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Four arrested

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The compressed ‘ganja’ found Thursday in Alberttown

–in Alberttown ‘ganja’ bust

RANKS of the Guyana Police Force’s Major Crimes Investigation Unit on Wednesday unearthed a whopping 125 pounds of compressed cannabis in an Alberttown house during a “sting operation”.

During the operation, which was conducted around 10:30hrs, four males who were in the Third and Albert Streets, Alberttown house at the time were taken into custody.


Detectives charged with stealing $500k from gold miner



Two Detective Constables attached to the Bartica Police Station were yesterday charged and taken before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts for allegedly stealing $500,000 from a gold miner.
Delon Sobers, 24, of Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara, and Tevon Headley, 23, of Lot 39 Republic Avenue, Mackenzie Linden, were not required to plead to the charge which alleged that on October 11, last, at Bartica, in the Essequibo Magisterial District, stole $500,000 from Rayad Atkinson.
Neil Yaris, the third detective who is accused of stealing the money did not show up in court for the charge to be read to him.
The Magistrate after inquiring from the arresting rank why the number one accused was not present in court, he replied that all three of the accused men were on an open arrest and Yaris failed to show up at the Tactical Service Units (TSU).
The accused men were represented by Attorney-at-Law Mark Conway. The lawyer told the court that his clients have been in the Guyana Police Force for several years.

Charged Tevon Headley

Charged Delon Sobers

He added that the money was not found in any of his client’s possession, and since the incident occurred his clients were still conducting duty.
Police Prosecutor Neville Jeffers made no objection to bail being granted to the accused men but asked that condition be attached.
The Chief Magistrate, in return, ordered the men to post $70,000 bail each. Condition of the bail is that they are required to report to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) Headquarters, Eve Leary every Friday until the completion of the trial.
They were instructed to make their next court appearance on December 15, next, at the Bartica Magistrate’s Courts.
According to reports, the victim who is the Operation Manager of his father’s gold mining business which is located in Karrau, Region Seven, was arrested by the three accused after his father made a report to the station stating that he stole his money. The victim at the time of his arrest was in a shop purchasing a phone when the three accused approached him and arrested him.
The accused at the time of his arrest had a total of $1.2 M in his possession, money which he obtained from selling gold to his father. It was while he was being escorted to the Bartica Police Station that the trio conducted a search on him and found the money. He handed it over to them.
While at the station it was observed that $500,000 was missing from the $1.2 M.


Puran Bros. staffer robbed at gunpoint



– suspect held, car impounded

Police have impounded a car and detained a suspect following a heist that was carried out last Wednesday on two Puran Brothers employees who were relieved of money and cheques while heading to a bank.
According to reports, the two employees were driving in the vicinity of Bella Dam, Poudroyen, West Bank Demerara around 10.00 hours, when a car blocked their path.
Two men exited, held the driver and his colleague at gunpoint, and relieved them of an undisclosed sum of money and cheques. The robbers then escaped.
“We interviewed a number of staff members and made an arrest and impounded a car which fitted the description (of the one the robbers used),” a senior official said yesterday.
The suspect is in his thirties and is from La Grange, West Bank Demerara.
Meanwhile, police in ‘G’ Division are investigating a similar robbery which occurred at Goed Fortuin, West Coast Demerara.
The two victims were driving a Canter truck in the vicinity of Cuthbert Street, Goed Fortuin, around 04.30 hrs yesterday when a car blocked their path. Three men who were armed with cutlasses and a gun then exited, relieved the occupants of $200,000 and the keys for the Canter truck, then escaped.
No arrests have been made.


Elderly taxi driver held at gunpoint, carjacked in Eccles

As incidents of carjacking continue to increase in and around Georgetown, another taxi driver has fallen victim.
The latest incident has left Police searching for one male and one female suspect who, on Friday last, lured 65-year-old Albert Hunte into Eccles, East Bank Demerara, and made off with his white Toyota Fielder Wagon, HC 6999, as well as a quantity of cash.
Based on information received, on the day in question, Hunte was stationed at the Stabroek Market car park when he received a call from an unknown number around 22:45h, requesting a pick-up at Regent Street and Orange Walk, Bourda, Georgetown.
At the location, the taxi driver received two passengers – a male who sat in the front passenger’s seat as well as a female who sat in the back. The duo then indicated that they were heading to Flamboyant Street in Eccles.
When they arrived at the location, the male passenger exited the vehicle and proceeded to the driver’s side. It was then that the suspect pulled out a gun and demanded that the driver abandon his car.
In fear of losing his life, the taxi driver complied and surrendered to the gunman, who immediately took control of the vehicle and escaped with his accomplice northerly.
In addition to the vehicle, the bandits also managed to cart off a cellular phone, along with approximately $12,000 in cash.
Hunte is now left counting his losses, which were beyond the value of that which was stolen, given that the vehicle was his source of income.
Police investigations are ongoing.


Mutilated Qualfon teen found in cemetery

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Dead: Raynelle Benfield

FIVE persons are being questioned following the brutal murder of 18-year-old Raynelle Benfield whose body with her face mutilated was discovered in the Muslim Cemetery along Beterverwagting main road on Monday morning.

Police said she was last seen alive by her colleagues at 18:00hrs on Saturday.

Detectives are of the opinion that she was the victim of a heinous crime in which she knew her attacker(s) and was probably held at gunpoint or knifepoint and taken forcefully into the cemetery where she was beaten to the point where her head was smashed in.

The body was found with her hands resting on her stomach near one of the many tombs in the burial ground.

The Muslim Cemetery in which the body of Raynelle Benfield was found on Monday morning

Sleuths said a handbag which relatives said belong to the teen was retrieved near the body but her cell phone was not among the items in it.

Police are optimistic that they will soon crack the case since her relatives are assisting with the investigations. The body was found shortly after 08:00hrs on Monday when a passer-by decided to check after experiencing a strong stench emanating from the cemetery.

After that individual made the discovery the police were summoned and they cordoned off the scene and the body was removed.

As news of the young woman’s homicide began to spread in Beterverwagting, East Coast Demerara, residents were thrown into a state of grief and shock.

The Qualfon employee of Lot 66 Republic Drive, Beterverwagting was last seen alive when she left home for work on Saturday morning by her relatives, who told police that it was unlike her to stay away from home.

When she failed to return home Saturday night they launched a search for her and began making enquiries.

The home of Raynelle Benfield

However, they were of the opinion that their loved one was working an extra shift and she would eventually show up.

Family members only learnt of her murder when the police showed up at their home after which the elder Benfield upon hearing the dreaded news of his daughter’s demise collapsed.

He was taken to the Beterverwagting Health Centre where he received medical attention and was later escorted to the nearby police station where he gave a statement


Bandits hijack businessman’s car

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–right under his nose

A BUSINESSMAN who got out of his car to open the gate of his Block X, Westminster, West Bank Demerara (WBD) home on Sunday, got the shock of his life when he was accosted by two bandits, one of whom had a gun.
Their mission was to relieve him of his Toyota Allion motorcar, PVV 8590.

Reports are that the one with the “shiny handgun” held him at bay, before entering the car and driving off. According to the police, no shots were fired.
Meanwhile, last Friday a 65-year-old taxi driver of Goed Intent, West Bank Demerara (WBD)was robbed of his Toyota Fielder Wagon bearing registration number HC 6999. The incident reportedly occurred at Flamboyant Avenue, Eccles, East Bank Demerara (EBD).

Reports are that the taxi driver was plying his trade at the Stabroek Market car park when he received a call via his cellphone from an unknown number.
On the other end of the line was a female requesting to be picked up at Regent Street and Orange Walk, Bourda, Georgetown.
Upon arrival at the location, the taxi driver collected two persons: A man, who sat in the front seat, and a woman who sat in the back seat of the vehicle. They both requested to be dropped off at the said Flamboyant Street where the hijacking occurred.

On arrival at the destination, the man exited the vehicle, walked over to the driver’s side of it, took out a handgun from his pants waist and ordered the driver out.
Fearing for his life, the pensioner complied. The robber then jumped into the car and made good his escape.


Venezuelan boat captain killed during fight at Eteringbang

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AN argument between two friends resulted in the death of a Venezuelan boat captain on Friday at Eteringbang Landing, Region Seven (Cuyuni-Mazaruni).

Dead is Owen John, of San Martin, Caracas, Venezuela. Police have arrested a 37-year-old suspect of Kuru Kuru, Linden/Soesdyke Highway. Police visited the scene on Monday and statements were taken. Reports indicate that John and his friend were consuming alcohol at a shop when an argument ensued over a request for a loan. It is said that John refused to loan his friend some money and he was allegedly cuffed in the face, resulting in him bleeding through the nose.

John then fell onto the ground and the suspect stomped him several times and kicked him to the head until he became motionless. The body was left lying on the ground with blood gushing out his ear and nostrils. Persons in the area reported the matter to the police.
The body is to be transported to Georgetown.


Man shot by bandit remanded for illegal gun and ammo possession


Remanded to prison: Paul Chow

A businessman who tried to defend himself against a bandit who tried to rob him of his jewellery, was yesterday remanded to prison for having in his possession an unlicensed firearm and matching rounds.

Paul Chow, 33, of Lot 10 Railway Line, Kitty, Georgetown, appeared before Principal Magistrate Judy Latchman in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.

It is alleged that on November 9, last, at Avocado Square, East Ruimveldt, Georgetown, he had in his possession 13 live rounds of .32 ammunition.

It was further alleged that on the same day in question at the same location he had a .32 Pistol when he was not a licensed firearm holder.

The defendant denied both charges after they were read to him. The defendant was represented by Attorney-at-law Glen Hanoman.

The lawyer asked that bail be granted to his client since on the day in question he was shot by a bandit who attempted to rob him.

The lawyer added this is the second time for the year that his client has been shot and need medical treatment.

Hanoman stressed that his client was at the hospital when he was arrested by the police.  He noted that his client was shot and the firearm was found on the floor next to him.

Police Prosecutor Gordon Mansfield objected to bail being granted to the defendant citing the serious nature of the offence and the penalty the charge attracts.

Facts presented by the Prosecutor stated that on the day in question about 13:35 hrs Chow was at a salon in East Ruimveldt when a male armed with a handgun tried to rob him of his jewellery.

The court heard that the defendant pulled out a firearm from his waist but the gun fell to the ground. The bandit shot him in his abdomen and made good his escape.

The defendant was then taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).

Further investigations revealed that the businessman’s gun was unlicensed. He was then told of offence and arrested.

The father of three was instructed to make his next court appearance on December 18.


Armed bandits rob male sex workers


Ranks on patrol duty Tuesday night arrested a suspect after he was found in possession of a motorcycle that was minutes before stolen from two male sex workers.
Guyana Times understands that the sex workers were seated on the motorcycle at the corner of Croal Street and Orange Walk, Georgetown when they were suddenly pounced upon by four armed males, who pulled up in a motor car.
The bandits relieved the victims of their valuables, including the motorcycle and their cellphones. However, during their escape bid, one of the bandits was disarmed by the two sex workers of a .32 pistol, which was loaded with five live rounds.
The incident was reported and patrol ranks who were in the vicinity of the Bourda Market, responded swiftly and pursued the 24-year-old suspect, who was eventually arrested on Camp Street with the victims’ motorcycle.
He was positively identified by the sex workers and is cooperating with investigators. Meanwhile, the weapon that was taken away from the bandits was also handed over to the Police by the victims.


Trio nabbed in Agricola house


…after robbing bus driver, passengers

Diligent work by ranks of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) has resulted in the arrest of three males who were found at a house in Agricola, Greater Georgetown, shortly after robbing a minibus driver and several passengers on Wednesday

The illegal firearm that was found in possession of one of the suspects

According to reports, the three suspects boarded the Route 42 minibus, which left the bus park at Stabroek Market around 10:00h. The trio subsequently requested to be put off at Middle Street, McDoom, Greater Georgetown and after disembarking the vehicle, one of the suspects pulled out a handgun.
The men subsequently held up the occupants of the bus, relieving the driver of $4000 and three passengers of two cellular phones and their handbags, containing items of little monetary value, before escaping into the street.
A passing Police patrol, commanded by a corporal, was informed of what transpired minutes before and pursued the suspects, who were soon after arrested in the house in the neighbouring community of Agricola.
It was reported that at the time of arrest, one of the suspects was found comfortably covered with a sheet pretending to be sleeping. He was found in possession of a firearm that is believed to have been used in the commission of

The Police patrol that arrested the three suspects

the crime.
Meanwhile, the two other suspects, in whose possession the stolen items were found, were relaxing as if nothing had happened when the Police confronted them. Among the stolen items that were recovered were the two shoulder bags and two purses.
Additionally, the unlicensed revolver that was recovered had four live matching rounds in its chambers. It has since been lodged as evidence.
The three suspects remain in custody and are assisting with the investigation. According to the Police, one of the men has already been implicated in a similar robbery that occurred recently.


McDoom robbers remanded to prison


Remanded: Anthony Damon, Eion Trotman and Kevin Abraham

Three men who were caught in a house at Agricola, East Bank Demerara, covered in sheets and pretending to be asleep, were yesterday remanded to prison after they allegedly robbed three passengers at Middle Street, McDoom, East Bank Demerara.

Anthony Damon, 21, a fisherman of Lot 2 Agricola, East Bank Demerara; Eion Trotman, 27, a labourer of B Field Sophia; and Kevin Abraham, 26 of Lot 192 Queenstown, Georgetown, all appeared in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court before Senior Magistrate Leron Daly to answer to three armed robbery charges.

The first charge alleged that on December 13, last, at McDoom Public Road, East Bank Demerara, the three while being armed with guns robbed Ryan Thomas of $4,000 cash.

It was further alleged that on the same day the three men while being at the same location, robbed Seyedia Azeez of a quantity of articles valued $43,000.

The last charge alleged that on the same day, again at McDoom Public Road, East Bank Demerara, the trio while being in company of each other and armed with guns robbed Luthi Persaud of a quantity of articles valued $ 55,000.

The unrepresented trio denied all three charges after they were read to them by the Magistrate.

Meanwhile a charge of larceny from persons was read to Trotman. It is alleged that on December 13 at McDoom Public Road, East Bank Demerara, he stole from the person of Oslyn Dey a shoulder bag, a cellular phone and a quantity of cash totaling $187,000.

The Magistrate also read a charge of illegal gun and ammunition possession to Damon. It is alleged that on December 13 at Agricola, East Bank Demerara, he had in his possession a .38 pistol and four live rounds when he was not a licensed firearm holder.

According to information on the day in question, the accused men entered a minibus at the Stabroek Market square around 10:00 hrs. When the vehicle stopped at McDoom, the three men requested to disembark at Middle Street.

It was reported that after the three accused men exited the vehicle, one of them drew a handgun from his waist and relieved the driver of $4,000 cash and robbed the other passengers of their valuables before making good their escape.

A patrol commander who was passing at the time gave chase behind the trio. They were all arrested in a house at Second Street, Agricola, East Bank Demerara.  It was reported that on entering the home, one of the accused men was covered in a sheet, pretending to be asleep and the other two were found relaxing in the living room.   The stolen items were also recovered at the house.

They were all arrested and taken to the station.

The magistrate remanded the trio to prison and they were all instructed to make their next court appearance on January 26.


‘Wanted’ carjacker recaptured at roadblock



Car thief: Leon Allister

A 24-year-old carjacker, who was wanted by the police, was nabbed around midnight on Thursday in the vicinity of the Demerara Harbour Bridge, two months after he escaped from police custody at the Leonora Police Station.

Leon Allister, of Lot 2494 Tuschen Housing Scheme, East Bank Essequibo (EBE) was arrested at a roadblock.

At the time of his escape, he was being questioned for larceny of two motor cars. The police said that Allister escaped due to criminal negligence of a rank.

Kaieteur News was told that the rate at which cars are being hijacked is alarming. Only Thursday, Crime Chief Paul Williams said that 25 vehicles were hijacked in a matter of seven months. The vehicles were taken between January and July.

He said that Toyota Allion and Premio were the most targeted vehicles and urged the drivers of these vehicles to be on the alert.

The Crime Chief said that in most of the cases, the drivers were either trailed to their home or the perpetrator(s) was already at the victims’ home, waiting on them.

”You find that the suspects are already at their home and when they come out of their car to open their gate, the perpetrator sticks them up right there and take away their vehicles,” Williams said.

He continued, “When persons are going home, they should have someone looking out for them so that the person can see whether there is anyone suspicious there.”

As of last July, bandits made off with five Toyota Allion and 12 Toyota Premio motorcars. In most of these cases, the drivers were held at gunpoint. In total, 25 vehicles were hijacked, including three Carina 212 and one Toyota Spacio car.

On September 15, last, a Guyana Defence Force Lance Corporal, Pernell Gordon, was robbed of his Toyota Premio motorcar by two men while on his way home at Mocha, East Bank Demerara.

Taxi driver, Phillip King, of North Ruimveldt was shot and robbed of his Toyota Premio motorcar on November 26, last when two female passengers hired his car and lured him to their male accomplice at D’Urban Backlands. He was shot to the abdomen.

Additionally, Jeanine Odel, 41, a hairdresser of West Half Paradise, East Coast Demerara was robbed of her car, a new model white Raum, PNN 3855, valued at $2.6 million on June 20, last at the Ogle seawall.

On November 28, last two gunmen apprehended Nadine Luthers-Williams, a former journalist outside the Night Cap restaurant in Pere Street, Kitty and escaped with her Toyota Allion motorcar.


Gunmen snatch cash at Soesdyke Post Office


-postmistress ordered to lie on floor

Two gunmen escaped in a car with $200,000 after terrorising the postmistress of the Soesdyke Post Office around 14.00 hrs yesterday.
Police said that postmistress, Grace Gibson, 52, was sitting alone in the building when a man dressed in camouflage pants and hooded top entered.
When she got up to serve him, the man drew a handgun and, shouting expletives, pointed it at her. Another man, who was also armed, then entered. The robbers then searched a drawer and removed a quantity of money. Rather than leaving, they then ordered the terrified postmistress to open a concrete vault, from which they removed $135,000.
Ordering her to lie of the floor, the robbers relieved Mrs. Gibson of her phone, exited the building, and escaped in a waiting blue car.
They are still at large.


One of Granger's angel does as we expected.

Man pardoned by President jailed on rape charge

…to serve 20 years


An ex-convict, who was pardoned by President David Granger two years ago, has been jailed again, this time for raping a 48-year-old woman.
Justice Jo-Ann Barlow handed down the 20-year sentence to Raymond Gouveia, called “Ryan”, 22, of West Coast Berbice, for raping the middle-aged woman shortly after he was released from prison.
Initially, Gouveia had pleaded not guilty to the indictment, which stated that on September 14, 2015, he sexually penetrated the woman without her consent.
The Judge told Gouveia that the victim was old enough to be his mother.
“She was going about her own business when you attacked and violated her. She sustained injuries and you thereafter threatened her. The sentence of this court is 24 years,” the Judge said in handing down her sentencing.
Justice Barlow further told the convicted rapist the crime carries a maximum penalty of life imprisonment. However, the court was being lenient by imposing the 24-year jail term.
In addition to that, two years were deducted for the mitigation by Defence Attorney Sasha Roberts and also his age.
The Judge also took into account that Gouveia was remanded for almost two years and as such, deducted another two years from the sentence.
Roberts, in mitigating for leniency, said Gouveia is the eldest of five children and was forced to drop out of school at the primary level. After dropping out, he started to work as a coconut peeler to supplement his family’s income.
When asked if he had anything to say, the young man remained silent.
In 2015, Gouveia was sentenced for sexually assaulting a young lady, who also lived on the West Coast of Berbice. Gouveia who was reportedly friends with the young woman who lived in a nearby village, attempted to rape her, but she fought him off. He was subsequently charged and jailed for that matter but was released sometime after.
Residents in his village had revealed that he is out of jail because he was pardoned.
“I de get a two-and-a-half year and I come out May 23,” the man had told Guyana Times shortly after he was charged for raping the 48-year-old woman.
As a child, he allegedly raped two girls and was sent to the New Opportunity Corp (NOC) and while there, he also raped a boy.
The 48-year-old victim, in relating the incident, stated that Gouveia attacked her while she was coming from the backdam.
“While I was walking, he was walking to go down to the backdam and when I coming out I saw the boy coming to go the backdam. I kept my eyes on him… he just run from behind me and grab on me and lick me down to the ground. Then he was holding me down, pressing me down with one hand and strip me out and he raped me.”


Four hospitalised after gambling fracas


Four persons are hospitalized in serious conditions at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation after one was chopped and the others were struck down due to the deliberate,reckless and wanton driving of a 54-year old minibus driver who is an ex-policeman of Stewartville, West Coast Demerara, the Guyana Police Force said.

He is in custody and assisting with the investigation.

The victim, who was wounded, is Premnauth Basdeo,20 whilst the others have been identified as Amit Roy Jairam,44; Randy Melville,22 and Mohamed Ahamad,43.

The victims all reside at Meten -Meer-Zorg, West Coast Demerara. The incident occurred at Tarla Dam ,Meten-Meer-Zorg about 9:30 Saturday night.

“Initial enquiries revealed that the incident occurred as a result of a misunderstanding over a ‘game of chance ‘ at an entertainment activity,when the suspect went to his vehicle (minibus BTT5707) ,returned with a cutlass ,inflicted a wound to Basdeo’s head; he then returned to the vehicle and drove into a crowd that was attending to Basdeo and in the process Jairam was struck down,” police said.

Apparently not satisfied,the suspect returned in his vehicle at a very fast rate and struck down the other two victims who were among other persons attending to the injured, police said.

The victims,all unconscious ,were rushed to the West Demerara Hospital where they were treated and transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.

Investigation in progress, police.


Female lures taxi driver into trap

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A FEMALE passenger reportedly lured 29-year-old Delon Dundar to Princes Street where he was robbed of his vehicle and cash on Friday evening.
According to the police, Dundar, of Mocha, East Bank Demerara (EBD), was working his white Toyota Raum ‘special hire’ at Regent and Camp Streets when a lone female approached him to take her to Princes Street.

On arrival at the location, in the vicinity of the Shikhan Hotel, the woman, who was still in the car, asked Dundar to wait a few minutes while she go and get the money to pay him.
Police say that while both parties were waiting in the vehicle, a male armed with a handgun, approached from behind and dealt Dunbar several blows to the head with the weapon, before ordering him out.

The suspect then got into the car and speedily drove off with his female accomplice, east along Princes Street, while discharging a few rounds into the air for good measure.
Dundar has reportedly put his losses at well over $G1M, as the car alone is worth more than that. He also had $20,000 in cash and other documents in the vehicle.

According to the police, persons were questioned but they have so far received no useful information. There were also CCTV cameras in the area that are yet to be viewed.
No spent shells were discovered either, but the investigation is still in progress.


Peacemaker killed over “chic chic” game


…3 others injured as ex-cop goes berserk


By Ashraf Dabie

A game of “chic-chic” — a game of chance – being played at a Bar-B-Que event held at Tarla Dam, Meten-Meer-Zorg, WCD ended fatally when a misunderstanding occurred and a former Police Officer went berserk, killing a carpenter and wounding three others, two of whom remain hospitalized in serious condition.

Dead, Amit Roy Jairam also known as “Rocky”

Information received detail that at about 21:30hrs on Saturday, a misunderstanding arose as the chic-chic game was in progress at a social gathering. One of the men playing the game had reportedly lost his wager but was demanding refund of the money he had wagered. A fight eventually broke out and, enraged, the 54-year-old former Police Officer delved into his minibus, emerging with a cutlass. Using this weapon, the ex-cop inflicted injuries on 22-year-old Randy Melville, 23-year-old Premnauth Basdeo, and 43-year-old Mohamed Ahamad.
A crowd immediately rushed to render assistance to the injured; and while they were preoccupied in rendering assistance to Ahamad, who had sustained a chop wound to his head, the ex-cop returned to his vehicle and maliciously drove it right into the crowd.
Amit Roy Jairam, also known as “Rocky,” a 44-year-old carpenter of the village, who was initially attempting to part the brawl, was struck down by the minibus and sustained several injuries to his head and about the body. He succumbed to the injuries he received while receiving treatment at the Georgetown Public Hospital hours after the incident.
His wrath still not appeased, the berserk former GPF rank reversed his vehicle and sped into the crowd again at an even faster rate, this time striking down two other victims who were also among the persons attending to the injured. As a result of the collision, they were all rendered unconscious.
The four victims were picked up and rushed to the West Demerara Regional Hospital, where they were treated and transferred to the Georgetown medical institution in light of the severity of their injuries.
However, it was while receiving medical attention at the GPHC that Jairam took his last breath, early Sunday morning. Doctors tended to Ahamad’s laceration and he was later sent home. However, the two younger men remain hospitalised and are not yet out of the proverbial woods.
According to a relative of Basdeo, the 23-year-old, who is a bus driver, is left nursing a broken left arm, for which he is expected to undergo surgery. The woman also pointed out that Melville has been transferred to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and is said to be in a critical state.
The wife of 43-year-old Ahamad sought to explain the relationship shared between the group of men. She told his newspaper that her husband was employed with the now dead carpenter; they all reside in the same area, and are believed to be friends. However no connections were made, linking the victims to the former Policeman.
Both families echoed similar sentiments regarding the deceased, stating that “Rocky” was a “good and peaceful” man who was always willing to help out within the community.
In light of what had occurred, the ex-officer, a resident of Stewartville, WCD, was taken into custody and is currently assisting with investigations. This is as Police probes into the incident are in full swing


Gunmen trailed, robbed woman


…at West Coast salon
By Ashraf Dabie

A mother of one was on Sunday afternoon trailed and eventually attacked by a pair of armed and unmasked bandits while conducting business on the West Coast of Demerara (WCD).
Bhavana Samtani is now left counting her losses which add up to approximately $900,000.

The bandits caught on camera while entering the salon

According to information reaching Guyana Times, Samtani, accompanied by her son, had just cashed a cheque at a bank in Parika, and while going about her business within the area, she was being tracked by the robbers.
Shortly after the woman boarded a bus destined for a salon in Meten-Meer-Zorg, WCD; upon arriving at her destination, Samtani was pounced upon by the armed men.
While speaking to this publication, the still shaken mother relayed that she had just made her way into the H&S Beauty Salon and while enquiring how long she may have to wait, the two men barged into the business establishment.
She told this newspaper that one of the men got down at her feet and started fumbling with her handbag.
“At first, I thought it was a prank,” explained the woman, but after glimpsing the man’s face, she quickly realised that she was being robbed.
Samtani went on to say that, “One of them was tugging on my bag and I wasn’t going to let loose. It wasn’t until he pulled out the gun that I let go.”
After being held at gunpoint by both of the men, fear for the lives of her son and others present in the salon at the time led the woman to surrender her handbag carrying about $800,000 cash, a Samsung Galaxy cellular phone, her Passport and other important documents as well as other valued possessions.
Clutching the stolen prize, the unmasked bandits then made good their escape in a dark grey Toyota Premio, heading in the direction of Georgetown.
The terrifying incident occurred around 13:30h and lasted for about five to seven minutes.
Samtani, in an attempt to recover her valuable documents, chased after the escaping robbers, but lost track of their vehicle a short distance away from the salon.
However, it was after launching a personal investigation that she realised she was being trailed all the way from Parika.
CCTV footage from a few stops along the way revealed the duo was tracing the woman’s every move following her transaction at the bank that afternoon. They were even seen stopping moderate distances away from the bus to enquire whether she and her son had disembarked the minibus.
However, while revisiting the market square at Parika, the woman was informed by vendors that the men were seen chasing after her. One vendor even relayed that when she asked what they were shopping, one of the men responded, “We are shopping guns.”
The CCTV footage managed to capture a clear shot of the two men while their car was also seen in the distance.
The suspects were described as both of African descent and were believed to be in their late 20s.
The CCTV footage, along with a detailed report of what had transpired, was handed over to the Police and as such, investigations are ongoing. However, ranks have not yet zoomed in on the suspects and as such, an arrest is yet to be made.


Armed bandit caught with booty


…after robbing supermarket in Berbice
Two persons are now in custody after armed bandits stormed a Corentyne supermarket around 20:00h on Saturday.
One of the gunmen was caught after he was chased by victims of the robbery and he was revealed to be someone living next door to the supermarket at Number 68 Village. He was reportedly found with the businessman’s cellular phone in his pocket, as well as a bag containing the stolen cash.

The robbers caught on camera

Up to press time, the gunman was said to be hospitalised in Berbice under Police guard after he reportedly broke his leg while trying to escape.
The father of the detained suspect is also in custody after several pieces of camouflage clothing, similar to those worn by the bandits, were found in his house.
At the time of the robbery, four persons were in the supermarket. According to the proprietor of the supermarket, Akash Persaud, about 20:00h on Saturday night, his school friend – who is now a police officer – was leaving the supermarket when five men appeared from the southern side of the building and one of them began firing shots in the air while ordering everyone to go into the building.
Persaud said his Police friend, who was in plain clothes at the time, was hit by one of the gunmen. Persaud said he counted five bandits, all of whom were masked and armed with handguns.
According to him, when he was taken inside, he realised that his mother had already vacated the cashier area and had exited the lower flat where the supermarket is. He further related that one of the bandits jumped into the cashier area and cut the cable leading to the Digital Video Recorder (DVR). “After that, we had no recording of anything.”
He said one of the men fired a shot at the door leading to the upper flat where his mother, wife and six-month-old baby were.
The 35-year-old businessman said his family secured themselves in the third bedroom in the upper flat of the building. Meanwhile, two of the intruders broke the door, went into the upper flat and broke into the first bedroom and opened a wardrobe.
“They took out a bag and emptied the bag, but there was nothing (of value) in the bag.”
He said the one who had gone to the cashier area took out the money from the register, along with a box containing change customers would leave behind that is used for charity. He then shouted to his accomplices upstairs. “‘We get enough! we get enough!’ after which they immediately ran downstairs and left. I keep peeping at them from a distance because, I wanted to see exactly how many of them were in the building. I counted five and after they left, I ran out immediately because I wanted to see which direction they were going to.”
A cellular phone was also stolen from one of the customers and the Policeman was relieved of a gold chain and ring. The bandit who went into the cashier area took the businessman’s cellular phone.
After the bandits fled the scene on foot, the businessman and the off-duty Police Officer left in the Policeman’s car in pursuit of the criminals who were seen entering the backlands. He said they went after them even though several gunshots were fired in their direction.
“We had to turn around, because none of us were armed. But we were able to shine the light and see the last one; he tried to jump the drain to get to the ball field and his foot got stuck in the mud and broke. He started to say it wasn’t me that he heard gunshots and just ran. Well, my wife rang my phone because she wanted to know where I was and my phone rang in his pocket. I took the bag from him and it consists of all the cash which he took from the shop,” the businessman said.
Guyana Times understands that it was close to $300,000 that the man had taken from the shop. The bandit was handed over to the Springlands Police before being taken to the Skeldon Hospital, where he was treated before being transferred to the New Amsterdam Hospital, where he underwent immediate surgery.
The bandit who was apprehended lives two houses away from the supermarket. According to Persaud, the suspected bandit who has a one-month-old baby had approached him a few weeks ago for baby food. “I told him to go and take what he wants, and whenever he get the money, he could pay me…,” the businessman said.
He added that he counted about 16 gunshots that were fired in and around his supermarket. These are in addition to those that were fired at them next to the playground.
This publication understands that in addition to the five persons who entered the building, there were two others who stayed a short distance away.
Persaud has been operating the business for the past two years at that location. 


Bandits cut into Christmas profits at Mc Doom Filling Station



– after frequent robberies, owners forced to abort 24-hour service

By: Davina Ramdass

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas for many businesses, and it’s perhaps also the most wonderful time of the year for those looking to turn a profit.
But that’s not exactly the case at the Shell Gas Station located in Mc Doom, East Bank of Demerara.
That’s because bandits have struck so often there recently that the owners have been forced to abort their 24-hour service.
A supervisor revealed that robbers struck at the Mc Doom facility three times in two months.
The robberies he said occurred in the month of October and November.
But bandits have been taking a liking to this filling station, located in a crime-prone area, even before then.
In April 2016, three gunmen invaded the filling Station (then known as Shell Gas Station) at around 03:00 hrs. They then engaged in a gunfight with police ranks who responded.
Video footage had shown the three bandits coming through a nearby street and walking into the gas station. One of the bandits stood guard outside while two others broke into the outlet and held the three employees at gunpoint.
They then robbed the staffers, and took about $10,000 from the cash register. Three suspects were subsequently held and a firearm and ammunition recovered.
There was also a scary incident in the vicinity of the filling station last January, when one of two motorcycle bandits was shot dead during an attempted robbery on a businessman he and an accomplice had trailed.
The incident occurred on the western carriageway along the East Bank.
The supervisor told Kaieteur News that he is thankful that no one was hurt during these recent attacks.
He was keen to note that the Gas Station, before being stormed, operated for 24 hours daily.
Now, they close at 22.00 hrs.

The Shell, Mc Doom Gas Station that was robbed

He would like to see the Gas Station, which is managed by Sol, open as regular as it used to, given the fact that it has affected the revenue intake especially at the busiest season of the year.
For the safety of customers and employees, he noted that the management took the decision to reduce the business hours. Other locations that are also managed by Sol still function for 24 hours.
This has prompted the management, according to him, to implement more security measures which should be in place for the New Year.
Meanwhile, other businesses in the city have extended their opening hours for the festive season.
Several stores in Georgetown are opened on Sundays to accommodate late shoppers. 
The City of Georgetown remains flooded with shoppers for this special time of the year, given the fact that Christmas is the time that women in particular find it necessary for new curtains, rugs and even appliances and furniture.
Regent, Camp and Water Streets, Georgetown are just a few of the streets that are packed with customers, who enjoy their shopping with Christmas music blaring from little push carts and the Masquerade dancers prancing on the streets.
A few street vendors said that sales this year are slower but appear to be picking up as the days to Christmas draw nearer.
Meanwhile, stores like Décor and Gift Gallery have seen fewer customers purchasing decorations.
The National Hardware, Water Street location, has been crowded for quite some time, and saw customers mainly shopping for decorations.
The popular home furnishing store, Courts, which is located in the heart of the City has been attracting massive shoppers as well.


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