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Dumping grounds of afc/apnu executions?


Human skull, bones found in canefield at Better Hope


Guyana’s DNA shortcomings will certainly be amplified with the discovery of yet another human skeleton, this time at Better Hope, East Coast Demerara.
The remains, believed to be that of a male, were found in an unused plot of land near a canefield at Better Hope at around 06.30 hrs yesterday.
The area is close to Plaisance Squatting Area.
From all appearances, the remains were at the spot for sometime but were left undetected because no one had used that area.
However, it was yesterday while cane cutters were preparing to work in the area for the first time that they noticed the skull. They then found human bones nearby.
A green hat, a pair of black pants with red stripes and a shirt was discovered nearby. Judging from the clothes, one cane cutter suggested that the victim was a young person.
One of the workers, who saw the remains said that it was two cane cutters who first saw the skull.
“They noticed it and raised an alarm and other workers went. We saw the human skull and around the area, there were bones.”
He added that the police were summoned and they took away the remains.
According to the worker, a few years ago, workers came across a decomposed body at a canefield in Ogle.
“People would usually dump bodies in these areas because it’s not populated,” the worker opined.



Even the judge and jury now setting criminals free, taking a cue from their leader Granger. It is now open season on Indians under this administration, the criminals now have more rights under this government. 

Minibus conductor acquitted of Drug Store owner’s murder


Minibus conductor Orvin Roberts  was yesterday acquitted of the murder of drug store proprietor Harold Rachpaul, after a mixed jury returned a not guilty verdict in relation to the offence.
Roberts, of ‘C’ Field Sophia, Greater Georgetown, had faced a trial before Justice Navindra Singh and mixed jury at the Georgetown High Court.
Rachpaul, 84, was found gagged, strangled and bound with an electrical cord in his apartment located behind his business, Rachpaul’s Drug Store, on Robb Street, Georgetown. The incident occurred sometime between August 18 and August 19, 2011, during the course of a burglary.
A post mortem report, presented in court stated that the elderly businessman died as a result of asphyxiation due to compression to the neck, compounded by blunt trauma.
Following the summing up of evidence presented in the trial by Justice Singh yesterday, the case was handed over to the jury for deliberations.   A few hours later, the panel returned to the courtroom, with a unanimous verdict of not guilty.
Roberts immediately thanked the judge and jurors, and also expressed his gratitude to his attorney, Nigel Hughes. Hughes represented Roberts in association with Attorneys-at- law, Savannah Barnwell and Kezia Williams.
“Mr. Roberts you are free to go… Good luck,” said Justice Singh to the former accused, who blissfully walked out of the courtroom.   Outside the courtroom, Roberts wrapped his armed around his relatives.
Roberts was the sole person accused of killing the prominent Robb Street businessman.   According to reports Rachpaul’s killer had apparently forced him to open a vault which contained a large sum of cash, phone cards and other documents before murdering him.   Police witnesses testifying in the trial had claimed that fingerprints found inside a safe at the scene of the murder tied Roberts to the crime.
On Wednesday Assistant Superintendent of Police, Raffeik Ali, told the court that based on the analysis he conducted, the fingerprint impressions taken at the crime scene matched the prints police obtained from Roberts.
But Ali was faced with a series of questions by Defence Counsel, Nigel Hughes, regarding the precision and accuracy of his analysis. The policeman insisted that the prints belonged to Roberts. He said that the prints had undergone computer analysis as well as manual examination.
He held that the computer identifies possibilities of a fingerprint match but the manual examination, can confirm it.  In his closing address, Hughes pointed to the fact that there were no signs of forced entry to the building in which the elderly businessman was murdered.  The attorney noted too, that the only persons with access to the premises were the elderly man, his son and grandson – the latter two were never considered suspects to the crime nor were they questioned by the police regarding their whereabouts on the night of the murder.
He underlined too that both the victim’s son, Leonard Rachpaul and grandson Vincent had testified that a Transport (Deed of Title) was among the items stolen from the Robb Street premises.
But in her arguments, State Prosecutor Narissa Leander said that the fingerprints found at the scene could not have belonged to anyone  other than the accused.   She said that the fact that Robert’s fingerprints matched the ones found on the inside of a safe at the crime scene, indisputably linked him to the murder. She had urged the jury to use their commonsense and good judgment, when reviewing evidence of the case.


Looks like the Granger administration sending a message to the police that it is a free for all, get all you can get, even if it is like buggering that you want.


16-year-old boy allegedly sexually assaulted at Parika Police Station

– Constable under close arrest


A 16-year-old boy is accusing a Police Constable of sexually assaulting him while he was being processed for an offence of assault at the Parika Police Station on Tuesday morning.

The teenager was reportedly arrested and placed to sit on a bench in the station since he was not allowed to stay in the cell with two adults. The teenager accused the Police Officer of fondling him among other things.

When contacted D Division (West Demerara-East Bank Essequibo) Commander Stephen Mansell told Guyana Times that a team comprising officials from the Office of Professional Responsibility was presently probing the allegation and the Constable was under close arrest. Commander Mansell added that the Constable was transferred from the Parika Police Station.

“He was under close arrest but he was transferred to another location pending the outcome of the investigations”, the commander stated. He pointed out that once the investigations are being completed, the file will be sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) who will determine if charges will be instructed against the constable.

As of now, he stated that the teen’s statement was the only evidence implicating the Police rank since there were no eyewitnesses. It is not clear if the teenager confided in anyone with respect to the matter. However, the young man is alleging that he is being victimised by the Commander.



In an invited comment, the accused Constable denied the allegation, claiming that it was a set-up. He explained that on Monday evening, Police ranks arrested a teenager in connection with assault and he immediately contacted his superior who advised him not to put the teen in the same cell with the adult prisoners but rather to handcuff him and let him stay on the bench.

He stated that the bench was within the view of the prisoners in the cell. During the night, the Constable advised the teenager to contact his family, but he claimed that they did not have a landline number and provided a mobile number.

“I didn’t have credit in my phone so I told him that… and he say it was cool.” The Constable stated that about 03:00h, one of his superiors called to enquire “how things was going” and at the same time asked about the number of prisoners for court.

He stated that after providing the information to the senior Police rank, he went about his normal routine. A short while after, the prisoners got ready to be picked up for court at Leonora. The vehicle came after some time and the men were loaded into the van which left.

The Constable further stated that soon after the Corporal in charge of the station came and the young man started to behave in a disorderly manner towards her and he had reason to discipline him. At no point in time, he added, the Corporal intervened but allowed the young man to continue with the disorderly behaviour.

It was at this time he made the disclosure that he was allegedly fondled by the Police rank. Out of anger of being wrongfully accused, the rank reportedly used explicit language in the station. The shift changed and the Constable left. Later in the day, he was summoned to the D Division Commander’s office where he was reportedly treated with disrespect.

He left without providing a statement and has not reported for work since Wednesday morning, but he planned on clearing his name by contracting a lawyer to defend him and declared his innocence. Meanwhile, the constable stated that on the night the teenager was brought into the station, he claimed he was 13, but during investigations, it was revealed that he was 16.

The Police are continuing their investigations.


Elisabeth Harper’s daughter beaten, robbed

As crime spirals out of control, the daughter of former People’s Progressive Party/Civic Prime Ministerial Candidate Elisabeth Harper in the 2015 elections was on Wednesday beaten and robbed by two armed men who invaded her Farm, East Bank Demerara home.
This newspaper was told Melissa Pollard, daughter of Elisabeth Harper, was at home when two armed men kicked opened a grille door, gaining entry to the house.
Reports are that about 10:00h, Pollard was at home when she heard a crashing sound followed by two men entering her house. She reportedly attempted to run but was cornered by the men who were unmasked. As they accosted her, they demanded that she hand over cash and jewellery but she claimed she did not have any money at home. The two dealt the woman several blows about her body.
Guyana Times understands the woman sustained lacerations to the head, face, back and other parts of her body. The men tied up Pollard and ransacked the home as she looked on helplessly. They reportedly carted off a quantity of jewellery, mobile phone and iPad, among other items.
After the men left, Pollard managed to free herself and raised an alarm. At the time of the robbery, the woman’s daughter had already left for school.
Harper, mother of the traumatised woman, expressed thanks to the Almighty for saving her daughter’s life.
She said the scenario could have been worse and for that she is extremely thankful.
Harper noted that her daughter was too distraught to speak with the media and was enduring a lot of pain.
The former PM candidate told Guyana Times her daughter and granddaughter live alone and on the day of the incident, the bandits apparently thought that no one was at home.
However, she noted that Police responded promptly and has launched an investigation. She also noted that her daughter was taken to hospital where she was treated and sent away.


Haitians arrested with ganja at Lethem

Three Haitian nationals and two Guyanese were on Thursday morning arrested at a house in Tabatinga, Central Rupununi with 748 grams of cannabis.

Based on reports received, Police ranks at Lethem Police Station, during an exercise conducted several searches in the area during which the cannabis, along with a stolen motorcycle, was discovered hidden in a yard. The occupants of the house at the time were arrested, and were assisting the Police with their investigations.


Pradoville 2 scandal… DPP clears way for probe into criminal aspect

Director of Public Prosecutions, Shalimar Ali-Hack

Director of Public
Shalimar Ali-Hack

The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), Shalimar Ali-Hack has given the green light for a full blown investigation into the criminal aspect of the contentious Pradoville Two deal.

This is according to Head of the State Asset Recovery Unit (SARU), Dr. Clive Thomas.

Kaieteur News understands that SARU recently wrote the DPP requesting that the matter be investigated and she has since handed over the case to the Commissioner of Police, Seelall Persaud for further investigations to begin.

Dr. Thomas said that he is pleased with the fact that the DPP’s office has acknowledged SARU’s request and has since acted expeditiously in that regard.

“After our request, the DPP wrote back to me saying that her office is constitutionally mandated to look into the criminal aspect of this case and said that with my permission she would forward it to the Commissioner of Police. I wrote her back saying that we have no objection and this was done,” Dr. Thomas.

In addition to calling on the DPP to investigate the matter, SARU had also put in a formal request at the Ministry of Public Security to probe the criminal aspect of the Pradoville Two deal.

In early October, SARU completed a report which stated that in 2010, the Bharrat Jagdeo Cabinet made a decision authorizing the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) to privatize State lands. NICIL is the body tasked with overseeing the privatization of State assets.

It reportedly spent more than $200M to develop the sea front community without the knowledge and blessings of the National Assembly and other relevant bodies.

The said lands were then secretly sold to the former Ministers and known friends and associates of the previous regime. At the time of the sale, the report said, the lands were grossly undervalued and sold at a price substantially below the market value, thereby depriving the state of its full benefits.

SARU said, “There is a direct link between the misconduct and the abuse of powers and duties of their position. The former Cabinet members knew they were doing a wrong in transferring State lands into their names and that of their acquaintances for undervalued market prices for the land. The lands were sold for $114 per square foot at the time.”

“Public officers ought to carry out their duties, not for the benefit of themselves, but for the benefit of the public as a whole. If they neglect or misconduct themselves by their actions in the course of their duties, this may lead to a breach or abuse of the public’s trust. The act of the Cabinet members for their benefit is serious enough to amount to an abuse of the public’s trust.”

In a letter addressed to Public Security Minister, Khemraj Ramjattan, SARU had said that based on its findings, it is requesting that Ramjattan’s Office proceed to further investigate unlawful aspects of this matter, with the aim of establishing whether criminal action should be instituted.

“It is the duty of this Unit in the Ministry of the Presidency to ensure that no Minister of Government in Guyana would be the beneficiary from any acts of misconduct or unlawful conduct while being holders of Public Office.”

SARU had also informed the Public Security Minister that it has also forwarded its report to the Attorney General (AG) and Minister of Legal Affairs, Basil Williams, along with a copy of a Legal Opinion on the potential misconduct in Public Office by the former Ministers.

The document on the Legal Opinion says that there is legal scope for the argument of willful neglect by the former ministers in performing their duties without reasonable excuse or facilitation to an extent amounting to an abuse of the public trust.

Further, based on the cases cited, the document outlines that the Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, has Legal Standing on this matter.

Once sufficient evidence is gathered by his Chambers, Williams had said that a civil action against the former Cabinet Ministers will be instituted. He had explained to the media that former President Bharrat Jagdeo could face prosecution.

The AG had argued that Jagdeo may be immune from prosecution for certain decisions he may have taken as President, provided these were legal actions. Misappropriating State lands may not be within his purview, Williams said.

The AG also made it clear that he cannot institute charges in this case; the person constitutionally empowered to do so is the DPP. He noted that while the Guyana Police Force can also institute such charges, should it act without the advice of the DPP, then she also has the power to intervene and take over the prosecutions started by the police.

The SARU report however lists the DPP, Miss Shalimar Ali-Hack as a beneficiary of the controversial Pradoville Two deal. The report said that on September 7, 2011, the DPP bought Lot 184 Sparendaam, ECD, Block IV, which is 0.2767 acres of land.

Asked how this looming situation of conflict of interest would be dealt with, Williams had said, “She would have to recuse herself in the determination of the matter.”


Lets not post allegations, when they convict Ali-Hack then you are welcome to post as a crime. How technically it can not be a crime since May 2015 as stated in the topic of this thread, this qualifies as a witch hunt prior to May 2015.  Please create your own tracker for crimes committed by PPP prior to May 2015.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Lets not post allegations, when they convict Ali-Hack then you are welcome to post as a crime. How technically it can not be a crime since May 2015 as stated in the topic of this thread, this qualifies as a witch hunt prior to May 2015.  Please create your own tracker for crimes committed by PPP prior to May 2015.


Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Lets not post allegations, when they convict Ali-Hack then you are welcome to post as a crime. How technically it can not be a crime since May 2015 as stated in the topic of this thread, this qualifies as a witch hunt prior to May 2015.  Please create your own tracker for crimes committed by PPP prior to May 2015.


Guilty pre May 2015? This thread is about crime after May 2015 when Granger et al took over. Keep this in perspective when you post here and honor the premise of the topic. 


This must make the cops pissed off, as soon as they put them in jail, bleeding heart Granger lets them out with amnesty.

Cops nab suspected gunman in ‘Ghetto Flex’ execution


– also wanted for several armed robberies

Police have captured the suspected gunman who riddled   22-year-old East Ruimveldt resident, Senasie Lewis, with bullets outside the Ghetto Flex night spot in Albouystown last month.

Senasie Lewis

Senasie Lewis

Described by police as one of their most elusive suspects, the suspected gunman, who is from Charlestown, was captured in Georgetown yesterday during a joint police operation.
Police said that the suspect, who was reportedly released from prison this year on arms and ammunition charges, was also wanted in connection with “a series of armed robberies and violent crimes.”
Police sources said that the suspect is also a member of the gang that is involved in a bloody feud with individuals from East Ruimveldt.
Lewis, of Pineapple Street, East Ruimveldt, was shot at least nine times on September 4, last, outside of the Ghetto Flex night spot at the corner of Albouys and James Streets, Albouystown, execution style. Three others were shot up in what appeared to be a hit carried out by two gunmen
Two gunmen had approached on foot and escaped immediately after the execution in a waiting car that was parked on Sussex Street.
When Lewis fell to the ground and raised his head as he gasped for air, one of his gunmen reportedly walked up to him and shot him repeatedly to ensure that he was dead.
The killer was heard declaring, “He disrespectful.”
Relatives and friends did not hesitate to describe Lewis as a “Bad Man”.
One relative reported that Lewis had a lot of enemies. He would rob anyone, even his family. Others who knew of him said, “He does go to Cayenne and he does rob even thief men like heself.”
Some reports indicated that the killing was linked to a robbery that took place in Adelaide and Howes Street, Charlestown a few months ago during a domino tournament.
One man called “Fat Man” was robbed and shot in the leg on that occasion.


This administration should be providing the Police with cars instead of filling their pockets with 50% raises. Imagine the detective had to use his own car to apprehend the bandits, no credit to the apnu/afc but rather personal pride in his job.


Attack on Mahaica family…Cops capture remaining gang members, recover loot, car


Police have captured the rest of the gang that escaped on Thursday with a Toyota Spacio and other valuables after terrorizing Mahaica rice farmer, Gansham Jorie, and his family.
Police said, yesterday, that two suspects, who were part of a three-man gang that robbed the family of a car, cash and jewllery at their Prospect, Mahaica, home, were positively identified.
“The vehicle along with part of the booty was recovered during police investigations and charges are to be instituted shortly,” police said.
Around 15:00 hours on Thursday, three armed bandits stormed the home of rice farmer Gansham Jorie at Prospect, Mahaica, and held the farmer, his wife and daughter at gunpoint.
The men threatened to kill their victims, while demanding cash, jewellery and other valuables.
This newspaper was told that the men ransacked Jorie’s house and carted off an undisclosed sum of cash and jewellery.
They then took the keys for his blue Spacio PPP 1050 and escaped.
Almost immediately after the bandits left, the police at the Mahaica Police Station were contacted.
In the absence of a Force vehicle, the detective on duty had no other alternative but to use his personal vehicle to respond.
He spotted the bandits somewhere in Mahaica and trailed them all the way to Ann’s Grove, a few miles away.
Bravely, he challenged the escaping bandits, forcing three of them to flee from the car in a bid to getaway.
The driver of the car sped away.
The detective who was accompanied by another general duty constable, managed to apprehend two of the fleeing bandits, while another one, taking advantage of the extra number, made good his escape.
A search of the captured bandits unearthed some of the stolen jewellery which was positively identified by the victims at the Mahaica Police Station.


It looks like the afc/apnu supporters are taking in royalty from the Guyanese public while their bosses get 50% raises.


Gunmen hit Goed Fortuin shop

The surveillance footage showing the armed men in the shop

The surveillance footage showing the armed men in the shop

Police in D Division (West Demerara) are hunting a three-man gang that attacked and robbed a shop in Goed Fortuin, West Bank Demerara on Thursday evening.

The incident occurred around 19:10h during which the armed men robbed and injured two West Bank Demerara residents. According to the police, the men entered the grocery shop of Mohabir Singh, 24, located at 406 First Street, Goed Fortuin, gun-butted his head and escaped with over $900,000 cash.

Sherwin Mayers, 37, a customer who was in the shop at the time, was also relieved of his cellular phone and $20,000 cash. When Guyana Times visited the shop on Friday, Mayers related what transpired.

He said at the time he was sitting just outside the shop while Singh and his father-in-law were at the gate standing when a car pulled up and three men, all armed, rushed out and help them at gunpoint.

”When they come in, one of them lash me in my head and took away my phone. They then forced us inside the shop and put us to lie on the ground face down,” he recalled. Mayers noted that he can’t really say what transpired afterwards since he was face down.

This newspaper was told that Singh and his wife Liloutie, 23, along with their two infant children recently moved into the house and have been running the stop for about four months. This is the first time they have been robbed.

At the time of the robbery, Singh’s wife, his children and two other young female relatives were in the shop. After seeing the gunmen, the females rushed upstairs to safety and locked the door but were forced to let the men in.

Singh’s father-in-law Khemraj Persaud explained that after the gunmen put them to lie in the shop, two of them jumped over the counter and went upstairs after his daughter while the other remained to watch over them. He added that the door upstairs was close so the other two returned downstairs and took Singh to get his wife to open the door, which she did.

When this publication visited the house, Singh was not at home but his wife related that while upstairs, the gunmen demanded that her husband hand over all the cash and jewellery. “When we give them the cash, they ask for all the jewellery but we tell them we ain’t got no jewellery. One of them then take his gun and hit my husband in his head,” she recalled.

Guyana Times was told the men were masked, however, surveillance camera in the shop caught the bandits entering and forcing the three men to lie on the floor while they emptied the cash register. They were also seen rushing out the shop.

Neighbours who saw when the men entered the shop related that they called 911 emergency line but there was no answer as was the case when they contacted the La Grange Police Station.

Meanwhile, in a release the police said the village has an active and vibrant Community Policing Group however the group was not out on patrol during the robbery. Nevertheless, crime sleuths in the Division believe this gang will be apprehended soon since they are narrowing in on their investigations.

Ranks in this Division said they recently dismantled a criminal networking gang.


The "hard times" under the apnu/afc is causing their supporters to snap at the slightest misunderstanding. Imagine chopping up your wife over a pair of slippers. 


Construction worker charged with chopping and stabbing wife

A construction worker was on Friday brought before Magistrate Fabayo Azore in Court Five of the Georgetown Magsitrates’ Courts to answer to a charge which alleged that he attacked his reputed wife with a cutlass.

Forty-eight-year-old Andre Robertson of Roxanne Burnham Gardens was not required to plead to the indictable charge which read that on Friday, October 23, at his Roxanne Burnham Gardens residence, he unlawfully and maliciously wounded the Virtual Complainant (VC) Denice Fredricks with the intent to maim, disfigure or cause grievous bodily harm. The Administration of Justice Act was applied and the accused denied the allegation.

According to the facts presented by Police Prosecutor, Corporal Simone Payne, the accused and the VC are reputed husband and wife who have one child together. The prosecution’s facts stated that on the day in question, an altercation occurred between the two over a pair of slippers. Subsequent to the argument, while the VC was getting dressed for work, the accused attacked her with a cutlass and dealt her a chop to her arm and a stab to her abdomen. The accused reportedly injured himself during the incident as well.

The VC argued with the prosecution’s facts differ greatly from what she alleged in her statement. She claimed that it appears that the statements have been tampered with and requested that this be investigated. The Prosecutor objected to bail on the grounds of the seriousness of the offence; adding that the two live together and the accused may interfere with the VC. The Magistrate remanded the man to prison and transferred the matter to Court One for November 5



This man don't have to worry, Granger will set him free should he go to jail, under the petty crime amnesty plan now in force under the afc/apnu. He will then continue to rob and steal.


Labourer remanded for stealing from Massy Industries

A labourer was on Friday remanded to prison after he appeared before Magistrate Fabayo Azore in Court Five of the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts charged with larceny.

Forty-three-year-old Jose Hamilton of M41 North Sophia, Greater Georgetown, was not required to plead to the indictable charge which read that on Tuesday, October 27, at Kitty, Georgetown he stole one Lenovo tablet valued at $91,600 and one Datamax printer valued at $215,000, all to a total value of $306,287; the property of Massy Industries.

The Administration of Justice Act was applied and the accused subsequently denied the charge. Police Prosecutor, Corporal Simone Payne made no objections to bail, adding that the investigation is still incomplete.

The Magistrate granted bail in the sum of $75,000 and transferred the matter to Court One where it will come up before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan on November 5.


I thought them PNC bannas were saying they will bring back law and order to Guyana.  What Guyana is getting is sheer law-less-ness and disorder.  This is one of the few things people actually believed of them, but they flunking bad.  Without that, they are not worth the ballot paper used to sneak them into power. 


The numbers don't lie, yet another robbery and shooting under the afc/apnu regime. Where are the their supporters Cain, mitwah D2, Gilbakka, Jalil, Tola, Mars and others? Why aren't they as vociferous about crime under their govt as they were under the PPP?


Kitty businessman shot, robbed


Owner of Street Styles, Carl Inniss, was last night robbed and shot mere minutes after exiting his business place at 207 Barr Street, Kitty.

Shot: Carl Inniss

Shot: Carl Inniss

Reports are that as part of his normal routine, the man exited his business around 18:21hrs and was headed to his car when he was attacked. “He said that he was coming back for me to prepare his Halloween makeup about 7,” a teary eyed woman said.
She said that shortly after she heard what sounded like a loud fire cracker.
“When I heard the sound me ain’t take it for nothing but then I hear the neighbour shouting for help and when them girls go downstairs he was on the ground.”
She said he was shot to his right leg near his knee and was also slashed across his face. The perpetrator(s) carried away his bag containing the day’s earnings from the boutique and other items.
He was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital where up to press rime he was being prepared for surgery after an X-ray. Medical professionals said he may have suffered a fractured leg as a result of the gunshot.
Outside of the Trauma room those who gathered after hearing of the news expressed dismay at the current crime situation and also spoke about a previous robbery that he was the victim of.


The afc/apnu stated that we wouldn't see these types of incidents  under their rule but it looks like business as usual where women are molested and nothing is done.


Officer fingered in alleged sexual assault of female rank elevated to Deputy Commander


– victim’s mother demands justice

The mother of a young female Police Constable is beginning to lose faith in the organization to which she entrusted her daughter almost a year and a half ago.
The woman, whose daughter has alleged that she was the victim of sexual molestation by her Officer in the district in which she was working, is not too convinced that there will be justice in this mater despite the assurance that an investigation was done by the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR).
In fact, it’s been almost two months since the incident and to date it does not appear as if charges will be laid against the Officer.
In fact, the Police Force has elevated the said officer to the post of Deputy Commander of the very Division in which the incident reportedly took place. For her part, the female Constable was posted to a city police station where she is reportedly being ridiculed by some of her colleagues for reporting the matter.
With nowhere to turn, the female Constable’s mother sought out the media, this newspaper in particular, to express her concern.
She said that since the matter involved a senior rank of the Force, she sought to have an audience with Commissioner of Police Seelall Persaud but her efforts have so far been futile.
Except for a statement on the matter from Minister of Public Security, Khemraj Ramjattan, many have been silent, including local women’s groups which have in the past been vigilant against alleged sexual misconduct against females by persons in authority.
The elderly woman, who is physically challenged and is unable to walk freely, told this newspaper that she is determined to get justice for her daughter.
In an exclusive interview with this newspaper, the woman said that her daughter joined the Guyana Police Force 15 months ago. Not long after graduating from the police college, she was posted to the out of town community near the border with Brazil.
The woman said that she was not too worried when her young daughter was posted there, since her father, the late ASP Ronald Charles, was a member of the Force as well as her daughter’s uncle who is also a current Assistant Superintendent of Police.
“I had no problem with them sending her there because I know she could take care of herself and I thought that the exposure would be good for her.”
She said that her daughter is not the type to be easily influenced by “bad elements”. “They take one year investigating her before she became a police (woman).”
She recalled that some time in early September, she received a telephone call from her daughter, informing her about the incident.
She recalled that it was a Sunday and her daughter said that she was off-duty and was at her quarters preparing to do some laundry when another rank went over to her and told her that the officer (name given) wanted her to fill in for another Constable at the station since he had to go out.
Not wanting to disobey the order, the young enthusiastic female Constable left her washing and went across to the station, but did not meet the officer there.
While at the station, the officer called and instructed her to come to his quarters to meet him.
“Remember it’s an Officer and she decided to comply,” the woman related.
According to the woman, when her daughter arrived at the Officer’s quarters, having walked through the broiling heat of the location, she was in beads of perspiration.
The woman explained that her daughter told her that the officer’s quarters does not have much furniture, so when the Officer invited her daughter to have a seat, her only recourse was to sit on the only chair that was in his room.
The woman said that the Officer offered her a beer which she graciously accepted since she had become thirsty as a result of the intense heat.
She said that the Officer told her daughter that he wanted his hair dyed and his uniformed pressed since he was required to attend court the following day.
“As an Officer, again, she decided to comply, so she started pressing the clothes after she had finished drinking the beer,” the woman said.
The Officer then started a conversation with the Constable.
“He start telling her, so long she come up there and if she ain’t got no boyfriend yet and if she had sex.”
The woman said that her daughter related that she was surprised by the conduct of the officer but continued to press the uniform, while “keeping her guard up.”
“She told him that she ‘ain’t come up here for that’. She said that while pressing the clothes, this man just advance to her and start rubbing her. She said, ‘Mommy, I never feel no way so in my whole life, how this thing happen’.”
While all of this was taking place, another who knew she had left go to the Officer’s quarters, came calling for her.
However the officer himself went out to the rank, and reportedly told him that the female constable had already left.
“She said she hear the Officer telling the rank, ‘She is not here, she left and gone already’.”
The woman said that her daughter became afraid, especially when the Officer came back into the room and began grappling with her, trying to kiss her.
The female cop told her mother that she resisted the Officer’s advances.
Sensing that the Constable’s colleagues would be looking for her, the Officer left the quarters, and using this window of opportunity, the female cop left the ironing and fled.
She immediately contacted her uncle, who is stationed at Police Headquarters, Eve Leary.
“She so ashamed about what happen that she didn’t tell anybody; she only call her uncle. He’s the first person she call and then she call me and tell me what happened. She tell me that she was coming home. ‘Ah coming out from hey’. So I say, Lord is what is this now?”
Kaieteur News was reliably informed that the file on the matter was sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions with a certain recommendation from the OPR.
However, it was sent back to the police with a request for clarification on certain aspects, which according to a source, have nothing to do with the allegation made by the victim.
She said that she read this newspaper’s report about the alleged incident and felt comfortable that something was being done about it.
But she waited for that to happen and so far it has not. So with nowhere to turn to, the cop’s mother came to this newspaper.
“I am wondering why it taking so long because I reading about other matters that come up already and I am not hearing anything.”
“This thing happen in the Guyana Police Force, so if my daughter does not get justice what will the public think about the force?”
She said that she is surprised that the Officer at the centre of the matter is still on the job. As a matter of fact he is now a Deputy Commander, especially since the ranks who went to his quarters to enquire about her daughter have also been transferred to a remote interior location.
“That is victimization, man!” she lamented.
“What is the Force trying to tell me? What picture are they portraying there when you do something like that? I don’t feel they should have this man working; they should have him under some disciplinary action. If it was a Corporal or so, you believe they woulda have him there?”
The woman said that she went to seek a meeting with Commissioner Persaud but was told by a staff at the office that she should speak to the Commander of the Division in which the incident occurred.
“When you look at it, he is sending us to speak to persons where this Officer is the Deputy Commander. That ain’t make no sense!” the woman declared.
Sexual harassment of junior female police ranks by senior male Officers is nothing new in the Guyana Police Force and other disciplined services. There have been several instances over the years which have gone unreported for fear of victimization.
This newspaper was reliably informed that only recently, a similar matter against a police Officer was discontinued because a young female Constable declined to pursue it further.
This was despite the matter being thoroughly investigated and engaging the attention of the Police Service Commission.
A week ago, the Director of Prison, Welton Trotz  was sent packing after he was belatedly charged with sexually assaulting one of his female ranks, an incident which allegedly occurred way back in January this year.


Hard times under the afc/apnu driving people man. This is the first time I hear about a delusional car thief. There is always a first I suppose, especially with a cockeye man in charge of the security of the nations citizens.


Psychiatric car thief repeats crime

– one day after release


A 24-year-old patient of the National Psychiatric Hospital was on Friday placed before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in Court Two of the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts charged with stealing a car, his fourth offence of that nature.

Repeat offender, Raymond Samaroo

Repeat offender, Raymond Samaroo

Raymond Samaroo, a minibus driver, of 20 Owen Street, Kitty, Georgetown, was not required to plead to the indictable charge which read that on October 28 at Station Street, Kitty, he stole one Toyota Allion valued $3 million; the property of the Virtual Complainant (VC) Eon Pearson. When the Administration of Justice Act was applied, the accused entered a not guilty plea.
Police Prosecutor, Corporal Deniro Jones did not reveal the particulars surrounding the charge; however, it was revealed that the accused was released on $150,000 bail on a similar matter the day before committing the offence. The accused has been previously charged for three offences similar in nature. In his previous appearances, the court heard that Samaroo was charged for stealing a 4-Runner in a similar manner while the driver was purchasing a meal at a Chinese restaurant. It was while he was on bail for that charge that he stole a car while the owner was still seated in the driver’s seat. The Prosecutor objected to bail on these grounds.
Attorney Paul Fung-A-Fat made an application for bail stating that his client suffers from a mental disease and could not be held accountable for his actions as he suffers from delusions and amnesia.
The Attorney requested that he be placed on bail so that he could receive his monthly treatment. Bail was denied and the matter will return to Court on November 7.


The beat goes on, the afc/apnu promised an end to these types of crime. However it looks like it is business as usual. As soon as they voted themselves 50% increase in salary, they forgot all about their campaign promises.


Found dead: Taxi driver Shurland Dalloo
Found dead: Taxi driver Shurland Dalloo

Missing Parika taxi driver found dead


THE body of the missing taxi driver from Parika, Region 3 (West Demerara/Essequibo) was found in a canal aback of Onverwagt, West Coast Berbice early yesterday morning.A group of West Coast Berbice men going into the backdam to hunt iguanas came upon the badly decomposed body of Shurland Dalloo, 33, of 55 Parika around 07:30 hrs.
The body was discovered tucked under aquatic weeds and may have been there for a number of days since the area is off the main road from Onverwagt to the Abary River and is relatively isolated.
The forehead of the dead man had been bashed in making facial recognition impossible. The extent of the damage suggested that he had been bludgeoned to death.
Yesterday relatives of the dead man travelled from Parika to West Coast Berbice and positively identified him by means of the clothing he had been wearing when he left home at 07:30 hrs in his taxi to ply the Parika to Georgetown route on Monday, October 26 last.
Relatives said that the discovery had ended an almost countrywide search for the 33-year-old man after he failed to return home from operating his taxi that day.
“We searched in Linden, in the Rupununi, in Mahdia along the East Bank Highway, West Demerara, all over. Many of his taxi driving colleagues were involved,” his uncle-in-law said.
Others who declined to be named said that although the news of the discovery was horrifying, at least they felt some closure in the discovery of his remains.
They expressed hopes that the police would soon arrest the perpetrators of the brutal act.
Dalloo went missing on October 26th last.
He left his home at 07:30 in his hire car, a silver grey Carina, registration number HB 8739, and failed to answer phone calls on his cell phone around 12:30 hrs.
According to reports a mini-bus driver who is a friend of the dead man saw him inside his vehicle parked on the   Flour Mill Road at Eccles, East Bank Demerara with two men inside around the same time.
The man said that Dalloo hailed him and put on the hazard lights of his vehicle.
He returned the call but did not stop since he was transporting passengers and he felt that Dalloo was merely hailing him as he usually did.
Reports said that the driver subsequently realised to his chagrin, that Dalloo was probably being held hostage at the time and trying to attract his attention so that he could assist him in getting out of the situation.
Dalloo has left to mourn his parents, one brother and his wife.
The body of the dead taxi driver was taken to the mortuary at Fort Wellington where a post-mortem is expected to be performed today.
The vehicle driven by Dalloo at the time of his disappearance has not yet been recovered.
The police said that investigations are continuing.


Every one drug mule they stop, another 100 get through unscathed. The apnu/afc have failed Guyana, they make a show of catching low level drug mules while the bosses enjoy immunity. To date since the afc/apnu took office, no drug lord has been taken down.


Drug mule busted at CJIA

Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) ranks at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) busted a 46-year-old drug mule who was attempting to smuggle cocaine in the false sides of his suitcases.

The Guyanese man, who was an outgoing passenger on a Caribbean Airlines flight destined for New York, was busted on Saturday with about 4.5 kilograms (nine pounds) of cocaine.

According to reports, the man was acting in a suspicious manner causing ranks to inspect his luggage. The cocaine was subsequently discovered and he was arrested.

He is expected to appear in court today.

This newspaper was told that a close relative of the drug mule was arrested a few years ago attempting to smuggle cocaine through the CJIA.


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