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The PNC bais busy busy sabotaging the media.

Sabotage suspected as TV station tower crashes down


A television station is now off-air after its tower came crashing down yesterday.

The damage in the compound yesterday.

The management and staffers of MTV Channel 14/Cable 65 believe that the incident is sabotage, with the police now investigating.
According to Raymond Singh, General Manager of the privately-owned channel, a nipper was found attached to one of the three guide lines that anchor the tower down.
The incident occurred in broad daylight along the Eccles dumpsite road, East Bank Demerara.
Singh said that all stops would be pulled out to ensure that the station restarts its broadcasts again as early as Monday, although capacity would not be full.
This is until repairs can be carried out and the tower anchored back into position.
Singh said that approximately, 00:10hrs, he received a call that the antenna had come crashing down. He arrived to see pieces of the tower on the guard hut and a shed in the neighbouring compound that houses a printery. There was damage to the roof of the studio.
The officials said that it appeared that the guide wire was deliberately cut.

Some of the station’s staffers at the location.

“They were pulling the wire and it was stuck, and on investigating, found that a nipper was attached.”
The GM said he and other officials immediately made a report to the Providence Police Station.
“The police are doing investigations. We are asking persons to bear with us, as we work to start broadcasting again.”
Singh declined to name anyone that he suspect could be involved.
“It is too early. The police are doing their investigations.”
According to Paul ‘DJ Stress’ Bonar, he was in the Eccles studio, and had just finished a show when the incident occurred.
“We were watching CPL replay from Thursday night and the screen went blue and there was a loud noise. I knew that something happened.”
Bonar said that on rushing outside, they saw parts of the tower lying in the compound.
The tower, with one of its anchoring cables cut, was ripped from its base.

An investigator taking away the nipper.

Police were on the scene yesterday, taking away the nipper and taking photos.
The station itself in a statement said, in confirming the incident, that the collapse caused severe damage to its broadcast equipment and building. Parts of the tower also caused extensive damage to a dish in the compound.
“The circumstances surrounding this collapse are currently under investigation. However, sabotage is not ruled out. Our team is working assiduously to restore all operations.”
The station said that it is badly affected.
“Unfortunately, all programmes, advertisements and great entertainment including MTV’s News Update and Death Announcements etc. will not be aired until further notice. We humbly ask our advertisers, producers and viewers to remain steadfast, as we seek to address this issue.”
MTV was previously controlled by former Natural Resources Minister, Robert Persaud and his wife, Kamini. They have since parted company with the station.
The shareholders, including a number of businessmen, are now managing the station which first came on air in the 1990s. The station has 25 staffers.
Yesterday, station officials said that they are offering a $1M reward for information leading to perpetrators of the act.
They said that calls, which will be treated with confidence, can be made to mobile number 6918299 or to the Providence police station, 265-7388.


Ramjattan missing in action, back in PPP time the man mek nuff nuff money off of police brutality. Now cockeye in office he quiet quiet.

Teen allegedly brutalised by businessman

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Marks on the body of Deon Antone following the beating he received Wednesday last

— police reportedly paid to cover up matter

THE parents of a 16-year-old Aishalton teenager plans to leave no stone unturned following the savage “torture” of their son which they allege was done by a Lethem businessman and his employees last Wednesday at the Marudi Mountains backdam.
Reports are that the boy was beaten into an unconscious state by the businessman and two associates last Wednesday morning in the Marudi Mountains mining fields in the Rupununi, after the men accused the former Richard Ishmael Secondary School student of theft.
According to the young man’s stepfather, Stanly Young, his son works in the backdam where the family has a mining claim.
He said on Tuesday night of last week, his stepson along with friends went and partied at a popular spot in the area which he noted is next door to the businessman’s shop.
Young, a former police sergeant, said his stepson went to the businessman’s shop while under the influence of alcohol and asked for some food during the night as he partied with his friends.

Reports from the area are that the young man left the shop and slept the night in a truck, which was parked some 100 metres from the shop.
According to a resident of Aishalton, on Wednesday morning, the businessman and two employees went to the truck, pulled the sleeping teenager out of the vehicle and accused him of stealing from his shop.
Reports are that the businessman, who is well-connected in the Rupununi , placed his boot on the teenager’s throat as he inflicted a sound thrashing with a piece of hose which is used in mining pits.

According to an eyewitness, as two men held the lad, the businessman asked for a piece of metal and when provided with the instrument, he continued to beat the teen, breaking two of his teeth in the process.
The teen was left lying on the roadway following the ordeal as he groaned in pain.
Young said that while he is not defending his stepson for the accusation of theft levelled against him, he is upset at the manner in which the incident was treated by police ranks who went to investigate it.
He said he was told about the incident several hours after it had occurred, noting that his stepson was taken to the Romanex Mining operations in the Marudi area where a medex tended to the injured lad.

“They said he was in and out of consciousness,” the concerned man noted.
Young said when he arrived at the medical centre at the mining operations, he was told that his stepson’s condition was dire, and as such, he was rushed out from the area on an all-terrain vehicle to Aishalton, some 30 miles away.
Young said as he prepared to leave the mining fields for Aishalton, he encountered two young police ranks and he alleged that the officers informed him that there was nothing they could have done, since the businessman had offered to “settle the matter.”
He said he grew angry at the ranks’ statement, noting that as a former policeman, he understands that no one “can take the law into his own hands and get away with it.”
He said when he visited his stepson at the Aishalton Hospital on Thursday, the young man refused to say anything, since he was offered a sum of $300,000 by the businessman to remain quiet.
He said later in the day, his stepson discharged himself from the hospital and managed to travel back into the backdam to the family’s mining operations.

The stepfather said that when he enquired of his wife about his stepson’s condition, she told him that the teen was fearful of two police ranks whom he alleged were after their “cut” of the $300,000 bribe which the businessman had offered.
Young said he visited the police station at Aishalton and an officer told him that they had no transportation, and as such, they could not arrest the businessman.
“How can they have no transportation to arrest this man, yet two of them were in the backdam the day of the incident speaking with the same businessman?” Young asked.
He said that he will me making a formal report on the matter to the Lethem Police Station today, since he had no trust in the ranks at the Aishalton Police Station, whom he believes are attempting to cover up the matter.
He said the businessman’s actions amounts to torture and he plans to ensure that the matter is not swept under the carpet.
Repeated calls by this publication to the number of the businessman for a comment on Sunday night proved futile.


Botched drug smuggling lands artist in jail


– 61-yr-old attempted to smuggle ganja into Camp St prison

Craftsman Ishwar Persaud of Leopold Street, Georgetown was on Monday arraigned before Georgetown Magistrate Judy Latchman on a charge alleging that, on August 31, 2017, he attempted to smuggle into the Camp Street Penitentiary 20 grams of marijuana reportedly concealed in the soles of a pair of boots.
Unrepresented by legal counsel, the 61-year-old pleaded not guilty to the offence of trafficking in narcotics, and explained that his neighbour had asked him to take the footwear to a remand prisoner named Ralph Franklin.
Police allege that on the day of the incident, the elderly man had visited the prison, and searches conducted on his person revealed the narcotics hidden in the said footwear. He was thereafter escorted to the Alberttown Police Station (Georgetown), where the leaves, seeds and stems suspected to be marijuana were weighed in his presence. He was subsequently charged with the present offence.
Persaud was not placed on bail, and will remain incarcerated until September 18, 2017, when the matter will be called again at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts for a pre-emptory hearing. (Paula Gomes


Police hunting 5 bandits after Sophia robbery


Police are now hunting five men who reportedly broke into a Sophia, Greater Georgetown home Wednesday morning and stole a quantity of valuables, including money, mobile phones and laptops.
Based on information received from Police C Division (East Coast) Commander Calvin Brutus, the incident occurred around 00:15h on Wednesday.
This newspaper was told that the victims, a 32-year-old man and his wife, were sound asleep, but they were awakened by the sounds of people kicking on the door to the A Field Sophia home.
By then, the male victim noted, it was too late for him to stop the unwanted entry as the five men, armed with cutlasses managed to kick in the door completely.
The perpetrators ordered that the couple remain silent and turn over all of their valuables, and as such, the now traumatised victims complied.
After the less-than-five minutes ordeal, the five bandits fled the scene. Investigations are ongoing


House blaze leads fire-fighters to man’s burnt body in living room


– Cousin arrested as cops probe possible robbery/murder 
Fire-fighters early yesterday morning stumbled upon the body of a Golden Grove, East Coast Demerara man just minutes after they were called to his home to investigate a fire that had broken out in one of the bedrooms. 
The victim has been identified as 39-year-old Sean Prince, of 67 Sideline Dam, Golden Grove. He was managing his father’s shipping company—Prince’s Shipping—located in Muneshwers Building on Main Street, Georgetown.
The man’s burnt body was found among the debris in the living room of his home around 01:30 hrs.
A cousin who lives in the bottom flat of the two-storey property has been taken into custody as police probe a possible robbery/murder. The house in which the duo was residing is owned by Prince’s father, who resides in the United States of America.
Fire Chief Marlon Gentle when contacted yesterday said that when his ranks responded to the scene, they had established that it was not a normal fire, based on the physical evidence present at the scene. He indicated that they are awaiting a Post Mortem examination to determine the cause of the businessman’s death.
Kaieteur News was informed that residents claimed that they heard what sounded like gunshots in the village just before they noticed Prince’s home was engulfed in fire. A detective confirmed that they have received this information.
Prince was last seen imbibing with persons in the village and watching cricket late Wednesday night at a shop in Golden Grove. After the game, he reportedly left in the company of a woman, who is said to be a stranger to villagers.
It was the cousin, who has been detained, that raised an alarm. He managed to save some of his belongings.
A relative of the deceased, who asked that her name be withheld, said that by the time she arrived at the location, the blaze had almost engulfed most of the building. “When they (firemen) put out the fire, they found the body.”
The woman is convinced that something suspicious took place. One resident was heard saying, “You tell me a big strong man like that can’t scream or get out of a burning house? Something surely wrong there.”
A neighbour said, “Everyone de watching de cricket, and as soon as it finished we went to bed and shortly after, we hear about the fire.” He added that residents assumed that the man was not at home.
Kaieteur News was informed that most of the man’s relatives are residing in the US and they are currently making arrangements to come.


Bandit who shot miner near Stabroek Market turns self in


Diligent police investigations have led to the arrest of a South Cummings Lodge, East Coast Demerara man, who allegedly shot and robbed a minibus passenger near the Stabroek Market earlier this month.

The booty and a gun which one of the gunmen had left in a parked car.

Police said that the suspect turned himself over to ranks at the Brickdam Police Station on Wednesday in company of an Attorney.
“The 33 year old suspect has since admitted to the commission of the crime and also to the ownership of an unlicensed firearm with five live rounds, which along with part of the stolen jewellery, were found in a motor car, in close proximity of the crime scene,” a police statement said.
Investigations revealed that about 15:00hrs on September 2, the 44-year-old victim, who is a miner and resides at Middle Walk, Buxton, East Coast Demerara, was in a bus with other passengers at the East Coast Bus Park, Hinck Street, Georgetown, when two suspects, one armed with a handgun, relieved him of his gold and diamond chain valued $950,000.
They fled in the direction of the Stabroek Market. But the miner pursued one of the robbers, who drew his firearm and discharged several rounds, hitting the victim on his left hand and buttock.
Police said that the gunman ran to a parked car, where he concealed something before fleeing on foot, while leaving the car locked.
The vehicle was towed to the Brickdam Police Station and later searched in the presence of its owner, who provided a key to the vehicle, after claiming to have rented it to a Kitty resident since last July.
The victim who was taken to the GPHC was treated and later discharged.
Efforts are being made to have the other suspect arrested.


Bandits rob housewife and her mother

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THREE bandits robbed a housewife and her mother of cash, jewellery and a cellphone at Glasgow Housing Scheme, East Bank Berbice in the wee hours of Tuesday morning.

The housewife, who was in bed, woke up from her sleep after a backdoor to the house made a cracking sound, as the bandits armed with handguns and cutlass tried to gain entry to the house.

The 29-year-old woman, who was confronted by the robbers, panicked when she saw a gun pointed to her head. The men demanded cash and jewellery. One of the bandits then relieved her of the jewellery she had on both hands.

The bandits then headed into the adjoining room, where they robbed the housewife’s 45-year-old mother.

During the robbery, the woman raised an alarm and the bandits ran out of the house through the very door they entered and escaped.

No shot was fired and no one was injured during the robbery.

Police confirmed the robbery, noting that the bandits carted off gold and silver jewellery and one Samsung Galaxy S 4 phone.


Gunmen escape with $1M during home invasion


Two gunmen around 02:30 hrs yesterday escaped with $1M in cash when they invaded a home and grocery shop at Lot 250 Independence Boulevard, Albouystown.
According to Lavern Howard, two armed men gained entry into her home and immediately started demanding cash and other valuables after waking them from their sleep.
Yesterday’s robbery was the second since Howard and her husband, Vincent, had been operating the grocery shop for the past 16 years.
The woman said that when the bandits entered the house, her 22-year-old daughter started screaming upon seeing them. They taped her mouth to keep her quiet.
After they got their hands on the cash and a quantity of phone cards, they fired a shot in the air before escaping.
The matter is being investigated by ranks at the Ruimveldt Police Station.


Gunmen forced to leave money, safe after shootout with guards


– had broken into Readymix establishment and tied elderly guards 

Three gunmen with a high power rifle were forced to escape empty handed yesterday morning during a shootout with armed guards, who were alerted to a burglary at Readymix Concrete Limited at Eccles, East Bank Demerara (EBD).
The gunmen had already entered the premises and were about to use a sledgehammer to smash open a money-safe when guards from a contracted security firm rushed to the scene after an alarm at the firm went off.
The men were forced to abandon the safe and flee, while opening fire on the security guards. Thankfully, none of the guards was injured.
The bandits managed to escape from the back of the building—the same way they had entered.
Security footage showed the men ransacking an office in the main building. One man held onto a small weapon while another had what seemed to be an assault rifle. They wore masks and gloves.
According to information received, the gunmen arrived on bicycles.
They entered from the back of the building and made their way to the front, where two security guards—believed to be in their 70s were stationed.

The masked and gloved intruders in the building

After tying the guards and holding them at gunpoint, the men made their way to the main building.
From all indications, the men knew where they were heading.
Kaieteur news was informed that the bandits used a sledgehammer to break the concrete wall of the building to get inside.
It is suspected that an alarm went off when they got into the building.
Reports are that the men also broke into a parked vehicle in the compound, looking for valuables
It is not the first time thieves broke into the company. In February 2015, robbers tied up a security guard and escaped with two safes.
One was later found abandoned in Agricola with $1.4M


CANU finds 75lbs ganja in barrels, boxes

An early morning raid conducted on a house at the corner of Camp and Norton Streets, Georgetown by ranks of the Customs Anti Narcotics Unit (CANU) unearthed 34.048 (75 pounds)of marijuana hidden in two boxes and two barrels.
In a release, CANU said that the raid was done at about 06:00hrs yesterday during which several bulk parcels of suspected marijuana was unearthed.
Several persons have been taken into custody as investigations continue.

The several parcels of bulk marijuana that was unearthed during the raid


Venezuelan gunmen storm NWD mining camp


JOINT Services ranks were on Monday dispatched to the Five Star backdam in the North West District following a robbery on Sunday afternoon.

Reports from the area are that a group of armed men, suspected to be Venezuelans, invaded a mining camp on Sunday afternoon at Five Star.

Divisional Commander, Rabindranath Budhram, told the Guyana Chronicle that one person sustained a gunshot wound to the leg. Reports are that 18-year old Troy Joseph of the Falls Top mining area, located between Port Kaituma and Matthews Ridge was shot and the man was taken the Matthews Ridge Hospital for treatment.

There have been several incidents involving suspected Venezuelan gunmen committing robberies close to the mining areas at the border. In July this year, three Port Kaituma, North West District miners met a brutal end following a robbery at a mining camp on Venezuela’s side of the border.

The men, Vernon Eudoxie, 63, Cologne Solomon, 23, an ex-policeman and Samuel Moses, 19, were killed during the incident at a Brazilian-owned mining camp at an area known as “Imatake Backdam” across the Venezuela border. Another man, Joel Paton, 19, of Supenaam, was injured and was treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC), after being transferred from the Port Kaituma Hospital.

Miners in the area told this newspaper that there are groups of Venezuelans known as “sindicatos” of “malandros” who would “control” mining areas in that country’s side of the border. The miners are made to pay a percentage of their mining earnings to the groups.


Biker bandits rob man $1.7M at traffic light

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TWO unidentified bandits on a white scrambler motorcycle robbed a Sankar Auto Works employee of $1.7M in cash at the Blygezight/Bel Air junction, Railway Embankment on Saturday.

Reports indicate that the victim went to his workplace, Sankar Auto Works on Sheriff Street and collected the cash to purchase materials and pay workers at Giftland Mall. He placed the cash, which was in a black plastic bag, on the front passenger seat of his car and drove north on Sheriff Street then east on the Railway Embankment and stopped at the traffic light behind three other vehicles.

The Sankar’s employee had all his windows up at the time. The suspected bandits on motorcycle rode up behind his car from the western direction and the pillion rider dismounted and rushed to the vehicle pointing the firearm at the driver, while hitting the windscreen.

The bandit then pulled open the passenger side door and picked up the black plastic bag with cash and returned to the motorcycle and made good his escape.

When contacted police confirmed the robbery occurred and noted that no shots were fired and there was no injury, as investigations continue.


Gunmen hijack taxi in Kitty


Gunmen on Sunday assaulted a 65-year-old taxi driver, after which they carted off a Toyota Premio which he hired to operate as a taxi and some of his possessions at Kitty Public Road, Georgetown.
Reports are that the incident occurred around 12:45h on Sunday, just as Percey Busey, a driver attached to Eddy’s Taxi Service, had arrived in Kitty in the car bearing registration PRR 3295, to pick up a passenger.
Busey, in an interview with Guyana Times, said that he was at the time reversing on the Kitty roadway while awaiting the arrival of his passenger when two men pounced on him. He said one of the men was carrying a gun.
The traumatised taxi driver went on to say that one of the men held a gun to his head and threatened to shoot him if he did not comply with their demands while the other opened the door and attempted to drag him out by his collar. Refusing to leave the car, Busey questioned the intentions of the hijackers, resulting in the gunman dealing him a blow to his mouth, using the handle of the weapon.
Eventually, the driver surrendered and exited the car. However, after gaining access to the vehicle, the duo then insisted that he get into the back seat, but he managed to escape leaving his possessions behind. It was then that the hijackers drove off with the car.
Following the incident, a report was made to the Police.
This report comes just weeks after the Guyana Police Force (GPF) had issued an official warning, calling on drivers, especially those operating taxis in the capital city, to be on the lookout for carjackers.
In the advisory, the GPF urged that all taxi drivers, especially those operating Toyota Allion and Toyota Premio motor cars, to “be on the alert for potential hijackers”. It was further disclosed that the attackers have been hiring cabs in Georgetown under the pretext of wanting transportation and “upon arrival at their requested locations, the drivers are robbed of their personal belongings as well as their motor cars,” the statement noted.
Just last month, another elderly taxi driver was relieved of his silver Toyota Premio and a quantity of cash in a similar manner.
This publication previously reported that after hiring a car at Robb Street, Georgetown, an unidentified young woman lured the taxi driver into a trap, where he was greeted at their destination with a man carrying a gun.
Walter Sanmoogan, 60, of Lot 157 Section B Nonpareil, East Coast Demerara, left with a passenger sometime after 16:00h and upon arrival in D’Urban Backlands, he was stripped of his possessions and forced to abandon his car. Sanmoogan’s vehicle is yet to be retrieved.


Soldiers held for snatching teen’s phone


Police have detained two soldiers and are seeking a third in connection with a brazen robbery they allegedly committed yesterday evening on an 18-year-old at Hyde Park, Timehri.
Two of the suspects are 20 years old and are reportedly based at Camp Stephenson, Timehri.
The victim, who is a welder, was walking through a short-cut in the area, and had just passed three young men, when one of them grabbed him.
A scuffle ensued and the victim was overpowered, when another youth joined the attacker.
The men then relieved the lad of his cell phone, pushed him to the ground, and fled.
However, the victim raised an alarm and a man who was in the area assisted the youth in pursuing and catching one of the thieves.
On being apprehended, the alleged robber identified himself as a Guyana Defence Force private.
He was taken to Base Camp Stephenson, where, under questioning, he allegedly admitted that he and two other ranks had robbed the lad.
The suspect also reportedly identified one of his accomplices, who was also taken into custody. The third rank is still to be located and police have not recovered the stolen phone .
Police are to seek legal advice on the matter shortly.


Bandits abduct driver and conductress, escape with vehicle



– victims unhappy with treatment at police outpost

A minibus driver and his conductress were abducted at gunpoint around 21:00 hrs last Saturday by two passengers who escaped with their vehicle after forcing the victims to accompany them to Kuru Kururu on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway.
Mohamed Hazrafdeen, 51, of Little Diamond, East Bank Demerara, said that the men, who posed as passengers, had attacked them at around 21:00hrs in the vicinity of Craig Village, East Bank Demerara.
Hazrafdeen’s ordeal reportedly began when he dropped off two of his passengers at a bus shed at Craig, East Bank Demerara.
He said that two male passengers, who were the only other commuters, pretended to disembark at the same bus shed. Instead, one of them held the conductress at gunpoint, while the other ran to the driver’s side of the bus.
While one suspect shoved the conductress into the passenger seat and held her at gunpoint, the other man ran to Hazrafdeen and pressed a knife to the driver’s neck.
Hazrafdeen said that he was attempting to start the vehicle, but his attacker said, “Do not play stupid; turn around and see the conductress.”
The bandit then forced Hazrafdeen to sit in the front passenger seat, while claiming that he had been paid to kill the driver. Hazrafdeen said that he was then ordered, at gunpoint, to sit in the back seat.
Hazrafdeen stated that the men appeared intent on shooting him, but he pretended to be sick and claimed that he had a mental disorder and had also contracted typhoid.
This apparently made the men decide to spare his life, and one of the bandits entered the driver’s seat and drove to the Soesdyke/Linden highway.
Hazrafdeen alleged that during the journey, the bandit who was driving said, “Kill him, we already got paid.” However, his accomplice opted to spare the driver’s life, and told the conductress that she would be safe once she did nothing “stupid.”
According to Hazrafdeen, the bandit who was guarding him said, “Don’t worry kill him…..lets dump him off…..he gonna die anyway”.
On reaching Kuru Kururu, the men allegedly shoved their victims out of the vehicle, after relieving them of their valuables, including documents and cash.
Hazrafdeen said he then walked with his conductress to the Kuru Kururu Police Station where ranks told them that their entire patrol was at a festival, and there was no one to take their report.
Another rank immediately instructed the victims to file a report at the Grove Police Station.
Hazrafdeen said he told the rank he had no money because he was robbed.
The policeman reportedly replied, “What you want me to do?…….go flag a bus or vehicle out there”.
At that point, another policeman drove into the compound. Hazrafdeen said that he then asked the other policeman if the rank who was driving could take him to the station.
According to Hazrafdeen, the rank, whom he identified, replied, “He’s off duty”.
Hazrafdeen said he left the compound and returned to the roadway, where a driver eventually gave him a lift and took him to the Grove Police Station.
The officers present took his report and are currently investigating the matter.
The stolen minibus is a green Toyota with licence plate BTT 5951. Hazrafdeen is offering a reward of $200,000 for the return of his minibus.


Brawl over woman turns fiery as three houses burnt to the ground


– Sophia man stabbed with pitch fork, chopped to head

A Sophia, Georgetown mini bus conductor is clinging to life at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) after being stabbed with a pitchfork and chopped several times in the head Sunday morning by a man, whose woman the conductor had been “tackling.”
The injured man has been identified as 28-year-old Alvand Williams of ‘B’ Field Sophia. He has been listed as critical after being stabbed to the right chest with the pitchfork and chopped to the head with a cutlass.
After Williams was attacked, his gang reportedly went in search of the suspect, Cleon Felix; and as they were hunting for him in ‘B’ Field Sophia, they burnt three houses to the ground, including where the suspect lived with the mother of his child. The woman’s name was given as “Kerry,” and she is said to be the individual at the centre of the controversy.
Dexter Forde and Simone Durant, friends of Felix, are the ones who lost their homes. Felix was picked up by the police in the company of Forde and has reportedly since confessed to stabbing and chopping the 28-year-old man.
According to information received, Williams was ‘tackling’ the suspect’s child mother for some time and based on what Felix told the police, the conductor “disrespected” the woman when she refused to travel in his bus a few days ago.
When the woman complained to Felix, he confronted the conductor on Hadfield Street, Georgetown and an argument ensued, resulting in Felix running away when Williams rushed up to him with an object.

Confessed to stabbing mini bus conductor, Cleon Felix

Dexter Forde, the suspect’s friend who lost his home in the fire

Early yesterday, the conductor, who was armed with two cutlasses, was out on the road at ‘B’ Field Sophia waiting on a bus. At the same time, Felix was heading to the wash bay on the main road at Sophia where he worked.
The two men clashed and Williams allegedly challenged Felix to a fight. Based on what the suspect has told the cops, the conductor fired the first chop, but missed. Felix allegedly then disarmed his attacker.
“He (Felix) said that he chopped and Williams was walking away and Williams picked up a pitchfork that was nearby and was about to stab him (Felix) when he (Felix) turned back and chopped Williams again. He (Felix) said he then collected the pitchfork and stabbed him then he walked away and left him there,” a police source said.
This newspaper was told that the police rushed to the scene and took the wounded Williams to the hospital. On learning of the incident, the injured man’s friends, allegedly went hunting for the suspect.
They first went to his home and when they realised he was not there, they burnt his house down. They then went to his friend, Dexter Forde’s home and burnt it too. Reports are that Forde and Felix had left the area.
Desperate to find the man who attacked their friend, they went to the home of another friend, Simone Durant and burnt her home also.
However, the police were able to track down the suspect and Forde. No one has been arrested for the fire as yet.

What was once the home of Simone Durant, a friend of Felix

Cleon Felix and his reputed wife’s home was burnt to ashes by the conductor’s friends

Dexter Forde’s home burnt to ashes. Forde and Felix are friends


Mentally ill man shoots guard after disarming GRA official



Police have detained a mentally ill man who shot a security guard at around 01:15 hours on Saturday, after wrestling a licensed firearm away from a Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) official.
The incident occurred at Silver City, Wismar, Linden.
Ramano Fiedtkou, 22, of Lower Kara Kara, Linden, was shot in the back and is currently receiving treatment at the Linden Hospital.
The suspect, Kareem Small is in police custody at the Wismar Police Station.
It is alleged that at about 01:15 hours, the GRA official was standing at Silver City Road while in the company of relatives when the mentally ill man approached him and grabbed his firearm that was strapped to his waist.
Small reportedly began firing shots aimlessly, and then ran away.
The firearm and two live rounds were removed.

Shot Guard: Ramano Fiedtkou

The suspect, Kareem Small

A close relative of Fiedtkou told this newspaper that he has undergone surgery, and seems to be recovering well.
“The only problem is that he is not eating as yet, so he has to be fed intravenously.”
The police are awaiting a psychiatric evaluation before he is charged.


Two nabbed after robbing contractor at gunpoint



Quick action by the police has led to the arrest of two men, minutes after they robbed a contractor at Agriculture Road, Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara (ECD) around 1:45 hrs yesterday.
The victim has been identified as 44-year-old Haymont Hardin. He was robbed at gunpoint by two men on a motorcycle. They took his gold chain valued approximately $1,680,000.
The two suspects, aged 26 and 31, were nabbed by ranks of an anti-crime patrol. One of the suspects was caught riding the motorcycle that was used to rob the victim.
The police have not been able to recover the victim’s stolen gold chain. According to the police, minutes after the robbery, the contractor who was driving his motor vehicle called and informed the cops.
When ranks responded, they arrested the suspects in Mon Repos. They hail from Mon Repos and Beterverwagting, East Coast Demerara. Police are also investigating the duo’s involvement in another recent robbery of a couple.


GRA employee robbed of loaded firearm in Linden


– security guard nursing gunshot wound in related incident

A 22-year-old security guard of Linden, Region 10 (Upper Demerara-Berbice) is now hospitalised after he was shot on Saturday by a lone gunman after a Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) employee was robbed of his firearm.
The man of Kara Kara, Linden, is now in a critical state at the Mackenzie Hospital Complex after he was attacked around 01:15h while he was standing on the Silver City Road.
Reports revealed that just prior to the shooting incident, a GRA employee was attacked and robbed of his loaded firearm.
Guyana Times understands that the GRA employee was at the time standing on the roadway at Linden when he was accosted and relieved of his service weapon, which had five rounds, that was in a holster on his waist.
The perpetrator, in his bid to escape, discharged several rounds in the direction of the GRA staff and relatives, but none of them were injured.
This publication understands that the GRA staff was taken into Police custody and was said to be assisting with investigations since the security guard was shot with a weapon similar to that which was stolen from him.
However, Police Officers were able to capture the man allegedly responsible for the shooting. He was found to be in possession of a firearm, two spent shells and two live rounds. It was not confirmed whether the weapon and ammunition was that which were stolen from the GRA employee.
Investigations into the incidents are continuing


Woman, taxi driver shot during robbery at Providence

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The injured Kathy Vyphuis.

A WOMAN and a taxi driver were shot and injured early Tuesday morning by a lone gunman on a bicycle. This occurred during an armed robbery at Plantation Providence, East Bank Demerara.

Injured are Kathy Vyphuis who was shot in the arm and taxi driver, Tommy Lee Stephenson, who was shot in the hand at about 02:00hrs when he (Stephenson) stopped to drop off Vyphuis who was returning home from work.

According to Nicole Telford, the injured woman’s neighbour, she was awakened by two loud gunshots and the screams of a female which caused her to get out of bed to enquire.
Telford told the Guyana Chronicle that she took the injured Vyphuis into her house while the taxi driver sped off to the Diamond Hospital.

However, a few minutes after, the bandit came to Telford’s door and asked that that she open it as he had Vyphuis’ bag and claimed it was not she he wanted. At this point, Telford said she became afraid and began shouting for help but no one came to their assistance. She also called the police who, when they showed up an hour later, related that their incident was the third robbery within days to have occurred in the area.

Telford disclosed that she has not slept properly for three nights as the bandit had shot and damaged the street light in front of her hom, which she and the injured neighbour had paid to have installed.

Meanwhile, Commander ‘A’ Division, Marlon Chapman when contacted said, both the taxi driver and passenger, are stable. According to him, the matter is being investigated but he pointed out that there is only one anti-crime patrol that covers the villages between Eccles and Grove.

Chapman said too, that the Providence Police Station does not have the services of a vehicle at present, however, efforts are being made to rectify the situation.


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