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Typical kulie boy logics. Build and Neglect. Like dig a hole, dump in it. Then move a lil bit, dig another hole and dump in it. Keep doing the same thing over and over.


Build 50,000 homes in Diamond and neglect the other communities. Let the drain disappear and road return to the mud it developed from.


Maintenance-a dilemma for the PPP. That is the reasons for the flooding. The Kokers are not important. The PPP giving out hundredths of thousands of house-lots. And for that the people must allow them to thief.  


Sounds like Cheddie, be grateful we chase out the Limeys. Suh now starve.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Intelligence and Jagdeo is like oil and water the 2 doan mix.

He was the president of Guyana and is set for life. You? A bum still looking for a job. You ah wuk haad fuh minista wuk Sase. Keep pounding the "ENTER" key.

He is a thief who raped the country and continues to pillage. I am not surprised that you worship these traits in the leader of the low breeds.


After all the unschooled will always have a difficult time comprehending and understanding why the murderers of Sash Sawh must be held accountable. 


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