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‘China Town’ supermarket robbed for the sixth time



A Chinese Supermarket, popularly known as “China Town” operated by a 26-year-old Chinese national was on Wednesday night robbed by two unidentified perpetrators.
The business, located at Number Two Village, East Canje, Berbice is one of the main shopping spots in Canje. A quantity of phone cards and cash were stolen from the business.
Zhou Chunmin and his uncle, Chang Sang, a 43-year-old labourer who lives in the upper flat of the building, had secured the premises at around 20:50 hrs.
According to the victim, Chang had placed the articles in the building’s storeroom under a pallet and had ventured to the upper flat but as he entered he felt a lash to his head. He immediately rushed back downstairs to the supermarket.
Zhou stated that he was in the storeroom when one of the suspects, armed with a cutlass ordered him to not move or he would be shot.

Robbed yet again: China Town supermarket

The other suspect who reportedly hit Chang on his head came down from the upper flat and ordered both men to hand over the phone cards and cash that was placed under the pallet earlier. The business owners, fearful for their lives, handed over the articles. Both perpetrators returned upstairs and made good their escape.
Police sources revealed that the men entered and exited the building by removing zinc sheets from the roof of the upper flat in the washroom area.
Over $100,000 in Digicel and GTT phone cards were stolen along with $210,000 in cash. Both men were reportedly armed with a cutlass and gun.
This is the sixth recorded robbery at the business.
Investigations are ongoing.


Hijacked car recovered in Albouystown


Following a hijacking and robbery in Westminster, La Parfaite Harmonie, West Bank Demerara, ranks have been able to locate the red Runx Toyota motor car, bearing registration number PPP 8667. The car was taken when four men stormed the business place and home of a family.
According to reports, ranks identified the vehicle in Albouystown and took it to the West Ruimveldt Police Station for further investigations.
The owner of the car related that she was informed by police at the La Grange Police Station that two men were arrested on Thursday and were subsequently released after questioning.
On Monday night a home and business place was stormed by four men, three of whom were armed with guns.
The men took off with jewelry, cash and shop items in addition to one of the nine victims’ car.
The men were caught on surveillance cameras. The footage is currently with ranks from the La Grange Police Station where investigations are ongoing into the matter.


Fake kidnapping of Trini…‘Kidnappers’ booked victim’s plane ticket


Trinidad national, 33-year-old Sawak Maraj, seems to have an obsession with kidnapping.

Alleged kidnapped victim, Sawak Maraj, was taken back to the hotel where he was discovered.

In 2001, Maraj was supposedly abducted in Trinidad and Tobago and his alleged kidnappers demanded a ransom of TT$200,000 from his parents, who own a real estate business in the twin-island republic. Another time he was allegedly kidnapped in the United States of America.
While the Trinidadian cops were never able to connect the dots, they did find it strange that in less than an hour after the ransom was paid, the alleged victim managed to run away from his so-called kidnappers and ended up in front of a police station.
And of course, Maraj did not see his kidnappers’ faces because they took his spectacles.
Fast forward 16 years later, the mechanical engineer was kidnapped once again but this time in Guyana and the case was cracked.
While investigators from the Guyana Police Force (GPF) Major Crimes Unit have already established that the Trinidadian national faked his own kidnapping, he continues to stick by his story of being abducted.
And, like the 2001 scenario, Maraj has told ranks that he did not see his kidnappers’ faces because they took away his spectacles, cash, phone and gold chain.
“This man changes his story by the seconds. He said the kidnappers took his glasses but last night (Friday) like he forget and went in his bag and pulled out his glasses to read his statement. Then when he was asked, he had some long story,” a police source said.
The 33-year-old man was taken back to the hotel at Madewini Resort up the Soesdyke/Linden Highway yesterday to provide a detailed account of his so-called kidnapping.

How it all started…
Maraj’s kidnapping was planned in his home country with the assistance of two other Trinidadians. It is unclear if they were the same persons who plotted his abduction 16 years ago.
The first Trinidadian arrived in Guyana on Wednesday and managed to organize with a local bus driver to move him around.
On Thursday, another Trinidadian arrived on a Caribbean Airlines flight and his accomplice picked him up from the Cheddi Jagan International Airport.
Before the two men left the airport, they booked Maraj’s ticket for 07:00am the following day.
The two men, accompanied by the bus driver, then went to the Ramada Princess Hotel and made a reservation for the 33-year-old man.
The reservation was made for Thursday night. One of the Trinidadians went into the hotel with the Guyanese bus driver to make the booking.
The Trinidadian wore a hat to hide his face.

Fake kidnapped victim arrives…

The image that was sent to Maraj’s relatives.

Shortly after 07:00 hrs on Friday, Maraj was seen walking out of the airport. He was greeted by the two Trinidadian men and they even hugged. They then walked towards the vehicle that was waiting in the parking a lot.
The three men then headed to the Madewini Resort where they were greeted by the staff before Maraj checked into his room.
The engineer came to Guyana under the pretext of attending an interview for a job with ExxonMobil in the local oil and gas sector.

The cutlass to neck…
Back in Trinidad, all was well until the engineer’s parents received a phone call that their son was being held hostage in Guyana and a ransom of TT $700,000 had to be paid to an account, which the alleged kidnapper claimed was in Colombia.
The parents were sent a photograph of a cutlass braced against the neck of their son, who was only clad in his boxers and a pair of socks.
Contact made with Guyana Police Force
Maraj’s frantic relatives immediately made contact with the Guyana Police Force and informed them of their son’s alleged kidnap.
Investigators acted immediately, and were able to not only track the call but also to narrow the location where the call was made.
While this was taking place, ranks checked the security camera footage at the Ramada Princess Hotel to see who had made the reservation for Maraj.
On the footage, the Guyanese bus driver’s face was visible. Having gotten the location where the ransom call was made, ranks went to the Soesdyke area, looking for abandoned houses or buildings with blue paintings (based on the picture Maraj’s family received.”
As luck would have it, someone in the area identified the bus driver and gave police his address—he lives about three doors from the hotel where the 33-year-old man was staying.
“Ranks went to his house but he wasn’t home so they got his number and called him and he came right away. He was showed the footage and he admitted that he collected the two Trinidadians and dropped them off at the hotel not far from him,” a source said.

Scene at the hotel…
As ranks arrived at the hotel some circled the facility, while others provided coverage for their colleagues to enter.
On entering the room where the ‘victim’ was being held, they found him sipping a fruit juice, relaxing. He immediately pulled a towel over his face.
Kaieteur News was informed that the cutlass that was in the photograph was found on a bed in the room. The other two Trinidadians had managed to escape just before the cops got there.
While the bus driver is cooperating with the police, they suspect that he might have tipped off the two ‘abductors’ that the police were on their trail.
“He (alleged victim) wasn’t tied or beaten or gagged. He was normal as ever,” a police source said.

The fake kidnap victim and the bus driver were escorted to the Criminal Investigation Unit where they were both grilled.
Despite the fact that the police confronted Maraj with all the details they managed to acquire, he maintained his story that he had been kidnapped. He alleged that the kidnappers took US$300 from him but ranks discovered the money hidden in the same room in which they found the 33-year-old man.
“This man lying through his teeth. We got him for sure but he keep changing his store like he trying to convince himself that he was actually abducted,” the source said.

Profile of the alleged kidnapped victim…
Maraj claimed that he has a degree in mechanical engineer from an Australian university but this is yet to be confirmed. He is 33 years old and has worked for eight months in his entire life and this was in 2012.
Maraj admitted that he does not have access to finances and that his parents would give him money whenever he needed.
To come here, his father gave him US$300 to pay for accommodation. “This man is a lazy man. He wanted money so he faked his kidnapping,” the source said.
Up to press time, ranks were checking immigration records in a bid to find the two Trinidadians who collaborated with Maraj.


Proprietor beaten as bandits storm Corentyne beer garden


A businessman of Number 65 Village, Upper Corentyne is the latest victim of armed robbery after five men stormed his beer garden Sunday night.
The men who were all masked and heavily clothed with bag packs on their backs, were all sporting guns, including what appeared to be an AK-47 machine gun.
There were caught on surveillance footage storming the business and ordering customers to lie on the ground as they searched them.
Proprietor of Mike’s Beer Heaven (Murphy’s), Krisendatt Hemnauth, aka ‘Murphy’, who was hit on the head with a gun by one of the men, told Kaieteur News that it was approximately 19:30 hrs when some persons who were at the front of the business left and he secured his gate.
“I get ah gate that I does lock down at the back when it meet certain hours but it was still early so me ain’t press down the lock. Me stand up and dem bai was drinking at the back in the shop and all of a sudden I see four men at this gate,” Hemnauth recounted.
The businessman stated that one of the men opened the gate while he stuck his gun through the grill.
“Dem tell everybody fuh go on we belly and dem just walk in and throw up a shot in the air and one out of the four come straight to me and he lash me on me head. I fall and me turn back. When I turn back he lash me in me head again and me na move back.”
According to the injured businessman, the men, after barging in and ordering everyone in the building to lie face down, searched the customers and took away cellphones and cash.
The men also grabbed money from his cash drawer. His 21-year-old son who was also at the shop was kicked and stomped on by one of the bandits.
Hemnauth sustained a gash to his left temple.
“Dem had to know me. The person wa come, he come straight to me and then dem kick up meh son,” he stated.
Hemnauth disclosed that a customer who was also present during the ordeal was the only person that was not searched. This, he said, was seen on the surveillance footage.
“The footage show that only dat one person they didn’t touch, the one person deh flat, the camera show this man pushing away dem man AK when dem point it around. Dem na even touch he.”
The men, after grabbing the cash and cellular phones made good their escape the same way that they entered but not before locking the customers and the proprietor in the shop.
A door was also damaged after one of the perpetrators smashed his gun on the locks.
One of the customers who was told to lie on the ground while being searched and robbed stated that after the men rushed in he initially, he thought that the police were raiding but then they fired a shot.
“They kept saying everybody get on the ground, check on the white clothes one and so on. I had $44,000 on the table…they took that and my Galaxy S6 Edge cellphone”.
Over $1M was carted off in total along with six cellular phones. No one has been arrested.


Rest assured that the pnc/afc will ensure this coke is put back into circulation within their syndicate. Apparently this man did not get permission from Granger to ship cocaine, so he pay the price. 

Big Europe-bound coke shipment busted


The cocaine that was discovered in rice

The Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) on Saturday unearthed over 147 pounds of suspected cocaine in a container of rice destined for Belgium, Western Europe.
The discovery was made at the John Fernandes Wharf on Saturday. Operatives from the Container Control Programme assisted in the raid.
According to information received, the substance was discovered hidden in sealed 45-kilogram bags of rice destined for export to Belgium.
The bags bore the label of a company called Golden Grains Investment owned by an Andre Poonai.
The company is located at Lot 111 Barr Street, Kitty.
Up to press time, CANU ranks were looking for a shipper in Mahaicony who sources said was not a regular shipper. He had made a similar shipment in 2012 and has since been under the radar.
Kaieteur News was informed that the raid commenced at the wharf since Friday, last, and the finding was uncovered just before noon the following day. The bags of rice were in five containers but the substance was found in one of the containers.
CANU said that the exercise saw the offloading and searching of five 20-foot containers filled with rice. The containers were scheduled to leave Guyana the same evening the raid started.
The broker responsible for the shipment was taken into custody and is assisting in the investigations.


Sheer wutlessness going on under the pnc/afc crime syndicate.

Male sex workers remanded for robbing elderly man


Two male sex workers who were recently charged for robbing two Presidential Guards with a chopper, were yesterday back before a City Magistrate to answer to another robbery charge.
Twenty-one-year-old Kevin Forrester of Beterverwagting, Side Line Dam, East Coast Demerara; and Godfrey Cox, 19 of High Street, Georgetown, appeared before Principal Magistrate, Judy Latchman in the Magistrates’ Courts.
The duo denied the charge which alleged that on October 24, last, at Croal Street, they robbed Victor Bess of $84,000 and US$370 and at the same time used personal violence against him.
Police Prosecutor, Shawn Gonsalves objected to bail being granted to the duo citing the serious nature and prevalence of the offence.
The prosecutor also told the court that it was while the two defendants were out on bail for a similar offence that they committed a new offence.
The Prosecutor added that if bail is granted to the defendants they would not return to court for the trial.
The prosecutor’s objection was upheld by the magistrate and both men were remanded to prison. They were instructed to make their next court appearance on November 20.
A few months ago, the same duo was charged for allegedly robbing two Presidential Guards with a chopper. Particulars of the charge alleged that on July 19, 2017 at Main Street, Georgetown, the duo while armed with a chopper, robbed Nicolai Reddie of a Samsung cellphone valued $54,000 and $800 cash.
It is further alleged that on the same day and location, they robbed Akeem Haroon of a Samsung cellphone valued $60,000 and $400 cash.
The duo denied the charge when it was read to them. They were both released on $25,000 bail by Senior Magistrate, Fabayo Azore.


Thieves break into businesswoman’s vehicle near cremation ground


While a 54-year-old businesswoman was paying her last respect to a relative at the Ruimzeight, West Coast Demerara (WCD) cremation ground on Friday, thieves were outside treating themselves to the valuables in her car.

The window that was broken by the thieves.

The men escaped with two flat screen televisions and an undisclosed sum of cash after breaking a window on her vehicle.
Around 13:30 hrs on Friday, Indra (only name given) went to the cremation ground. She could not get parking outside the cremation ground so she decided to park in a street not so far away.
“I had a lot of money in my purse so I didn’t want to take it inside the cremation ground because it had a lot of people so I leave it in the car and I went inside,” the businesswoman said.
She further added that after the body was cremated, she went to her vehicle. “I opened the car and I stretch to get a cigarette from my bag but I didn’t see it in the front seat, so I turn to see if I leave it in the back but then I didn’t see the TV,” the woman recalled.
Indra explained that she immediately got out of the vehicle and shouted for a relative who was close-by. “When we check the car, they broke the small window at the back. I had one TV in the trunk and one in the back seat.”
The woman said that when she examined her vehicle, she noticed the men had tried to damage her door locks but after they failed, they broke the window. “My car has alarm but I couldn’t hear anything because they had music at the cremation site.”
The matter has been reported to the police but no arrest was made.


Diamond residents capture bandits

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The bandits who were nabbed by residents after the attempted to rob a taxi driver of his car

TWO men were nabbed at Sixth Street, Diamond, East Bank Demerara Monday night after they attempted to rob a taxi driver of his car.

The gun recovered from the men who were handed over to police

According to eyewitnesses, the robbery attempt occurred around 21:00 hrs and persons nearby, on seeing what was unfolding before them, raised an alarm.
The alarm caused residents to rush to the scene and the bandits were cornered and handed over to the police.
A gun was recovered from the men.


Looks like the jackass granger and his wife found a new way to fleece the nation by sending out "imposter" to do their dirty work. Now they get ketch, first lady pressured into saying "is nah me" . These jackasses expect us to believe that in small Guyana they got another person that looks like Sandra. 

First Lady calls out imposter again

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First Lady Sandra Granger

FIRST Lady Sandra Granger has again lamented that there is a woman going around impersonating her, and telling people that she (the impersonator) is in a position to help them in various ways when it is not true.

Granger is urging the public to beware: “If anyone claims to be the First Lady and claims she can get scholarships for them … don’t believe.

“Inform your friends and family that, the First Lady and her husband (President David Granger) have no scholarships to offer. All government scholarships come through the Ministry of Public Service,” she insisted.

More recently the con artist has allegedly been telling people that she can get visas for them. About the offer to get them visas, the First Lady made it clear: “Only countries can issue visas to their respective countries.”

The woman who goes around with an assistant has already fleeced hapless victims of hundreds of thousands of dollars of their hard earned cash and has been called out by the press before.

The First Lady also recalled that there is one woman who, in tears related that she had she sent the con woman $90,000 with the hope of her daughter and niece obtaining scholarships as promised, but that did not materialise.

Last edited by Former Member

Bartica businessman found with illegal pistol

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The unlicensed .32 Pistol found by police

POLICE have arrested a 45-year-old businessman of Bartica, Region Seven, after an unlicensed .32 pistol was found on his person during a search at Falls Top Armu, Bartica.
A release said that police acting on information, went to the shop and conducted a search on the suspect and found the pistol in his possession. Charges are expected to be laid soon.
Meanwhile, police from “F” Division (Lethem and other Interior Locations) who were on mobile patrol about 23:00hrs on Wednesday at Armu Backdam, Bartica, attempted to stop a motorcycle driven by a male suspect who subsequently dropped a black haversack and escaped.
Police said initial investigations revealed that six transparent wrapped plastic parcels of cannabis sativa were found and amounted to 3.28kilograms.
A road service licence with registration number CG 9942 was also discovered. Investigations are continuing


Man shot over motorcycle argument

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The man who was shot during the argument on Thursday

POLICE are investigating a shooting incident which occurred at around 09:30hrs on Thursday at ‘E’ Field Cummings Park, East Coast Demerara.

The suspect only known as “Gaza” is being sought.

Reports indicate that two males, one armed with a handgun, had an argument over a motorcycle, during which the suspect discharged several rounds at the 25 years old victim of Big Yard, Tucville, Georgetown.

The victim is currently a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital in a stable condition


Taxi driver recounts daring escape

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The injured Vaidan Madray recovering at home

— after bandits hijacked his car

QUICK thinking and the will to survive probably saved the life of a taxi driver when he was hijacked, robbed and shot at gun-point on October 27, 2017 at about 11:45hrs at Coldingen Railway Embankment, East Coast Demerara.

Vaidan Madray called “Ryan” of Non Pareil, East Coast Demerara, a taxi driver who plies his trade from the Coldingen Turn, told Guyana Chronicle that he is very grateful to be alive given the fact he was shot at close range.

The 28-year-old said he was parked at the road corner at Coldingen when a route 44 minibus stopped and three men clad in what appeared to be “work clothes” with cement and long boots and bags exited.

They requested a taxi to go over Coldingen Railway Embankment and since the men did not seem suspicious, given their work attire, Madray took on the task.

The group said they were going to a cream house over the ‘line’ and upon arrival there one of the men tried calling someone via a cellphone but got no answer.

At this point, Madray said he grew suspicious and turned around the car.

But the man seated in the front seat put his car in ‘park’ and then it occurred to him that this was a robbery and he has to act quickly.

Madray exited the car and pulled a screwdriver in his defence but another man from the back seat exited the car and pulled a gun at him.

The father of two related that he hit the gun out of the bandit’s hand and a shot was discharged which struck him in the left scrotum and exited on the right side thigh.

Bleeding, Madray recalled he ran to the Railway Embankment and flagged down passing vehicles and it was a while before a taxi stopped and took him to Vigilance Police Station where he was issued a medical form and went to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).

The following day whilst still hospitalised, he received a call from the police stating that they found his car HC 7334 abandoned at Madewini on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway.

The car was retrieved and later handed over to him minus the floor mats, spare wheel, jack, a tablet and two cell phones.

His music system was intact and without the car remote, the vehicle was unable to drive after the engine was shut-off.

“If I didn’t think quickly and exited the car, I would have probably been dead, since I realised the men were up to no good. I was able to escape, although shot, because I felt they would have killed me and strip my car,” he said.

Madray is still paying a monthly installment for the car which he acquired 11 months ago and is recovering at home.

He does not have a choice but to return to work as a taxi driver when he is fit to do so in an effort to pay his bills and support his family.

On another note, Madray is of the opinion that the two men who were nabbed by the police during a failed hijacking of a taxi driver at Diamond, East Bank Demerara recently may be two of the three men who hijacked him.

Drugb posted:

2 nabbed at city hotel with unlicensed gun, ammo


Two men were taken into Police custody following a raid at a city hotel on Thursday, during which a .38 special revolver and six matching rounds were unearthed.
Based on reports received, Police, acting on information, swooped down on the hotel and conducted searches on the two men.
Apart from the gun and ammunition, a handcuff and six mobile phones were also found in their possession. They are assisting police with investigations.

The gun and ammo among other items which were found by the Police

On Wednesday, during a press briefing, acting Police Commissioner David Ramnarine disclosed that the Guyana Police Force has recorded a 33 per cent increase in robbery with violence but at the same time a nine per cent decrease in serious crimes.
He also noted that murders have decreased by 13 per cent, while there has been a 15 per cent decrease in robbery under arms, a six per cent decrease in robbery under arms with the use of other instruments, and an 8.5 per cent decrease in rape.

This revolver looks like a Smith and Wesson 356 magnum not a .38

Drugb posted:

Bartica businessman found with illegal pistol

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The unlicensed .32 Pistol found by police

POLICE have arrested a 45-year-old businessman of Bartica, Region Seven, after an unlicensed .32 pistol was found on his person during a search at Falls Top Armu, Bartica.
A release said that police acting on information, went to the shop and conducted a search on the suspect and found the pistol in his possession. Charges are expected to be laid soon.
Meanwhile, police from “F” Division (Lethem and other Interior Locations) who were on mobile patrol about 23:00hrs on Wednesday at Armu Backdam, Bartica, attempted to stop a motorcycle driven by a male suspect who subsequently dropped a black haversack and escaped.
Police said initial investigations revealed that six transparent wrapped plastic parcels of cannabis sativa were found and amounted to 3.28kilograms.
A road service licence with registration number CG 9942 was also discovered. Investigations are continuing

This pistol looks like a cheap Chinese made Norinco. 


Gunmen rob overseas couple at Kitty seawall – escape with car


A 55-year-old Indian national and his wife became the latest victims of a carjacking which seemed to have become out of control lately with one reported cases weekly.

The car that was hijacked.

The victims are Harjeet Singh Lakha, an engineer and his 40-year-old spouse, who asked for her name to be withheld from the article.
According to information received, at around 20:15 hrs on Friday, the couple was at the Kitty, Georgetown seawall enjoying the cool air when they were confronted by two bandits—one was armed with a gun and another with a knife.
The two men, who used their hats to hide their faces, robbed the couple of their cash and cellular phone before escaping in their Toyota Premio motorcar bearing registration number, PNN 3428.
The 40-year-old woman said that she and her spouse were sitting on the wall when she suddenly felt a gun to her waist and then realised that it was a robbery.
Another man had a knife to her partner’s waist also and demanded their valuables while urging that they remain quiet.
“These men appeared from nowhere. I was facing the ocean and my husband was facing the road when we were confronted but none of us see them coming,” the woman explained.
She added while the men held the weapons to their waists, they were busy raiding their pockets for valuables.
“They took the cash he had and his phone and they see the car keys. They collected it and walked straight to the car and drive away,” the woman said.
At the time of the robbery, no other persons were on the seawall but the 40-year-old victim of Garnett Street, Kitty said that liming at that spot has become a norm for them.


Mom allegedly gives son gun to kill enemy


An ongoing gang-related feud in Sophia, Georgetown ended in the most tragic manner Friday night with the arrest of a 44-year-old security guard, who allegedly took home her service resolver for her teenage son to “finish off” his enemy.

Jamal Munroe

The night ended with the death of 24-year-old Jamal Munroe, a labourer of ‘C’ Field Sophia, Georgetown.
Munroe had a lengthy rap sheet; there were numerous armed robbery charges.
He sustained gunshot wounds to his legs, upper hand and lower back. He died while receiving treatment at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).
The suspect, 19-year-old Mark Ferral, is on the run but his mother, Deborah Caesar, has been arrested. It is alleged that she took home her .32 pistol and handed it to her son. The weapon is now in police custody and will be sent for ballistic tests.
According to reports, there was an ongoing war between Munroe’s gang and the suspect, his mother and about four of his brothers. It started about two months ago when there was some disagreement over a gambling board.
Last week, both the suspect and the victim were running each other with cutlasses in the village. At least two of these incidents were reported to ranks at the Turkeyen Police Station.
Two days ago, 24-year-old Munroe reportedly stabbed Ferral. Ferral then went to the station and made a report. He was also given a medical certificate to seek treatment at a hospital.
Kaieteur News was informed that the police never located Munroe after that stabbing incident.
On Friday night, reports are that Ferral spotted his attacker and confronted him, asking if he (Monroe) still wanted to kill him.
“Munroe, not knowing a gun was involved, started to behave like a bad man and the suspect (Ferral) pulled out the gun and shot him,” a police source revealed.
The victim was rushed to the hospital where he later died while the suspect escaped. This newspaper was informed that the shooting incident occurred in front of the suspect’s mother and siblings.
In April 14, 2015, Munroe, called ‘Ocku’, was charged with robbing Lloyd Butchey of a gold chain, a Samsung Galaxy Smartphone and $12,000 in cash.
On March 31, 2016 at Lot 56 Stanleytown, New Amsterdam, Berbice, Munroe and another broke and entered the home of Erica Hope and stole two laptops, two cell phones and a DVD player.
Munroe was placed on $100,000 bail on each charge.
He was charged with possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking. He was also charged with robbing a Guyana Defence Force Lieutenant of one Apple cell phone.
He was also facing another charge of burglary in which he stole one Acer Laptop Computer, one HP laptop computer and one tablet. He has a number of ongoing matters pending, including break and enter and larceny, simple larceny, robbery under arms and throwing missiles among others.
Munroe who was on bail, had fled the area. He was subsequently nabbed in Georgetown while being in possession of narcotics and was placed on $20,000 bail. He was unable to post the bail and was remanded to Prison there.
He had given his name as ‘Junior Munroe’ and a wrong address.
He was on bail again when he committed the last two atrocities.
In April 2016, Munroe was charged with robbery under arms and burglary.
His address was given as Lot 31 Savannah Park, New Amsterdam. It was alleged that he and others had robbed Lloyd Butchey of a gold chain, a Samsung Galaxy Smartphone and $12,000 in cash.
Munroe was also part of a gang that caused a prison fracas that occurred in the New Amsterdam Prison in 2014 in which four prisoners were brutally beaten and slashed.
That attack is widely believed to have caused the ensuing prison fracas in which Azumulla, and other high profile prisoners Quame Bhagwandin, Clarence Williams called ‘Wild Hog’, and Davendra Harrichand called ‘Bara’ were injured.
In September 2016, Munroe was shot in the abdomen during an altercation with ranks of an anti-crime patrol in Berbice who went to arrest him.
He somehow managed to flee into some nearby bushes, but turned up at the New Amsterdam Hospital from where he was transported to the Georgetown Public Hospital in a critical condition.
Later, he was out on bail after being charged with several offences.
Just three months ago, his brother, sacked prison officer Troybon Munroe of Canje, was shot dead when he and an accomplice attempted to rob a businesswoman on the Liliendaal, Greater Georgetown Railway Embankment Road in the vicinity of the Arthur Chung Convention Centre.
The dead man’s accomplice, Mark Griffith, of Wismar, Linden, turned up at the Georgetown Public Hospital with a gunshot wound to the chest.
The robbers had trailed the businesswoman from the Eugene F. Correira International Airport, where she had gone to collect a quantity of raw gold that had earlier arrived from the interior.


Primary school students steal $1.8M

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NINE students from a Region Nine primary school sometime this year stole $1.802M, the Auditor General’s Report on the Public Accounts of Guyana and on the accounts of ministries, departments and regions for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2016, said.
At the time of reporting in September 2017, $700,000 was repaid, leaving the sum of $1.102M to be recovered. The matter is currently engaging the attention of the court.
“The parents of the students had entered into an agreement to repay the amount stolen on a monthly basis commencing from April 2017,” the report said.
Meanwhile, at the Maruranau Primary School, also in Region Nine, the sum of $1.524M was misappropriated by the former headmaster in 2012. Thus far, the sum of $230, 200 was recovered, leaving $1.294M outstanding.

The Auditor General’s report noted that for all the schools visited, the receipts and payments cash books were not properly written up. It was also observed that there was a lack of segregation of duties in relation to the storekeeping procedures, while stock ledgers and goods received books were not properly written up and maintained.
“There was no evidence of the records being checked by any member of the management committee of the school… meetings were not held by the management committee,” the report added.

Additionally, the treasurers kept unspent balances in their personal possession and bank accounts were not reconciled for the period under review.
The Ministry of Finance has since been informed of the matter and action has been taken to have deductions made from the head master’s gratuity. As it relates to the other lapses, the ministry said corrective action has been taken.
Notwithstanding that, the Audit Office has recommended that the ministry ensure strict adherence to the financial instructions and requirements of the stores and financial regulations.

That aside, in the case of security grants amounts totalling $302.819M were expended on security services for nursery, primary, secondary and post-secondary or tertiary education.
An audit examination carried out on a sample of 18 schools revealed that the bank accounts were not reconciled, security services were paid in advance by the schools, no contractual agreements were entered into with the security firms and cash books were not properly maintained by the schools.
The head of the budget agency has since advised that corrective action has been taken this year. The Audit Office has recommended that the ministry comply with the financial regulations.

Additionally, amounts totalling $322.829M were paid to eight private security firms for security provided to 34 locations. However, contract documents and tender board awards were not presented for audit examination.

“Therefore, it could not be determined whether tender procedures were followed to select the security firms and also whether payments were made in accordance with the conditions of the contract,” the report stated.
The head of the budget agency has since explained that contract documents would be made available to the Audit Office.


Two held for alleged rape of ‘drugged’ Corentyne schoolgirls

Police have detained two men in their twenties in connection with the alleged drugging and rape last Tuesday of two 14-year-old girls along the Corentyne.
Police Public Relations Officer Shivpersaud Bacchus confirmed that the men were held yesterday.
A police source revealed that the men have denied the allegation and are instead claiming that they met the alleged victims, who were in a drunken state, on a roadway and offered them assistance.
It is claimed that the teens had half of a bottle of alcohol in their bag packs. The source disclosed that a teacher from the school noticed the girls acting strangely.
She then informed the head teacher who upon searching the bag found what appeared to be alcohol.
Both students were given letters and told to return with their parents.
The girls reportedly returned home, but changed into casual wear and headed out to a nearby liquor shop where they engaged a “drinking spree”.
The girls reportedly visited several rum shops in the area. It was at one of the liquor shops that the girls allegedly met two men and offered to buy them beers, which they did.
The girls subsequently left the shop and were walking along the road when they met the two suspects, who were on bicycles.
The men are claiming, that the girls were “throwing up.”
According to the suspects, the schoolgirls asked the men to take them to the suspects’ homes to “clean themselves up”. However, on arrival, the teens reportedly fell asleep in a hammock. They reportedly left the suspect’s house early the following day.
According to the police source, the mother of one suspect asked who the girls were, and also attempted to question the girls about where they resided. However, the teens were reportedly too intoxicated to respond.
After they returned home and the report was made, the ‘victims’ were taken to the hospital for a medical examination, which reportedly revealed that they were sexually active.
But the examination seemed to indicate that they had not been engaged in recent sexual activity.
Initial reports stated that the mother of one of the girls was demanding justice after claiming that her daughter was drugged and raped.
The mother had stated that her daughter claimed that she and her friend were walking home from school when two young men, said to be in their twenties, offered them a drop in their car.
“Them girls like them been frighten to come home because wah happen at school. Them take them girls a rum shop and give them beers and me daughter say them promise fa put them in taxi,” she said. But them give them the tablets and then take them to them house. Them separate them and take them different house,”
The matter was reported at the Number 51 Police Station and the Springlands Police Station.


Masked men raid Coverden business

Four masked men on Saturday raided the business place of Nadira Arjune around 16:00hrs before escaping with an undisclosed amount of cash.

The incident took place at Arjune’s business located at lot 6 Coverden, East Bank Demerara.
Arjune, 23 was robbed along with several others who were in the business place at the time.
Her cashier, Davina Joe, was relieved of her Samsung Galaxy S4, while Raymond Caliavio, 29, of Kuru-Kururu, Soesdyke Linden Highway was relieved of his Samsung Galaxy S5.
Police reports suggest that the victims were inside the depot and were suddenly confronted by the men who held them at gun point and demanded their belongings.
The suspects then fled the scene in a silver-grey Premio.
The matter was reported to a nearby police station some 20 minutes after the episode. Efforts were made to locate the suspects but proved futile.
Investigations revealed that Nadira Arjune is a co-owner of Arjune Chicken Depot.
The building is a two-story concrete structure that faces east. It is fenced and has a driveway for customers.



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