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Further details from Kaieteur


Bandit shoots former Deputy Commissioner’s daughter



– nabbed following spate of other attacks

A gunman on a bicycle shot the daughter of former Deputy Commissioner of Police, George Vyphuis, and her colleague.
He also robbed six people leaving a wake, between 01.45 hrs and 02.30 hrs at Providence and Mocha-Arcadia, East Bank Demerara, yesterday.
But the alleged gunman was captured hours later near the Mocha-Arcadia Police Outpost after one of his victims spotted him.
Tommy-Lee Stevenson, 52, was shot in the hand and foot, shortly after he had dropped his colleague, Cathy Vyphuis, 34, at her Plantation Providence, East Bank Demerara home.
The gunman, said to be a 27-year-old resident of Barnwell North, also shot at Cathy Vyphuis. The bullet grazed Vyphuis’s left hand, and the robber also relieved her of a bag containing valuables.
Vyphuis was treated and discharged while Stevenson was admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).
Police said that Stevenson had just dropped off Vyphuis around 02.30 hrs when they came under attack.
Cathy Vyphuis said she had just left work and just as she reached in front of her yard, she noticed a man, with his face partially covered with a handkerchief, standing not far from the vehicle that had dropped her home.
Before the victims could have done anything, the man, who had a gun, ordered them to remain quiet.
But when Stevenson attempted to drive off, the bandit opened fire, injuring him and Vyphuis, who was standing near the gunman. The robber then relieved Vyphuis of her handbag before fleeing.
Vyphuis said that as she was running to seek assistance, she fell into a ditch. Eventually, a neighbour, Nicole Telford, assisted her until the police and her father arrived.
Telford alleged that the police took “a very long time” to arrive.
Police believe that the same robber attacked six other people about an hour before the shooting.
According to reports, the victims, including two women, were walking in the vicinity of ‘Second Bridge,’ Mocha Arcadia, around 01.45 hrs, when a man on a bicycle, who had covered his face with a handkerchief, rode up and pointed a gun at them.
The robber then ordered them to place their mobile phones on the ground. He then picked up the phones and rode off.
But around 11.00 hrs, one of the victims spotted the alleged robber in the vicinity of the Mocha Police Outpost and alerted police ranks, who took the suspect into custody.
Meanwhile, residents said that there has been an increase in robberies in the area. Only last Wednesday, a gunman broke into a woman’s home and carted off a number of items.


Army rank robbed, car hijacked


The hijacked Toyota Premio car

A Guyana Defence Force Lance Corporal is alleging that he was the victim of a carjacking at 20:00 hrs last Friday at Providence, East Bank Demerara.
Corporal Pernell Gordon, who resides at First Street, Mocha, East Bank Demerara, said that he saw two men waving for a taxi in the Providence area.
He decided to stop to pick them up. He said that the men then asked to be let off at Second Bridge into the village.
They reportedly told Gordon,” We going to drop off some money. “.
When he arrived at his destination, he saw two other men standing on the bridge. Gordon said that he stopped to drop off his passengers and the two men approached his vehicle rapidly.
One of the men snatched the keys out of the vehicle, while the other three tried to block Gordon’s escape.
However, the rank said he managed to exit the vehicle. It was then that one of the men struck him behind the head. Gordon said that they relieved him of his wallet, licence, and valuables. They then escaped with their victim’s Toyota Primo, licence plate PVV 7706.
Gordon said he ran from the village to the Providence Police Station where he made a report.
The police went to search for the stolen vehicle and reportedly trailed the car to village of Pearl, East Bank Demerara where the bandits escaped.
The man and his parent have not heard from the police since. The soldier is also offering a reward for the return of his vehicle.


Missing teen raped, killed

Leonard Archibald

LEONARD ARCHIBALD, the 13-year-old boy who went missing just under a week ago, was reportedly raped and then dumped into a canal where he drowned, two suspects of the crime told police investigators on Friday.
Investigators in Berbice are presently combing sections of the Berbice River, hoping to recover the body of the lad who was reported missing Sunday last. Following the report of the missing teen, police had detained two suspects earlier in the week and after intense grilling one of them confessed to committing the crime .
According to Crime Chief (ag), Paul Williams, one of the suspects has confessed to sodomising the lad and throwing him overboard after he reportedly fainted from the trauma of the act. This led police to comb the river in the vicinity of the suspect’s home where the act was reportedly committed.

During the search, ranks were able to recover the teen’s bicycle next to the Berbice River, aback the suspect’s home in Brothers Village, on the East Bank of Berbice. According to information, the men aged 28 and 18, are allegedly known ‘child predators’ in the area, and would often lure children to areas and sexually assault them. A source close to the investigation told the Guyana Chronicle , that based on the confession of the suspects there is a very high possibility the teen was still alive when thrown overboard.
“He said the teen “passed out” while they were sodimising him and they just decided to get rid of him by throwing him in the river, he (the suspect) said they took turns raping him,” the source disclosed.

Archibald was last seen on Sunday evening, riding his bicycle along the Brother’s Public Road with only a pair of trousers, to collect his three sisters who were at a birthday party at a nearby village. According to information, the teen collected his sisters and was accompanying them home when he told them he was riding ahead and they will meet up at home. However, when the girls arrived home, the Overwinning Primary school teen was not there and a search was conducted but he was nowhere to be found.


Bandit shoots accomplice while robbing guard


A bandit ended up shooting his own accomplice while attempting to rob a 39-year-old security guard at Bachelors Adventure East Coast Demerara at around 23:30hrs on Thursday.
The intended victim was walking along the Bachelor’s Adventure public road when two men on a motorcycle attacked him.
Kaieteur news understands that the pillion rider, who had a handgun, attempted to relieve the guard of his valuables.
The two men began to struggle, and the bandit discharged a round, which struck his accomplice in the right thigh.
The guard reportedly then disarmed the gunman, who fled into a nearby cemetery.
His wounded accomplice tried to flee the scene but was restrained by the security guard and later handed over to ranks of the Guyana Police Force.
The injured bandit was then escorted to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where he was treated and admitted in a stable condition, under police guard.


Wife dies after alleged beating by husband


A man is in custody assisting with investigations into the death of his wife, who died four days after she was allegedly beaten.
Dead is Janette Tahal, 58, of Smithfield, New Amsterdam. Tahal died at the Georgetown Hospital on Thursday.
Reports are that the now dead woman and her 60-year-old husband had an argument on Sunday at their Lot 95 Smithfield home when he allegedly lashed her with a piece of wood several times. In a semi-conscious state, the woman was picked by a friend who was visiting the home, and taken to the New Amsterdam Hospital, where she was stabilized and transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital.
The couple was involved in mobile vegetable vending, and, according to neighbours, had had frequent fights.
On Tuesday, Police arrested her husband as he was on his way to the Georgetown Hospital. On Friday, Police were granted permission by the High Court to further detain him as the investigation continues.
Tahal has reportedly been cooperating with the Police. (Andrew Carmichael)


Arrest made in GTT cable theft


– as offered $500,000 reward bears fruit

The Guyana Telephone and Telegraph (GTT) on Thursday commended public spirited citizens and members of the law enforcement agencies for apprehending a person reported for their cable theft.

The arrest followed closely on the heels of an offered reward of $500,000 for information leading to the apprehension of the perpetrator.

Only last week, (on September 12 and 13) 300 metres of cable were stolen at New Hope and Friendship on the East Bank of Demerara respectively. After the cable was cut and removed, more than 400 customers lost both voice and data services.

According to GTT in a release, within a day of that theft, information was received in response to the reward offer and led law enforcement officers to Pasha’s Scrap Yard in Albouystown where a purchaser of the stolen GTT cable was apprehended.

GTT CEO Justin Nedd was on Thursday in high praise of the swift response of the Guyana Police Force.

Nedd said, “While we remain disheartened by the continued acts of vandalism against our fibre infrastructure and theft of copper cable, we are heartened by the swift response of the Police once we had received the information.”

GTT and law enforcement officers, buoyed by this arrest, continue to hunt for the saboteurs of the fibre network, he said.

At a joint media conference with GTT at the Public Telecommunications Ministry in July, Minister Cathy Hughes had pledged Government’s support in apprehending persons who damage GTT infrastructure, pointing out that there were stiff provisions in the law, referencing Section 131 of the Criminal Law Offenses Act Chapter 8:01.

Nedd also said, “we are also very happy with the support we got from the Government, especially from the Ministers of Public Security, Business, and Public Telecommunications during this episode. The Government’s actions were in keeping with their commitments made in public.”

GTT announced the system of cash rewards at the July media conference in a push to ensure that “perpetrators of vandalism and theft are no longer able to undermine business and put citizens and public services at risk by bringing down the network for their own nefarious gain.”


GRA officer robbed of service gun, shot


An enforcement officer attached to the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) is a patient at a private medical institution after he was shot during a robbery early Saturday morning, and relieved of his service weapon.
According to reports, the 35-year-old victim returned home at about 04:30h, and was about to enter his Lot 403 Cactus Street, West Ruimveldt Georgetown residence when he was confronted by a lone gunman.
The suspect went on to relieve the victim of a pouch containing a service pistol along with seventeen live rounds. During the course of the robbery, the bandit shot the GRA officer to his lower abdomen before fleeing.
The injured man was subsequently rushed to the private medical institution, where he is still receiving treatment but is said to be in a stable condition.
Investigators have recovered a spent shell at the scene. Two males have since been arrested and are assisting with ongoing investigations.
This incident comes on the heels of a similar robbery last Sunday when another GRA employee was robbed of his firearm.
According to reports, the GRA employee was in company of some relatives standing on the Silver City Road in Linden, at sometime around 01:15h, when he was accosted by a male who relieved him of his service revolver and five rounds which he had in his waist in a holster.
The suspect then discharged several rounds in the direction of the victims, as he escaped. Luckily no one was injured. The GRA officer was detained to assist with the investigations.
However, the Police in Linden subsequently arrested the suspect, who was in possession of a firearm along with two spent shells and two live rounds of ammunition. He was arrested after shooting and injuring a 22-year-old security guard of Lower Kara Kara, Linden.


Bandits rob Success Supermarket

The Ikea Supermarket where the robbery occurred on Saturday

TWO MEN, one armed with a handgun and the other with a cutlass, robbed the Ikea Supermarket located at Lot 363, Success Railway Embankment, East Coast Demerara, at around 10:00 hours on Saturday.
An employee of the supermarket told the Guyana Chronicle that two men, one of East Indian descent and the other of African descent, came into the supermarket around 09:00 hrs acting suspiciously.
“They were walking around and when I went up to them, they asked for light [bulbs] and then for Nestum,” the employee said. The Guyana Chronicle understands that the men who did not purchase either of the items left the supermarket soon after.

The employee further related that at around 10:00 hours, the men returned armed with a handgun and a cutlass and forced her, along with the three Chinese shop owners, into a corner of the supermarket, close to the cash register.
“They hold we and put we in the corner and tell we give them all the money,” she said.
One of the owners, Lin Lin (only name given) said that the robbers took $120,000 from the cash register along with his smartphone. The supermarket which has been in operation for two months, does not have security cameras installed.

Reports revealed that after robbing the supermarket, the men casually walked out onto the railway embankment and left the area. The supermarket has been in operation for about two months.


One dead, two injured

Dead: Fazal Shaheed

— after bandits pounce on family preparing for memorial service

By Alexis Rodney

PREPARATIONS for a one-year memorial service turned deadly for an East La Penitence, Georgetown family, early Sunday on morning, when bandits pounced upon them, killing a man and critically injuring his two brothers.
The Shaheed family of 194 Freeman Street, East La Penitence, Georgetown, was putting the final touches to preparations for the one-year memorial service for their father at around 00:40 hours on Sunday morning, when two bandits entered the home and shot the three brothers, killing one.

In a release, the Police said that they are investigating a robbery/murder committed earlier on Sunday, on Fazal Shaheed, 58, of 18 Albion, Corentyne Berbice; Talin Shaheed, 50, of Toronto, Canada; and Shalim Shaheed, 53, of the USA, by two masked men, one of whom was armed with a handgun,. The masked bandits carted off an undisclosed amount of jewellery.
Investigations revealed that the brothers along with their other siblings were preparing for a memorial service, when the bandits, by way of a door that was left opened, gained access into the house and pounced upon the victims, allegedly relieving them of their jewellery. They also discharged several rounds before fleeing the scene.
According to the police, several spent shells have been retrieved by investigators, who are currently working on several leads, in an effort to quickly bring the perpetrators to justice.
Meanwhile, a male suspect from the area has since been taken into custody and is assisting with the investigation, the police stated in the release.
Meanwhile, when Guyana Chronicle visited the home on Sunday, persons who should have been attending the memorial ceremony were present but instead they were offering comfort to the grieving family.

Speaking with this publication, another brother Raymond Shaheed who lives in Subryanville, said that for most of Saturday after uplifting some barrels shipped from overseas, family members were cooking sweet meats for the event and “making jokes”.
He explained that a number of his siblings, including the injured two, had travelled from the United States and Canada to celebrate the “year work” for their father.
He told the Guyana Chronicle that about 12:30 hrs on Sunday morning, he left his siblings and other family members and went home, but soon after arriving home his phone rang. “Raymond come now, they are killing us,” the visibly shaken man recalled his sister was shouting over the phone. He said he “broke all the traffic rules” to get to his family’s home, but by the time he got there they had already left for the police station and subsequently the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).
“When I got there (the hospital), I forced my way into the room and when I got in I saw Fazal with something in his mouth, and he was too gruesome to recognise.” Fazal, he said, received four gunshot wounds one of which pierced his heart, “and I am sure that is the one that took him,” Raymond said.

He related that he then checked on another brother, Talim, who was shot in the shoulder, and observed that he was conscious, but visibly in severe pain. Raymond said that even though Talim has since been transferred to the medical ward of the hospital, he is still very concerned about his well-being because he had previously undergone a triple-bypass surgery.
Checking next on Shalim, the other brother who injured, Raymond said he observed that was shot three times about his body and that his condition looked critical. He said he was informed by a doctor that his brother had to undergo emergency surgery to repair his small intestine which was ruptured during the shooting.

Raymond recalled that when he and his wife were leaving to go to their home, his now deceased brother was outside “washing up” the utensils. Based on what was reported to him by his sister, the two men apparently scaled the fence and entered the house where the other two brothers were resting.
His elderly mother and his sisters were in the kitchen but did not notice the men until the shots were fired. It was at that point that Talim rushed from outside where he was washing to dishes the door, but was confronted by the bandits who shot him.


Duo busted with arms, ammunition


TWO men said to be in possession of a gun and live rounds were on Saturday evening apprehended by police ranks during a motorcycle patrol in Grove, East Bank Demerara (EBD).

Police on Sunday in a press statement said at about 20:00hrs Saturday evening, ranks on patrol in the Grove East Bank Village apprehended and searched two males who were observed acting in a suspicious manner.

During the search, a .38 revolver with six live rounds was found concealed on a 23 –year-old Wismar Linden suspect, while a .38 revolver without ammunition was found on his companion, a 19-year-old student of a training institution who resides at Block “Y”, Grove Housing Scheme, EBD.

Police said the men are being processed for court as investigations continue.


CANU intercepts cocaine-laced hammocks


…hunting Guyhoc Park woman

The Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) is on the hunt for a mother of one who attempted to ship four hammocks laced with cocaine to the United States of America.
Based on information received, the woman, Tiffini Collison, 26, of Lot F 21 Samaan Street, Guyhoc Park Georgetown, reportedly used an international courier service to ship the hammocks sometime last week.
However, on Thursday last, the package was intercepted by ranks of the drug enforcement unit at the Eugene F Correia International Airport during routine checks of cargo outgoing to the US.

The cocaine-laced hammocks

CANU, in a statement, noted that several ranks have visited the home of the suspected cocaine shipper on several occasions, but was never able to locate her. In addition, she allegedly cannot be reached by close family members or friends.
The drug enforcement unit is asking anyone with information that can lead to the arrest of the suspect to contact them on telephone number 226-0431.

The suspect, Tiffini Collison

There have, in the past, been attempts to smuggle cocaine out of Guyana by the most creative and innovative ways.
Some attempted to do so in fish, achar, fish feed, milk powder, and in pastries among other means; and those attempts have resulted in several persons being charged, and either remanded to prison or sentenced and fined.
Following the interceptions, the drug enforcement unit has boosted its surveillance at Guyana’s main ports of entry, including the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, the Eugene F Correia International Airport, and the wharves.
With new measures in place, would-be cocaine traffickers are finding more creative ways to ship the narcotic out of Guyana — a country categorised as a major trans-shipment point.


Brazilian dredge owner shot dead

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A 36-year-old Brazilian dredge owner is dead following an attack by a gang of about eight men armed with rifles and handguns sometime between Tuesday afternoon and early Wednesday morning at a mining camp located at Akaiwanna, Cuyuni, Region Seven.
According to police, the incident occurred sometime between 17:45 hrs Tuesday and 02:00 hrs Wednesday when the armed men who spoke a foreign language invaded the mining camp, bound the dredge owner, Antonio Da Silva and several of his workers after which they ransacked the camp.
Shortly after, the gang escorted the Brazilian national to his worksite where they removed an undisclosed amount of raw gold.
It was reportedly after they removed the raw gold, they took Da Silva some 500 metres away from the site and shot him several times about his body. Police said Da Silva’s body bore several wounds which have since been suspected to be gunshots.
The man’s body has since been taken to the Memorial Gardens Crematorium and is awaiting a post-mortem. A team of police officers has since been dispatched to the mining camp to investigate the murder.
Earlier this month, ranks of the Joint Services were dispatched to Five Star backdam in the North West District, following a robbery which resulted in a group of armed men suspected to be Venezuelans invading a mining camp at Five Star.
An 18-year-old man, Troy Joseph, of Falls Top mining area, located between Port Kaituma and Matthews Ridge, was shot to the leg.
There have been several reports which indicate that Venezuelan gunmen are committing robberies close to the mining areas at the border. In July this year, three Port Kaituma, North West District miners were killed following a robbery at a mining camp on Venezuela’s side of the border.
The men, Vernon Eudoxie, 63; Cologne Solomon, 23; an ex-policeman; and Samuel Moses, 19, were killed during the incident at a Brazilian-owned mining camp at an area known as “Imatake Backdam” across the Venezuela border.
Another man, Joel Paton, 19, of Supenaam, was injured and was treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH).


PNC operatives in the police force goes into business for themselves. Not a scrap of drugs are wasted under the pnc watch, they recycle it like good corporate citizens. 

Cocaine missing from CID headquarters


…several ranks under close arrest

Several members of the Police Narcotics Branch are now under close arrest following the disappearance of close to two kilograms of cocaine from the Criminal

Cocaine mule: Travis Mendonca

Investigations Department (CID), Police Headquarters, Eve Leary.
The cocaine was tendered as evidence against 31-year-old Travis Mendonca, who was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment after he pleaded guilty to a trafficking in narcotics charge.
Acting Police Commissioner David Ramnarine has confirmed that an investigation was launched by the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR).
He also told media operatives that the cocaine was discovered missing on Tuesday evening, but did not go into details. The acting Top Cop was reluctant to

Wanted: Delvor Bunbury

divulge any additional information other than an investigation was underway.
<<<Guyana Times>>> understands that while the State won the case against Mendonca, investigations were ongoing to determine who else might have been involved in attempting to smuggle the illegal substance out of Guyana, since the Police had issued a wanted bulletin for another person.
Following the bust, Police had issued a wanted bulletin for 27-year-old Delvor Bunbury of Lot 37 Victoria Road, Plaisance, East Coast Demerara. His name was reportedly called during the investigation.
Bunbury was implicated in a similar incident back in March. He, along with another person, was charged for narco possession. A police officer, Louie Dublin, was also charged in connection with the matter.
Two Mondays ago, Police intercepted Mendonca, who was travelling to the United States. Police stated that during a search of the suitcase belonging to Mendonca, 1828 grams of cocaine was earthed.
The suspect, of Kara Kara, Linden and Ozone Park in Queens, New York, was taken into custody and narcotics trafficking charges were instituted. He was arraigned for narco possession and sentenced after he pleaded guilty


Cattle farmer shot in alleged failed execution attempt


At least four shots were fired at a Berbice cattle farmer on Tuesday in New Amsterdam in what was believed to be an execution attempt.

Fenton Bell

Reports are Fenton Bell was shot once as he was about to enter his home.
Reports are the Berbice cattle farmer had just walked a friend out of his gate when he noticed someone hiding behind a concrete wall near some bushes in a nearby

A hole in the concrete wall from a bullet which penetrated through the building and into the backyard

“The person shoot from in the bushes on the ground, so nobody could see them,” he said.
Opposite Bell’s Lot 2 Islington home is the Stanford Cricket Ground. According to Bell, the shots came from inside the ground where the caretaker’s house once

The area Police believed the gunman was hiding

He said after the first shot was fired, he threw himself to the ground, but the gunman fired three more shots. He said that one of the bullets grazed his neck as he was attempting to enter the house to call for help. He said he managed to call the Police who arrived quickly. Three warheads were recovered.
Police in a release said about 17:35h just after Bell parted company with a Policeman with whom he was having a conversation, a hail of gunshots rang out,

Fenton Bell’s home

resulting in his injury. The Police also noted that an eastern glass window was shattered and four indentations allegedly caused by gunshots were seen on the concrete wall of the said eastern side of his house.
Investigations are in progress, the release said.
According to Bell, the shots were fired from about 40 metres from him.
“Someone was there waiting for me, because I didn’t get to reach in back…I was lucky. My time has not come as yet,” he told Guyana Times. (Andrew Carmichael)


Decomposed body of woman found on ECD


The body of an unidentified woman was on Tuesday found in the vicinity of the Foulis, East Coast Demerara, suspected to have been raped and murdered. The body was discovered by a resident, who went to the area to dispose garbage.
The body was reportedly found in a clump of bushes in a state of decomposition.

A crime scene — Image by © Image Source/Corbis

The Police was immediately alerted and an investigation was launched.
Reports are the woman’s blouse was pulled to her chest and her pants and undergarment were below her knees, leaving investigators to believe she may have been sexually assaulted.
There was also a yellow metal chain wrapped around the woman’s neck.
Police also found a pair of slippers and a hammock next to the woman’s body. She was lying face up and her arm had a gaping wound.
Police officials have confirmed that there were reports of a missing person but they are examining every possible lead.
Her age is estimated to be in the mid 30’s. Police in a release stated that the body was clad in a blue top, brown and black brassiere, blue jeans and light-blue underwear.
The woman is brown in complexion and is about five feet, five inches tall.
The body is at the Lyken’s Funeral Home awaiting identification and a post-mortem examination.


Woman turns self in to Police


Cocaine laced hammocks

Tiffini Collison of Lot F 21 Samaan Street, Guyhoc Park Georgetown, who was wanted for posting cocaine laced hammocks to the USA has surrendered to the

Tiffini Collison

Custom Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU).
The drug enforcement body issued a wanted bulletin for the mother of one on Monday and on Tuesday evening she turned up at CANU in the company of her lawyer.
It was reported that the 26-year-old used an international Courier Service to ship the hammocks sometime last week.
However, on Thursday last, the package was intercepted by ranks of the drug enforcement unit at the Eugene F Correia International Airport while checking outgoing cargo to the US.
Attempts to contact the woman proved futile until she showed up at the CANU Headquarters on Tuesday. Investigations are on-going.
In the past there have been attempts to smuggle cocaine out of Guyana in the most creative and innovative means.
Some attempted to do so in fish, achar, fish feed, milk powder and in pastries among others which has resulted in several persons being charged and either remanded to prison or sentenced and fined.
Following the interceptions, the drug enforcement units have boosted their surveillance at Guyana’s main port of entries including, the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Eugene F Corriea International Airport and the Wharfs.
With the new measures in place, the cocaine mules are finding more creative means in shipping the illegal drug out of Guyana- a country which has been categorise at a major transhipment point.


Looks like an Indian dressed up as a Black man robbing the store. CAribj??

Gunmen storm Non Pareil supermarket


Police in C Division (East Coast Demerara) are on the hunt for two men who stormed a Chinese Supermarket at Non Pareil, East Coast Demerara.

The two armed bandits caught on camera

Reports are the men – one of whom was wearing a black tope, and the other a grey sunhat – entered the supermarket on Thursday evening, approached the owner’s wife, and relieved her of a mobile phone, after which they turned their attention to the owner, and relieved him of a large sum of cash and phone cards.
The men then made good their escape, but not before snatching a gold chain from an employee’s neck. The Police were summoned after the incident and the Force has launched an investigation.
CCTV footage is being reviewed by Police with the intention of determining the identity of the two armed men. Investigations are continuing.


Crime continues under the Granger administration unabated. Yet the police keep report a drop in crime.

Gunmen trail woman from Diamond bank


…robs her of $500,000

A 43-year-old woman is now in a traumatised state after two gunmen followed her from Diamond, East Bank Demerara to her home, also in Diamond, where they relieved her of some $500,000 in cash.
Reports are that the incident occurred at about 12:00h, as the woman arrived home from the bank after withdrawing the money, and she was in the process of entering her yard.
Two men, bearing guns reportedly exited a white Toyota Premio motorcar, and they pounced on the woman snatching the bag of money from her hands.
The bag reportedly contained other personal documents as well. Police have since confirmed that one of the bandits attempted to snatch the woman’s iPhone from her hands, but after she put up a struggle, his accomplice was heard commanding him to “leave it alone!”
As such, they fled scene in a waiting motor car. An investigation has been launched and Police are reviewing nearby CCTV footage in an effort to identify the bandits.


Looks like another Indo dressed up as a Black.

Alleged mastermind remanded


CJIA cocaine bust

Twenty-seven-year-old Delvor Bunbury, who is the alleged mastermind in the smuggling of almost two kilograms of cocaine at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, has turned himself over to the Police and on Friday appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.

Delvor Bunbury

The Victoria Road, Plaisance, East Coast Demerara (ECD) resident stood before Magistrate Leron Daly and denied the allegation with which he has been charged.
The charge allege that he, on September 11, 2017 at Bel Air, Georgetown, attempted to traffic one kilogram, 828 grams of cocaine through Travis Mendonca, who was recently sentenced to three years in prison for naro-trafficking.
His Attorney, Latchmie Rahamat, in a bail application, said the narcotics were not found in Bunbury’s possession, and as such he has no knowledge of it.
The attorney, in her petition, told Magistrate Daly that the cocaine was found at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), and added that, to date, the said cocaine that the accused is being charged for has not been seen by him.
Police Prosecutor Simone Payne objected to bail being granted, noting that the first accused in the matter – Mendonca — gave Police information implicating the accused, who has a similar matter presently before the court.
In that matter Bunbury, Gavin Harris and ex-cop Louie Dublin were all remanded to prison after they were found to be in possession of 588 grams of cocaine at CJIA for the purpose of trafficking, but were later released on bail.
In the present matter, Bunbury was remanded to prison until October 20, when the matter would be called again. Earlier this week, a wanted bulletin was issued for Bunbury after Mendonca was arrested and jailed, and reportedly had implicated him.
However, currently, several members of the Police Narcotics Branch are now under close arrest following the disappearance of the said cocaine.
The cocaine which disappeared from the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) Headquarters at Eve Leary was already tendered as evidence against the two defendants.
Acting Police Commissioner David Ramnarine has confirmed that an investigation has been launched by the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR).
He also told media operatives that the cocaine was discovered missing on Tuesday last, but he did not go into details.


Wanted man shot dead

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EXECUTED: Colin Daly

–police launch probe into execution-style killing

THE police have launched an investigation into the seeming execution-style killing of Colin Daly, called “Floggy” and “Frog Eye”,
whose bullet-riddled body was found on Albert Street, Albouystown early Saturday morning.

Police say that 23-year-old Daly, of East La Penitence Housing Scheme, was discovered dead around 01:20hrs in a pool of blood, and with a suspected gunshot wound to the head.

They also say that the deceased was wanted for questioning in relation to several armed robberies, including that of a Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) officer who was recently shot dead during the commision of a hold up.

However, the man’s mother, Allison Frank, told the Guyana Chronicle on Saturday that he is not the criminal the police are making him out to be, as she only knows of one court matter in which he is involved.

The pay slip produced by mother of the deceased showing he was gainfully employed up to August this year (Photos by Adrian Narine)

That matter, she said, has to do with his chopping a man who had shot him in the hand, and is currently engaging the attention of the court. She said, too, that as far as she knows, the suspect is in jail.

The grieving woman produced several pay slips from the John Fernandes Limited wharf, where she claims that her son was employed up to August of this year as a labourer.

Frank explained that after Daly was shot in his hand, he was to have undergone surgery to remove the bullet that is still lodged there.
But because he didn’t do the surgery, he had had to quit his job at the wharf, as he was unable to have full function of that hand.

She is looking for answers surrounding the murder of her son, whom she describes as a loving person, as she has since heard all sorts of stories as it relates to his homicide.

Frank said she was in bed when she received a telephone call saying that her son had been shot and killed, and when she arrived at the location, his bloodied body was still lying on the roadway where it fell.

She said it appeared that he had been shot in the head, and at least two other parts of his body.

The woman told this publication that sometime on Saturday night, Colin was at home when a friend, who is a frequent visitor of their home, invited him out for a lime on Albert Street, Albouystown, the only place he goes.

She is clueless as to what may have led to her son being executed the way he was, and is hoping she can get those answers soon.

The police is yet to make an arrest in the murder, and the body is at the Lyken Funeral Parlour awaiting a post mortem.


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