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[] – Criminal charges could be brought against City Mayor Hamilton Green after he disrupted the annual Easter Day revenue collection along the seawalls, Georgetown today, (Monday, April 21).

It is alleged that the Mayor, accompanied by his bodyguards, overpowered Revenue Collectors including the Assistant Town Clerk and the Deputy Town Clerk and took away the keys to the vehicle which was transporting the staff and its money. It is also alleged that the Mayor stormed the seawalls where vendors and other citizens had gathered advising them not to pay any rates to the Council.

The vehicle was left with its windows down, though it rained periodically and the staff was forced to take the cash they had already collected to safety.

iNews ( was reliably informed that notwithstanding the fact that the police were called in, Green told ranks that he had no keys as he continued to intimidate Council workers and others around.

The staff was taken to the Alberttown Police Station where they gave statements relating what had transpired and which will be used to possibly bring criminal charges against Mayor Green.

When iNews ( visited the scene, the Mayor could not be found and calls to his phone went unanswered.

Officer in Charge of security details at the Council, ASP George Langevine

Officer in Charge of security details at the Council, ASP Gordon Langevine

However, Officer in Charge of security details at the Council, ASP Gordon Langevine informed that he was unaware what could have forced the Mayor to do what he did but noted very sternly that his actions constitutes a criminal offence.

“The vehicle is an automatic vehicle and it cannot be towed away, so the vehicle is here with windows down, we had to transfer cash… we are hoping that police will come and assist us with crash truck to take it away,” he explained.

When contacted, embattled Town Clerk (ag) Carol Sooba related that the grievance stemmed from the fact that the Mayor and Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Green were no longer responsible for the activity.

Mayor Hamilton Green. [iNews' Photo]

Mayor Hamilton Green. [iNews' Photo]

Sooba claimed that the event which has been taking place for over 20 years was being controlled by the Deputy Mayor in recent years. She claimed that the Deputy Mayor used her position to manipulate the staff and also leveled accusations of embezzlement against her.

Sooba lamented and decried what she said was the abuse by the Mayor of resources given to him by the Council for his protection. In making her point, she stressed that the Mayor’s bodyguards were armed and noted that it was not the first time he abused the privilege in this regard.

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Why is Ms. Sooba still on the job?

April 13, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, It was reported, in your newspaper that the Minister of Local Government has said to the Mayor of Georgetown, that Ms. Carol Sooba should continue to act as Town Clerk. But on what basis has he said that since he does not have the authority to appoint or dismiss anyone. According to what was reported in the press, the Chief Justice said that the Minister’s action to appoint Ms. Sooba was illegal. It therefore stands to reason that he cannot say who should act in any position at the council because he does not have the authority. This is yet another classic case of the government trying to bully its way into the affairs of the Georgetown municipality. Government interference has affected the systems of the municipalities to deliver services to the citizens. Under the law, chapter 28:01, the council has the right to manage its own business because councillors were elected by the people to oversee their business at the local level. What the Minister has been doing is illegally forcing his will on the people of Georgetown and in fact all other local areas in this country, by putting in PPP/C cronies to do their biddings at their every beck and call.  It is political not professional. These officers are not accountable to the councils that pay them but to the Minister who appointed them to the position. In that way, the government would exercise full control over those bodies. The ruling by the Chief Justice has brought that to an end, not only for Georgetown but for all municipalities and local government bodies in Guyana. In the past, the very city council exercised discipline and control over its own staff. It is common knowledge that a number of senior officers, including Town Clerks, City Engineers and City Treasurers, were dismissed by the city council for small transgressions than those committed by Ms. Sooba. But somehow, for reasons beyond commonsense the council appears to be unable to dismiss this woman. Aside from the ruling of the Chief Justice, Ms. Sooba has been continuously and continually disrespectful to the council; she has not been implementing its decisions. She should have been dismissed a long time ago. The council is the employer and as such the council has the right to act to ensure its employees assist in achieving organizational goals.  Why is Ms. Sooba still on the job? Aubrey James


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