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Gruesome killing rocks Better Hope…Man hacks off uncle’s head over land dispute

Allegedly upset with the court cases involving his aunt over a plot of land at Lot 125 South Better Hope, East Coast Demerara, a 27-year-old man beheaded his uncle before surrendering to police yesterday morning.
The suspect, identified as Dwayne Tappin a former Guyana Defence Force (GDF) rank, turned himself in to ranks at the Sparendaam Police Station, some hours after killing his uncle, Randolph Seenauth, 51.
Seenauth’s headless body was found in the wooden cottage where he resided.
Commander of Police ‘C’ Division Calvin Brutus, who was at the scene, said that Seenauth and his nephew lived in separate apartments on the plot of land.
He said that at around 04:30hrs neighbours heard a loud commotion coming from one of the apartments but there was silence for a few minutes which led them to suspect something was amiss.
Neighbours called out for Seenauth but got no response and later contacted the Sparendaam Police Station, the Commander disclosed. Police ranks arrived shortly after and upon pushing the front door to Seenauth’s apartment, found his head lying in a passageway between the living room and kitchen. Further checks were made in the apartment and the rest of the man’s body was discovered on a mattress in the bedroom. Brutus stated the murder weapon was not recovered despite searches on both apartments.
Indra Kowlessar, a sister of the slain man, said that Tappin, who is her nephew, was always in the habit of beating her brother. According to the woman, her family is involved in a dispute over the land which her mother died and left for her. She disclosed that the dispute is engaging the attention of the High Court. She said that her sister, who is Tappin’s mother, lived on the land for several years before building her home at Parfaite Harmonie, West Bank Demerara.
After her sister moved out, Kowlessar said the woman’s daughter lived there with her partner who also was in the habit of beating Seenauth, an epileptic. She said that the situation became overbearing and she served her niece with a lawyer’s letter and she eventually moved out.


“They does beat he (Seenauth). You know how much time I make report to the station. They beat he a time and tear off his clothes and I took him at the station. They burst his head all…”
“But still they does come here. The mother does come here. So I take them to the High Court for this property. They are not supposed to come here. Every time I fence this yard and put on lock on the gate (Tappin) would come and jump the fence and go in the yard and beat by brother.”
She disclosed that her nephew sleeps in the house at nights.
Kowlessar recounted that relatives dealt her brother a sound thrashing at a shop just opposite his home. She said that a relative of Tappin’s had told her, “people does pay $20,000 to kill yuh and that he gon’ pay $20,000 to kill me so that I cannot have this property.”
The woman stated that she has made numerous reports to the police about the death threats.
Kowlessar stated that in an effort to avoid problems with her relatives she avoids going near the disputed land. She added that she provided her brother with food and money and would beg persons in the village to keep an eye on him.
She said that up to last Friday her sister visited the premises with her daughter.
“They break the door and go in the house.”
Kowlessar revealed that her nephew was picked up by police in relation to reports of rape committed on a child. She said that her sister had accused her brother of calling the police.
Meanwhile, another sister of Seenauth is refuting claims that Tappin killed him.
She said that their sister is trying to frame Tappin for the murder.
When questioned as to who chopped off Seenauth’s head, the woman said, “Nobody ain’t know. Anybody see? They got nuff enemies around here. It cannot be him (Tappin).”


Pregnant woman, husband, 4-yr-old son escape through window during home invasion


–    five in custody; shotgun, ganja seized

A nine-month pregnant 26-year-old is nursing minor scratches about her body after herself, husband and their four-year-old son jumped their bedroom window during an armed home invasion and robbery by bandits.

The home that was under attack at Number 69 Village, Upper Corentyne, Berbice.

Their home, a two-storey wooden edifice at Lot 100 Number 69 Village, Upper Corentyne, was reportedly stormed by armed men with guns and a wallaba post sometime around 23:00 hrs Saturday.

According to reports reaching this publication Vidya Gopaul 26, her husband Satesh Ramrattan, 27, and their young son had retired to bed around 22:30 hrs. The woman shortly after heard a loud noise and voices, and awoke her husband. The husband jumped off their bed and switched on the lights, it was then that they realized bandits had entered their home. The pregnant woman bolted the bedroom door.

The men began banging on the door when Ramrattan, his wife and son jumped from their bedroom window and landed on a neighbour’s shed. By then some of the men had managed to enter the room and fired two shots as the trio ran to safety. They managed to run to Gopaul’s mother’s house, located two lots away from theirs and immediately contacted the police.

The men reportedly ransacked the family’s home in their absence, in search of valuables, and ate and drank during the time spent at the house. They managed to escape with an estimated $1.2 Million in jewellery, US $1000 in cash, a tablet and a cellphone.

Gopaul was taken to the Skeldon Public Hospital for a medical examination and according to reliable sources, herself and unborn child are out of harm’s way and in good health. The couple’s four year sustained minor scratches but is also said to be doing well along with his father. Relatives complained that the police patrol arrived some two hours after the invasion, but according to a police source, the patrol was dispatched immediately after they received the call. While on their way to the village the ranks heard gunshots and decided to exit the vehicle and cordon off the area on foot. Residents in the area reported seeing the police in tactical positions within and around the perimeter of the house. There were reportedly seven perpetrators, all armed.

Meanwhile, police in ‘B’ Division have since made headway into the robbery.

Five suspects are in custody, including a 33-year-old, driver of No. 72 Village, Corentyne, who was found in his vehicle within close proximity of the crime scene. At the time of his arrest, he was found in possession of a small quantity of cannabis and a search of his premises unearthed an unlicensed shotgun, two spent and one live cartridge.

Investigations are ongoing.


Teens arrested after coke found stashed in gas cylinder


The cooking gas cylinder and the nine cocaine bricks that were in it

The Customs Anti Narcotics Unit (CANU) yesterday said that almost 20 pounds of coke was seized from a Campbellville home. Two teens are also in custody following the raid on Sunday.

According to CANU, its ranks descended on the property at 25 Delph Avenue, Campbellville, on Sunday where during a search they found a cooking gas cylinder that had several suspicious packages in it.

The cylinder seemed to have been adjusted to look normal.

The nine rectangular-shaped objects weighed over nine kilograms (about 20 pounds) and were subsequently tested and confirmed to be cocaine.

CANU said that two 17-year-old who were at the home at the time were arrested and are currently assisting with investigations.


Photographer robbed at gunpoint


Dwayne Hackett

The police are investigating an armed robbery committed on a photographer Sunday morning just off Vlissengen Road, Georgetown.
Dwayne Hackett, a University of Guyana student, was returning home from his routine morning walk when a lone gunman, on a bicycle, robbed him of $2,200.
Speaking with Kaieteur News yesterday, Hackett said that as he was walking, he noticed a man on bicycle coming in the opposite direction and then stopped.
At first glance, the photographer thought that the man had stopped to urinate based on his posture but as he continued walking, he found it strange that someone would want to urinate on a parked car—that too in public.
Little did he know, it was a gun that the cyclist was pulling out from his pocket. Just as Hackett was about to pass the man, he said that the individual turned to him and pointed the weapon at him as he demanded his valuables.
“I heard when he cocked the gun,” the victim said. He then added that he went into his pocket and took out his cash and handed it over to the gunman. The victim had walked with the money to purchase coffee and several other items on his way home.
The gunman collected the cash and according to Hackett, he (Hackett) quickly walked away and did not turn back to see which direction the perpetrator went.
He further noted that when he reached a couple of miles from where he had been robbed, he saw a policeman and approached him for some assistance but was informed that he needed to visit the police station since the rank was there for the presidential entourage heading for the Botanical Gardens.
Hackett said that he continued on his way home, attended church and subsequently made a police report in the afternoon.
Kaieteur News was informed that there are surveillance cameras in the area where Hackett was robbed and the police will be reviewing the footage. Reports also surfaced that the suspect has robbed other persons before in that same area.


Thieves caught on surveillance after robbing boutique

Two men, believed to be in their fifties, were captured on surveillance camera just after robbing a Boutique at Saffon and Sussex Streets, Charlestown, Georgetown around 08:00 hrs on Sunday.
The men made off with more than $130,000 in boots and clothing from Lady B’s Fashion owned by Barbara Nedd.
On the footage, they were seen stopping traffic to cross over to Sussex Street and continued walking east towards Lombard Street—this was two minutes after each other. The stolen items were packed in big bags.
One of the thieves has dreadlocks, gray beard, wore a camouflage hat, and faded blue pants and orange jersey with white lining. He had a one strap bag across his back with a large black bag in his left hand.
His accomplice, the one who first left the boutique, wore a pair of blue long pants, grey and white hat, blue pants and jersey. He had one bag slung across his back and another one in his hand as he was seen hurriedly stopping a car to cross the busy road.
Recalling what transpired, Nedd said that she was in her boutique, arranging stocks when the two men entered and immediately fell in love with a few boots she had for sale.
“They ask how much and I say $10,000 and they were like ‘so cheap?’ and the one with the gray beard asked me if I gon give he a discount if he buys all,” Nedd related.
She said that she looked at the “gray beard man” and asked if he could afford to purchase all the boots to which he answered in the affirmative.

The “gray beard bandit” walking away with Nedd’s stocks

The first thief who left the scene

“He said, ‘Lady, I is somebody that got business in Bartica, and Bartica is not like town, is sheer gold people there, and is plenty more things I come to buy once I like it’ so right away I start taking down clothes to show him,” Nedd related.
The woman said that at no point did she think she was falling into a trap, since the men were “old” and she thought that there was no way they were going to rob her.
According to Nedd, the “gray beard” bandit was “supposedly” the businessman, while his accomplice was his worker.
She said that while she was inside the boutique attending to the “gray beard” bandit, his accomplice was outside, packing her stocks into bags.

“The one inside made me think he buying big, so I taking down all the brand name clothes I got and writing down on paper and I giving he bags to pack the things in,” said the woman, who has been operating at that location for more than nine years.
When the clothes became too much to be loaded into bags, the older man asked for a suitcase.
While Nedd was attending to the man, other customers entered the boutique, but she paid little attention to them since she thought, “the Bartica businessman was lottery.”


Barbara Nedd in front of her Boutique yesterday

“When I checked, it came up to $126,000 and he tell me to bring more, that he got more money,” Nedd said, without hesitation, she brought out all her brand name clothes and showed it to the man.
As she was searching for clothing, the woman said that the elderly man went to the front of the boutique and shouted, “Don’t forget the dried shrimp, we got to get it.” She is convinced this was his signal to tell his accomplice to leave.
“He come in back and ask me if I got short pants, because Bartica got regatta, so I tell he I ain’t know about that and he said yes, that I should get the pants because dem ladies gon want look sexy.”
While Nedd was searching for the pants, the suspect escaped with the items. She said that he was packing some stocks in a large bag and some in suitcases—he left the suitcase behind and made off with the bag.
When she noticed the men had escaped with her stocks, she ran to the market but failed to locate them. She subsequently made a report to the Ruimveldt Police Station.



China Harbour engineers robbed at gunpoint

Three engineers attached to China Harbour Engineering Company Limited were robbed at gunpoint around 16:00 hrs on Monday at Massy Supermarket’s parking lot located at Red Road, Providence, East Bank Demerara.
The men were attacked by three bandits, two of whom were armed with handguns. The gunmen made off with three cellular phones and approximately $1.3M in cash.
The victims have been identified as Fang Chu Ling, 38; Jhao Po, 28 and Gi Peng, 26, all Chinese nationals who reside at their company’s location at Lot ‘D’ Timehri, East Bank Demerara.
According to information received, around 09:00 hrs on Monday, Peng collected $1.3M from Chen Wong Xin, the general manager of China Harbour to purchase materials for the company.
Kaieteur News was informed that the three engineers went to a city bank to withdraw additional cash—but in US currency. Reports are that the bank did not have enough foreign currency, so the engineers left and went to New Thriving Restaurant in Massy Supermarket compound to first purchase food, and hours later, groceries from the supermarket. They parked on the western side of the compound. When the men returned to their vehicle, the bandits exited a while Toyota Fielder Wagon and guns were pointed at their victims.
The men retrieved the engineers of their personal valuables and took a yellow envelope with the cash from the passenger seat then made good their escape. They drove away via the East Bank Public Road. Police ranks visited the scene and they will be reviewing surveillance cameras at both the restaurant and supermarket in an effort to identify the suspects.



Cops nab robbery suspect with unlicensed gun


An intelligence-led operation by ranks of the Guyana Police Force has resulted in the arrest of a couple in a car with an unlicensed 9mm pistol and seven live matching rounds.
The vehicle, a white Toyota Premio, was parked in front of their Daisy Street, South Ruimveldt residence.
Police sources said that the man is 25 and is a suspect in several recent armed robberies. The woman is 22. The vehicle is registered to a Beterverwagting, East Cost Demerara resident.
The suspects are being processed for court.


Live grenades found in Linden house

The two grenades that were retrieved by police in an abandoned house in Linden

RANKS of E’ Division on Wednesday night recovered two live grenades in an abandoned house at West Watooka Hill Top, Linden.
The lawmen, as part of ‘Operation Clean Sweep’, made the bust after acting on information received. According to Commander of the Division, Fazil Karimbaskh, after conducting a search inside of the house, two live grenades were found, concealed in the ceiling of the house. The grenades were diffused and kept in police custody. No one has been arrested as police continue their investigations
`Operation Clean Sweep’ was launched following the escape of 13 prisoners from the Lusignan Prisons on July 24th. Twelve of the 13 prisoners have since been recaptured. Out of the 12, one, Kendall Skeete was recaptured at his resident’s home in Wisroc, Linden.
Commander Karimbaskh confirmed that patrols have been increased in light of the new development. On Wednesday, the Guyana Police Force (GPF) announced a $10 M reward for information leading to the recapturing of the four remaining prisoners at large.


Grandma takes rap for coke in gas cylinder

The 17-year-old cricketer and his grandmother, Naomi Persaud at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.

…gets four years, $21M fine

THE grandmother of a National Under-19 cricketer was sentenced to jail on Wednesday after she pleaded guilty when the duo appeared in court on a joint charge of drug trafficking following a gas cylinder cocaine bust at the family’s Campbellville house.

Joshua Persaud and his 51-year-old grandmother Naomi Persaud had been jointly charged with drug trafficking after the discovery of over 20 pounds of cocaine in a cooking gas cylinder at the family’s home.

However, the cricketer’s grandmother pleaded guilty to the charge and was sentenced to four years imprisonment along with a $21M fine by City Magistrate Fabayo Azore.

National Under-19 cricketer, Joshua Persaud

The charge against Joshua Persaud, 17, was withdrawn since his grandmother took the rap and stated that the teen had no knowledge of the narcotics being in the house.

The matter was heard in camera (legal proceeding in private) despite the teen being the legal age for arraignment in open court. The Persauds were represented by attorney Glenn Hanoman.

According to particulars of the charge, on August 06, 2017 at Delph Avenue, Campbellville the duo had over 20 pounds of cocaine in their possession for the purpose of trafficking.
Reports stated that on August 06, 2017 ranks from the Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit swooped down at the Delph Avenue, Campbellville home where Under-19 cricketer Joshua Persaud and his 17-year-old girlfriend were alone.

The home was searched and the CANU ranks seized nine rectangular-shaped objects, weighing over nine kilograms, with cocaine from inside a cooking gas cylinder which had a false bottom. The 17-year-old girlfriend was released.


Shortly after the Persauds were arraigned, a wanted bulletin was issued by CANU for businessman and former murder accused, Andre Gomes, aka “Zipper”. The wanted man reportedly rented the home where the drugs were found and is said to be in a relationship with Naomi Persaud.
Two years ago Andre Gomes was charged with the murder of 49-year-old Nigel Isaacs, who was shot to his head outside the Palm Court nightclub.
However, the case against him was withdrawn, after the Director of Public Prosecutions advised that there was not enough evidence against the man to move ahead with the murder charge. 


Gunmen flee with constable’s firearm, customer’s cash at GPL outlet


– fail to breach cashier area

Gunmen snatched a special constable’s revolver and $37,000 from a customer during a brazen

The security guard with the empty holster. (Safraz Nawaz photo)

robbery yesterday afternoon, at a Guyana Power and Light (GPL) customer service centre at Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara.
But they were forced to abort an attempt to breach the cashier area after alert passersby raised an alarm.
The robbers tied up the special constable and a customer, and fired shots while escaping, but no one was hurt.
The robbers struck at around 14:15 hrs when the GPL service centre was open for business.
Two of the robbers entered and joined the line with other customers.
They seemed unfazed at the fact by the presence of an armed special constable who was on duty at the premises.
Kaieteur News understands that one of the men then requested to use the washroom.
At the same time, his accomplice drew a handgun from his haversack, pressed the weapon to the Special Constable’s head and relieved the rank of his revolver.
The gunman then ordered the constable and customers to lie on the floor.
A third man then entered with plastic cuffs and tied up the constable and a customer Ravindra Singh, a 40-year-old clothes vendor. The men relieved Singh of $37,000.
The bandits then attempted to break into the cashier area, but passersby who saw the commotion raised an alarm.
This caused the robbers to flee the building, while discharging two rounds in the air. The bandits then entered a silver-grey Toyota Allion, with licence plates, HC 6216.
Kaieteur News understands that while the customer service centre has no security cameras, CCTV cameras on other nearby buildings recorded the drama.
A GPL release stated that just after 14:00 hrs, three bandits “stormed our ‘Mon Repos Customer Service Centre in an attempt to rob the Centre.
“The Guyana Police Force (GPF) responded swiftly and foiled the attempted robbery. Customers’ personal belongings that were forcibly handed over were left behind as the bandits fled the scene,” the release stated.
There were no injuries to staffers nor customers.”
According to the statement, Executive Management expressed concern over the threat to the lives of staff and customers.
“Consequently, this centre will be closed tomorrow (today), Friday, August 11, 2017 and Saturday, August 12, 2017.
This Service Centre will be re-opened on Monday, August 14, 2017 for business as usual. GPL regrets the inconvenience caused.
However, the lives of our Staffers and Customers are paramount.”


Bound body of Chinese restaurant owner found in Tuschen premises


The body of a male Chinese restaurateur was found at a house in the Tuschen Housing Scheme, East Bank Essequibo, late last evening. The man reportedly operates the Paradise Chinese Restaurant in the bottom flat of the two-storey building.
His body was reportedly found lying at the back of the establishment in the washroom. According to reports reaching Kaieteur News, the body was found with the hands bound behind the back and mouth gagged. The discovery was reportedly made around 22:00hrs. The remains were taken to the Ezekiel Funeral Home.
More details in a subsequent edition.



“Troubled” businessman stabs wife to death, commits suicide


Stabbed to death: Rhonda Blair and dead businessman: Rudolph Blair

Residents of Cumberland Village, East Canje Berbice, were awoken to the shocking news of the murder of their fellow villager and popular businesswoman, Rhonda Blair.

As the news spread like wildfire across Berbice, many were still trying to come to grips with the tragic reports of the woman’s demise.

The 42-year-old retired teacher and mother of two, was stabbed to death by her 47-year-old husband Rudolph Blair called ‘Rudy’, who, after committing the act, ran to the back of a neighbour’s yard and shot himself. He is said to have also ingested a poisonous substance after fatally stabbing his wife.

The couple who owned a string of Stretch ‘D’ Dollar stores, lived at Lot 91 Coburg Street, Cumberland, East Canje. Police sources have revealed that sometime around 23:00 hrs on Thursday and 00:05 hrs on Friday at the aforementioned address, Rudolph Blair, in a fit of rage and frustration, stabbed his wife multiple times about her body.

He was believed to have been drinking prior to the incident as there were several Stag beer bottles found at the home.

The couple had originally lived together at Cumberland, but after the husband became abusive, his wife left their matrimonial home and sought refuge at a friend Jonelle Dover’s house, in Ithaca Village, West Coast Berbice.

It was between 21:00 hrs and 23:00 hrs on Thursday,  that the businesswoman’s friend, with whom she stayed, spoke with her via cellphone. She had indicated that she was at her place of business, located at Pitt Street, New Amsterdam, and that her husband, Rudolph, requested that she uplift groceries for him.

After some time had elapsed, Dover made calls to her friend’s phone that went unanswered, Dover sensed something was amiss and immediately left her Ithaca home in search of her friend. She made a check at the Rosignol Branch of the Blairs’ business and while on her way, collected the couple’s son, Anthony Blair, and proceeded to the Cumberland property.

Upon arrival at the house, they called out for the woman and her husband but got no response. They then decided to lodge a missing person report at the Reliance Police Station around 23:30 hrs.

Two policemen accompanied Dover and the Blairs’ son back to the couple’s residence. During a search of the premises, Rhonda Blair was found lying on her back in a pool of blood in the yard. She was attired in a green long-sleeved blouse and a floral skirt.

Divisional Commander, Assistant Commissioner, Paul Williams who was at the scene of the crime, disclosed that it was a joint effort with authorities and relatives of Rudolph Blair in negotiating with him to surrender to police.

“We joined together and negotiated in terms of accessing the area. So I appealed to him; likewise his sisters and his nephew decided that they were going to go ahead and try to convince him to surrender. While going, they discovered his body motionless,” Williams said.

The commander stated that they were pleading with him to come out, but he responded in the negative, “when the relatives were going to go for him, he told them, ‘don’t come, I am okay’. He kept talking for a while until his voice faded and eventually stopped,” the Commander disclosed.

Rudolph Blair was hiding in a neighbour’s yard between some bush, while the area was cordoned off by police. Residents on the scene expressed their shock at the events as they unfolded. Some persons shouted “they always had money problems” and “he shouldn’t ah do this”.

Two shots were reportedly discharged by the businessman, a gunshot wound to his lower left ear and his chest were discovered, with a licensed .32 Taurus revolver lying beside his body.

Meanwhile, a reliable source told Kaieteur News that the businessman had always been threatening to kill himself, with the most recent threat being on Sunday last.

He reportedly confided in the source that he was desirous of selling his Pitt Street business to pay off his outstanding loans that were burdensome to his family. However his wife was not in support of this, she wanted him to keep the business going, even with them being buried in debt. They were reportedly going bankrupt.

He had reportedly told the source, with his licensed revolver in hand, that, “I get a mind fuh kick Rhonda from the step to the gate and kill mehself”.

The source stated that he tried to convince the troubled man that this was not the way to go. He said that Blair seemed normal throughout the week.

Meanwhile, both bodies are currently at the New Amsterdam Hospital Mortuary. A post mortem examination was conducted on Rhonda Blair’s body by government pathologist Vivekanand Bridgmohan, and it was revealed that she died of shock and hemorrhage due to multiple stab wounds about the body. In 2013, the Blairs, after moving from “rags to riches,” opened a $83M Supermarket at Pitt Street New Amsterdam. However, sometime in February 2014, hints of financial problems began to surface.

With a dwindling business, rumours circulated then, that Rudolph Blair had attempted suicide, but he quickly shut down that story, stating that he found solace with his God and would never resort to such.



Cops believe restaurant owner was strangled


Dead: Lian Jiang

The bound body of a Chinese national that was discovered in the bathroom area of the Paradise Chinese Restaurant at Tuschen, East Bank Essequibo, on Thursday night, has been identified as 44-year-old Lian Jiang, a father of two.
Jiang’s body was found in the lower flat of the building where he operated a restaurant. He resided in the upper flat.
Investigators suspect that Jiang, who had been running the restaurant by himself, was killed sometime Wednesday night or in the wee hours of Thursday. His remains were only found around 22:00 hrs on Thursday. His mouth was gagged, his hands were tied behind his back with a phone charger and his feet were also tied.
No blood was found at the scene, but there were marks of violence on the victim’s body. His right cheek was swollen. The entire house was ransacked.
Kaieteur News was informed that the bandits gained entry into the restaurant by removing louvre panes from a bathroom window and then breaking the grill.
It is suspected that the men left through the same window, since a chair was found nearby, indicating that they used it to climb out. While the main door to the restaurant was found ajar, the cops believe that the victim might have been selling late.
“If they had escaped through that door then someone might have seen them, so we believe that they went just as they came (entered) because neighbours cannot see that section,” a police rank said yesterday, while adding that they have not determined what the men escaped with as yet.
This newspaper was informed that the restaurant does not have cameras, but an adjacent premises has a surveillance system. “We are hoping that we get something because the way the camera is positioned, it might be a little challenging,” the rank said.
The victim’s wife, who runs another restaurant at Soesdyke, told the police that she last spoke with her husband around 22:00 hrs on Wednesday. When she did not hear from him on Thursday, she called his phone but it went to voicemail.
The woman then asked a male friend in the area to check on him. When the individual went, he called several times but did not get a response. Upon entering the building, the young man noticed the restaurant door was partly open and immediately went to the Tuschen Outpost, from where he was accompanied by ranks.
When they entered the building, the cops noticed the place was ransacked and shortly after, they found the body. No one has been arrested as yet.


Man arrested for allegedly raping teen


POLICE are investigating the alleged rape committed on a 15-year-old girl on the Corentyne Coast, East Berbice.

According to information, on August 10, 2017 at approximately 20:30hrs the teen was making her way to a relative’s home when she was called into the suspect’s yard after which he lured her into his house, where he forced himself on her. At the time of the incident the man reportedly covered the victim’s mouth so that she could not scream.

Shortly after, the unemployed 21-year-old suspect fled the area, while the teen ran to her parents’ home, which is located a short distance away and reported what transpired. She was immediately taken to the Police Station, where the matter was reported and police recommended that the teen be examined by a doctor. Meantime, after investigating the police were able to apprehend the suspect, who is currently in custody assisting with investigations.


50 lbs ganja tossed out of moving car


A Toyota Primo motorcar from which 50 pounds of compressed marijuana was

The cannabis that was tossed out of the moving car

tossed was on Thursday found abandoned in a street in a community on the West Coast of Berbice

Reports are that the car, registered to a couple living in Laluni Street Queenstown, Georgetown, made an about-turn upon seeing a Police operation in the vicinity of the Weldaad Police Station.

Police accordingly gave chase, during which two well wrapped parcels were tossed out of the vehicle. Police retrieved the parcels, and an inspection revealed that they contained cannabis.

The car was found parked among some bushes some distance away. It was

The abandon car along West Coast Berbice

subsequently towed and impounded. Police are continuing their investigations.

Meanwhile, a 33-year-old miner of Carabise Hill, Bartica, Region Seven was arrested by Police at Itaballi Police Check Point with 589 grams of cannabis. He is being processed for court.


Pastor, husband carjacked outside home


A pastor and her husband were held at gunpoint and forced to hand over their car at around 21:00 hrs on Friday after three armed men confronted the couple and their 11-year-old daughter outside their Industry, East Coast Demerara home.
Edward Skinner, 59, and his wife, Savitri, who is a pastor, were attacked by the men, who had arrived in a white Toyota Allion.
The robbers, and their driver, escaped with the couple’s silver-grey Toyota Premio, PRR 2124, as well as Pastor Skinner’s handbag and cash, which included some of the church offerings. The car also contained some items that the couple had bought at Stabroek Market before heading home.
Mr. Skinner said he was unable to identify the attackers, who wore dark clothing and had toques partially concealing their faces. He confirmed that the family were heading home from the East Bank of Demerara, but had stopped briefly at the Stabroek Market. They then headed to Industry, while travelling along the railway embankment. His wife was driving, but none of them recalled seeing anyone following them.
However, just as they turned into their driveway, the occupants of a white Toyota Allion also stopped a short distance away.
The couple’s daughter came out of the vehicle to open the gate and it was then that three men exited the parked car and held a gun to Mrs. Skinner’s head.
The men then ordered their victims to go into their yard. After they complied, the carjackers entered the vehicle and drove off in both cars in the direction of Georgetown.
While admitting that the family was “shaken” by the incident, Mr. Skinner said that it would not deter them from “doing the work of the Lord,” and they plan to attend a crusade today.


Thieves rob ECD pensioner


Detailing how her home had been broken into and her belongings stolen, distraught pensioner Angelica Rodriguez of “M29” Chateau Margot, East Coast Demerara said the incident occurred at some time between 07:00hrs and 14:00hrs on Thursday.
The 67-year-old who lives alone had left her home at around 06:30hrs that Thursday to attend to a sick relative, but was later contacted by her son, who asked if she had left a door open.
Responding in the negative, the woman rushed home to find a ladder braced at the back of her house, and a window and the door wide open. Guyana Times was told that the perpetrator had used a ladder to climb onto a shed in the elderly woman’s yard, before breaking a window and entering the home.

The woman and her son entered the home to find it completely ransacked, and a number of her belongings, including two cell phones, a weeding machine and an undisclosed sum of cash, missing.
This newspaper was told that another resident of the area was recently robbed, and the alleged perpetrator — from Martyrs’Ville, Mon Repos, ECD — was caught and charged with the offence. But following the fire that demolished the Camp Street Prison, the man was released from prison on bail, and has reportedly been seen lurking in the area. This was reported to the Police, who have now launched an investigation into the matter.
Only recently, 72-year-old Mohamed Subhan and his 83-year-old bedridden wife Khairool Subhan — of Craig, East Bank Demerara (EBD) — were attacked by a group of bandits. In that incident, the husband was awoken by noises coming from the door which leads to a room in the upper flat of the house that he and his wife reside in alone.
Upon inspecting, he noticed a crowbar stuck by his bedroom door, as a robber was making efforts to extract the bolts and gain entry into the room.
Subhan immediately called for assistance from his neighbours, and telephoned his son, television personality Neaz Subhan, who resides in Diamond, East Bank Demerara.
This publication understands that when the elder Subhan made calls for his neighbours, the bandit who was attempting to break in his bedroom fled the scene.
Prior to that incident, a 54-year-old woman and her 81-year-old mother of Golden Grove, East Bank Demerara (EBD) were robbed of more than $100,000 in cash, along with gold jewelry, in a daring daylight attack.


Thief beaten, handed over to Police


A resident of Liverpool village on the Corentyne Coast in East Berbice is now in Police custody, having received a sound thrashing from the villagers of Alness — some distance from his home village — when he was caught at the foreshore in his failed attempt to escape apprehension after allegedly burglarizing a market vendor’s home.

The Lot 108 Alness Village house

The man, who gave Police his age as 35, had allegedly broken into the home of Port Mourant marker vendor Desire Kendall, a 37-year-old mother of four, who sells ground provision and fruits. She was not at home when the incident occurred.
According to Kendall, she was in the market selling when she received telephone calls from neighbours.

The hammer and cutlass used to open one of two üepiggy banksüf

“They call and tell me that somebody jump in the verandah and dea inside the house. Right away ah leff the market…”
She said she rushed to her Lot 108 Alness Village, Corentyne home to find the thief surrounded by irate villagers.
The woman explained that when she went into the house, she discovered the entire house ransacked. Clothing was scattered on the floor and bed, while a wardrobe was broken open and its contents were thrown out. A clothes horse was also broken, while suitcases were upturned.

Desire Kendall, was not home when her house was entered

“He take out all the clothes from the closet, and move the chairs to see what under the chairs,” she explained. A cabinet with dinner wear was also disarranged.
Kendall showed this publication a hammer and cutlass which she said were found in a chair along with other house breaking implements. Lying next to them were two broken ‘piggy banks’.
“All the money from them gone, and I only get back some. I don’t know how much I had inside, but I know I had some $5000 bills, and none of them they find on him,” she said. Several pieces of gold jewellery were also missing.
Kendall added that the man gained entry into the house by climbing into the verandah, and then prising open a glass slide-door. When leaving, the man removed four louvre panes from the window situated at the back of the building to create a space to crawl through. He then made a hole in the fence and ran, but villagers were alerted and went after him.
Kendall said she was told that neighbours were alerted by the constant barking of her dogs and the sound of hammering inside the house.
Police took the man into custody and returned to the vendor the items found on the suspect.


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