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Drugb posted:
Tola posted:

Mits, compared to the last government, at least this government and the police are more  active about the crime situations. Massacres of sleeping people and assassination of a government minister  took place  during the last government.

Perpetrated by the PNC/AFC who instructed criminals to massacre people for political gain.

What also surprised me during the last government, many of the crimes was against Indians, yet their Indian government did little to prevent it.  A lot of talk where I was present, but no action.  

Because the police and soldiers were Black PNC supporters and were in cohoots with the PNC to rob and kill indians.  

Bhai Druggie, you are as racist as a coolie man can be. Me hope you raise you pickney good and don't get dem to read GNI.  

Tola posted:

Bhai Druggie, you are as racist as a coolie man can be. Me hope you raise you pickney good and don't get dem to read GNI.  

This is the truth, the PNC/AFC were behind the crime wave,  the PPP fell short by not inspiring their supporters to join the police and army en masse. Look at the US and see that whites are the majority in the armed forces and police. You can not outsource your security to another race and expect justice. That is why today in the US so many Blacks are killed by police. In Guyana it is the reverse, Indians are killed by Blacks with political ties. Get your head out of the sand and see the reality of Guyana. 


Another prison escapee nabbed, couple in custody


Shawn Harris called “Shawny”

Prison escapee, Shawn Harris, called “Shawny” was caught yesterday hiding out in a house at Mocha, East Bank Demerara (EBD).
Residents in the area informed the police and Harris was arrested around 07:20 hours yesterday.
A man and his wife who reside in the upper flat of the property were taken into police custody.
Harris was charged in 2016 for allegedly staging a daylight robbery at the Bank of Baroda branch in Montrose, East Coast Demerara (ECD).
Around 12:30 hrs on Sunday, Lusignan prison escapee, Clive Forde, was shot dead by the police during a shootout.
Later in the evening, another escapee Kerry Cromwell surrendered at the Brickdam Police Station accompanied by his mother.
Harris was among 13 prisoners who dug their way out of the Lusignan Prison Holding area two Sundays ago and had been on the run since.
Those who escaped from the facility were identified as Winston Long, Jamal Forde, Jamal Joseph, Teshawn McKenzie, Odel Roberts, Clive Forde, Jason Howard, Ryan Jones, Kendall Skeete, Shawn Harris, Paul Goriah, Pascal Smith and Kerry Cromwell.
Last Wednesday, Kendall Skeete was caught hiding in the abandoned house of one of his relatives at Wisrock, Linden.
Pascal Smith was dragged from a latrine on Friday at Bar Street, Kitty after the mother of his children informed the police.
Seven others were caught earlier and have been charged.
They are Winston Long, Jamal Forde, Jamal Joseph, Teshawn McKenzie, Odel Roberts, Jason Howard and Ryan Jones.
The police are still hunting for the remaining Lusignan Prison escapee Paul Goriah.
Additionally, Mark Royden Durant, Uree Varswyck and Cobena Stephens are wanted for escaping from the Camp Street Prison on July 9, last.
Meanwhile, the Guyana Police Force is reminding the public that harbouring a fugitive is an offence and charges will follow.

kp posted:

During the PPP days the Blacks were the police and army .when calls were made of a crime in progress  many times the law did not show up or if so very late especially  in the Indian community.  Also it was known that the police was in tie with the criminals loaning their guns and receiving piece of the loot. Today Granger in charge they have to listen in not get fired.

President of Criminals, he guarantee their civil rights to rob cooolie pppl.


Girl, 16, shot on her way from church


Investigations are ongoing concerning an incident that took place last Sunday evening around 20:30hrs (08:30pm) when a 16-year-old was shot. At the time she was accompanied by her parents and her 17-year-old friend.
On their way home from church, they were greeted by an identifiable male who was armed with a handgun on the Westminster Access Road,.
The teenager, Lovern Pryce, of Recht Door Zee, Canal No.1, West Bank Demerara , was confronted by the gunman who instructed them not to move. He allegedly pointed the gun at her friend’s neck when she decided to stand in front of her and was shot to her upper right shoulder.
The suspect immediately left the scene in a car which was parked within short proximity of the incident.
Pryce was taken to the West Demerara Regional Hospital where she was treated and eventually transferred and admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).


Armed bandit overpowered by victims


â€Ķ nabbed by Police

An armed bandit who on Sunday evening attempted to commit a felony at Coomacka Mines, Demerara River was overpowered by the victims and later arrested at his house.

Based on information gathered, 67-year-old Stanley Couchman closed his shop on Sunday at about 21:00h, and went into the yard to close his gate when the suspect, armed with a shotgun, confronted him.

He struck the elderly man to his head and demanded cash and other valuables, but Couchman managed to raise an alarm and his son-in-law rushed to his aid.

The two men together subdued the suspect and relived him of the shotgun and four rounds of live ammunition, but the bandit managed to escape into the darkness. The firearm and cartridges were, however, handed over to ranks of the Mackenzie Police Station, and a report was lodged.

Based on the description provided to the police, ranks went to the home of the suspect and arrested him. Upon his arrest, a small quantity of cannabis was found in his possession.



“Govt is engaged in people smuggling” – Jagdeo alleges


Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo has accused the Government of being engaged in alleged “people smuggling”, citing the recent case where several Haitian nationals were caught entering Guyana illegally and using this country as

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

an in-transit hub to travel to French Guiana.

“We heard that they are registered here, but even if they are not, we believe that this Government is engaged in people smuggling. People come in, they get Government service and special help to go into French Guiana, illegally,” Jagdeo alleged while addressing a political meeting on Sunday.

Making a department an entire ministry to deal specifically with births and deaths (the Citizenship Ministry) is something that Jagdeo said has caught his attention. “We are watching it carefully because we have heard about the issuance of false birth certificates,” he asserted.

Jagdeo claimed if 10,000 false birth certificates were issued, which have the possibility of being used in the registration process, “then they (Government) can

Citizenship Minister Winston Felix

even thwart the will at election time”.

“And we know not to trust these people, because they’ve done it before. They’ve been riggers before. So, we are keeping our eyes wide open,” the former Guyanese Head of State alleged, while referring to the People’s National Congress (PNC), the lead party in the coalition Government.

Jagdeo said Guyanese could not afford to become complacent, but must remain vigilant. “The day we close our eyes, we will wake up one morning and find that in this country, you won’t have rights anymore. And so it goes beyond sugar and the economic hardships, it’s also about what kind of country we want to live in, in the future. It is about what kind of country we want to raise our children in.”

In early June, it was revealed that several Haitians, both adults and children, were sent back to Haiti after it was suspected by the Police that they were reportedly part of a human smuggling ring.

Citizenship Minister Winston Felix had declined to give further details about the probe, but said the Police acted on the outcome of the investigation and upon the advice of its legal adviser.

Felix had disclosed that not only were discrepancies found with the Haitians’ documents, but “a collection of circumstances” were found which led to a decision to send them back. He did not rule out trafficking, saying that “it might be lurking in the horizon”.

Meanwhile, Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud had disclosed that the probe had found that some of the Haitians were entering Guyana to travel to other destinations. He disclosed that the investigation found that they were doing this for organised reasons.

Officials in neighbouring Suriname have claimed that many Haitians have been travelling there by plane on their way to French Guiana, but they could not convince immigration authorities of their onward journey.

Back in September 2016, at least 12 Haitian men were caught in Linden heading to neighbouring Brazil.

Django posted:

“Govt is engaged in people smuggling” – Jagdeo alleges


It is a criminal activity to smuggle people the last time I checked. Especially since the motive is to bolster votes for the pNC, do not be caught up in ignoring the message because of the messenger. What the man says makes sense, we all know about the burgeoning populating of Haitians in Guyana ever since PNC tek ova.  But because pnc control the police and judiciary, the pnc/afc will get away with this crime. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:

“Govt is engaged in people smuggling” – Jagdeo alleges


It is a criminal activity to smuggle people the last time I checked. Especially since the motive is to bolster votes for the pNC, do not be caught up in ignoring the message because of the messenger. What the man says makes sense, we all know about the burgeoning populating of Haitians in Guyana ever since PNC tek ova.  But because pnc control the police and judiciary, the pnc/afc will get away with this crime. 

Usual ramblings like a "Goat"


Bandits in Mon Repos stick-up


POLICE are investigating a robbery committed on five persons who were robbed of their cash and electronic gadgets Wednesday afternoon at a mall located at Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara by two male suspects, one armed with a handgun.
No one was injured or any shots fired during the commission of the crime, police said in a release. According to reports, at about 15:00hrs, the suspects rushed into the E-Networks Store which is housed in the lower flat of the Mon Repos Mall and ordered everyone to lie on the ground after which they searched and relieved the victims of their valuables, including the day’s sales. The bandits then fled in a waiting motorcar. The persons robbed were the entity’s two sales representatives and three customers. No arrests have yet been made.

Drugb posted:
Django posted:

“Govt is engaged in people smuggling” – Jagdeo alleges


It is a criminal activity to smuggle people the last time I checked. Especially since the motive is to bolster votes for the pNC, do not be caught up in ignoring the message because of the messenger. What the man says makes sense, we all know about the burgeoning populating of Haitians in Guyana ever since PNC tek ova.  But because pnc control the police and judiciary, the pnc/afc will get away with this crime. 

He is full of shyte as usual.


3 caught trying to smuggle ganja, cigarettes to prisoners


â€ĶMajor raids at Lusignan, Timehri, New Amsterdam prisons

â€Ķover 40 improvised weapons, 20 cellphones, 3 tattoo machines, 28 packs of cigarettes, 33 lighters, drugs seized

By Shemuel Fanfair

Three workers attached to a waste disposal service were on Thursday arrested for attempting to smuggle contraband inside the Lusignan Prison, despite repeated efforts of the Guyana Prison Service (GPS) to rid its facilities of prohibited items. Guyana Times understands that the disposal company was contracted to conduct operations inside the East Coast Demerara facility.

The three suspects were detained on Thursday morning

Director of Prisons, Gladwin Samuels, in making public this development, noted that the perpetrators were nabbed during the morning hours. A search on the vehicle conducted by prison officials before it entered the “Old Compound” at the Lusignan Prison unearthed prohibited items, which included in excess of 860 grams of cannabis and two cartons of cigarettes.
Concealed in a haversack, the items were tightly wrapped in black plastic bags, clear plastic and masking tape.
The driver of the truck has been identified as a 25-year-old male from Middle Walk, Buxton, ECD, while the truck attendants have been described as a 26-year-old male from Russell Street Charlestown, Georgetown and a 32-year-old female from the “C” Field Reserve in Sophia.

Contraband items discovered at Lusigan on Thursday morning

Detained, the suspected smugglers will be processed for court shortly.
Mr Samuels also disclosed that Police were investigating the presence of 11 mobile phones, 21 improvised weapons, three tattoo machines, 28 packs of cigarettes, and quantities of drugs discovered at the prisons in Timehri and New Amsterdam.
Meanwhile, a Thursday 15:00h search at the previously sanitised new holding area at Lusignan has unearthed more than 28 improvised weapons, nine lighters, nine mobile phones, two spoons and an earphone, among other items.
And Police, in a release on Thursday, informed that a search conducted in the cell of a convicted prisoner on Wednesday afternoon unearthed some 180 grams of cannabis.

Contraband items at the new holding area in Lusignan. Prisoners were sanitised before being transferred there

An almost three-hour search was also carried out by ranks of the Joint Services on Thursday, and several contraband items were discovered. Among the prohibited items were 8 lighters, 7 smoking utensils, 16 improvised weapons, 8 packs of cigarettes, three mobile phones, five phone chargers, a tattoo machine, 2 dining forks, 2 pairs of scissors, a bottle of pepper sauce, a quantity of tobacco, and 305 grams of cannabis.

New Amsterdam Prison
Information surfacing late on Thursday has indicated that a three and a half hour search was conducted by Joint Services ranks at the New Amsterdam Prison, and eight mobile phones, three phone batteries, one mobile phone display, five phone chargers, three earphones, sixteen cigarette lighters, two tattoo machines, five improvised weapons, twenty packs of cigarettes and three grams of cannabis were unearthed.
The smuggling of contraband items has been plaguing the nation’s prisons for a number of years, and to such an extent that inmates using their mobile phones would post comments and stream online videos on social media whilst being incarcerated.
Following the July 9 Camp Street riot and prison fire, the inmates had reportedly been sanitised before being transferred to the Lusignan Prison. However, videos of prisoners using weapons to slaughter an animal and carve its meat on a pasture at the ECD facility had surfaced online.
In late July, the Prisons Director had announced that prisoners transferred from the walled area to a tarmacked space at Lusignan were once again sanitised. Further sanitisation exercises were conducted when inmates were re-transferred to the renovated brick prison at Camp Street, Georgetown.
In 2016, Samuels, then Deputy Director of Prisons, had categorised contraband as a “multi-million-dollar business” from within the prison system. He had in fact reasoned that because of his stance against the illegal trade, inmates harboured disdain towards him.
“The record is there to show that I would have removed pounds of marijuana during raids, and thousands of packs of cigarettes were foundâ€Ķif you do the mathematics based on the resale value in prison, those prisoners would have lost a significant amount of cash, and all those are reasons why they would not like a person like me around,” the then Deputy Director of Prisons expressed last year.
But as time passed, with several raids and numerous extractions later, the contraband issue remains prevalent. Some of the items normally discovered at such raids include phones, improvised weapons, prisoner-made alcoholic beverages, marijuana, and other illicit drugs.
The Commission of Inquiry into the riots and prison fire had heard that pepper sauces were mixed with other fluids to be used as weapons.
At a press briefing at the Ministry of Public Security late last month, Samuels did not denounce or rule out the suggestion that prison officers could be collaborating with inmates to smuggle the items inside the facilities. He had explained that many inmates, even some classified as “real men,” had been found with the prohibited items inserted inside of their rectums in a method called “pouching”. In fact, one of the seized contraband items found in Thursday’s search at Lusignan was oval-shaped, which led to the assertion that it could have been eventually hidden on a body by this method.


Bandits storm second E-Networks store
August 4, 20176
â€Ķ robbery attacks targeted – police suggests

Personnel in two Police administrative divisions are investigating separate robberies of E-Networks stores that occurred mere hours apart, and are said to be probing the possibly that the attacks on the two stores have been targeted operations.
On Thursday, the E-Networks store at Cornelia Ida (CI), West Coast Demerara was attacked and robbed; whereas, on Wednesday — just the day before – its counterpart at the Mon Repos Mall on the East Coast of Demerara was attacked and robbed.
Guyana Times understands that, despite occurring several miles apart, the two robberies were executed in similar fashion.
According to a police release, at about 11:45h on Thursday, two males with handguns entered the E-Networks store at CI and robbed two cashiers and seven customers of their valuables before fleeing in a waiting motorcar. The victims were ordered to lie on the floor and were bound with plastic handcuffs.
Up to press time, no suspect was arrested for the crimes, but a manhunt to nab the bandits is ongoing.
Thursday’s robbery at CI is the second attack on the company in as many days; as, on Wednesday, at about 15:00h, two bandits had entered the E-Networks Store housed in the lower flat of the Mon Repos Mall and had forced 3 customers and 2 staff members to lie on the ground before stealing their cash, mobile phones and other values, including i-pads and the store’s sales for the day.
Police had disclosed that one of the bandits in this robbery was armed with a gun, but no one was injured as the bandits fled in a waiting motorcar, similar to what had occurred in the West Coast Demerara attack.


Prison officer detained in suspected smuggling probe at Timehri


A prison officer seconded to the Timehri Prisons was in custody last night as police and Prison officials investigate reports that he colluded with at least one prisoner to smuggle prohibited items into the penitentiary.
The arrest reportedly occurred after ranks unearthed a quantity of marijuana and mobile phones at the prison.
Deputy Director of Prisons Gladwin Samuels has repeatedly stated that some of his ranks are in collusion with inmates.
Also, between 09:40 and 12:30hrs, ranks of the Joint Services searched Timehri Prison and the following prohibited items were found: eight lighters, seven smoking utensils, 16 improvised weapons, 8 packs of cigarettes, two dining forks, two pairs of scissors, five cell phone chargers, a bottle of pepper sauce, three cellular phones, a tattoo machine, a quantity of tobacco and 305 grammes of cannabis.
Some 180 grammes of cannabis was also found in the cell of a convicted prisoner.


During PPP time the slop can carriers headed by cain, lilmohan,django and warrior would jump up and down stomping their feet screaming extra judicial killing:

Murder accused shot dead after starting unrest at Timehri Prison


–  reportedly tried to escape, ignored repeated warnings to halt 

A 24-year-old remand prisoner was shot dead at around 17.00 hrs yesterday, shortly after instigating a violent clash between himself and other inmates at the Timehri penitentiary.

Deputy Director of Prisons Gladwin Samuels

Winston Hinds, called “Town Man,” of Blue Berry Hill, Wismar, was shot in the stomach by a prison officer. He was pronounced dead at the East Bank Demerara Regional Hospital.

Deputy Director of Prisons Gladwin Samuels told Kaieteur News that based on information he received, Hinds and another prison had started a ruckus between other inmates in one of the dormitories. They were then transferred to another dormitory, where they began to break up beds and assault other inmates. He said that some of the prisoners had to receive medical treatment.

Kaieteur News was told that shortly after, Hinds darted past a prison officer and “in a split second” fled into the compound. It was there that he was shot.

Samuels said that the rank who shot Hinds “is assisting the police with their investigations.”

A Department of Public Information (DPI) release stated that the murder accused had repeatedly ignored all warnings issued by prison officers.

According to the release, several prisoners, who were armed with improvised weapons, were involved in “a serious physical altercation.”

“Prison officers attempted to restore order by breaking up the violent fracas. During this process, Hinds fled into the prison yard in an attempted bid to escape. Clear and repeated efforts were issued for Hinds to desist, but he refused in every instance and continued running,” the release added.

“Prison officers were left with no option but to curtail his escape bid. This necessitated the use of live rounds as a last resort, after every option had failed.

“Hinds was struck by a single round and was taken to the East Bank Demerara Hospital Complex, where he was pronounced dead on arrival. “

The release stated that the slain prisoner’s next of kin was informed and the police are conducting an investigation.

“The Guyana Prison Service deeply regrets the loss of Mr. Hinds’ life and extends deepest condolences to his family, relatives and friends. The GPS will also reiterate its internal calls for all prisoners to conduct themselves responsibly, to resist any temptation to escape from lawful custody, to obey the instructions of prison officers at all times, and to serve their sentences as mandated by the courts, until such time as they are eligible for release.”

Hinds, previously charged with five counts of armed robbery, was remanded in January 2016, for the February 2015 killing of Richard Remington, 43, at Cholmondeley Hill, Wismar.

Remington’s decomposing remains were found in a clump of bushes along a track in the vicinity of Matthews Lane in the Christianburg/Cholmondeley Hill area on February 12, last year. He had been shot three times, including once to the head.

The fatal shooting was the continuation of several weeks of violence at the country’s prisons.

The unrest began with the July 9 destruction by fire of most of the Georgetown Prison, the killing of prison officer Odinga Wickham, the wounding of his colleague, Hubert Trim, and the escape of eight dangerous inmates.

This was followed by the escape of 13 prisoners from the Lusignan Prison.

Last Saturday, security ranks at Lusignan were forced to shoot several prisoners with pellets and rubber bullets after coming under attack.

Joint Services raids have unearthed several prohibited items at Lusignan, New Amsterdam and Timehri Prisons.

On Thursday, security personnel seized some 180 to 183 grammes of marijuana that was being smuggled into the prison in meals sent to an inmate.

A Prison Officer, with some 20 years’ service, was implicated in the find, and remains in custody.

Marijuana is said to be a highly valued commodity in the prisons, reportedly selling for as much as three times its street value.

Also, between 09:40 and 12:30hrs, ranks of the Joint Services found eight lighters, seven smoking utensils, 16 improvised weapons, eight packs of cigarettes, two dining forks, two pairs of scissors, five cell phone chargers, a bottle of pepper sauce, three cellular phones, a tattoo machine, a quantity of tobacco and 305 grammes of cannabis at the Timehri Prison.

Also on Thursday, security personnel thwarted attempts by a Cevons Waste Management employee, to smuggle over 860 grammes of cannabis and two cartons of cigarettes into the Lusignan Prison.

Some 24 grams of cannabis were also allegedly found in the pocket of one of the Cevons employees. He was sentenced to three years in jail yesterday.

That same day, police and prison ranks found several improvised weapons at the Lusignan holding area.

Between 10.30 hrs to 13.30 hrs yesterday, a snap prison search in two dorms, two landings cells at the New Amsterdam Prisons unearthed eight cellular phones, three cell phone batteries, three ear phones and  a cell phone display, five cell phone chargers, 16 cigarette lighters, two tattoo machines, five improvised weapons, 20 packs of cigarettes and three grammes of cannabis.


Richmond pensioner endures early morning burglary


– fifth time in four years

Police on the Essequibo Coast have launched an investigation into the burglary of the home of a 64-year-old female pensioner.
The residence of Evra Nedd, located at lot 2 Richmond Housing Scheme, was broken into by an unarmed individual. The woman is traumatized by the intrusion.
Investigations have so far revealed that the suspect gained entry to Nedd’s home, while she was out, through a window in a room at the back of the house. It is believed that the suspect concealed himself in the woman’s home and waited for her to return. The woman, who is usually accompanied home by her friend, was unfortunately alone on the night of the incident.
Hours prior, Nedd had left her home to attend a wake in the neighborhood. She returned home at around 9pm, and says she had a feeling that something was odd.
“I came in and put on the lamp because there was blackout. But it gotta be that he was in the house already. Probably he hide in the wardrobe in the back room. I sit down in the chair, but no sleep was coming to me. So I went in the front room and lay down on the bed. I was just dropping into a dose when I feel somebody jump on the bed and say ‘shush, me nak gon kill yuh, where the money?’”
Nedd said she got confused and tried to keep calm as much as possible. “I didn’t risk to fight back because I am not seeing well in one of my eyes,” the woman said.
Nedd said that the ordeal lasted approximately 15 minutes.
“I saw the person, because by then the current come on back and the light in the kitchen was on. When he jumped on the bed, I feel he hair and it soft and straight. Then in the light I saw that he had on a three-quarter black pants, but he pull the white vest he had on over he face, so I couldn’t make out his face clearly.”
Nedd said that the suspect grabbed her by the throat and took her outside while he searched the home for cash. “He tumble up the bed and find sixty thousand dollars under the mattress. That was the money for my bills and other medical expenses. He then go and tumble up all the drawers,”
Upon finding the money, the suspect made his escape through the kitchen door.
Meanwhile, the woman’s relatives are claiming that the Police took six hours to respond to the scene – just a stone’s throw away from the Anna Regina Station. Yesterday’s burglary marked the fifth experienced by the woman in her home. Though it’s the first after an extensive period, Nedd believes that “they would be back”.


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