death may be linked to a deal gone wrong between him and some other person.
“We have the names of several persons that we are looking for,” one rank said.
The police said that a 9mm spent shell was found at the scene where Rowland’s body was discovered.
It is suspected that the father of two, with a child on the way, was killed somewhere else and his body was dumped where it was discovered, in the wee hours of yesterday morning.
Up to press time, investigators were looking for the individual who is believed to be the last person to see the seaman alive.
At the scene yesterday, villagers informed the cops that they did not hear any gunshots or any strange sounds.
In fact, residents living not far from where the body was found, said that there was no strange noise and suspected that the body might have indeed been dumped there after the victim had been slain elsewhere.
Crime scene ranks have not linked Rowland’s execution to a robbery, since nothing was taken from him.
Kaieteur News was informed that when the man’s body was discovered, there was a bottle in the hand, suggesting that he might have tried to use it to ward off his attacker.
Other than the suspected gunshot wound, there was no other marks of violence on his body.
At the victim’s home yesterday, family members were in tears as they alleged that the young father was brutally murdered by someone who is known to them.
“We don’t know why they shoot he. We really don’t know, but is people who he know, and they got to answer,” they lamented.
His heavily pregnant wife, Shana, was not in a position to speak. She had to be lifted out of a car and taken into the yard.
Meanwhile, his father, Rowland Bentham revealed that early yesterday he was sweeping his front yard when someone approached him and showed him the picture of his son’s body on a phone.

Rowland’s wife, Shana and son.

“Right away I picked up my bicycle and go to Roxanne Burnham and I see him. After the police said that no one can go near the body, I went home and inform everybody,” Bentham said.
He added that he last saw his son around 21:00 hrs on Tuesday when he (Roy) left home to go and spend the night by his wife.
Bentham said the next time he heard about his son was when he saw the photograph of the young man’s dead body.
Another relative said she was informed that after the man left his father’s home, he went to pick up his wife.
“He went to pick up his wife with the same taxi and like they (wife and taxi driver) drop he (Roy) off by some shop and when they were passing back, they called, and he told them that he wasn’t ready as yet,” the relative noted.
The woman further explained that as the young Rowland’s wife was heading home in the taxi, he called to inform her that he would be” making a spin” with a friend (name given) and as such, would return home late.
This newspaper was subsequently told that all calls to the young man’s phone after went unanswered. The cops are now looking to question that friend.
Roy Rowland would have celebrated his birthday next month.


Captain dies in pirate attack

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Dead: Mahadeo Ramdial

-survivors forced to jump overboard
-swam for two hours


A FISHERMAN who has been plying his trade for over 20 years is now dead after pirates attacked the vessel on which he was the captain and forced him and his two crew members to jump overboard Tuesday evening.

Parmanand Nandu was forced to jump overboard

Dead is 44-year-old Mahadeo Ramdial called “Chico” of Lot 146 Kilcoy Squatting Area, East Berbice. The attack took place at approximately18:30hrs in the Atlantic Ocean in the vicinity of Tain Village on the Corentyne. Ramdial’s body was discovered at around 14:00hrs on Wednesday entangled in a seine at the Rose Hall foreshore a few miles from where the fishing vessel was attacked.

Guyana Chronicle understands that Ramdial, Arjune Permaul called “Boyo”, 45, of Kilcoy Squatting area and Parmanand Nandan called “Vickram”, 21 of Tain, left for the sea on Monday aboard the MV Veroni 4. On Tuesday evening, two cutlass wielding pirates attacked them, demanded their catch and took away their 40HP Yamaha outboard engine. The pirates then ordered the fishermen and the captain to jump overboard and after they initially refused to comply, they were beaten with the cutlasses and forced to jump. Police said that the captain received a blow to the head before he jumped.

One of the survivors, Arjune Permaul showed this newspaper a wound he sustained during the attack. He said that the captain was hit to the head with a cutlass, which rendered him weak and dizzy.

He said the crew had just finished eating dinner and were in the cabin when they felt a “juck” and then heard a “crashing” sound. It was then they realised pirates had attacked.

Arjune Permaul survived the attack

“Them [pirates] say lose the engine and them cut the seine boat and tell we to jump in them boat, when we jump in them boat them say jump in back abee boat and when we jump back in, them fire one broadside on the captain and cut we boat and them boat gone one side and we boat deh the next side…them had the cutlass on we and seh jump over and say if we nah hear they gon chop off we neck,” Permaul recalled.

He and the other crew member, Nandan swam for more than two hours before they were rescued by another boat, who brought them to shore.

“When them broadside the captain and tell he jump, he say no he can’t swim…them tell he they gon chop out he neck so he jump but before he beg them to give he a jar to hold on to but they didn’t give he …he was saying he cannot make it, so he hold on pon me lil bit and then loose off and he keep saying he not gonna make it, but the water get tough,” the fisherman said.

Permaul, while recalling the ordeal said this is his last time on the sea as a fisherman.

Meanwhile, when this newspaper visited the family of Ramdial, his wife and two children were clinging to hope that he is alive, however minutes later, all hope was lost when the family received the dreadful phone call that his body was discovered at the Rose Hall Town Beach entangled in a seine.

The dead man’s grieving wife, Chatranie Jaipersaud and father,
Boodnarine Ramdial

The family broke down in tears, while the father of Ramdial and his younger son hurriedly ventured to Rose Hall Foreshore to get a glimpse of the body. No arrests have been made as police continue their investigations.


Back in PPP time this would have been classified by the PNC as harassing the black man and violation of their civil rights. Today the PNC are free to arrest their own supporters without any complaints by the PPP. 

Suspected thieves nabbed with illegal gun, fake number plate


The cops may have prevented a robbery yesterday when they trailed a Toyota 212 and apprehended two men with an illegal gun at Sheriff and Duncan Streets, Georgetown.
The vehicle had a fake number plate.
The men are presently in police custody at the Brickdam Police Station.
According to information received, the police received information that the men were about to commit a robbery.
Acting on the tip, ranks in a mobile patrol caught up with the men on Sheriff and Duncan Streets.
A search was carried out on the vehicle and the unlicenced gun was found.
They are currently being questioned.


PNC supporters steal from drug bond because they didn't get the 50% raises that Granger and his band of crooked ministers took for themselves.

Staffer charged with stealing drugs from Diamond bond


Released on bail Doquan Griffith

Doquan Griffith, 19, of Lot 41 Costello Housing Scheme, Georgetown was yesterday released on bail after he appeared before City Magistrate Leron Daly in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts, charged with stealing pharmaceuticals.
Griffith denied the allegation which stated that on May 17, last, at the Material Manufacturing Unit (MMU), East Bank Demerara, he stole four boxes of OnCall Plus blood glucose test trips valued $20,000 from the Ministry of Public Health.
He was released on $50,000 bail and ordered to return to court on June 2.
The defendant was represented by Attorney-at-Law Leslie Benjamin who asked that her client be released on reasonable bail. The attorney told the court that her client has been employed at the Ministry of Public Health for the past two years.
Police Prosecutor Sanj Singh objected to bail citing that investigations are still outgoing in the matter. The prosecutor further pointed out that should bail be granted there is a possibility that the defendant might not return to court.
According to the prosecutor, the defendant admitted to stealing the items in a caution statement.
Based on reports, police on Wednesday apprehended a minibus with staffers of the Ministry of Public Health’s Bond at Diamond, East Bank Demerara. A search was conducted in the bus and a quantity of pharmaceuticals was found.
This publication was informed that person or persons employed at the Bond were seen earlier in the day stashing a quantity of pharmaceuticals in a washroom in the compound.
After the police were alerted, they conducted a stakeout at the location and observed when a minibus in which the pharmaceuticals were eventually packed, left the compound of the Bond.
The minibus was later intercepted and a quantity of pharmaceuticals, all property of the Public Health Ministry, was found.
Reports are that over time quantities of pharmaceuticals were found to be missing from the Bond thus raising suspicions at the level of the Ministry.
The Ministry has been taking seriously the pilfering of its pharmaceuticals, a state of affairs that has been lending to a constant unprecedented shortage of pharmaceuticals and other medical supplies at several health facilities across the country.


It will be interesting to see if the PNC can make this charge stick in their witch hunt.

GRDB forensic audit probe…Former chief, two PPP parliamentarians among six charged


By Brushell Blackman
Yesterday, six former board members of the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) were slapped with fraud related charges and placed on $500,000 bail each for failing to make a proper entry into a register of a company with the intent to defraud $362M, from the entity’s Republic Bank account.
The prosecution case which was presented by Special Prosecutor, Michael Somersall, before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan is that between 2012 to 2015 the six officials committed the acts knowing that it was contrary to the entity’s standard operating procedures. They were not required to plead to the indictable offence.
They were also ordered to lodge their passports with the police and report to the Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) every Monday at 9:00 hours. The matter will be heard again on June 23.
The six officials hauled before the court are former General Manager of the Guyana Rice Development Board (GRDB) Jagnarine Singh; former Deputy General of GRDB and People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) Member Madanlall Ramraj; General Secretary of the Rice Producers Association (RPA) and PPP/C Member of Parliament, Dharamkumar Seeraj; former Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs and PPP/C Member of Parliament, Nigel Dharamlall; former General Manager of the Guyana Oil Company Badrie Persaud and the Deputy Permanent Secretary Finance Ministry of Agriculture, Prema Roopnarine.
The prosecution is alleging that between January 1 and December 31, 2012 the six officials, with intent to defraud, omitted or concurred to be omitted $77.3M from the general ledger of the GRDB’s Republic Bank account.
Similarly, between January 1 and December 31 of years 2013, 2014 and 2015 with intent to defraud the entity, they omitted or concurred to be omitted from the said Republic Bank account, $9.7M, $130M and $145M for the three respective years.
The prosecution was unable to move forward with its case yesterday due to ‘voluminous’ statements that have to be photocopied and filed.
Prosecutor Somersall asked that bail be set a substantial amount due to the severity of the allegations.
Appearing for Seeraj, former Attorney General Anil Nandlall in his submission for bail said that the 50-year-old father of two is a well known public figure and a member of the National Assembly, therefore he posed no flight risks.
Nandlall also pointed out that his client has cooperated fully with SOCU. In addition, Seeraj and the other five officials have already paid a $100,000 station bail when the charges were first laid on Thursday.
The former AG questioned why only six persons from the 15-member board were charged and said he will explain at a later date why this is so.
It was the view of Nandlall that the charges are selective and vindictive and that the six officials should be released on their own recognizance. The former Legal Affairs Minister also questioned the need for the weekly reporting at SOCU, a move he likened to a ‘throw back’ to school days.
After listening to the submissions Chief Magistrate McLennan imposed the bail and set out the conditions of the bail.
The six officials, who stood in the prisoners dock throughout the one hour court session, were then escorted down the stairs to the prisoners’ lockup and were placed with the other detainees in a cell to await the posting of their bails. The woman remained outside.
The PPP/C, in a statement, yesterday, said, Guyanese are witnessing the depths to which the Coalition government has sunk in continuing with its political victimization. The PPP condemned the move by SOCU to arrest and charge another two of its Members of Parliament and four other Guyanese citizens.
The statement further stated that the two PPP/C Parliamentarians and four others, who are perceived to be supporters of the PPP, were charged by SOCU last Thursday and arraigned in court yesterday.
However, SOCU itself had admitted that its investigations are incomplete and, as such, was unable to provide statements to the court. If its investigations are incomplete, on what basis were the six persons charged?
GRDB is the authority charged with overseeing the rice industry throughout the country. Upon entering Government in May 2015, the David Granger-led administration immediately ordered a number of forensic audits to determine the health of the state agencies.
With regards to the GRDB report, it was noted that over a three to four-year period, more than US$500M from the PetroCaribe proceeds (Venezuela rice-for-oil deal) would have passed through the accounts of the entity.
Among some of the “anomalies” found were loans without proper paperwork or promissory notes.
There were other instances of persons in the agency using GRDB’s money to trade in foreign currency.
The losses for the Government would have been significant, especially if the money was traded for less than it should have been.
The Auditor General and the forensic audit reports have all pointed to severe deficiencies in the manner the monies of the state have been handled by the entities.
Prema Roopnarine and Badrie Persaud were represented by Attorney-at-Law Sase Gunraj; Dharamlall and Singh were represented by Glen Hanoman while Ramraj was represented by former Minister of Education Priya Manickchand.


The pnc boys killing each other in jail.

Convicted killer stabs another prisoner


Murder accused Akeem Edwards, who allegedly killed a fellow inmate in 2014 in the Mazaruni Prison, has now stabbed another prisoner at the Georgetown Prison.
Edwards allegedly stabbed armed robbery accused Jason Burnette on Thursday with a makeshift weapon.
Burnette has since been admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).
According to reports, Edwards was being taken under escort from his cell to hang out clothing, when another inmate gave him a makeshift weapon. He then stabbed Burnette.
Edwards has reportedly been placed in solitary.
In September 2014, Edwards, who was convicted for armed robbery, allegedly stabbed and killed 24-year-old Theon Smith, also known as Theon Branche. The victim was serving a 15-year sentence for robbery under arms, possession of an illegal firearm as well as break and entry.
The killing allegedly stemmed from a dispute over a cell phone.


More lawlessness under the PNC as police take don't care a dam attitude.

Neighbours allegedly beat elderly woman, disabled son


A woman is scared for her life and that of her elderly mother and disabled brother. She said that her violent neighbours allegedly ran into their home at Lot 438 North West, La Penitence on Thursday and assaulted them. This incident occurred around 20:30 hrs.
June Hines said that her neighbours even poured kerosene on their home to burn it. Luckily, other neighbours intervened and prevented the group from burning their home.
Despite all this happening, the police are yet to respond to a report Hines made against her neighbours. However, this newspaper learnt that ranks might have not responded because of the ongoing dispute between the two neighbours.
Yesterday, Hines explained that the problem between her household and her neighbour started when her 15-year-old daughter was stabbed with a scissors by her neighbour’s teenage daughter. “I didn’t cause a scene, I just went to the mother and told her and the child mother bought a cream for my daughter.”
“After the incident happened, my sister tell them that they can’t be assaulting my daughter like that because she is a child, and now these people start on my sister and since then, every single day is some story,” Hines said.
The hostile group consists of women and a member from the LGBT community.
Hines claimed that on Thursday night she received a call from a neighbour who informed her that her neighbours had broken into their home and assaulted her brother and mother.
“When I went there, my mother said she didn’t do these people anything. She (mother) said that my sister and them had it out and she went outside to bring in my sister and in the night, they rushed in on her and started beating her,” the woman claimed.
She explained that other neighbours claimed that the group was looking for her sister to throw acid on her.
The woman explained that only recently the group stoned her home and she was forced to replace her louvre windows.
Hines is desperately seeking the police’s intervention in this matter.
Divisional Commander, Marlon Chapman could not be reached yesterday.


De putagee man geh ketch.


Stephen Vieira arrested at CJIA


Stephen Vieira

Racing bike champion, Stephen Vieira, was apprehended Thursday night at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) for association with the $550M worth of cocaine that was found in lumber two Fridays ago at Zeelugt, East Bank Essequibo (EBE).
Vieira was returning home from Jamaica where he had gone to take part in a racing event. He was held around 21:30 hrs Thursday by police ranks and was subsequently handed over to officers from the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU).
The 84.986 kilograms of cocaine that was discovered was being prepared for export to the United States of America. Vieira’s name was on the shipping document. Up to press time, he was being questioned at CANU head office.
CANU is looking for Naraine Lall, the owner of the sawmill where the cocaine was packed. Tazim Gafoor and his son, Nazim, who were initially held were released from custody.
Kaieteur News was told that the bust was made after CANU officials received a tip off. When they acted, the boards were being packed into the truck.
The truck driver and porters were arrested but were subsequently released after it was discovered that the vehicle and its workers were hired to transport the timber. Vieira is said to be a representative of Naraine Lall.
The drug agency in a release said that ranks conducted a search at the parapet in front of the premises of Akeem Mohamed of Lot 227 Zeelugt, East Bank Essequibo, and searched a truck laden with several pallets of 1×6 dressed lumber boards prepared for export.
Several pieces of boards were drilled randomly by the ranks and revealed a whitish substance.


Pandit shot in home invasion


A pandit who recently returned to Guyana was shot to the chest by one of three bandits

(Above): Heeralall Doobay (inset) residence.
(Below): The front door from which the bandits ripped the board.

who invaded his Lot 3 Prospect, East Bank Demerara home during the wee hours of yesterday morning.
Heeralall Doobay, 46, has since been admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).
Kaieteur News understands that around 02:00hrs, three bandits arrived at the premises on CG motorcycles. They reportedly gained access to the yard by scaling some very high zinc fences at the back of the premises.
Once in the yard, they broke the front and side doors to the lower flat of the two storey building and went into the man’s bedroom.
The bandits ransacked the home. It is suspected that Doobay ended up in a scuffle with one of the men during which he was shot to the stomach. It is still unclear if the intruders carted off any valuables.
When Kaieteur News visited the home, there was a pool of blood in the bedroom and trails of blood in the living room. There were also trails of blood inside the yard and on the parapet in front of the building. A board that was ripped out from the front door lay flat on the ground.
One of Doobay’s relatives said that he (the relative) was not there when the incident occurred but two elderly women were asleep in the upper flat of the building.
He said that the Doobay had returned from overseas about a week ago.
He said that he was told that the injured man walked out of his home and onto the parapet in front of the public road where he collapsed and was rushed to the Diamond Diagnostic Centre but was later referred to GPHC.
The relative described Doobay as a “very good man” and said that he was always willing to lend a helping hand.
One of the man’s neighbours said that she was asleep when she was awakened by noise coming from Doobay’s home. The woman related that her nephew then came and informed her that Doobay was lying on the parapet in blood.


Looks like cain pull some strings and getoff putagee veira from this charge.  Either that or veira sell out his co conspirators for a plea deal.

CANU releases Vieira without charge

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Stephen Vieira

Biker Stephen Vieira, who was arrested on May 18 in connection with the recent Zeelugt cocaine find, was released on Monday without any charge laid against him by the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU).

Vieira appeared before Chief Magistrate, Ann McLennan at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court on Monday with his lawyer, Latchmi Rahamat during which CANU Prosecutor, Konyo Sandiford made an application for Vieira’s arrest warrant to be recalled. The warrant was issued on May 16.

Vieira was arrested at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport after arriving on a flight from Jamaica. He was detained by the police and later handed over to CANU. CANU issued a bulletin for Vieira, two days after finding $550 million worth of cocaine in dug out timber pallets that were being prepared for export to the US.

As investigations continue into the cocaine bust, race car driver Nazim Gafoor and his father Tazim Gafoor were released Thursday last, but are required to visit CANU headquarters on a daily basis pending the outcome of the investigations.

Sawmill owner, Narine Lall is still out of the jurisdiction. On May 12, members of CANU swooped down on a lumber yard at Lot 227 Zeelugt, East Bank Essequibo, where they conducted a search on a truck that was laden with several pallets of 1×6 dressed lumber that was being prepared for export to the US.

During the search, several boards were reportedly drilled randomly and revealed a whitish substance suspected to be cocaine. The truck was escorted to CANU headquarters where the lumber was further examined and proved that each of the compromised boards had a dugout cavity with vacuum sealed plastic packets containing cocaine pasted therein.  A total of 84.986 kilograms of cocaine was found.


Bandits rob Parfaite Harmonie family

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Armed bandits robbed a family in Onderneeming, Parfaite Harmonie, West Bank Demerara after entering through an opened door at the northern section of the house on Monday night.

The bandits carted off jewellery, cell phones and cash. Reports indicate that two of the armed robbers surprised the family while they were socialising in the hall of their home. One of the occupants was gun-butted and within minutes the men relieved the four persons of their valuables before fleeing on foot and firing a round in the air.

The injured man was identified as Ramesh Singh. He was treated at the hospital and sent away. The police were contacted and statements were provided as investigations continue.


Man strips naked, vandalise Popeyes fast food outlet


A man supposedly in his 20s in now in Police custody following an act of vandalism committed on the Popeyes fast food outlet on Camp Street, Georgetown on Wednesday at about 18:45h.

Staff at the facility claim that a well-dressed man ‘pretending’ to be talking on the phone walked into the fast food restaurant, then jumped on the counter and kicked over three juicers before stripping himself completely naked and continue his vandalisation of the premises.

The man vandalising Popeyes, taken from the video uploaded to Facebook

“After he kicked down the juice machines, he pull down the whole tray of chicken and then cuff up the monitors. Then he go to the cash register and pull out the cable. He then stripped naked and pull down the metal shelves,” a staff who was on duty at the time told this media house.

During the ordeal, the other staffers reportedly ran into the back of the kitchen and hid in the “chiller”, while four customers who were dining at the time left their meals and “ran out the door.”

The security guard, who was then outside of the fast food outlet, reportedly whipped out his phone and contacted the police. However, by the time they responded, the man had left the outlet, still naked. Ranks reportedly caught up with him a short distance from Popeyes.

The man’s actions apparently stemmed from the Popeyes’ staff refusing to charge his mobile phone when he visited the place on Tuesday.

Nevertheless, after closing early on Wednesday evening, the popular fast food outlet was up and running yesterday (Thursday). Nothing was reported stolen, and the cost for the damages incurred was not disclosed.

Investigations are, however, ongoing


Couple busted with guns, ammo, cocaine

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The illegal firearms seized in Georgetown
The marijuana camp before it was destroyed by police

POLICE have arrested a taxi driver and his wife after three illegal firearms, matching rounds and of cocaine were found at their home during a raid on Friday.

Reports indicate that ranks, acting on intelligence, conducted a search on the couple’s house at Duncan Street, Campbellville, Georgetown, where they found one .357 Taurus Magnum Revolver and six live matching rounds, and two 9MM pistols and 36 live .45 rounds.

Charges are expected to be laid against the taxi driver in the new week.

Meanwhile, police in Linden destroyed marijuana fields on the same day. An estimated 5,300 plants, ranging in height of six inches to five feet and two make-shift camps were destroyed by fire.

A 20- year-old South Ruimveldt male is in custody assisting with investigation.

Also on Friday, police ranks in ‘F’ Division, while on a mobile patrol on the Takatu Bridge, Lethem arrested a 39-year-old Lethem resident in connection with the discovery of 70 grams of cannabis.

Enquiries disclosed that about 20:00hrs, the suspect was walking on the bridge, and on seeing the police, he quickly dropped a bag, which was retrieved and found to contain the illegal substance. He is being processed for court.


Looks like piracy is slowly creeping back as turncoat Ramjattan sport and wine down with jackass Granger. 

Pirates brutalise five fishers in Waini River

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THE police are investigating a piracy attack on five seamen which occurred at the mouth of the Waini River, some 10 miles into the Atlantic Ocean.
The men who were left stranded at sea for over a week were rescued on Saturday by a passing vessel. The matter was reported to the police M.B. Tamakay Floating base.
On the same day, the men were escorted to the Mabaruma Regional Hospital where they were treated and sent away.
The boat captain was identified as 41-year-old Muneshwar Bissoon, a fisherman of Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara (WCD).
According to reports, earlier in the month, the captain and his crew left Hague Jib Shore, WCD in a 50- foot fishing boat powered by two Yamaha engines.
On May 14, they arrived at the Waini River mouth where they began their fishing and proceeded into the Atlantic Ocean until May 21.
Reports indicate that Bissoon and crew were in their cabin when they heard the sound of what appeared to be a boat engine next to their boat, and upon looking outside, they saw four masked men, two armed with large guns and the other two with cutlasses.
In split seconds, the two men armed with the cutlasses jumped on Bissoon’s boat and broadsided all members on board. The captain was chopped to the left side of his head and another crew member lost a finger.
After the ordeal, the crew was told to lie face down on the bow and the pirates who spoke English and Spanish proceeded to rob them.
The pirates stole the two Yamaha engines valued $$300,000 and a quantity of foodstuff valued $80,000, a quantity of fish valued $54, 0000, two cellphones, three drums of fuel valued $81,000, four 12- volt batteries, valued $140,000, one 12- volt water pump valued $35,000, two cylinders of cooking gas valued $24,000, a quantity of clothing valued $100,000 and other supplies. The pirates then made good their escape in another speedboat.


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