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Alleged remigrant scam… Criminal charges to be filed against Glenn Lall, others shortly
Glenn Lall

Alleged remigrant scam… Criminal charges to be filed against Glenn Lall, others shortly


SEVERAL criminal charges are expected to be filed shortly in relation to the alleged duty-free concession scam involving Kaieteur News publisher, Mr. Glenn Lall, the Guyana Chronicle learnt yesterday.

Sources say that Mr Narootandeo Brijnanan and his wife, Gharbassi, the remigrant couple at the centre of the controversy, as well as Lall and his wife, Bhena, will be notified of the charges soon.

The Brijnanans, having decided to return to Guyana to live permanently, were entitled to certain tax breaks, so they imported two luxury vehicles. But the address they gave on the registration forms for both vehicles was Lot 8 Continental Park, East Bank Demerara, was that of their son, Navin Sankar, even though the Lalls are the primary users of the vehicles.

The vehicle, PRR 8398, for instance, is usually parked in front of the Kaieteur News head office on Saffon Street, Charlestown, while PRR 8399 is often seen on Regent Street, in the heart of the city, near Bhena’s Footwear, the shoe business operated by Lall’s wife.

At the end of August, after an hours-long standoff between GRA officials and the Brijnanans’ son, Sankar, a high-ranking GRA employee, the vehicles were handed over to GRA and impounded at the Authority’s warehouse.

An investigation was then launched to ensure that procedures and policy, as well as the provisions of the law were adhered to. The criminal charges, this newspaper understands, stem from that investigation.


The seizure of the vehicles and the resulting investigation followed the disclosure of details of the alleged duty-free scam, which were made public by the Guyana Chronicle after a close examination of the Government of Guyana’s review of the Remigrant Scheme.

The Chronicle was able to obtain copies of all the relevant documents, from the application to, and approval by, the Foreign Affairs Ministry, GRA, and shipping information.
According to our sources, this issue started with the Brijnanans, who were on July 3, 2013 granted permission by the Foreign Affairs Ministry to return to Guyana as “remigrants”, along with the concomitant incentives of the scheme.

Under the remigrant programme, Guyanese who would have resided overseas for more than five years and are returning home to reside are entitled to a number of benefits, among which are import duty-free waivers for vehicles, and tax exemption for household items, once the items at reference were owned for six months or more in the country where the remigrant was living.
As husband and wife, Narootandeo and Gharbassi Brijnanan were entitled to concessions as two separate individuals, although a joint application was submitted.

Duty-free concession, we’re told, is awarded on condition that “the motor vehicle cannot be leased or transferred within three years of registration, and providing that the registration licence, fitness and registration and insurance are submitted for inspection at the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) every six months.”

The Brijananans, on their application form, indicated that besides household items, they were returning with two 2013 Lexus Suburban L57 vehicles, the chassis numbers of which were listed along with other required information.

On the application form, the chassis numbers for the vehicles were listed as JTJHY7AX7D4100270 and JTJHY7AX6D4094851, with the registration dates in the State of New York being September 25, 2012 and March 3, 2013 correspondingly.

However, on the Bill of Lading for the vehicles, the chassis numbers were listed as JTJHY7AX6D4096745 and JTJHY7AX6D4094851, respectively, a clear indication that one of the numbers did not correspond with the chassis number on the application form.

Further, for the vehicle bearing chassis number JTJHY7AX6D4094851, it was noticed that the date on the New York-issued Certificate of Title was March 3, 2013, which could only mean that the vehicle was not owned for more than six months before the application was made by the Brijnanans.

If true, this would be a clear violation of the regulation surrounding the application for remigrant status and duty-free concession. In essence, what would have occurred, according to documents perused by the Guyana Chronicle, is that the Brijnanans successfully obtained import duty concession in the sum of $4,222, 223.55 for each vehicle, totalling in excess of $8M.

Meanwhile, this newspaper’s research into the source price for a Lexus L570 is about US$80,000. Import duty for such a vehicle would be a total of US$94,500, bringing the total value of the vehicle to US$174,500, or more than G$36M for each of the vehicles imported by the Brijnanans.

It appears, therefore, that the Government was cheated out of a total of US$189,000 (US$94,500 times two), or almost $40M in import duty for the two vehicles.


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Quote from article:


"It appears, therefore, that the Government was cheated out of a total of US$189,000 (US$94,500 times two), or almost $40M in import duty for the two vehicles."



That ain't no small change. 



Guyana is being cheated more than US$100,000 every year by Jagdeo and his bullshit pension scam.


Why don't you also add up the billions being bilked out of tax payers for inflated fees to cross the berbice bridge?


25 Million lost to Jagdeo via New GPC in drug procurements. THAT IS NO SMALL CHANGE. Who should go to jail now?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Jagdeo's pension passed in Parliament and records of Parliament indicate that AFC's Presidential candidate Moses voted for that package.

The Majority of the electorate voted immediately in 2011 to repeal that. The Bill is on ramotar's desk. Dum dum, that is what was approved.


I notice you quietly avoided the other thiefin, you are a sloppy thief fookeetutu.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Jagdeo's pension package was passed in Parliament and records of Parliament indicate that AFC's Presidential candidate Moses voted for that package.


Long Live Bharat Jagdeo !


Bharat Ki Jai. Bharat Ki Jai.


Jail those who evade tax. It was tax evasion that nailed Al Capone.



This same Joey? or the baby Kangaroo which wan?


Joey Jagan: Ramkarran right about gov’t corruption

Posted By Staff Writer On July 4, 2012 @ 5:25 am In Local News | No Comments

Former PPP Executive member Ralph Ramkarran is right in highlighting corruption in government circles, Joey Jagan, the son of PPP founders and late presidents Dr. Cheddi and Janet Jagan, has said, while urging criminal prosecution for anyone found guilty of such behaviour, regardless of party ties.

In a letter to Stabroek News, Jagan hailed Ramkarran’s resignation from the ruling party and drew a parallel to Ramkarran’s father, Boysie Ramkarran’s importance to the late president. “Boysie Ramkarran would have been proud of his son in this pressing period in our political history, because without Boysie, (Cheddi) Jagan would have been like a man without a right arm, just the way the PPP will be without Ralph Ramkarran,” he said in the letter published in today’s edition.

Joey Jagan

Ramkarran, whose family has long been associated with the party and who is seen as one of its most credible figures, tendered his resignation after the fallout from a recent column he authored in the Mirror newspaper, in which he said that corruption was pervasive and the government needed to do something about it. At a fiery meeting of the PPP Executive Committee last Friday, he was lambasted by two senior officials who also work in the Office of the President, Stabroek News was told. Freedom House on Monday said that it intends to engage Ramkarran on his resignation, in order to reconcile. The party said an “offending remark” made by a member was withdrawn and an apology offered.

PPP General Secretary, President Donald Ramotar has not commented on Ramkarran’s resignation but in a posting on his official Facebook page, he saluted the former Speaker’s contributions to the party and country. “I wish to state that (Ralph) is a long standing and highly respected member of the PPP. He has made very valuable contributions to the Party as well as to the country. It is unfortunate that he resigned after a debate at EXCO and that during the course of the discussions he felt as if he was insulted. As in the past we intend to work on a reconciliatory discussion with (Ralph),” the post said.

‘So be it’

Jagan, in his letter, apologised to Ramkarran “for my errors of judgment in relation to his political positions over the years.” He said that Ramkarran came from the very bowels of the working classes of Guyana and in a recent executive meeting of the PPP, a member of the executive insulted and abused him about being born “with a gold spoon in his mouth” and not being of the working classes. “That was the last straw for him. Mr. Ramkarran was correct to talk of corruption and I have sent President Ramotar more than one letter over the last six months concerning this issue. As recently as three weeks ago, at a big meeting of the candidates on the PPP/Civic list of electors held at Red House, I as a candidate, called openly for those guilty of governmental corruption to be arrested,” Jagan said.

“Boysie Ramkarran was never corrupt and would never tolerate corruption, and that is why he was a trusted and devoted comrade of Jagan.  I can tell anyone that if President Cheddi was alive today, he would have severely punished anyone who insulted and forced Boysie’s first son to resign from the PPP,” Jagan said. He added that as a candidate for the PPP/Civic slate in the 2011 elections, he would like to state that the person(s) who added insult to injury against Ralph Ramkarran at the Executive PPP meeting last week “should be expelled from Jagan’s party immediately.”

“Mr. Ramkarran was correct in pinpointing corruption in government circles and furthermore, criminal prosecution for those who are guilty is the best medicine to stop the cancer of corrupt behaviour; resignation is not enough. And if ‘friends’ and ‘comrades’ fall, then so be it,” Jagan said. He said that former president Bharrat Jagdeo “obviously did not believe in the concept of ‘the buck stops here’…and “let us all pray that President Ramotar is not like Mr. Jagdeo and proves that the buck stops at the desk of the President.”

He recalled the Ramkarrans role in the party. “Ralph Ramkarran is definitely royalty in the history of the working classes of this country because his father, Boysie Ramkarran, was one of the princes of the working class movement up to the end of his life. I always loved and admired Boysie and I can tell anyone, anywhere and at any time, that Boysie Ramkarran was the most loyal but outspoken comrade Jagan ever had, full stop,” he wrote. He noted that Boysie Ramkarran was there from the beginning when the PPP was in its infancy, serving as Treasurer of the PPP Jagan led in 1953, and he served in every government Jagan led up to 1964. He recalled that when Dr. Jagan was imprisoned by the British in 1954, Boysie Ramkarran was also sent to Mazaruni prison after being restricted to his Bel Air home for almost a year. He also noted the other posts held by Boysie Ramkarran.

“I will always remember Boysie Ramkarran as a man whom my father always treated as his equal and of whom I never heard my father say anything negative. Jagan always had a special feeling for Boysie and I know the whole story of his departure from the PPP leadership, which President Cheddi always regretted,” he wrote.

‘Crocodile tears’

Meantime, Jagan was critical of former PPP executive and now AFC MP Moses Nagamootoo. Following Ramkarran’s resignation, Nagamootoo, in a posting on his Facebook page, said that taking his concerns about corruption public was the “cardinal sin” by Ramkarran and it was only a matter of time before he “fell to the axe of the tiny and frightened clique of Stalinists who have hijacked the PPP.”

“The resignation of Ralph Ramkarran from the PPP comes as no surprise, yet it is of great significance for the struggle for decency in public life and clean and accountable governance in Guyana,” he said. He noted that Ramkarran has been with the PPP for literally his entire lifetime, being the eldest son of one of the founders, “Boysie” Ramkarran. “Ralph best represented a moderate outlook for the PPP, and was seen as a compromise candidate to succeed the late Jagans in both the party and state leadership, which was why I backed him in 2010 when I withdrew from the selection process for a presidential candidate,” Nagamootoo said. “He was defeated by undemocratic methods and maligned, for taking his concerns about corruption public. This is a cardinal and key “sin”, and it was a matter of time that, like the democrats before, he fell to the axe of the tiny and frightened clique of Stalinists who have hijacked the PPP,” he charged. He said that the PPP would “try to get him back, and would make him debased offers as his resignation has taken the PPP to a point of detour from which there would be no return.”

However, Jagan charged that “the ‘crocodile tears’ which were expressed in the press by Nagamootoo cannot cover up the fact that at the most critical moment in Mr. Ramkarran’s political career at Freedom House in 1997, before the general elections, it was the terrible behaviour of Mr Nagamootoo against Mr. Ramkarran that lost him his chance to lead the PPP/Civic to victory.”

“However, the undermining of Ramkarran’s chances to lead the PPP/Civic also involved other persons who had also undermined Mr. Ramkarran’s father, Boysie, years before when he was basically forced out of  the PPP leadership, after serving my father loyally from the very beginning of his political career,” he wrote. “Again, I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to Ralph Ramkarran and his family for the comments I have made in the past, and I would like to congratulate him for the fire in his belly that he has found and which was put there by his father, an illustrious servant of the people of Guyana,” he said.


or is it dis Joey Fookeetutu?


Berbice stagnating under PPP/C – Jagan

Posted By Staff Writer On November 15, 2012 @ 5:20 am In Local News | No Comments

Cheddi (Joey) Jagan, son of deceased presidents Cheddi and Janet Jagan has slammed government for underdevelopment in Berbice one year after elections promises were made for a brighter Ancient County saying it was this reason he left the party.

“Since the last elections, I have been back to Berbice quite a few times to assess for myself what has been done for the residents there since Mr Ramotar became President last year, and I have found out for myself, that nothing much has been done, especially in tackling job creation and investment initiatives so critical for growth and development,” Jagan said in a letter to the editor published in yesterday’s edition of this newspaper.

“The 63-64 beach area is a disgrace, the black-outs and irrigation problems are nightmares by themselves, the crime situation is out of hand and getting no better, investment to create good jobs and job training [are] seriously lacking with no real prospects in sight, and basic amenities like licensing [drivers] and passport offices are sorely lacking,” the letter also stated.
Using another letter by a Berbician, who highlighted the electricity problems faced by Berbicans, Jagan said not only did he agree with examples of non and underdevelopment in Berbice he was compelled to apologize to Berbicians for endorsing Donald Ramotar’s PPP/C government.

Cheddi (Joey) Jagan

“I am critical and speak out because I have a conscience that’s it bottom line… I have a right to change my mind. I cannot sit and watch the people perish and say nothing … I speak out especially for the people of Berbice because that was where I campaigned and told the people to believe that change was coming but  it hasn’t and it doesn’t seem as if it will,” Jagan told Stabroek News yesterday.

He said so perturbed he was about the stagnation of development in Berbice that he wrote to President Donald Ramotar over 20 times, between January and June 19 of this year to no avail. He said after his last letter and using his democratic right of choice he severed all relationships with the PPP/C and will now be an independent advocate for country development.
“I told Mr Ramotar that I will give him the same amount of time I gave my mother 6 – 7 months and if there is no change then I am gone. If I give my own mother 8 months, I am not giving anyone else longer. That time is enough to see at least little change. I continued writing to him and this man never had the decency to reply – not once,” he added.

Told that some persons have called him a disappointed opportunist and a ‘Flip Flopper’ Jagan said everyone was entitled to say what they wanted. He pointed out that no one could say he was an opportunist since he never bartered his endorsement for anything from the PPP/C government. “As God above me and Mr Ramotar can also tell you I never asked for any position or anything personal but that Berbice where I campaigned promises be lived through and that Charlotte Street be fixed,” he said.

“If I wanted or was looking for anything I would have been a quiet boy then [during his parents’ tenures] and gotten position power and wealth,” he added.

He criticized the Ministry of Agriculture’s Grow More Food initiative saying that under past Minister of Agriculture Robert Persaud it had failed to meet expectations and as such failed the Berbicians and by extension Guyanese. “Slogans and taxpayers’ money spent on growing more food, have still resulted in increasing food costs for the people of Berbice and the rest of Guyana. If we had grown more food then food prices, especially for the basics, would have gone down for Berbicans.”  Minister of Natural Resources, Robert Persaud, when contacted, stated that he had not seen the letter and as such was not in a position to comment.  Current Minister of Agriculture Dr Leslie Ramsammy said on the issue of drainage and irrigation at Berbice his ministry was working not only in that county, but countrywide in a strategic manner. He said while Jagan may take personal jabs at him he would not get caught up in the “tit for tat” as he was focused on his job and had much to do preparing for the rainy season. “Let him say what he wants.

I state facts …Throughout the country we have to prepare for the rainy season. We have to plan for irrigation and drainage issues. One has to look at the money we have and people should understand,” he said.

Meanwhile Jagan said that he will continue to be critical of all governments until change for the better comes for all Guyanese and ‘Cheddi’s Vision’ is realised. “I will continue to speak out and give criticisms because the PPP/C lied to me, Berbicians and the Guyanese people making promises during the elections,” Jagan stated. (Marcelle Thomas)


Meanwhile Jagan said that he will continue to be critical of all governments until change for the better comes for all Guyanese and ‘Cheddi’s Vision’ is realised. “I will continue to speak out and give criticisms because the PPP/C lied to me, Berbicians and the Guyanese people making promises during the elections,” Jagan stated.





Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is a big waste of time and mere show. The judge already ordered the return of the vehicles but the PPP enforcer refused to do so.


He has no new case..


Just wait and see. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is a big waste of time and mere show. The judge already ordered the return of the vehicles but the PPP enforcer refused to do so.


He has no new case..


Just wait and see. 

what is there to see? Sattaur is just exposing himself for more accusations of being an enforcement arm of this corrupt regime rather than a civil servant. That his behind is not up for sanctions having hired his entire brood of three kids and their two cousins as his workers in his office is the real travesty. Under any regime but this corruopt one he would be fired for this brazen nepotism.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is a big waste of time and mere show. The judge already ordered the return of the vehicles but the PPP enforcer refused to do so.


He has no new case..


Just wait and see. 

what is there to see? Sattaur is just exposing himself for more accusations of being an enforcement arm of this corrupt regime rather than a civil servant. That his behind is not up for sanctions having hired his entire brood of three kids and their two cousins as his workers in his office is the real travesty. Under any regime but this corruopt one he would be fired for this brazen nepotism.


You are full of nonsense.


You were calling for massive protests, 50 people showed up. No wonder Jagdeo showed folks like yourself the booth.


You are a dunce.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

This is a big waste of time and mere show. The judge already ordered the return of the vehicles but the PPP enforcer refused to do so.


He has no new case..


Just wait and see. 

what is there to see? Sattaur is just exposing himself for more accusations of being an enforcement arm of this corrupt regime rather than a civil servant. That his behind is not up for sanctions having hired his entire brood of three kids and their two cousins as his workers in his office is the real travesty. Under any regime but this corruopt one he would be fired for this brazen nepotism.


You are full of nonsense.


You were calling for massive protests, 50 people showed up. No wonder Jagdeo showed folks like yourself the booth.


You are a dunce.

As I said often enough, you to me is an ant to a boot. You calling me a dunce is a laugh. That you insist Sattaurs corrupt nepotistic practices is a matter to be overlooked speak to your intellectual dessication. Jagdeo cannot show me anything. Everything I earned came from the sweat of my own brow. His is position was thrust upon him by JJ. Beyond that he would remain an underling in any position because he is as dull as you are


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