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Critics will be left at a loss on November 29
Friday, 11 November 2011 03:30
KINDLY allow me space to publish my acknowledgement and support of comrade Donald Ramotar as the next President of this beautiful country of Guyana, where no one can deny his vision and integrity. I have worked and travelled across Guyana and have been involved in several activities at communities, at social, cultural and at governmental level and never in the history, was there so much development in every sector - be it education, health, housing, water, roads, drainage and irrigation, social benefits, etc.

Recently, I have read in the Kaieteur News that APNU’s Presidential Candidate Mr. Granger met a few religious leaders at New Amsterdam in Berbice and stated that if elected, his priorities would be in education, job provision, restoration, economic development and unity with equality.

This dreaming priority by Mr. Granger has already been expounded on by the late Dr Cheddi Jagan when democracy was born in 1992 and, come November 28, 2011, when the PPP/C will be victorious under Mr. Donald Ramotar’s presidency, those priorities will continue to develop and multiply from the vision and legacy of Dr Jagan.

During the PNC’s tenure, the Guyanese masses suffered at the hands of a corrupt and dictatorial government which starved this nation by banning basic food items such as flour, peas, cooking oil, soaps, etc., allowing their associates to go into big trading of contraband and drugs; so those oppressive 10,220 days or 28 years have gone down in history as the period when the PNC’s slogans were ‘eat less, sleep less and work harder’ and free cassava and milk will be given so that no one will go to bed hungry.

In today’s society, at various communities in the coastal and hinterland regions, there is an environment of huge developments where people of all ethnicity work and dwell in harmony and unity in all aspects of life, so APNU, AFC and those critics know fully well that ‘moon runs until day catches it’. So all those fabricating the APNU, AFC and the critics will be left at a loss on November 29, 2011 when the PPP/C will continue holding the driver’s seat.


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Originally posted by albert:
All the critics of the P.P.P/C will be put to shame after 28th November
the ppp will not put to shame after the election.some will try to run from the country,but dont worry we will bring them back

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