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Democracy is once again  at the crossroads in Guyana.  Should Granger not call early elections, he would go down in history as a man who interrupted the democratic process.    Therefore, Granger should be worried about his place in Guyana's History. Does he want to be in the category of Forbes Burnham, who despised democracy and stayed in power through force and fraud or go down in history as a man who upheld the democratic process. I do hope Granger calls an early, free and fair elections.   

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What good is democracy when the country lacks progressive thinking ppl.

For what awaits in the corridor of power is thievry and disrespet of citizenry. Imagine, a whole country has to agree to a President chosen on the whims of one man.

Those who love democracy should encourage Granger to stay on. Perhaps, the lesser of the evils.

seignet posted:

What good is democracy when the country lacks progressive thinking ppl.

For what awaits in the corridor of power is thievry and disrespet of citizenry. Imagine, a whole country has to agree to a President chosen on the whims of one man.

Those who love democracy should encourage Granger to stay on. Perhaps, the lesser of the evils.

I agree with some of what you say...especially the part about the whole country agreeing to a Presidency on the whims of one man


Reza R. Rahaman posted:

Democracy is once again  at the crossroads in Guyana.  Should Granger not call early elections, he would go down in history as a man who interrupted the democratic process.    Therefore, Granger should be worried about his place in Guyana's History. Does he want to be in the category of Forbes Burnham, who despised democracy and stayed in power through force and fraud or go down in history as a man who upheld the democratic process. I do hope Granger calls an early, free and fair elections.   

Given that he makes regular pilgrimages to Burnham's grave, I would propose that he wants to be in the category of Forbes Burnham. 

seignet posted:

What good is democracy when the country lacks progressive thinking ppl.

For what awaits in the corridor of power is thievry and disrespet of citizenry. Imagine, a whole country has to agree to a President chosen on the whims of one man.

Those who love democracy should encourage Granger to stay on. Perhaps, the lesser of the evils.

Bai Siggy, in Guyana, voters don't vote for any particular person, they vote for the party. The candidate is there only because the system requires it. And in that case, the PPP has proven to be the better party although they are not without any blame. Take for instance. At the 2015 elections, voters 'chose' the APNU/AFC with Granger as president and Nagamootoo as Prime Minister candidates respectively. After the elections, both Granger and Nagamootoo are rendered irrelevant as the PNC wing took full control of the government and as a result, a constitutional crises id looming. PPP can't brag about being responsible for any constitutional crises. That is PNC reputation.

seignet posted:

What good is democracy when the country lacks progressive thinking ppl.

For what awaits in the corridor of power is thievry and disrespet of citizenry. Imagine, a whole country has to agree to a President chosen on the whims of one man.

Those who love democracy should encourage Granger to stay on. Perhaps, the lesser of the evils.

WOW..we friken agree on something, nice, there is hope for you yet.  

cain posted:
seignet posted:

What good is democracy when the country lacks progressive thinking ppl.

For what awaits in the corridor of power is thievry and disrespet of citizenry. Imagine, a whole country has to agree to a President chosen on the whims of one man.

Those who love democracy should encourage Granger to stay on. Perhaps, the lesser of the evils.

WOW..we friken agree on something, nice, there is hope for you yet.  

Putagee, you and I are Guyanese true to the core. The country comes first. Buising is part of our culture wid no hard feelings. I undersatand. 

seignet posted:
cain posted:
seignet posted:

What good is democracy when the country lacks progressive thinking ppl.

For what awaits in the corridor of power is thievry and disrespet of citizenry. Imagine, a whole country has to agree to a President chosen on the whims of one man.

Those who love democracy should encourage Granger to stay on. Perhaps, the lesser of the evils.

WOW..we friken agree on something, nice, there is hope for you yet.  

Putagee, you and I are Guyanese true to the core. The country comes first. Buising is part of our culture wid no hard feelings. I undersatand. 

I getting a good feeling today. Siggy & Cain raining nice vibes.


For Guyana to continue on this destructive trend is dangerous. The indians that I see following Jagdeo/Ali bandwagon is of great concern for they doan see the dangers they bring upon themselves.

Granger, is within his personal rights to postpone elections indefinitely until the Indo population deals with their lack of respect for their fellow citizens in having a democratic elections of their Presidential/Prime Minister Candidates. All Candidates have the responsibility to the country and those presented should be part of the public discourse for the offices. 

Aleination is not part of democracy, neither is domination.

Granger, should seize power with the army and disciplined forces on his side. Unlike his mentor Forbes, who permitted blacks to discriminate against Indians, he on the hand should refrain from that. He should be vigilant about that aspect of race relations.

The ultimatum, the PPP must present the nation with credible leadership in order for the prospects of elections.

There should great thought in voting, so far that escapes the majority of indo minds in Guyana.   

seignet posted:

For Guyana to continue on this destructive trend is dangerous. The indians that I see following Jagdeo/Ali bandwagon is of great concern for they doan see the dangers they bring upon themselves.

Granger, is within his personal rights to postpone elections indefinitely until the Indo population deals with their lack of respect for their fellow citizens in having a democratic elections of their Presidential/Prime Minister Candidates. All Candidates have the responsibility to the country and those presented should be part of the public discourse for the offices. 

Aleination is not part of democracy, neither is domination.

Granger, should seize power with the army and disciplined forces on his side. Unlike his mentor Forbes, who permitted blacks to discriminate against Indians, he on the hand should refrain from that. He should be vigilant about that aspect of race relations.

The ultimatum, the PPP must present the nation with credible leadership in order for the prospects of elections.

There should great thought in voting, so far that escapes the majority of indo minds in Guyana.   

Everything good except the highlighted.

Django posted:
seignet posted:

For Guyana to continue on this destructive trend is dangerous. The indians that I see following Jagdeo/Ali bandwagon is of great concern for they doan see the dangers they bring upon themselves.

Granger, is within his personal rights to postpone elections indefinitely until the Indo population deals with their lack of respect for their fellow citizens in having a democratic elections of their Presidential/Prime Minister Candidates. All Candidates have the responsibility to the country and those presented should be part of the public discourse for the offices. 

Aleination is not part of democracy, neither is domination.

Granger, should seize power with the army and disciplined forces on his side. Unlike his mentor Forbes, who permitted blacks to discriminate against Indians, he on the hand should refrain from that. He should be vigilant about that aspect of race relations.

The ultimatum, the PPP must present the nation with credible leadership in order for the prospects of elections.

There should great thought in voting, so far that escapes the majority of indo minds in Guyana.   

Everything good except the highlighted.

Happened with Forbes, Granger could do the same. Who will challenge him.

After commenting, I read Ravi Dev's article. I think he pretty well seying it is going to happen.


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