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Crime-weary Corentyne residents block

road, confront police over banditry

  • Sunday, 26 January 2014 22:23

Residents at Number 48 Village Corentyne block road to protest upsurge in crime and possible police involvement

Residents at Number 48 Village Corentyne block road to protest upsurge in crime and possible police involvement

Tension among residents at Number 48 Village, Corentyne boiled over Sunday night because they said a police patrol refused to stop and take action shortly after a second armed robbery in the area that fits the same pattern.

Eyewitnesses said hundreds of residents blocked the road and prevented the police car from leaving the area. At one stage, they attempted to set the police car alight.

Several policemen were on the scene seeking to cool tempers and secure safe passage of the car out of the volatile area.

Sunday night’s incident stemmed from an armed robbery at Lalman’s shop where the elderly couple was held at gunpoint by four men. The bandits carted off a large number of phone cards, GUY$1 million worth of jewellery and cash.

Residents said the robbery fitted the same pattern as one in a nearby village less than seven days ago:-- four bandits, they fired shotguns, they collected the empty cartridge casings, did not injure the robber victims.

“We want justice because this is the second robbery because everybody suspect it’s the police. They are targeting people who are working hard. It’s not right,” a resident told Demerara Waves Online News on condition of anonymity.

According to enraged residents, the blue and white patrol car did not stop although residents called out to them. Instead, they went some where else and collected four persons before returning to the robbery scene.

The villagers were adamant that if the patrol had rendered assistance immediately, the bandits would have been intercepted.

Residents accused the police of either being directly involved or colluding with the bandits to commit the robberies.

Two days ago, residents alleged that policemen used a civilian car to go on a robbery in a nearby village.

However, a senior police officer in the Berbice Division explained that ranks used a policeman’s car to respond to a report of a robbery because none of the patrol vehicles was immediately available.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Residents accused the police of either being directly involved or colluding with the bandits to commit the robberies.

Two days ago, residents alleged that policemen used a civilian car to go on a robbery in a nearby village.


Is awee time now Vote PPP!!


No 48 Village and the majority of the Corentyne voted heavily for race, they voted PPP, now they want to burn a police car?


The police should arrest and jail their racists ass.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I happen to know that the people do not trust the police and the magistrate at #51.


Originally Posted by Chief:

Is awee time now Vote PPP!!


No 48 Village and the majority of the Corentyne voted heavily for race, they voted PPP, now they want to burn a police car?


The police should arrest and jail their racists ass.

Ignorance has no limit with you. You claim to be a Businessman, are you in the Sewer Business????

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

I happen to know that the people do not trust the police and the magistrate at #51.


Dem getting what they voted for.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Is awee time now Vote PPP!!


No 48 Village and the majority of the Corentyne voted heavily for race, they voted PPP, now they want to burn a police car?


The police should arrest and jail their racists ass.

Ignorance has no limit with you. You claim to be a Businessman, are you in the Sewer Business????

With the kind of mess the PPP dishing out on Guyanese, a mess that they have never experienced before.

Robbery and death in every village all over the country.'

And you have the gall to speak about sewer business.


I wonder if these Indos were protesting intemperance and neglect of the police or just gearing up for a fight as the Lindeners were because they are so indisposed? Hopefully those PPP crabs can answer.


2014 is turning out as a very Rough year for Jagdeo & Ramotar Crab Louse.

The PPP do not have any trump left in their hands now.

Let us see who the will send to talk to these people....


Kwame de most popular candidate at the last congress held in Berbice.

The GDF solders who took over Rosehall just before the holidays.

Lamumba from De office of the President.

Kit Nascimento, Jerry Gouviea, Manni or Norman McClean from the Private sector.

Rohee, Kellawan, Neil Kumar, Gail, Roger, Raj Singh, Ashni, Nandalalla, De Rat, Donald or Sam  

Nehru, Big_Seed, Skeldon, De PNC Hydro Engineer, Rev or Yuji22 from GNI

Bynoe, Edgehill or Hamilton from de Rabbai House of Isreal.


While they put together a Team from Freedom House....

Let us see ......

Who Believe the Police doing a good Job in protecting the Indian people in Berbice????

Who Believe the Police are corrupt and Robbing the Indians in Berbice???

Who believe the Govt just as Corrupt as the Police Force?????

Who Believe the Berbicians deserve what them getting????


Is the Police Force providing the people with Service & Protection???


Is the Police getting away with this....because the Govt is Corrupt???




Villagers, police in standoff after cops

accused of robbery

January 27, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

Police and residents of Number 48 Village, Berbice  were up to late last night engaged in a standoff following a robbery which the police are accused as the perpetrators.
The residents blocked a police car that had turned up with ranks at the robbery scene after accusing them of carrying out the robbery on a supermarket run by Lallbachan Ramdeen and his wife at about 19:30 hours.
But the police are insisting that the residents are overacting since the ranks who were on patrol duty, had merely responded to the report of robbery and were nowhere near the scene when it occurred.
Earlier last night the proprietor of the supermarket and his wife were about to close their business when four men each armed with a “long gun” forced their way in and held them at gunpoint.
According to the couple’s daughter, Sabo Ramdeen, the men who were all masked proceeded to beat the couple while demanding cash and jewellery.
When their demand was met with some reluctance from the couple, the bandits placed them to lie on the ground.
They then began discharging rounds indiscriminately from their weapons, shattering several items in the supermarket as they terrorized their victims.
“My mother say she told them to stop shooting, ‘I gon give y’all everything’,” the couple’s daughter related.
The men were eventually handed about $1M in cash and jewellery, along with a quantity of cellular phone and land line cards.
They then fled the scene. The police were summoned but by the time they arrived the men had vanished.
According to an eyewitness, the car in which the police ranks subsequently arrived was earlier seen traversing the area where the robbery had taken place and although, residents tried to stop it to report the robbery, it sped away.
“The car pass and head towards New Amsterdam side, then pass back and head towards Skeldon side. People flag it down and it did not stop. All the time the robbery was taking place,” the eyewitness explained.
He said after the bandits had fled the scene, residents saw the same “police” car past back and head towards New Amsterdam.
A few minutes later “the same car eventually returned to the scene with four ranks inside.”
There and then the residents claimed that they were the perpetrators, and surrounded their car.
Residents believe that the same four men had committed another robbery last Thursday in the adjoining village and since no one has been captured, they are convinced that the perpetrators are police ranks. “Was the same way it happen in Number 47 last week. It is overbearing now. People have to know about this,” the eyewitness told Kaieteur News.
But a senior police officer who later went to the scene to ease the tension, gave a different version of the events.
He claimed that the police who first responded to the scene were on patrol in the Number 59 area when they received a report about a robbery at Number 48 Village.
“They responded and when they got there, the people accused them of the robbery and blocked the road with a truck. We eventually got them to move the truck but they blocked the car and refused to move,” the police official told this newspaper last night.
Up to midnight, the standoff was still in effect.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Is awee time now Vote PPP!!


No 48 Village and the majority of the Corentyne voted heavily for race, they voted PPP, now they want to burn a police car?


The police should arrest and jail their racists ass.

Ignorance has no limit with you. You claim to be a Businessman, are you in the Sewer Business????

With the kind of mess the PPP dishing out on Guyanese, a mess that they have never experienced before.

Robbery and death in every village all over the country.'

And you have the gall to speak about sewer business.

Look, Guyana is NOT Afghanistan, Egypt or any other RENEGADE Country with MAD MEN ruling. Who the hell gives you the RIGHT to tell Citizens who to vote for??  Is that what they teach you at Masjid?????

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Is awee time now Vote PPP!!


No 48 Village and the majority of the Corentyne voted heavily for race, they voted PPP, now they want to burn a police car?


The police should arrest and jail their racists ass.

Ignorance has no limit with you. You claim to be a Businessman, are you in the Sewer Business????

With the kind of mess the PPP dishing out on Guyanese, a mess that they have never experienced before.

Robbery and death in every village all over the country.'

And you have the gall to speak about sewer business.

Look, Guyana is NOT Afghanistan, Egypt or any other RENEGADE Country with MAD MEN ruling. Who the hell gives you the RIGHT to tell Citizens who to vote for??  Is that what they teach you at Masjid?????

Bhai Nehru, Be careful how you address the Chief. De man ah brown nose wid the higher ups you no. Never miss an opportunity to get in an AKO(Ass Kissing Opportunity). Me friken de man you no?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Bhai, Who friken friken. I am not afraid of Obama why should I be afraid of a Bigoted fool?

Me friken dat when me ah go ah Guyana dis man set he PNC daags dem pan me.
Look like me gat fuh hiya some ah he PNC daags fuh protek me.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Is awee time now Vote PPP!!


No 48 Village and the majority of the Corentyne voted heavily for race, they voted PPP, now they want to burn a police car?


The police should arrest and jail their racists ass.

Ignorance has no limit with you. You claim to be a Businessman, are you in the Sewer Business????

With the kind of mess the PPP dishing out on Guyanese, a mess that they have never experienced before.

Robbery and death in every village all over the country.'

And you have the gall to speak about sewer business.

Look, Guyana is NOT Afghanistan, Egypt or any other RENEGADE Country with MAD MEN ruling. Who the hell gives you the RIGHT to tell Citizens who to vote for??  Is that what they teach you at Masjid?????

Guyana is a country where its people are disrespected by a bunch of autocratic crooks who need to be reined in. Since to date all t hey do is affirm their right to be autocrats the people need to remind them at whose behest they serve. Note, the nation is not the Ramotar or any of his clan's grandfathers legacy. It is ours.


Home Affairs Minister orders transfer of

ranks from Number 51 Police Station

Home Affairs Minister orders transfer of ranks from Number 51 Police Station 

 27/01/2014, by ,

[] – Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee has ordered that ranks from the Number 51 Police Station be transferred. This is as a result of allegations made by residents in the community that some police officers are criminally linked.

Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee

Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee

The Home Affairs Minister is currently awaiting a report from Police Commissioner, Leroy Brumell on whether any action was taken.

“I spoke to the Commissioner drawing to him my concerns on the matter and I made one recommendation to him and that recommendation was that I wanted a total change of guard at the Number 51 Police Station,” Rohee told reporters.

Residents at Number 48 Village blocked the Corentyne Public Road on Sunday night (January 26) protesting against the sloppy response of a police mobile patrol to a robbery.

Rohee admitted that citizens’ confidence in the Police Force continues to decline, however he expressed his dissatisfaction with members of the public forming vigilante grounds.

In this regard, he is urging persons to participate in Community Policing Groups.

“People will react in this way so long as they lose and continue to lose public confidence in the police. It’s a battle that they have to win back. That’s a police battle,” Rohee said.

Originally Posted by asj:

Home Affairs Minister orders transfer of

ranks from Number 51 Police Station

Home Affairs Minister orders transfer of ranks from Number 51 Police Station 

 27/01/2014, by ,

[] – Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee has ordered that ranks from the Number 51 Police Station be transferred. This is as a result of allegations made by residents in the community that some police officers are criminally linked.

Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee

Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee

The Home Affairs Minister is currently awaiting a report from Police Commissioner, Leroy Brumell on whether any action was taken.

“I spoke to the Commissioner drawing to him my concerns on the matter and I made one recommendation to him and that recommendation was that I wanted a total change of guard at the Number 51 Police Station,” Rohee told reporters.

Residents at Number 48 Village blocked the Corentyne Public Road on Sunday night (January 26) protesting against the sloppy response of a police mobile patrol to a robbery.

Rohee admitted that citizens’ confidence in the Police Force continues to decline, however he expressed his dissatisfaction with members of the public forming vigilante grounds.

In this regard, he is urging persons to participate in Community Policing Groups.

“People will react in this way so long as they lose and continue to lose public confidence in the police. It’s a battle that they have to win back. That’s a police battle,” Rohee said.


can some body please tell rohee that he is a f-ucking ass and he is causing guyanese a lot of pain.this fool just need to lay down and die


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