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I am watching every crook come out of the woodwork to claim this property when they know they do not.Guyanese are thieves. 



Investigations into Robb Street fire reach dead end

March 9, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

…legal battles developing over property

Almost five months after a fire that killed 15-year-old Theresa Rozario, her 12-year-old sister Feresa and their father Hilrod Randolph Thomas, police investigators are no closer to getting to the bottom of the matter.
From all indications, the fire was the work of arsonists but investigators appear to have no clue as to who the perpetrator is.

Days after the blaze occurred, the rubble was cleared and construction began on renovating the property which is on a prime commercial location, but police say they have no information that can lead to those who committed arson or orchestrated it.

‘A’ Division Commander, Clifton Hicken told this publication yesterday that the investigation has been moving slowly since the police have no further leads. He said that no new information has come up in regards to the matter, but the force continues to investigate.

What the location looks like now

What the location looks like now


Meanwhile, relatives of the victims have not given up hope and have taken avenues to find whatever justice they can. Jeffery Thomas, brother of the now dead Hilrod Thomas, told Kaieteur News yesterday that he personally has not pursued the matter.

However, he said that his sister, aunt to the dead girls, has engaged the services of attorneys at law Mortimer Coddett, Euclin Gomes and others to address the issue.

The fire occurred in the wee hours of November 18, last year. The story is that the injured Thomas was residing in the Robb Street property for years, but had received warning that he should vacate the building.

The property’s original owner is said to be deceased. His death reportedly stirred a bitter feud over the property’s ownership. A named businessman was detained following the fire, and his lawyer, Glenn Hanoman had reported that his client has responsibility for the burnt out property, since its original owner had left documentation for him to oversee the location.
Hanoman had added that while reports stated that Thomas owned the property, he (Thomas) was actually trespassing. Hanoman was also waiting for the police investigation to be completed because it was quite possible that the “old” building could have been a fire hazard.

At the scene of the fire, Kaieteur News was told by the mother of the dead girls that she had tried to take her daughters away from the father because it was not the first time that someone had tried burning the building. Rosemary Rozario was convinced that the fire was no accident since the family had an idea who was responsible. She maintained that it was someone known to the family because the father had a problem with another man who was claiming the building. She said that the first attempt did not destroy the property and Thomas remained there with the girls.

However, another side of the story is that the businessman, who is claiming responsibility for the property, allegedly obtained the documentation by fraudulent means. It is said that following the original owner’s death, Thomas claimed that the property was given to him by the gentleman but he had no evidence of this. It was later realized that the property then had “no legal owner” and illegal documents were made to obtain the prime commercial location by the businessman.

Further information now states that the wife of the dead owner has gotten wind of the matter and is making steps to reclaim the property.

Unconfirmed reports are that the woman who resides in Canada has hired attorney-at-law Robin Stoby from the law offices of Hughes, Fields and Stoby to challenge the documents produced by the businessman. The publication was, however, unable to make contact with that lawyer.

Business at the disputed Robb Street location is nonetheless ongoing. There are at least two separate businesses that operate there and from the looks of things, the establishment is being made into a commercial complex.

A sex worker operating in the vicinity of the St George’s Cathedral had said that two men in a car had circled the area before kicking a door open and setting a fire that failed to ignite in the first attempt. They returned shortly after and lit another fire before escaping. This time it quickly engulfed the building, trapping the sleeping occupants inside.

The sisters were trapped during the fire, but the father was able to jump through a window. Their charred remains were discovered by rescuers when the blaze was finally put out.

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Too bad the sex workers stood by and could not prevent it from happening.

Arson is often used to eject occupants or in property disputes.  The police lack the resources to solve these types of crimes.


In this case it is the variety of people who are competing to steal it.A close family member has  legal title was actually holding this and other properties for his siblings. He is dead. His wife and child legally owns it now. His brother also has legal rights and he is home   on North Road one block from Bourda marked but  is too old to care to  fight the crooks. 


The police chief knows who owns these properties so does every lawyer there since the property never changed hands. They can easily sort thus out if there were truly a formal justice system that allowed owners to evict non paying tenants from their Property.


I was told one Thomas brother has a right to be there as he was tasked to look after the place by his friend.  Really do not know who is fighting whom for the place but they are wasting their time. The rightful owners exist.


This is all a case of people thinking that because no one is around all the time so they can squat and  covet what is not theirs. The surprising thing is they are killing each other for what is not theirs!


Police were advised not to charge in Robb and King Streets arson attack—victims’ lawyer

March 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

Police investigators were advised by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) not to lay charges against those alleged to have a role in last November’s arson attack on a building at the corner of Robb and King Streets. Three persons died in the blaze that destroyed the building.

The Robb and King Street fire that killed the sisters and their father.

The Robb and King Street fire that killed the sisters and their father.

This was the information given by a named investigating officer when the lawyer hired by the victims’ family made contact with the police for an update on the matter. Attorney-at-law Saphier Husain said that prior to this information he had written a letter to the Crime Chief since his services were secured by the victims’ relatives to ensure that justice is served. Husain told Kaieteur News yesterday that he is one of the lawyers hired by the Thomas family. He said that the family has a reasonable amount of evidence to identify orchestrators of last year’s fire which killed sisters 15-year-old Theresa and 12-year-old Feresa Rozario. The girls’ father, Hilrod Thomas, who had jumped through a window to escape the blaze, also succumbed to injuries after days in the hospital. The victims’ relatives are convinced that there is enough evidence for the police to conduct a thorough investigation and find persons culpable. Husain wrote to the Crime Chief on January 2 last, on behalf of Hazel Thomas, aunt of the dead girls and their father’s sister. The correspondence said that the “instruction and belief” is that the police have eyewitness statements and security camera footage that would allow them to identify the assailants. The lawyer also asked for urgent attention to be given to the case so that the family may receive justice and relief. However, to date, there has been no written response to this letter, Husain confirmed. He said that just an oral response by a senior rank was given to the effect that, “the file was sent to the DPP and advice not to charge was given”. When Kaieteur News last made contact with the DPP’s communication department yesterday, the publication was told that the last update on that matter was that the police had to return for further advice. But that was some time back, the staffer said, before promising another update on the matter today. With this new information, Husain has noted the possibility of having to write the Crime Chief again and visiting his office with the victims’ relatives.  Crime Chief Leslie James told the publication that he would make checks and an update would be provided on the matter today. Fire Chief Marlon Gentle reiterated to Kaieteur News yesterday that the agency already pronounced on the November 17 incident, dubbing it an arson attack. The case, he said, is now being looked at criminally since police investigations were in order. City Hall also told Kaieteur News yesterday that permission was granted to someone to conduct repairs on the now razed building following the fire. According to Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Green, the questions pertaining to that building had come up at a recently held Works Committee meeting where it was revealed that permission was granted by the city engineer to repair parts of the building since the fire damage would have made certain parts of the establishment unstable and dangerous. However, it was noted that since the building was in dispute, no permission was granted to do any additional work until all investigations pertaining to arson and ownership are completed. Apart from the criminal aspect of this case, a legal battle might be brewing over the property. The dead Thomas was said to have been living in the disputed building for years. Information is that he claimed the building after the original owner had died, stating that he was given the property. He did not have the evidence to prove this. Another individual said to be a businessman was claiming the location. He too said he had no documentation for the building. However, the mother of the dead girls had told the publication that previous attempts were made to burn the building in a bid to force the occupants out. The occupants remained when that attempt failed. She said that the family has a fair idea who might have been involved in the fire since her children’s father was warned several times to vacate the premises or it would be burnt down. The Canada-based wife of the original property owner is alleged to have hired Attorney-at-law Robin Stoby, now of Sieve Wright Stoby and Company, to challenge documentation produced by those claiming the property. The attorney was not available when Kaieteur News made contact yesterday. His secretary promised to return the call. Eyewitnesses had told the media that two persons were seen setting fire to the property on the night in question. During the investigations, two persons, including a businessman, were arrested and subsequently released. Attorney-at-law Glenn Hanoman’s services were sought at that time.


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