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Crimes against women increase in India

As anti-rape protests continue in Delhi, statistics paint a bleak and worsening picture of gender-based violence.
29 Dec 2012 10:00

The death following a brutal gang rape and assault of a 23-year-old paramedical student in India’s capital Delhi on December 16 has put a spotlight on crimes against women in the country.

Widespread protests and emotional outbursts spontaneously erupted across the country on Saturday, with women and men demanding safety and protection of women, a change in attitudes towards women and a change of archaic gender laws and speedy justice to bring rapists to book. Some protesters demand the death penalty for rapists.

"In India, rapists act with impunity as they know they can get away with their crime. Unless laws are strengthened to punish wrong-doers and justice is delivered speedily this crime will continue unchecked," said Geetha Ram, a women based in Bengaluru.

Crimes against women 

The problem of gender-based violence is getting worse. National Crime Record Bureau statistics show crimes against women increased by 7.1 percent nationwide since 2010. There has been a rise in the number of incidents of rape recorded too. In 2011, 24,206 incidents were recorded, a rise of 9 percent from the previous year. More than half of the victims are between 18 and 30 years of age. 

Figures indicate that 10.6 percent of total victims of rape were girls under 14 years of age, while 19 percent were teens between the ages of 14 and 18.  Alarmingly in almost 94.2 percent of cases offenders were known to the victims and those involved included family members, relatives, and neighbours.

Under the IPC (Indian Penal Code) crimes against women include rape, kidnapping and abduction, homicide for dowry, torture, molestation, sexual harassment, and the importation of girls.


A total of 2,28,650 incidents of crimes against women were reported in the country during 2011. The north eastern city of Tripura recorded the highest rate of crimes against women at 37 percent, compared to the national crime rate of 18.9 percent.

Kidnapping and abductions are up by 19 percent and trafficking rose by 122 percent in the same period. Crimes that include the Indian term "eve-teasing" or harassment and heckling and sexual innuendoes against women in public places including streets, public transport, cinema halls, along with the rape of minors and women in tribal and villages often go unreported and unrecorded.

According to records, Madhya Pradesh, a state with a large population of tribes, has recorded 3406 rape cases, the highest number of incidents in the country in 2011.

India's profile as an emerging modern nation has taken a beating by the recent rape case, as widespread gender-based violence has been exposed.

Archaic laws

Legal experts point out that many rapes go unreported. Due to "family honour" many complaint files are withdrawn and in many cases the police do not give a fair hearing. Medical evidence is often unrecorded making it easy for offenders to pass scot free under prevailing laws.

On Friday news of a 17-year-old rape victim who committed suicide was covered by the media. The victim and her parents were refused a proper hearing by police who refused to record the complaint and the harassment that followed in the name of investigation led to the girl taking her own life.

Outside of legal rooms it is not uncommon in India's interior villages and hamlets for local kangaroo courts to advise the woman to marry her rapist to "preserve her honour". In some cases, rape can be used to settle caste issues and local disputes.

Actor and activist Shabana Azmi said: "In the name of investigation the woman is verbally and mentally tortured all over again in this country."

The maximum sentence for a rapist found guilty remains unclear under prevailing laws. The maximum sentence includes seven years of life imprisonment, or up to ten years. For those guilty of gang-rape, rape of a pregnant woman and related offenses the maximum for the guilty is 10 years.

Even as lawmakers argue merits of the death sentence for rapists would bring down the number of rapes in the country, there are those who warn that it may lead to men killing women after rape to avoid death penalty. Protesters are demanding that the government amend its archaic rape laws.

Reforms needed

The Indian government has appointed a three-member panel of legal experts to review the rape laws. Delhi, the capital city, has been called by many as the "rape capital of India".

The government has promised to step up and take vigilant and preventive measures including: night patrols, supervision and checks on public and private bus drivers and their assistants, and the banning of vehicles with tinted windows or curtains.

Delhi-based Moushumi Dutt said: "As a mother of a five-year old daughter I demand protection for women of all ages in this country and a tightening of laws for a safer tomorrow. Fear of male attack inside and outside homes must be erased."

To bring home the heinous nature of their crime, the government has also said that it will post the photos, names and addresses of convicted rapists on official websites.


Death in Singapore of India rape victim

The Delhi government has set a committee for speeding up trials of sexual assault cases on women. Another committee has been appointed to examine the lapses that led to the recent incident in the city.


A culture of patriarchy

While any reform or affirmative action is welcome according to analysts India's problem with rape has to do with deep rooted traditions of patriarchy, misogyny and repressive attitudes that prevail across classes.

The writer Rahul Roy in the blog Kafila explains, "Masculinities provide an ideological basis for impunity to be legitimised and practiced.  And crime against women comes that much easier because to be truly masculine men have to carry both a fear and hatred of the feminine close to their heart."

While the reasons for rape in villages and tribal areas are attributed to caste, honour, family wars and repressive attitudes, India's big cities are also grappling with more women entering the public space, thanks to education or jobs and the influx of migrants from villages who come seeking work.

The conflict of accepting women entering bars or dressing in non traditional Indian clothing, making independent choices, and refusing male attention are all seen as threats and provocation that need to be contained in big cities in India, says Asavari Singh, a gender and media studies professional.


Women rising

Alongside protests following the gang rape of the medical student, the agitations have led to many public debates in the media and elsewhere about how the government and policy makers should stop crimes against women.

"India’s societal changes have been engineered by women getting access to education and jobs. However on the ground regressive notions and crimes continue to halt women from getting out of their homes and joining the work force. This gory incident and the righteous outrage have laid bare the condition of Indian women, rich and poor before the world’s eyes," says  Ishika Goon, 22, a law student based in Cuttack.

Activists argue that the rising number of women parliamentarians and the presence of many high profile women in India's political parties and public offices will remain only cosmetic if effective laws and mindsets are not altered to safeguard ordinary women.

"While our Western sisters burned bras in the 1960s for equality, India's women are now taking to the streets to demand their right to walk freely without fear from men," says Shweta Andrews, a researcher based in Delhi. 

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by alena06:

India, Pakistan and the Middle East etc. have a long wong to go in advocating women's rights!   God bless the USA!!

I agree. Guyana is doing much better than those Countries.

Originally Posted by alena06:

India, Pakistan and the Middle East etc. have a long wong to go in advocating women's rights!   God bless the USA!!

My take, when I live there is was a lot of talk and action.  But it seems ill directed and not well thought through.  The way they (police) react end up placing women in cages for their own safety which then oppresses further.  The police harass the women for "putting them selves at risk" they say while the scoundrels roam free.


In this recent case, the guilty parties should all be hung and Indian should pass tougher laws against such brutality.  Aggravated assault resulting in rape should be a capital offense.


2-year-old Vadodara rape victim dies of injuries

Published: Wednesday, Dec 26, 2012, 12:14 IST
By DNA Correspondent | Place: Ahmedabad | Agency: DNA

Even as the country is trying to come to terms with the trauma of the Delhi gang-rape victim, a two-and-half-year-old girl succumbed to her injuries on Tuesday, three days after she was raped by a distant relative in Halol town of Panchmahals district.

As the news of the girl’s death at Vadodara’s SSG Hospital spread, the entire Halol town observed a bandh in protest. Residents of the town have demanded capital punishment for the accused.

According to case details, Ram Prasad, who hails from Nepal, had been living in Halol for the last two years. He was employed as a watchman at Vaishali society in the town and used to live in the same place with his wife and two-and-half-year-old daughter.

On December 22, the brother-in-law of Ram Prasad’s sister, Keshav Joshi (32), came to Prasad’s place and had dinner with his family. It is believed that Joshi lured Prasad’s daughter by offering her biscuits and took her to a deserted place near the society and raped her. Later on, out of fear of being caught, he threw the girl in the bushes near the society.

However, he was caught by the neighbours and the parents of the girl who thrashed him and handed him over to the police. The girl, who had sustained serious internal injuries, was taken to the referral hospital in Halol. However, doctors there referred her to SSG Hospital in Vadodara as there was no gynecologist available at the Halol hospital.

After battling for life for three days, the girl died of her injuries on Tuesday. A huge crowd gathered at Prasad’s society and joined the funeral procession of the girl. People have demanded the death sentence for the accused, and day-to-day trial of the case.

Police have slapped murder charge on the accused after the girl’s death, in addition to Section 376 for rape. Joshi is himself father of four daughters.

According to JK Patel, police inspector of Halol town police station, the girl was brutally raped by Joshi and this had caused severe internal injuries and bleeding.“Keshav Joshi is himself a father of four children. His family lives in Nepal while he lives alone at Virpur village in Nadiad where he works as watchman. We have added the charge of murder against him after the girl’s death on Tuesday” said Patel.




Death sentence should be mandatory for those who commit acts of violence and rape of women in India. Political leaders must step up to the plate and act now. This is totally unacceptable.


Kudos to those who are posting on this serious issue.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Death sentence should be mandatory for those who commit acts of violence and rape of women in India. Political leaders must step up to the plate and act now. This is totally unacceptable.


Kudos to those who are posting on this serious issue.

Why not to apply practices like those of Saudi Arabia where the victim, not the perpetrators of the rape, goes to jail.

Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Death sentence should be mandatory for those who commit acts of violence and rape of women in India. Political leaders must step up to the plate and act now. This is totally unacceptable.


Kudos to those who are posting on this serious issue.

Why not to apply practices like those of Saudi Arabia where the victim, not the perpetrators of the rape, goes to jail.

The punishment for rape in SA in death

You need laws like that in India

Originally Posted by Pointblank:
Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Death sentence should be mandatory for those who commit acts of violence and rape of women in India. Political leaders must step up to the plate and act now. This is totally unacceptable.


Kudos to those who are posting on this serious issue.

Why not to apply practices like those of Saudi Arabia where the victim, not the perpetrators of the rape, goes to jail.

The punishment for rape in SA in death

You need laws like that in India

you mean, making rape legal?


Would you folks focus some of your angst against abuse of women and children to our own national tragedy of the same kind? Benn's son recently beat up his pregnant girlfriend and not one of the regular news outlets focused on it.  How many women died or were mutilated or horribly abused this year in our small country and no one seem to care?  It is clear our society treats women marginally better than in Afghanistan or India and Pakistan.


Indian teenager commits suicide after gang rape


A 17-year-old Indian girl who was gang-raped has committed suicide after police pressured her to drop the case and marry one of her attackers, police and a relatives have said.


Indian gang rape: victim of Delhi sex attack in 'extremely critical condition'
There have been widespread demonstrations in India over the attack and the government's failure to address the high level of sexual assaults Photo: Raveendran/AFP

Amid the ongoing uproar over the gang-rape of a student on a bus in New Delhi earlier this month, the latest case has again shone the spotlight on the police's handling of sex crimes.


One police officer has been sacked and another suspended over their conduct after the assault during the festival of Diwali on November 13 in the Patiala region in the Punjab, according to officials.


The teenager was found dead on Wednesday night after swallowing poison.

Inspector General Paramjit Singh Gill said that the teenager had been "running from pillar to post to get her case registered" but officers failed to open a formal inquiry.


"One of the officers tried to convince her to withdraw the case," Gill, the police chief for the area, told AFP.


Before her death, there had been no arrests over her case although three people were detained on Thursday. Two of them were her alleged male attackers and the third was a suspected woman accomplice.


The victim's sister told Indian television that the teenager had been urged to either accept a cash settlement or marry one of her attackers.


"The police started pressuring her to either reach a financial settlement with her attackers or marry one of them," her sister told the NDTV network.


Meanwhile, the Press Trust of India reported that a police officer has been suspended for allegedly refusing to register a rape complaint in the northern state of Chhattisgar.


The woman and her husband later brought the case to the attention of a more senior officer and a hunt has now been launched for her attacker, an auto rickshaw driver.


Official figures show that 228,650 of the total 256,329 violent crimes recorded last year in India were against women.


The real figure is thought to be much higher as so many women are reluctant to report attacks to the police.


During an address to the chief ministers of India's states on Thursday, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh pledged to bring in new laws to cover attacks on women.


Source: AFP




South Africa remains the 'rape' capital of the world

South Africa's National Freedom Party (NFI) has said the sexual offence statistics in the country were still very high despite a small decline observed.

"We note that while sex-related crimes... decreased by just more than 1%, these crimes still remain very high as compared to global figures and South Africa remains the rape capital of the world," News24 quoted NFI president Zanele KaMagwaza-Msibi, as saying.

KaMagwaza-Msibi welcomed an overall decrease in crime reflected in the latest statistics released by Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa on Thursday, and she added sexual crimes were not always reported.

"We call on the government to provide safe shelters for the elderly and orphans, especially in rural areas, as these sections of our population are the most vulnerable to sexual crimes," KaMagwaza-Msibi said.


Why eastern DR Congo is 'rape capital of the world'

By Fiona Lloyd-Davies, Special to CNN
updated 5:53 AM EST, Fri November 25, 2011

The worst places in the world for women: Congo

The use of rape as a weapon of war has blighted thousands of lives in the Democratic Republic of the Congo



Originally Posted by randolph:



South Africa remains the 'rape' capital of the world

South Africa's National Freedom Party (NFI) has said the sexual offence statistics in the country were still very high despite a small decline observed.

"We note that while sex-related crimes... decreased by just more than 1%, these crimes still remain very high as compared to global figures and South Africa remains the rape capital of the world," News24 quoted NFI president Zanele KaMagwaza-Msibi, as saying.

KaMagwaza-Msibi welcomed an overall decrease in crime reflected in the latest statistics released by Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa on Thursday, and she added sexual crimes were not always reported.

"We call on the government to provide safe shelters for the elderly and orphans, especially in rural areas, as these sections of our population are the most vulnerable to sexual crimes," KaMagwaza-Msibi said.


Why eastern DR Congo is 'rape capital of the world'

By Fiona Lloyd-Davies, Special to CNN
updated 5:53 AM EST, Fri November 25, 2011

The worst places in the world for women: Congo

The use of rape as a weapon of war has blighted thousands of lives in the Democratic Republic of the Congo



 Complain about the rape crisis in South Africa if you must. The rape in India got the media attention so it is the reason it is being dealt with. It also was particularly horrific for a region where horrific acts of oppression against women is not unheard of. Even the society itself has seen fit to condemn it and make their voice heard by mass protest.


INDIA is the raping paradise...simply because there are so many rapes happening all the time in trains, in buses, on the crowded streets right under the midday sun. Nobody cares, it is so normal and natural. It is the right of every Indian man to have a woman by force.


NEW DELHI (Reuters) - One of hundreds of attacks reported in New Delhi each year, the gang rape and murder of a medical student caught Indian authorities and political parties flat-footed, slow to see that the assault on a private bus had come to symbolize an epidemic of crime against women.

In the moments before the December 16 attack, the 23-year-old woman from India's urban middle class, who had recently qualified as a trainee physiotherapist in a private Delhi hospital, and her male friend, a software engineer, were walking home from a cinema at a shopping mall in south Delhi, according to a police reconstruction of events.

A bus, part of a fleet of privately owned vehicles used as public transport across the city of 16 million, and known as India's "rape capital", was at the same time heading toward them. Earlier that day, it had ferried school students but was now empty except for five men and a teenage boy, including its crew, police said. Most of the men were from the city's slums.

One of the six - all now charged with murder - lured the couple onto the bus, promising to drop the woman home, police have said, quoting from an initial statement that she gave from her hospital bed before her condition deteriorated rapidly.

A few minutes into the ride, her friend, 28, grew suspicious when the bus deviated from the supposed route and the men locked the door, according to her statement. They then taunted her for being out with a man late at night, prompting the friend to intervene and provoking an initial scuffle.

The attackers then beat him with a metal rod, knocking him unconscious, before turning on the woman who had tried to come to his defense. Police say the men admitted after their arrest to torturing and raping the student "to teach her a lesson".

At one point, the bus driver gave the wheel to another of the accused and dragged the woman by the neck to the back of the vehicle and forced himself upon her. The other five then took turns raping her and also driving the bus, keeping it circling through the busy streets of India's capital city, police said.

The woman was raped for nearly an hour before the men pushed a metal rod inside her, severely damaging her internal organs, and then dumped both her and her friend on the roadside, 8 km (5 miles) from where they had boarded it, police said.

Robbed of their clothes and belongings, they were found half naked, bleeding and unconscious later that night by a passerby, who alerted the police.

Last year, a rape was reported on average every 20 minutes in India. Just 26 percent of the cases resulted in convictions, according to the National Crime Records Bureau, which registered 24,206 rapes in 2011, up from 22,141 the previous year.

At first, authorities treated the assault on the medical student as one crime among many, and they were not prepared for the furious public reaction that led to running battles between protesters and police near the heart of government in New Delhi.


No wonder an indian woman would not think twice about running off with a crazy like CaribNY.  At least she would not be beaten by a drunken Indian husband.  I have never met  a Pakistani woman who is married to a foreigner.  The reason is because Pakistani men do not generally drink cheap portugeese or British Guiana rum then beat up their wives. Governments should ban rum sales to indian husbands.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

No wonder an indian woman would not think twice about running off with a crazy like CaribNY.  At least she would not be beaten by a drunken Indian husband.  I have never met  a Pakistani woman who is married to a foreigner.  The reason is because Pakistani men do not generally drink cheap portugeese or British Guiana rum then beat up their wives. Governments should ban rum sales to indian husbands.

As far as I understand Caribny is African descendant...

Originally Posted by Lucas:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

No wonder an indian woman would not think twice about running off with a crazy like CaribNY.  At least she would not be beaten by a drunken Indian husband.  I have never met  a Pakistani woman who is married to a foreigner.  The reason is because Pakistani men do not generally drink cheap portugeese or British Guiana rum then beat up their wives. Governments should ban rum sales to indian husbands.

As far as I understand Caribny is African descendant...

you need to understand the gist of the prasad's comment

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Governments should ban rum sales to indian husbands.

The problem with Indian men who drink and abuse women is most of them are sexually deficient---they can't deliver the goods in the bedroom so they resort to physically abusing their women.


The next time you read or hear about any man abusing a woman---know this--that man is sexually deficient---he can't deliver the goods.


Who vex, vex!




Rev, you're so way off in your preaching!  Read the opening article to understand the problem. 


Additionally, India created its own monster.  Before marriage, the grooms and their families demand huge dowries, which leads to murder of female babies, then shortage of women, then the desperate men turn to desperate measures.  The gender ratio is grossly skewed.  They need to ban the sick dowry system and that will eliminate the problem. 

Originally Posted by Prashad:

No wonder an indian woman would not think twice about running off with a crazy like CaribNY.  At least she would not be beaten by a drunken Indian husband.  I have never met  a Pakistani woman who is married to a foreigner.  The reason is because Pakistani men do not generally drink cheap portugeese or British Guiana rum then beat up their wives. Governments should ban rum sales to indian husbands.

CaribJ tried for years to get an Indian woman to no avail. I even told him to bring flowers but he did not follow my advice and was dumped. I heard he even tried dressing up in doti.


As for the Paki husbands, they prefer kerosene. hahahahah

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

No wonder an indian woman would not think twice about running off with a crazy like CaribNY.  At least she would not be beaten by a drunken Indian husband.  I have never met  a Pakistani woman who is married to a foreigner.  The reason is because Pakistani men do not generally drink cheap portugeese or British Guiana rum then beat up their wives. Governments should ban rum sales to indian husbands.

CaribJ tried for years to get an Indian woman to no avail. I even told him to bring me flowers but he did not follow my advice. 

Why would Caribji be interested in you?

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

You need to stop following me around like a puppy dog looking for attention. You stalker. Maybe you have the hots for goadie. ahahhaha

That's not what your mother nor sister said to me.


Mitwa, someone mentioned the word 'tilak' to me the other day regarding Indo-Guyanese weddings.  Is it the same concept brought over to Guyana from India, and has been toned down over the past 100 years to reflect life in the Caribbean?  Please enlighten me.  Thanks.

Originally Posted by Observer:

Mitwa, someone mentioned the word 'tilak' to me the other day regarding Indo-Guyanese weddings.  Is it the same concept brought over to Guyana from India, and has been toned down over the past 100 years to reflect life in the Caribbean?  Please enlighten me.  Thanks.

All Hindu weddings culminate with the groom putting of vermillion (sindhur) or kumkum on the hair parting of the bride to complete the marriage. This ancient practice is called saubhagya chinha ( blessing of the bride) by the bridegroom  who then gives the bride a necklace (mangal sutra)  which represents their love, togetherness and  sacred union. Jagdeo and Varshni performed this ancient ritual to solemnize their wedding ceremony.


Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Governments should ban rum sales to indian husbands.

The problem with Indian men who drink and abuse women is most of them are sexually deficient---they can't deliver the goods in the bedroom so they resort to physically abusing their women.


The next time you read or hear about any man abusing a woman---know this--that man is sexually deficient---he can't deliver the goods.


Who vex, vex!




If drunk Indian men are sexually deficient, how come so many drunk Indian men in Guyana have a basketfull of children? Looks like the logic works in the opposite direction.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Governments should ban rum sales to indian husbands.

The problem with Indian men who drink and abuse women is most of them are sexually deficient---they can't deliver the goods in the bedroom so they resort to physically abusing their women.


The next time you read or hear about any man abusing a woman---know this--that man is sexually deficient---he can't deliver the goods.


Who vex, vex!




If drunk Indian men are sexually deficient, how come so many drunk Indian men in Guyana have a basketfull of children? Looks like the logic works in the opposite direction.

Maybe di daddy ain't di daddy, but di daddy don't know!!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Governments should ban rum sales to indian husbands.

The problem with Indian men who drink and abuse women is most of them are sexually deficient---they can't deliver the goods in the bedroom so they resort to physically abusing their women.


The next time you read or hear about any man abusing a woman---know this--that man is sexually deficient---he can't deliver the goods.


Who vex, vex!




If drunk Indian men are sexually deficient, how come so many drunk Indian men in Guyana have a basketfull of children? Looks like the logic works in the opposite direction.

Rev is talking about his own defiency.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Governments should ban rum sales to indian husbands.

The problem with Indian men who drink and abuse women is most of them are sexually deficient---they can't deliver the goods in the bedroom so they resort to physically abusing their women.


The next time you read or hear about any man abusing a woman---know this--that man is sexually deficient---he can't deliver the goods.


Who vex, vex!




If drunk Indian men are sexually deficient, how come so many drunk Indian men in Guyana have a basketfull of children? Looks like the logic works in the opposite direction.

Maybe di daddy ain't di daddy, but di daddy don't know!!

Base: Is this speaking from personal experience? LOL

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Governments should ban rum sales to indian husbands.

The problem with Indian men who drink and abuse women is most of them are sexually deficient---they can't deliver the goods in the bedroom so they resort to physically abusing their women.


The next time you read or hear about any man abusing a woman---know this--that man is sexually deficient---he can't deliver the goods.


Who vex, vex!




If drunk Indian men are sexually deficient, how come so many drunk Indian men in Guyana have a basketfull of children? Looks like the logic works in the opposite direction.

Maybe di daddy ain't di daddy, but di daddy don't know!!

Base: Is this speaking from personal experience? LOL

Well, you nevva know, but all mi pikney dem gatt mi big nose and big foot.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Governments should ban rum sales to indian husbands.

The problem with Indian men who drink and abuse women is most of them are sexually deficient---they can't deliver the goods in the bedroom so they resort to physically abusing their women.


The next time you read or hear about any man abusing a woman---know this--that man is sexually deficient---he can't deliver the goods.


Who vex, vex!




If drunk Indian men are sexually deficient, how come so many drunk Indian men in Guyana have a basketfull of children? Looks like the logic works in the opposite direction.

Maybe di daddy ain't di daddy, but di daddy don't know!!

Base: Is this speaking from personal experience? LOL

Well, you nevva know, but all mi pikney dem gatt mi big nose and big foot.

Glad you saw it as ribbing. We all give and take this kind of crap. 


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