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Businesswoman robbed thrice in eight weeks

Robbed twice before in two months, Albouystown businesswoman Yasmin Deonauth is now thrice unlucky, after four masked, gun-toting bandits invaded her premises early yesterday morning.
Deonauth, the proprietor of Nesha’s Flowerland, said that the men gained entry to her home by forcing open a window.
The 53-year-old businesswoman, at home with her two daughters, said she was asleep when she was awakened after she heard a door in her home slam.
“At first I did not take it seriously because I thought was my eldest daughter gone to use the washroom.” The woman said that it was after she realised that all the lights in her home were off she decided to look through her bedroom window.
She saw that her neighbour’s lights were on. “At that point I realised that robbers were in my home.”
Deonauth said that she got up to close her bedroom door, and it was then two masked men pointed guns to her face. “It was so scary because my children were in their room.”
Although the intruders warned her to be quiet, Deonauth said she screamed out for her neighbours, and this caused the robbers to flee. She later discovered that they had made off with a drone valued $US 3,000 and $100,000 that was in a piggy bank.
The woman said that robbers first broke into her residence eight weeks ago, but luckily, the family was out at the time.
That time, the robbers gained entry by ripping out an entire wall and damaging the six security cameras that are located around her premises.
“The first time they break into my home, my family and I were out for the weekend. When I return home I saw the entire wall on the ground and all the cameras wire were cut.”

The newly renovated wall that was ripped down

The window that the bandits used to gain entry into the home

The robbers carted off her electrical appliances including a 68 inch television, three 54 inch television sets, and five laptop computers. She added that she reported the matter to the Ruimveldt Police Station and ranks showed up hours later to conduct their investigation.
The woman lamented that the thieves had also made off with her eldest daughter’s bag pack, with all her text books.
Nine days after the first robbery, the woman said that she and her family were at home when robbers gained entry into her home by breaking the lock on a door. This time around, the robbers stole a large sum of cash.
After the traumatic experience of seeing a bandit place a gun to her eldest daughter’s head, she decided to have contractors install grills and a steel door.
The woman noted that after the second robbery her eldest daughter was terrified to be in the home because she was in constant fear. “My daughters were so terrified of staying at home so I decided to take them and stay in a hotel until the house was completely renovated.”

The house which has been targeted

She noted that her family only returned home a few days ago after the contractors told her that the house was more secure.
“Just imagine I am living here for over 50 years and in two months I have been robbed of millions in cash and appliances. The sad thing is that the robbers picked up my nine-year-old daughter’s piggy bank that she was putting her savings in for the past three years and they took a drone that my eldest daughter had purchased for her father’s birthday that cost over US3, 000.”
The woman is calling on the police to do a better job at investigating the home invasions. She alleged that the police showed up three hours after she and her neighbours called. She also claimed that the rank who eventually arrived was very unprofessional did not produce his identification card or give his name.


7 nabbed with illegal guns, ammo

As the Guyana Police Force intensifies its search and recovery efforts for illegal weapons, seven men were arrested over the weekend for possession of unlicensed guns and ammunition.

The pistol and magazine recovered in Bagotstown, East Bank Demerara

This is as the Anti-Crime Unit, while on patrol around 23:30h on Saturday, apprehended six men at a shop at the junction of Norton Street, Bagotstown, East Bank Demerara (EBD), one of whom was carrying an illegal .32 pistol, complete with magazine.
The men, said to be between the ages of 18 and 39, were all arrested and taken into custody where they remain, assisting with the ongoing investigations.
Meanwhile, just hours later, ranks, acting on information received, conducted a search on a Bourda, Georgetown residence around 04:30h on Sunday. During the operation, the officers recovered an unlicensed .32 pistol along with three matching rounds of ammunition.

The gun and ammunition recovered in Bourda, Georgetown

According to Police reports, at the time of the raid, the 28-year-old suspect had the weapon hidden under his pillow. He was also taken into custody and was assisting Police ranks with their investigations.


Guyana Times columnist still seeking justice after carjacking

…lack of Police transport delayed investigations

By Ashraf Dabie

With the passing of more than 24 hours following the attack against Guyana Times columnist Ryhaan Shah, which saw three armed bandits carting off her Toyota Allion motor car, the cultural activist is still seeking justice, as Police are yet to narrow down possible suspects.

Carjacking victim Ryhaan Shah

This is after ranks attached to the Alberttown Police Station were stalled in their investigations owing to the “lack of vehicles” at the outpost to transport the officers to and from the scene of the crime.
At approximately 13:20h on Saturday, the three gun-wielding men, said to be of African descent, pounced upon Shah just as she pulled up at her Irving Street, Georgetown residence.
The 66-year-old told this publication that while she was opening the gates to her home, the gunmen attacked and grabbed the keys to her silver-grey Toyota Allion motor car, bearing registration number PLL 1127, and immediately drove off in the said vehicle.
A neighbour who witnessed the incident quickly reported it via the newly-reinstalled 911 emergency call system. However, this was to no avail as ranks failed to show up at the scene of the crime.

Stolen car owned by the Indian national

It was only after the writer was taken to the Alberttown outpost that she discovered that the officers were not dispatched as there were no vehicles at the time. As such, the much-needed prompt response was delayed, allowing the carjackers to make good their escape.
Meanwhile, Shah is of the belief that given the swiftness of the carjacking, the three armed men staked out her home, whether as a pre-planned robbery or as part of a scheme to attack the public figure, who was one of the nominees for chairmanship of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM).
Adding to that, <<<Guyana Times>>>> understands that no efforts were made to intercept the hijackers as they drove off in the stolen car. As such, Shah extends gratitude to the eyewitness who made attempts to rush to her rescue.
In fact, it was the very neighbour who assisted the traumatised woman in transporting the investigators to and from the scene of the crime.
This incident marks the second time Shah has been attacked at her residence, after her handbag was ripped away by bandits just last year. As such, she is now left to question whether or not it was just a random robbery or if she is being targeted.
Meanwhile, this case coincides with another hijacking which saw an Indian national being relieved of his motor car, a quantity of cash and a cell phone in the vicinity of the Kitty Seawall in Georgetown, by two men armed with a knife and a gun.
This is in light of a warning issued by the Guyana Police Force, as the frequency of vehicular hijacking cases continues to escalate in recent months. Reports reveal that bandits, most of whom are armed and masked, have gone on a rampage targeting vehicle owners, particularly those driving Toyota Allion and Toyota Premio motor cars. The most common cases are those where the perpetrators pretend to be passengers in order to lure taxi drivers into convenient locations to allow for them to cart off their cars.
Given the spike in such crimes, most of these cases have gone unresolved. Similarly, Shah, as well as the Indian national, is still awaiting any information which may lead to the recovery of their vehicles.


Sophia man killed during row over “girlfriend”

A Sophia, Greater Georgetown man was on Friday evening shot dead by a teenager following an argument at Black and White Bridge, C Field Sophia.
Dead is Jamaul Monroe, a labourer also of C Field Sophia. He was reportedly shot multiple times about his body by the 19-year-old suspect, who has been identified only as “Mark.”

The house where Monroe lived with his girlfriend

According to reports, the incident occurred at around 22:45h when the two men had an argument over the victim’s 32-year-old girlfriend. During the argument, the woman had also accused the suspect of stealing a mobile phone ,thus resulting in the matter escalating.
The suspect retaliated by whipping out a handgun and discharging rounds in the direction of 24-year-old Monroe, hitting him several times. The suspect then fled the scene and was up to press time still in hiding. Monroe was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital in a semi-unconscious state but died while receiving medical attention.
When Guyana Times visited the home of the dead man, no one was willing to relate what occurred. His girlfriend was at the Turkeyen Police Station, but she too refused to speak claiming that she does not want the story in the media. Investigations into the fatal shooting are continuing.


Four in custody for Number 65 beer garden robbery


The business spot that the bandits invaded

A senior police source has confirmed with this publication that four men have been arrested in connection with the brazen armed robbery of a Number 65 Village businessman. The men were picked up over the weekend. They are said to be residents of Canje.
Ranks in ‘B’ Division are continuing their investigations.
Just under a week ago, Proprietor of Mike’s Beer Heaven, Krisendatt Hemnauth aka ‘Murphy,’ had his business invaded by five armed bandits.
The men who were all masked, heavily clothed with backpacks, were caught on surveillance footage storming the business and ordering customers to lie on the ground as they searched and demanded them to hand over all that was in their possession at the time.
Hemnauth, who was hit on the head with a gun by one of the men, had told Kaieteur News that he had just secured his main gate when the men barged into his shop filled with customers.
The businessman stated that one of the men, while opening the gate to gain entry into the shop, had stuck his gun through the grill work of the gate while ordering them to lie face down.
The men searched the customers and took away cellphones and cash. Hemnauth’s 21-year-old son, who was also at the shop, was kicked and stomped on by one of the bandits.
The men made good their escape the same way they entered, but not after locking the customers and the proprietor in the shop. A door was also damaged after one of the perpetrators smashed his gun on the locks.
Over $1million was carted off in total along with six cellular phones.


Cop kills self after shooting girlfriend

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DEAD:Clement Cockfield

A young policeman killed himself after critically shooting his lover, at the La Grange Police Station, West Bank Demerara Tuesday night.

The duo was based at the said police station. Police told Guyana Chronicle that the man, Constable Clement Cockfield shared a relationship with the woman, Shanice Fraser. The couple reportedly has a child together. The duo had an argument sometime between 21:00h and 22:00h and in a fit of anger; Cockfield who was armed with a weapon shot Fraser at the La Grange Police Station. It is unclear where the woman, said to be 21 years old was shot.

INJURED: Shanice Fraser

Guyana Chronicle understands that police ranks that were at the police station at the time observed what was transpiring and ran to the young woman’s safety and it was then that Cockfield turned the gun on himself. The woman was rushed to the West Demerara Regional Hospital before being transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH).

“Is was like he was trying to finish she off…he pointed the gun to she head after he done shoot she the first time,” a witness was overheard saying at the GPH. A source close to the duo said Fraser was the victim of abuse. “He used to beat she,” another person who knows Fraser said.

At the hospital several family members and friends of the woman turned up to show support. Many shook their heads in disbelief as she was moved from an ambulance to the emergency unit of the public hospital. The woman was said to be asking for her child repeatedly.


Battered teacher dies

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School teacher Kescia Branche

…policeman held, another being sought

RICHARD Ishmael Secondary School teacher, Kescia Branche, who was severely beaten and dumped at the corner of Princes Street and Louisa Row, Georgetown died Tuesday afternoon, police confirmed.

Two persons, including a police constable are in custody. Police are seeking the whereabouts of another constable as investigations continue. Surveillance footage led to the arrest of the police constable on Tuesday. The ranks are attached to the Impact Base at the Brickdam Police Station.

Around 05:00 hrs on Sunday, the First Street, Cummings Lodge resident was found on the roadway, unconscious. Her left leg was broken and she sustained multiple head injuries. She was hospitalised at the Georgetown Public Hospital’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) where she succumbed.

Reports indicate that between Saturday night to Sunday morning, Kescia Branche was seen partying with two men at two different night spots. The identity of one of the men is known by her friends and his information was shared with the police. The mother of one was last seen in the company of a male at the Blue Martini Bar, located at Lamaha and De Abreu Street, Newtown, Georgetown, Guyana.

Persons reported seeing her being touched inappropriately by the man and she also appeared to have been under the influence. Persons also related that she was also seen at Seeta’s Bar, Station Street Kitty. The victim’s father, Alfred Branche said that he will not rest until justice is served. Her twin sister who was at her bedside when she died flew in from Barbados Tuesday morning.

Investigators are comparing the dumping of the woman as a “Monica Reece” style killing. Reece, a19-year-old female security guard, was dumped out of a 4×4 vehicle on Main Street, Georgetown on Good Friday, April 9, 1993.


Berbice woman allegedly raped at knife point

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A 24-year-old mother of one is pleading for justice after she was held at knife point and allegedly raped in the presence of her five-year-old son last Friday in a Corentyne village.
The woman is calling for justice, since the suspect is roaming the streets and despite several visits to the police station, nothing has been done.

According to the woman, on the night in question, her husband who is a rice farmer was out irrigating his fields and was expected to come in late, so she left her bedrrom door unlocked while she slept with their five-year-old son.

The suspect who is known to them was in the rice fields imbibing, while the men worked and he slipped away from them to attack and rape her knowing that her husband was still in the fields. “I hear the door open and thought it was my husband. I put on the phone light and see is one 1 ‘o’ clock, cause he didn’t turn on the lights, but by the time I realise it was not he, the man put a knife to me neck and cover me mouth. He say if me nah do wah he want he guh kill me and my son,” the woman related.

The woman related that the suspect removed her clothing and forced himself on her in the bed next to her son who was asleep. “I begged him fuh lef we go out of the room and not to hurt me or me son, but he did drunk you could ah smell the alcohol on he and he said no fuh guh back on the bed and he tek the phone and dash it away and jump on me.”

The woman stated that when the suspect was finished he fled, but not before he issued more threats to her. Her husband later arrived home and the matter was reported to a nearby police station. The suspect was subsequently arrested during the course of the day and was placed in police custody.

According to the victim, she was told by ranks attached to the station that the suspect had confessed to the act and would not be released until he goes to court. However, she saw the suspect roaming the streets on Tuesday, November 7th, and upon enquiring at the police station she was allegedly met with hostility by the officer-in-charge.

She noted that the suspect also left with her cellular phone and that was also reported to the police, but was not investigated. “When me go to the station and ask how come the man get loose, the police in charge start fuh cuss me up, he look drunk and say he nah gah answer to me, we then went to Whim Station and they tell us to go back to the station, cause that is where is dealing with the matter, but when we go back is the same thing.”

Frustrated, the woman called the media and related her story. However, soon after the suspect was re- arrested and later released on station bail. The woman then went back to Whim to lodge a complaint, but was not satisfied with the response nor treatment and is planning to meet with the divisional commander today. The victim is pleading with the authorities to look into the matter, since she is suffering.

Last edited by Former Member

16-yr-old gunman held after bungled robbery

A 16-year-old boy has admitted to trying to rob the Lady Lucky Chinese restaurant owner at gunpoint at La Bonne Intention, East Coast Demerara on Monday night.
Police later found the teen fast asleep at his Chateau Margot, East Coast Demerara home. Ranks retrieved a loaded .32 pistol from a suitcase under his bed.
Security camera footage revealed that the teen and an accomplice entered the restaurant around 21.00 hrs. The friend bought a meal and paid the owner. He then asked for a cigarette, and it was then the teen drew a gun and pointed it at the owner.
However the proprietor fled, and the teen discharged a round at the retreating man. The two would-be robbers then fled.
Acting on information from residents, police tracked the 16-year-old to his parents’ home. At first, the teen reportedly claimed that he had thrown the weapon away.


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Peacemaker stabbed to death during sibling brawl


A 27-year-old man was stabbed to death around 15:00 hrs yesterday when he allegedly tried to prevent one brother from stabbing his younger sibling in front of their North Ruimveldt residence.

The 26-year-old suspect being escorted from the murder scene

Dead is Hafeez Douglas, a labourer, also of North Ruimveldt, Georgetown. He was stabbed to the left side of his chest and was pronounced dead at the Georgetown Public Hospital.
The suspect, Jermaine Abel, has since confessed to the crime, claiming that it was self-defence. The murder weapon—an improvised knife—has been lodged.
According to information received, Abel and his brother were fighting when the deceased separated the duo. The suspect’s brother started walking away when he (suspect) reportedly picked up the knife and rushed behind his sibling to stab him.
Douglas allegedly grabbed the 26-year-old suspect and pushed him away. Reports are that the suspect got angry and turned his rage on Douglas, stabbing him to the chest—causing him to fall into a nearby drain.
The suspect then ran to the North Ruimveldt Police Outpost and reported the matter to the police.
Abel’s brother and the victim are said to be friends.
Meanwhile, the victim’s brother, Teon Herald explained that he was at work when he heard that his brother had been killed. “I heard Jermaine picked up the jooker (improvised knife) to stab his brother when my brother pushed him away and he (Jermaine) get vex and stab my brother.”
However, the suspect’s aunt, June Ann Hoyte has a different version of what transpired yesterday.
She explained that her two nephews were fighting with each other since Tuesday night.
“They were fighting Tuesday night and some boys part them. This morning (yesterday) they were fighting and people part them again.”
The woman explained that late yesterday, Jermaine Abel was heading home when his brother’s friend, Douglas confronted him a short distance from the crime scene (suspect’s home).
“They start fighting at the corner and then Jermaine come home and he and his brother started fighting again, when Douglas come with a joker, and he start fighting with Jermaine. I don’t know where Jermaine get the jooker from, but he stab Douglas,” the woman explained.
She said that Douglas did not get a chance to use his knife because it fell into a nearby drain.
Investigations are ongoing.


Berbice serial robbers remanded


…reporters threatened outside court house

By Andrew Carmichael

Three men who are accused of committing a series of robberies on the East Bank of Berbice and in the East Canje area were on Wednesday remanded when they appeared before Magistrate Renatta Singh at the Reliance Magistrate’s Court.
The three men, Aubrey Brant, 28, of Lot 61 Number 2 Village, East Canje; Peter Baker, 19, of Lot 8 Canefield New Area, East Canje; and Leroy Guevara, also called “Trini”, a taxi driver of Dr Tulsi Street, Hampshire were not required to plea to the five indictable charges.
It is alleged that on Tuesday, October 17, 2017, at Workshop Street Cumberland,

Police ranks try to restrain one of the accused as he threatened reporters inside the Reliance Magistrate’s Court yard, prior to the three men being whisked away to prison

while being armed with a gun and in the company of others, the trio allegedly robbed Dirk Sharp of one Mega Pix cellphone valued $7000.
On that day in the same street, it is being alleged that they also robbed Nafeeza Aziz of one gold and diamond ring valued $86,000; two gold rings valued $50,000; one Brazilian gold chain valued US$1500 and $7000 cash.
On the same day and in the same street, they also allegedly robbed Dupattie Aziz of one Samsung Galaxy cellular phone valued $75,000.
They are also accused of unlawfully and maliciously damaging five surveillance cameras valued $90,000 and being the property of Dirk Sharp.
The fifth charge which Magistrate Singh read to them states that between October 30 and 31, 2017, at New Street Cumberland, East Canje, while being armed with a gun and in the company of others, they broke and entered the grocery shop of Vischant Sarjoo and stole $120,000 worth in cellular phone cards, $120,000 worth in cosmetics, $25,000 worth of groceries, $18,000 worth in cigarettes among other items and $60,000 cash all totalling $613,000.
Although the trio was before another Magistrate the previous day, Guevara told the court that it was the first time he was being charged. When Brant was questioned, he attempted the same answer but the Magistrate reminded him that he had a matter before and never appeared in court.
After the accused tried to convince the court that this was not true, Magistrate Singh told him he was being untruthful. “You just rattled off five sentences of lies. Your mother was here and said that you were going to come to court the next day…”
Meanwhile, Barker told the court that he was previously charged with carjacking. Police Prosecutor Sergeant Lennox Polliah asked the court not to grant the accused bail given the fact a gun was used to commit some of the crimes. He said the Police are still investigating. They will have to return to court on December 20.
Meanwhile, on Tuesday, the trio was before Magistrate Alex Moore at the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s Court and was charged with two robberies committed on the East Bank of Berbice.
It is alleged that on Sunday, October 22, at Glasgow Housing Scheme, East Bank Berbice, in the company of others and armed with guns, they robbed Pulwantie Singh of a J2 Samsung cellphone, one gold finger ring and one pair of gold earrings.
They are also accused of robbing Roopchand Parmanand of $30,000 on the said night.
After the men left the court and were being escorted into a Police vehicle, Brant hauled several threats to reporters including killing one of them if he were to be released. He had to be restrained by officers on hand as he attempted to attack the reporters.
Meanwhile, on Wednesday at the Reliance Magistrate’s Court, Brant who was allowed to leave the court without any handcuffs, picked up a stone threatening to harm a Guyana Times reporter given the fact that he was wearing no handcuffs and was ahead of the lone Police Officer escorting him by about 30 feet.


Bagotville taxi driver remanded for armed robbery


An unrepresented taxi driver appeared before the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts on Wednesday morning to answer to the charge of armed robbery.
The information was sworn by investigating rank Collis Fraser.
Presiding Magistrate Fabayo Azore read the charge which stated d that on October 29, 2017, Quincy Abrams, a father of three, was in the company of others and armed with a gun when he robbed Virtual Complainant (VC) Brenrick Goman of a gold chain valued $175,000.
Police Prosecutor Simone Payne made reference to the gravity of the offence in her bail objection while indicating that the Police file was still incomplete.
Abrams, who appeared calm, denied any knowledge of the offence and indicated that he was a 31-year-old resident of Bagotville, Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara).
Bail was refused and the defendant was remanded to prison.
The case will be called again on November 22, 2017.


PNC operative caught in drug bust. Granger trying all types of ways of keeping PNC/AFC fund raising activities goin

National swimmer busted with cocaine at JFK

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Earlando McRae at the Islamic Solidarity Games in Baku, Azerbaijan in May

ONE of Guyana’s leading swimmers, Earlando McRae, was on Sunday busted with 2.5 kilogrammes of cocaine, after landing at the John F Kennedy Airport (JFK) in New York.

According to reports, the 28-year-old swimmer arrived in New York on a flight from the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA), and his suitcase was subjected to a search by the U.S. Custom and Border Patrol (CBP).

It was during the search that the officers noticed that his luggage had false sides, and upon further checks, the 2.5 kilogrammes of cocaine were discovered. McRae, was taken to court on Monday, where he was later placed at the Metropolitan Detention Centre in Brooklyn, and is awaiting his next court hearing on November 20.
After a hiatus of approximately three years, McRae returned to the pool in April and dominated the Dolphin Inter-Club Swim. In May, the Ocra Swim Club member represented Guyana at the Islamic Solidarity Games in Baku, Azerbaijan. McRae featured for Guyana at the FINA World Championships in 2013 that was held in Barcelona, Spain, and as a 19 year-old he swam at the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne, Australia.

g with the drug trade until oil kicks in. The PNC customs at the airport let him true but the dogs at JFK sniffed him out.



Gold miner shot, robbed in East Ruimveldt

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Paul Chow and his girlfriend before the robbery

Gold miner Paul Chow, 35, of Kitty, Georgetown, was shot multiple times in the upper body Thursday after being robbed at a hairdresser in East Ruimveldt, Georgetown, while waiting on his girlfriend.

It is alleged that the gunman entered the hairdresser’s business and was surprised to see a male in the establishment. Chow was at the time taking a rest on one of the chairs when the bandit woke him up during the robbery.

A scuffle ensued and Chow was shot multiple times. He was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit.
He, along with others were robbed of their gold jewellery and other valuables. Police are hunting the suspect as investigations continue.

West and East Ruimveldt residents are calling on the Guyana Police Force to boost patrols in the area, since there has been a spike in gun-related robberies there.
“I don’t able with this no more, let the police take them out, they are not serving any purpose ,” one East Ruimveldt woman yelled.


GRA seizes boats with $$$millions in contraband


The Law Enforcement and Investigation Division (LEID) of the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) recently seized millions of dollars worth of smuggled beverages on two trawlers which were making their way from Trinidad and Tobago.

Some of the beverages seized by GRA’s Law Enforcement and Investigation Division

The seizure was made in Guyana.
Kaieteur News understands that this seizure is part of a vigorous effort on the part of the revenue authority to stamp out smuggling which has led to the loss of millions of dollars in taxes.
In fact, the Guyana Revenue Authority is expected to roll out an anti-smuggling system by the end of the month. This is according to its Commissioner General, Godfrey Statia.
The tax chief said that discussions had re-commenced with Canadian Bank Note, a company that brought the national lottery. He said that those discussions were aimed at introducing the Stamp System. Statia said that this is in an effort to minimize revenue leakages through the smuggling of alcohol and tobacco.
The need to address rampant smuggling in Guyana is one that was raised by the Tax Reform Commission which was established by the Granger administration. The Commissioners said that Guyana is subjected to major revenue loss from smuggling, not only because of its porous borders but, also, from its wharf operations and ports of entry.
They said that this is especially so for fuel, gold, cigarettes and alcohol, where there are ongoing allegations that collusion and corruption facilitate such tax evasion and revenue leakage.
The officials said, “We understand that the GRA is in the process of acquiring a digital stamping programme for the latter two products at a substantial cost. It is crucial that the GRA avoids the experience of TRIPS which has failed to deliver on its promises and that it ensures that a proper assessment of all the features of programmes is examined and options and avenues considered and evaluated before entering into any contract.”
The tax experts added, “In areas of smuggling, it is known that producers and distributors have a vested interest in reducing such activity, since it reduces their bottom line. Ideally, such parties should have been requested to cooperate with any such a design, rather than having it trusted upon them, as they would be responsible for its implementation.”
The officials said it is recommended that GRA hold consultations with all the players in the field. They said, too, that it is known that digital stamps “in plain sight” are more easily forgeable, than digital markings when so placed in the packaging by producers.

Picture saved as goods one
Caption: Some of the beverages seized by GRA’s Law Enforcement and Investigation Division

Picture saved as two
Caption: One of the trawlers which contained the smuggled goods


Boat operator accused of exploiting Venezuelans for sex


A boat operator who was caught attempting to traffic four Venezuelans for sexual purposes was yesterday remanded to prison.

Remanded to prison Kenneth Simon

Kenneth Simon appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan, in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts and denied the charge which alleged that on the November 3, last, at Kumu Backdam, Central Rupununi, he recruited, transported and harboured four women for the purpose of sexual exploitation.
The matter was held in-camera.
According to information the women came to Guyana to work and the defendant paid for them to come.
It was when the virtual complainants told the defendant that they wanted to go back to Venezuela, he told them that they would have to engage in sexual activity with him to repay him of the money that he spent for them to come to Guyana.
The prosecutor objected to bail being granted to the defendant and he was remanded to prison.
Simon was instructed to make his next court appearance on November 15 at the Bartica Magistrate’s Court.


High-powered rifle lands city resident behind bars


A 52-year-old city resident was yesterday remanded to prison after denying an illegal firearm charge instituted against him.
David Nelson, of 190 Church Street, South Cummingsburg, Georgetown, appeared before Senior Magistrate Leron Daly in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts and denied the charge which stated that on November 9 at Quamina Street, he had in his possession a .223 AR rifle when he was not a licenced to carry such a weapon.
Nelson was represented by Attorney-at-law Adrian Thompson. The lawyer told the court that his client has been a licenced firearm holder since 2008 and is the holder of a Taurus pistol.
The lawyer added that the rifle was found in his client’s vehicle and at the time of the search, there were multiple occupants in the said vehicle.
Thompson told the court that his client was unaware of the weapon being in his vehicle since it was concealed in layers of plastic and was under one of the car’s seats.
However facts presented by Police Prosecutor Sanj Singh differed from those of Nelson’s attorney.
The prosecutor told the court that on the day in question police acting on information received proceeded to Quamina Street where they conducted a search on Nelson’s vehicle and under the seat they discovered the unlicensed rifle.
Nelson was then arrested and taken to the station where he gave the police a written caution statement accepting ownership of the firearm, saying that he bought it from a Brazilian man, and was in the process of selling it.
Prosecutor Singh strongly objected to bail being granted to the defendant citing the serious nature of the offence and the penalty the charge attracts.
The prosecutor’s objection was upheld and Nelson was remanded to prison.
The father of three was instructed to make his next court appearance on December 1.
Kaieteur News has learnt that the Quamina Street, Georgetown home of a former senior government official under the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) was searched by ranks from the Guyana Police Force (GPF)’s Major Crimes Unit around 14:30 hrs on Thursday.
Nelson was reportedly working for the former government official. In fact, he was confronted by lawmen in front of the official’s home. The weapon was then discovered under the back seat of his car.
The ranks reportedly received intelligence information and immediately went to the location and arrested Nelson. Based on the information the police have, the suspect was supposed to meet with someone at the location. He is said to have claimed was going to sell the weapon for $6M.
When Nelson was arrested and ranks learnt of the linkage between him and the former government official, they searched the official’s home, but did not find anything incriminating.


Elderly US-based Guyanese robbed of suitcases, cash after leaving airport


– relative’s stolen car found abandoned in South R/veldt

Two elderly, US-based Guyanese men were robbed at gunpoint of cash and their suitcases on Thursday night in Atlantic Gardens, East Coast Demerara, shortly after arriving here for a vacation. The suitcases contained at least US$5,500, and the victims’ passports and other documents. The robbers also drove off with a car that belonged to a relative who had picked the two men up at the airport.
The men, Winston English, 71, and Albert Smith, 73, of Brooklyn, New York, and their relative, Munroe English, 63, of Nabaclis, East Coast Demerara, were forced to lie on a roadway while a gunman and an accomplice made off with their valuables.
Kaieteur News understands that Munroe English had picked up the two US-based men at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport, Timehri, at around 22.45 hrs on Thursday. He then took them to an Atlantic Ville, East Coast Demerara residence to drop off one of their suitcases.
Albert Smith exited the car and dropped of the suitcase. Munroe English then drove further up the street to turn the car around. He had driven to the end of a street when a white car, with two occupants, blocked his path. A man wearing a baseball cap exited that vehicle, pointed a gun at the three men, and ordered them to lie on the roadway.
While the victims complied, the bandit drove off with the car, which contained other suitcases, cash, travel documents and valuables.
The car, a Toyota Allion, was found yesterday morning partly submerged in a trench in Caneview Avenue, South Ruimveldt.
The suspects are still at large.


Manipulation of Gold Board records…Staffers sent home “admitted” signing fabricated documents


Officials of the State-controlled Guyana Gold Board (GGB) are insisting that the systems there, though far from perfect, are working.
The reassurance would come one day after news broke that the accountant, Rosanna

Gold Board’s Chairman, Gabriel ‘GHK’ Lall; GM (ag), Eondrene Thompson and Stacy Weever, the entity’s Legal Officer (ag), at the press conference yesterday.

Ramnarine, and a clerk, Deborah Forbes, were both sent home recently, amid alleged manipulation of records to raise the purity value of gold sold.
Investigations are continuing and a police probe has not been ruled out.
Gathered yesterday for a press conference on the incident, at the Ministry of Natural Resources boardroom on Brickdam, were GGB’s Chairman Gabriel Lall; General Manager (ag), Eondrene Thompson and Legal Officer (ag), Stacy Weever.
According to Lall, the entity had sent home the two workers amid investigations ongoing, with some financial irregularities surfacing.
The official made it clear that the documentation is thorough, with the evidence “persuasive” and “comprehensive”.
From evidence seen, it is believed that millions were paid out for gold that was of low purity levels.
Using fabricated assay results which speak of purity levels of gold sold, the two staffers alleged oversaw a scheme where the levels were raised and hence more monies were paid out.
According to Thompson, the curiosity of GGB was raised after a miner, who had a track record of gold of high purity, complained. That happened over a month ago.
An internal investigation saw the GGB’s systems being “combed,” starting as far back as January 1, 2017.
To ensure that evidence was not tampered with, a decision was made to send the two staffers home.
According to the officials, several false assay reports were found with the signatures of the two staffers. The duo “admitted” that the signatures belonged to them.
It was explained that Gold Board uses a number of systems including certification from its labs, from the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission and from the Royal Canadian Mint (RCM). The latter is the company that refines the yellow metal for the GGB. Some miners have been using RCM to certify the purity of gold sold and that has been accepted as a trusted process, reporters were told.

According to Lall, no miners’ gold could have been compromised as representatives are present when their gold is being processed at GGB – so opportunities for wrongdoing are almost non-existent at that stage.
According to the acting GM, the Gold Board’s system allows for miners’ profiles to be tracked…this means that the entity is aware of which of the miners are bringing high quality gold and from which area.
“We found a situation where one client’s assay is in his name. He usually has a high percentage and the results came back as a lower payout factor. When that result came back it was lower than his usual, it’s contrary to his profile. So, we decided to investigate it.”
Lall, who said he takes responsibility and that the situation has to be corrected, was harsh about the current GGB’s system which he described as “benign” and “open-ended”.
The two staffers have been there for decades, with others aware of the shortcomings in the system, the Chairman disclosed.
With tough anti-money laundering regulations, and especially with a major ongoing investigation into irregularities earlier this year, GGB doesn’t want a recurrence of what happened before. There has been a heightened state of awareness with enhanced risk mitigation systems in place, and they are working, Lall insisted. He made it clear that the entity is working to bring improvement, clarity and transparency, but there must also be confidence.
Responding to questions about the cooperation of the two staffers, the Chairman would only say that what was presented to the staffers was “agreed to”.
Speaking about reported recommendations made in the past to further tighten GGB’s systems, an upset Chairman said that he was angry about what he inherited.
The special system, for which tens of millions of dollars were paid, is only “half” working. In fact, Lall said that when he raised the matter with an official, a complaint was filed against him to a Minister for allegedly threatening the official.
Lall admitted that persons were familiar with the weaknesses of Gold Board systems or as he described it…the “unchanging nature”. He also disclosed that persons, especially in the Accounts Department of GGB, would be aware of the limitations of the system.
Already, the Chairman said, he has notified RCM of the issue.
Gold Board has over 200 miners on its database who transacts business.
With regards to the evidence against the two staffers, Lall said that it is “pretty conclusive” and “pretty convincing”.


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