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CG bike bandit attacks women in Campbellville

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TWO women were recently robbed of cash and other valuables when a lone bandit attacked them as they were about to enter a house in Campbellville, Georgetown.

The bandit escaped on a CG motorcycle before relieving them of their valuables.
The recent robbery left the two 26-year-old women who were identified as a doctor and a MACORP employee traumatised.

Reports indicate that the duo after visiting Diamond, East Bank Demerara, travelled to the doctor’s home in Campbellville, and were about to drive into the yard when they were confronted by an armed man who demanded their valuables.

The robber escaped with cash, important documents and cell phones before firing a warning shot in the air and jumping on his motorcycle to escape the scene.
Residents in the area commended the police on their prompt arrival at the scene after 911 was contacted for assistance. The matter was reported to the police and investigations are continuing.


Woman shot during Leopold St gunplay

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Police at the home of the injured woman ,Jacqueline Lagnah, following the shooting incident.

A 55-year-old resident of Breda and Leopold Streets, Werk-en-Rust, identified as Jacqueline Lagnah was shot twice in the lower back when two men opened fire indiscriminately on Wednesday morning in the area

A relative of the injured Jacqueline Lagnah as he vented his concerns on Wednesday, following the incident.

The incident occurred around 11:20hrs and Lagnah, a shop owner was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital where she is presently in a critical condition.

Two persons are in police custody and a car lodged following the shooting incident which reportedly stemmed from an argument between a group of men in the area.

Police reported that about 20:00hrs on January 16, 2018, there was a brawl among Alkelvin Anthony called β€œReddis Pratt”, 40, of Lot 377 East Ruimveldt, another man called β€œBarney” and some other men after β€œBarney” allegedly robbed one of Anthony’s friends at the said Leopold and Breda Streets area. However, at about 11:20hrs on Wednesday, Anthony and Atwell Martin called β€œJohn Kerby”, 47, of Lot 709 Penny Lane Street, South Ruimveldt went to Leopold and Breda Streets, Werk-en-Rust, in motorcar PTT 9251–a Toyota Premio–and they allegedly discharged gunshots indiscriminately when Lagnah was shot twice to the lower back.

Police stated that based on information received β€œBarney” was stabbed to his face; his whereabouts are unknown at this time. After the shooting, Anthony and Martin escaped in the said car. However, they were pursued by a police patrol and the car was intercepted at Penny Lane Street, South Ruimveldt, after which the two men were arrested and the said car seized.

Onlookers at Breda and Leopold Streets, Charlestown on Wednesday.

The crime scene was processed by ranks of the Crime Scene Unit and the investigations are active. When the Guyana Chronicle arrived at the scene on Wednesday morning, residents were out in their numbers. They were all tight-lipped about the incident. A man, said to be a relative of the injured Lagnah, was heard venting his concerns as police cordoned off the scene.

β€˜John Kerby’

Back in November 2016, an ex-policeman had pumped three bullets into Martin during an altercation outside the β€˜Wings and Things’ Bar, Mandela Avenue Georgetown. Martin at the time was shot to the chest and abdomen during an argument with the ex-cop, who is a licensed firearm holder. It was reported that Martin was standing outside the hangout spot when an argument ensued between him and the ex-cop, after Martin placed some beer bottles on the man’s car and refused to remove them. It is alleged that after the argument, the ex-cop went into the bar but Martin followed and shot at the former cop, but missed. The man immediately drew his licensed handgun and discharged three rounds at Martin, hitting him in the chest and abdomen.


Soldier robbed by bicycle bandits


Swift action by ranks of a Police patrol led to the arrest of one of three knife-wielding bicycle bandits, who robbed a member of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) in the wee hours of Thursday.
An investigation revealed that about 02:00h, the victim, who resides at Nabaclis, East Coast Demerara (ECD), was in the company of his colleague walking along High and D’Urban Streets, Georgetown, when they were confronted by three men, all armed with knives.
The bandits pounced and relieved the victim of his phone valued $22,000; however, before the perpetrators could get anything else from the men, they fled.
While escaping from the bandits, the two army men managed to stop a passing Police patrol and related what had just transpired.
The party of patrol ranks subsequently searched the area and one of the suspects who was positively identified was arrested a short distance from where the robbery occurred.
The 20-year-old unemployed man of Norton Street, Lodge, has since been taken into Police custody and has been assisting with the investigation.


Teen mother killed by reputed husband at Baramita

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AN 18-YEAR-OLD Baramita woman has reportedly died following a beating at the hands of her reputed husband on Wednesday night.
Dead is Lorinda Thomas, a housewife and mother of one, of Barama Line, Baramita, North West District.

Reports are that the woman left her home on Wednesday to visit with relatives to take a few drinks.
She was reportedly on her way home four hours later, when she was accosted by the man, known as β€œAbdool” while walking in Barama Line, and an argument ensued.

It is alleged that in the heat of the moment, the man pushed Thomas to the ground and began kicking and stomping her in the abdomen, causing her to lose consciousness.

He then left her lying there and went about his business. When she regained consciousness, she got to her feet and made her way home, in spite of feeling a severe pain in the region of her abdomen.

By the following day, the pain had reportedly gotten so bad that the woman could barely stand. She decided to go to the health centre where she was admitted for observation, but died while receiving treatment.

Reports are that the couple’s four-year relationship had been stormy and that the two people would often accuse each other of infidelity. Meanwhile, the reputed husband is said to have, since the beating the now dead woman,left the area and is being sought by the police.

A post mortem will be conducted shortly to ascertain the cause of death.


PNC jackasses clueless on how to deal with this gang terrorizing and extorting miners.

Beheading of Guyanese in Venezuela… National Toshaos Council appeals for Govt. investigation


The victim, moments before his beheading

The National Toshaos Council (NTC) yesterday appealed to the Government to investigate the recent torture and beheading of a young Indigenous Guyanese in Venezuela.

β€œThe National Toshaos Council condemns, in the strongest terms, the murder of one of our indigenous sons as recorded in a gruesome video,” the organisation stated in a release.

β€œWe extend our most sincere sympathy to the family and friends.”

While not releasing the name of the slain man, the statement indicated that the Council knew the victim’s identity.

β€œWhile the video was posted on social media, we had been following developments of someone missing in a mining district and never heard from, only to find a gruesome video of the young man on social media. We have attempted to contact the family and we ask that the public respect the privacy of the family at this time.

β€œThe NTC is keen to highlight that there is no justification for such an act, and while the video claims that those are farmers who caught a thief, we were reliably informed that the young man was employed by his murderers and never paid. When he asked for his payment, his employers took to this process to address and deter others from seeking fair compensation for their work.

β€œWe wish to highlight that the difficulties in our neighbouring Venezuela should not be taken lightly nor taken advantage of. While we continue to ask that our Leaders provide as much humanitarian support to those Venezuelans in need, we also ask that our hospitality is not taken advantage of, nor taken for granted,” the release added.

For those who think of retribution, we ask that you walk a higher ground and show respect for your brothers and sisters, regardless of nation. These are difficult times.

β€œToday, we call on the Government, through the offices of the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Social Protection, the Ministry of Natural Resources, and the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples Affairs to conduct a thorough investigation into this brutal act and to take the necessary steps to protect all our citizens from exploitation and murder, and to enhance security at our borders to better protect the vulnerable Indigenous Peoples in border and mining communities.

β€œWe also call on the Ministry of Education to re-examine education in Indigenous Communities and to develop clear policies that are aimed at bettering the education system in these communities that will see our peoples better catered for.

Lastly, we call on all parents, sisters, and brothers to be ever vigilant, and to love and work with our children to ensure they are better educated to avoid paths that would lead them to this end.”

The beheading reportedly occurred at least a week prior to the video being posted online. It is believed to have been carried out by members of the ruthless β€˜Sindicato’ that imposes its own brand of justice in some mineral-rich areas in Venezuela.

The victim is said to be from Hosororo, located in Region One (Barima/Waini). His surname has been given as Romascindo.

The graphic video, posted online , begins with shots of the victim, who is gagged and bound, lying on the ground.

A man, with a huge knife then grabs the young miner and saws off his ears. One of the killers, holding a machete, then repeatedly hacks at the young miner’s head, as he writhes on the ground.

One report suggests that the β€˜Sindicato’ members may have been incensed after the Guyanese miner demanded payment for his labour.

Police sources in β€˜F’ Division said that they were not informed about the killing, which occurred in Venezuelan territory.

Members of the β€˜β€˜Sindicato’ were also blamed for the execution-style killing of Guyanese Davinda Saywack in October 2017 in Venezuela, and  the July 2017 slaughter of Guyanese miners Vernon Eudoxie, 51, Cologne Solomon, 23, and Samuel Moses, 19,at Imataka Mining Backdam, Venezuela.


Pensioner struck after church service praying for recovery

Jan 21, 2018 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...raying-for-recovery/

A pensioner who was struck down last Sunday, just as she came out of Church is praying with each day passing for her recovery, so that she can take care of her ailing husband.

Everette Beckles, 64, of 23 Public Road, La Grange, West Bank Demerara recalled that she had just come out of fellowship, last Sunday at the β€˜Agape Assemblies’, also in La Grange, when she crossed the public road to speak to a friend. Beckles in GPHC

It is when she had crossed back and was standing in the corner, she said, that a speeding car, driven by a female swerved into her.
The woman said she does not recall the details of the car, or the woman driving.
She was rushed to the Best Hospital, West Bank Demerara, by her church members. Members of the Guyana Police Force subsequently turned up at the scene and took the driver into custody.
The grandmother, of five and mother of seven, was taken to the Woodlands Hospital by her children for an X-Ray. She became a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation on Monday last, where she is still being treated for a fractured knee and ankle, as well as a dislocated back.
Mrs. Beckles said she is anxious to get out of the hospital because she takes care of her 70-year old husband, Dennis Beckles, who suffered a stroke.
The almost tearful woman told Kaieteur News that the female who has her in this state never even visited her at the hospital. She did however admit that the woman’s family came to visit her.


Armed bandits rob teacher, nurse

A headteacher and a nurse were recent victims of armed bandits operating in the desolate Tucber Park community in New Amsterdam, Berbice.
Reports reaching this publication state that three men, each masked and carrying a handgun, attacked and robbed 51-year-old Moira Thomas, Head Teacher of the Zorg Primary School, as she was about to park her motor cycle in her yard at Tucber Park in New Amsterdam, Berbice.
Thomas explained to this publication that she had left home at about 21:30h on Wednesday to purchase dinner. She returned shortly afterwards, and was in the process of mounting her motor cycle on its stand when she was held from behind and a cold piece of metal was placed against her neck.
β€œThey tell me not to scream, but I loose the bike and it fall, and I start to scream out of fright; and then I see is three of them, and the two in front of me had what appeared to be guns in their hands, so I calm myself down,” Thomas detailed.
She said that by that time she had fallen to the ground, and began begging for her life while indicating that she would give the bandits whatever they wanted. But even before she had so said, the box of food was pulled from her hand. The men also took a pouch containing her driver’s licence and other documents for her motor cycle.
β€œThey just collect everything and run out the yard, and I get up and start running to go inside; but I had to turn back to turn off the bike and take out the key, because the house key and the bike key (are) on the same bunch,” she said.
Thomas said she called the Police and informed them of what had transpired, even as she expressed fear that the bandits might return now that she was inside the house. She said she was told that a patrol was in the area.
The woman said she also called one of her daughters and several friends, and related the incident as she waited for the Police to arrive.

Police a no-show
At about 01:30h on Thursday, still in fright because she had not seen the Police, Thomas called a taxi, and when it arrived, she left her home and went to a relative’s home to sleep.
β€œWhen the taxi come I peep outside, and then I run out the house and in the taxi with speed,” she detailed.
She said that when she returned home at about 06:30h on Thursday, there were two officers in her yard. They said they were responding to a call. She said the officers told her that they were given the wrong direction.
β€œThey say that I was hysterical and so the direction (I gave them) was wrong. They lie! I know I give them the right direction to my house every time I call. What about my daughter? What about my friends? They were hysterical?” she questioned.
Thomas has since filed a report of the Police action, or rather lack of action.
On the evening prior to Thomas’s attack, three men β€” also carrying guns β€” held a nurse at gunpoint as she was walking home in Tucber Park, New Amsterdam. The men escaped with the woman’s cash, jewelry and a cellular phone.
Significantly, that incident took place just outside of Thomas’s premises.
Police say they are investigating both incidents.


Cops probe slain girl’s link to β€˜group’ in bizarre cemetery murder

Jan 22, 2018 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...rre-cemetery-murder/

– as victim’s dad vows to help find killers

What connection, if any, does an online group have with the still-unsolved murder of a teenage girl who was battered to death in a cemetery last December?
That’s the question that detectives are seeking answers to, as they pursue the killer or killers of 18-year-old Rainella Benfield, whose body was found in a cemetery at Triumph, East Coast Demerara on December 11, 2017.
Benfield, a receptionist who was employed with Qualfon, was apparently killed by someone who repeatedly struck her in the face with a rock. The bloodstained β€˜weapon’ was left near the corpse.
The method in which she was slain has led to the conclusion that vengeance, for some possible grievance, was the motive.
β€œFrom the outset, when we look at the type of injuries sustained, and the postmortem, we realised that it (the killing) would have been meted out (because) of grievance, affair, passion, as it relates to something she may have known or heard,” Crime Chief Paul Williams told journalists at a recent press conference.
The Crime Chief also said that information had surfaced that has caused his detectives to be β€œlooking at a group to see definitely if there is any information that we can use to pursue further investigations.”
The β€˜group’ to which Williams referred reportedly comprises individuals, who first corresponded via β€˜WhatsApp.
β€œFrom my understanding, the group started to meet, and then began to get bigger,” Rainella’s father, Rainsford Benfield, told Kaieteur News this week.
β€œFor me, it seems that it moved from being a company to being a cult.”
But Mr. Benfield said that he knew nothing about the group to which his daughter belonged until after her death.
He speculates that his daughter was slain β€œbecause of something she found out, or something she may have done, or refused to do.”

Murdered: Rainella Benfield

The area where Rainella was found

According to Mr. Benfield, who saw his daughter’s body, said Rainella β€œpractically did not have a face,” because of the ferocity of the attack.
Mr. Benfield says he’s determined that his daughter’s killers will be found.
β€œIt will not b another unsolved case. I will go the full length (for justice) and I will not give up.”
Police have been reluctant to disclose many details about their investigations, or other theories pertaining to the case. Five individuals, including the slain girl’s fiancΓ©, were initially detained.
Kaieteur News understands that investigators are attempting to locate a Beterveragting resident whom they consider to be β€œa person of interest,” in the investigation.
Rainella Benfield, of Lot 99 Canterbury Walk, Beterverwagting, East Coast Demerara, was reportedly last seen alive at around 18:00 hrs on Saturday, December 9.
A male friend of Rainella’s had said that that she had planned to spend the night out with a group of friends at Mahaicony. But the receptionist cancelled at the last moment, since she had to work late the following day.
On Monday, December 11, she was found dead in the Triumph cemetery.
It is suspected that she was slain the previous Saturday, since persons in the area reportedly heard someone screaming in the vicinity of the cemetery.


Bourda shooting death…Mom wants man seen in video kicking son to also be charged

Jan 22, 2018 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...-to-also-be-charged/

One week after a city rank was given a manslaughter charge for killing mentally ill Marlon Fredericks, the victim’s mother is seeking to have the man seen on video kicking her son to be charged as well.
Fredericks, of Tiger Bay, Georgetown was shot by a city constable on January 16 last as he attempted to escape from the lock ups of the Bourda City Constabulary.
But the day before he was shot, a video surfaced on social media which showed another man, believed to be a former law enforcement rank, kicking Fredericks as he lay on the ground.
The video sparked widespread outcry, with many viewers, including social activists, calling for him to be charged with assault.
Fredericks’ mother, Claudette Fredericks, has now joined calls for an investigation to be launched into the incident.
Mrs. Fredericks noted it is still unclear what her son did to deserve the beating he sustained.
β€œThe video is clear, that the guy, (the assailant is seen violating another human. I mean, my son was already under duress by another rank. It did not call for all of that battery.”

The individual recorded on video kicking Fredericks

Dead: Marlon Fredericks

Charged: Gregory Bascom

The woman says she still does not understand clearly the circumstances of her son’s arrest
β€œAt one time, I was told that he was detained over some incident he had with a woman but I am still to understand what exactly the issue was.”
The woman is therefore hoping that β€œthe law of the land takes effect because there is evidence of an assault on video.”
β€œLet justice take its course.”
The rank seen in the video has since been identified as a former Tactical Services Unit (TSU) rank. He was interdicted last year for allegedly striking a woman in the face.
It was alleged that the woman went to the station to make a report. While there, she and the police rank became involved in an argument, which ended with the alleged assault.


2 found with illegal gun, ammo

Two teenagers were on Wednesday last arrested by ranks in connection with robbery under arms.
The du –, Christopher Webster, 19, a mason of 2444 Collis Acknowledge Street, North Ruimveldt, Georgetown and Sheldon Peters, also 19, of Lot 789 C Field Sophia, Greater Georgetown are now in the custody of Police.
Details surrounding the arrest are sketchy; however, the two men are said to be implicated in a recent robbery under arms carried out on a couple.
They are expected to be taken before the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts shortly on charges.
Meanwhile, two men are now in the custody of Police after they were on Wednesday last apprehended with an illegal firearm and ammunition.
The 29-year-old and 31-year-old both, of Festival City, North Ruimveldt, were arrested around 19:00h.
According to information received, ranks who were conducting a raid exercise in the East La Penitence Station District swooped down on the Festival City house and the discovery was made.
The snub-nose .32 revolver #A152911, along with two live matching rounds of ammunition, was found hidden.
As such, the two perpetrators were apprehended and taken into Police custody.
On Friday last, the two men, Damion Favorite and Carl Lockhart, appeared before the Chief Magistrate, Ann McLennan where they were arraigned for the said offence.
They both denied committing the offence and were remanded to prison until January 26, 2018.


Freed robbery accused arrested within hours of being released

Jan 23, 2018 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...s-of-being-released/

Mere hours after having a robbery under arms charged dismissed against him in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts, a mechanic was arrested and taken into custody at the Brickdam Police Station after he attempted to sneak two packets of cigarettes and a bottle of vodka contained in a Sprite bottle into the lock-ups.
The items were concealed in a black plastic bag.

Leon Smart

Leon Smart, of Lot 51 East Ruimveldt, Georgetown, after having his matter dismissed early in the morning by the Magistrate, went away and returned at approximately 14:15 hrs with the contrabands.
The police officers at the lock-ups after realising what the bag contained, arrested Smart and escorted him to the Brickdam Police Station.
Smart, Kelvin Emperor, 27, a labourer of West Ruimveldt, Georgetown, and Nzumi Scipio, 37, a vendor of Mocha Squatting Area, East Bank Demerara, were charged, on November 24, last, at Bel Air Park, Georgetown. At the time, they were in the company of each other and armed with a gun. They robbed Tasia De Souza of two cellular phones valued $220,000, a pair of gold band and chain valued $45,000, a purse valued $7,000 and $227,000 cash.
It was further alleged that on the same day at the same location, the trio robbed Davananad Pablall of one Iphone valued $150,000.
Emperor pleaded guilty to both charges and was sentenced to 50 months imprisonment by Principal Magistrate, Judy Latchman.
Smart and Scipio’s trial was transferred to Senior Magistrate, Faith McGusty and the matter was dismissed against them, yesterday.


Not satisfied with loot, bandits stab and chop victims

Jan 24, 2018 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ab-and-chop-victims/

-suspect held

Masked bandits armed with knives and cutlasses left a Sisters Village, West Bank Demerara grocer and his wife with multiple stab wounds after invading the couple’s shop at around 21.00 hrs on Monday.

Hemwattie Mohabir, 45, was stabbed in her hands, left shoulder, left leg and hip, while her husband, who was struck in the head, was stabbed in the abdomen.

They have been admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC). The victims are both conscious, but doctors are said to be closely monitoring Mr. Mohabir’s condition.

Hemwattie Mohabir

Police said that the victims were preparing to close their shop when four masked men, armed with knives and cutlasses, barged in, and demanded cash and other valuables. Not satisfied with what they got, the suspects inflicted several stab and chop wounds on the victims before fleeing the scene with a small sum of cash and other items.

β€œPrompt action by the police resulted in the apprehension of a male who fits the description of one of the suspects. The suspect, who resides on the West Bank of Demerara, was held with a knife in close proximity of the robbery scene.

Hemwattie Mohabir told Kaieteur News she was just about to close their liquor and grocery shop, when two men, who had knives, and with their faces hidden by stockings, barged in.

β€œI start fighting with them and they start to β€˜juck’ me,” the woman said. According to the injured woman, she tried to unmask one of the robbers, but found that he had another mask beneath the stockings concealing his face.

The robbers also attacked Mr. Mohabir, who was outside of the shop, clubbing him on the head and stabbing him in the region of his navel.

One of the robbers entered the upstairs flat but then retreated without taking anything.

The injured Mrs. Mohabir managed to contact a relative by phone. A neighbour reportedly took the victims to the West Demerara Regional Hospital. They were subsequently transferred to the GPHC.

The Mohabirs were also the victims of two burglaries last year.


Accused in Kaneville robbery/murder refused bail


A 22-year-old year old man has been charged for the murder of Kaneville machine operator, Ishwar Ramanah.

Charged: Rayon Carter

Rayon Carter of Diamond Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara was unrepresented by legal counsel when he made his initial appearance before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts yesterday.
According to the allegation, Carter murdered Ramanah at Kaneville, East Bank Demerara during the course of a robbery. The accused was not required to plea to the charge and was remanded to prison until February 22.
Reports are that Ramanah, 30, called β€˜Jack,’ of 624 Macaw Drive, Kaneville, East Bank Demerara, was shot on December 13, 2017, by a gunman, who, with an accomplice, invaded his home and relieved him of a $40,000 gold chain.
The injured man was admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital in a critical condition and later succumbed. Police recovered a spent shell from a weapon of small calibre at the scene.
The suspect was later identified as Carter who was previously placed on $100,000 bail for allegedly stealing a BlackBerry Torch smartphone from a woman.

Dead: Ishwar Ramanah


Attempted murder accused remanded on robbery charge

Jan 24, 2018 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...d-on-robbery-charge/

Two men were yesterday arraigned before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan on a robbery charge.
Attempted murder accused John Caesar, of Lethem and Nathalius Perry also known as β€˜CJ’, of South Rupununi, both aged 25, pleaded not guilty to the allegation which stated that on January 21, at Tabatinga, Lethem, they robbed Clifton Llepes of $270,000, and at the time of, immediately before or after, used personal violence against Llepes.
Another man, Ray Wilson, was also charged with the robbery. However, he managed to evade cops who went to his home to arrest him. The Chief Magistrate issued a warrant for his arrest.
Perry and Caesar were both refused bail and remanded to prison until February 6, when they will appear in the Lethem Magistrate’s Court.
In opposing bail, Police Prosecutor Stephen Telford told the court that Caesar has a pending attempted murder charge against him. According to the prosecutor, the matter is still to go on trial before the High Court. The prosecutor disclosed that the attempted murder charge against Caesar is as a result of a robbery he allegedly committed, whereby the victim received severe injuries.
As it relates to Perry, Prosecutor Telford said that he (Perry) lives 60 miles away from the Lethem Police Station and should he be granted bail, he would flee the country due to the free access to Guyana’s border with Brazil.
The prosecutor disclosed that investigations in the matter are complete and there are eyewitnesses to the crime.


Mechanic charged for attempting to sneak contraband into court lock-ups

Jan 25, 2018 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...into-court-lock-ups/

Two days after a mechanic was caught by officers at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts attempting to sneak two packets of cigarettes and a bottle of vodka into the court lock-ups, the accused was yesterday charged for the offence.

CHARGED: Leon Smart

Leon Smart, 29, of Lot 51 East Ruimveldt, Georgetown, who as his name suggests, is not so smart at all, appeared before Senior Magistrate Fabayo Azore and denied the charge which alleged that on January 22 at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts, he had prohibited articles in his possession.
The items were two packets of cigarettes and a bottle of vodka contained in a Sprite bottle. He was said to be taking them to Calvin Johnson, who is a prisoner.
According to reports, Smart who on the day in question had a matter of robbery under-arms dismissed against him by a City Magistrate, went away and returned with the contrabands in a black plastic bag.
The police officers after realising what the bag contained, arrested Smart and escorted him to the Brickdam Police Station.
Smart, Kelvin Emperor, 27, a labourer of West Ruimveldt, Georgetown, and Nzumi Scipio, 37, a vendor of Mocha Squatting Area, East Bank Demerara, were charged, on November 24, last for a robbery at Bel Air Park, Georgetown.
At the time, they were in the company of each other and armed with a gun. They robbed Tasia De Souza of two cellular phones valued $220,000, a pair of gold bands and chain valued $45,000 and $227,000 cash.
It was further alleged that on the same day, at the same location, the trio robbed Davananad Pablall of one Iphone valued $150,000.
Emperor pleaded guilty to both charges and was sentenced to 50 months imprisonment by Principal Magistrate, Judy Latchman.
Smart and Scipio’s trial was transferred to Senior Magistrate, Faith McGusty and the matter was dismissed against them.


Man shot after beating mom, chopping cop

Jan 27, 2018 News,

A police constable is nursing cutlass injuries after being attacked around 02:30 hrs yesterday by an unemployed Herstelling, East Bank Demerara man who had allegedly beaten his mother.
Police said that the suspect was shot in the right arm and right collarbone during the confrontation.
A release stated that a police patrol had gone to the Lot 162 Herstelling residence after receiving a report that a man had assaulted his 60-year-old mother.
The son, when confronted, armed himself with a cutlass and chopped the policeman on the left hand and left knee.
The injured constable β€œinstinctively drew his service revolver and discharged two rounds, which struck his attacker in the right arm and right collarbone.”
The shot man is also hospitalised.


Campbellville couple remanded for illegal gun, ammo, ganja

Jan 27, 2018 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...egal-gun-ammo-ganja/

A couple of Craig Street, Campbellville, Georgetown, was yesterday remanded to prison after ranks for the police narcotics branch visited their home and discovered an unlicensed firearm, a quantity of ammunition and marijuana.

Remanded: David Daygoo

David Deygoo, 39, a vendor; and Nicola Lambert, 31, both of Lot 7 Craig Street, Campbellville, Georgetown, appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan to answer to four counts of illegal gun and ammunition possession and a charge of possession of narcotics.
It is alleged that both of them on January 24, last, at Craig Street, Campbellville Georgetown, had in their possession eight 12-gauge cartridges without being the holder of a licensed firearm.
It was further alleged that on the same day and at the same location, they had in their possession 35 live 7.62 rounds and 13 live 9MM rounds when they were not holder of firearm licensed.
It was also alleged that on January 24 at Craig Street, Campbellville, Georgetown, they had in their possession 304 grams of marijuana for the purpose of trafficking.
The defendants denied all the charges after they were read to them by the Magistrate.
Both defendants were represented by Attorney-at-law, Patrice Henry. The lawyer told the court that police officers went to his client’s home and spend one hour searching the premises.
The lawyer added that the police officers then searched the ceiling and the items were allegedly found.
The lawyer in his application to secure bail for his clients told the Magistrate that the building where the alleged articles were found is an apartment building and his clients are not the first tenants to live in the building.

Remanded: Nicola Lambert

However, facts presented by Police Prosecutor Gordon Mansfield, stated that on the day in question, police acting on information went to the defendants home where a search was conducted.
The prosecutor added that near the washroom area in the ceiling three bulky parcels were found. The parcels contained the articles mentioned in the charge. The defendants were then arrested and Deygoo told the police that the articles belonged to his friend β€˜Short Man’, who had gone overseas.
Both defendants were remanded and they were instructed to make their next court appearance on February 14.


GDF rank nabbed transporting ganja in stove

Jan 29, 2018 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ting-ganja-in-stove/

– two days after colleague held for armed robbery

Two days after a Guyana Defence Force (GDF) lance corporal and two others were held for armed robbery, another lance corporal is now in police custody after admitting to the ownership of a quantity of marijuana which was being transported in a vehicle.
Motorcycle patrol ranks on the Strathspey Public Road, East Coast Demerara, had their work cut out yesterday after they had to give chase behind a Georgetown-bound hire car which overtook several vehicles on a solid yellow line.
The vehicle, which was being driven by a 27-year-old Berbice resident with two occupants was eventually stopped and escorted to the Vigilance Police Station.
A search of the vehicle revealed three parcels of compressed marijuana hidden in a gas stove that was in the trunk of the black Fielder-Wagon.
The driver and one of the occupants who is 24-year-old joint services lance corporal have since admitted to ownership of the marijuana which weight 1022 grams.

The marijuana which was found in the gas stove

Both men of Stanleytown, New Amsterdam, Berbice, are currently in police custody assisting with the investigation.
They are likely to appear before a Magistrate this week to be charged for the offence.
This comes two days after another army lance corporal and two others were identified as the trio that shot Imole Fox, the wildlife export, in his lower leg, after he was attacked in a yard by three men, including one with a hand gun.
Fox was shot to the leg, while another bullet grazed his head.
The robbers relieved him of a haversack containing a cell phone and medication. He was treated at the Georgetown Public Hospital for his injuries and sent away.
Police later arrested the soldier and an alleged accomplice in Cooper Street Albouystown.


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