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Former Member

Crum-Ewing might have been many things, but where was “democracy” being threatened for him to defend it?





(Eyewitness)This Eyewitness is very pleased that the Opposition PNC/APNU/AFC combine were able to impose discipline over their supporters during the funeral activities of Crum-Ewing – so that he was buried in peace. With all the rhetoric being spewed by David Hinds, David Granger and the usual suspects – esp on social media where there are no holds barred – it wouldn’t have taken much for things to get outta hand.


But with that out of the way, we really have to discuss this insidious, coded discourse – exemplified by the Stabber’s headline: “Defender of democracy Crum-Ewing hailed”. Crum-Ewing might have been many things, but where was “democracy” being threatened for him to defend it??

If anything, we would’ve thought his brief moment in the public space demonstrated that democracy in Guyana’s more vibrant than most places in the world.

What’s democracy to a citizen?? Freedom of speech?? Courtney was allowed to protest in front of the Attorney General’s office for weeks without being stopped, wasn’t he?? We hear he was stopped from peeing in the AG’s toilet. Well, try picketing Attorney General of the US Eric Holder’s office and see what happens. You better be able to “hold it in”…you won’t even get into the building!

Freedom to use a loud-hailer at 20:00h at night to tell folks who to vote for?? Even though it’s reported that one resident thought it strange for a person to be doing this at that time…no one’s shown he was killed because of his “free speech”.

In fact every day of the week you have persons spouting the most incendiary utterances in the press about other folks – especially from the Government – and not even libel charges are proffered.

But that’s politics in Guyana, isn’t it? Everything and anything can be blamed on the PPP/C Government. Does anyone seriously believe that a 40-year-old fella who dropped in a few months ago and picked up a bullhorn, is so threatening to the Government of the day that he has to be taken out?? We know that the Opposition elements like to snicker at the PPP/C’s intelligence, but surely even this is a stretch for them.

But as this Eyewitness said before, if the Opposition’s so irresponsible to suggest that “democracy” is under attack – “obviously” by the PPP/C who they’ve fingered for Crum-Ewing’s death – what stops the PPP/C from going on an offensive blitz to point out that it could very well be that the Opposition wanted to create a martyr?

And Crum Ewing just happened to be at a convenient place at the wrong time (for him).


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Here is what the man said about his democratic rights. He tells you in plain terms of the oppression he thinks as anti democratic. Check from position 1:47

And imagine the PPP intends to sell the idea that the PNC did it! That is why you fellows will lose come May 11

Last edited by Former Member

Whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.

Bharrat Jagdeo's mouthpiece Guyana Times is feverishly publishing one insane and confusing column after another, particularly during the past week.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Here is what the man said about his democratic rights. He tells you in plain terms of the oppression he thinks as anti democratic. Check from position 1:47

And imagine the PPP intends to sell the idea that the PNC did it! That is why you fellows will lose come May 11

This guy was suffering from PTSD, remember he was in the army and look what he wrote in facebook about Kill etc.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Here is what the man said about his democratic rights. He tells you in plain terms of the oppression he thinks as anti democratic. Check from position 1:47

And imagine the PPP intends to sell the idea that the PNC did it! That is why you fellows will lose come May 11

This guy was suffering from PTSD, remember he was in the army and look what he wrote in facebook about Kill etc.

Einstein, where did he suffer trauma in the GDF?


Which war were they engaged in again?

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Here is what the man said about his democratic rights. He tells you in plain terms of the oppression he thinks as anti democratic. Check from position 1:47

And imagine the PPP intends to sell the idea that the PNC did it! That is why you fellows will lose come May 11

What a classy place, to the moon Nehru,...the man is placed in a fricken truck instead of an ambulance or proper vehicle for such a purpose. What a friken backward country, dam.


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